Life in a Bunker in Eastern Ukraine: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 84)

  • čas přidán 6. 11. 2014
  • On November 3, the citizens of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic elected Alexander Zakharchenko as their prime minister, marking a supposed turning point in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.
    In the days after the election, VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky interviewed civilians in Donetsk about their lives over the past few months - visiting locals working in a market that sits dangerously close to the ongoing battle for Donetsk’s airport, as well as others who have been living in a bomb shelter for months following the destruction of their homes.
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Komentáře • 1,4K

  • @slappy1234567
    @slappy1234567 Před 9 lety +28

    09:07 The kid in the red never saw it coming!

  • @robasdf3631
    @robasdf3631 Před 8 lety +24

    9:06 That kid gets shrekt just because they're so damn bored. I laughed and immediately felt bad after

  • @HiAdrian
    @HiAdrian Před 9 lety +17

    Simon and his team have been doing a great job with all these episodes. If I could, I'd like to shake his hand.

  • @MrZhypo
    @MrZhypo Před 4 lety +31

    9:07 lmao this kid got spanked by his brother

  • @markuscone
    @markuscone Před 9 lety +8

    Seeing the market is riveting. Regardless of their allegiance, the people of the market surrounding the Donetsk Airport are extremely brave. I'm glad vice reported from this area since it is of upmost importance to the conflict at this time.

  • @kwapedog
    @kwapedog Před 9 lety +6

    Simon you are the man! these dispatches are spot on

  • @AdamovBagdanovjade
    @AdamovBagdanovjade Před 9 lety +72

    when putler die this will be over

      @WOGWOGWOOT Před 9 lety +35

      When NATO sens planes and tanks Russia will be over

    • @antitrollsquad3124
      @antitrollsquad3124 Před 9 lety +3

      .l. Nope and Adamov Bagdanov nope

    • @georgestate9384
      @georgestate9384 Před 9 lety +3

      .l. ur stupid.........that;s warr with a country of alcoholic retards that happens to have one of the bigest nuclear arsenals still.......

    • @elrocco999
      @elrocco999 Před 9 lety +1

      remember ww2 if just somone had killed hitler first!!
      same for this fuck face sputin!!! but i heard(100&Proof!!) is deadly sick!! his doctor (german)from east Germany times told he as deadly sick and the doctor told he refuses go to Russia treating him!! he was in Russia a few times but now he doesent go anymore becuse of the russian security controlls they handelt im whit no respect and now the doctor doesent go there anymore!!
      hope doesent take 2 Long to that Sputin Bastard 2 die!!!!
      Long live Ukraine LOng Live the EU Long Live The USA!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @-scrim
      @-scrim Před 9 lety +1

      George State if you think anyone will use nukes you're an absolute moron.

    @BENABONZO Před 8 lety +7

    Simon Ostrovsky is a damn good reporter!!

  • @notblenderguru
    @notblenderguru Před 9 lety +16

    Я дончанин и мне в отличие от этой высокообразованной женщины на 2:44 никто и никогда не запрещал говорить по-русски с моими русскими родственниками в Украине и России, кто, скажите на милость, запрещал ей?

    • @Alilbas
      @Alilbas Před 9 lety +9

      Люди не просто подвержены пропаганде. Люди верят той пропаганде, которой верить хотят. В данном случае эта играющая роль интеллигентной женщины просто оправдывает собственную глупость.

    • @user-bl9uq3kw2t
      @user-bl9uq3kw2t Před 9 lety +3

      Никто вам и не собирался запрещать разговаривать. Цель в том, чтобы ваши дети уже не знали русского языка. Начинается с документации, медиа-продукции, образования и постепенно русская культура вытесняется. Но людей возмутила даже не отмена этого нашумевшего языкового закона, реализация положений которого и так зависла и замерзла без средств. А то, что этот формальный закон отменен как бы в ознаменование начала действия нового правительства. В трудное время кризиса экономики и пошатнувшейся власти депутаты демонстративно занялись языковыми проблемами. Что выглядело как признание в националистическом курсе и показательное пренебрежение всеми кто еще два года назад с трудом принятия закона добивался. Новое правительство само всю пропаганду против себя сделало, обвинив соседей, разумеется.

