5 SURPRISING THINGS ALL INFJs DO (that nobody knows about)

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 186

  • @Wenzes
    @Wenzes  Před rokem +29

    What are some of the INFJ things you do that most people don’t know/think about when it comes to INFJs?

    • @CassieAngelica
      @CassieAngelica Před rokem +11

      That depends on what you would like to hear.😏

    • @sigmainfjbulgaria4478
      @sigmainfjbulgaria4478 Před rokem +12

      @@CassieAngelica We do a lot of crazy things, haha.😅

    • @MegaCyberleader
      @MegaCyberleader Před rokem +7

      I want to do the butterfkly affect. In example. I sense people are gonna get into an accident so I manuver my self to the front of the line, so I can control it. Ive done this more than a few times, Once I noticed a man hunting a woman to rob her, So I cut in line in front of her, and walked out as HER. The man who was gonna purse snatch bumped into me and he got nothing while the woman was right behind me. I even told her, I had my reasons for cutting the line. AS soon as we bumped I noticed who he was "as I did plently of time in jail for protesting" And then called my CO' and reported it to HIS CO, cops came right out and arrested him while he hid in the bushes. All because I saw it coming. I always see it coming... untill I dont.

    • @Jewelsquiss
      @Jewelsquiss Před rokem +3

      @MegaCyberleader OH my, I never really thought of this until you said it. I do this too! Or used to more than now. I still do occasionally but now I'm older and usually just ignore most things around me and even when I notice, I just let things play out naturally. I guess I've played things out in my head so many times, that I realize the butterfly effect just keeps rolling even if I put a kink in it.

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Před rokem +2

      Too secret 😉.

  • @Jewelsquiss
    @Jewelsquiss Před rokem +108

    In a group I would rather the group be happy than I get what I want. If the group is Happy I will have fun! Happy people make me Happy! Besides, the group doesn't like what I like. I just look forward to my alone time so I can do what I want to do, then and I'm not hanging out with people who would rather be somewhere else! One of the things I really enjoy is to be in a happy group! I love observing! But I also totally enjoy being completely Alone And being completely myself! Though I also am completely myself in a crowd of strangers!

    • @user-no6cg8su7g
      @user-no6cg8su7g Před rokem +7

      That’s exactly what I do and how I feel! Couldn’t have said it any better. Thank you.

    • @margiehadley9172
      @margiehadley9172 Před rokem +3

      Totally agree. If others are happy, I am happy. Most of the time I have no idea what I want, mostly because I’ve learned that what I think I want doesn’t make others happy…..so I just go with the flow, happily.

    • @hhbeck-ziegler9333
      @hhbeck-ziegler9333 Před rokem +3

      Observing is my thing too and maybe why i joke with people all the time when i am getting in a group to make them feel comfy ? Can't help it .

    • @johnrobert385mm
      @johnrobert385mm Před rokem +2

      This is so "infj" In a nutshell 😂

  • @orionspur
    @orionspur Před rokem +58

    Well said. This feels embarrassingly spot on. One exception: I do voice loud political opinions when I feel someone is demonizing others, especially if for personal gain or glory. I feel compelled to step in and set things straight.

  • @michellem775
    @michellem775 Před rokem +32

    I had someone point out to me that I act differently with different friends of mine. I thought it was a weird comment because I thought everyone did this. Each friend I feel brought out different parts of me and we had certain things in common that the other friend wouldn't relate to. It's not like I was pretending to be someone I'm not. I always thought of it as knowing your audience. Is this weird or not healthy? I think it's just relating to people.

    • @SonicUmami
      @SonicUmami Před rokem +9

      An old friend of mine called me a chameleon. Not in a bad way. Like me, you may not even realize you're doing it. I think it's because we like harmony/peace.

  • @MylezNevison
    @MylezNevison Před rokem +25

    *"Fools rush in where the Wise tread carefully."*
    Hence, observing group dynamics and not rushing to expose yourself is actually wise. Everyone isn't entitled to know who you are fully so knowing who to be yourself around sharpens your discernment as an INFJ. If you aren't discerning of who you reveal yourself to you end up *"casting pearls before swine".* Remember, we can only *"meet people where they are."*
    *"Direction is more important than speed, many are going nowhere fast."*
    Quickly/hastily sharing controversial ideas without figuring out the lay of the land is unwise. One must take the time to "measure twice/thrice in order to cut once" otherwise you will find yourself *"running like a headless chicken."*
    *"Just because you are doing a lot, doesn't mean you are getting a lot done. Don't confuse **#movement** for **#progress**."*
    Just because one is #DOING more unfiltered talking without caring how others perceive them doesn't mean they are being more of themselves or better for it. The enlightened Buddhas and Gurus concluded time immemorial that *"**#BEING** is effortless".* Thus, fully Being one's self requires no talking/doing... Talking more unfiltered is just Doing; doing is trying and trying is failing to BE. Talking more is merely movement NOT progress. The difference is very subtle but makes all the difference.

