Our pets: rethinking the way we say goodbye | Jackie Campbell | TEDxSouthBank

  • čas přidán 24. 04. 2016
  • Dr Jackie Campbell is a palliative care veterinarian, providing support and pain relief for our fluffy and furry family members in times of need. In this talk, Jackie shares how she works to help families better navigate the challenges of end of life decision making for our pets.
    Dr Jackie Campbell is a veterinarian who will warm your heart. Passionate in equal measures about her patients and about the families who care for them, Jackie often becomes a lifeline for her clients during their most difficult of days. As the director of one of Queensland’s first palliative care services for pets, she manages a team of veterinarians who are working to help families better navigate the challenges of end of life decision making.
    Alongside this important work, Jackie is the Brisbane clinic co-ordinator for a charity that brings together volunteer vets and nurses, in order to provide free veterinary care for pets of people experiencing homelessness in our community. The Pets in the Park initiative recognises and supports the bond that homeless people have with their pets and works to improve the health and wellbeing of these vital companions.
    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Komentáře • 360

  • @jimd310
    @jimd310 Před 3 lety +174

    The hardest words I've ever spoken? It's okay, puppy. You can go now.

  • @chloetaylor6339
    @chloetaylor6339 Před 3 lety +169

    Lost my 8 year old baby a few weeks ago and nothing has been the same since. My house is so quiet, too quiet. I still find myself crying most nights because he’s not by my side.

  • @MaiaBrown
    @MaiaBrown Před 4 lety +171

    Just lost my baby on Friday. I am soo heartbroken. He was the best pup I could ask for. It had been a long 13 years. 😢💕

  • @jonjon8051
    @jonjon8051 Před rokem +40

    I was at work when my cat died, I didn’t get to say goodbye to him, I wish I had, I regret a lot of things. I grieve every time I think of him, whoever got the chance to say goodbye to your best friend, trust me, there is nothing else more painful than not saying one last goodbye to your pet.

  • @dalekdx
    @dalekdx Před 4 lety +71

    My laptop's background image is a 12 year old photo of me walking my eight dogs that I had at the time. Out of the eight dogs I used to have, only one is still alive. Jasmine is 15 1/2 years old now and she isn't long for the world. I used to be devastated when I would lose a dog (or cat) and it would take months to recover from it. But, my dog Sooner changed how I handle the loss of someone or something doing that. that I love. I rescued Sooner about a decade earlier and my friend and neighbor behind me adopted him and took care of him for seven years. After my friend died, I adopted Sooner. Every photo I have a Sooner shows him with a big smile on his face. His purpose in life was to bring joy to others and he never missed a day doing that. Nobody could have asked for a better dog than Sooner. I was naturally upset the day Sooner died and when I started to cry about it, I envisioned Sooner being there and trying to cheer me up. I realized the last thing in world Sooner would want is for anyone to be unhappy. From that moment forward when I lose a pet (or person) I think about what I loved about them and feel lucky to have spent time with them.

  • @Alpha-Mike-Foxtrot
    @Alpha-Mike-Foxtrot Před rokem +4

    If you can not afford a vet then should you even get a dog or cat? In hindsight I would say no. I don't ever want to go through that again.

  • @markbauer3937
    @markbauer3937 Před 3 lety +59

    Dogs are some of the most human beings I've ever encountered. Their love is steadfast and unconditional. It is a timeless, unbreakable bond between man and his best friend. They provides us with the happiest days and times of our lives. They also provide us with one of the saddest days a human can ever experience during their lifetime. Dogs are what humans should aspire to be like in terms of love, loyalty, friendship, trust, dedication, and a deep lifelong connection. Dogs are man's best friend and they remain our guardian angels after they're gone. Their love is more powerful and words can describe. In most cases, I'd pick dogs over people any day every day. God Bless them all.

  • @michellenorwood5846
    @michellenorwood5846 Před 4 lety +20

    I lost my lab rott today at 12 noon. She had cancer and it was throughout her body. ZOEY was her name. I will miss her forever. I love you my fur baby.

  • @kellilien1736
    @kellilien1736 Před 2 lety +76

    My parents were pet lovers and I grew up with several. I can honestly say I am most grateful for having pets, beyond everything else. I remember how they died and, in many instances, it was traumatic for me. I loved them so much. Today I am a senior citizen, still loving animals as I do, and am mindful on a daily basis how much I love our little dog, Stella. She is so important to our family. If I get to heaven someday, I am going to look for my pets first. That would truly be "heaven" for me.

  • @keztukariri

    My baby would have been 4 years old in 2 days 😭😭😭 im so pissed off at the universe for taking her from me. I will never understand, i will never really believe that i only got her for 3 1/2 years. I miss you so very much my girl. You saved my life Wairua, thank you so much for choosing me my darling 💔💔

  • @romanstarrtattoos
    @romanstarrtattoos Před 2 lety +18

    my baby girl is dying right now and has been now for a week. I have been with her every moment letting her know I love her and hoping she is ok and passes although I already miss her. She is a Bichon Frise 15 years old and has been with me her entire life. the first night home, she pee'd on my chest marking me as her human and always has a smile on her face. I have cried more this week than I have in my entire life. I will miss this little girl so much.

  • @ricardoistudla8641
    @ricardoistudla8641 Před rokem +45

    For all of those who need to hear this now. I love you and I am so sorry you are going through this pain and sorrow. You are not alone. I am going down this path too with my 12 year old girl who has cancer. I suffer daily and I am trying to do the best I can for her. It's seems unbearable at times until I look into her eyes. She is the sweetest girl and has been so loved by family and I and will continue to be loved until her last minutes when I send her on her way with my loves, kisses, and hugs. We can and make it through this friends. Sending you all prayers, love, and support.

  • @valkhorn
    @valkhorn Před rokem +76

    Very good talk. This is much better than a lot of the delusional stuff that's out there about coping with the loss of a pet. I recently lost my pet of almost 13 years, and in my vulnerability it would have been easy to fall into a lot of unhealthy traps and unhealthy thinking instead of dealing with grief in a sensible and respectful manner. It's difficult to say goodbye, and it's incredibly hard to make the decision to let them go. It was insanely difficult for me. But, I feel at peace knowing she's at peace, she's not in any pain, and even though I have no idea about the afterlife and what lies ahead, I do know that her life here on Earth was as good as I could make it, and she gave me as much love as she possibly could. That helps me not to worry about the next steps when we die. It helps me to focus on life now. Finally, it only helps me to appreciate the love and the life of my dog more than I ever have before. Sorrow is the price we pay for allowing so much love in our life, and as hard as it is, it's really a small price to pay for all that love.

  • @NoMoreTears64

    All of that SOUNDS so good, kind, and wonderful, HOWEVER we all know that it ALWAYS boils down to money. If you don't have the money, then your special family member gets less than the best. My 14 year old cat got the very best that I could give him even in his last days. I syringe fed him, carried him to the litter box, stayed up day and night making sure he had his multiple meds at the correct time and dose. He was combed every day. He loved that so much! I bought him treats even though some Vets would have said "no treats". He had never had treats before. I took him outside on my deck so he could sniff flowers and breathe fresh air. I got out my cool gel ice pack a couple of times when he seemed to have a fever from infection and he layed on it twice. I lifted him up onto the couch when he couldn't jump so he could be near me. All he EVER wanted was to be near me. The one thing I could not do was watch him breathe his last. I didn't want him to know it was his last. I told him I loved him, that he was a good boy, that I would take care of his brother, and I kissed and petted him. He had tried to get up, but my voice calmed him. I whispered goodbye and left so he would not see me fall apart and vomit from the agonizing grief I felt. 💔 I love you Carmel😢 7-31-23.

  • @paulhume8083
    @paulhume8083 Před 2 lety +42

    I have never experienced anything like the pain as the loss of a dog. It's been 18 months and I still can't handle it.

  • @johnnycrash3270
    @johnnycrash3270 Před 4 lety +85

    I lost my best friend of 18 years I never had any children so 'KITTY' was my baby the last few months I had made kitty's home a palliative care environment for her and I really believe she knew that in her final days that she was LOVED SOO MUCH kitty continued to try to purr and to try to groom herself but the morning of Sunday May 10/2020 I knew it was time and so did KITTY I was just about to take her on her last journey but when I held her something very strong came through her little body and I Layed her down on the grass out in the little yard that she loved so much sat down beside kitty and she passed away very peacefully with the person that she loved and trusted for 18 years . we will meet again some day KITTY R.I.P.

  • @banaweekidane2630

    I just lost my cat 2 days ago after 13 years, the pain is absolutely unbearable, I'm no longer afraid of losing my parents because nothing can be worse than this 💔

  • @ArthurMoore-ii8nn
    @ArthurMoore-ii8nn Před 4 lety +72

    God really screwed up. Dogs should live until 75 and humans should have a 17 year maximum lifespan!

  • @sixclocks
    @sixclocks Před rokem +8

    I know I gave my dog the best life I could and I loved her dearly. When I had to put Mongo down it was then that I realized how deeply I truly loved her. It was a week ago and I cry every day.

  • @bamhamer
    @bamhamer Před rokem +8

    Almost 4 weeks ago i lost my Meggie... I am completely broken. She was my best friend for so long... I don't know how deal with the fact that she's gone and will never come back... It's the worst feeling i have ever experienced