Square Numbers in 5 seconds!

  • čas přidán 11. 03. 2024
  • How do I square numbers so quickly in my head? I use a very simple concept in algebra, which is the difference of two squares. We look at our given number to square, and try find round numbers closest to it. Let us look at the number 98. In this case 100 is the closest round number to 98. Then, since i added two to 98 to get to 100, i will subtract two from 98 to get 96. All we do now is multiply 100 and 96 (of course this is so simple) and then add 2 squared to the answer. That’s it! That’s how you would do it for any number. We generalize it for any number 'n' and do some more examples so it makes sense. Please remember to like, share, comment and subscribe if you want to see more of this type of content!

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