"Why Mommy Carries a Gun" by Lt. Col. Grossman

  • čas přidán 7. 02. 2021
  • Let's read together!
    Video Games make you violent per Lt. Col. Grossman:
    Grossman on Columbine (Caused by Doom):
    Killing makes you horny - a perk of being a LEO per Grossman:
    InRange is entirely viewer supported:
    / inrangetv

Komentáře • 1,5K

  • @hatuletoh
    @hatuletoh Před 3 lety +759

    The problem with Grossman is illustrated by the experiences of a gentleman I knew who passed away just a few months ago. He had 30 yr career with the FBI and when he retired, he decided to offer the benefits of his training and experience (and suppliment his retirement money a bit, though he regularly reduced or waived his fees) by offering clases to local LE agencies. His own son being a local sheriff's deputy, this former FBI guy had a some feel for situations local cops might encounter that maybe didn't have the most comprehensive training to deal with. So the gentleman put together maybe a dozen or so day to week-long coures on a variety topics, but ones that could be roughly broken down into two categories: tactical use of force, and psychology, i.e., how approach suspects so as to difuse instead of escalate potentially violent situations; how to deal with people who were mentally ill; how to negotiate effectively, etc. The classes proved to be very popular, and the gentleman soon found himself regularly traveling around the country conducting training for cops in organizations of all different sizes, from big, urban police forces, to small town agencies with less than a dozen officers.
    Very quickly, however, my friend noticed something significant: he was booked solid to teach classes on how to kick open a door and clear out a building, but very rarely were LEO leaders signing up for classes that trained officers on how to better deal with people, and hopefully avoid violence in the first place. My former FBI agent friend thought, "well, budgets are limited, and chiefs want to keep their officers safe, so it makes sense they'd spend their limited money to teach them tactics to handle the most dangerous situations." So he decided that he would offer what amounted to a "buy one get one" offer: for every tactical type course someone booked him for, he'd throw in a psychology class for free. Much to his amazement, even offering these classes for free, very few agencies signed up for them. So he decided he would instead REQUIRE it: in order to have him come teach a tactical class, potential customers had to also sign their officers up for a psychology class. This actually had the result of reducing his bookings, and some agencies even canceled trainings they had already booked when told of the requirement. My FBI friend asked one chief why this was the case, and the answer he got was that the rank and file officers weren't interested, and didn't want to "waste time" attending a class on descalating a potentially violent situation.
    The point being, the last thing American LEOs need is to be told they are the righteous users of violence, that using force is how they protect people, and that they need to be ready to do so. By and large, most are already prepared; indeed, it would appear at least some are far too eager to do so, to the detriment of other possible solutions. So Grossman going around spreading a message of "violence is good--and holy-- when you're the ones who use it," is not the training or mindset American LEOs need. That is basically a mastrubatory circle-jerk for just the sort of cops we really don't want having badges and guns. It might be harmless, or even beneficial to some, but for the already overly aggressive, the ones who create the problems, ruin the reputations of entire forces, and cause rifts between officers and their communities, it's validation of their worst impulses, not a way to hone their best.

    • @jimnugent1068
      @jimnugent1068 Před 3 lety +62

      It is a problem that is wide spread and will continue to be until the leadership in these departments starts to recognize that deescalation is a viable option to get their officers home safe.
      People like Grossman are a plague on society. They tie these obsolete ideas to religious belief in order to legitimize and justify them. It amazes me that this type of crap can get published in this day and age. It’s also disheartening that there are people in this world that would purchase a book like this. Especially those that claim they follow the teachings of Christ.
      I’m glad that Karl made this video and exposed this guy for what he really is which is a fraud hiding behind his supposed beliefs.

    • @doyouwanttogivemelekiss3097
      @doyouwanttogivemelekiss3097 Před 3 lety +16

      That is truly an equally sad and important message

    • @rhubarbpie2027
      @rhubarbpie2027 Před 3 lety +11

      The *largest* of facts.

    • @3000gamer1
      @3000gamer1 Před 3 lety +19

      You really hit the mark with that story! this is basically what I’ve been trying to explain to certain people in my life, thank you for sharing.

    • @kyledonahue9315
      @kyledonahue9315 Před 3 lety +3

      @@jimnugent1068 Deescalation is part of the curriculum at police academies. Grossman is still a douche, however.

  • @numperpickel
    @numperpickel Před 3 lety +679

    Fun fact: Those are Karls reading glasses, he needs them.

  • @oldmanSturzl
    @oldmanSturzl Před 3 lety +473

    What? No mention of Matthew 7:15?
    "Beware of false prophets, who come to you insheepdog’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves."

    • @Guillo78
      @Guillo78 Před 3 lety +23

      Nice burn

    • @dylanwight5764
      @dylanwight5764 Před 3 lety +22

      Oh, I always read that passage as "but inwardly are raving loonies"

    • @mr.andrew9171
      @mr.andrew9171 Před 3 lety +8

      Maybe they thought it wouldn’t be subtle enough, because these authors are clearly the best when it comes to subtlety and other writing concepts

  • @pscwplb
    @pscwplb Před 3 lety +1228

    My Therapist: Weapons-grade shitposts aren't real, they can't hurt you.

    • @the_senate8050
      @the_senate8050 Před 3 lety +82

      This is the depleted uranium of shitposts.

    • @mamitomoe321
      @mamitomoe321 Před 3 lety +31

      @@the_senate8050 This is the Polonium 210 of shitposts

    • @Kempy13
      @Kempy13 Před 3 lety +30

      Do you see the shitpost in the room with you now?

    • @pscwplb
      @pscwplb Před 3 lety +15

      @@Kempy13 only when I close my eyes.

    • @owenoliver1561
      @owenoliver1561 Před 3 lety +9

      @@Kempy13 he doesn’t go away during the day anymore. He is getting closer

  • @hangonsnoop
    @hangonsnoop Před 3 lety +709

    When Karl uses Comic Sans, you know that he is going balls to the wall.

    • @dylanwight5764
      @dylanwight5764 Před 3 lety +1

      Comic Sans is the font equivalent of ThAt SpOnGeBoB mEmE

    • @am17frans
      @am17frans Před 3 lety

      I do not think it was on the wall the balls went...

