CurryKitten GameDev
CurryKitten GameDev
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MIN-0 Devlog #4: Transitioning between scenes and thinking about global data
In this Devlog I'm trying to come up with a decent way of transitioning between scenes while keeping the data about the ship speed/heading etc intact - else all this would be lost when the previous scene unloads. In a similar vein, I also investigate the idea of a non-respawning vs a respawning pickup and consider the way to implement this.
#gamedev #programming #coding #pixelart #devlog #godot #tutorial
zhlédnutí: 301


MIN-0 Devlog #3: Shooting, making explosions, opening doors and spending a long time raycasting!
zhlédnutí 83Před měsícem
In this Devlog I'm learning more about how Godot handles child instances of scenes... and frankly finding it a bit of a pain. I also discover that the inbuilt collider code for an Area2D node doesn't really work for me where fast bullets are concerned and so spend a LOT of time in raycast hell. #gamedev #programming #coding #pixelart #devlog #godot
MIN-0 Devlog #2: Testing movement, fixing jitter and struggling with parallax backgrounds
zhlédnutí 96Před měsícem
In this Devlog I'm working on making sure the movement feels right - is the ship fast enough, but not too fast, can I feel like I'm drifting around the course. I'm also trying to expand the tileset to support more variation in the course which brings it's own issues. #gamedev #programming #coding #pixelart #devlog #godot
MIN-0 Devlog #1: The idea, the who am I anyway, and the start of prototyping
zhlédnutí 448Před 2 měsíci
Howdy, and welcome to the first dev log of my MIN-0 project. In this first video, I want to lay out a general idea of the game, tell you something about myself, and then start on the basics of prototyping. Yes, I know the graphics are beyond awful. But in prototyping, you can pretty much move a rough blob around if you can use it to test a concept out. That said, quite how I'm going to learn to...


  • @Garmichael1
    @Garmichael1 Před 22 dny

    I'm still learning Godot myself so take this as just brainstorming musing. But I wonder if you could just toggle the rigid body on only when you're touching the ground, and toggle it off to maintain that tight retro control without it. otherwise. I am also not a fan of physics based character controllers. They tend to feel sloppy as a player, and difficult to tune as a designer.

  • @aaronlinell3916
    @aaronlinell3916 Před měsícem

    I agree with your assessment about how tabbed code blocks can cause editing and reading mistakes

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před 29 dny

      I'd love an option to use curly braces instead, but for now I'll just have to be very careful

  • @Skeffles
    @Skeffles Před měsícem

    Fantastic to see how you've handled scene transitions. This is something I've never tried in godot so I will remember this if I ever need it.

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      Thanks - hope it'll be useful. This is just my idea of how to do it for now, but it seems to work well. Once things scale up, we'll see if any changes need to be made :)

  • @scaffus
    @scaffus Před měsícem

    Very cool to hear your thought process!

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      Thanks - it's a bit for my reference as well. I normally keep a log of what I do when making something like a game just in case I spot something and wonder why I've done that :)

    • @scaffus
      @scaffus Před měsícem

      ​@@currykittengamedev ahah, video version control, neat

  • @connormoore8430
    @connormoore8430 Před měsícem

    Could you "extend" the render distance by shrinking the viewing window? Or does the game only load what you can see?

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      For the particles you mean? I have fixed that - and realised i forgot to mention it in the next devlog. I found with particles there's a visibility rect - essentially a small rectangle. If this rectangle is outside the viewport of the main screen, then the particles aren't drawn. The solution here was to simply extend the visability rect so the particles would always be drawn. There's obviously a potential performance hit here if you have huge amounts of crazy particle effects going on in places you can't see - but in this case, the life time is fairly short.

    • @JamesLaChance1
      @JamesLaChance1 Před měsícem

      ​@@currykittengamedevAs you said it probably won't matter too much for performance on a project like this but just to be clear in case you didn't know: If you select the particle node in the editor (looks like in this video you called it hitParticle) under [2D 3D Script AssetLib] by [View] if you click GPUParticles2D then click Generate Visibility Rect it'll size it automatically which helps since for ideal performance you want it sized directly around your effect so it's not drawing when it doesn't need to but manually sizing it could be annoying. Btw if you ever end up using _draw() you'll run into that too where the node won't draw if it's offscreen so you want the node sized to whatever you're drawing (or bigger than what you're drawing if you're not worried about performance)

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      @@JamesLaChance1 Aha - that would be very useful. Thanks for that I'll use it for the next particle (or when I redo the slightly over the top one I have!)

  • @anderslarsson4252
    @anderslarsson4252 Před měsícem

    Very interesting devlog! Currently learning godot myself, looking forward to seeing more entries in your log.

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      Thank! There's a few more devlogs already on the channel. There's some interesting things in Godot that aren't available anywhere else - like I just discovered putting scenes into groups so that you can call a method on all of them from your parent scene.

    • @anderslarsson4252
      @anderslarsson4252 Před měsícem

      Well how about that! I will read up on that right away, it sounds useful for my current project.

  • @AvexFuddle
    @AvexFuddle Před měsícem

    I don’t think you need to worry about graphics yet, the physics and controls look cool 👍

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      Cheers - yes, I'm quite pleased I didn't focus on the graphics. I still may go for a completely different look yet. Thinking of something handdrawn rather than "proper" pizel art

  • @BenScarboro
    @BenScarboro Před měsícem

    I'm liking this, a glimpse in to your mind... Plus, something I've been meaning to do for a while, so I will enjoy following along :)

    • @currykittengamedev
      @currykittengamedev Před měsícem

      Cheers :D It's an interesting process - gets the old grey matter working a bit more, and it's kind of like trying to solve a series of daily issues !

    • @BenScarboro
      @BenScarboro Před měsícem

      @@currykittengamedev The solving problems every day is the part I like. As you say, keeps the 'ol grey matter running.

  • @snakecaseofficial
    @snakecaseofficial Před měsícem

    Hi CurryKitten, just found your DevLog. I currently prototyping a platformer-pinball hybrid (like sonic spinball) in Godot. Your tilemap pattern looks interesting like as inspiration for mine. keep going :)