    • @notblenderguru
      @notblenderguru Před 9 lety +6

      Иван Грицаенко А зачем моим детям живущим в Украине знать русский язык? хотя уверен они его будут знать и русскую культуру тоже, помимо родной для них украинской. У меня 80% родни россияне и что? Я украинец. Я не против подвергнуться ассимиляции, это только звучит страшно для зрелых (по возрасту, а не уму) мозгов :) В 91-м году мои родители сознательно голосовали за самостоятельную Украину и я рад этому, счастлив быть украинцем. В России, спустя десятилетия, я вижу все те же совковые процессы и имперские комплексы доставшиеся ей в наследство от СССР, ах да, и нефть. То что правительство Украины как всегда (с моей холопской точки зрения) поступило по идиотски - полностью согласен, однако политика это грязная, неблагодарная работа и единственным плюсом в ней (как я по пролетарски вижу) является безнаказанное коррупционное обогащение. Майдановцы все правильно говорили, старались поломать беззаконие, вот только кукловоды методы действий им подсказали неправильные от того все и развалилось... (жечь органы правопорядка это скотство и преступление, стрелять в демонстрантов это тяжкое преступление)...90% людей идиоты, допускаю, что я в их числе... Не нашлось того одного из 10% толпы который бы смог направить всю эту гребучую охлократию в нужное русло, хотя как не нашлось... Теперь имеем черти что... националистов, которых русофилы называют нацистами - неумелые популисты без какой-либо реальной силы и бывших регионалов под оновлэннымы прапорами, Люстрацию, развал страны и другие плюшки - все по четкому сценарию, допускаю, принадлежащему перу большого Пу, он готов сдать ферзя и ладью для победы в финале, а мы ему помогаем своей тупостью и ценой своих жизней...

    • @user-bl9uq3kw2t
      @user-bl9uq3kw2t Před 9 lety

      Dmitry VladimirovichДумаю, что большинство как и вы не ассимиляции и украинского языка боятся. А того, что в вашем положении только нацист задумается о языковых проблемах. Можно и медленный геноцид проводить официально называя его "ассимиляцией". Ваши прошлые депутаты выкладывали в интернет необходимые области реформы. Можно было дать Донецку чуть больше экономической и правовой самостоятельности и войны можно избежать. Почему же слово федерализация было таким страшным? А вы все на длинные руки Кремля списываете. Россия и Украина от этого конфликта главные пострадавшие. Это у нас беженцы, наши экономические связи разрушены. Этого не мог задумать наш президент давший кредит для поддержки экономики. А украинцы на это обычно отвечают, - Так он же безумный деспот. Предлагаю, не считать никого глупее, искать более основательные причины.

  • @meee2014
    @meee2014 Před 9 lety +174

    gold words from her mouth, the heart of the conflict, the east ukraine especially donbass has been almost always under russian rule, west ukraine has almost always been under poland and austria hungary. that is the root of the ukrianian pro russian and pro eu division, it really doesnt have much to do with corruption economic future or anything, those are proxies which people use to explain why they are pro russian or pro eu, the heart of the matter is a deep historical division.
    most non ukrainians do not realize the complexity of that issue and its responsibility for the conflict.

    • @BigGamer2525
      @BigGamer2525 Před 9 lety +1

      You're the real MVP ;_;
      edit: Jag giello as well

    • @DSB_SF
      @DSB_SF Před 9 lety +70

      Your history sucks. The entirety of modern Ukraine was part for a long period of time of the Kievan Rus - the ancestor to today's ukrainians. The Rus fell under the mongols and was then gradually conquered by the Lithuanians. They established a union with the Poles and thus most of today's Ukraine passed to the Polish Crown. During that whole period the people there were neither Russia, nor Lithuanian or Polish (with the exception of Lvov region and Volhynia). The Russians only came as late as 1654, when they took eastern Ukraine as a result of the civil war inside the Commonwealth. Only for the past 300 years has eastern Ukraine been under Moscow, never before, and during these 3 centuries the Kremlin did all it could to deport or ethnicly cleanse the ukrainians from the east, especially after they found out the coal richness of the region later on. The Holodomor, the russification policies - it was this that made the east full of russians, not a historical connection to that land. "Novorossya" is a colonial experiment of Moscow - mass deportation, genocide and russification of the lands on the northern Black Sea. How else, ask yourself, did the Russians from the far North got as far south as Crimea and Odessa? Through Imperialism and recent colonisation, nothing else - no historical basis whatsoever they claim.

    • @MarshalofFrance
      @MarshalofFrance Před 9 lety +7

      Jag giello
      You said it wonderfully.

    • @SadisticOutcast
      @SadisticOutcast Před 9 lety +1

      Jag giello Just like the USA.

    • @DSB_SF
      @DSB_SF Před 9 lety +18

      Alex B Yes indeed - isn't it ironical that the two biggest examples of Colonialism, Imperialism and Genocide hate each other and both have throngs of fanatical supporters who accuse the others of those same things their country did too? That's why i say fuck them all - fuck Russia, fuck the US, fuck China - all they ever did in their histories is crush smaller nations. They don't see us, smaller countries as independent, they only see us as potential sphere of influence to fight over. And even more than the actual russians or americans i hate the idiots from small countries that defend either. All those blind western european leftists saying how great Russia is cause they never had to experience the invasions and occupations from it as we in Eastern Europe did. Or the USA fan boys who have no idea about CIA operations in South America or the wars in defence of the petro-dollar. All those cretins live in fairytale worlds of one side being good and the other evil, not realizing any country that gets too big and strong is a danger to the small nations trying to survive.

  • @robertkrump2015
    @robertkrump2015 Před 2 lety +1

    Awesome thank God and God blesses you with all this courage

  • @sfsoma
    @sfsoma Před 9 lety +1

    Well done!

  • @thexcv0
    @thexcv0 Před 9 lety +21

    Кто запрещал говорить им на русском языке?
    У нас в Киеве никто не запрещал, все говорят.

    • @johnsch1988
      @johnsch1988 Před 9 lety +3

      что же тогда русский не сделать 2 гос. или хотя бы региональным раз все говорят??

    • @thexcv0
      @thexcv0 Před 9 lety +12

      А зачем делать его вторым государственным? Для того чтоб документооборот был на русском языке? Чтоб больше путаници с документами было?
      В России есть второй гос-ный язык, татарский, но в документообороте использовать нельзя. Де-факто, татарский язык в России имеет такие же права как сейчас российский язык в Украине.

    • @Rexonamax
      @Rexonamax Před 4 lety +5

      Дауны хотели русский мир, они его и получили. Те кто яро хейтит Украину , потом стоит на границе в очереди за украинской пенсией

    • @yatuttranzitom
      @yatuttranzitom Před 3 lety +3

      А чё? Разве Порошенко не подписал закон о мове? Что ты сейчас скажешь, спустя 5 лет? Образование на каком сейчас языке? Зеленский прям такой украина мовный стал, ты не заметил? Националысты

    • @thexcv0
      @thexcv0 Před 3 lety +10

      @@yatuttranzitom все так же говорю на русском языке, никаких проблем

  • @Thefiddez
    @Thefiddez Před 9 lety +31

    "Prime Minister", I started laughing when i read that!

    • @vguglemudaki
      @vguglemudaki Před 9 lety +14

      The next step is proclaiming himself as Great Imperator of the 15% of Donetsk region :)

    • @abraxo4life63
      @abraxo4life63 Před 4 lety +4

      whats fun in people getting away from corruption

    • @mandelorean6243
      @mandelorean6243 Před 2 lety +1

      @@abraxo4life63 it gas nothing to do with any serious issue... Stop being so overly sensitive

  • @user-cw1iq3gs9q
    @user-cw1iq3gs9q Před 9 lety

    Thanks for ur news ,and be careful in the conflict area~~~

  • @milesmanske9947
    @milesmanske9947 Před 9 lety +9

    Is it just me or around 10:40+ they were playing music from Shrek when the leader walked in? This is my kind of country!

  • @KnaveRain
    @KnaveRain Před 9 lety +4

    Poor lady with the museum it seemed like her pride and treasure

    • @owenthomas5103
      @owenthomas5103 Před 6 měsíci

      Then she should be mindlessly repeating the propoganda lies that "justifyed" Russia starting the conflict.

  • @mnastic91
    @mnastic91 Před 9 lety +6

    War is hell.

  • @sergeyshatsky2711
    @sergeyshatsky2711 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Спасибо Семёну за хороший правдивый репортаж. единственное что было неправильно - Донецк не хотел уходить из Украины, он хотел своего самоуправления без навязывания языка, администрации, полиции и руководителей из Киева. но после того, как их стали убивать за это, речи о возвращении в Украину уже не было.

  • @titaniumdiveknife
    @titaniumdiveknife Před 9 lety


  • @NoTeaBaggers
    @NoTeaBaggers Před 9 lety +68

    Beginning at 4:10 and through 6:30, I had no idea of the beauty of Donetsk. I now understand why Russia invaded this area. Who wouldn't want their own little Tijuana? Step by step Putler is rebuilding the USSR. Just keep in mind Boris, when Russia collapses this time the EU and America will not help you to re-build. You are on your own this time.

    • @MsTbsd
      @MsTbsd Před 9 lety +36

      ***** learn english, luhandon.

    • @MsTbsd
      @MsTbsd Před 9 lety +32

      ***** lol russian army can't even capture an airport from a legitimate army. ПОЗОР . Go join the russian army and attack donetsk airport russianmeat1
      So they occupied crimea and donbass that had no army to fight against them at the time. Have fun with them sanctions and 200+body bags.
      russian abortion fsb troll army.

    • @MakroTeh
      @MakroTeh Před 9 lety +15

      It's calling avoiding escalation. But separatists were seen with Pecheng machine guns or with Russian only versions of T-72 or BTRs. When separatists were asked where did their T-64 came from they said they captured them in Crimea. But wait, isn't there a sea in between Crimea and Donetsk? There are countless satelite photos showing direct involvment of Russians for example Russian artillery shelling nearby Ukrainian forces just over the border. 50km for the nearest "separatist" positions.

    • @leostomicek
      @leostomicek Před 9 lety +4

      There are no satellite photos that conclusively prove any Russian involvement.

    • @MakroTeh
      @MakroTeh Před 9 lety +5

      Leos Tomicek
      You didn't even bother to google:
      OSCE tried using drones to monitor peace in the area but they've been shut down over "separatist" areas. Wonder why?

  • @riskoish
    @riskoish Před 9 lety +7

    simon has some balls, goddamn.

  • @BlondeManNoName
    @BlondeManNoName Před 9 lety

    What a crazy situation there.

  • @SeregaXAPbKOB
    @SeregaXAPbKOB Před 9 lety +1

    One of the best reports about East Ukraine Struggle

  • @Buts
    @Buts Před 9 lety +18

    9:08 Can't break the Russian spirit of fisticuffs.

  • @revisionisthistories
    @revisionisthistories Před 9 lety +4

    Aghem, first of all it is not " Donetsk, Ukraine" - rather Donetsk, DNR. Second, another way to tell how biased Simon is, how come he did not ask who was killing the civilians and shelling the city? Because all of the residents would have answered the same - poroshenko kiev junta.

  • @languer7925
    @languer7925 Před 9 lety

    Репортаж, як завжди, геніальний...

  • @bcbconklin
    @bcbconklin Před 9 lety +2

    humble yourself, Mr. Poroshenko, set the people free. stop the killing.
    withdraw your troops, and save them from humiliation and death.

  • @DogeHound88
    @DogeHound88 Před 9 lety +5

    These people deserve Independence more than anyone else.

  • @maxdochnal6610
    @maxdochnal6610 Před 9 lety +9

    I read that the world food program has launched an emergency operation to send food to people in donetsk who are affected by the conflict and was inspired to donate, good thing there are international organizations that actually care about the humanitarian crisis here. Hopefully the Donetsk government will welcome this food aid.

  • @normoloid
    @normoloid Před 9 lety +2

    "What will I do next"
    Asks the lady with mouth full of gold..

    • @skippy5712
      @skippy5712 Před 3 lety

      Ass-hole! She never said she had nothing before.
      What do you think she should do?

  • @Chinunit22
    @Chinunit22 Před 9 lety +2

    When this bomb shelter was built they had America in mind that invaded 30 years later with help of maidan puppet Poroshenko

  • @chnppPripyat
    @chnppPripyat Před 9 lety +23

    When you read the comments on all videos that are associated with events in Ukraine, remember that 90% of those who are agitating for Russia there is spam bots whose task is to write as much misinformation.

    • @chnppPripyat
      @chnppPripyat Před 9 lety +1

      алекс аспов давай, давай. Передай привет деревянному.

    • @chnppPripyat
      @chnppPripyat Před 9 lety +1

      алекс аспов какой интересный экземплярчик.Хотя впрочем не особо.

    • @mch8957
      @mch8957 Před 9 lety +5

      Remember that 90% of those who are agitating against Russia are Israeli trolls, spewing their hate and spreading lies!

    • @user-ix1io6qi4s
      @user-ix1io6qi4s Před 9 lety +1

      I have to say the same about ucranazi shit

    • @paidrussiantroll1305
      @paidrussiantroll1305 Před 9 lety

      Владимир Грушко

  • @nubemuffin
    @nubemuffin Před 9 lety +4

    I'm surprised to see Simon back in Donetsk... He is a brave guy. Hopefully they don't kidnap and torture him again.

  • @TheCrazyCanuck420
    @TheCrazyCanuck420 Před 9 lety +1

    Vice reporters have balls of steel. Sad that the major news networks won't give us coverage like this...

  • @skynat247
    @skynat247 Před 9 lety +1

    Hey simon, I don't know if I missed it, but will you touch on novorussia and the more recent organizations supporting the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine? I've been doing some of my own research, especially on the second battle of dontesk airport. Will you report on Novorussia? What about the Spartan Batallion, which seems to me to be recieivng supplies and military instruction from russian sattelite soldiers. Or is this report simply on the Kiev side of ukraine? Not that I'm particularly supporting the rebels, I'm just curious if we'll hear ain information about what's going on with their side.

    • @siilis1089
      @siilis1089 Před 10 měsíci

      Sadly vice lost its money and the video playlist lost it clicks. Pretty cool to see Europe forget about the war and then get gobsmacked when Putin used the weakness and instability. Sucks that it leads to the end of my generation.

  • @521i
    @521i Před 9 lety +3

    I think this video is the most well described version of why Donetsk tends to rebel against Ukraine

    • @lifesso
      @lifesso Před 2 lety

      brainwashed. happy now huh

    • @521i
      @521i Před 2 lety +1

      @@lifesso I’m sorry what incel?

  • @StarCrusher.
    @StarCrusher. Před 9 lety +5

    When will this end?

    • @Satakarnak
      @Satakarnak Před 9 lety +1

      By cristmas ;) or the next or the next or when putin gets the reward for tyrany

    • @elrocco999
      @elrocco999 Před 9 lety

      PUtin is dead sick not mouch Long and he's dead no cure for his cancer!!! that's why he is doing what he does!!!
      for the History books but he is so stupid that afther he dies the ppl in RUssia will smell real freedom!! they never had it so they think living like they live is kinda normal!!

    • @Juznik1389
      @Juznik1389 Před 9 lety +1

      StarCrusher And I am so sad that you have so few thumb ups compared to the rest of these war mongering neanderthals here... May you live forever my friend

    • @utubewatchinhesk
      @utubewatchinhesk Před 9 lety

      elrocco999 Don't set your hopes that high. Russia is already focusing East while the west tries desperately to hinder their path

    • @denmishchishin722
      @denmishchishin722 Před 9 lety

      After russia disintegration. Ukrainians will be the first to suffer from that act but we have no choice.