    • @ML-762
      @ML-762 Před 3 lety +3

      Wingdings is the font of the people, the voice of the unheard

    • @dylanwight5764
      @dylanwight5764 Před 3 lety

      @@ML-762 preach

  • @lucasward9506
    @lucasward9506 Před 3 lety +501

    next book: *Why Mommy Emptied Her Glock 19 Into The Mailman*

    • @finnie9223
      @finnie9223 Před 3 lety +19

      @@aaronorr5586 when i was stationed at bragg i had a usps worker drop off a package on my front porch at 8:30pm. it was very odd, but i guess it happens

    • @davinbacon
      @davinbacon Před 3 lety +29

      @@aaronorr5586 I live in a decent size city, and Amazon delivers as late as 10pm.

    • @mattm3023
      @mattm3023 Před 3 lety +8

      @@aaronorr5586 They come after 8pm in NJ

    • @timb83
      @timb83 Před 3 lety +1

      Lol hahaha HAHAHA.... but seriously, that's not funny...I need new pants...

    • @creanero
      @creanero Před 3 lety +4

      @@aaronorr5586 In my part of Berkeley CA, usual mail delivery time is about 9pm. Very, very not out in the sticks.

  • @michapeikert9577
    @michapeikert9577 Před 3 lety +63

    Ah yes, Audie Murphy was famously not affected by the war in any shape or form whatsoever and enjoyed a peaceful and mindful life after it

    • @robertgaudet7407
      @robertgaudet7407 Před 2 lety +7

      It actually gave him a huge hard-on just remembering his greatest moments in combat, doncha know.

  • @InrangeTv
    @InrangeTv  Před 3 lety +291

    Ok, I'm going to answer these questions all in one place instead of chasing the comments:
    "Why didn't you include verses from the Koran or Islam in your video, HUH?"
    Lt. Col. Grossman didn't reference the Koran in the children's book I was reading. If he did, I would have. If you'd like him to include verses from the Koran, or the Book of Mormon, or whatever else you think should be there, let him know and maybe he'll make sure to do so in his next work.
    "The Bible verses you included in your video are mocking our religion/are fake/etc!"
    The Bible verses I included were IN Grossman's book, excepting two I added of my own accord at the end that I believe he missed. None of them are fake and with all of them I provide the book, chapter and verse so you can confirm. If those verses are a problem for you, or make you uncomfortable, take it up with author(s) of that book, not me.

    • @johnsheppard7175
      @johnsheppard7175 Před 3 lety +36

      It's not even that offensive... I'm a devout Christian, and have been my whole life. You posted some weird verses that Bible college freshman giggle about in the dorm rooms. THE HORROR. It's out of context, but to call it offensive is just plain silly.

    • @amschind
      @amschind Před 3 lety +29

      I read Karl's intent as an illustration that treating one sentence out of ANY work as independently authoritative can be confusing, bizarre, or at odds with the author's intent. In this instance, the author of the book is quoting individual bible verses in an effort to buttress his argument that being ready to kill other people is a virtue.

    • @rfswitch4530
      @rfswitch4530 Před 3 lety +2

      They probably read a different translation.

    • @RellikSlacan
      @RellikSlacan Před 3 lety +3

      Or they could write there own books and make story time with Karl a reoccurring event.

    • @williamfoote1609
      @williamfoote1609 Před 3 lety +2

      Ok, a few questions, please don’t circle back. Are Pavlov’s experiments on Operant Conditioning and final conclusions incorrect? If so, how are they wrong? Is there a reason why Operant Conditioning can not be done with human beings?
      Never mind. I realize I am talking to a knock off George Carlin and not an actual psychologist who most likely has no clue on what I am discussing (as the theory in Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s books, “On Killing” and “On Combat” is based on Pavlovs theory of Operant Conditioning. Which is a provable theory. However, I guess you would rather mock than actually attempt to understand and learn.

  • @Howjadoo22
    @Howjadoo22 Před 3 lety +301

    *Max sees the "no guns" sign*
    Dad: "Remember Max, concealed means concealed. Sshhh"

  • @Novestador
    @Novestador Před 3 lety +533

    Imagine being the fury artist contracted to draw this. It's probably not the weirdest thing they've done, but it has to be up there.

    • @baker90338
      @baker90338 Před 3 lety +65

      Hey, at least it’s not W O N D E R B R E A D

    • @RyoLeo
      @RyoLeo Před 3 lety +15

      @@baker90338 the temptation to google this is strong... ok brb

    • @RyoLeo
      @RyoLeo Před 3 lety +15

      @@baker90338 well I think I found what you were referring to.
      And well, if I ever felt the need to deflect when defending one of my weird kinks I’ll probably used this. But that would be bad argumentation on my side anyways.

    • @baker90338
      @baker90338 Před 3 lety +20

      @@RyoLeo there was a SWW, a Suspiciously Wealthy Weirdo, who made a request from various artists of the work adverse art. This included Shadman...yes. That shadman. Even For Shadman that was too far, and he refused the actual commission

    • @RyoLeo
      @RyoLeo Před 3 lety +11

      @@baker90338 isn’t shadman whole MO is to go too far? Like he made a joke comic where the punchline was about the Batman theater shooting... days after it happen.
      Also the brain has a weird way of remembering things like I remember that comic but not shad until someone else told me about him years later and somehow was able to link it back to him almost by his art style alone

  • @brycewilliams3279
    @brycewilliams3279 Před 3 lety +286

    A permit that gives you your rights, had to chuckle at that bit.

    • @LosBerkos
      @LosBerkos Před 3 lety +3

      I know right, as if we also needed construction permits, driver's licenses or licenses to practice whichever profession we like.

    • @WJS774
      @WJS774 Před 3 lety +17

      @@LosBerkos I know right, as if building wherever you want and driving a car are rights protected by the constitution.

    • @WJS774
      @WJS774 Před 3 lety +9

      @Joshua Simkins Bullshit. The 2nd doesn't say 'the right of the _milita_ to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed', it says 'the right of the _people',_ that is _all_ the people. The 2nd amendment has always meant the same thing, DC vs. Heller just affirmed that.

