r/Bestof My Son Stole a $2,000 Star Wars Toy


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  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Před rokem +828

    Story 2: This kid is 15, stole and ruined a part of OP's brother's collection and bragged about the theft. Good thing OP and the brother are working to set him straight because he could carry it into adulthood
    Remember the story from a few years about a kleptomaniac neighbor that stole pretty much anything that she could get her hands on from other people and got arrested because she tried to steal someone's cat and bleach it? Yep, he could wind up on that route

    • @Spanu96
      @Spanu96 Před rokem +55

      I hate when people treat teenagers like little kids, if he was 5, we can all understand, but 15, not a chance in hell. That kid has to be slapped, punished until he gets to 16, and then sent out to work during summer. In America the minimun age is 16, where I live is 18. So no exceptions. That kid has better option than I had 10 years ago.

    • @vinobear3410
      @vinobear3410 Před rokem +43

      On top of that, OP kept saying that's " nerdy" . Kind of sum up what's OP crappy attitude is

    • @kariannedills8562
      @kariannedills8562 Před rokem +38

      Yeah the whole time I thought he was talking about 5-6 year old kid until he said he was 15.

    • @astrofan1993
      @astrofan1993 Před rokem +30

      Not only that, but because of his age and the value of the figurine he stole and basically ruined, he could be charged with a felony, even as a minor. That means his life is basically over before it even began.
      He'll have a criminal record, meaning that any employer who runs a background check on him will never even look at his resume, meaning he'll never find gainful employment anywhere. And depending on what state he lives in, he'll likely never be able to vote.
      All because he thought he could make some easy cash by stealing from his uncle. Instead, he ruined his life, and will now have to spend every waking moment wondering where he went wrong (if he's even capable of that much).

    • @iantan5425
      @iantan5425 Před rokem +24

      Tbh, I think the OP is actually only caring about his son. He doesn't really giving a damn about his brother. If he really does, he would have understood how much his brother feels about his hobby, and not be ignorant and mention that he just don't get it.

  • @BlueberryBlanket
    @BlueberryBlanket Před rokem +1502

    The first story: someone in my social circle brought their new girlfriend to trivia night, and it was a girl who relentlessly bullied me in highschool. Neither of us acknowledged the other, but I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the night. That was years after graduation, I can't imagine having to deal with that in your own home. Bullying leaves scars, man.

    • @tully6648
      @tully6648 Před rokem +84

      I can't imagine what it feels like to think that, someday, that person might also be in your family forever. Marriage, kids, and every family celebration afterwards... and THEY'RE there. And your family is happy to have them there, or "staying neutral."

    • @condorboss3339
      @condorboss3339 Před rokem +41

      I would not be surprised at an update a few years later when they find out Adam was abusing the daughter.

    • @MrDoverfield
      @MrDoverfield Před rokem +2

      @@tully6648 remember if you were bullied, you’re completely justified in bullying other people

    • @mrlugh
      @mrlugh Před rokem +32

      @@MrDoverfield I don't know if this is serious or sarcastic. It's ok to seek justice, in this case I had thought that maybe the victim was intentionally being aggressive to give his parents a taste of what he had been through, which they deserved through their lack of support. That they weren't able to correlate their experience to his own is a bit sad (rather than simply saying it's a bad trait he had and happy that he grew out of it.) However, that does not mean that a victim can bully anyone. If so, we should consider that the boyfriend was likely bullied himself and, by your logic, it was ok of him to bully OP's son. Break the cycle, don't feed it.

    • @MrDoverfield
      @MrDoverfield Před rokem +16

      @@mrlugh if they telling the son to get over the bullying he experienced, they can get over the bullying the son is doing to them.

  • @theavatarofinsanity
    @theavatarofinsanity Před rokem +986

    Lily is the goodest of good kitties. She deserves all the cuddles she can get.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Před rokem +1508

    Story 4: It must've been her biggest day to be finally called mom. Everyone must've flooded the house with tears of joy

    • @KumiChan2004
      @KumiChan2004 Před rokem +24

      I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why it was so cheesy but yet very nice. I think that was the way to go about it. Just casually and caring.

    • @sharolynwells
      @sharolynwells Před rokem +16

      I'm a novelist and in one of my novels, 5.siblings are put into foster care after their parents disappear. The foster mom asked the kids to call her Grandma Rae when they're ready. It doesn't take long since the woman is so kind.

    • @dudeudontknow341
      @dudeudontknow341 Před rokem +22

      I have a 5 year old and I still remember when she called me “daddy” for the first time it’s an amazing feeling and that story had me crying

    • @nikkosmit6985
      @nikkosmit6985 Před rokem +24

      BRUH I was in tears already before r/slash was

    • @It-is-me...Melsie
      @It-is-me...Melsie Před rokem +14

      I don't normally cry easily at sad movies, etc, but sheesh... my eyes watered at that one.

  • @Mario-SunshineGalaxy64
    @Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 Před rokem +641

    The comments the first OP made on Reddit just made it crystal clear just how little he cared about his son and how irredeemable he, his wife and his daughter are. If anyone has the time you should read them, not a single one shines a good light on the OP. My favorite is how OP mentions that Adam’s parents (his friends) don’t like Z because Adam’s younger brother tried to bully Z as well but Z shut that down and turned the tables on him by bullying him instead and, get this, that was the only time OP tried to interfere. He didn’t give a damn when his own son was being bullied but did try to protect his friend’s son.

    • @theavatarofinsanity
      @theavatarofinsanity Před rokem +88

      Wow ... that's just ...
      All I can say is hearing OP having to write down his Sons reaction to the thread and dunking on his parents just became even more satisfying.

    • @palindrome1959
      @palindrome1959 Před rokem +45

      A truly appalling story. Beyond disgusting!!!

    • @SoManyRandomRamblings
      @SoManyRandomRamblings Před rokem +41

      Sounds like a narcissist, caring more about what outside people think of him than what his family think of him.

    • @survivedandthriving
      @survivedandthriving Před rokem +47

      Thank you for the update. I already thought that Z was better off without these garbage people. This update just confirms it.
      I am also happy that Z seems to understand that his parents are toxic and has made a life for himself distant from them.

    • @moosecat
      @moosecat Před rokem +27

      I posted before I read your comment.
      Now, I feel even more justified in saying that OP, his wife and his daughter aren't worthy enough to shine Z's shoes.

  • @justaperson4656
    @justaperson4656 Před rokem +294

    Story 2: I was picturing a 5 year old, NOT a 15 year old. 15 is more than old enough to know the worth of collectibles. Your brother asking for you to replace/refund the amount is an olive branch on of itself, considering property destruction over 1k is a felony. Yes your son will go to jail over this. I wouldn't be surprised if he was tried as an adult.

    • @cluelessmango768
      @cluelessmango768 Před 5 měsíci +4

      Seems excessive… Tried as an adult? Because he’s a stupid kid? Sounds unlikely to me but then I do not live in USA.
      Yes, the kid knew what he was doing, but throwing a 15 year old in jail isn’t going to solve such behavior…
      15 years is definitely still an age where one makes mistakes. Of course it’s reasonable to hold them accountable, but jail time? You’re setting the kid up to fail in life afterwards.

    • @justaperson4656
      @justaperson4656 Před 5 měsíci +4

      @@cluelessmango768 I'm in the UK, not the US. I mentioned felonies because of the amount, though in the UK you get tried as an adult at age 16+, and depending on the severity of a crime, you can be tried as an adult at as young as 14, though time is still served in juvie. I never mentioned jail time, just a general adult sentence, and very much disagree with jail as a concept, but the law is the law, and crimes get punished no matter the age of the perpetrator.

    • @lisa.user-xm7kz2tb6x
      @lisa.user-xm7kz2tb6x Před 3 měsíci

      Not harsh @ the "turd". A crime is a crime. What might he do for his possible/probable 2nd one if not held fully responsible? He dumped the trouble on the family.