  • @gustavseeberg8824
    @gustavseeberg8824 Před 9 lety

    It says dispatch 84, but I just start to wonder when it ends "Dispatch 526?"

  • @TwoFistsOneHalleluja
    @TwoFistsOneHalleluja Před 9 lety +2

    Funny how they try to look civilized with Simon while not 6 months back they were torturing him in a basement.

    • @hamsterman32
      @hamsterman32 Před 9 lety +3

      funny how you blindly believe Simon being tortured when he didn't back that up with *anything!*

  • @VICENews
    @VICENews  Před 9 lety +31

    VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky interviewed civilians in Donetsk about their lives over the past few months - visiting locals working in a market that sits dangerously close to the ongoing battle for Donetsk’s airport, as well as others who have been living in a bomb shelter for months following the destruction of their homes.
    Check out "Teenagers Killed in Donetsk as Wintry Ukraine Edges Towards Frozen Conflict" -

    • @RtaincCo
      @RtaincCo Před 9 lety +13

      Nice video as always!

    • @hankf666
      @hankf666 Před 9 lety +7

      Well done, great reporting as always! Vice News rules! Keep up the great work...

    • @Satakarnak
      @Satakarnak Před 9 lety +12

      ***** i do not blame russia i blame the tyant putin and the corption in the east

    • @mtnvortex
      @mtnvortex Před 9 lety +14

      ***** Believe it or not, in this video, he actually shows the suffering that the people of Donetsk are enduring, at the hands of the Ukraine government. I was very surprised to see that this video did not show the same high level of anti-Donetsk bias as the past videos. I hope that the people of Donetsk can soon live in peace, with the government that they have chosen for themselves. These people deserve to live however they please. :(

    • @mtnvortex
      @mtnvortex Před 9 lety

      Raze No
      Yes, i wondered about that too. Though, I am on the outside, looking in, so I was not aware of a language controversy that she spoke of.

  • @B00nge
    @B00nge Před 9 lety +5

    Those jeans just keep getting tighter simon

  • @midsue
    @midsue Před 9 lety +1

    War is hell and hell is war for everyone who have lived through it or are doing it now anywhere in the world!

    @IRELANDAMERICAUK Před 9 lety +2

    Go Rebels !

  • @Prodigysportsman
    @Prodigysportsman Před 9 lety +4

    I am just here to say "wedding moose." 3:37

  • @Bosniake
    @Bosniake Před 9 lety +14

    Simon lies again at 7:35
    He said the war is between ukraine, *russia* and the russian seperatists.
    Simon, your are now months in the region. Still u didnt managed to film one *regular* russian soldier. Stopp lying!

    • @leostomicek
      @leostomicek Před 9 lety +3

      DrStrangel0ve2 He said, "regular Russian soldier". The fact is there are no Russian soldiers, and no war with Russia.

    • @hamsterman32
      @hamsterman32 Před 9 lety

      Surprising how you don't understand the brotherly ties which will make people want to stand up and fight on their own accord for the rights of their fellow Slavs.

    • @leostomicek
      @leostomicek Před 9 lety +3

      DrStrangel0ve2 And not just the Russians. Serbs, French, Belarussians, Ossetians, Czechs, Polish, Hungarians were all spotted helping Novorossiya gain independence from Ukraine. Ukraine is a genocidal entity and an instrument of anti-Russian policy at the hands of the West.

    • @hamsterman32
      @hamsterman32 Před 9 lety +2

      DrStrangel0ve2 Of fucking course, after seeing the result of this "Anti-Terroist Operation" Kiev has led, I don't see why it is so surprising that people who have strong ties with their Slavic roots are willing to risk their life in order to protect their brothers and sisters from the instigation of the IMF. Now that there are battalions of literal Nazi's ravaging the birthplace of the Russian civilization, it seems as if more people are needed for Novorossia. I know of people from North, South and Central America that have all volunteered to fight for Novorussia because they feel it it the morally right thing to do. What a Ukrop does is not the right thing to do, that is why they continue to wear the balaclavas.

    • @EternallyGod
      @EternallyGod Před 9 lety +1

      They have filmed many russian soldiers, russia even admitted to it soldiers going into ukraine to fight. They said that they cant stop what their soldiers do on time off...well every other country in the world does but i guess russia is too stupid.

  • @user-yp9bx9tj3r
    @user-yp9bx9tj3r Před 9 lety +2

    I feel very sorry for this people, who have done nothing wrong. Ukrain army stop killing people in Donbas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @ButterHaus420
    @ButterHaus420 Před 9 lety +2

    10:42 that music is literally from the movie shrek xD

  • @blakejech6846
    @blakejech6846 Před 4 lety +5

    "There will be no bombs or shells exploding on our streets." I love irony. goodbye Zakharchenko

  • @anon746912
    @anon746912 Před 9 lety +4

    I wonder, at what point will Vice subtitle the region as "Donetsk, Donetsk Peoples' Republic" instead of "Donetsk, Ukraine"?

  • @MaugothWolfGoat
    @MaugothWolfGoat Před 9 lety +1

    This shit kinda reminds me of our war back here, in Croatia from 1991. to 1995.

  • @egorka2201
    @egorka2201 Před 9 lety +1

    OMG The dancing bear! OMG! Why? why? maaan... WHY?

  • @Niyet22
    @Niyet22 Před 9 lety +4

    Ukraine should be with Russia. The USSR should've never been diluted. They have Europe, America has crippled its neighbors. The only force that could stop this alliance bent on dividing nations is the USSR. Asia is too complicated and divided now, thanks to the British.

    • @redscorpioncrusades9284
      @redscorpioncrusades9284 Před 9 lety +8

      ussr was a failed ideology. russia has soviet union right now as it has 17 republics under it.

    • @Niyet22
      @Niyet22 Před 9 lety

      sean connery failed? Nonetheless, Russia and China are the only powers who have interests that don't align with that of USA. It's better for the rest of us if Russia becomes more powerful.

    • @dalton35242
      @dalton35242 Před 9 lety +1

      shoulda coulda woulda.. it was diluted. Ukraine became a nation. Russia agreed. The World agreed. Deal with it.

    • @Niyet22
      @Niyet22 Před 9 lety

      Dalton R The new Russian generation doesn't seem to agree.

    • @dalton35242
      @dalton35242 Před 9 lety

      la-conformist And you are making the point as to why Russia should be feared by the rest of the world? Whatever it wants, it will get by force? Yeah that "new Russian generation" will have to learn the hard way I suppose. I would like to think it's only the old communist mentality muddled generation that wants to cling to that ideology, but we shall see.

  • @nikolayew
    @nikolayew Před 2 lety +3

    10:43 music from Shrek

  • @bogdy2craizy
    @bogdy2craizy Před 9 lety +1

    Lol @ Simon with his bullet proof vest and helmet while everybody else is chilling like nothing's going on

  • @ernstalbrecht5212
    @ernstalbrecht5212 Před 9 lety

    Respect Semion, proper documentary

  • @antitrollsquad3124
    @antitrollsquad3124 Před 9 lety +3

    The level of trolls on this video is high.

  • @user-jv9mv5fh4n
    @user-jv9mv5fh4n Před 5 lety +3

    11:21 ahahaha ))))

  • @georgenzioki9422
    @georgenzioki9422 Před rokem

    Sounds like the umpteenth explosion there where is Icc?

  • @NoCodChimp
    @NoCodChimp Před 9 lety

    Smh -sad state in Donetsk

  • @laurejon
    @laurejon Před 9 lety +5

    Its pretty appalling seeing what has happened in East Ukraine. Hopefully the Kiev military will honour their surrender agreement and return to Kiev before it gets too cold for those poor young lads that have been conscripted and sent to fight a war they don't support against their own countrymen.

    • @owenthomas5103
      @owenthomas5103 Před 6 měsíci

      ???? What reality are you in? Kiev never did surrender. This is an attack by russa not by other ukranians and The vast majority of Ukranians do support fighting back against Russians attempted conquest.

  • @anonymouse527
    @anonymouse527 Před 9 lety +22

    Did Simon Ostrovsky have a change of heart? He started to report this story from a neutral standpoint more or less, trying to understand what the real beef is. Maybe he realized this isn't a simple "good vs. evil" situation but a "guillable people led by dumbass leaders vs. guillable people led by dumbass leaders" situation.

    • @DG0398
      @DG0398 Před 9 lety +1

      I'm glad to see a change in his perception. Nothing's ever black and white.

    • @LolYoureADumbass
      @LolYoureADumbass Před 9 lety +8

      guitarbrother I think he still blames Russia for all of it, but perhaps he sees that the people getting bombed indiscriminately by shitty Ukrainian rockets are in fact, pissed at Ukraine for a reason.

    • @soldierorsomething
      @soldierorsomething Před 9 lety +9

      Dont worry, im sure someone will still blame VICE and Simon for western propaganda even in this video

    • @Suchti322
      @Suchti322 Před 9 lety +4

      He was neutral before but since he is now allowed to show fotage from the other side of the story (the last time he did that he was taken as a hostage) he can now show both sides.

    • @dyucka
      @dyucka Před 9 lety +2

      He was always against war, and spoke out about it. I find that he allot more Pro-Russian then he is pro-Ukrainian just because the Ukrainian government is ruining the country.

  • @whatilearnttoday5295
    @whatilearnttoday5295 Před 9 lety

    Please, please, please stop forcing us to turn off annotations on every one of your videos.

  • @henrydodd7001
    @henrydodd7001 Před 9 lety +1

    That bear at the end lol

  • @jackfinlander3359
    @jackfinlander3359 Před 9 lety +6

    I love how russia is controlled by a James Bond Villain.

  • @asdd1000
    @asdd1000 Před 9 lety +4

    crimea is russia and vice versa

  • @TrueTreeRadioNetwork
    @TrueTreeRadioNetwork Před 9 lety

    I don't even know who's on which side anymore...

  • @gludiousmaximus7918
    @gludiousmaximus7918 Před 9 lety

    It's scary how similar the situation in Eastern Ukraine is to the Croatian War...

  • @koonteriskool
    @koonteriskool Před 9 lety +3

    No plumbing, no electricity, semi-femine.
    Glad to see that people are enjoying new Russia.

  • @natalyaboll6529
    @natalyaboll6529 Před 9 lety +3

    как печально, что они думают, что нац гвардия их бомбит.. люди подземелья. . запрограммированные.

  • @Jan96106
    @Jan96106 Před 9 lety


  • @HappyCoachYuantai
    @HappyCoachYuantai Před 4 lety +1

    " that when it is all over, there will be people left to live in the state."

  • @tubefish666
    @tubefish666 Před 2 měsíci

    Funny that Simon NEVER asked the people who was shelling those civilians. The only pointer was that caption of that lady who said "National Guard is shelling them".

  • @DarkPantherXD1
    @DarkPantherXD1 Před 9 lety

    Did you guys notice the theme song they use at 10:46???

  • @olehlisovy8061
    @olehlisovy8061 Před 4 lety +1

    Интересно, дошол уже до Ламанша , или с Кобзоном всё поют?

  • @ProfessorFatMan
    @ProfessorFatMan Před 9 lety

    As soon as the vice guy began to talk he reminded me of the pair of glasses that are attached with a big nose and a mustache? Anyone with me on this one? lol

  • @titaniumdiveknife
    @titaniumdiveknife Před 9 lety

    This reporter is hardcore! Also he looks like James Bond! LOVE HIM!!!!! MOAR PLZ?

    • @kemurinine4272
      @kemurinine4272 Před 9 lety +3

      He dosnt look a thing like any of the actors that played James Bond wtf

  • @diegosanchez7059
    @diegosanchez7059 Před 2 lety +1

    10:40 is that the Shrek 2 Soundtrack?

  • @mattkaczorowski3099
    @mattkaczorowski3099 Před 9 lety

    Did anyone notice the Shrek music at 10:40 ish? lol

  • @kakakhan5941
    @kakakhan5941 Před rokem +2

    If zakanski just rejects to join EU OR NATO?then a beautiful country like Ukraine and countless human lives will be saved!!!one wrong decision and the result is in front of us?very sad!!!!to see Ukrainian civilians suffering because of one man foolish decision.i pray to ALMIGHTY ALLAH PAK that this and all other wars end today.Amen

  • @McMeatBag
    @McMeatBag Před 2 lety +1

    I forgot Vice used to do actual news

    • @williamgill5286
      @williamgill5286 Před 2 lety


  • @warlord602
    @warlord602 Před 9 lety

    You should ask the people you interview if they were born in Russia or Ukraine.

  • @eriknydam1843
    @eriknydam1843 Před 9 lety

    how did this conflict even begin? Has it never been officially established?

    • @wiskysadie
      @wiskysadie Před 9 lety +3

      America paid a bunch of Nazis to take down the Ukrainian elected government. Some Ukrainians didn't like that so the Nazi coup government started killing them. It is a proxy war against Russia by the west using Ukrainians as fodder.

    • @Alilbas
      @Alilbas Před 9 lety +1

      Yes, that is Americans may be paid Putin to invade in Crimea.

    • @MrEverythingIndie
      @MrEverythingIndie Před 9 lety +1

      wiskysadie You pretty much summed it up

    • @fightback397
      @fightback397 Před rokem

      Good compact summary .

  • @jabbard73
    @jabbard73 Před 9 lety

    Winter weather is going to make this situation worse.

  • @yogcastfan637
    @yogcastfan637 Před 9 lety

    quality much?

  • @oli_kester
    @oli_kester Před 9 lety

    Isn't every country self-proclaimed, and self-appointed?

  • @dre3k78
    @dre3k78 Před 9 lety

    11:22 Dat bear tho

  • @paramaaz
    @paramaaz Před 5 lety +1

    Well, he died.

  • @dukehines
    @dukehines Před 9 lety

    the dogs look very scarred.

  • @vitiachao9765
    @vitiachao9765 Před 9 lety +1

    Однако, несколько однобокое видео, Simon. Для свободного журналиста странновато.

    • @kainmanv.v.282
      @kainmanv.v.282 Před 9 lety +2

      В каком месте оно однобоко? Он проста показывает как живут люди и все и даже не задаёт провокационных вопросов.

  • @mertek725
    @mertek725 Před 9 lety +1

    Lady at 9:00 complaining about not having food water or clothes but has like 20 golden teeth in her mouth...

  • @arnelll
    @arnelll Před 3 lety

    Simon you should have helped that old lady with some money :(

  • @AnthonyLysenko
    @AnthonyLysenko Před 9 lety +1

    Just to call out all the Russian apologists here, just because someone speaks Russian does not make them ethnic Russian. During the Soviet Union times Russian language was mandated in all 15 republics, while local ethnic languages were often discouraged and suppressed. As a result of such draconian policies, a lot of people in the former Soviet Union republics speak Russian, it's the legacy of the former Soviet rule and it does not serve as an indication of one's ethnic origin. A great many ethnicities speak Russian because they were forced to learn it. Particularly in Ukraine, the population is pretty homogeneous, and people mostly self-identify with either Ukrainian or Russian origin. One can claim to be either, depending on the personal circumstances, cultural leanings, or political beliefs, which has nothing to do with person's actual ethnicity or race. Case and point, the majority of Right Sector guys speak Russian, and so does Ukrainian military. Does that make them ethnic Russians? Of course it doesn't, no more than writing this in English makes me an Englishman. The entire "Ukrainian JewNaziBanderas killing Russians" narrative is a well-crafted political ploy by Putin and his FSB henchmen, a much needed pretext for a military aggression against the sovereign state of Ukraine. A pretext formed and honed several years ahead of the Maidan Revolution at one of the annual Kremlin Youth Camp events (sounds pretty ominous, doesn't it?). In fact, while the "not Russian" military was taking over government buildings in Crimea, immediately following the Maidan events, there were no reported or documented cases of ethnic killings or repressions of ethnic Russians anywhere in Ukraine. I will repeat, there were ZERO cases of ethnic repressions of Russians in Ukraine, only empty allegations and hyperbolic propaganda on Russian state owned TV. Yet the Russian military was already invading, shooting, kidnapping and killing Ukrainians on Ukrainian soil. Some Putinist trolls would probably attempt to bring up various drafts of laws that could have prohibited Russian language from being used as "official" language in Ukraine, the proposed drafts of laws that never became actual laws. It is also not an indication of ethnic hostilities, unlike the actual 100+ dead Ukrainians on Maidan square in Kiev and untold dozens in the Eastern Ukraine where Ukrainian activists were being beaten, kidnapped and killed. Those were the actual ethnic killings of Ukrainians by the Russian "Berkut" police that were brought into Kiev by the deposed President Yanukovich. These were the only ethnic killings that were taking place in Ukraine, and those crimes were committed on the Ukrainian people, all the while Putin and his propaganda machine were calling Ukrainians "Nazi" and "Fascist", trying to implicate Europe, America and NATO in "attacking Russians" or "staging a coup". I am going into this level of detail so those of you who are interested in learning about the Ukrainian events are able to make your own research and are able to discern the facts for yourself. In fact, the entire Ukrainian conflict has nothing to do with the alleged ethnic strife, instead it's entirely about Putin's criminal regime and its fight with civilized world. Fattened on high petro prices, with unchecked grip on political power, Putin and his FSB cronies apparently thought they are back in the 60's and that they are able to dictate their will to the free and sovereign nations in the Eastern Europe, and by extension to the rest of the world. This clique of secret police and mafia had stopped at nothing, including lying to the whole world, killing and torturing thousands of Ukrainians (both military and civilians), shooting down a Malaysian airliner full of kids and families, violating multiple legal pacts and agreements, committing war crimes just to see their way to geopolitical domination over the sovereign Eastern European states. Daily Russian bomber fly bys, kidnapping of military personnel in Estonia, the onslaught of state owned Russian media propaganda, thousands of social network trolls with racist and fascist attitudes are all signs of a well engineered campaign of military and psychological offensive. And the West is indeed to blame for some of this. Instead of addressing Putin's corruption of political power in Russia (now on his 3rd Presidential term) and holding Russia accountable to the terms of Budapest Memorandum, the US and the UK prefer to take the easy path of toothless economic sanctions and visa bans, all the while thousands of Ukrainians had died and hundreds of European citizens were killed in mid air. Please make no mistake about this, there is no appeasing Putin or hordes of his cut throat militants pouring across the Ukrainian border. They see themselves on a historic mission, "taking Berlin again" only this time in the expected farcical fashion playing the role of savage fascists. We must isolate Russia now and provide strong felt military response, the only language of diplomacy Putin understands. We must work to provoke a political regime change in Russia, before the petro money fueled corruption reaches any further into the Western democracy. We simply can't afford to make the same mistake again, the beast must be caged and declawed.

  • @xanthespace5141
    @xanthespace5141 Před 9 lety +1

    11:21 Wait, dancing bear, WHAT THE FUCK? Nice joke, DPR, but I live in Western Siberia and I never saw a fucking bear there.

    • @wigster600
      @wigster600 Před 9 lety +1

      You need to play Kalinka, you'll find a bear dancing towards you if you do :p

  • @beataj3382
    @beataj3382 Před 9 lety

    Simon without the glasses 4:57 lovely :)) Handsome boy

  • @Romanoff.Kalashnikov
    @Romanoff.Kalashnikov Před 3 lety +1


  • @GUTZ420
    @GUTZ420 Před 9 lety +1

    that was very surreal with the fake bear , almost like a movie.
    how the f*ck came up with that idea ?

  • @henkeman94
    @henkeman94 Před 9 lety +1

    11:05 How will they afford all of this? Or will they just completely rely on russian aid?

    @ZNPRODUCTIONS Před 9 lety

    2:22 not Sovet Union but Soviet Union, mistake in the subtitles.

  • @ErnestJay88
    @ErnestJay88 Před 8 lety +1

    Real life "Metro 2033 and Last Light"