  • @halcyondays8945
    @halcyondays8945 Před rokem +16

    Not only are you smart, articulate and insightful as hell - I really appreciate how professional and polished your videos are. It’s clear that you put a ton of hard work and care into these videos. I really appreciate you!! Thank you for helping us the way you do

  • @Robsi60
    @Robsi60 Před rokem +8

    Over the decades I changed radically. I am having the best time of my life now. This is due that I must not interact with other people anymore. Not in a group, not at work etc.. I surely can if I like but it will never go into depth. With some I must as everyone else such as doctors. This is a really good feeling now. But I am a truly social person. If I meet a person I do not avoid the talk, but less is more. I have seen too much suffering and I know by now that everyone is somewhat suffering. You just have to go deep enough. But if someone asks for help I will. And if some does not agree with me he or she is not honest. But I take it without regret.

  • @susanpauli3719
    @susanpauli3719 Před rokem +1

    I've never been a 'group' person...an only child of Swiss immigrants ( no extended family was actuallya blessing..!)I learned early on how the company of myself is something I like the best...

  • @cainwilson8564
    @cainwilson8564 Před rokem +21

    Hello, INTP male here.
    I just wanted to thank you.
    Your videos have been very useful for me since I was mistyped as an INFJ for quite a while (Because I was raised by one. ❤❤❤). I had been way too focused on Fe for an INTP, and your perspective really helped me put my values in line enough that I could actually figure out my personality type. (Tests always seem way too focused on behavior instead of cognition *sigh*)
    I have such great respect for y’all! ✌️

  • @Tasha22Bella
    @Tasha22Bella Před rokem +4

    the way these are things I've criticized myself on for years especially the first one and second one. Mostly because its not always the popular thing to do when you try point out a third party's feelings to another and try to help them understand that conflict is incoming cos you know the trend - you know what to expect and how it makes others feel and they can't see that so it feels critical to them and they end up lashing out at you for sticking your nose in it when the whole point was to help. And then the said conflict you were afraid of between them happens anyway. Or you try find common ground that keeps everyone happy but the one or two in the group that wanted something else don't always agree and lash out too. And I always figured that was my fault for trying to be helpful. Understanding why we do that helps me understand why others don't see what we do. Thank you for this!!!!

  • @macoeur1122
    @macoeur1122 Před rokem +2

    Aint that the truth! I have a hard time even knowing what my preferences are unless I'm alone.

  • @HaleyMary
    @HaleyMary Před rokem +10

    I also tend to keep my friend groups separate. More so because I'd be afraid that my friend groups would end up arguing with one another. Some of my friends drink and like to party and I only see them at open mic nights when we share music, comedy and poetry. I have poet friends who don't drink and then I have religious friends who hardly go out to clubs who probably don't understand my love of music, comedy and poetry.

    • @YAMISOOLD2009
      @YAMISOOLD2009 Před rokem +3

      There was a time in my life when I had very different friend groups and was always amazed that I had that many and that they were all so different and wildly incompatible. I don't have the energy for that anymore! lol!

  • @michelledrake5055
    @michelledrake5055 Před rokem +25

    I think the big one for me when I first found out I was an infj is the talk about how strong our imagination is. I can recall back in college when I took creative writing. Our creative writing professor asked us how we came up with our stories. I told the class how it is like a film in my head. The story just starts playing in my head with all the details, and I just write everything I see. The thing was pain was stopping the film in my head to write it down. I have these worlds in my head. My memories work the same way. It is like I am sitting in a theater watching the memory on a screen with all the details of what happened. My professor said in front of the whole class, 'Michelle, that is great but that is not normal for people.' Hearing about other people have this strong imagination like I do and they can make worlds inside their head too was help with me not feeling so alone. I could not people about these worlds in my head because i would get criticized or called weird. All 5 things you said I can recall memories of when I have done them.

    • @bisibisbi
      @bisibisbi Před rokem +6

      True. As a kid I never understood why writing stories in school was so difficult for others; I thought: Well, just write down what you see in your head and that´s it. I was well into my adulthood before I realized that others don´t have those "movies" in their heads. Maybe it took me so long, as my best childhood friend was the same.