    • @-John-Doe-
      @-John-Doe- Před 3 lety +2

      @@WJS774 they kind of are

  • @chris101ward
    @chris101ward Před 3 lety +1346

    This channel just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Keep it up.

    • @crominion6045
      @crominion6045 Před 3 lety +62

      Karl is one strange and magnificent bastard. He's a riddle wrapped in an enigma and soaked in Ballistol. 👍

    • @randomnobodovsky3692
      @randomnobodovsky3692 Před 3 lety +9

      Or maybe we have been infected with a virus of some sort (one that affects brain) and it's all just hallucination.

    • @longlane_official
      @longlane_official Před 3 lety +2


    • @the_senate8050
      @the_senate8050 Před 3 lety +17

      @@crominion6045 clearly it’s soaked in delicious fireclean.

    • @enscroggs
      @enscroggs Před 3 lety +1

      Weird paranoid diatribes and guns don't mix.

  • @captainshark-nose
    @captainshark-nose Před 3 lety +283

    So this is where the "Furry Chris Kyle" meme comes from. And yeah, this book is 100% unintentional furry bait.

    • @kapitan762x54R
      @kapitan762x54R Před 3 lety +38

      142 new nazi furs were created by this book.

    • @fenrirunshackled4319
      @fenrirunshackled4319 Před 3 lety +16

      @@kapitan762x54R I dont understand furries, it seems like they are a 50/50 distribution of nazis and tankies.

    • @griffgoldstein6378
      @griffgoldstein6378 Před 3 lety +3

      @@flightlesschicken7769 Commies.

    • @kapitan762x54R
      @kapitan762x54R Před 3 lety +12

      @@griffgoldstein6378 well. Specificly stalinists.

    • @mistakenotou7681
      @mistakenotou7681 Před 3 lety

      Having your whole face hidden brings the worst out of people I guess

  • @62jape
    @62jape Před 3 lety +84

    I would shit bricks if Karl goes to the next shot show in a furry sheep dog costume wearing tactical gear.

    • @ryanwasserman6929
      @ryanwasserman6929 Před 3 lety +7

      There’s a great photo of Karl at Dessert Brutality with two fursuits.

  • @mikepence1933
    @mikepence1933 Před 3 lety +291

    "See, here's a permit, that lets you have your rights."

    • @Chrinik
      @Chrinik Před 3 lety +5

      From an outside perspective, I still sort of understand the concealed carry permit...it's not like you also have to have an open carry permit.

    • @koopa1333
      @koopa1333 Před 3 lety +13

      @@Chrinik a permit for a right makes no sense full stop.

    • @Chrinik
      @Chrinik Před 3 lety +14

      ​@@koopa1333 Voting is a right and people have been clamoring for Voter ID and registering to vote and all that.
      In essense I agree with you, but nowhere does it say you can conceal carry, just "bear arms".
      But I don't want to get into that argument. I don't have the same rights anyway.

    • @kevinalmgren8332
      @kevinalmgren8332 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Chrinik in Portland, OR, you cannot open carry a loaded firearm unless you have a concealed carry permit.

    • @stealtoe9036
      @stealtoe9036 Před 3 lety +2


  • @mickedymackedymarkedy8729
    @mickedymackedymarkedy8729 Před 3 lety +146

    Once they mentioned Wyatt Earp I knew this book was created specifically for Karl to tear it apart

  • @AsbestosMuffins
    @AsbestosMuffins Před 3 lety +165

    the book about why its right to kill people written by a man who has never actually killed people or been in any lethal encounters before.

    • @OddOddFred
      @OddOddFred Před 3 lety +45

      But he said that he developed tHe sCiEnCe oF kIlLoLoGy! And he also indirectly killed dozens of people if you include the trigger-happy cops that he delivered botched training to.

    • @ChangedWinds
      @ChangedWinds Před 3 lety +2

      When you're still active duty and ain't a fucking loonie

    • @isoldmysoulforanime7163
      @isoldmysoulforanime7163 Před 3 lety +9

      @Zippy Dastrange you have a better chance of winning the lottery every day for a week. But sure okay lol

    • @Chrinik
      @Chrinik Před 3 lety +11

      ​@Zippy Dastrange Ah, america, where at the same time you get hailed for risking your life for your beliefs, but also get called stupid for risking your life for your beliefs...ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ
      "Anyone who doesn't carry a gun is a subject." as this book illustrates.
      I am a huge gun nut and I support the notion of carry for protection, but I equally support the right to NOT carry or own guns

    • @WJS774
      @WJS774 Před 3 lety

      @@isoldmysoulforanime7163 You have a better chance of winning the lottery every day for a week than what?

  • @alaric_3015
    @alaric_3015 Před 3 lety +156

    *Notices Karl* "OwO what's this"

    • @ionz75
      @ionz75 Před 3 lety +3

      Pretty sure I remember watching a clip of one of Grossman's lectures where he kept saying "owo".

  • @BeefyRider
    @BeefyRider Před 3 lety +39

    I'd like to believe that Grossman was like, "Kids like dogs right?" And then inadvertently hired a furry artist after making a hasty Google search about "dog artists" or something.

  • @owenoliver1561
    @owenoliver1561 Před 3 lety +285

    “No elite class of people because we run our society”
    Colonel got the whole squad laughing out here

    • @6236003
      @6236003 Před 3 lety +21

      What a time to put this video out, what with the WSB/$GME thing and the way the big elite club really took the mask off so that even the most naive could see.

    • @tandogjzethenrikc.7544
      @tandogjzethenrikc.7544 Před 2 lety +2

      Lt. Col.'s got the entire battalion laughing.

  • @mattkrea
    @mattkrea Před 3 lety +252

    Uhh is this the "Killology" nut?

    • @ebrmarauder256
      @ebrmarauder256 Před 3 lety +43


    • @acrosome99
      @acrosome99 Před 3 lety +82

      Yes, that's him. The sole member of the Killology Research Group, if I remember correctly. And yes, he's exactly the sort of nut that you would expect to invent a term like "killology".

    • @AsbestosMuffins
      @AsbestosMuffins Před 3 lety +11

      It aggravates hoplologists too

    • @mamitomoe321
      @mamitomoe321 Před 3 lety +13

      Stupid question, what is Killology? Am I lucky I don't know?

