fed up.


Komentáře • 15

  • @jenneemontijo7318
    @jenneemontijo7318 Před 3 měsíci +13

    Is this written somewhere that I can share at all? So frustrating, and this is well written and impactful.

  • @peterlosingwendy7
    @peterlosingwendy7 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Absolutely amazing, I have tears in my eyes and chills. I believe you- all of you, and I stand with you ❤

  • @rn2787
    @rn2787 Před 3 měsíci +7

    I wish I could say I didn't understand. I am sorry your city and country is experiencing what we do. I hope your country does better than us.

  • @zionnoel
    @zionnoel Před 3 měsíci +4

    Word. Thanks for speaking, Mia.

  • @carolineclynes1
    @carolineclynes1 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Brilliantly articulated Mia.
    Keep talking so we can reach every corner of the world and force change.
    It a disgrace that this is still handled so passively in 2024.
    I experienced SA over 30 years ago and I knew then I would be traumatised further for years if I reported it.
    That point is still true.
    Yep, still traumatised by the SA.
    How do we change societies (Australia's) mindset from passive, to action? So that everyone man intending to hurt a woman:
    1. Knows in their heart it is unacceptable to hurt people.
    2. stops, because they know they are being watched by all of society and will be physically stopped by a decent, peace loving human (man, woman, person).
    Not articulated as superbly as Mia, but I am adding my voice to the rising volume.
    Stay safe and look out for each other (men, women, people). Xx

  • @JackieWyers
    @JackieWyers Před 3 měsíci +2


  • @58mummybear
    @58mummybear Před 3 měsíci +6

    I commented on the harassment id had personally not feeling safe walking the streets then again yesterday i was walking men were filming me as i just stood at crossing lights no reason for it i was on my way to a park to go and read my book to where a man came up to me he headed out of the park came back and came up the the bench i was sitting on waiting for me to look im i said im reading he proceeds to tell me he's checking his breaks this man is probably 15 years older than me so in his late 40's early 50's i said again I'm reading and looked at my book to him telling me that he saw me at a lake a few days ago again i said I'm reading to which he replied but it was you though wasn't it i did see you i said again I've told you I'm reading leave me alone then he gets aggressive telling me I'm antisocial i said again I'm reading leave me alone this kept going on as he walked of yelling at me I'm antisocial. i went home crying i don't know what to do anymore on a daily basis men are stopping me in their cars getting out to demand to know who i am becuase i walk alot as I'm a photographer, following me home even having a man follow me for 8month in2022 him trying to get me to kiss hi he was 59. i feel lost angry to the point i dont want to go outside anymore as i'm scared as to what will happen to me. as women all we want it to go about our daily lives feeling safe its not much to ask for so why cant we have it

  • @yahainHotPink
    @yahainHotPink Před 3 měsíci

    💔💔🌹 Thank you Mia.

  • @PogieJoe
    @PogieJoe Před 3 měsíci +1

    Very powerful

  • @hilaryturner3333
    @hilaryturner3333 Před 3 měsíci +2

    You are right, the numbers are appalling and it only gets worse when you start talking to other women about it (I guess that was the point of #metoo, right?). The mind boggles that the messaging remains focused on what women can do to (try and) protect ourselves, rather than placing the blame where it belongs, at the feet of a culture that still sees women as objects. Definitely some links with disordered eating here too, I'm sure you're aware that many ED sufferers have been the victims of SA. Not the most eloquent comment; I'm a bit lost for words tbh. Thank you for speaking out.

  • @alexandra5127
    @alexandra5127 Před 3 měsíci


  • @pleh7019
    @pleh7019 Před 3 měsíci


  • @kecrn4132
    @kecrn4132 Před 3 měsíci

    Fuck I hear this all too well….. I was one of 3 complainants in a SA criminal trial for a year in 2022…. Hell…. Absolute hell. We were made out to be the criminals. It was a thousand d times worse than the SA and at this point, I would not suggest people going to police because the trauma from the trial destroyed me…. And so many others.

  • @kecrn4132
    @kecrn4132 Před 3 měsíci

    So thankful for this Mia… you did a great job and sure brought up a lot of feels.❤