    • @hhbeck-ziegler9333
      @hhbeck-ziegler9333 Před rokem +2

      My movies was my dreams i mostly remembered when woke up in the morning and i thought they was long as movies . When i found out later that we don't dream that long sequences during sleep i thought it was something wrong with me . A cousin of mine told later some years ago that when we was kids playing together with her brother and my sister in same ages i always telling some ghost stories that was very scary when we went to bed . That i never remember i have told lol

    • @michelledrake5055
      @michelledrake5055 Před rokem +2

      @H H Beck-Ziegler my memory and my dau dreaming works that way. It is like I am sitting I theater. I can see every detail. I can rewind and fast forward. My day dreams are as if I really lived them. My dreams are nightmares. I don't have nice dreams but I can control my dreams when I am aware I am in a dream. I got the idea from nightmare on elms Street 2. So I tried it.

    • @hhbeck-ziegler9333
      @hhbeck-ziegler9333 Před rokem +1

      @@michelledrake5055 Well you beat me . Hope you find some more help to those nightmares that sounds stressful. I have nightmares too like everyone and they last long or feel long mostly about going down some river having rapids and i am in a big boat ,like a passenger Ferry. (Have been on them hundreds of times maybe why). Maybe drowning have always been my biggest fear why too.

    • @michelledrake5055
      @michelledrake5055 Před rokem

      @H H Beck-Ziegler I have dealt with nightmares since I was a little girl. Mine are falling or being chased. One nightmare, I was an eagle that started to fly from my nest. It started off so great. My step father and step brother were hunters that shot me down. Then they stood over me laughing. I have had some really crazy dreams.

  • @mokari9268
    @mokari9268 Před rokem +9

    I'm pretty basic honestly. I guess I crave authenticity... kind of infp like but different. I like strong natural and organic connections.
    Edit: great points - it all starts from oneself.

  • @christinearmington
    @christinearmington Před rokem

    Yep, I’ve been told that I was so diplomatic that I didn’t know what I actually thought.

  • @anagarza6631
    @anagarza6631 Před rokem +3

    Wow! I had to shut this colleague down because trashing and swearing about the spouse every day at our lunch time was making all of us uncomfortable. I told her to get a divorce. She stopped coming to our lunch. Oh well!

  • @infjthoughts8861
    @infjthoughts8861 Před rokem +12

    Wonderful analysis! I think what you’re picking up on is that Fe’s intelligence, and Fe itself are more of a BEHVAVIOR than a thought process. I think Fe is hard to isolate and dissect as a cognitive function, bc it is so automatic (for INFJ to support, listen, and validate).
    Since it is automatic, we don’t notice that we do it, and since it is our first extroverted function, it is our default state.
    So the INFJ’s default stare, is a function that lends itself to automatic expressions of commiseration with others.
    So our Ni is slow moving and absorbs information and pieces it together and is not present in the moment, and then our Fe is automatic support for others.
    Therefore: neither of the INFJ’s top two functions lend themselves to immediate self agency, self determination, or self awareness.
    So the INFJ’s default state, is already default-esque, where as other types are more able to experience life as they go, so there default state has more variation, more open to confclit, and more able to deal with in the moment chaos and confrontation.

    • @shiroiokami5246
      @shiroiokami5246 Před rokem

      Wow you phrased it so weel, I completely agree with you

  • @safethamzagic7226
    @safethamzagic7226 Před 3 měsíci

    A guy next to me said something about a women ( unkind) that was sitting to the right of me. I made him realize what he did and he apologized within 20 seconds.

  • @lindateuling7862
    @lindateuling7862 Před rokem +18

    All of these Five Points were easy to identify with. But for me, the most prominent ones were #3, - avoid having our groups of friends collide, and #5, not wanting to state controversial opinions.
    My groups have not collided, mostly because they probably wouldn't have mixed to begin with. I acted like the same person in each one of the groups. But we did different things in each group, and I didn't "expect" them to mix; they mostly had little or nothing to do with each other
    I had to smile about point 5 - about not wanting to state controversial opinions. I especially feel this way about politics - I try to avoid it. However, ordered a Snoopy for President shirt from Amazon and wear it a lot. I often get a good
    laugh from people. And it also communicates that I really don't want to get involved in a serious discussion. 😄

    • @denise76
      @denise76 Před rokem

      I think I need one of those shirts.😀

  • @tiggerthecat5525
    @tiggerthecat5525 Před rokem +2

    All true. It's a nightmare I can't wake up from lol.
    95% of the time I put myself last but occasionally I have to draw a line even if it means leaving the party 😂.

  • @sheiladay-od2me
    @sheiladay-od2me Před rokem

    I am no longer afraid of conflict. Having the ability to tell my truth whether other people agree or not strengthens me. I am an inclusive person. Differences in people are interesting to me not threatening. If I am with someone who is using or abusing me in any way I need to be able to say "no more" and walk away. I no longer cater to everyone else's needs and am much more aware of my own. God will allow certain people into my life to help me grow and be stronger in my convictions and develop an awareness of my own self-worth, no matter who they are. It really is all good.

  • @Sunshine-hv5lt
    @Sunshine-hv5lt Před rokem +7

    Number one is so true. I am an infj when I am in a situation while sitting next to two of my friends. I'm in the middle. I had quite a fun story with the friend on the left because we talked about our favorite topics. While my friend on the right just silent. I think it seemed like she had absolutely no idea what we were talking about. But I feel guilty for leaving her, somehow. So I often open the option to ask the opinion of the friend on the right about what we are talking about. To be honest I put myself in her position, what if she gets distracted by our conversation and so on. This makes me think that actually what other people think about me is actually my own thoughts about other people.

    • @purpleloveeeee01
      @purpleloveeeee01 Před rokem

      That's what I do too. The last sentence is simply insightful.👍

  • @davidcook680
    @davidcook680 Před rokem +1

    Wow the first one. Is spot on with me. I'm constantly worrying about how a person actions. Make other people feel. I do feel guilty and responsible for others actions.

  • @shirleydaniels9310
    @shirleydaniels9310 Před rokem +1

    We care too much to our own detriment I'm not doing that anymore what's best for me comes first I'm tired of wasting my love and compassion on people who dont deserve me or appreciate my light I'm all about peace now not helping

  • @baaf777
    @baaf777 Před rokem +6

    I also think about how actions of another person makes a third person feel but am less sensitive about it compared to an INFJ. For instance, I will not apologize for the other person. Many times I can predict the reaction of the the third person. Its like understanding how the wheels of human interaction turn. 🙂 - ESTP

  • @mooshookatie
    @mooshookatie Před rokem +6

    It's really nice to hear you explain the things that I haven't understood about what I do. Thank you for the clarification and explanation. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge around this topic.

  • @stephenbesley3177
    @stephenbesley3177 Před rokem +8

    Hi gorgeous. Yes i am alway thinking of others and my own needs I don't even think. This has been a liofe long problem in that people I have tried to help never give me a second though or have never been there when I was in desperate need for help. I'll tell you, family are the absolute worse!

  • @Sunset553
    @Sunset553 Před rokem +1

    I was called two-faced once by a guy who found out that I said different things to him than to his wife. I’ve been trying to understand that for years. Well I am different around different people. I don’t interact with anyone who I’m not related to, anymore, except online. I guess I can practice staying in a group chat. It’s very hard trying to figure out how to say Merry Christmas in 15 different ways because my reactions to seeing their screen names vary wildly. I get so upset, I drop out of the chat instead of just returning with a normal greeting.

  • @violetalar5387
    @violetalar5387 Před rokem +5

    This is so interesting. I was aware of these things being part of my personality, but I had not identified them necessarily as INFJ traits. For instance, I've always avoided colliding acquaintances, but I'd never really thought about why. It makes total sense now. Thanks.

  • @chocovanille5809
    @chocovanille5809 Před rokem +7

    Man! You are an IFNJ extraordinaire!! You described things just how I feel!! Thank you for not thinking we are weird!!

  • @MrGadfly772
    @MrGadfly772 Před 11 měsíci +1

    I tend to do all these except number 5. I have a need for such deep discussion that I'll always go there. Of course I get confused when people get emotional and start name calling. I just want to discuss something that matters.

  • @helenes4409
    @helenes4409 Před rokem +5

    It's crazy, I was just thinking about this kind of topic watching one of your last videos this week. You are always on point and you explain everything so well 😊 I often feel so responsible for the feelings of other people, and when people from different groups meet (which is rare of course) and don't seem to "make an effort "(from my point of view of course) to get along, or worse, have an " argument" (controversial opinions even worse) , this makes me really really really anxious! I feel like they are children or rude... Sometimes they just have different opinions or.. Oh well... Boundaries! I'm in the middle trying to solve the problem. It's in these situations that I realize how much effort I make all the time to make people comfortable or being themselves, and nobody sees it, it's natural for them. This helped me realize what my boundaries are and what I want in my relationships.

  • @NL2500
    @NL2500 Před rokem +4

    It's all about harmony 😊 But i can also enjoy to rock the boat sometimes, for myself and sometimes for others 🤭

  • @jessmason2112
    @jessmason2112 Před rokem +6

    I study eyes 👀, posture, smell 👃, clothes, facial expressions, shoes, and extremities. Then add in culture, race, idiosyncrasies, and rhetoric. That's before I even open my mouth.

    • @7goldglamour777
      @7goldglamour777 Před rokem +4

      Yes I do that, but for me it's beyond that. It's the spiritual something about them I see that depends on my interaction.