    • @andersbendsen5931
      @andersbendsen5931 Před 3 lety +35

      @@mamitomoe321 yes. Yes you are.

  • @killraven123
    @killraven123 Před 3 lety +195

    You know who I don't want training my local law enforcement, the guy who created killology.

    • @VraiHommeAjay
      @VraiHommeAjay Před 3 lety +25

      Chances are he has. You can foia your local departments’ paperwork on it.

    • @PaytonHatfield86
      @PaytonHatfield86 Před 3 lety +27

      He was scheduled to speak at the already problematic Kansas City PD like a month after George Floyd was murdered. It did not go over well.

    • @robertgaudet7407
      @robertgaudet7407 Před 2 lety

      Let’s get the sexologists on the case

  • @jordandotsmith
    @jordandotsmith Před 3 lety +223

    "The Greeks had their Spartans..." Well, you wouldn't want to be a kid around them much LMAO

    • @GerackSerack
      @GerackSerack Před 3 lety +4

      Yeah, that one cracked me up.

    • @Balmung60
      @Balmung60 Před 3 lety +30

      You wouldn't generally want to be another Greek around them, what with their attempts to establish hegemony over the other Greek city-states. Which to be fair, the Athenians tried all the time, too.

    • @klegdixal3529
      @klegdixal3529 Před 3 lety +8

      @@Balmung60 well Theban Holy Band handed their asses to them once or twice. pun intended.

    • @JackClockerinos
      @JackClockerinos Před 3 lety +13

      @@Balmung60 Spartans literally are villains of Greek history in every period except for the Greco-Persian war

    • @BigWillyG1000
      @BigWillyG1000 Před 3 lety +7

      Only if you were a boy. I always wonder how a dude can be offered a hot grown woman or a boy and they take the freaking boy. What is wrong with them?

  • @elliswrong
    @elliswrong Před 3 lety +272

    Someone gave me My Parents Open Carry as a gag gift and it’s as bad as you might expect, both in the art and writing.

    • @shannonmcstormy5021
      @shannonmcstormy5021 Před 3 lety +5

      I'll be honest, while I do feel that guns need to be secured (and not just stuffed into one's purse) in MN, with the conceal and carry laws, I do feel safer. Some idiot tries to open up on a theater here and there is a chance someone is armed to return fire. OR because of this, we have less of this? I would like to see the stats on this subject......conceal carry laws and crimes where it might impact......

  • @mathiaslindgren9544
    @mathiaslindgren9544 Před 3 lety +258

    Sometimes in a blue moon you get a reminder that Karl isn't always serious and is actually a memelord

    • @catfish552
      @catfish552 Před 3 lety +6

      I think he's *most* serious when he's memeing.

    • @AtlasJotun
      @AtlasJotun Před 3 lety +6

      @@catfish552 Agreed, the humorous cant of the video juxtaposes the disturbing core of its message nicely.

    • @yosarianilivestech4018
      @yosarianilivestech4018 Před 3 lety


  • @CHPMP5
    @CHPMP5 Před 3 lety +473

    Now Karl, I don't mean to tread on any toes, but as someone who volunteers with kids alot, it would really help if you keep the book pointed at the audience so we can admire the fun pictures! Likewise I find it helps to readout and create sound effects, such as growling after mentioning wolves in the beginning so the audience knows that wolves are bad! Storytelling is truly an art and what better format to indoctrinate your children's with than a wholesome, religious picture book about shooting wolves!
    We have to be mindful of our target audience, whether it be children or delusional adults Karl.

    • @shannonmcstormy5021
      @shannonmcstormy5021 Před 3 lety +1

      lmao at 5 am. Nice.

    • @aapje
      @aapje Před 3 lety +54

      Don't forget: never point books at people unless you are going to read to them!

    • @HircineDaWolf
      @HircineDaWolf Před 3 lety +1

      paws* uwu

    • @CHPMP5
      @CHPMP5 Před 3 lety +20

      @@aapje I'd argue that the more important rule is to never leave a book unsecured, who knows what knowledge youngsters could gain!

    • @sarcasticnacho473
      @sarcasticnacho473 Před 3 lety +1

      "Hey gumnam you're reading to us wrong!"

  • @hockeywarrior
    @hockeywarrior Před 3 lety +40

    It's truly criminal that this man has been hired to train police across this country. Instilling in them the idea that they have to be predators rather than public servants. Keep it up Karl, these people need to be called out -- especially from gun owners.

  • @adamhedstrom4183
    @adamhedstrom4183 Před 3 lety +81

    “The greeks had there spartans! Well don’t want to be a kid around them to much” 🤣

    • @DwarfElvishDiplomacy
      @DwarfElvishDiplomacy Před 3 lety +17

      Also bold to assume that "the greeks" had spartans on their side

    • @509Gman
      @509Gman Před 3 lety +22

      “No elite class” in one breath, “be like the Spartans” (who had a slave class to do all the work so they could just train for war) in the next.

  • @BlokeontheRange
    @BlokeontheRange Před 3 lety +112

    I initially misread that as Lloyd Grossman... Brits will understand... "Who lives in a house like this? Sheepdog, it's over to you..."

    • @konnigkratz
      @konnigkratz Před 3 lety +13

      Lloyd Grossman is dangerous - remember the case of botulism from his curry sauces? At least you can try run away from a gunman, can't run away from your own food.

    • @stephens2241
      @stephens2241 Před 3 lety +4

      @@konnigkratz he put the botulism in there to protect sheep like you and mee from the wolves of this world.

  • @spidervenom14
    @spidervenom14 Před 3 lety +245

    Poor Karl, the quarantine finally drove him over the edge ...

  • @MiamiVice.
    @MiamiVice. Před 3 lety +535

    I'm just going to go ahead and say this on behalf of everyone: I love Karl & Ian.

    • @InrangeTv
      @InrangeTv  Před 3 lety +188

      Thank you, but just Fyi, Ian had nothing to do with this video.

    • @wingracer1614
      @wingracer1614 Před 3 lety +34

      @@InrangeTv Maybe so but I have this sneaky suspicion that Ian approves, LOL.

