WOT Blitz - Perma tracking

  • čas přidán 7. 01. 2024
  • Running with wrong equipment or no equipment can make you suffer, and also if you have low crew skills.. I am not pointing out anyone or telling people that they are wrong, but you WILL struggle, if you don't use either the right equipment or have crew skill maxed out.. Take care and have fun :)
  • Hry

Komentáře • 8

  • @napoleonblown_appart1942
    @napoleonblown_appart1942 Před 4 měsíci +6

    Nice video and very good point about the equipment and crew skills I think new players underestimate how the crew skill benefits the tank so much more. I have received all the tanks and have all the equipment and all so have the edge on those who don't.

  • @SilentCougar
    @SilentCougar Před 4 měsíci +2

    You are so right, it is very common nowadays to see low battle count players in trs 8 - 10. and as mentioned, crew skills are obviously nowhere near lvl 7 throughout..and with that, their battles will be a struggle against fully trained crew skilled knowledgable players. The game has turned upside itself in regards to tactics and skill levels. So so many really low battle counts in higher tiers, yet they expect to compete in the same frame as veteran players with full crew, full proper equipement and game knowledge etc... Its one of the reasons I have gave up on WR...You see players with less than 1k battles at mid 40s% WR in trs 8-10 and you start to wonder, where is the game going...I realise its a business, its there to make money, but to allow this to continue will surely see a downfall of the more keen competative players in the future.

    • @tricky48
      @tricky48 Před 4 měsíci +1

      TLDR - Agree 100%
      Long form reply:
      I started a couple of years ago now, and probably play less than most so would consider myself a casual. Right at 6K battles now. I chose to mostly stay in tier 8 and below for the longest time. While playing there, I watched vids, read Reddit and Discord, and tried to absorb what the good players did in my games from my replays. I have a few Tier Xs and a few more tier IXs, but I am only just now feeling comfortable enough to know I can contribute to the win, at least most of the time, in Tier IX and X. I have worked on peeking, sidescraping, baiting, wiggling, reading the map, knowing opening crossing positions, reading the lineup, and having a good grasp on what tanks are vulnerable and/or a danger to whatever I am driving at any given time. And I am JUST now, at 6K games, feeling good about being in tier IX.
      So, when I am still new enough to make mistakes but old enough to know what those mistakes are when I make them, it becomes DOUBLY frustrating when at the start of a Tier IX/X battle I see the Heavies camping at spawn, the meds and lights ignoring the flank, and the TDs going front-line. Oh and Port Bay and Middleburg... NO ONE EVER GOES C ANYMORE. Well, the red teams do... mine don't. Then I either have to go with them or try to find a spot that allows me to cover the flank and still be in support distance of my team, which either ends up with me dead in a 1 v 3 or doing so little damage that it would seem pointless, even if I did successfully spot the flank attack in time for my team to react.
      I had originally thought that stuff like that wouldn't happen anymore from tier VIII on up, but boy was I wrong lol. Anyway, this little novella is finally getting to the point now, I promise: When I get done with the battles and see players that have like 200 games, 1000 games, 750 games, etc., and WRs around 45% I question why I went to the trouble of actually learning the damn game in the first place since all that info was based on you having a team that at least SOMEWHAT knew how the game was meant to be played. These cats shouldn't be above tier V imo... much less VIII and up.
      So yeah, agreed.

    • @SilentCougar
      @SilentCougar Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@tricky48 I am sure Mjr H will only approve of lengthy replies, let alone ones that DO show knowledge of the situation we find ourselves in, and to refer to it as a novella, shows more than just a standard grasp of writing, which as a published poet, I can only fully appreciate..
      If only WG would take more time to study what the players are saying in comments, on Discord, Reddit, YT, The Forums, EU, NA, Asia or whatever platform. they may discover that not all are casual fanboys praising the game, but actual long term players with concerns to where the game is going.
      If 'Ranking' battles were to become the ladder to the next tier, then that may be one aspect that could resolve the issue. Get to Tr V, you need to complete a series of challenges to advance to Tr VI. Similar to the challenges required to advance your tanks rank...They may buy-win or be gifted a premium/rare of higher Tr, but until they pass the test of competence in that tank, they can only play it in fun modes or training rooms.
      The 'Ratings' battles we see nowadays are horrendous, nothing but damage farmers, super hero yolo merchants, and sheep by the flock who follow the first chat ''baaah'' of 'all left'-'right' A,B,C or where ever,,,when the red layout shows that direction, 90% of the time, is going to create nothing but a cluster fk... You know the battle is a loss within the first minute or so. Yes, with a modicum of luck they may reach Diamond status rating in less than 100 games, but generally that is because the team carried them there. Thier battle stats are usually less than 800 xp, 18 shots fired, 6 hits 3 pens...or similar...They did nothing for the team bar fed off the one or two more decent players to win. and assist in raising their placements. Yet their Reg Stats show a different story.
      4k battles, 46% WR, only prem Tr VIII or Tr X's, not Tech tree units, but carrying a 'Diamond' League avatar on their page...its laughable.
      We could go on, yet there will be those who read lengthy comments and disregard them as nothing more than gripes, complaints, sore losers with low WR's....The fact Time, Knowledge, Awareness and Understanding of the game itself is under many of our belts, we are overlooked as just a player trying to look better. In reality, we SEE what is happening in the game, where it could end up if somethings are not put into place to resolve the many issues it has.