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Před rokem +1

      Being on the level takes insight and introspection. I don't get that close till I want to and it's reciprocal.

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Před rokem +1

      @@7goldglamour777 Once in a while one gets past the goalie yet won't take long to correct that. There are some extremely professional BS artists out there.

    • @7goldglamour777
      @7goldglamour777 Před rokem +2

      @@jessmason2112 haha. Yes, been there and know what that's like, believe me. I often think it's that wanting to help them that's what gets us in trouble.

    • @jessmason2112
      @jessmason2112 Před rokem +1

      @@7goldglamour777 Stray cats come and go and I'm happy to help at that time. If I can help I'll help. Now on the more personal end, you have to be careful.✌️ I agree 👍

  • @jessicaflo5126
    @jessicaflo5126 Před rokem +1

    I am aware of me doing all of these things and sometimes beat myself for it. The shame that I always feel consumes me too. But watching this video helps me realize there is nothing wrong with me.. phew 😓

  • @edisilva1302
    @edisilva1302 Před rokem +6

    I see me here for sure. I really enjoy broadening my mind and perceptions thru your shares. Thank you Wenzes 🌼✨
    I've particular challenges for the past few years, in # 4, chronic illness and modern-life environmental toxins = bubble-woman living..... I'm feeling it is truly much too confining to the thriving. Ego struggles to surrender where daily experiences are rife with so much lack of control/choice as well as being in limited options.

  • @YAMISOOLD2009
    @YAMISOOLD2009 Před rokem +3

    I agree with all of these but I think that with the last point especially, age and burn out can mitigate that fear of expressing controversial or political opinions. But generally it is more important to me to be left alone or at peace with someone than in their face with my opinion.

  • @fawnforest2
    @fawnforest2 Před rokem

    I have 2 close friends. One friend does not go deep. I respect that. The other friend and I deeply explore everything. I am learning who to stay shallow with while still being true to myself. But the three of us do not get together. And the 2 of them have nothing in common.

  • @user-md9yv7jx2c
    @user-md9yv7jx2c Před 10 měsíci

    I have a waking nightmare of having to introduce some of my more colorful acquaintances to each other.

  • @rickdiaz929
    @rickdiaz929 Před rokem

    See all the possible outcomes of a certain scenario.
    No gray areas,Facts and absolutes is all there is.

  • @HaleyMary
    @HaleyMary Před rokem +3

    I also think about if something is good for an entire group of people because different people could have different preferences, say for example tastes in food. Some people might be vegetarians like myself, some people might be vegans, I like to accommodate everyone so if I were to be picking a restaurant, I would want there to be options for other people or if I was cooking something, I would want it to be able to be enjoyed by everyone so I would want to ask if anyone had allergies before I cooked something.

  • @l0I0I0I0
    @l0I0I0I0 Před rokem +4

    Fun as always! Well I choose my battles well. I also call a spade a spade and they can do with it whatever they want. Blessings!

  • @Nedmar
    @Nedmar Před rokem +2

    Thing 1 - So interesting indeed, it happened to me yesterday while watching another vid about INFJism that I read a telling-off text written in the comment section about the video itself, and I just wondered what might the vid creator think about that, so I wrote a long and constructive comment to the given topic. It gave such a "screeching" sensation, that comment...

  • @obadijahparks
    @obadijahparks Před rokem +7

    Thank you for putting visual cards for each point. Me seeing them helps me remember.

  • @bethiciaprasek9415
    @bethiciaprasek9415 Před rokem +1

    Hmmm. I agree for some times in my life, I am approaching 60 and will share some reasons I don't exactly fit this mold, plus why you shouldn't feel the need to either.. Just for fun in an environment which is open to different perspectives. And which knows we get younger as we get older. Living in our own skin. Well...plus admitting where I fit the mold. (Like Jell-O.)
    ...#3: I am so looking forward to my 60th birthday party which I am hosting so I can watch the mix-and-match aspect of my different friend (and even acquaintance) groups. I have done this several times before COVID. I like to study people (including myself) and watch how we interact, especially if I think there will be some synergistic outcomes (people meeting people they like and bring value to both their lives). I focus on benefit more than potential cost, but feel responsibility to consider both.
    ...#5: Controversy is fun with people I know well. We smile and bat ideas back and forth. The number of people I feel comfortable doing so with has grown with age, but I do strongly dislike controversy if it isn't done in a collaborative team or fun environment.
    ...#4: As long as I have plan B, plan C, plan Z...perfectly fine with winging it and potential controversy. Already made a plan for that so only need to recheck every so often to make sure those plans are still valid. Also grown into a maturing age. Dyed my hair blue recently. Boss asked "if it were an accident, thank goodness there were no critical presentations pending"...I am considering using that look for my updated LinkedIn profile picture.
    ...#1: I feel a responsibility to manage how others interact. Refer to point #4 and #2.
    ...#2: I suggest what is best for group because I see what is best for group as being best for me and my energy. That being said, I have moved to the mode of "multi-benefitting" where I assess what is best for the group/team on a first pass then run it through the second pass where I assess if it is "multi-benefitting". That means looking at the highest team/group/world benefit projects then evaluating those top tier projects based on which will also benefit me the most.
    Of course I am approaching "old soul" stage as I move toward 60 then I recognize "old soul" things better. Feel I was born that way, imprinted on it by circa age 6, engrained by age 14. Early in life felt I could remember things as well forward as I did backwards. Not skilled at it during those early ages, but recognized early on that I needed to consider the bigger picture.
    Hope this helps someone.

  • @Jack.Waters
    @Jack.Waters Před rokem

    In General - We can perceive the perspectives of 100 different people in an instant. They don't understand that we instantly compile data. We have the survival of the Human Race as a priority or own comfort is a minimal value in this.

  • @paddyblack-exe
    @paddyblack-exe Před rokem

    I remember an early gf who commented on how I acted differently around her when we were alone, and different when we were around people. Didn't know I was an INFJ back then :D

  • @nikkigravert6504
    @nikkigravert6504 Před rokem +3

    These five points were so spot on for me😂 Another thing that happens to me (and I wonder if other INFJs?) is that my family and friends have told me that often when I am in social situations with people who don’t know me very well the things that I say or how I say them come across as “wierd “ and I make people uncomfortable. But to me it is a very logical thought process. Unfortunately this has made me very on edge because I can typically project how others will feel and I want to make everyone comfortable. Hyper aware.

  • @lichtm2053
    @lichtm2053 Před rokem

    I think you get it, like, you know how much we struggle with understanding ourselves on a daily basis, right? Your videos really help a lot when i wanna sort my emotions out...they are so spot on

  • @avikchatterjee1945
    @avikchatterjee1945 Před rokem

    O i am pissed off! Here people will coerce and force you to like you what they like. Your video is insightful though. You are spot on in your own point. But here it's almost impossible in everyday life.

  • @kelleyloreth300
    @kelleyloreth300 Před 11 měsíci

    Spot on! This was 100% exactly how I operate on all points.

  • @janetmcginty7712
    @janetmcginty7712 Před rokem +2

    Avoiding controversial opinions. I thought that this was being very sensitive to what people are ready to hear. I have thought that this was accepting people where they are and not saying things that might challenge or trigger them. I am very curious and enterprising and love to study alternative ideas and spirituality. This is not something I can share with many people because it is challenging their beliefs.

  • @2QAYL1138
    @2QAYL1138 Před rokem +1

    #3 makes it hard to be on social media with friends from all of my circles.

    • @2QAYL1138
      @2QAYL1138 Před rokem +1

      Because I'm not anonymous in those places, I tend to post comments in things like fan groups that don't sit well with friends who aren't familiar with that side of me, and I believe it makes them think I've changed for the worse, when in reality I've always been this way, which can (recently) lead to abandonment (being un-friended), which sucks, but if that's all it takes for them to do that, I've gotta ask myself how close I ever really was to them & realize they're not who I need & move on.

  • @TLCatherineS71
    @TLCatherineS71 Před rokem +8

    Wait a minute, you guys have friends?

    • @admygalaxy3
      @admygalaxy3 Před rokem +5

      😂 lol, nope. Not really. I have a couple other homeschool moms I share memes with but rarely ever see in person. 🤷

    • @Jewelsquiss
      @Jewelsquiss Před rokem +2

      @Breeze2423 I get this! I have people that I NEVER Accept their friend requests, they ask me why and I have to dance around the reason and say oh I forgot, a lot lol

    • @TLCatherineS71
      @TLCatherineS71 Před rokem +4

      I have acquaintances, but no regular friends that I hang out with. I am definitely a loner and I’m happier for it. I have to admit that a group of friends is what I use to want, but, so many people I have gotten close to over the years used me up, spit me out and moved on without a second thought. I’m not saying I wouldn’t like to have one or two really close friends but I’m super picky at this point. I’m also married but get along with men better which my hubby just doesn’t like. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @IndigoChild60360
    @IndigoChild60360 Před rokem

    I am so glad that I found your channel.

  • @FavXander
    @FavXander Před rokem

    Wow...... remember once when three of my friends came to see me unexpectedly.
    I was totally confused.
    Don't really know for sure if I'm an INFJ/INFP.
    Can you make a video on tech careers for INFJ/INFP.

  • @khinzin6527
    @khinzin6527 Před rokem

    Wowww that’s sooo true - especially the first one and it is definitely overwhelming sometimes

  • @sebastiangruffydd2765

    Wow. I Never thought about today's topic before, but you are dead center on your observation. I always thought other people did this things too since it is only a logical way to think about social situations. You are do right though. This explains the main reason I am often bewildered in social situations. Not only are other people not getting the point about certain things I say in conversation, they are totally clueless about why I say certain things. LOL! THANKS. This will help me communicate more effectively 8n future.

  • @eighthappyfish
    @eighthappyfish Před rokem +2

    On point as always! Thank you for the well thought out content Wenzes!

  • @handssolo7980
    @handssolo7980 Před rokem

    Planning for, anticipating, educating and training each interaction to focus on influencing responses and predicting outcomes in the macro realm via micro and predetermined suggestion.

  • @fawnforest2
    @fawnforest2 Před rokem

    Yes. Yes. And yes. Exactly!

  • @velocitor3792
    @velocitor3792 Před rokem

    #6. We slam that door.

  • @larapunk3532
    @larapunk3532 Před rokem +5

    Wenzes, why I don't like showing my feelings, or appearing my affection in front of ppl specially around my family, I appear so much cruel while I'm much kinder and affectionable around other ppl as friends etc? 😔

    • @grababundoberni
      @grababundoberni Před rokem +1

      When I do that is because I am not getting my point across to someone of my family, and I feel desperate...so I shadow rack and give a try to blunt concrete points instead of abstract thinking if it doesn't work, and start talking bluntly about my own anger or despair...and I get called so childish, so illogical and so spoiled by people close to me but that have a different opinion, perspective and Thinking/Feeling axis and see me daily..I know now thaat is what happens!.(Fe/Fi, Ti/Te)

    • @HaleyMary
      @HaleyMary Před rokem +1

      This happens to me, too. I love the world and want people to be kind to one another, but when I voice opinions to my family, especially my dad and his girlfriend I get told, I'm too young to understand most things at my age (at late thirties mind you) and that because they are older, they feel like they know better.

    • @joynichols4002
      @joynichols4002 Před rokem +2

      Generally if I have a difference of opinion with family members I just don’t say anything. When you realize they don’t care how you feel anyway why put yourself through it.

    • @xenarosey
      @xenarosey Před rokem

      I’m totally that the same way especially throughout teenage years

  • @jannetjoy
    @jannetjoy Před rokem

    7:10 , girl forget them folk!!!! I've come to innerstand im not for everybody & everybody is not for me and im okay with that..... Younger me would think differently but now that im older things are different for me. Anyone that doesn't accept me as I am. I tend not to care for... I meannn, what for if it's not going tk matternin my life a montn or year from now? At least not anymore. Life and its lessons has taught me that many people and things that can be in my life are not always meant to stay in my life so at my big age of 28... 🤔 or 29. Being accepted socially by people that wouldn't spit on me if i was on fire i'd rather not have around me.... Honestly i kinda love chilling by myself if im not chilling with my children. Chilling by myself gives me time to think, plan, watch informational shxt that actually matters in life, and ponder on the future im trying to build for myself & my younguns.

  • @graciekattan6618
    @graciekattan6618 Před rokem

    I’m an INFP but I related to the 3rd person thing and also the different personalities around certain ppl. There are certain ppl I know I can joke around with, others that I can’t so I’m more serious around them. Or I make different jokes with different ppl, as well as only talk about certain things with certain ppl. But I don’t lose myself in it like I think INFJs do.
    I also don’t like speaking out my “controversial” opinions depending who I’m around. Because I don’t like rocking the boat or making ppl feel uncomfortable and that’s kind of annoying because it feels like I can never relax during social gathering’s because I’m always worried about how someone else is going to make another person feel 🫠

  • @sayusayme7729
    @sayusayme7729 Před rokem

    Always a huge learning experience, looking forward to learning and implementing new insights into my behaviour without criticism. Thank you 🦋

  • @picatso123
    @picatso123 Před rokem

    I am INFJ too! Sometimes, I feel that I post certain things, maybe my opinion or photos of what i like or sharing in Facebook, at times, when I noticed that people un-friend me, as I saw the friends reduced. I do noticed alot on the numbers of people there, or likes etc. Not sure if that is an INFJ trait? I will feel upset when people un-friend me which I felt I didn't do anything wrong. Especially if the person who un-friend you used to be good friend. And I feel that it's not me who friend them in Facebook in the first place, it's them. And they un-friend me just like that... And the very funny thing is, I tend to sense who are the ones who un-friend me, e.g. when I think of this friend like I have not seen for a long time, when I search, lo and behold, the friend un-friend me :(
    Anyone else experience something like that before?

  • @angelanicholson951
    @angelanicholson951 Před rokem +2

    I did three of these five just, today. Lol

  • @lottietalkie3142
    @lottietalkie3142 Před rokem +1

    I really identify with all of them, except for the one about keeping groups of friends separate. I actually really like to bring people together, and see how it goes. The only case in which I might avoid it, is if I know for sure that these people will not get on well (because they have radically different political views, for example). But really, I love it when people that I really like as friends get to interact with each other. If anything, it is sometimes other people who object to it and feel it's weird. (Does this mean I've reached the point where I don't actually have different personalities depending on who I'm with? 😄)

  • @ericjoppylmt611
    @ericjoppylmt611 Před rokem

    I love this channel. Thank you, Wenzes for sharing such VALUABLE wisdom!

  • @hollyholm7603
    @hollyholm7603 Před rokem

    These are SPOT ON!

  • @pauldunsford2299
    @pauldunsford2299 Před rokem

    Wow. You ARE good. Everything you said was spot on. Helped me a lot with progress made and what's left to accomplish

  • @this-abledtheextravertedhe5299

    These are very helpful

  • @PAPAof5
    @PAPAof5 Před rokem

    I’m noticing the huge difference between infj and sigma infj

  • @herauthenticjourneypodcast1437

    This is all spot on !

  • @quintanatabitha4598
    @quintanatabitha4598 Před rokem

    Wow! This is very accurate. 😊

  • @violetaddams1035
    @violetaddams1035 Před rokem +1

    Excellent insight, thanks.

  • @erintolva1620
    @erintolva1620 Před rokem

    Scary accurate

  • @user-qu2hg1mb5z
    @user-qu2hg1mb5z Před rokem

    We hate conspiracy theories being painted as villains just because someone provoked us on purpose any other type thinks he or she thinks he/she's smarter or stronger I let him/her think that but I play dumb to keep a balance to relate to people I also "get away with murder" metaphorically

  • @imshinjax
    @imshinjax Před rokem

    Spot on.

  • @josephmaganja650
    @josephmaganja650 Před rokem +1

    How's those copper cream Crew,s with all their Electrics🌽⚡️⚡️⚡️

    @LOVE_ALL_AROUND Před rokem

    Yes definitely one way with one person and different with another. I work in sales and find myself mirroring innately. I have done this in personal relationships as well. I meet people where they are and leave parts of my life to myself for fear of judging me. I am shortchanging myself and probably my friendships.

  • @SwingingPythons
    @SwingingPythons Před rokem

    I’m not sure why you are limiting it to the third person. It’s every person with me.

  • @ygtbr
    @ygtbr Před rokem

    I use to be like that until I transcended to top sigma infj living for me.

  • @RandyMoe
    @RandyMoe Před rokem

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

  • @houdabouabdallah7106
    @houdabouabdallah7106 Před rokem

    amazing video

  • @JessicaKromrey-vb9vt
    @JessicaKromrey-vb9vt Před rokem

    I’m Jessie from Minnesota 🌧️

  • @frankgood8764
    @frankgood8764 Před rokem

    Thank You for honest insights

  • @josephmaganja650
    @josephmaganja650 Před rokem

    It's not that they don't like it they love it🤪😆

  • @vonthadentubes
    @vonthadentubes Před rokem

    You nailed it

  • @stevenjohns-savage7024
    @stevenjohns-savage7024 Před měsícem

    Yeah 👍😊. It's preparing the situation for third party manipulation 😊

  • @jamesc.williamsburg6152

    Wow just wow I really must be one

  • @edithteran6841
    @edithteran6841 Před rokem

    Thats why wey like small grupos of friends

  • @wendylane3342
    @wendylane3342 Před rokem

    Yes - all 5

  • @ruebensfilms
    @ruebensfilms Před rokem

    It's all accurate.

  • @primaveraBJ
    @primaveraBJ Před rokem

    Yes so true 🙋🏻‍♀️🥹

  • @user-lb8km1kd9t
    @user-lb8km1kd9t Před rokem


  • @hermymojica3957
    @hermymojica3957 Před rokem

    Akala mo talo ako. Iyan ang akala mo.
    Magpapakilala ako sa iyu kung sino ako kapag sinusubukan at niyuyurakan. Traydor ang katulad mo. Katulad mo ang ahas sa Eden.

  • @seankueny7562
    @seankueny7562 Před rokem

    Is that why everyone wants to punch me in the face?

  • @jean-francoisgagnon680

    Hi Wendy, you are true.