The progress of the work done by CVTL - Progresu servisu ne’ebe mak CVTL halo ho Komunidade.

  • čas přidán 13. 09. 2024
  • Progresu servisu ne’ebe mak CVTL halo ho Komunidade sira iha Suku Aituto no Manelobas.
    CVTL nia servisu ba iha komunidade sira liu husi programa; Responde emrjénsia, Bee no saneamentu, Promosaun Saúde, Preparasaun ba dezastre no hamenus risku ba dezastre, Meiu moris, Primeiru sokorrus, Juventude, nst.
    Video ida ne’e hatudu progresu servisu ne’ebe mak CVTL halo ho Komunidade sira iha Suku Aituto ho Manelobas (Munisipiu Ainaro).
    Iha tinan hirak liu ba kotuk, komunidade sira ne’e susar tebes atu asesu ba Bee Mos, Komunidade sira (liu-liu inan feton sira) tenke lao tun ba mota ou lao sae ba Bee matan sira iha foho lolon, ho distansia lao dala ida bele to’o oras ida ou oras rua atu hetan deit Bee mos, maibe ohin loron komunidade sira iha suku Aituto no Manelobas la susar tan ona ba Bee Mos tamba CVTL konsege kanaliza ona Bee mos to’o iha sira nia uma oin.
    Uluk liu mos komunidade hirak ne’e atu uja sintina sira tenke ba Ai-laran eh Fahi Luhan, ate to’o labarik balun mate tamba fahi mak tata iha momentu nia sintina, ho nune’e CVTL apoiu sintina ida-ida ba kada uma kain, CVTL no komunidade halo konkordansia hamutuk, CVTL nia Apoiu closet, sementi, besi, kalen komunidade apoiu iha servisu no material local sira seluk.
    Laos deit Bee mos no sintina mak CVTL apoiu maibe CVTL mos fasilita atu hadia rendimentu ekonomia familia nian liu husi treinamentu, estabele grupu rai no empresta osan, apoiu Manu no Manu luhan, apoiu material musika no desportu ba juventude sira, treinamentu konaba prevensaun saude basiku, redusaun risku dezastre, nst.
    Programa ida ne’e CVTL konsege implementa hamutuk ho komunidade sira tamba hetan apoiu fundus husi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru Korea liu husi IFRC no hetan apoiu tekniku (hakerek proposal, monitorizasaun, evaluasaun, nst) husi Cruz Vermelha Korea.
    The progress of the work done by CVTL with the Community in Aituto and Manelobas Villages.
    CVTL works with the community through many programs, including: Emergency Response; Water and Sanitation; Health Promotion; Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction; Livelihoods; First Aid, Youth, etc.
    This video shows the progress of the work done by CVTL with the Community in Aituto and Manelobas Villages (Ainaro Municipality).
    For many years, communities have often found it very difficult to access clean water: they (women mainly) have had to walk down to rivers or up mountains to springs, often one or two hours each way, to get clean water. Now in the villages Aituto and Manelobas, they no longer have to face this arduous task as CVTL has worked with the communities to have a water system that provides clean water with easy access to homes.
    In the past, the community would have to go to the forest or to pigsty when they needed to go to the toilet. Some children died because they were bitten by a pig when they had to defecate. CVTL supported each household with a toilet. Together, CVTL and the community agreed together to make this happen: CVTL supplying toilets, cement, and roofing iron, and the community gave their labour and other local materials.
    As part of CVTL’s holistic approach, we also facilitated to improve the family income through training, establishment of saving and loans groups, support for raising chickens, music and sports materials for youth, training on basic health prevention, disaster risk reduction, etc.
    This program CVTL has been able to be implemented with the community and was supported by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the IFRC and technical support (support in writing proposal, Monitoring and Evaluation etc) from the Korean Red Cross.

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