  • @jax5343
    @jax5343 Před rokem +682

    Story 3: Melted my heart. Animals arent dumb and will do anything to either protect or help their owners

    • @PaddySnuffles
      @PaddySnuffles Před rokem +19

      My grandma's dog was super distressed when she fell and hurt herself. He kept going to look for help then running back to check on her. :)

    • @GamerGrovyle
      @GamerGrovyle Před rokem +36

      Reminds me of a story I read of a dog who'd only lie on OPs back whenever he'd sleep on his stomach.
      He never did it to anyone else because they slept on their backs so he got a theory and once doggo put their head on his back he held his breath.
      Doggo IMMEDIATELY darted up and started licking OPs face and when he kept his breath a few more seconds began barking like all hell had broken loose.
      OP got up and calmed the dog who relaxed once seeing OP was okay.
      The dog was smart enough to recognize a breathing hazard and would put their head on OPs back specifically to make sure they were breathing properly. Animals are the best.

  • @redfailhawk
    @redfailhawk Před rokem +67

    Story three had me in tears. Cats are incredibly empathetic and no one understands this. My girl snuggles with me at night and she's always there for pets when I wake up. She watches me in the shower and all through self care. She will pop in if she hears the toothbrush and cuddle. Every time she seems distant, I do self care, and she comes back and purrs or brushes her body against me as encouragement. Depression is hard, but she makes it easier.
    Then you have my dog, who only uses me to open the front door and refill her water bowl lol

    • @tjmonkey5795
      @tjmonkey5795 Před 10 měsíci +3

      That is such a cute cat you have as a profile picture

  • @zackster89
    @zackster89 Před rokem +1798

    Story 1: Sticks and stones may break my bones but bullying leaves psychological scars that never really go away.

    • @AlexxeMJFAN
      @AlexxeMJFAN Před rokem +21

      So true !

    • @BronzeDragon133
      @BronzeDragon133 Před rokem +108

      Yep. My parents did this to me with my abusive cousin. "But he's FAAAAMILY!" Yeah, he can go be family in hell.

    • @charleneblack2792
      @charleneblack2792 Před rokem +13

      Most emotionally mature, so that while they never forget it, they don't allow it to destroy them. Some actually use it as fuel to create awesome lives for themselves.

    • @jasonhammond4301
      @jasonhammond4301 Před rokem +15

      And yet the son had no right to expect to have a say in the romantic relations of consenting adults, even when it's a sibling. The son was entitled and immature.

    • @SilverFang2789
      @SilverFang2789 Před rokem +7

      I think they needs to be a chance for reconciliation. Like they aren't 12 anymore, they're adults. They can act like adults. If the former bully isn't willing to make amends with the brother, THEN he will have reason to be pissed but the brother is just sounding like a man-child at this point, not that i'm saying he isn't completely unjustified, just he needs to handle it better than giving the cold shoulder to everyone.

  • @Zaynesjasmine
    @Zaynesjasmine Před rokem +1722

    Cried at the 3rd story. We really don't deserve our pets 😭😭😭😭 I'm so happy and proud for op for being able to overcome their eating disorder. I hope op and op's cat will stay together and be happy for a long time

    • @alisongeorge3089
      @alisongeorge3089 Před rokem +35

      Same. My heart is so happy for both of them

    • @QuayHollywood
      @QuayHollywood Před rokem +86

      Right. I just gotta say I feel like she thought she "trained" her cat to be a ED support cat, but the cat just loved her so much that she didn't want anything to happen to her human. Fucking pets are amazing!!! Uggggghhhhhh

    • @persuasivedino
      @persuasivedino Před rokem +13

      Yup I'm emotional after that

    • @JessFirefox
      @JessFirefox Před rokem +34

      My cat knows when I'm feeling strange, I have epilepsy and my cat follows me when I start to get a slight hint of feeling like a seizure might come. She does not leave me alone until the feeling goes away (sometimes I just get the feeling without the seizure)

    • @AlrunesYT
      @AlrunesYT Před rokem +9

      This episode had the tears flow at the end.

  • @Lumince
    @Lumince Před rokem +425

    The cat story literally made me cry. Animals are SO smart and amazing. We dont deserve them

    • @Nerobyrne
      @Nerobyrne Před rokem +2


    • @fdm2155
      @fdm2155 Před rokem +4

      Yes, I remember Bruno, our German shepherd, wiping my mom's tears when she was mourning her father's death!

  • @DarkValkyrie512
    @DarkValkyrie512 Před rokem +107

    Story 2: As someone who collects Boba Fett action figures, I know how marked up they are. The moment I heard "Boba Fett" it was like "Okay I know which one that is." I would go to court and cry a lot if that happened to me. Also fifteen is old enough to know the whole "Look don't touch" rule. And 2000 is lucky. There is one worth six figures.

    • @myrixica4222
      @myrixica4222 Před 11 měsíci +9

      When I heard "Boba Fett" after the value all I thought was "Ohh so it was a cheap one, kid got lucky." Pretty sure most Fett figures in that condition are felony theft value.

    • @arturoreyes2119
      @arturoreyes2119 Před 6 měsíci +1

      for the sake of the curious, which Boba Fett is this? Is it by any chance the one with the J rocket launcher?

  • @WiloKun
    @WiloKun Před rokem +195

    I am REELING from the first part of the Star Wars figure story. When OP said his son stole the figure, I assumed the kid was like....6? 8? Too young to understand the value of the thing and that it's not just a toy. But the kid is 15! FIFTEEN! WHAT THE HECK!? That kid absolutely had to know how valuable that stuff is and how badly he ruined the figure by opening it!

    • @chriscarpenter3370
      @chriscarpenter3370 Před rokem +25

      If someone screwed with my transformers collection, not even God would be able to save them.

    • @BronzeDragon133
      @BronzeDragon133 Před rokem +39

      "My teenage son knowingly stole to make money and I refuse to pay it back. AITA?" Yes. Yes, you are. Even if he was 5, you're TA. If any kid steals Grandma's diamond ring and throws it down the disposal, you owe the price of replacement. If they steal it to sell it and destroy it, you owe the price of replacement.
      The same is true of what you consider a "worthless action figure." If you touch what you consider "just paint" in my studio, you're going to find out what cobalt blue and cadmium red cost per ounce. Your child will be held responsible and may also require an ER visit.

    • @ldj15432
      @ldj15432 Před rokem +5

      Facts!!! I would have lost it.

    • @alexanderhenby1362
      @alexanderhenby1362 Před rokem +8

      15 year old should be earning the money to pay back Uncle. Not Dad. Slight butthole on the Uncle for not taking a partial payment and then working through how 15 year old can pay back both him and Dad, but as someone with expensive toys, I get being angry in the moment.
      Edit: Insurance is a whole different thing.

    • @queenofputrescence5167
      @queenofputrescence5167 Před rokem +3

      @@chriscarpenter3370 Are you my husband? 🤣

  • @AnnieMay224
    @AnnieMay224 Před rokem +136

    That last story had me hunting for the onion cutter. I recently started calling my step-dad, dad. So not quite the same, but I've never had a Dad, so it still hit home. I also decided one day to just say it casually, and even though he was super chill about it, his immediate acceptance still makes me teary.

    • @maxwhite8616
      @maxwhite8616 Před rokem +4

      I personally don't cry at happy things but my god it was wholesome

    • @It-is-me...Melsie
      @It-is-me...Melsie Před rokem +9

      Your dad was probably frantically saying to himself "stay calm, stay calm, don't make a big deal of it, don't ruin it"

  • @littlespacewitch9728
    @littlespacewitch9728 Před rokem +550

    I am fully SOBBING over the third story omg that cat deserves all the love in the world 😭

    • @TatersorTomatos
      @TatersorTomatos Před rokem +21

      Yeah…slash shouldn’t do this to us without a disclaimer. Not cool! I’m sobbing.