    • @majorhawkins
      @majorhawkins  Před 4 měsíci +1

      @SilentCougar is absolutely right. I do appreciate it a lot when you take your time to share your opinions, experiences and thoughts on the given topic. It may not be the key to solving the issue at hand, but it gives us players a chance to share those reflections in a civilized manner - instead of just the random appraising with thumbs down or angry ducks in-game.. I sometimes try to write those players (sub 1-2k battle players who very obviously have no clue how the play neither their tank in its role or how to position themselves in the game) that the game may be more fun if they learn to play in lower tier.. I honestly don't think they listen anyway..
      ANYWAY - that's actually why I started make YT - I know that I am a very small fish, most resembled by the size of a guppy, but instead of getting frustrated, I try to do what I can to enlighten the players, who actually stumble upon my channel :) Hopefully a few can benefit.
      More over, when people like yourself and Silent more or less starts conversations, this just merits the channel's existence (imo), and we can all start to learn from each other.
      I don't think WG is going to change a perfect goldmine - as long as people are playing and paying real money for various stuff, they are not going to make the game seem harder for new players. So I think that it is up to us, the established community and somewhat experienced playerbase, to encourage new players to learn the game, share our knowledge (and try be polite about it).. :)
      Thanks again for watching and commenting!! - I appreciate it immensely!

    • @ClassicCoreNightcore
      @ClassicCoreNightcore Před 4 měsíci +1

      When checking aftergame stats regularly, I realize that many of the "bad" players have 10k+ games already and are still playing like a below 50%er.
      Sometimes even 30k or 40k games and still a below average player.
      Therefore it's hard to put all the blame on inexperience, in my opinion some players just don't feel the need to learn. They're okay with not performing and still have fun playing the game.
      This type of player accounts for roughly 1/2 of my "noob player" encounters.

    • @SilentCougar
      @SilentCougar Před 4 měsíci

      @@ClassicCoreNightcore You are correct, many battles end with 30k+ players whos end game stats are questionable...
      30 shots fired, 12 hits/7 pentrations. In a tank you know should not have struggled with 6 of the reds line-up. So you think, had they just got the tank, not fully equiped it, crew not trained or that equipement chosen was in the wrong order. Were they allowing the reticle time to minimize before firing, were they using the wrong ammo selection...
      Many reasons could be the answer, but as you say, a lot don't place 'learning' higher than just having 'fun'. Years ago I used to send them a message after game asking these same questions, and offering polite diplomatically written guidance in return. A good few accepted, and I see them in battle often doing well, not always winning, but ususally in the top 3 players of their team.
      Since WG defaulted messages to 'accept from friends only' that option has become obsolete, as many also default to 'hide friend requests'. The merger of cis based players has also caused a language barrier, so the opportunity of offering guidance or suggestions has lessened further.
      With it being a 7v7 based battle, you know that unless you get a perfect storm, you won't have an easy win on your hands, so you try to pull on all your knowledge and experience, hoping to produce the goods for the team, or at least, show you tried.
      But there are battles that start, and you know its a possible 90% loss just by the direction they all head...Middlesburg, 3 meds 2 heavies & 2 td ,,,reds 1 light 3 meds 2 heavies 1 td...Your in a Med, but the whole team goes city after looking at the minimap, you realise the other meds turned tail and ran... ...your left uphill on your jack jones, even after being spotted by their light who has rushed C area, your meds keep running...🤔 Funny old game at times...

  • @Dalwhinny76
    @Dalwhinny76 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I love perma-tracking opponents! However, that player obviously should not be playing at Tier X, and they probably don't even know why they do so poorly.