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Simple Exercises To Strengthen Lower Trapezius Exercises & Improve Scapula Control
This is a quick video that follows on from the lower trapezius test video I did about a month ago. In that video I mentioned that the test itself is often too hard to use as an exercise so you may need some easier exercises in the beginning to help improve your basic level of strength and control. If you missed the video you can watch it here.
The other main thing to understand is that your lower traps are not prime movers designed for heavy loads and strength, rather they are more concerned with mobility and stability of the scapula (your shoulder blade). The main role of the lower traps with regard to generating movement, is as the prime mover in scapula depression which in simple language is the lowering of the shoulder blades.
However, it is also an important scapula stabiliser and has a synergistic role in upward rotation of the scapula, which is a necessary shoulder blade movement when raising your arms above your head. If your lower traps are weak then retracting and depressing your scapula won’t be possible.
It is similar to the abdominal stabilizers of the pelvis and spine in that it acts like a “feedforward” muscle prior to the movement of lifting your arm out laterally to contract and hold the scapula steady to counteract the downward rotation pull. It basically neutralizes the scapula at the beginning of the movement before it becomes an important prime mover enabling your shoulder to safely execute a multitude of movements.
It also must be noted that the lower trapezius role with upward rotation and posterior tilt of the scapula cannot be achieved by this muscle alone as it works in tandem with other muscles, serratus anterior and the upper trapezius to create a “force couple”. What all this means is that it can be very difficult to isolate this muscle and strengthen it for it does not work by itself. Also you cannot ignore other factors like tight pecs, tight lats, and a stiff thoracic region that can all contribute to the development of a weak lower trapezius, so you must have a plan for this too.
The exercises in this video are just a starting point and must be followed up with other exercises. You will find the detailed report in the link below you can download from the website includes all of the tests and exercises you will need.
Other articles you will find relevant to read are featured below
Serratus Anterior Exercises
Winged Scapula exercises
Upper Trapezius Strengthening
Wall Slides Explained
Best Pulling Exercises
zhlédnutí: 271


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  • @g5dejo
    @g5dejo Před 18 hodinami

    Fantastic video, nothing comes even close explaining this horrible condition. My pain is only present when sitting. MRI showed no piriformis hypertrophy and spine is OK. My knee on affected side is clearly internally rotated so i think I'm dealing with lengthened hypertonic piriformis, probably due to sitting cross legged too much. Would the same principles apply in my case or I simply need to strengthen my piriformis to bring it back to its natural length?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 4 hodinami

      Without assessing you it is difficult to be certain what to do first but by the sounds of it there is a combination of tight hips/quads inhibiting the glutes. You do not want to strengthen the piriformis but the much more powerful glutes which at times can be hard to do. Also you must change the overall movement strategies your body is using for if you fail to change these you will not be able to finish the job. Have a read of this article as it gives you an idea of how to approach this

  • @karenagopian9215
    @karenagopian9215 Před 9 dny

    The live in the U.S. how can I get your dvd?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 8 dny

      The video is an instant download that you stream to your phone, computer, or tablet. The book is a PDF that I will email to you.

  • @Noregretspt
    @Noregretspt Před 10 dny

    These are very simple exercises and I really only use these in the beginning to try and restore basic function before trying to move onto the more integrated movements that will have a better effect. Having said that they can be very useful for the person who is pretty stiff and sore. One thing I did not include that I often use between sets of these is releasing of the pec minor and the latissimus dorsi. Both of these muscles can play a part in ruining your attempts to strengthen the lower traps via muscle inhibition so make sure you include something for these muscles.

  • @marthamcgrath9339
    @marthamcgrath9339 Před 10 dny

    Incredible video!!! I have drawings of each on a page - like a cheat sheet. I do these every day. It's really powerful, the impact! Thanks so much for creating this.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 9 dny

      No problem. Glad the video gave you some good ideas and helped you out

  • @peterkol5061
    @peterkol5061 Před 12 dny

    Amateur knuckle head....I think I am one of those but would preferred to be referenced as a club/recreational golfer . Guess I won't be seeing you anytime soon

  • @djkenny1202
    @djkenny1202 Před 12 dny

    I get terrible pains, stabbing like, deep stabbing right behind heart area of back/thoracic area. Left buttocks below gets terrible pain, aches. Neck pain.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 9 dny

      Be a good idea to see a physical therapist to get this checked out. There could be several reasons for this so you may need a comprehensive assessment and tests to determine what is behind it

  • @qow2427
    @qow2427 Před 15 dny

    Your content is so authentic and well thought out. Thank you

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 15 dny

      Thanks. Hope it helps you out with your training

  • @Noregretspt
    @Noregretspt Před 16 dny

    The damage created by this disease is immense, and when you consider that this can be prevented by knowing some simple things about exercise and nutrition when you are younger makes it even more important. If you know someone who suffers from this (which I do) you will know exactly how vital it is to implement strength training and eat good quality nutrition to support your bone health.

  • @stluciestrength
    @stluciestrength Před 22 dny

    These look good but some of these are very difficult to maintain balance. Any regression exercises? Thanks

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 22 dny

      Some of these exercises can be performed in a kneeling position which replicates the muscles involved but reduces their strength and balance demand. I would suggest reading this article to get an idea of some of the kneeling exercises you can use.

  • @ryanlie6250
    @ryanlie6250 Před 23 dny

    Any reference for additional reading?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 23 dny

      Check out the website Footcollective and the books "Barefoot Strong" by Emily Splichal, and "Whole Body Barefoot" by Katy Bowman

  • @GeorgiePie-pv9fb
    @GeorgiePie-pv9fb Před 25 dny

    This sounds like it's gonna be boring....

  • @mcreations994
    @mcreations994 Před 29 dny

    I had spinal fusion of L5/S1 at the beginning of February and sometime in the middle of this month started feeling this. Asked my PT and she explained that it was piriformus muscle pain. Now I'm googling how to reverse it cause I'm having trouble laying down when sleeping or crouching [legs tremble unsteadily] Ty for this helpful video

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 28 dny

      Hopefully this video helps you to find the right path forward and find a long term solution.

  • @bronzeriver3456
    @bronzeriver3456 Před 29 dny

    Please do a medical check-up for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as your symptoms may be originating from a Hiatal Hernia and/or an H. pylori infection (this is the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers - I had to do an endoscopy with biopsy to confirm this as it did not show in my blood or stool even though it was in my stomach). You would be surprised how problems with your gastrointestinal tract affect your overall well-being. Symptoms may include unexplained weight loss and difficulty gaining weight, iron deficiency, anemia, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, sudden severe cold, palpitations (high pulse), high blood pressure or even slightly low blood pressure.

  • @Noregretspt
    @Noregretspt Před měsícem

    Make sure you check out the links in the description to see more about the concepts discussed in this video as I provide you with better exercise examples and more detailed explanations of bracing the core and how to correctly develop core strength.

  • @vtrep737
    @vtrep737 Před měsícem

    Does this variation work hip flexors?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      All leg exercises will work the hip flexors to some degree. This type of exercise focuses more on the glutes than the quads and hip flexors that would normally dominate the movement.

  • @KevinLamb-et9pk
    @KevinLamb-et9pk Před měsícem

    Endurance running such as 5k is fun and also good for lungs and legs. This video is good but lacks appreciation of the benefits and enjoyment of longer runs.

  • @nixland
    @nixland Před měsícem

    I am having LBP for a year. Not to severe. The most frequent symptoms is I feel my low back muscle sore when stand up after sitting for longer time (I am an office worker for 20+ years). But it gone few minutes after. I have been to 3 doctors and did fisio therapy and not much improvement. All 3 of the doctors suggested me to try swimming. So I search on youtube for swimming pool exercise such as walking forward and backward and sideways, twisting etc. But after watching this video I feel that I don't need to do that. So what's the best exercise for my LBP problem I mentioned above? Thank you.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      It is impossible for me to say exactly what is right for you for I have not assessed you or know enough about your body to be sure what is best. Having said that most back pain sufferers do really well when they improve hip mobility, bending ability, and improving gluteal strength and function. Bending is often the trigger of pain so learning how to do it right and making it stronger usually makes a massive difference long term. I suggest to read this article to see more specific examples of what I mean

    • @nixland
      @nixland Před měsícem

      @@Noregretspt thank you 👍🏼

  • @computergeek3407
    @computergeek3407 Před měsícem

    Good stuff! I did not know you could lunge with bands.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Yes bands can be really handy at times.

  • @lynneshapiro3248
    @lynneshapiro3248 Před měsícem

    Your vid is AWESOME!!! Your comments about the 'wider base of support' and 'hip restrictions with the person forcing their back to round up and take over vs. utilizing the legs are GOLDEN for ANYONE and EVERYONE who does squats, whether the squats are in an aerobic routine, in a strength training class, barbell training in class or on the regular gym floor, or even in physical therapy for 'sit to stand' moves for a hip and/or knee replacement. (I've had my right hip and my left knee replaced. Luckily I come from a fitness background so your video is causing the lightbulbs going off over my head like a strobe light!) The Different Hip Anatomy pics were EXTREMELY interesting in that I can see that my hip replacement's ball-and-socket joint is now more complete than it was, and that the slightly wider-footed squats assist muscle tone with both hips' muscles equally. The interesting thing I REALIZED (lightbulb!) about the pics is that even though I now have a right complete ball-and-socket joint, my lateral movement is STILL a tiny bit better with the left side due to a tad lack of mobility and muscle flexibility with that right replaced hip's side. But I'm working on that. Another point of yours is spot on: Having the right shoes with decent support AND gripping power on the floor is GOLDEN because of potential slippage when you're in a split squat and all of a sudden your back legs' shoe slides out on you due to worn down tread. Been there & it happened. Luckily, no issues. At 7:48, your model who was squatting and kind of turning out his left foot to try to avoid any back stress is a GREAT point. Only those who have VERY strong erectors and can make the torso almost as if it were robotic can do straight-foot squats without back stress. My brain is almost fried... One more thing I noticed from your model-by turning out his feet ever so slightly, he's engaging his glutes more vs. asking his lower back to help him. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Grandma Lynsey

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Well done you sound like you love your training. Keep up the good work

  • @hollyroseanna
    @hollyroseanna Před měsícem

    Thanks for this really educational video. Avoiding the stretches and movements with spinal flexion really makes sense as the first time I did my back in it was lifting heavy deadlifts and the other time was due to being hunched over my laptop for 2 weeks over Covid. I'm trying to learn how to do the splits at the moment for dancing, what's the best way to stretch hamstrings without flexing your back?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      You will need to improve the flexibility of the posterior glutes as much as the hamstrings. I am no expert for teaching someone to do the splits but perhaps a combination of glute stretching combined with RDL exercises to reinforce good pelvic stability and strength would be a good way to ensure you maintain some control of the hip joint. Always remember that too much flexibility can be a potential disaster to the joints. While it is good to be able to move with high degree of flexibility, if it is not controlled you can do a lot of harm.

    • @hollyroseanna
      @hollyroseanna Před měsícem

      @@Noregretspt thanks very much!

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      @@hollyroseanna No problem

  • @Sarah-hb2tr
    @Sarah-hb2tr Před měsícem

    Thank you for this informative video!! I'm a runner and my quads get tight thus resulting in knee pain. I am working more with improving hip/glute muscles. I see a PT soon to have gait analysis. Looking forward to that appointment!!

