A Divine Encounter During Evangelism!

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young woman who had just started reading the Bible only a couple weeks ago, and she didn't even want to be at the park that day! Watch how God works in her heart through this evangelism encounter.
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Komentáře • 646

  • @christiandelgado1042
    @christiandelgado1042 Před 3 lety +1310

    I work at an Amazon fulfillment warehouse and I saw people ordering the Bible, about 7 of them. It always makes my day knowing someone is seeking after Jesus!

    • @juliecramer7768
      @juliecramer7768 Před 3 lety +17


    • @HeidiChloe7504
      @HeidiChloe7504 Před 3 lety +86

      Maybe that was me! I just ordered a bunch of Bibles for family members from Amazon. I am praying for peoples souls. I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father and His precious Son, Jesus. Thank You Father God.

    • @markkeenan1
      @markkeenan1 Před 3 lety +33

      I ordered 2 of Ray's evidence bible from amazon. Booklets etc. I have 100s of tracts and give them out but at times chicken out.

    • @littlefish4684
      @littlefish4684 Před 3 lety +35

      Pray over them, that the seed will fall on good ground! Thanks for sharing!

    • @adamsanchez222
      @adamsanchez222 Před 3 lety +27

      @@markkeenan1 Keep up the good work!
      Revelation 22:12
      “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.

  • @theintrovertgospelmusic1676
    @theintrovertgospelmusic1676 Před 3 lety +262

    "Before I can preach love, mercy, and Grace, I must preach sin, law, and judgement."
    -John Wesley

  • @theintrovertgospelmusic1676
    @theintrovertgospelmusic1676 Před 3 lety +270

    "To be a soul winner is the happiest thing in this world." - C.H. Spurgeon

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety +1

      What makes you think such a rhing as a soul exists? Do mean that believing you are "winning souls" makes you happy?

    • @clarkkent3730
      @clarkkent3730 Před 3 lety +4

      @@thingamyandbob1865 what makes you think that the soul doesnt exist?
      *"What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their own soul?".....Jesus....Mark 8*
      "It doesn't matter how "happy" a sinner is;..... without the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to him by faith, he will perish on the day of judgement"
      human happiness and spiritual joy are two totally different things! the bible says that Jesus was overflowing with Joy (Hebrews 1)
      Jesus said he came to seek and save that which was lost!
      it gives the true spiritual person the greatest JOY to be a soul winner and win souls for Jesus!
      are you a soul winner? do you have spiritual joy as opposed to human happiness?
      where is your faith? where is your spiritual discernment?

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety +1

      Not only is there is no evidence a soul exists, there is no evidence it could. It is the null hypothisis that it doesn't and it is your burden of proof to show that it does.
      Sorry. But tu quoque, argument from ignorance and shifting the burden of proof fallacies are not valid defence of your claim that a soul exists.

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety +2

      What evidence do you have there there will be a day of judgement?
      What is a spirit and how do you SHOW that it exists?
      Why on earth would anyone want to have faith? Faith is the excuse you give for not having a good reason.

    • @JESUSist-GOTT
      @JESUSist-GOTT Před 3 lety +3

      ​@@thingamyandbob1865 Hey here, myself and my life is a proof! 😁Three years ago when i was crying out to God and asking him for forgiveness, putting my faith and all my trust in Jesus, he made me a brand new person. He gave me a new heart with new desires. He made me free from a long-year drug and porn addiction and much more! Such a huge miracle! From darkness to light, from death to life!
      Oh YES Jesus IS alive, i praise and love him more than anything else! ALL glory to him 🙏🏻❤️
      There are two different kinds of "proofs". Empirically proof and legal-historical proof. You WON'T find empirically proof for a lot of things according to god but you will find a HUGE amount of legal-historical proof from witnesses like i am who expierenced (!) God and that's what i tried to do🤗

  • @jameswheat4225
    @jameswheat4225 Před 3 lety +452

    Ray isn't just talking about it, he's living it like the apostle Paul.. love you Ray... praise Jesus 💙

    • @robertdavis3036
      @robertdavis3036 Před 3 lety +16

      WOW. I've thought on Ray and Kirk being like a modern day Paul and Barnabas.

    • @gospelswordlight
      @gospelswordlight Před 3 lety +6

      @@robertdavis3036 and just like Barnabas went his own way Kirk has also gone to do his own thing though thankfully he's still faithfully serving the Lord lol :D

    • @EVERGLOW828
      @EVERGLOW828 Před 3 lety +2

      Amen 🙏🏽 ♥️🌞

    • @robertdavis3036
      @robertdavis3036 Před 3 lety +2

      @@gospelswordlight AMEN!!!

    • @gigiis526
      @gigiis526 Před 3 lety +1

      ​@@mr.nobodyhere "
      This is what israel must do during Jacobs (Israels) Trouble. "
      Actually no. But I thank you for demonstrating eisegesis . Israel and the tribulation have zero to do with that passage. You just pulled that out of ..... ; where?!!! smh...I am amazed but also frightened for unlearned people like you who presume you can teach. Dont you know that God will judge you more harshly? How many people are you making to stumble? You will give an account. You need to stop and repent and humble yourself to be a student under wise men who exegesis Gods holy word..
      Romans 10:13 = Paul is quoting Joel 2:32 to further emphasize that salvation is available for all men of all nations and races.
      "Forgivness and salvation are two different words, having two different meanings, and they happened at two different time periods. "
      You are wrong again. Who are you learning from?
      Christ did atone for our sins by shedding blood on the cross but that doesnt mean that when a person believes and repents that both forgiveness and faith are not given at the same time to that person who REPENTS and BELIEVES this:
      9 because, if myou confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and nbelieve in your heart othat God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
      Scripture is also clear that we MUST repent or we will perish. Scripture is also clear that it is the Father that gives the heart of repentance and the measure of faith!
      All men everywhere must repent and profess Christ as Lord knowing that he paid for our sins. Romans 10:9-10. Acts 17:30, Luke 24:47. etc. Your reference to Israel and the tribulation is eisegesis of scripture. In these last days there will be many like you who come in to confuse and pervert the gospel. You need to get yourself under the teaching of men who have proven themselves to be bereans. John MacArthur is one of the best! You should also get his study bible so you will learn how to apply hermeneutics.
      Acts 17: 30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.
      Luke 24:47
      And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
      Matthew 3:2,10-12
      And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…
      "He died for ALL your sins, took them to the grave, and he rose again three days later without them according to scripture (1st Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv).
      Trusting this alone doesnt make you forgiven, it makes you saved. "
      Jesus took on the burden of our sins. He didnt take sins to a grave! The entire payment for sins was done on the cross. