Precision Movement
Precision Movement
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5 Movements EVERYONE Should Master for Pain-Free Knees
Ready for healthy and pain-free knees to last a lifetime? Learn (and then master) these simple mechanical movements to keep your knees in good alignment and avoid wear and tear that will eventually turn into pain.
If you're having knee pain right now, we have a few other videos to help you settle that pain and get you headed in the right direction for healing. Here, we're focusing on what you need to do after recovery, or if you were never seriously injured, to stay that way. If you don't have any knee pain but don't have much ankle range of motion, this is a good place to start, too.
First, Coach E covers what your knees actually need to keep themselves in good shape.
For the first exercise, you'll need a foam roller. It doesn't matter which one, but Coach E uses a 5" diameter one for this video.
You will want a yoga block (but a rolled-up towel or pair of pants work well, too) just in case your hamstrings tend to cramp in the second exercise. Coach E demonstrates the exercise with the cues here, but if you want to really understand the why and how of your VMO's importance, click the link to the quadriceps video below.
Finally, you can add some weight to the fifth exercise if you can do it well with body weight only.
Do this routine a few times a week or every other day, if you want to be organized about it. Keep it up for several weeks, and your knees will be on their way to a good baseline strength and range of motion, helping prevent injury in whatever you love to do.
If you liked this routine, tap those like, subscribe, and notify buttons. You'll be the first to know about what Coach E and/or Dr. B cook up each week to help us all move freely and without pain, for life.
00:00 - Intro
00:44 - What do we need for pain-free knees?
04:20 - Exercise 1: Extended Knee Ankle Fl-Ex
06:40 - Exercise 2: Short Ham Hip Extension
09:42 - Exercise 3: Supine Tibial Rotation
11:58 - Exercise 4: Short & Skinny Foot / Metatarsal Pressure
14:55 - Exercise 5: Reverse Lunge
17:50 - Routine summary
18:30 - Next steps
4 Quadriceps (VMO) Strengthening Exercises for Painful Knees:
How To Wake Up Your DEAD Feet (3 Exercises for Arch Strengthening):
Knee Pain Solution: - our improved course is based on peer-reviewed research and designed to get you moving freely ASAP. Proven to decrease pain, improve activity participation, and build resilience, all in an at-home 20-minute routine.
ROM Coach app (free!):​ - our beautiful mobile app to improve your mobility and help you achieve movement longevity, includes the Daily Movement Tuneup and gives you 3 new exercises that will activate every muscle and mobilize every joint in your body every 1-2 weeks (only 3-5 mins/day!)
Medical Disclaimer
The medical information on any/all of our content is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.
zhlédnutí: 8 089


Tight Psoas? Don't Stretch, Do These 5 Key Exercises [FOLLOW ALONG]
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Get Leg or Hamstring Cramps? Learn Why and How to Fix Them for GOOD!
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[FOLLOW ALONG] How to Fix Upper Back / Rhomboid Pain for GOOD
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Trouble Keeping Glutes on with Squats? YOU NEED THESE EXERCISES!
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1 POWERFUL Exercise for Hip and Knee Pain (Functional Integration)
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Learn one easy exercise combining seven elements to ease your hip pain. It's a functional integration technique, so committing it to muscle memory will keep your hips healthy every time you move. Whether you have SI joint pain, anterior hip pain, short hamstrings, poor glute activation, or even knee pain, this is a great place to start building healthy movement patterns. You won't need any equi...
4 Exercises to Fix Front Shoulder Pain for GOOD
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The Best 3 Exercises to Increase Hip MOBILITY (Not Flexibility!)
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Static stretching can actually make you more prone to hip injury. Instead, learn why increasing hip mobility (not flexibility) boosts your range of motion and overall hip health. Then, follow along with three easy exercises to get your hips feeling good. First, what is the difference between flexibility and mobility? Coach E dives into the background of hip mobility and why being able to move u...
4 Exercises to Fix Your Hip Shift [Stabilize Your Hips!]
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How Your Poor Tibial Rotation TRASHES Your Knees (esp. Meniscus & ACL)
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Neglecting tibial rotation can start with worse performance but then progress into meniscus and ACL pain, tears, and degeneration. Ligaments are similar to muscles and tendons in that they need some stress to maintain their strength and pliability. Without good tibial rotation, the meniscus can't properly absorb the force transferring up every time you put a foot on the ground. The ACL can't ha...
6 Movements EVERYONE Should Master for Pain-Free Hips
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INTERESTED IN OUR CERTIFICATION? Click here: If your hips are stiff or sore, this routine will only take you about 5 minutes a day to reactivate the muscles and get them healthy. If you spend long hours at a desk, your glutes are napping. They won't have the strength to help you out when you need to squat, run, or other explosive leg power. Exer...
STOP Stretching Your Tight Lower Back (Follow These 2 Keys Instead)
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What should you do about your tight lower back? It’s not stretching! Why? You might have tried stretching before and felt better afterwards … for a while. More likely, you’re prolonging the low back tightness or even making it worse. Coach E details four points of why you shouldn’t stretch and what to do instead. Since this is a background info video, you’ll want to click on the links below tha...
3 Lower Body Exercises for Core & Hip Rotation (POWER in Golf, Tennis etc)
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The rotational plane of movement is one of the most neglected for athletes and enthusiasts. You'll learn how to wake up these neglected muscles to both keep doing what you love without injury and, if you're an athlete, improve your performance. The rotational or transverse plane of movement is the most important plane of movement when it comes to generating power and speed in a sport. These mus...
5 Science-Based Exercises for SPRAINED ANKLE Rehab
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Shoulder Impingement PAIN RELIEF in 5 Minutes (Faster than Tylenol?!?)
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Shoulder Impingement PAIN RELIEF in 5 Minutes (Faster than Tylenol?!?)
4 Exercises to Fix Quadriceps Strains, Tendonitis & Tears for GOOD
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4 Exercises to Fix Quadriceps Strains, Tendonitis & Tears for GOOD
3 Main Reasons for a Stiff, Painful Neck (and the SOLUTION)
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3 Main Reasons for a Stiff, Painful Neck (and the SOLUTION)
NECK CRACKING: Should You (or a Chiropractor) Crack Your Neck?
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NECK CRACKING: Should You (or a Chiropractor) Crack Your Neck?
3 SAFE Exercises for a Pinched Nerve in Neck (Cervical Radiculopathy)
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3 SAFE Exercises for a Pinched Nerve in Neck (Cervical Radiculopathy)
Advanced Hip Flexor Psoas Pain & Injury Exercises (MUST for Athletes)
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Advanced Hip Flexor Psoas Pain & Injury Exercises (MUST for Athletes)
NEW Hip Internal and External Rotation Exercise for⬆️ Strength & Range
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NEW Hip Internal and External Rotation Exercise for⬆️ Strength & Range
Don't Get a PRP Injection Without THIS or you're wasting time and $$
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Don't Get a PRP Injection Without THIS or you're wasting time and $$
How to Make Good Posture STICK (Unique Technique)
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How to Make Good Posture STICK (Unique Technique)
MISSING LINK to Improve Balance, Prevent Injuries and Falls AGES 50+
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MISSING LINK to Improve Balance, Prevent Injuries and Falls AGES 50
How to Wake Up Your DEAD Feet (3 Exercises for Arch Strengthening)
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How to Wake Up Your DEAD Feet (3 Exercises for Arch Strengthening)
RELEASE Upper Trapezius & Levator Scapulae Muscle Tension FOR GOOD
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RELEASE Upper Trapezius & Levator Scapulae Muscle Tension FOR GOOD
How to Avoid the #1 BIGGEST RISK of Cortisone Injections
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How to Avoid the #1 BIGGEST RISK of Cortisone Injections
3 NEW Exercises for Adductor Strength, Length & Transfer to Sport
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3 NEW Exercises for Adductor Strength, Length & Transfer to Sport
4 Minute Core & Leg Stability Ball Workout
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4 Minute Core & Leg Stability Ball Workout


  • @re-de
    @re-de Před 6 hodinami

    I have persistent muscle spasms in my lower back and i found out i just herniated a disc. All of a sudden i also developed spasms in my neck and i have 3 bulging discs . The pain i’m in is unbelievable, stretches are not helping, neither are muscle relaxers i just don’t know what to do.