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Awesome! Hopefully you find the root cause of your trouble

  • @gheorghefalcaru
    @gheorghefalcaru Před měsícem

    you don't talk about rest.....! it's the key!

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Rest is good at first but if it goes too long it creates much bigger problems that lead to chronic weakness and ongoing pain. It certainly is something we need at the start but I don't think many people are aware of the danger from not moving. The reason swelling accumulates around an injured area of your body is because we stop moving! It’s not because there is “excessive swelling” but rather because we aren’t doing anything to facilitate lymphatic drainage to pull it away. Performing pain-free exercise following injury has countless benefits as the muscle contractions enhance the inflammation process by improving macrophage function (the clean-up crew) and allows the essential white blood cells to remove damaged cells. It also boosts muscle repair and regeneration and limits scar tissue formation through activation of stem cells (called satellite cells). Obviously you will need to use some common sense as this does not mean you try to force yourself through the pain and go for a run on a swollen ankle. You need to use movements that are low in intensity and pain free but the sooner you get moving the better. Hope that makes sense

  • @Joe-wt6eh
    @Joe-wt6eh Před měsícem

    How to prevent the piriformis taking over the glutes

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Learn how to move correctly with the fundamental movement patters of hip-hinging, squats, lunges and single leg stance. Maybe the only other thing to add is exposing the feet to stability work by walking around barefoot more often. If you do this early in life and spend the time to look after them your chances of developing a problem like this are very small.

    • @Joe-wt6eh
      @Joe-wt6eh Před měsícem

      @Noregretspt learning to move correctly with the fundamental movement patterns is the question I'm asking. How do you do that if you can't individually fire the glutes or piriformis

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      @@Joe-wt6eh Sorry I misunderstood your original question of preventing the problem in the first place. Once it is set in it can be very difficult to get around the compensation for many of the best glute exercises also aggravate the piriformis. The best way to get around this is to a mobilizing stretch or drill prior to the stabilizing exercise you want to do. Usually I will prefer to use the RDL or the horsestance exercise in the beginning for the glutes are in a stretched position and also I can more effectively position the pelvis in anterior pelvic tilt with these exercises. You can see good examples and read more about this in the article here

  • @user-bh6il5vb6y
    @user-bh6il5vb6y Před měsícem

    Been told I have tight quad causing patella pain

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      You most likely are quad-dominant and expose the knee to extreme flexion with little involvement of the posterior chain muscles. This is common to the person who has patella pain. Without assessing you it is impossible to say exactly, but I would investigate your ability to complete a RDL effectively and see if there is any stiffness with the glutes and hamstrings forcing you into excessive knee flexion. A very common problem.

  • @tajmasharrieff2739
    @tajmasharrieff2739 Před měsícem

    And I was just wondering am I still post to be in the middle of moderate pain

  • @vigneshk9554
    @vigneshk9554 Před měsícem

    Thankyou sm, I had a labrum tear and got operated couple years ago. I have reached full rom in all planes but my shoulder is uneven in pullups and the back of my shoulder hurts during pushups any specific tips?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Without assessing you it is difficult to be sure what your main problem may be. I would assume that there is a weakness with the serratus anterior and that you have excessive activation from the middle traps and rhomboids keeping your scapula in retraction. Often the solution is a combination of thoracic mobility, trigger point release of the external rotators of the shoulder, combined with various serratus anterior drills. The exercises that focus on strengthening serratus will have the greatest effect long term but they can often be very hard to get right while the stiffness and trigger points are active which is why I try to release them prior to any strengthening. You can get a good idea of this in the article here

    • @vigneshk9554
      @vigneshk9554 Před měsícem

      @@Noregretspt thanks again I'll look into the strengthening regime, keep up the good work

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      @@vigneshk9554 No problem. Glad I could help you out

  • @Noregretspt
    @Noregretspt Před měsícem

    This is one of those exercises that looks really easy but it is anything but easy. A great assessment tool but keep in mind it may be too difficult for those with a lot of pain so you may need to regress to much less demanding exercises. Stay tuned for another video where I expand upon this for you with other variations.

  • @ShoshanaBrand
    @ShoshanaBrand Před měsícem

    Good and short! Thanks.

  • @EvaK7
    @EvaK7 Před měsícem

    Thank you 👍🏻

  • @blakemoore666
    @blakemoore666 Před měsícem

    I’ve got a LLD that’s anatomical 8 months post hip replacement….now what do I do???

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      It is impossible for me to say exactly what to do without assessing where you are at. The best thing to do is find a therapist or trainer who can assess your hip function and start trying to put all the pieces together. It is wise to start with basic floor exercises first before progressing to the big ones that make a difference last. If you try to cut corners or go to big ones too fast you will make things worse. If you read this article you can get a better idea of how you can go about this

  • @peacefulendeavours
    @peacefulendeavours Před měsícem

    Sorry to be that guy but you forgot C8 lol

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      You are referring to the spinal nerves which has a C8 where I referenced the spinal vertebrae bones that only has seven and therefor only C7.

  • @N1TRO
    @N1TRO Před měsícem

    Best video on the tropic with a very detailed overview thanks

  • @gheorghefalcaru
    @gheorghefalcaru Před měsícem


  • @gheorghefalcaru
    @gheorghefalcaru Před měsícem


    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Glad I could help you out. Make sure you check out the article below for more detail on some of the exercises and their purpose

  • @user-ff5hn8tm6r
    @user-ff5hn8tm6r Před měsícem

    This is a great video! Thanks it helped explain more about the knee synovial fluid. Because I am struggling with knee problems right now.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před měsícem

      Glad I could help you out. You will find this article useful in finding how to resolve the underlying problem with your pain

  • @djmisskroft8313
    @djmisskroft8313 Před 2 měsíci

    Nice video but I cant stretch my legs more for flexibility if my back hurts but I can stretch a leg like that man 90 degress? . So what to do then for make back hurts less if its not the hamstrings? :(

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

      There is a lot more to the back pain than tight hamstrings. The tightness is more of a protective mechanism by the body to prevent you from doing more damage by moving poorly, or it could be due to weakness or instability at another joint such as the pelvis and hips. I suggest to read this article to get a better understanding of what the various factors may be and what to do about it

  • @prideneverdies1001
    @prideneverdies1001 Před 2 měsíci

    Straight legs?

  • @TimothyTakemoto
    @TimothyTakemoto Před 2 měsíci

    I am 59. When I was about 54 both knees started to hurt. Then when I was about 57 my right hip started to go wobbly (I had had a spinal hernia on my right side when I was 40). I thought I would be lame by 60 but I found that by improving femoral rotation strength cured both. I wanted the wood chop machine but I don't have one so I use standing unilateral clamshells and reverse clamshells, attaching my foot to a band and the other end to. Now my hips and knees feel fine. The tornado looks fun.

  • @kathleenparrish7173
    @kathleenparrish7173 Před 2 měsíci

    I was kept on Prednisolone for 13 years after a fall on a bus. Although now off Prednisolone I can barely walk due to arthritis in turn a health risk for hip replacement. The rest of my joints are also in a bad state and neither did I want to go on prednisolone. My answer is to refuse steroids.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

      That is terrible news. I was told to go on Prednisolone 2 years ago but I knew about the terrible side effects so I refused and found another way to get on top of the pain. While I am not perfect and still suffer to some extent I am glad I did not go down that road. I hope you find some relief and are able to restore some stability and strength to your joints again

  • @idontshower5172
    @idontshower5172 Před 2 měsíci

    Hi, does the stabilisation exercises for the flat footed people help develop the arch of the foot and become normal? I am curious as I have flat feet and want to develop an arch for playing sports.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

      Exercises that encourage the toes to widen and increase the arch in your foot will increase stability of the foot and allow you to develop more strength and function into the lower limb. You cannot ignore the role the hip plays with the feet as this can be a part of the foot problem, and vice versa the feet can be a part of the hip problem. Learning how to develop your strength by using some of these exercises will enable you to restore full function back to your feet and entire body. The bad news is it does take considerable time and a lot of hard work. Read the full article about this here to see more

  • @ildikopeter7850
    @ildikopeter7850 Před 2 měsíci

    I'd be really interested to know your opinion on collagen injections (into the painful/injured joint, as part of the rehab, once the pain inflammation are reduced). Would you recommend it? Or oral collagen (as form of tablets or joint drinks)? Also, what is the way to have a personal (video) consultation/assessment with you? I am also looking into buying your healthy knee program.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

      I am not really a fan of injecting anything into the injured area. I know they do this all the time and some people believe it helps, I have just seen this type of thing done before and it only served to create more problems and more weakness ongoing. Again it never really addresses the reason of the injury in the first place which seems pointless to me. I do some online calls via Zoom. Send me an email to and we can discuss how to organize this.

    • @ildikopeter7850
      @ildikopeter7850 Před 2 měsíci

      @@Noregretspt thank you so much for your reply and I will be contacting you via email shortly!

  • @Noregretspt
    @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

    As I mention a few times in the video if the injection is used in combination with corrective and rehabilitation exercises that seek to improve joint stability, ROM and functional strength then an injection may be useful. My beef is when this is used as they only form of treatment and the person rests the injured limb and does nothing to improve stability and strength and in my experience dealing with hundreds of cases over the last 10 years this is all too common.

  • @ArmArmAdv
    @ArmArmAdv Před 2 měsíci

    This is a lifesaver! Thank you! Please teach other positions using a foam roller and dumbbells 🙏

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

      There are not really too many things you can do other than this that are of any benefit. The regression of this exercise is useful for those who find this version too hard. You can see that here

  • @ryrez4478
    @ryrez4478 Před 2 měsíci

    I spent a few years trying to stand and sit as tall as possible and it really ruined my whole body. I feel like i am way too overextended and it causes my back to be always tight and spasms in my back happen all the time. Dp you have any videos that can help address this problem? I cant find anything talking about this and my physical therapist didnt really give me a satisfactory answer to my problem when i went.

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 2 měsíci

      This is something consistent with SIJ dysfunction. You will find the detailed article about this really helpful that includes several videos of various exercises that will help you regain control of your pelvis and spine that are causing all of your problems.

  • @L0ND0NMAN
    @L0ND0NMAN Před 2 měsíci

    The peck minor fibres do not go in the direction you indicated as It originates from the margins of the third to fifth ribs adjacent to the costochondral junction.

  • @L0ND0NMAN
    @L0ND0NMAN Před 2 měsíci

    My experience of the shoulder rehab was about the exercises rather than stretching and acupuncture

  • @Noregretspt
    @Noregretspt Před 3 měsíci

    This video may seem a bit controversial to some people as most of the stuff on social media says it is amazing and can do wonders for you. I have never found this to be the case with myself or many other clients. This does not mean it is bad, or that it does not work like many claim it does. It just means it may not be right for some people which is really my take on it. Let me know what you think

    • @Matto_Harvo
      @Matto_Harvo Před 3 měsíci

      Dead hang builds grip strength which allows you to swing on monkey bars: now we're talking

  • @tamenator
    @tamenator Před 3 měsíci

    Are we trying to do rehab here? Rehab for what exactly?

  • @tamenator
    @tamenator Před 3 měsíci

    This video for general public then?

  • @tamenator
    @tamenator Před 3 měsíci

    Could we start her on a smaller ball closer to length of her arms?

    • @Noregretspt
      @Noregretspt Před 3 měsíci

      The ball is the right size, it is that she tries to put too much of her leg on the ball and also sticks her hips higher in the air to make it easier for her core. It is nothing to do with the size of the ball