    • @JG.Firestar
      @JG.Firestar Před rokem


  • @monkeybench
    @monkeybench Před rokem +538

    Story 2: If they didn't spend half the story discrediting his brother by calling him a nerd at every opportunity, I'd believe they were sorry for their son.
    As a collector myself, better find that $2k. Home insurance is going to sky rocket.
    Either way you've lost a brother.

    • @Victoria-jr9qw
      @Victoria-jr9qw Před rokem +29

      Yeah, would be definetly paying myself making a loan contract to him. Son needs to learn NOW, since he's only got 3 years before 18 and potentially earning a real prison record if he does something similar again.

    • @teslagod7221
      @teslagod7221 Před rokem +11

      uhm,nerd is a technical word.or maybe OP just don't know the difference of a nerd and geek.someone can be both but someone can also be a geek but not a nerd,vice-versa.a nerd is someone who is into intelligence and academics,geeks are like addicts of something,like(just an example) a star-wars geek,who knows all things about star wars but don't know other stuff.OP wasn't disrediting his brother,he's just saying they are very different too each other and basically like strangers,besides knowing for a fact they are brothers.OP just doesn't understand where his brother stand or what kind of life his brother has.his actions are just normal,and he atleast could not allow his own son to be an entitled ahole.unlike other parents who actually breed their own kids to be one...

    • @A-Microwave
      @A-Microwave Před rokem +1

      Yea I was a little more forgiving till he said his son was 15, at 15 the little turd knew what he was doing

  • @Legacy2800
    @Legacy2800 Před rokem +109

    First story: Even in the update OP said “he outgrew his abrasiveness”. OP still doesn’t understand

    • @YourXavier
      @YourXavier Před rokem +33

      This. He wasn't being abrasive, he was reacting to people treating him like dirt.

  • @kraze_x_kitty9164
    @kraze_x_kitty9164 Před rokem +291

    The cat story made me cry, actually. It is true that we don’t deserve some pets. They are too special. I have been through an eating disorder and I would freak out if my cat did this.

    • @devinmessmer9632
      @devinmessmer9632 Před rokem +2

      The cat probably didn't even realize what it was doing it just saw the owner not eat so it followed.

    • @GamerGrovyle
      @GamerGrovyle Před rokem +3

      The final story was what broke me

    • @SpoiledMilk.D.E.C
      @SpoiledMilk.D.E.C Před rokem +11

      @@devinmessmer9632 Actually, Cats Are Very In Tune With Human's Health And Emotions. She Probably Knew What She Was Doing. My Boy, Miami, Circled Around Me, Meowed Loudly, Rubbed Up Against Me, And Kneaded My Legs When I Was Throwing Up And Close To Death From An Almost Septic Kidney Infection Caused By An Untreated UTI, And He Does The Same Thing When I Cry Or Get Sick.

    • @devinmessmer9632
      @devinmessmer9632 Před rokem +2

      @@SpoiledMilk.D.E.C Fair but the cat may not have known it would have also died from not eating if the owner died from the disorder.

    • @SpoiledMilk.D.E.C
      @SpoiledMilk.D.E.C Před rokem +4

      @@devinmessmer9632 Maybe Not, But Cats Have A Tendency To Mimic Their Owners. Then Again, Cats Are Smart And Know When They Are Dying.

  • @sunniedayz2450
    @sunniedayz2450 Před rokem +41

    First story:
    I completely side with the son. When I was in second grade, a classmate assaulted me. He's now dating one of my childhood friends and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. That was a singular incident but it had a massive effect on me. I can only imagine how that son in the story feels

  • @redfailhawk
    @redfailhawk Před rokem +28

    I think the moment that it hit my adopted parent hardest was when I dropped a "when you gave birth to me" completely forgetting she wasn't my bio mom. I adore her so much. I genuinely forget she's not my real mom so much and I wish she was.

    • @redfailhawk
      @redfailhawk Před rokem +3

      Replying to add, I was in my 20s...

    • @dx1450
      @dx1450 Před rokem

      She is your real mom.

  • @francescaperron2003
    @francescaperron2003 Před rokem +115

    "I didn't support my son against his bully and now he won't talk to me. What did I do wrong??"

    • @MrDoverfield
      @MrDoverfield Před rokem +7

      In an alternate universe, “I cut out my wife, daughter, her husband, our future grandkids and now everyone I know is calling me the jerk”

    • @tjmonkey5795
      @tjmonkey5795 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@MrDoverfieldwe got to read the story before we can call anyone an asshole okay and once we read the story makes sense why he cut the out of his life

  • @TheDungeonofBadDecisions
    @TheDungeonofBadDecisions Před rokem +196

    I cannot even imagine being more than civil to a person who hurt any of my siblings so badly, let alone *dating* them. And I know my siblings are the same. How can you not hate a person for abusing and upsetting your family? There's a store with clothes I quite like, but I never shop there because my sister quit after two days because the other employees hazed her until she cried.

    • @Hotdogenthusiast
      @Hotdogenthusiast Před rokem +16

      I agree. Coming from someone with a strong family, I could never associate with someone who has harmed my family let alone date. Family is always important and should always be at the top of one’s priority. Whether that family is biological or found, it should still be the top priority.

    • @SoManyRandomRamblings
      @SoManyRandomRamblings Před rokem +9

      @@Hotdogenthusiast we come from a broken family who are either practically all low contact, or fully estranged, but even we wouldn't do that to each other.

    • @briannad9155
      @briannad9155 Před rokem +3

      But at the same time, it’s not really OP’s place to tell his adult who she can and can’t date.

    • @TheDungeonofBadDecisions
      @TheDungeonofBadDecisions Před rokem +14

      @@briannad9155 I'm criticising the daughter too. I'm actually largely criticising the daughter, as one sibling to another. Like I said, I can only manage civility with someone who bullied one of my siblings. Going so far as to fall in love is beyond comprehension to me.

    • @briannad9155
      @briannad9155 Před rokem +6

      @@TheDungeonofBadDecisions ya. I totally get that. I just don’t really understand people who are mad at OP because he doesn’t have a say in who his daughter dates. OP isn’t really the AH as much as his daughter is.

  • @torismith9360
    @torismith9360 Před rokem +62

    The last one just made me cry. Our foster kid is 16, and i'm 30. They haven't done it to my face yet, but I over heard them ask the dog where "our mom is" and I started crying 😭 this just reminded me of that so now I'm bawling all over again.

    • @avangelinechatters
      @avangelinechatters Před 2 měsíci

      It's been a year I want updates, have they called you mom to your face yet!

    • @Pandanas666
      @Pandanas666 Před 22 dny +1

      I want to know too, have they ?? Make our day !

    • @torismith9360
      @torismith9360 Před 21 dnem

      @Pandanas666 Yes!! She is almost 18 now and calls me Mom and my husband Dad. We adopted her last year and she's going to be a senior in high school this semester. We are working on getting her a car even!

    • @torismith9360
      @torismith9360 Před 21 dnem

      @avangelinechatters Yes!! She is almost 18 now and calls me Mom and my husband Dad. We adopted her last year and she's going to be a senior in high school this semester. We are working on getting her a car even!

  • @DullyDust
    @DullyDust Před rokem +159

    I cried when he called her mom and her reaction left nothing to be desired, it was absolutely perfect 💕

    @xKCAZxLEADER Před rokem +198

    First Story, ESH except for Zack: OP is TA for being a coward and sitting back while Adam is bullying his son. OP's daughter is TA for allowing this guy to bully her brother. OP's wife is TA because she is doing nothing about the bullying just because Adam is the son of good family friends. OP is further TA for not taking his son's side and defending him. Ok, lets say those descriptions of Zack is true: HE IS BEING FORCED TO HAVE HIS BULLY IN HIS LIFE. Zack has been a constant victim of Adam and his own family doesn’t have his back, who wouldn’t act out in a situation like this? I agree, OP's wife should be miserable because their choices are the cause of the family falling apart. Good on Zack for bettering himself and doing better than his toxic family
    Second Story: Ok, when I was hearing this story I was thinking the younger son was like 9 or 10 or maybe younger but this kid is 15?! This kid is more than old enough to know that stealing is wrong. What OP should do is have the 15 year old work to pay it off (like have him do chores or something and OP comes up with a way to pay the figure off). Also, OP should really do his research. There are reasons why some rare and old figures or comics stay in the package; some of these things could sell up to $100k or higher so I don’t blame OP's brother for being upset. Good on OP for allowing his son to face the consequences of his actions. As I said, things like that go for high prices and it's clear OP's son knew that. It is better to take him off this path before it gets worse for him
    Third Story: See this is why we don’t deserve pets. This is so wholesome. The amount of love and care this cat has for OP is beautiful. This cat refuses to eat unless OP eats, this cat is saving OP with it's loyalty. I’m glad OP and Lily are both doing great
    Fourth Story: I’m pretty sure OP won’t make things awkward. The love and the bond OP has with Janice is strong enough that it should feel natural. Ahhh see, with that update I knew it. Apart of me feels like she was waiting for OP to call her mom because I have no doubts she sees him as her son

    • @thomasjones6216
      @thomasjones6216 Před rokem +20

      I think Zack did the best thing for himself and I hope does the best for himself

      @xKCAZxLEADER Před rokem +3


    • @zilesis1
      @zilesis1 Před rokem +4

      yeah, the age difference between the brother and sister isn't even that big! i could maybe sort of get behind the sister if there was like a 10-15 year gap between her and the guys, so by the time she got together with the bully it would have been like years since he interacted with the brother. even then, it would be questionable to continue the relationship once she found out
      but no! based on the ages she would have been fully aware of what the bully was doing to her brother and still didn't care!
      Second story, yeah, i can kind of see a kid between 5-10 sneaking a toy away to play with, but even then you'd expect them to give it back later. for 15 y/o to actively plant to steal from his uncle is pretty horrible

    • @SoldierSpiderx
      @SoldierSpiderx Před rokem +3

      fact and the funny part that OP wife it mad that Zack don't want nothing to do with her cause they had a close relationship but she choice daughter side and I with Zack 100% and I glad Zack not let OP and his wife in his life and go little contract with them and he cut all tied with his sister and his bully

    • @jasonhammond4301
      @jasonhammond4301 Před rokem +1

      Zach was out of school and no longer bullying the son before the relationship started. The son was toxic for expected to control his sister's romantic relationships.

  • @Closer2Zero
    @Closer2Zero Před rokem +366

    Jesus Christ, even in the update to story one the dad is still shitting on his son. He didnt “out grown his abrasiveness” he just stopped caring what you thought or felt

    • @BronzeDragon133
      @BronzeDragon133 Před rokem +62

      Yeah, narcissistic parents usually don't figure that one out.

    • @DianavanderPluijm
      @DianavanderPluijm Před rokem +54

      Right? Rslash started with the update and I kept on thinking 'so, when's the good part coming?' but the dad just displayed his own ignorance, stupidity and idiocy even more. I just can't... GAH! If anything he should have BANNED that bully from his son's life! I mean, he can't really stop his daughter from dating someone, but he could have at least tried? To talk to her about how being around his bully really impacts her brother/his son? AT LEAST TRY FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!

    • @charleneblack2792
      @charleneblack2792 Před rokem +9

      After hearing the reaction from the son during the meeting, you honestly think he stopped caring? They're all extremely emotionally immature and he's internalized that situation and is allowing it to run his life.

    • @briannad9155
      @briannad9155 Před rokem +3

      @@charleneblack2792 I was kinda thinking the same thing. No one who actually stopped caring would call people “losers nobody even likes.” They would just…not care

    • @tully6648
      @tully6648 Před rokem +13

      Right?! I read that and thought 'He didn't 'outgrow' his 'abrasiveness.' He got out of there and became happy.' THAT is the son OP could've had, and he doesn't even know it.

  • @sarahgreiner2694
    @sarahgreiner2694 Před rokem +84

    Those last 2 stories got me, I was already tearing up over the awesome cat and then the wanting to call her mom. (sniff)

  • @Neonsilver13
    @Neonsilver13 Před rokem +147

    The most telling thing about the first story is that there isn't a single mentioning about the bully even attempting to apologize or making amends.
    Ignoring the son wanting to sell the toy and all that in the second story, why is it that in a situation like this they never attempt to come up with a payment plan if they can't pay it immediately? It's always "I can't pay it right now so I won't pay it at all or only a bit".

    • @Mattressduck
      @Mattressduck Před rokem +6

      Some things like that increase value over time, and it might be possible that by the time the payment plan is complete it’s worth had already doubled in worth!

    • @Neonsilver13
      @Neonsilver13 Před rokem +5

      @@Mattressduck That might be, but it's still better than saying "I don't have the money right now so I'm not paying at all".
      The first step should always be to try to come up with a compromise. If the person that want's payment for damages is not happy with a payment plan, then it's something else, my point was that in those stories they never even seem to attempt to come up with a solution at all.

    • @teslagod7221
      @teslagod7221 Před rokem +5

      OP don't understand the value of that collection toy,he just thought it is just a "toy".he clearly has no understanding where his brother stand or the kind of life his brother has.just like most parents would say "it is just a game,just pause it",when it's an mmorpg online game or something like it,which is basically a game in motion.there are just people who has low or no understanding of other stuff.when OP realized what the collection toy was and its value,he then knew and understand he has to pay full value/price...

    • @Mattressduck
      @Mattressduck Před rokem +3

      @@Neonsilver13 Yeah your totally right there’s a ton of different ways the situation could of been dealt with to have a better effect.

  • @jsmith1291
    @jsmith1291 Před rokem +8

    Story 1: Sometimes, a kid grows up to be a decent adult despite their parents. This is one of those times.
    Story 2: The son needs this lesson badly, apparently, since he's 15 and thought it was fine to steal from someone. Life lessons like this will be painful, but are sometimes needed.

  • @Sapphiresenthiss
    @Sapphiresenthiss Před rokem +78

    As someone who was once a victim of bullying, too, it was beyond satisfying to hear rSlash rip into the OP in this story 😆

  • @kingmozah4324
    @kingmozah4324 Před rokem +21

    I typically wake up 30 minutes after RSlash posts. I wake up, grab breakfast, and sit down to listen to the posts. Yesterday, I had to wake up really early for work and felt all types of wrong because I didn't start my day with RSlash. This guy is fully embedded into my brain schedule.

  • @EldritchCloak
    @EldritchCloak Před rokem +8

    Story 2: OP described the brother as "a single nerdy guy who has no aspiration for family" that likes to "collect nerdy things". The tone makes me feel like he, intentionally or not, looks down on his brother - which may contribute to why his brother cut contact in the first place.

  • @kammieceleek5113
    @kammieceleek5113 Před rokem +190

    To OP in story 3: you've done so well, and much love to Lily! Give you kitty all the love and cuddles and she'll give them right back!

  • @TonySamedi
    @TonySamedi Před rokem +42

    The Action Figure Story: It's amazing how even now when that OP is talking about his brother, he still has to keep specifying his interests are "nerdy"
    Like, I'm a geek and i'll describe myself as geeky, but I'm absolutely sure OP means that in a derogatory way.
    I wonder how different OP would have reacted if it was a collectible from something he actually respected.
    Like if it was an old baseball card, or a signed picture of an actor, or a signed book, or anything else of similar value that his son had stolen and ruined, would OP have objected as strongly to paying it back?
    I feel like he was just dismissing it because it was something he wasn't into, which makes him as big of an asshole as his son.

    • @jessicalee5260
      @jessicalee5260 Před rokem +11

      Agreed. I'm a nerdy girl, and just the context, how it was worded, I knew he meant it in a demeaning way. I will never understand why people enjoy taking big ol' steaming craps all over someone else's hobbies and interests.
      Interesting point! Now I wonder that too!

    • @astrofan1993
      @astrofan1993 Před rokem +8

      My father is the same way about my hobbies. He'll call it a waste of time and money for me to buy up comic books, manga, anime, video games, and even statues and figurines of my favorite video game or anime characters. Yet he'll spend thousands of dollars for a new Harley or bass boat, neither of which he uses that often (at most, a couple weeks out of the year).
      And most of the time, when he gets home from work, he lays down in bed and watches TV (usually History Channel or Fox News). The only other thing he has in the way of a hobby is church stuff, and even that is only one or two days out of the week. I don't criticize him for his interests, but he never fails to criticize mine, simply because he has no interest in them.
      And I've told him that if he ever threw any of my collection of nerdy stuff out, I'd take him to court to recoup my losses. I don't care if I get kicked out of the house and/or disowned; you throw away my property, I will stand up for myself, even if it means suing you or having you put in jail.

    • @theavatarofinsanity
      @theavatarofinsanity Před rokem +2

      @@astrofan1993 My parents also can't relate well to my hobbies, so I really felt that part. They encourage me to do my best and respect that I care about certain things like video games or drawing, but they don't really "get me" for lack of a better wording. By now I have kinda given up on connecting with them about the things I'm passionate about. Which is depressing, but at least they don't call it a waste of time when I'm around so I guess that counts for something.
      The story in the video gives me a similar feeling to that. I think OP calls it nerdy because he genuinly just doesn't "get it" but he is at least trying to be amicable and resolve the conflict in a way to still have a relationship with his brother. So even though I am not fully on OPs side I feel he did a good job with how it was resolved.

    • @sarahserenityqueen117
      @sarahserenityqueen117 Před rokem +1

      I'm a proud geek. I'm a cosplay model and maker, I love video games and anime, I go to cons, etc.
      Glad to see that I wasn't the only one looking at OP as if he didn't care.

    • @TeasyLove
      @TeasyLove Před rokem

      thank you for your responses!
      the parents in the 2nd story seem cold and distant, and to be honest, karens or entitled parents.
      their son's behavior doesn't come out of nowhere!
      blaming and making your own underage son for everything is like acting like a small (spoiled) child.
      the right thing to do would be to either split the costs, i.e. the parents pay 50%, the son pays 50%.
      or to reach an agreement where the son spends time helping out more with the family or the community etc while the parents cover his expenses.

  • @stormwolfgaming3400
    @stormwolfgaming3400 Před rokem +67

    That cat story actually almost cry of happiness because of how cute it was!

  • @TheMysterieRPGguy
    @TheMysterieRPGguy Před rokem +140

    With the second story I was also thinking the kid was like 6 or 7 and just a stupid little kid, but when OP said his son was 15 I paused the video and yelled "he is 15 are you kidding me!" Also that final story man what a tear jerker in an amazing way.

    • @xx528491xx
      @xx528491xx Před rokem +7

      Same! And according to OP "ONLY" 15! Absolutely insane.

    • @user-se6kk2wi6x
      @user-se6kk2wi6x Před rokem +2

      Hell, I'm 15 and I would never do something like this.

  • @JDoodles
    @JDoodles Před rokem +32

    Those last two stories are what I needed this morning, so wholesome. I’m glad the OP in the third one is okay now, we really don’t deserve animals

  • @shadowmewfred09
    @shadowmewfred09 Před rokem +90

    Alternative title for the 1st story: "am I the butthole for letting my son get bullied so badly he won't talk to me anymore" answer yes YTA. He's right you are a coward.
    Edit: I'm glad to hear that he's talking again just be ready for this to possibly be the most you get to speak to him and forgive you

    • @1985toyotacamry
      @1985toyotacamry Před rokem

      Yeah I have similar. My brother accused me of stealing his generator. He called the cops to say to arrest me. I told him I have no idea where his generator is(I don't how to use one) after the cops say right now I'm allowed to stay because there is no evidence of me taking it. And when I told my dad that he called the cops on me he basically say nothing to me. I told him you are a coward and you taking his side and hang up.

  • @juno1752
    @juno1752 Před rokem +56

    The woman with the cat just has an angel with four paws. What a good kitty ❤

  • @maieen2665
    @maieen2665 Před rokem +21

    *First OP:* I guess rSlash forgot to give Adam a BH score, so I'll give one: 4.75/5 BHs at minimum. Best of luck to Zack and his charity. I hope OP and his wife at least apologized to Zack.
    *Second OP:* At first I thought OP's son was 7 or eight; I didn't expect him to be 15 ( *Get OUT of my HEAD, rSlash!* 😛)! Anyway, he needs to learn that actions have consequences, so OP and his wife did the right thing. I hope OP and his brother can continue to rebuild their relationship after this.
    *Third OP:* I'm happy OP and Lily are doing well, and I wish them both the best! 🙂
    It was nice while it lasted 😛
    *Fourth OP:* Shut up! I'm not crying; _you're_ crying! Thanks for putting this story at the end ☺

    • @tjmonkey5795
      @tjmonkey5795 Před 10 měsíci

      I had this video on while I was playing video games I was too distracted playing video to cry

  • @palindrome1959
    @palindrome1959 Před rokem +9

    The cat story was actually quite wholesome. In fact, OP and the cat became intertwined to a degree I've never seen before. Your illness became her illness and you both saved each other. OP is so right that we don't deserve our pet's friendship but they still love us, warts and all ... lol
    rSlash, with respect to your step-dad's dog, I had a dog and four cats and as anyone who's ever owned a cat, knows, they are nature's vomit machines. This crazy dog lived for the moment that the cats would puke and then go to town as if she won the lottery. I could go into more detail but it truly is gross, at least in our world. In hers, it was JACKPOT. Karla, you were a mental case but I loved you nonetheless. I miss you very much ... puke eating and all ...

  • @EonStryker
    @EonStryker Před rokem +17

    Dang, OP in the last story got me to tear up, I'm so happy that OP made the best choice to call her mom. Her day has been made so much better, I'm happy for both of them! I bet she'll soon have a trophy with it saying "#1 Mom!"~

  • @paulineisme
    @paulineisme Před rokem +43

    That last story slapped me like a bitch. He said good morning mom and she started crying and suddenly someone opened up the floodgates. I hope those two have a super happy life

  • @AlexxeMJFAN
    @AlexxeMJFAN Před rokem +66

    The 3rd story was very VERY sad.. I feel so bad for OP and the cat.. i really hope they're going better for a long time.. They deserve happiness.. 💞

    • @pauldwalker
      @pauldwalker Před rokem +3

      That cat is an angel, in feline form.

    • @tjmonkey5795
      @tjmonkey5795 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@pauldwalkerevery cat is

  • @DepFromDiscord
    @DepFromDiscord Před rokem +6

    Story 2: I was thinking this kid was 6-7, thinking “oh. Little kids do stupid stuff sometimes, and he probably didn’t understand the value of the collectible.” But then Dabney read “He’s only 15” and I died.

  • @micheleperkins1956
    @micheleperkins1956 Před rokem +27

    That last story beat the hell outta my feels. Thanks r/slash, you made me cry.

  • @TheBluestflamingos
    @TheBluestflamingos Před rokem +1

    2nd story: honestly OP and her brother deserve a standing ovation for being such mature and sensible adults with a strong moral compass.
    Yes, the brother was being irrational at first, demanding immediate payment from someone who couldn't afford it, but he simmered down and came back with a much more reasonable compromise of his own volition and that's a level of personal responsibility a lot of hotheads lack. Not blowing up in the first place is obviously better, but he was robbed of thousands of dollar and had his property destroyed after graciously showing off his collection, so I can understand losing your temper in those circumstances.
    On ops side, it takes a lot of maturity to be so objective in such an emotional situation, and I give them extra kudos for not downplaying the collectible's value when they admitted that they don't understand geek collecter culture. So many parents would over-protect their kid and tell the adult that their "toy" was garbage just because they don't see it as valuable.
    I hope the boy learns a lesson from those two, instead of doubling down into adulthood.

  • @sz7646
    @sz7646 Před rokem +22

    Wish we hear more stories like the last two! Happy for both OPs, the foster mom, and Lily 🐱😊

  • @rachelmartin3631
    @rachelmartin3631 Před rokem +6

    Cat Story: Yes, cats can help emotionally support you. My girls, Indie and St. Francis, have helped me a ton. Before I got an implant my epileptic seizures were daily occurrences, I'd come out of one with Indie on top of me. She also reminds me to take my meds.
    I got St. Francis in June of last year, and she sleeps on my legs every night. I haven't had many nightmares since. When I do though, she'll bite the crap out of my foot. I give her a pat, say thanks, and go back to sleep.

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar Před rokem +6

    Oof... I knew exactly where that toy theft story was going the moment I read the title. When it said the brother was refusing to take the toy back, there were really only two possibilities: either the son broke it, or he took it out of the package and ruined its collector value.
    I'm glad that OP decided to let the son face the consequences of his actions when he realized his true intentions. That's some commendable parenting.

  • @bobingabout
    @bobingabout Před rokem +2

    The starwars thing didn't make much sense to me at first.
    I collect model trains. They come in boxes. You can take them out, use them, and put them back in the original boxes. Depending on situations, you can actually increase it's value by modifying the model, such as fitting a DCC Decoder.
    So my initial thought was... Can't he just put it back into the box?
    Then I realised, they don't come in boxes, they come on a piece of card with moulded plastic glued to it, and the only real way to remove the toy is to rip the packaging. The packaging is meant to be disposable... It's very strange how disposible packaging holds the main value of a product to collectors.

  • @Jinxycls
    @Jinxycls Před rokem +1

    Wow! This whole episode hit me in the feels. Between the Star Wars collection being ruined (blood boiled at the teen's audacity), the ED helping cat (starting counseling/healing for my own ED), and the adopted son calling the mother "mom" for the first time... I am finally complete! I know how Janice felt with that breakthrough 'mom' calling. There really is nothing like having the child you CHOSE turning around and choosing you, too. I love these Best Of vids! Keep up the great work!

  • @darko-man8549
    @darko-man8549 Před rokem +10

    I’m so glad the OP in story 2 realised that 15 is old enough to realise what he did and to get the report filed. It did take him realising it was planned but it’s something

  • @typhoonhurricane18
    @typhoonhurricane18 Před rokem +8

    1st story: Maybe I'm a little sadistic but I really love stories from parents that are all 'We mistreated our child and now they're an adult and want nothing to do with us!", especially if there's an update where the kid rips into them and lays it all out how terrible they were and why they'll never have a relationship again. I know it sucks for the kid to live that life under those kind of narcissistic parents but seeing them get their comeuppance is pretty great.
    2nd story: I actually cried out "wait, what?" when they got to the age off the son, I was expecting like a toddler or something, but a teen? Hell no.
    3rd story: Pets really are the best people. Enough said.
    4th story: How do you call her mom? Simple, start with making an 'M' sound with your lips....

  • @MJ-iq9ph
    @MJ-iq9ph Před rokem +4

    13:03 I really enjoyed that story. My dog loves to lick the snot and tears off my face when I’m crying. If he’s in another room and he’s me sobbing he’s right there in an instant. If I’m angry, he wags his tail and jumps up on my legs in such a loving and playful way like he’s trying to calm me down. I love my 🐶 so much it hurts…

  • @strandedshooter9686
    @strandedshooter9686 Před rokem +17

    Story 1: there's no way for OP to not be the butthole. He either tells his daughter she can't date someone who she likes that happens to be her brother's bully, or he can do what he did. Either way he's going to be the butthole to somebody.

    • @totalldwarf640
      @totalldwarf640 Před rokem

      Nah telling your daughter not to be a complete utter disrespectful bitch to her brother is not an ahole thing. The right way was taking the sons side. The daughter deserved some shut treatment for daring to even think of dating someone who did that shit to her brother

    • @briannad9155
      @briannad9155 Před rokem +5

      His daughter was 19 when she started dating the dude. She’s an adult at that point. OP had no real say in her dating life.

    • @MrDoverfield
      @MrDoverfield Před rokem

      @@briannad9155 no no no OP is the ahole for not letting the new man of the house make rules for his family

    • @chanterelle483
      @chanterelle483 Před rokem

      @@briannad9155 He could forbid her from bringing the guy to their home.

    • @briannad9155
      @briannad9155 Před rokem +3

      @@chanterelle483 I mean I guess. But it seems like OP’s son is more upset that OP “let” his bully date his sister even though OP doesn’t have a say in that decision

  • @romancatholicgameing
    @romancatholicgameing Před rokem +26

    Story 2: come on kid if you're going to brag to your friend that you purposefully stole $2,000 at least remember to hide or delete the conversation smh /j

    • @Hotdogenthusiast
      @Hotdogenthusiast Před rokem +2

      Two lessons were learned. One, Don’t steal. Two, if you’re gonna steal, don’t brag about it.

    • @jaggedlittlepearl8635
      @jaggedlittlepearl8635 Před rokem

      @@Hotdogenthusiast Yep! You break it up you by it! Also his son is 15. 15 is old enough to know why stealing is wrong.

    • @lifewuzonceezr
      @lifewuzonceezr Před rokem

      The price would have said MINT IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING..that kid is STUPID!

    • @tjmonkey5795
      @tjmonkey5795 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@HotdogenthusiastI know it wasn't that devious lick trend which was just dumb

  • @ajjamsen694
    @ajjamsen694 Před rokem +2

    Boba Fett Story : The whole time, OP keeps talking down about his brother and him being 'nerdy". OP's brother managed to find something to be passionate about and his lil shit stole from him. "No aspirations for family" no, he just wants to make sure he can trust them around his super awesome collectables. You'd think since he looked up Boba Fett and the price, that he'd see TO NOT OPEN THE FETT'S BOX! I'm like OP's brother and if some lil shit did this? 🚨🚔🚨 the kid is almost an adult (😮‍💨) and needs to learn LOOK WITH YOUR EYES, NOT YOUR HANDS and to not steal.
    Lily story : OMG LILy and OP, you guys are QUEEEEEENZ! I know this is meaningless from a complete stranger but I'm so stinking proud of you💜 and you and that precious ball of fluff deserve all the love
    Mom story : ...MY HEART!!! 😭👏😭

  • @musicallydisneyamvs6731
    @musicallydisneyamvs6731 Před rokem +5

    Story 2.) He doesn’t feel bad for defending his 15 year old son for stealing someone else’s property?! But only when he finds out he wanted to sell it in the first place is when he gets upset? WHAT?!

  • @stopaid
    @stopaid Před rokem +3

    I was half listening to the second story in the background and assumed it was a child, like under 10 years old, that had stolen the figure...
    But then I heard he was 15 years old, at 15 years old there is absolutely no excuse regardless of any further information, full stop. Haven't listened to the rest of the updates yet but that kid should be working around the house earning an "allowance" that all goes towards paying for the price of that figure. If he was smart enough to decide to steal it and take it out of it's package, then he's smart enough to work and pay it off.
    Like, if it was a kid under 10 like I originally thought, the brother would've been a little less understandable in threatening to sue immediately, but the kid being 15 changes the entire way I look at the story.
    Holy shit, if you don't understand that you don't do that stuff by 15, you need a life lesson and QUICKLY, because "petty" theft like that will just evolve from there. (And even then, given the worth of the figure, it wouldn't even be considered petty theft in some places if charges were filed...).

  • @chriscarpenter3370
    @chriscarpenter3370 Před rokem +15

    loved the cat story! lily sounds like a great companion.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Před rokem +2

      Wish I had a good pet like that, but I simply can't at this time. As my late Mom's live-in carer the last couple years of her life, I watched her eventually virtually stop eating, eventually passing away. She was so tiny. I'd make her favorite meals, try to encourage her to eat, but nothing worked. A few years later, I was having health troubles myself, and lost the hunger urge, and found I had to force myself to eat. I lost a lot of weight too.
      This cat was able to get her human to eat. A great little friend, beyond just being a pet.

    • @It-is-me...Melsie
      @It-is-me...Melsie Před rokem

      @@lancerevell5979 You sound like you are a very kind person... the sort of person a pet needs.

  • @Thebatcavepetfriendlybakery

    Story 1: i was bullied SEVERELY for most of my childhood. So i understand where the son is coming from. If the bf apologized sincerely and tried to make amends, maybe i can see him being seen as a little petty, but its justified after years of being bullied. And his parents, the people who are supposed to defend him, side with his bully. I can't believe you dont see the issue, OP. Your son deserved better. And he deserves to make the choice to cut you guys off or forgive his bully and move on.
    Personally, i forgave my bullies for inner peace. I will never talk to them again, and i hope if they see me, they will apologize, and i hope your son can do the same. The bf needs to sincerely apologize for his behavior. Your son can react however he wants, laugh, cry, leave, whatever. But an apology is needed.
    Edit: 3rd story: i am sobbing! I struggled with eating disorders, too, and my cat doesn't like me being in the bathroom by myself. He also sits with me while i eat, and if i stop eating, he will put his face in my food and act like hes eating it, ig to show me its yummy and i should eat it? It's what i did to get him to eat foods when he was a picky kitten, and sometimes i still have to do it.

  • @CalemCooper7
    @CalemCooper7 Před rokem +2

    In Story 1, the son didn’t grow out of his abrasive-ness. He escaped a toxic/abusive situation and his brain no longer enters a sort of survival mode around his abusers. Good on the son, the OP is clueless and abusive. The family got everything they deserve, and the fact that they’ll forever be disappointed by not being able to get their relationship back with their son despite their hope to trample his boundaries is the ultimate irony.

  • @miafiolekova5817
    @miafiolekova5817 Před rokem +10

    I loved the last 2 stories, its nice to hear some wholesome stories that give me hope in humanity ❤

  • @samalvarez8776
    @samalvarez8776 Před rokem +7

    The kitty deserves all the cuddles and loves and treats from everyone! We don't deserve our pets and animals.

  • @alexacarrillo4339
    @alexacarrillo4339 Před rokem +1

    When I was pregnant I had something called hyperemesis gravidarum(extreme nausea and vomiting). Our new rescue dog that we got as a friend for our other dog was the only creature that could handle staying with me when I was sick and quickly figured out sleeping on my feet helped with the illness. When I was pregnant with my second child(the Dr at the time told me he doubted the HG would happen again)he herded and took care of my toddler while I threw up for hours. When both were born he did the same herding/entertaining(I was well enough to watch over everything)and came and told me if anything was amiss if they were doing something odd while sleeping(as well as telling me each time my nephew had a ear infection). I think we frequently don’t understand how smart animals are because they don’t have the same type of IQ we do. If anyone wants to know the rescue mislabeled him and a DNA test showed he was a cattle dog which isn’t a great breed in general for kids because they can be nippy. My dog herded his baby cows by blocking them(from trying to say escape from the doggy door their dad left open)or a gentle nose to the head(for adults knee). He also understood way more language than we think of with dogs. When he was old he would come arrroo at me if he couldn’t find his arthritis meds and when I told him where they were he went straight to them.

  • @astrofan1993
    @astrofan1993 Před rokem

    As someone who owns some rather expensive statues and figurines myself, that story about the $2000 Boba Fett figure struck a chord. Not only should that 15 year old kid know better than to steal someone else's property, it infuriated me that he stole it for the purpose of selling it to make a profit. And even when I was just a kid, I knew that once you take something out of it's original packaging, it decreases in value to become almost worthless (unless you keep it and the packaging in good condition, then you might be able to recoup some losses).
    I've always said that if my father, who has been prone to throw out other people's property (even priceless items like Tiffany lamps) because he thinks they're junk, were to throw out any of my statues or figurines, I would take him to court. I don't care if I get kicked out of the house and/or disowned; he has no right to throw out my property, that I paid for with my own money.
    I hope OP's brother is not only able to recoup his monetary losses, but also get a new figurine in as good or better condition than his original one. And I hope OP's son learns the hard way that what he did was wrong. This kid basically committed felony theft, because of the high dollar value of what he stole and basically destroyed, so I can see him going to juvie until he's 18.

  • @dolph1nch1ca46
    @dolph1nch1ca46 Před rokem +3

    Animals are smarter and more sympathetic then we know. Lily is an awesome cat who deserves lots of love.

    • @tjmonkey5795
      @tjmonkey5795 Před 10 měsíci

      I know I'm pretty sure some animals are smarter than humans can some humans are really dumb

  • @TmdXD
    @TmdXD Před rokem +3

    Jesus, the last story was so wholesome and really made my day!!!! Dabney, I would love to listen to a video full of wholesome stories? I mean, the pro revenge, karens and etc are really entertaining and we actually learn from it, but when a wild wholesome story appears, it can be even better. If you may, please put together a video of these kind of stories to see if people would enjoy like I do.
    Also, thank you for all these years of amazing content, i've been a daily listener for a long time now, and I really apreciate your effort. Thank you so much.

  • @rey273
    @rey273 Před rokem +2

    i have a similar story to story 3! my cat helped me with my insomnia in highschool. he would purposely fall asleep on my bed and if i was on the computer or had the lights on he would silently glare at me until i went to bed. it doesnt seem like much but having a healthy sleep schedule is important as a teenager and he probably saved me a bunch of hastle later in life, lol

  • @Flashback007
    @Flashback007 Před rokem +1

    Story 1: I was bullied merciless in elementary school. It was more then 20 years ago. If my sister would today come home with one of my bullies, announce they are dating and my parents would react the same way as OP did, I would cut everyone out of my life.

  • @Turbo_Waitress
    @Turbo_Waitress Před rokem +7

    OP in the first story may not believe Z now, but all too often, a bully who goes unchecked won’t change - they’ll just find a new target. It was easy for Adam to bully their son and them not to care - what happens when he abuses their daughter?

    • @memeking7273
      @memeking7273 Před rokem

      Given their track record. Nothing or tell the daughter to stop being abusive if she fights back

  • @MerlinTWiz
    @MerlinTWiz Před rokem +3

    the cat story broke me. what a sweetie. she was worried for you and you both recovered together ❤

  • @colinekszczecin
    @colinekszczecin Před rokem

    First story: I can't wait for the next update when the sister will be getting married. "We tried to wear him down, but he has more spine than the rest of us combined and won't budge".
    Btw, I got home, popped dinner in the microwave to heat it up, put rslash on, finally got the food, right in time for rSlash'es dog story 😂

  • @snowchrome7289
    @snowchrome7289 Před rokem +1

    Story 2: Stealing a Boba Fett figurine from OP's brother is stooping low. And to steal the figurine to sell it at a pawn shop! That inflamed me. I'm a Star Wars fan, as is the rest of my immediate family. I could never imagine doing this to any of them. OP's son needs to learn not to steal ever again, especially from family.
    Story 3: This touched my heart. It's clear that OP and her cat have a deep bond. Good on OP for conquering her eating disorder, with the help of her fluffy companion. I hope that OP and her kitty live long, happy lives together.

  • @TheWererapter92
    @TheWererapter92 Před rokem +3

    Story 1- pretty easy to see why OP's son is distant, his own parents didn't protect him from a Bully during school, what did OP expect would happen? Bullies in school are the worst.

  • @ellenkortes6420
    @ellenkortes6420 Před rokem +3

    That kitty is something special! Animals are angels.

  • @laurenspicer3259
    @laurenspicer3259 Před rokem +1

    The story about the cat made me smile. Animals are smarter than we give them credit for. I saw a story somewhere of an elderly woman and her dog in Japan. After an earthquake, the dog was demanding to go out. He then led her up a large hill, and when the woman looked back, she immediately realized why. There had been a huge tsunami, and her home was now underwater.

  • @LMSPetRescue
    @LMSPetRescue Před rokem

    3rd story- so this is very sweet, but I also wanted to mention to anyone else who has a cat that either gets distracted at meal times or is a struggle to get to eat, eat with your cat! Cats are social eaters by nature (think of lion documentaries where the whole pride eats a carcass together etc) so it’s hard for some of them to eat alone. Of course every cat is different, but I’m on cat #3 in my life and all of them have been like this. When my family went away on trips our elderly neighbor would come twice a day to sit with them while they ate breakfast and dinner (the neighbor loved it, he knows him and his wife are too old to properly care for a pet everyday now, but he had cats all his life until he started having bad heart problems)

  • @xenaguy01
    @xenaguy01 Před rokem +6

    Story 1: OP is TA. Not for what he's doing now, but for what he did to do when his son was in school. Why did you never speak with your _"good friends,"_ Adam's parents, about his bullying? YTA for not intervening then.

  • @d.phantomfan1216
    @d.phantomfan1216 Před rokem +27

    Story 2: I love how you apologize for discounting your brother started the update blaming your brother for your falling out. You weren't maybe wrong you were wrong, you also weren't defending your son either your undermining your brother's hobby because you don't get it, and 15 is old enough to know not to steal from people. Especially the people that let you into their home as a sign of trust. Also just because you don't think something is worth that much doesn't change the fact that it is and you don't get to try and lower the price for your benefits, your brother was nice enough not to press charges and honestly I wish he did because he had every right to be mad.

  • @Torsin2000
    @Torsin2000 Před rokem

    First story, is more difficult than the op and rSlash make it out. Ultimately it seems like the OP, his wife and daughter were more dismissive of their son/brother than the story goes into. On the one hand you can't just tell your daughter she needs to break up with her boyfriend because he picks on her brother; on the other hand they could have told her that the boyfriend was not welcome in their house. It also seems like they ignored the bullying for years anyway to maintain their friendship with the bully's parents, which means it is not just the indifference of the father to his daughter's boyfriend, that was just the tipping point in a long number of interactions where the parents never supported or stood up for their son.

  • @MatsuyoRific
    @MatsuyoRific Před rokem

    That third story just makes me think of the anime My Roomate Is A Cat, where the cat saw that her human wasn't eating, so she did EVERYTHING she could think of to make sure he ate. She brought him some of her food, and even had moments where she would refuse to eat until he ate. Half of each episode is told from his POV, and the other is the cat's. It's a super cute and wholesome series, and I highly recommend it.

  • @VergilTheLegendaryDarkSlayer

    Story 2
    That wasn't harsh
    What would be harsh is if you sell everything your son owns, ask your brother to file a police report so get goes to prison for grand theft

  • @Mario-SunshineGalaxy64
    @Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 Před rokem +10

    Considering the way the second OP writes about his brother, I'm not surprised his kid behaves that way or has no respect for uncle. Apple didn't fall far from the tree just by seeing how judgmental OP is of his brother and his hobbies. It’s hilarious that OP thinks he’s superior to his brother, the “single nerdy guy who has no aspiration for family”, even though he’s the one that raised a thief that backstabs family members in the dumbest way possible.

    • @Avermra
      @Avermra Před rokem +2

      It also always gets me that this keeps happening
      someone/someone's kid (OP) take/damage someone's collectible that has verified market value
      the collectible's owner wants them to pay that value
      OP thinks they are overreacting

    • @Hotdogenthusiast
      @Hotdogenthusiast Před rokem

      Disagree. There’s nothing wrong with admitting someone’s hobbies are classically nerdy. He also admited his faults in the edit. He even approved getting the police involved against his own son.

    • @Avermra
      @Avermra Před rokem +1

      @@Hotdogenthusiast it's one thing to make fun yourself and say something is nerdy.
      What do you mean by "admitting" for someone else and call them nerdy? That's not admitting, that's judging.

    • @Hotdogenthusiast
      @Hotdogenthusiast Před rokem

      @@Avermra i think it’s possibly just an umbrella term for a large variety of interests. Collections of figurines of different franchises like Star Wars, power rangers, etc. Movie banners, posters, signed stuff. Things that are not classically sporty and more “nerdy”.
      OP might not have known the specific franchise or niche collection, or didn’t want to explain the specifics of the situation and just used the word nerdy for us to understand.

  • @ThatChargerPursuitGuy
    @ThatChargerPursuitGuy Před rokem +1

    "Cats don't show as much love and affection as dogs"
    3rd Story cat: "We ride together, we die together."

  • @inkpen7157
    @inkpen7157 Před rokem +2

    ive watched every single rSlash video more than once, but story 3 is the first to make me cry

  • @rukiakuchiki6187
    @rukiakuchiki6187 Před rokem +4

    Wait wait what the dad supported the son's bully!? That's what

  • @9elypses
    @9elypses Před rokem +9

    Good morning friends. Be safe and be well today 💜

  • @gingerfiz291
    @gingerfiz291 Před rokem +1

    OH MY GOD THAT SECOND STORY! Here i was thinking it was like a 5 year old that took the figurine. I would have been a little understanding because 5 year olds dont fully grasp the idea of stealing yet. But a 15 YEAR OLD!? He definetely knew what he was doing! He was aware that this was an expensive collectible, he was aware that it didn't belong to him! Op saying that his son is only 15 is rediculous! He's 3 years away from being an adult! The brother has every right to demand compensation. Heck, the son can get a job to repay it! If the parents aren't going to dicipline their son then the brother should totally go to the police!

  • @SakoiyaChan
    @SakoiyaChan Před rokem +1

    In the first story, OP mentioned that his son would use intimidation to get what he wanted.
    In my experience, when someone does that, it's because they believe that if they don't use an extreme method to get someone's attention, they won't be heard, that they'll be ignored.
    OP, his wife and daughter's actions have made OP's son believe he has to use intimidation to be heard and that's just screwed up.

  • @I.cant.think.
    @I.cant.think. Před rokem +40

    Good morning everyone

  • @PineappleMacy
    @PineappleMacy Před rokem +12

    Good morning rSLASH crew!!!

  • @mr_dnd
    @mr_dnd Před rokem +1

    Story 1
    Imagine showing your son that you tolerate/allow a bully into your son's life, show the child that, essentially," bullying is ok"... then acting surprised that the son started exhibiting traditionally bullying behaviour (aggression, etc)

  • @TheMulti-Divergent
    @TheMulti-Divergent Před rokem +1

    Story one: The thing that rubbed me the wrong way was at the end when the son said "as much baseline contact as well have. You'll always be on the outside looking in on my life". Making it clear he dosent want his parents in his life. But the parents say "we hope this will be a chance to rebuild a relationship" that was there takeaway.

  • @SoManyRandomRamblings
    @SoManyRandomRamblings Před rokem +4

    Story 1: the way that OP & his wife viewed how Zach should handle being bullied....I bet that they were bullies themselves back in school.

  • @munchie3909
    @munchie3909 Před rokem +9

    Your wife and him were close? Doubt since she chose the bully over him so easily.

  • @kaceycoleman2201
    @kaceycoleman2201 Před rokem

    The cat story had me balling! My dog helped me through knee surgery and anorexia recovery, constantly cuddling me when I was in pain. Also on days when I'm depressed, it's like she knows because she comes up to me and cuddles me and brings me all of her toys.
    We don't deserve our pets, but hopefully I can somewhat return the favor through lots of treats and pets.

  • @goawayimhigh
    @goawayimhigh Před rokem

    the cat story really hit home, as someone who’s struggled with eating disorders, we really don’t deserve animals, they’re so smart, and kind, and they don’t judge you, they’re the perfect cuddle therapist

  • @RollingStar04
    @RollingStar04 Před rokem +13

    Let me rephrase the the title for the first story AITA for being a DOORMAT?
    Was the relationship for Adam and his family worth losing his son's relationship?