Spotting Red Flags PART 2 for Furries, VRChat and more.

  • čas přidán 10. 07. 2024
  • The script took a while to get right on this one.
    Here is the link to the first one:-
    • Spotting Red Flags for...
    Thank you guys for supporting me as usual!
    00:00 Intro
    01:28 Feigning Distress to Seek Affirmation
    07:19 Trauma Dumping
    11:48 Negging
    16:58 Self-Aggrandizement and Usurping
    19:17 Levelling
    21:59 Closing Thoughts
    EDIT: I realized shortly after I uploaded this that there is a problem with the audio when it tries to dip the volume for the music. Sorry guys! Ill make sure it wont happen in the next one. I am trying new stuff and these can slip under the radar.

Komentáře • 154

  • @LunaSolaste
    @LunaSolaste Před 7 měsíci +196

    I’m going to get some hate for this, but I was once a far worse off person than I am now and that’s because I grew up around the wrong people and mimicked them not knowing the difference at the time. I come to realize years ago thanks to therapy and friends that I was behaving wildly inappropriately and now have completely changed how I interact with people. Thank you so so much for the section at the end of this video. People like you are the reason I’m better off today.

    • @voxdraco
      @voxdraco  Před 7 měsíci +67

      You should be proud of yourself for overcoming that. It's rare. You have my respect.

    • @mromg8282
      @mromg8282 Před 7 měsíci +20

      Hate? You were able to see the bad in your ways, acknowledged it, improoved, and became a better person. That's character development - what's there to hate?

    • @krismichaeldreemurr7818
      @krismichaeldreemurr7818 Před 6 měsíci +6

      This why people shouldn't be so quick to judge like you thay can chage over time, stay determined! 😊

    • @arvurebantra7639
      @arvurebantra7639 Před 6 měsíci +7

      No hate from me. As a former victim of years of abuse who started to see myself doing those exact things that were done to me, I can't hate you for working to be better. You're doing great, we're all doing great if we're here and we're talking about it.
      Don't ever doubt yourself or hate yourself, because your past does not define you as a whole.

    • @SkullpunkArt
      @SkullpunkArt Před 6 měsíci +3

      Yeah I feel that bro

  • @moo1493
    @moo1493 Před 6 měsíci +51

    me and my friend used to both be really bad for trauma dumping on eachother so we introduced a new rule to our friendship
    firstly- we ask if it's ok to vent/trauma dump, if the person says yes go ahead if they say no then don't
    secondly we ask "Do you want advice, comfort or for me to just listen" this helps so much because sometimes you just want someone to listen or other times you know a solution but you just want to be comforted anyway

  • @Just_a_commenter
    @Just_a_commenter Před 7 měsíci +70

    So, after finishing the video, I wanted to offer some additional words (plus commenting is good for video engagement)... First; excellent conclusion, and thank you for giving the additional context as to why you didn't address these red flags in the first video.
    Second, speaking to the conclusion of the video; Vox is right. Everyone has the capacity to grow and become a better person, but it's a choice they need to make.
    A bad actor can be born out of a toxic environment that put them through trial after trial at no fault of their own, beating them down to leave them corrupted and jaded... Or they could have had the best upbringing possible while never holding onto the good ideals their guardians tried to instill within them - none of the traditional hardships one may face, but learning all the wrong lessons along the way.
    Knowing that good people can also come out of either of these life situations means the individual is in control. _You_ decide the words _you_ say and how _you_ behave in the world that we all share... So, it's *_your choice_* to acknowledge who you are and what needs to change for you to live the most fulfilling life you can. The power's in your hands. I hope the person reading this that needs to hear these words makes the correct choice.
    Thanks again, Vox. If I ever run into you in VRChat, I owe you a crisp high-five... or whatever the closest equivalent is in VR chat.

  • @alistairrosehearts9734
    @alistairrosehearts9734 Před 6 měsíci +11

    Psychosis can also be present in personality disorders and C-PTSD, and some people may experience small bouts of psychosis due to extreme stress and/or certain medications. Some autistic people can especially be prone to experiencing small bouts of psychosis when stressed (something I wish was talked about more as an autistic person who is psychotic, though my psychosis is likely moreso my BPD and C-PTSD). It's a complicated thing that is a lot more common than people realize, can have a lot of different causes, and can look so many different ways on the outside.
    I've had issues where when experiencing nonbizarre type paranoia delusions, I've accidentally made others suspicious of others in ways that might not have been warranted. While those people were indeed acting in some suspicious and iffy ways, my brain did spiral very much off the deep end to a level that was clearly paranoid delusion, but because of the other stuff and how what I was saying sounded like it made sense, they believed it. But I've also had people freak out or get frustrated with me when I was experiencing bizarre type delusions that very much did not help and only made the situation worse for both parties. If you think someone might be experiencing delusions, try to deescalate in ways that do not invalidate or deny the delusion but don't affirm it either if possible. Reality checking more often than not pushes someone deeper into the delusion unless it's guided by a trained medical professional (but even then does not always work). Psychosis is a symptom rather than a disorder itself, the most helpful thing is to treat the underlying cause to treat the psychosis in a lot of cases.
    Also faking things for attention is a common cry for help behavior for people who are struggling a lot but feel like their struggles aren't "extreme enough" to be worth caring about. It doesn't make it okay, but often people who fake things for attention do have it horrible (some of the most suicidal people I have met were people who faked things for attention as a cry for help), so I would be careful about anything that could possibly invalidate how bad someone has it just because they may have faked something. But I also wouldn't assume everyone who fakes stuff has it that bad either. It's complicated and mental illness is a tricky thing.
    And then not all traumadumping is meant to be venting. Sometimes people in certain situations may have things normalized to them that they don't realize are traumas. To them talking about the traumatic incidents is no different than how others talk about their lives and being yelled at for traumadumping can feel very confusing and alienating. I've had a lot of cases where I've been accused of traumadumping because in conversions about our lives I've mentioned something that was normal to me and someone was like "what?" and I explained because my autistic ass took their "what?" as wanting me to explain it. So sometimes the talk of their trauma is moreso in a "I'm trying to contribute the conversation in a way that I think is relevant"/"I'm telling you about a thing in my life that I think is normal because it's normal to me and trying to use in what is supposed to be casual small talk" way than it a venting way. It still is something I understand is hard to handle, but the best way to go about it is to not be accusatory. Usually talking it out and asking for certain topics to be avoided is best, rather than accusing of traumadumping. This sort of thing is especially common in abuse victims, whether actively in an abuse situation and being gaslit to think the trauma they talking about is normal, or people who do not realize that previous abuse they've went through was abuse because of how the abuse functioned.
    But of course just like everything else it is complicated. I've had someone traumadump to me constantly when trying to explain why she kept acting in a certain way that was a trigger for me when I'd ask her to stop. This would happen every time as a repeat behavior, with the same trauma story every time. It was both traumadumping and an excuse as to why she wasn't stopping the triggering behavior. She has started to get better now, but it was stressful and very hard on me having to play therapist so much while being triggered constantly. She did not realize she was doing it when she did it, and I don't think she realized she was using it as an excuse either.
    Also, the term narcissist is not the best term to use. It comes from the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, one of the most stigmatized personality disorders. While some untreated people with NPD may act like the colloquial use of the term, the majority do not and will struggle with horrible self esteem outside of episodes. NPD is usually the result of severe abuse, which usually involves manipulation and other types of abuse people are often labeled as "narcissists" for. People with NPD are also often more vulnerable to experiencing those types of abuse and manipulation, as well as those with other cluster B personality disorders. The unstable sense of self and emotional disregulation makes cluster B people incredibly easy to manipulate. And those types of manipulation and abuse are not at all limited to people with NPD. While yes, some untreated people with NPD do those things, abuse and manipulation are choices. Disorders are not a choice. No disorder inherently makes someone abusive. It can contribute, yes. But any disorder can contribute in the same way. One of my worst abusers had Major Depressive Disorder. His disorder did play a huge role in the abuse. But no one ever talks about "depression abuse" or stereotypes depressed people as abusers the way people do with those with NPD or any other personality disorder. Personality disorders are also far rarer than those behaviors are, and NPD is a rarer personality disorder. So there are far more people who do those things who do not have NPD than there are who do from just taking into account how common abusers are and how rare NPD is. But the colloquial use of the term narcissist in this way further stigmatizes and demonizes people with NPD, who may be struggling to get help because of the stigma surrounding their disorder making finding that help very difficult.
    A more correct term would be to just label the person for what their behavior is. Just say manipulator or abuser.

    • @URnightmares162
      @URnightmares162 Před 6 měsíci +2

      Thank you for this comment, even if the video is true with it's staments, this is true too.
      This is coming from as an autistic person who is possibly has bipolar disorder (maybe, but i doubting it now), that includes psychosis.
      But yeah i gotta agree with you, especially i have a family member who is manipulative and made me believe false information in the past.
      Anyways i hope you have a good day/night.

    • @aunabreslingaming3279
      @aunabreslingaming3279 Před měsícem

      Yesssss aswell as disassociative disorders

  • @TexanMiror2
    @TexanMiror2 Před 6 měsíci +12

    I'm not playing VRchat or anything related, but your red flag videos are useful beyond that. In fact, they are useful beyond any online community. Both for detecting negative tendencies in others, as well as for learning to better see your own negative tendencies. For people with significant trauma, it's often a difficult, life-long learning process to even unterstand what "normal" or "healthy" is, because we've never been shown that (or at least not enough, in the formative times during childhood), so videos like this can be one part in learning how to be a better person.
    Thank you for making these videos.

  • @BladeSmith1928
    @BladeSmith1928 Před 7 měsíci +25

    Vox, thank you. This second part provides a closure to me. I see some of these red flags in my friends, others in failed relationships. The manipulation people can do is really... really draining like you said. Thank you for opening our eyes so we can stop feeding, and start healing ♥︎

  • @RaccoonRezillo
    @RaccoonRezillo Před 7 měsíci +20

    You know, in ways I like to see these videos are not by looking at others doing these red flags but “am I doing any of them?” Am I possibly harming or falling in any self pride agenda? I think you brought up some good points to even look at ourselves on how not to act to others as you pointed out the harm and trouble you bring to others if you do them so thank you for sharing! ^-^ you did a great job bcs you never pointed out anyone and just did examples with yourself to not harm others just to explain them.

  • @Just_a_commenter
    @Just_a_commenter Před 7 měsíci +24

    Nice, glad to see the sequel to the prior video! Always love to see informative content to make the online experience for others, especially those more susceptible to manipulation, a safer and better time for all good-spirited parties involved.

  • @PHOENIX2145
    @PHOENIX2145 Před 7 měsíci +29

    I really liked this video. it really helped me notice the red flags in not only some of my friends but also myself as well and makes me want to improve myself more. I don't know if I display any really bad ones but I really want to fix them nonetheless. Thank you for a really great video Vox. 💙

  • @nathancs716
    @nathancs716 Před měsícem +1

    at first I thought it was weird to see a tiny furry talk with such a deep voice but honestly the closing thoughts went really hard, I sub

  • @romanmuscarella3057
    @romanmuscarella3057 Před 6 měsíci +6

    This was so maturely, appropriately, and tacktfully presented. And your closing thoughts were incredibly humble and made perfect sense. I've seen and experienced many of these red flags and the ones in your first video, and I think it is very good that you are using your platform to spread awareness and caution. I personally don't think you need to make a third video of this, even jf there are more red flags to be discussed. With what you've shared so far, this is more than enough to get people thinking and asking questions, and i thank you for taking the leap of making these videos despite the backlash or potential problems that could be raised.

  • @motionless6449
    @motionless6449 Před 7 měsíci +1

    i love the way you make these videos, I have been in so many different situations I’ve learned to ask the right questions at the right times before inviting someone into my friend circle. This video does do a pretty good job at showing many different red flags and how to do a better job spotting them (including those that im just learning about while watching this video and that I’ve found that i need to fix some traits of my own)

  • @jasii7206
    @jasii7206 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I dunno why but watching you go on about social topics like these is relaxing. I tend to have to think about social interactions a lot more then others because of my autism, so learning about stuff like this in this way helps a lot. Also, your avatar is adorable! I love fluffy stuff!

  • @FlashBoltMayhem1
    @FlashBoltMayhem1 Před 7 měsíci +5

    Very good work, Vox. Hardly ever comment on videos, but I wanted to say thank you for the additional informational content - as well as the affirmation of change at the end. As someone who's actively trying to do just that, it gives a little more hope that I can break away from these...I dunno if I'd call them habits or impulses or choices, maybe all three. Either way, thank you kindly. Much love, and best wishes, hope, and luck to your growth. Happy days!

  • @HaneherlThePretzel
    @HaneherlThePretzel Před 7 měsíci +4

    This was a very valuable video to educate and making people aware. We recently had bad issues with a close person showing many of here shown red flags. This video even more confirms why things got so sideways. Keep doing what you are doing

  • @thefluffygenius4857
    @thefluffygenius4857 Před 4 měsíci

    Wow, well I want to thank you for making both of these videos, they seem very helpful and it’s no shame to share experiences to help someone else who may see the same thing ^^. The video really made me think!

  • @zytheyw
    @zytheyw Před 5 měsíci

    Your videos are sooo calming and relaxing to me. Like they are comforting in a way I can’t describe. I think it’s your voice in combination with the avatar. Anyways thank you for the helpful content!

    @DRAGONZz Před 6 měsíci +1

    I LOVE the fact that when you talk about these red flags you explain that its not always a major issue and people mayhave difficulties or lack social skills to raise awareness that not everyone is malicious.
    This video is excellent and shows a healthy side

  • @tristanben5627
    @tristanben5627 Před 6 měsíci

    I think u making this video was a great idea and very helpful to anyone watching, this is y a topic talked about a lot bc of how social interactions happen in this day and age. Being able to bring this kind of stuff up on the internet not once but 2 times I think is very brave bc u are goin to get people who are not goin to like this kind of video or who take it the wrong way or just don’t like it. But i thx u personally for those who u are helping by making these videos Ik it probably won’t matter anyways and probably goin to fall on deaf ears but I wanted to say it. Thx u so much

  • @CaydoFox
    @CaydoFox Před 6 měsíci

    Vox thank you for making this video!!! I really enjoyed it and learned things from your video that I would keep note of especially the conclusion you beannnnnn.

  • @lordharryvarden
    @lordharryvarden Před 5 měsíci

    This is so informative, I can't stress how much this helps! It's so hard making friends on VRC, but this really helps me to find the right folk who aren't toxic.

  • @chris_is_here_oh_no
    @chris_is_here_oh_no Před 7 měsíci +1

    Excellent continuation, these were great points, glad to see this!

  • @shamrooooock
    @shamrooooock Před 6 měsíci

    im glad i could finally find the words to explain what levelling is, thank you so much

  • @pheonix993
    @pheonix993 Před 6 měsíci

    Thanks for this man this has highlighted stuff I need to work on and stuff to look out for amazing vid and I bid you a merry Christmaka (if you have ever watched the oc you will understand the christmaka)

  • @WestonHawk
    @WestonHawk Před 7 měsíci +1

    I'm glad you made this, thank you Vox! Your words are powerful and give me courage

  • @meageekygirl
    @meageekygirl Před 6 měsíci

    I really like this video. Makes you really think about all this and helps recognize these situations when they happen to you, or if you are the cause of it. Thank you Vox for making this video and taking all of this seriously. These can be difficult situations/subjects and IMO you handled covering it very well. Thank you for also sharing some of your personal life in this video. Looking forward to the next time we meet in VRChat.

  • @xeobit2781
    @xeobit2781 Před 6 měsíci +1

    wow that ending was cold! good video as always

  • @Afurolypse
    @Afurolypse Před 6 měsíci +2

    the first one happened to me (but with 3 fingers), it can actually happen, if the doctor diagnosing you is incompetent, diagnoses 3 broken fingers and gives you a cast and the next week you go there to get it checked out to be told there never was anything broken (i know this mistake is common in children, but i was 20 at that time)

  • @CollinSparkstheWolfMitchell
    @CollinSparkstheWolfMitchell Před 6 měsíci +1

    I've been a red flag myself in a few places between both this video and the first and I hated myself for how terribly I treated people during my times of absolute lows. It wasn't until I made a final attempt and then sought help did I realize my problems and began to put my best foot forward as often as I can. Yes I still have my lows and moments of separation and anxiety and depression and I've come to terms that it is normal for me. It's part of healing and becoming better for it.
    You can heal, you just need to want to do it and be willing to put every spare ounce of energy you have into making it happen.

  • @nannerpuss9430
    @nannerpuss9430 Před 6 měsíci

    It's amazing just how complex human communication is. You can completely shift an entire vibe or meaning of a statement, just by moving a simple muscle on your face or pitching your voice a certain way or speaking a certain amount. We still have so much to learn about our own sapience. Great video as always. Thank you for putting a name to different behaviors that I just passed off as me being judgmental, or something. Glad I'm not alone :)

  • @TheSteveTheDragon
    @TheSteveTheDragon Před 6 měsíci

    Thank you so much for these videos. It's nice to see someone who's grounded and can help others navigate the psychological ocean storms of the furry population. It's a much needed service and advice, thank you.

  • @ryoga81
    @ryoga81 Před 6 měsíci

    Great closing thoughts. You wrapped up things really nicely there. Well done.

  • @scarletgamingstudio
    @scarletgamingstudio Před 7 měsíci +1

    It’s heavily appreciated to know these extra red flags. One of them in particular at 17:15 me and a group I’m in have experienced this to an extent where the individual got enjoyment out of being the “leader”. Luckily it was quickly resolved with the members involved

  • @Dragnarok28
    @Dragnarok28 Před 6 měsíci

    I loved both videos @VoxDraco, good job, I'm glad you published them, I'm sure it helped and will help many people in the future. Cheers!

  • @mo0nflowersart
    @mo0nflowersart Před 6 měsíci

    I needed this last week. I am rwally bad with friendships and u feel like all of this is going to help with them.

  • @baphomeat
    @baphomeat Před 7 měsíci +4

    See that first one is something I struggle with regularly... not because myself or anyone around me does it... but because I have a bit of a rocky history.... and I don't like to share it like at ALL because I don't want to be seen as seeking attention.
    People like that first one, make a stain for those of us with real problems and cause those (like myself) who have lower self esteem from talking about them. I actually enjoy talking about it, cause it helps me process what happened... but I rarely do because I'm afraid as being seen as someone who is lying to garner that attention... it's hard. Even now I've typed this 20 different ways to keep the actual events vague... simply because I have this chronological fear of being seen as someone like that (I also do this to avoid #2 (trauma dumping) xD so... #2 and #1 are linked in more ways than you'd think I guess...
    My point here is: This is an act that impacts a lot more people than it initially seems. Because it doesn't just impact the liar and those he lied to, it **CAN** skew the opinions of the people that hear it and make them suspicious of people with actual problems... and that was my experience someone I trusted knew a guy like this and began harping on me for months after I opened up about it causing me to spend the near next 10 years NEVER opening up about it again. I only recently started to again with people like my boyfriend and my new friend group... i'm comfortable now but those scars hurt me just as much as the events did and stunted my emotional growth for near a decade because of it. I don't blame that former friend, he doesn't know if i'm lying or not... but it didn't hurt any less just because I knew that.

    @SH4WNATR0N Před 6 měsíci +2

    I greatly appreciate you making this. I feel like a lot of people, have closed themselves off to new people due to fear of getting manipulated due to past experiences. I find comfort in the fact that hopefully itll be easier for people to explore both themselves and new people. Thank you for doing us all a service :)

    • @merpmerp
      @merpmerp Před 6 měsíci +1

      ive been stuck like that for so long.
      its so hard to trust people after it happens i dont even know if i know how anymore

  • @eatmynutsarchmage4883
    @eatmynutsarchmage4883 Před 6 měsíci +1

    this is just generally useful information in general for avoiding unsavory characters! thank you!

  • @XBusterAXL
    @XBusterAXL Před 7 měsíci +8

    Came for the cute, stayed for the wonderful insight and fun, but informative videos.

  • @IorekByrnison086
    @IorekByrnison086 Před 6 měsíci

    Wow, great video. More to know on what to look for. Thanks for the lesson. Keep up the great job.

  • @ItzzzBeamo
    @ItzzzBeamo Před 7 měsíci +3

    Saw a lot of these in my background with Bronies, and some of them still happen in the places that still remain, and it sours the experiences for everyone.
    Also, that narcissist's prayer... my god the amount of times I see that in the grand world today. The world being run by narcissists.

  • @KevinTheFluffyWolfy
    @KevinTheFluffyWolfy Před 6 měsíci

    Thanks for making a part 2, I just realized I used to be an awful friend back in the past, but now I’ve changed a lot and I’ve been interacting with people better and I’ve been able to realize when I’m a jerk and I apologize immediately. God I’ve definitely changed for the better.

  • @LittenTheFox
    @LittenTheFox Před 5 měsíci

    Youve definitely become one of my favorite furry youtubers your videos interest me

  • @termlesscipher8045
    @termlesscipher8045 Před 5 měsíci

    Your videos have helped me avoid some bad situations. both IRL and in VRC

  • @KillertheKiller123
    @KillertheKiller123 Před 6 měsíci +1

    All I'm gonna say to this is:
    Thank you for making this video.

  • @EzylrybSoren
    @EzylrybSoren Před 6 měsíci

    This is rather interesting, especially the part at the end. Though interesting, thine knows one doesn't have great coping mechanisms for my past but knows that it their thine does. But being isolated from people because of terrible coping mechanisms has arguably compounded the problems caused turn thine to a walking red flag to most.

  • @atura5502
    @atura5502 Před 6 měsíci

    Lol. I didn‘t tought I would make on the list. As a person suffering of psychosis I may or may not made up stuff in my mind. You realy explaind it well how some one may be a red flag.

  • @twilightquake22
    @twilightquake22 Před 6 měsíci

    ahhhhhhhhhahaha ok ok I love your representations and the way you show these red flags in moving motion, Anyway I think you sir for showing me these red flags

  • @Kalel_The_Protogen
    @Kalel_The_Protogen Před 7 měsíci +7

    your videos never disappoint

  • @Terridin
    @Terridin Před 7 měsíci +1

    I know there are plenty of negative things online but these videos are very helpful to those that know little about such things. Also please make another VR worlds video, they're all so beautiful.

    • @voxdraco
      @voxdraco  Před 7 měsíci +1

      Im planning on doing more showcases after the holidays :)

  • @x00SERAPHIM00x
    @x00SERAPHIM00x Před 6 měsíci

    Funny: the part when speaking of Leveling sounds quite similar to gaslighting in it's presentation and execution. Never knew there was another form of it. Thanks for the insight of it because I've more of it just on SL and I mostly believe it was more of an argument made that at times leads to friendships breaking; partnerships falling apart even.

  • @BuzzlesTheBee
    @BuzzlesTheBee Před 7 měsíci +1

    I just got out of a toxic friendship with a narcissist (he always threw stuff at me, squeezed his water bottle at me, said rude stuff to me, and treated me like I am not even human, after being told to stop many, many times. He was only my “friend” on his terms, and as soon as I stood up for myself he started distancing himself, not even willing to be in the same room as me at school and he still says everything is my fault, and he never admits when he’s wrong).
    I made such a long explanation because this is the internet, and people will probably say it’s completely my fault.
    I know he wasn’t doing it on purpose, but I gave him six chances for him to realize that he needs to put effort into his friendships.

  • @w_rcake9119
    @w_rcake9119 Před 4 měsíci

    its amazing how open minded you are making these 2 part videos

  • @JulesColour
    @JulesColour Před 6 měsíci

    24:04 I needed to hear this, thank you

  • @Jaffa__
    @Jaffa__ Před 6 měsíci

    This video must have been very tricky to make, but you did an excellent job.

  • @anon7596
    @anon7596 Před 6 měsíci

    That avatar is incredible!

  • @BlackBitsBananas
    @BlackBitsBananas Před 6 měsíci

    This was needed. Thank you

  • @rytlocknroll
    @rytlocknroll Před 6 měsíci +2

    I absolutely loathe people who level and take zero accountability for their actions, deflecting any appropriate suggestions or shows of concern you have and responding defensively. The cognitive dissonance is astounding to me. They are some of the most frustrating people to deal with.

  • @SuperVannini
    @SuperVannini Před 6 měsíci

    Amazing video Vox,
    Just wanted to let you know that your videos are not only great for everyone, but are also a major help to those on the autism spectrum; as it helps us understand what is socially unacceptable

  • @Noise-fe6dp
    @Noise-fe6dp Před 6 měsíci

    I think I'm guilty of trauma dumping more than a few times.
    I feel lonely most of the time and it's somehow easier to talk to strangers about how I feel and what I'm going through, I feel ashamed and embarassed if I try to open up to my friends about it.
    This video gave me a better perspecitve on a behaviour I don't think I knew I had. Great content as always!

  • @MeganFoxx426
    @MeganFoxx426 Před 6 měsíci

    You're not wrong, VoxDraco, especially regarding your final statement at the end of your video, I myself have been guilty of some of these things, I have been thought of as , Toxic, Manipulative, and an attention seeker. Heck I'm even guilty of faking and illness, or injury, I regret doing that last one to this very day, and have strived not to repeat that again. I've done Trauma dumping before, though I do not do that anymore. You're right that I want to fit in, and be validated to some extent, like every human being on this planet. I even have a poor self image, and low self esteem. I do not use these for excuses for my past behavior though. Lack of social skills, and problems with self image are contributors, however, I am endeavoring to correct the mistakes of my past, and improve myself, in short, I'm learning how to be accountable for my action, and behavior. Something I hadn't even considered before seeing your 1st video, and this one only further solidifies what I've suspected about myself all along, but until recently, was unable to come to terms with it. Thank You, VoxDraco, for showing me My red flags, making suggestions for a possible solution, and helping me to become a better "behaved" individual. I am, definitely an attention seeker, even though I had many times denied this fact. But now I'm starting to figure out how to garner attention in a non-toxic, or hurtful manner. I am not controlling, nor am I a narcissist. but I understand now that I may have appeared to be as such. And an outside perspective like yours has open my eyes to a degree. I cannot promise that my past behaviors are gone forever, but I can say that the people around me will see a lot less of said behaviors. As you have said before, we're all human, we screw up from time to time, But taking accountability for my actions, and behaviors is the key. I was fortunate enough to recognize this. Again thank you for opening my Eyes. I really needed these 2 red flag videos. and I don't think that you need to make a 3rd, I think that you summed up the main most common issues already.

  • @chekote
    @chekote Před 7 měsíci +2

    Hey Vox!
    Great video! I can really tell how the quality and your skills are improving with each one. ❤
    Have you considered adding chapters to your videos? I think it’d be handy at least for ones like this where there are clear sections.

    • @voxdraco
      @voxdraco  Před 7 měsíci +1

      I keep forgetting to do that. Ill add it to this video now.

    • @Gannen
      @Gannen Před 6 měsíci

      as Chekote said Vox, your skills and dedication are really showing, good job bud :)

  • @SkyeAyomiStarfield
    @SkyeAyomiStarfield Před 6 měsíci

    I like the video and the ending part more since you spoke out about why you didn't want to make this and what you thoughts were on them

  • @Focusdragon
    @Focusdragon Před 7 měsíci

    Good video, very informative

  • @Lycon721995
    @Lycon721995 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Trauma dumped once, and it was due to a straight up mental break didn't understand what i even did till someone pointed it out to me.

  • @inconveniencestore_
    @inconveniencestore_ Před 6 měsíci

    The first one hit hard because, due to people who do that, people now think when I let them know I am chronically ill and cannot do certain things they assume im faking my seizures or that me saying I need to get offline right then to prevent a flare-up actually is rude or a lie. It really is not that hard to tell the truth, if you want validation you can just talk about your day or mention a project youre working on.

  • @twilightquake22
    @twilightquake22 Před 6 měsíci

    dang I have three red flags I gotta think about myself and how I can limit the red flags I do have thank you for these insights I think imma work more on myself

  • @mikoanton
    @mikoanton Před 7 měsíci +1

    gotta start carrying red flag bingo board

  • @unyu-cyberstorm64
    @unyu-cyberstorm64 Před 6 měsíci +1

    Took you long enough, lol. Also you’re cool, keep it up. 😊

  • @Wtfinc
    @Wtfinc Před 6 měsíci

    Ur a really cool dude. Thanks for trusting us an others to help ourselves

  • @Loaf_the_III
    @Loaf_the_III Před 6 měsíci

    You have a smol cute rikkor >w

    @KADISSKWORKS Před 6 měsíci

    the 4th flag about the usurping really hits hard on me @ 17:50 as my former friend found out to be problematic, to the point that he refuses to learn from the mistakes he had caused, manipulating, often lying to people, painting others in the bad light
    although i know ive moved on from the finale of the issue i have with a former friend back in july, the very problem remained that he still has those assets up, leeching the money off from the fruits of the hardwork i have done as his former 3d modeler for his techwear clothing brand. to combat this I've decided to release the same assets on my own pages, for free. i try my best to let it be known the assets ive previously modeled for him are of my own hands, my own talent.
    it frustrates me when you realize there's someone who is stealing the credits when it is blatantly easy to add, even more so when the occupation in question is rather tasking in terms of hours spent (ie modeling a clothing for an avatar base from scratch, texture and rig it to an avatar base), and that experience in 3d is NOT to be forgotten

  • @GabrielMccredi
    @GabrielMccredi Před 7 měsíci +1

    Love these videos

    • @voxdraco
      @voxdraco  Před 7 měsíci +2

      Thank you very much for the super thanks :)

  • @EliteBlade46
    @EliteBlade46 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Relating to the negging part hardcore with a caveat i think. Avatar admiration in a lesser degree but plus some holier than thou people who gave backhanded compliments galore and lowkey think i'm like cute for trying to do what they do. The attempt on my self esteem left me scarred and deformed, but now I just joke about it all since I broke outta the impossible validation loop.

  • @AngelGoesWoof
    @AngelGoesWoof Před 6 měsíci

    as someone who didnt know what trauma dumping was or that i was doing it and lost a friend over im glad you mentioned it - im mentally ill and i genuinly dont know when im doing it :c

  • @HappyWulf
    @HappyWulf Před 6 měsíci +2

    I watched to see what I'm guilty of. I'm like, Oh hey! I have a dead friend! Also, I think I try to do the opposite of Negging. I try to offer a warm space to be yourself. Usurping, yeah, guilty. That's why my own little community exists, however the place we birthed from has crumbled since, and it appears my call was the right one after getting fed up with mod abuse and leaving the old place.

  • @TwilightVaramek
    @TwilightVaramek Před 6 měsíci +1

    what ever fur shader you use looks insane... looks like your a heccing real life sentient plushy

  • @anthony2806
    @anthony2806 Před 7 měsíci +3

    VR chat is full of mental health issues and in the VR-chat furry community. it's a bit of a taboo subject within VR-chat, and there's no way easy fix for it.

  • @NovaDragon
    @NovaDragon Před 6 měsíci

    It has gotten so bad that I have seen people who feel like there's nothing left until people like you help people spot red flags sometimes even saving there life in the process as they can see they was being used and move on and grow.
    So this information is important and learning from my anti-viris, its better to have some false flags and deal with them than having to miss stuff and end up loosing everything.

  • @Crealinee
    @Crealinee Před 6 měsíci

    When I read "Red flags" in the title, I thought about the meme animation "Red flags"

  • @ViereFox
    @ViereFox Před 6 měsíci

    What sucks is just how much the first one applies, like its impossible to stress just how horribly common it is

  • @fartmaster28
    @fartmaster28 Před 6 měsíci

    didn’t know leveling and negging were terms, thanks

  • @TheRandomDragon-2008
    @TheRandomDragon-2008 Před 6 měsíci

    Keeping quiet, and just waving a red flag

  • @20nik
    @20nik Před 6 měsíci

    Interesting video

  • @inavelant8494
    @inavelant8494 Před 6 měsíci +1

    As much as you did not want to post, nor add these to the red flags video I believe it's a bigger pro rather than a big con. These videos really show people what to be weary of, all the while telling the observer to not make quick actions, for example blocking them. The sad reality is thay everybody isn't good, but some good people get mixed in with them just because of poor social skills or maybe a bad past.
    I was once in a relationship which later ended in a manipulative way, at least what it felt like, but they saw their problems and wanted to fix it. They were scared to lose someone again which sadly turned it toxic and manipulative unintentionally.
    Truth is they lived a harsh childhood with an abusive family, sadly they were to scared to lose someone dear to them, trying anything to keep them close so they wouldn't leave. This example shows that people aren't necessarily bad, but have had extreme trauma or maybe a bad childhood which lead them to this unfortunate state. Some want to change and that is absolutely incredible.
    Thank you once again Vox for posting ahout this. The courage it must take to bite that bullet and record it. And if anybody is trying to fix these thing sabout themselves I wish you the best of luck, it may take time, but at the end of the day it's worth it. This goes for you and the people around you.

  • @Danger_N00dle
    @Danger_N00dle Před 6 měsíci

    Woah, that character is very similar to mine lmao.
    Funny coincidence,

  • @TacticaLLR
    @TacticaLLR Před 6 měsíci

    Nice vid

  • @akiraakiraakiraakira
    @akiraakiraakiraakira Před 7 měsíci +1

    #2 can be especially bad in a group where some people are okay with the oversharing and i am not. then saying to the group "i dont want to trauma dumped on" makes me look uncaring -.-

  • @souzouookami3059
    @souzouookami3059 Před 6 měsíci

    6:11 I use that fox avatar and I just happen to be the type to just bottle it up, mainly because of other reasons though

  • @URnightmares162
    @URnightmares162 Před 6 měsíci +1

    VR chat isn't much of my taste but i wanna re-try it a little. Luckily i have a friend who i know irl that i can play with because i only played it 1 time a year ago.

  • @bonnPOGGERS
    @bonnPOGGERS Před 6 měsíci

    Hey Vox!, what maps you used in the video?

  • @rudder3084
    @rudder3084 Před 6 měsíci +1

    I gotta ask, I am wondering what unity shader you are using for your fur and if ya can it would be awesome to get a link to it, thanks in advance for any help.

  • @AlbatrosYT_
    @AlbatrosYT_ Před 6 měsíci

    Thanks mate

  • @fazeonssj8008
    @fazeonssj8008 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Angy Vox is so cute

  • @Sans-iv1wy
    @Sans-iv1wy Před 6 měsíci

    to be honest.. this series helped me realise that i was a really bad person
    so thank you.
    i never realised i cause so much pain to others..

    • @eatmynutsarchmage4883
      @eatmynutsarchmage4883 Před 6 měsíci

      welcome to the club!!!! :D!!!

    • @Sans-iv1wy
      @Sans-iv1wy Před 6 měsíci

      @@eatmynutsarchmage4883 yea...
      Maybe suicide is not the worst option after all.
      Its not a the Best nor a good one but ya know.

  • @duccthatwaddles
    @duccthatwaddles Před 6 měsíci +1

    Thank you, you cute little fluff dragon

  • @merefailninja953
    @merefailninja953 Před 6 měsíci

    7:20 as someone who lives alone often i know better than to trama dump.
    Like who wants to hear about it especially if you just met someone you haven't seen before.
    Even if my social skills suck it dousnt mean you cant figure out how to learn how to make friends it takes practice.

  • @aunabreslingaming3279
    @aunabreslingaming3279 Před 4 měsíci

    The typical older previous example of psychosis doesnt work: when youre specifically talking about an AI..... designed to make you lose contact and basically lowkey psychotic

  • @void8062
    @void8062 Před 6 měsíci

    Damn, I use Levelling all the time. Its fun to create satire discussions that wouldn't normally be compared or discussed. IMO There's 2 sides to using levelling, I use it in a "Good way" rather than the red flag of dismissing ones opinion or judgement. Could just be me though

  • @CensorshipIsOpression
    @CensorshipIsOpression Před 6 měsíci

    While I haven't been to a furry place, I've been to many kink places and it seems quite similar.
    And I've actually seen this done by quite a few people, there's one person right now who's constantly trying to redirect all attention to herself, even if someone's going through a complete mental breakdown for once in their lives, she will try to one-up it.
    Then later she was bragging about having such an awesome therapist for her Borderline Personality Disorder and bipolar, and in that same week she was screaming about how much they sucked and is the worst person ever, because she didn't get her refill in time and presented it like it was personal against her, and it wasn't the first time, anytime she got interested in a new person, she worshipped them as the greatest person she's ever met, and then they'd quickly become THE ABSOLUTE WORST IN THE WORLD all of a sudden, or forgot about them like abandoning an old toy for a new one.
    At one point she even said that she broke her toe, but then backpedaled like she realized how stupid it sounded after giving a dumb story.
    I've even seen private messages where she's been giving people what they're addicted to, just to cut them off the moment they weren't doing whatever she wanted them to be doing, and would then say that they're taking advantage of her.
    She would target the vulnerable people that didn't have many friends and lovebomb them.
    She's constantly going to clubs with an entry fee, yet will ALWAYS complain about being broke, it's like all of her paychecks are put into kink, and it's such a concern, like she actually spent a lot of money to look like us, just to try fish for attention, and once that didn't really work because it was overdone and overacted and damn near constant to the point of spam, it quickly stopped, she clearly didn't do it because she wanted it.
    She would buy herself stuff, take pictures of it, and then say that her boss bought it for her because she's oh so awesome and that she's going to get a promotion because she's the absolute best at everything, and would tell many stories about how everyone clapped.
    The final nail in the coffin is when she got kicked out of her apartment for refusing to pay rent, eating food that isn't hers and making an absolute mess that she refused to clean up, she actually got into the face of the one person with severe PTSD because she thought she could bully him into the dirt and get away with what she was doing, instead he fought back and punched her.
    Her story however, was that she got threatened and assaulted for absolutely no reason and she's oh so scared.
    When I gave her the solution, she kept dodging it like she was milking it for as long as she could.
    What she didn't know is that I know the people she lived with, and she still doesn't know that, and it's given me quite a bit of insight on just how far she goes in terms of adding and omitting details when whe wants people to be on her side and how far she's willing to go to be a victim.
    It's been quite the learning experience, and unfortunately people like this makes me question those who actually speak the truth, and that's not at all fair to them.
    I really hope that her therapist actually gets through to her one day, because living this way must be terrible and unnecessarily stressful.