    • @HeavyMetalMonkey
      @HeavyMetalMonkey Před 3 lety +42

      @@InrangeTv Gun Jesus lives in all of us.

    • @InrangeTv
      @InrangeTv  Před 3 lety +94

      I have no idea if he approves or not.

    • @joshy7759
      @joshy7759 Před 3 lety +51

      On the topic, Ian definitely brought me to InRange (seems to be the standard) but I've stuck around for Karl. As I've "gotten to know him" (through videos) I have begun to appreciate him just as much as Ian. I swear people think y'all are brothers or something...

  • @samgeorge4798
    @samgeorge4798 Před 3 lety +171

    "cris Kyle was also a furry" ya a sentence I
    Don't think I would ever here

    • @AnonEMus-cp2mn
      @AnonEMus-cp2mn Před 3 lety +10

      And just when you think it couldn't get worse than that, the book brings out that fudd bravado naming his legendary weapons with _almost_ the same credence given to the 1911, followed by a literal "Draw your fursonna" page at the end.

  • @RamArt9091
    @RamArt9091 Před 3 lety +71

    It wouldn't surprise me at this point if we get a video of Karl reviewing the characters from "Girl's Frontline" like if they were real guns.

  • @scout4996
    @scout4996 Před 3 lety +71

    As one of my favorite games of last year said: "Sheepdogs herd the sheep to the slaughter, you asshole"

    • @avlawns3037
      @avlawns3037 Před 3 lety +5

      Except sheep are mostly kept for wool. Baby sheep aka lamb don't see the sunlight.. And if you are eating Mutton, well, welcome to the 1800's.

    • @TSFightingDuck
      @TSFightingDuck Před 3 lety +12

      @@avlawns3037 what?! I love mutton!

    • @SgtKOnyx
      @SgtKOnyx Před 3 lety +5

      @@avlawns3037 mutton is available at the store I work at I think. We even had buffalo for a while

    • @avlawns3037
      @avlawns3037 Před 3 lety +3

      @@zoiders when you don't eat cow, one must make due. For the most part, sheepdogs herd wool sheep. The mutton and lamb you buy never saw daylight in its life.

    • @avlawns3037
      @avlawns3037 Před 3 lety

      @@zoiders o rly? 500 million lamb claim otherwise.

  • @VladLogimane
    @VladLogimane Před 3 lety +118

    Can we consider for a moment that sheepdogs live and work by the commands of a shepherd to keep the sheep in line, and shepherds do not keep sheep just because they love them...

    • @VladLogimane
      @VladLogimane Před 3 lety +3

      @@not-a-theist8251 I knew i got that from somewhere! I just couldn't remember from where. Not the exact quote, but absolutely based on Hitchens words.

    • @jamespaige7129
      @jamespaige7129 Před 3 lety +4

      @@rh6776 Frequently all the shepherd has in mind is shearing the sheep. I don't know the ration of sheep sheared and sheep slaughtered before their time. But, part of a sheepdog's job is to keep the sheep safe from predators, a job they have traditionally done we;;.

    • @51WCDodge
      @51WCDodge Před 3 lety +4

      English farming definition of sheep: The only animal born looking for an exciting way to die'

    • @mbburry4759
      @mbburry4759 Před 3 lety

      Sure thats part of this asses bible verse bs

    • @angelsfallfirst7348
      @angelsfallfirst7348 Před 2 lety

      @@jamespaige7129 Still, literally making money off of their backs

  • @jjtomecek1623
    @jjtomecek1623 Před 3 lety +59

    Can we as a community put that furry drawing of Ian and Karl on the blank page in the book?

    • @guidedprismg.e.w.p5673
      @guidedprismg.e.w.p5673 Před 3 lety

      Wait is that a thing?

    • @jjtomecek1623
      @jjtomecek1623 Před 3 lety +6

      @@guidedprismg.e.w.p5673 I don't feel like finding the sauce (partly because it's mildly cursed), but yes, it is.

    • @guidedprismg.e.w.p5673
      @guidedprismg.e.w.p5673 Před 3 lety +3

      @@jjtomecek1623 I found it dont worry

    • @mrdoge9508
      @mrdoge9508 Před 3 lety

      @@guidedprismg.e.w.p5673 I want to see it now

    • @HUNK1998
      @HUNK1998 Před 3 lety +5

      I have a pic of them as furries saved on my PC I dare not dig that out of it's grave. lol

  • @microcolonel
    @microcolonel Před 3 lety +61

    It's not pronounced giff, nor jiff; it's pronounced yiff.

  • @FakeProfOak
    @FakeProfOak Před 3 lety +18

    "The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence." -Psalm 11:5
    Weird that Grossman quotes a much later Psalm without having noticed this one!

    • @vold2268
      @vold2268 Před 3 lety +6

      That's the funny thing about religious text. You can make them say anything.

  • @retrowave762
    @retrowave762 Před 3 lety +55

    “It’s my job to keep us safe by violating the stand your ground/castle/home defense law in every single state at once by shooting a potential threat outside the boundaries of my home just because I didn’t expect someone to knock at my door at the perfectly reasonable time of 8 pm.”
    Great advice, Lt. Col.

  • @silentdude56k
    @silentdude56k Před 3 lety +125

    The sass in this readalong will be legendary.

  • @RamArt9091
    @RamArt9091 Před 3 lety +88

    I have the bad hunch this will drag weird CZcams suggestions to my feed.

  • @TotallyOperator
    @TotallyOperator Před 3 lety +56

    This is not how I pictured the best ever InRange video to be

    • @tamlandipper29
      @tamlandipper29 Před 3 lety

      This is now my go to video when recommending the channel.

  • @ryanwitman8672
    @ryanwitman8672 Před 3 lety +45

    9:05 “The Greeks had their spartans! ... well, don’t want to be a kid around them too much..” 😂

    • @CanalTremocos
      @CanalTremocos Před 3 lety +7

      I don't get Sparta fanboys. Haven't they heard about the Sacred Band of Thebes?

    • @gimmetheloot1213
      @gimmetheloot1213 Před 3 lety

      @@CanalTremocos 300 is a cool movie I guess

    • @anthonyhayes1267
      @anthonyhayes1267 Před 3 lety

      @@CanalTremocos or the city state of Argos for that matter

    • @vanguard-vv7iu
      @vanguard-vv7iu Před 3 lety +1

      The only time ive seen sparta praised within academia is for its military skill and criticised for almost everything else so i cant understand how anyone can fanboy over them

    • @tenhundredkills
      @tenhundredkills Před 3 lety +2

      @@vanguard-vv7iu Simple: people don't learn any history. They take the parts they like and latch to them!

  • @the_onionman
    @the_onionman Před 3 lety +36

    This book and those sorts of people are why firearm owners get looked at with a jaundiced eye

    • @otetechie
      @otetechie Před 3 lety +9

      Unfortunately most of this guys work is training police to shoot first ask questions later because hesitation gets you killed.

  • @fenrirunshackled4319
    @fenrirunshackled4319 Před 3 lety +86

    Can we get an official furrsuit division at the 2021 brutality matches?

    • @the_senate8050
      @the_senate8050 Před 3 lety +19

      I wonder how easily you could fit a plate carrier under a fursuit....

    • @rockchalk4815
      @rockchalk4815 Před 3 lety +3


    • @skyhop
      @skyhop Před 3 lety +17

      @@the_senate8050 Plate carrier is easy. You could go a lot further though and easily concealed carry an SBR.

    • @VraiHommeAjay
      @VraiHommeAjay Před 3 lety +10

      @@skyhop *notices you’re printing* OwO what’s this?

    • @ArcturusOTE
      @ArcturusOTE Před 3 lety +3

      @@VraiHommeAjay Is that an SBS in your [insert firearm container of your choice idk] or are you happy to see me?

  • @r33tUserError
    @r33tUserError Před 3 lety +14

    5 minutes in, and already two unsecured (and presumably hot) firearms left around children. Definitely setting a great example here.

  • @biddlbua
    @biddlbua Před 3 lety +33

    Sounds like the sheep dog has more wolf genes left in him than is good for the sheep...

    • @51WCDodge
      @51WCDodge Před 3 lety +5

      More truth in that than many realise.

  • @crominion6045
    @crominion6045 Před 3 lety +273

    How does the colonel account for the millions of us who've played Doom over the last 25 + years and NOT gone on shooting sprees? 🙄

    • @TaramiBedona
      @TaramiBedona Před 3 lety +73

      He'll cover that in his next book, "On Statistics". It'll be as well-researched and as founded in the unbiased science as his previous books.

    • @herknorth8691
      @herknorth8691 Před 3 lety +57

      Doom not only awakens homicidal tendencies, it also teaches the fundamentals of marksmanship.

    • @alberto5770
      @alberto5770 Před 3 lety +47

      What worries me is that despite playing TETRIS so long I am still a mess with keeping tidy my closets

    • @tubaman6226
      @tubaman6226 Před 3 lety +32

      My dad made sure that my siblings and I could play Mario Kart without hitting any penguins before we were allowed to take the driving test. We have all wrecked our cars at least once.

    • @ChangedWinds
      @ChangedWinds Před 3 lety +5

      He is a light bird, which means he is a trained boomer

  • @anessenator
    @anessenator Před 3 lety +50

    This video has a delightfully uncomfortable energy

  • @johnb.8622
    @johnb.8622 Před 3 lety +33

    Wow, some things are actually so ridiculous that even Karl can't explain them with sanity and reason

  • @jameshealy4594
    @jameshealy4594 Před 3 lety +106

    I'm not one for labelling but sometimes people having "Gross" in their name might align conveniently...

  • @FutureSoup
    @FutureSoup Před 3 lety +70

    “Here’s a permit for your rights..”
    Yeah pretty much

  • @incantations.
    @incantations. Před 3 lety +85

    Spartans... don’t want to be a kid around them .. I actually LOL’d.. my god Karl you are truly a gem
    My hero: Karl - he combats the terrible overlords
    He uses his brain.

  • @czar225
    @czar225 Před 3 lety +10

    I'm a preschool teacher, and I have to say, that was a very-well executed read-aloud. You introduced the book and its author, read nice and slow, and made-observations/asked-questions that kept the audience engaged. Keep up the good work. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

  • @blake2343
    @blake2343 Před 3 lety +47

    New wads for the blunderbuss just dropped

  • @LessDevoid
    @LessDevoid Před 3 lety +8

    Not gonna lie, it's these fringe extremists like Grossman that make me hesitant to let people know I own firearms. What makes it even worse is that Grossman can barely be labeled as "fringe" since he has actually, factually trained police and law enforcement officers his violent and deranged ideologies during his seminars. So as if it wasn't bad enough to say 'Yeah, he's just one crazy guy who is detached from reality and fetishizes killing people,' it's all that followed by 'plus all the police and LEOs he's indoctrinated as well.'

  • @kylep3440
    @kylep3440 Před 3 lety +24

    *the terminator as written by lt. Col. Grossman* " uwu-zi 9 mm "

  • @thepjup4507
    @thepjup4507 Před 3 lety +40

    this book is offensive to actual dogs.

  • @KevinSmith-qf1zv
    @KevinSmith-qf1zv Před 3 lety +202

    This is the most advanced shitposting I've seen in YEARS. May His Noodly Appendage caress and bless you Karl!

    • @stevemason9552
      @stevemason9552 Před 3 lety +4

      With pirates as his priesthood, I fear the Great Noodler is on the side of the wolves. :^/

    • @jaredtetzlaff1590
      @jaredtetzlaff1590 Před 3 lety +3

      Didn't know Karl was an FSM adherent but that would fit with the creator of THE BEST SHITPOST...ever?
      May his Noodly Appendage continue to convey goodness on Karl and us all!

  • @scipio10000
    @scipio10000 Před 3 lety +59

    I am picturing Lt. Col Grossman getting the vapours at the thought of Tacticool Girlfriend.

  • @Jake_Steiner
    @Jake_Steiner Před 3 lety +40

    Me imitating Hank Hill: *Throws pocket change. "Get outta here, ya furry bastard."

    • @Jake_Steiner
      @Jake_Steiner Před 3 lety +1

      @@flightlesschicken7769 evidently I can't post the link. Just type it in the search engine. It was from one of the earlier seasons, maybe 3 or 4.

    • @andrewstraub131
      @andrewstraub131 Před 3 lety +1

      I spit out my beer as I watched this episode lastnight

    • @robertgaudet7407
      @robertgaudet7407 Před 2 lety

      Sounds like a bunch a toilet noises.

  • @SangTheCryptek
    @SangTheCryptek Před 3 lety +56

    This is top tier shitposting. Never change, Karl

  • @stephencosta8671
    @stephencosta8671 Před 3 lety +34

    By that books portrayal, when the Founders wrote that the people had a write to "bear arms", they meant literally have bear arms because they, like every other great American figure (apparently), were also furries.

  • @CannaCJ
    @CannaCJ Před 3 lety +133

    Dressed like the late Digibro, fixing to get batshit. All that’s missing is a mountain of blunts, which of course Karl doesn’t have because he’s following federal law just like the rest of us.

    • @isveryniceyes
      @isveryniceyes Před 3 lety +37

      I lost all of the illegal cannabis I found on a fishing trip...

    • @CannaCJ
      @CannaCJ Před 3 lety +25

      @@isveryniceyes That explains why my lake-bottom full-auto is covered in BHO, but where's all the glitter from?

    • @isveryniceyes
      @isveryniceyes Před 3 lety +21

      @@Jezus42 aww shit, I lost all of my strippers on that same trip!

    • @Not_A-Bear
      @Not_A-Bear Před 3 lety +11

      @@isveryniceyes noted

    • @Not_A-Bear
      @Not_A-Bear Před 3 lety +9


  • @TheGunner11
    @TheGunner11 Před 3 lety +31

    This makes up for the lack of Shot Show shit post this year. More of this please, this is what I pay for.

  • @non-standard6864
    @non-standard6864 Před 3 lety +70

    "Mum, Karl is shitposting again on CZcams"

  • @ElDiabloDelMar42
    @ElDiabloDelMar42 Před 3 lety +18

    'I didn't know, Col. Grossman, was a furry. Did you!?' 😂🤣😂🤣👌

  • @joshwist556
    @joshwist556 Před 3 lety +21

    Damn it, The Karl-Bot 800 has been compromised by the elusive hacker, 4Chan. Time to shut it down and do a complete wipe.

  • @dragomirw.844
    @dragomirw.844 Před 3 lety +65

    This is everything I could want for my patreon dollars.

  • @friskyxbadger
    @friskyxbadger Před 3 lety +5

    My personal sheepdog hero is the cop who pulled me over and gave me a 140 dollar ticket for doing a rolling stop on a country road in Vermont at 1 am with nothing but cows and grass around me and told me I'm lucky cause he didn't tow my 1995 range rover that I coulda locked the differential on. And that he thought moving to the panhandle of Florida was a good idea. A true sheepdog hero cop.

  • @reneesui9206
    @reneesui9206 Před 3 lety +65

    As a pro gun furry i instantly looked up the illustrators twitter to buy a commission and was deeply saddened when there wasn't a single bit of furry art on it. I am starting to wonder if grossman is a furry and got pushed out of the fandom and had to find a non furry to draw his book?

    • @AngPur
      @AngPur Před 3 lety +13

      I was almost positive it was made by a furry. If they have a normie twitter they might have an FA

  • @MetalicConnor
    @MetalicConnor Před 3 lety +135

    Oh no, not Grossman. Part of my degree was studying the psychology of 'killing', and at best you have to be 'selective' with Grossman's assumptions... at worst, he is being so general and misguided that they aren't really adding anything to the field

    • @flopus7
      @flopus7 Před 3 lety +12

      Im actually interested if any of his stuff is remotely true. His sources are pure self report and government reports of self report but the general ideas seem plausible

    • @1BlessEdYou
      @1BlessEdYou Před 3 lety +15

      I mean, technically he's adding a paranoid mindset to the brains of the thousands of already trigger-happy cops he's 'training'. Obviously it's not easy to quantify, but I don't think it's hyperbolic to assume he's at least partly responsible for multiple police killings given the tenor of his philosophy and the insane amount of LEO's he's trained.

    • @nindger4270
      @nindger4270 Před 3 lety +8

      @@1BlessEdYou whether this dude is involved or not, a lot of cops' training is focused far too much on firearms use. When you're put under a lot of stress and your training involved 100+ hours of firearms use and less than 10 hours of deescalation, guess what you're falling back on.

    • @depletedyourcranium
      @depletedyourcranium Před 3 lety

      So you're like literally a killologist

  • @finn87632
    @finn87632 Před 3 lety +13

    Ah yes we talk about paladins here in the UK despite Charlemagne and his paladins being a French legend.

    • @vold2268
      @vold2268 Před 3 lety +6

      Those guys think that sparta was an amazing beacon of freedom and democracy,so yeah don't expect much.

  • @dantehunter5494
    @dantehunter5494 Před 3 lety +112

    My mind knows what's in the book, but my inner furry wishes for other things.

  • @Gakulon
    @Gakulon Před 3 lety +27

    I mean, I know the furry stuff is a joke but holy shit that really does look like a furry artist illustrated that entire fucking book.

    • @badgermcbadger1968
      @badgermcbadger1968 Před 3 lety

      What does furry means???
      Beside being covered in fur, of course

    • @Gakulon
      @Gakulon Před 3 lety +4

      @@badgermcbadger1968 "An enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online." From google

    • @badgermcbadger1968
      @badgermcbadger1968 Před 3 lety

      @@Gakulon ok thanks

    • @ryanvargas4889
      @ryanvargas4889 Před 3 lety +1

      I don’t think LTC “background checked” his illustrator.

    • @jjtomecek1623
      @jjtomecek1623 Před 3 lety +1

      ← @@badgermcbadger1968 See my profile picture for an example.

  • @ButtonJockey
    @ButtonJockey Před 3 lety +9

    I tHouGht ThIs WaS a GuN ChaNNeL?! WhY yOu LaUgH aT gUn cUlTurE?!
    Keep it up.

  • @Broadsword999
    @Broadsword999 Před 3 lety +36

    This channel is sheer class. Unlike Lt Col. Grossman who seems to be some sort of sociopath, someone should be digging up the guys garden with ground penetrating radar and cadaver dogs.

  • @GiveMeThatCake
    @GiveMeThatCake Před 3 lety +12

    Imagine getting ready to leave the job site after a long and tiring day just to turn the corner and see this maniac in giant blue glasses and crazy clothes reading a children's book to a camera.

    • @51WCDodge
      @51WCDodge Před 3 lety +2

      Many people outside America are of the opinion that it is the norm.

  • @biddlbua
    @biddlbua Před 3 lety +28

    Never heard of Luke 22.36. Only heard of Remington .22-250.

    • @drmaulana2600
      @drmaulana2600 Před 3 lety +2

      Kalash 19:47

    • @71stang94
      @71stang94 Před 3 lety +6

      The book of Stoner chapters 10,15,18,63

    • @biddlbua
      @biddlbua Před 3 lety +1

      @@71stang94 Truly inspirational ones!

    • @mofumyon
      @mofumyon Před 3 lety

      @@71stang94 I'm four months late but Chapters 25 and 96 were pretty interesting too imo

  • @spinchsprimkle6541
    @spinchsprimkle6541 Před 3 lety +5

    I like that the book of Matthew quote is out of context from a parable called "The Sheep and The Goats" (SPOILER: It doesn't end well for the goats)

  • @danielarcher4060
    @danielarcher4060 Před 3 lety +4

    I love how they celebrate Audie Murphy and Chris Kyle and how good they were at killing people, and just completley look past the fact that they both suffered with horrendous PTSD because of what they had gone through.
    This book just fetishies killing without actually thinking about the personal and societal consequences are for it.

  • @DerrillGuilbert
    @DerrillGuilbert Před 3 lety +3

    "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO MY ARMS!" -- Bears, probably.

  • @LittleRabbit1138
    @LittleRabbit1138 Před 3 lety +26

    A vid heavily referencing furries, and yet all the cringe comes from clips of Grossman....

  • @AsbestosMuffins
    @AsbestosMuffins Před 3 lety +9

    Heinlein's earlier quotes aren't exactly someone I'd quote today, most of his stuff about military making everybody better was quickly disproven with the vietnam war and how the military turned that into an endless meat grinder

    • @robertgaudet7407
      @robertgaudet7407 Před 2 lety

      Heinlein gets all sorts of weird. Starship Troopers is about the least weird and it’s pretty out there.

  • @Lukusprime
    @Lukusprime Před 3 lety +42

    I never thought I’d see the day that InRangeTV includes furry art in a video

  • @zakhawthorne8442
    @zakhawthorne8442 Před 3 lety +36

    This is why we need InrangeTV. wouldn't get this content on Forgotten weapons

    • @SgtKOnyx
      @SgtKOnyx Před 3 lety +16

      Thank goodness

    • @ChucksSEADnDEAD
      @ChucksSEADnDEAD Před 3 lety +2

      @@SgtKOnyx Exactly.

    • @Seebu
      @Seebu Před 3 lety +8

      The duality of the two channels keeps the cosmic balance.

  • @erikpoffenberger5081
    @erikpoffenberger5081 Před 3 lety +15

    2:54 Karl is that your fursona?

  • @briankern6644
    @briankern6644 Před 3 lety +9

    Whenever someone calls me a "sheepdog" I start barking at them and try to bite their ankles. I grew up around shetland sheepdogs, and thats how they act. Not my problem people get obsessed with stupid labels.

  • @vixx1497
    @vixx1497 Před 3 lety +38

    I find Grossman to be an accurate descriptor of the man. That book was a nightmare to furries and 2nd Amendment proponents alike

    • @murphy7801
      @murphy7801 Před 2 lety +1

      As a non USA citizen kinda seems like insane dystopian fuel

    • @vixx1497
      @vixx1497 Před 2 lety +4

      @@murphy7801 You are not incorrect

    • @spongeintheshoe
      @spongeintheshoe Před 7 měsíci

      At least, to reasonable 2nd Amendment proponents.

  • @lefr33man
    @lefr33man Před 3 lety +34

    We're reaching levels of shitposting that shouldn't even be possible

  • @ImBarryScottCSS
    @ImBarryScottCSS Před 3 lety +2

    Imagine thinking it's normal to open the door holding a loaded gun. Stop the fucking Earth and let me get off please.

  • @supersportzcom
    @supersportzcom Před 3 lety +18

    The furry family from donut operators vid must keep this book in every bedstand

  • @pastorrobbiecarnes6306
    @pastorrobbiecarnes6306 Před 3 lety +24

    Hey Karl, do you do birthday parties?

  • @jeffreylunger
    @jeffreylunger Před 3 lety +2

    The list of "sheepdogs" seems to be more a list of people who at one point had a gun.

  • @Grayfox988
    @Grayfox988 Před 2 lety +3

    9:11 In feudal Japan only the ruling class were allowed swords, the commoners were legally banned from owning any kind of weapon. Also samurai had the right and privilege to strike down any peasant they feel have slighted them in any way whenever they pleased. Medieval Japan was among the most radical anti-right to self-defense countries in history.

  • @iSHooTToKiLL5
    @iSHooTToKiLL5 Před 3 lety +3

    For content to wake such a wide range of emotions is incredible. The hilarity in the costume and the sarcasm. The coziness in Karls smooth voice, the pretty pictures and the nice background music. The complete disgust and horror of the actual content of the book... and Karl if you had a fursona what would it be?

  • @Deus1236
    @Deus1236 Před 3 lety +9

    I cannot handle this amount of satire this early in the morning. This is rivaling RedLetterMedia's "nerd crew" podcast skits in the amount of S.P.M. (Satire per minute). Gold, man, gold.

  • @hellwolf7
    @hellwolf7 Před 2 lety +3

    "I didn't know colonel grossman was a furry".

  • @GreatistheWorld
    @GreatistheWorld Před 3 lety +13

    want to look up the illustrator, but also I don’t want to see furry porn commissions on deviantart

  • @sgthl
    @sgthl Před 3 lety +10

    So it´s peyote season in Arizona?