  • @steveaustin1887
    @steveaustin1887 Před 6 hodinami

    I’m a little scared to try it just pushing on the groin is excruciating pain or raising my foot up and I been having it for about 3 years now .. very athletic used to play a lot of different sports. Been in and out the doctors for years and they can’t find anything nor for my internal pain

  • @ugenegareth9339
    @ugenegareth9339 Před 8 hodinami

    I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, show this also to thy servant: whether after death, as soon as every one of us yields up his soul, we shall be kept in rest until those times come when thou wilt renew the creation, or whether we shall be tormented at once?" 76 He answered me and said, "I will show you that also, but do not be associated with those who have shown scorn, nor number yourself among those who are tormented. 77 For you have a treasure of works laid up with the Most High; but it will not be shown to you until the last times. 78 Now, concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone forth from the Most High that a man shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to him who gave it, first of all it adores the glory of the Most High. 79 And if it is one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, and who have despised his law, and who have hated those who fear the Most High -- 80 such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, ever grieving and sad, in seven ways. 81 The first way, because they have scorned the law of the Most High. 82 The second way, because they cannot now make a good repentance that they may live. 83 The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the covenants of the Most High. 84 The fourth way, they shall consider the torment laid up for themselves in the last days. 85 The fifth way, they shall see how the habitations of the others are guarded by angels in profound quiet. 86 The sixth way, they shall see how some of them will pass over into torments. 87 The seventh way, which is worse than all the ways that have been mentioned, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the glory of the Most High before whom they sinned while they were alive, and before whom they are to be judged in the last times. 88 "Now this is the order of those who have kept the ways of the Most High, when they shall be separated from their mortal body. 89 During the time that they lived in it, they laboriously served the Most High, and withstood danger every hour, that they might keep the law of the Lawgiver perfectly. 90 Therefore this is the teaching concerning them: 91 First of all, they shall see with great joy the glory of him who receives them, for they shall have rest in seven orders. 92 The first order, because they have striven with great effort to overcome the evil thought which was formed with them, that it might not lead them astray from life into death. 93 The second order, because they see the perplexity in which the souls of the unrighteous wander, and the punishment that awaits them. 94 The third order, they see the witness which he who formed them bears concerning them, that while they were alive they kept the law which was given them in trust. 95 The fourth order, they understand the rest which they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and guarded by angels in profound quiet, and the glory which awaits them in the last days. 96 The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible, and shall inherit what is to come; and besides they see the straits and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious liberty which they are to receive and enjoy in immortality. 97 The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on. 98 The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been mentioned, because they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they hasten to behold the face of him whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when glorified. 99 This is the order of the souls of the righteous, as henceforth is announced; and the aforesaid are the ways of torment which those who would not give heed shall suffer hereafter." 100 I answered and said, "Will time therefore be given to the souls, after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me?" 101 He said to me, "They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see the things of which you have been told, and afterwards they shall be gathered in their habitations." 102 I answered and said, "If I have found favor in thy sight, show further to me, thy servant, whether on the day of judgment the righteous will be able to intercede for the unrighteous or to entreat the Most High for them, 103 fathers for sons or sons for parents, brothers for brothers, relatives for their kinsmen, or friends for those who are most dear." 104 He answered me and said, "Since you have found favor in my sight, I will show you this also. The day of judgment is decisive and displays to all the seal of truth. Just as now a father does not send his son, or a son his father, or a master his servant, or a friend his dearest friend, to be ill or sleep or eat or be healed in his stead, 105 so no one shall ever pray for another on that day, neither shall any one lay a burden on another; for then every one shall bear his own righteousness and unrighteousness." .....2 Esdras 7:75 ////

  • @heavymetalweld805
    @heavymetalweld805 Před 14 hodinami

    I tore my rotator cuff trying to push a 4yd garbage container onto a trailer. My feet slipped one way and my upper body went the other. Basically my feet slipped out sideways. Like a dumbass I didnt report it happening. So I never got the treatment I needed.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 13 hodinami

      Ouch! We are here for you! The Shoulder Pain Solution program was designed with people like you in mind. Take a look and let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @gmatchok4602
    @gmatchok4602 Před 15 hodinami

    Wow, this video helped me because every time I bent over and squated I kept my pelvis in neutral. I thought that is what we did with the stick on the back. This is life changing by allowing the pelvis to tilt.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 13 hodinami

      That is awesome to read! Thanks so much for trying it out and letting us know how it goes :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @AndoStyle
    @AndoStyle Před 16 hodinami


  • @285frankie
    @285frankie Před 17 hodinami

    Amazing, I actually felt emotional release right the first time when I did your exercises as my PSOAS was really tight from stress and anxiety.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 13 hodinami

      That is brilliant. We are so happy that our content reached you in that way. Thanks for stopping by to try out the exericses and comment. We really, really appreciate your trust. Let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @ianradford502
    @ianradford502 Před 19 hodinami

    Hey coach. You helped me with my "pickleball elbow." I altered the amount of play time and do the exercises you teach once or twice a week. The muscle/tendon is healed, but now there's pain in my elbow joint. Awesome occasional pain while doing stuff or just laying on the couch holding my phone. Any thoughts? And thank you again for your work.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 18 hodinami

      Hi and thanks for reaching out to us again. We really appeciate the trust. Try these out next: Let us know how it goes :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

    • @ianradford502
      @ianradford502 Před 13 hodinami

      @@PrecisionMovementCoach Okey-Doke. Look forward to doing it. And I downloaded the Rom App. Will let you know how it goes.

  • @changegeek4553
    @changegeek4553 Před 20 hodinami

    Excellent guidance. Thank you so much!

  • @phishfan
    @phishfan Před dnem

    Great stuff Eric. Really enjoying your channel. As an RMT in BC this content is primo- and also as a very active runner/hiker etc with a lot of injuries in the LE this is personally valuable to my self care. Your thought process behind your approach is so interesting and I can take a lot of it into my own practice when treating patients.

  • @ShevonFernando-bo1cr

    Ive got thoracic scoliosis and kyohosis, with my spine curvature causing this huge rib hump where ny rhomboid muscle should be. Im a student trying to get through highschool and the pain is leaving me unable to use my dominant hand to write and study. Im going to diligently do these exercises in hopes of these exercises relieving the rhomboid muscle pain and being able to continue with my academic life.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 20 hodinami

      Hi and thanks for stopping by. We've got you covered. This exercises are a good start and also check these out: Let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @kingjoffreyownsyou6032

    Can I do this while doing other exercises recommended by my PT. Not sure if I want to over work these muscles

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 20 hodinami

      Great question. We can't comment without knowing what they've prescribed. How about you show them our exercises and see what they say? Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

    • @kingjoffreyownsyou6032
      @kingjoffreyownsyou6032 Před 3 hodinami

      @@PrecisionMovementCoachSure thing. Another question, should I these exercises once a day? Or just a couple times a week. I just discovered and began my PT 4 days ago so this is new to me. Thanks!

  • @LisaRyanHealthyFit

    Glad I found your videos and channel, Eric. Super helpful.

  • @shamylababer6484
    @shamylababer6484 Před dnem

    Thanks a lot bro 🙏🏽

  • @Allgood784
    @Allgood784 Před dnem

    Jurassic Hyposis I’m my case! Love this stuff. Expert lecture and explanation.😂❤

  • @Chhhatrapal
    @Chhhatrapal Před dnem

    I had an injury doing Segmental thoracic Mob using a foam roller. It is the second time for the injury but in a different area. First was neck, now rhomboid. Now I have pain, and I am looking for relief. What exercise I should do. Should I drop the exercise?

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 20 hodinami

      Yikes. Sounds like you may have overdone it. How about you try again, but this time use something with a smaller diameter like a rolled up hand towel? Let us know what you think :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @kimberlytrikich1147

    Can this be done effectively sitting ? Just wondering.......

  • @kilgoretrout321
    @kilgoretrout321 Před dnem

    I've been going through all your shoulder videos. Just for clarity, which of your shoulder exercises do you not recommend for tendinosis in the rotator cuff tendons and long head of the biceps? I'm actually in my 30s, so I'm hoping that I can lessen whatever tension I'm submitting those tendons do so they can heal as much as possible. Also, any advice on scar tissue or whatever? I read that tendinosis means that my tendons are all mangled because the fibers havent healed in the proper direction, or whatever (I'm trying to retain this new info as best I can).

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 20 hodinami

      To be honest, it sounds like you need something more comprehensive. Cherry picking exercises from free content can only take you so far. The Shoulder Pain Solution program was designed with people like you in mind. Take a look and let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

    • @kilgoretrout321
      @kilgoretrout321 Před 12 hodinami

      @@PrecisionMovementCoach aw man, that's kind of a bummer to me. I've been making progress doing the exercises, but I just thought I'd double check if there's any I shouldn't do since you say in this video something like that 90% are not going to put too much pressure on the tendons; I wondered about the 10% that do, but maybe I took that too literally. I'm not in a position to spend money right now, but I'll look at that as an option going forward. Thank you!

  • @lyndonhendricks3852

    is it safe to do these stretches, child post every morning, the cobra, standing puppy, the scorpion and the bridge?

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Hi and great question. Those stretches will be ineffective. Try out the exercises in our video instead. Let us know how they go :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @sabsbathurst
    @sabsbathurst Před dnem

    Wow, this has made a difference already! I was told the pain was caused by tennis elbow but the exercises I found for that didn't work (and were very different). So glad I found this video as this has really helped.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Glad it helped! Thanks for stopping by to try it out. Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @PrRout
    @PrRout Před dnem

    I am feeling pain doing this. But I think it’s because my hands are already painful. May be if I continue, I will get better results.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Hi and thanks for trying it out. Stop doing any exericse that causes pain or that you cannot modify in order to do it pain-free no matter how small the movement is :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @ss-uz6kg
    @ss-uz6kg Před dnem

    Can this exercise done for already tored partial supraspinatus muscle ??

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Great question. Potentially, yes. Buuuut please make sure to get clearance from your primary care physician or rehabilitation specialist before you get started. Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @sevinfurly9346
    @sevinfurly9346 Před dnem

    Does these exercises help with anterior pelvic tilt?

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Love that question. Potentially, yes. Include these ones and you can make a lot of progress with that issue: Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @a.p5413
    @a.p5413 Před dnem

    It hurts when i try to straighten my hands Is it till bicep tendonitis? Im sacred if i try something it will torn apart 😢 Im only 17

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Hi! We are here for you. It's hard to say what the exact issue is from our vantage point. You will be safe if you move very slowly and stay in complete control. Back off if you feel sharp pain. Let us know how it goes :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @OscarGonzalez-vg3cp

    Thanks for helping. Body health is important. Good video.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      You are so welcome and thanks for trying it out. Let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @C1Mastermaukka
    @C1Mastermaukka Před dnem

    this is awesome. immediately noticed lacking connection to solas muscle on one side

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      So glad that you think so! Keep working on it and you will improve with time and practice. Thanks for trying it out and commenting :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @manhaj-as-salafiyyah898

    Can i still train other upper body muscles whilst doing these?

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Yes, but stop doing anything that causes more pain or that you cannot modify in order to do it pain-free no matter how small the movement is. Thanks for stopping by and keep us posted on your progress :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @payalmerchant5736
    @payalmerchant5736 Před 2 dny

    How to avoid hip joint inflammation while doing this exercises? I am 1yr post hip arthroscopy to repair a labral tear + ligament teres. I am still struggling with rehab as everything I do, I end with pain

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Hi, and thanks for sharing your story. We are here to help. Please start doing this regularly: Next, get started on the Hip Pain Solution program. Our free content is good, but you need a very comprehensive plan that will help you to address multiple root causes of your issue: Take a look and let us know if you ever have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @timothynguyen1183
    @timothynguyen1183 Před 2 dny

    A lot of “stretching” videos out there for sure! Thanks for this video, I’ve been having piriformis and sciatica pain while playing tennis which is huge rotational sport so right at your introduction I knew this video was for me haha. Will be incorporating these tomorrow for my leg day

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Glad it was helpful! We are so glad that you found it and thanks for trying it out. Let us know how it goes and if you have and more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @ayoo25mundo
    @ayoo25mundo Před 2 dny

    awesome 🔥

  • @MuhammadBarati-op5zx

    Could you possibly help me diagnose my problem? My right shoulder used to hut during push ups and dumbell lateral raises but was ok with all other exercises such as lateral cable raises . I stopped working out and pain was got until I started with leg day and after doing leg Smith squad my shoulder hurts for almost 2 weeks .mostly in back and middle parts also my upper and lateral parts of my arm hurts as well . My pain is very mild and some times no pain at all

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Thanks for sharing your story and visiting our channel. Did you try out the tests? Let us know some more info so we can assist you better :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @maryamsheykhanian434

    This is most precise exercise I see lately

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Eric really hit the mark when naming the company, eh ;) ? Thanks for stopping by and commenting! We are here if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @ivanmytube
    @ivanmytube Před 2 dny

    Many years ago, I had alternate shoulder pain, left on odd years and right should on even years. I was diagnosed minor tears on both supreaspinatus and received physiotherapy. A year later, the pain became severe and finally MRI revealed 90% full thickness tear and immediate surgery was needed on the rotator cuff and biceps. It took two years for the right shoulder to recover. I dare not to do physiotherapy on my left shoulder till now.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      We are here for you! The Shoulder Pain Solution program was designed with people like you in mind. Take a look and let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @user-oz4mp9sq5h
    @user-oz4mp9sq5h Před 2 dny

    How do you know the psoas is active when doing the hold

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před dnem

      Great question! It is tricky to feel the activation immediately. With time and practice you will be able to tune into it better. The beauty of the exercises is that they work even if you can't feel it. Keep working on them and you will make progress :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @MaMaPaPa-gk1le
    @MaMaPaPa-gk1le Před 2 dny

    First: Coach E, many thanks for all of your Videos! I have CAM Impingement and was doing your other Exercises (Release TFL, 4 Point Hip Mobilization etc.). It helped me already after 2 weeks of training! Question: Is the last exercise recommended for people with CAM Impingement? I need to realign my hip joints from being outside (causing outside hip pain when e.g. High Kicking) to being more centric! I have tight TFLs and week Adductors.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Glad to hear our content is helping you! However, while it's great (and free!), it's still just a band-aid. If you want to get to the root causes of the pain so it stops coming back - and doesn't get or turn into something worse - check out our Hip Pain Solution program at Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @elizabethalarcon2079

    Thank you soo much this was so helpful ❤❤

  • @Neogeddon
    @Neogeddon Před 2 dny

    Are these safe if I have lumbar scoliosis? I find it really difficult to attain and maintain a neutral spinal position. I kind of can, but it feels like it takes all of my mental effort to do so.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Hi and great question! They are safe as long as they do not cause pain or you cannot modify them in order to do them pain-free. Thanks for trying them out and keep us posted on your progress :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

    • @Neogeddon
      @Neogeddon Před 2 dny

      @@PrecisionMovementCoach Thank you!! :]

  • @01lsw
    @01lsw Před 2 dny

    Yes, I've just done it. It's tough. But will definitely include in my usual strength routine.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Great job! Thanks for trying it out and for letting us know :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @robinmentch1351
    @robinmentch1351 Před 2 dny

    Wow!!! MY wrist feels so much better !! I had the same injury and I do transcription and so my wrist is a mess. This helped immediately!! Thank you so much!

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Brilliant! Thanks so much for trying it out and commenting. We are here if you ever need more support :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @01lsw
    @01lsw Před 2 dny

    Thank you for this vid. It works like magic. The groin tightness and the pain has gone after doing the suggested 4 exercises.

  • @zappacats580
    @zappacats580 Před 2 dny

    Thank you so much !

  • @ReginaLesley-vp4oc
    @ReginaLesley-vp4oc Před 2 dny

    What if you have arthritis in it too

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Hi and great question! In that case, follow the instructions as best as you can according to your currently capabilities. Thanks for trying it out and commenting. Keep us posted on your progress :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @iansullivan3900
    @iansullivan3900 Před 2 dny

    Hi, the exercises are really helping my posture. I can feel my neck standing up straight right after I’m doing them when I do the walling I noticed that when I tilt to the right a little bit, I feel a tender pain go down my neck when I’m leaning into it, but when I turn the left, there’s nothing what does this mean And should I keep doing this

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Hey! That's great to read. Try out the first two videos here next: Keep working on them but try to stay pain-free even if you have to make your movements smaller and slower :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @laytonstanner7936
    @laytonstanner7936 Před 2 dny

    I have lower trapezius strain and then couple months after I ended up shoulder impingment bicep tendonitis and tricep all on the same side 😮

  • @shivaraman3809
    @shivaraman3809 Před 3 dny

    Thank you very much 🙏 when I do weighted squats at the gym do I maintain the same form / instructions as this or for example it’s commonly said that the hips must open up and knees should flare out, but your instructions (for the physio) is the opposite. Please kindly clarify 🙏

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Hi and that's a great question. Try out all of those cues in an effort to find your unique squatting position that feels strong, stable, and mobile. Eric's cues are specific to this setting and things change when you add weight. In that case, you should be following your current capabilities and not forcing yourself to move in any way that is not comfortable. Make sense? - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @markusmarkstaler1039

    Thank for the great video. I do a lot of cycling, core training, running and sitting in the office. I saw that the function of Iliopsoas was split to sartorius and vastus lateralis (TFL a little) and to obliques (ingquinal ligament) and I guess the psoas is sleeping. I want to deactivate the obliques (for better breathing in passive situation) and I guess the “ASMR Iliopsoas” is the key, but how many weight and the position? More to hip bone or more to the center? For a hint to relax the obliques to hit the Psoas better in training, I would be grateful.

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Hi, and thanks for the question. The weight should not be heavy, but it should apply pressure to the area. If your hand strength is good, you might not need a weight. Find your ASIS and then move medially until you feel the muscle. You will know right away if you are in the right spot. Practice these exercises regularly: With time and practice, you can tune into your psoas and preferentially activate it whenever you need it (e.g. when squatting, cycling, etc.). I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @merion297
    @merion297 Před 3 dny

    Thank you so much! 🙏 It was truly so obvious that this muscle has atrophied, like the leg muscles of those who are paralysed from the waist down and sit in a wheelchair. Stretching it is just the symptomatic treatment. 🤘🏼I am cutting an exact instructional version from this video and will put it on my iPad, just to see the movements what to copy exactly. Btw, it would be useful if you did the same on your channel. Explanations are one thing but then the best is a one-to-one exercise video. 😏

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      Hi and thanks for that comment. Your thoughts contribute nicely to our community. We are in the process of developing follow-along routines based on requests from other viewers. Thanks for the suggestion and let us know if you ever have more ideas that can make our content better. Have a super day! - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @zaidkundan7205
    @zaidkundan7205 Před 3 dny

    How many of you are watching this video after having a meniscus injury?? I got this injury 2 weeks ago

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      You are in the right place. Also, consider grabbing the Knee Pain Solution program. It can help you to assess and address the root cause of your issues: Check it out and let us know what you think :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM

  • @clairecamMERMAID
    @clairecamMERMAID Před 3 dny

    THANKS coach E - so many errors from wrong physio exercises - You nailed these errors - so I'll rehab before hip replacement ( soon) I'm 75 - years of running- now I'll swim marathons!

    • @PrecisionMovementCoach
      @PrecisionMovementCoach Před 2 dny

      You are so welcome and we are so happy that you found us. Thanks for trying the exercises and keep us posted on your progress. To be clear, are you saying that you are scheduled for a THR soon? If so, the HIp Pain Solution program can help you to prepare for the procedure and recover faster from it: We want to make sure that your upcoming channel crossing is successful ;) Let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM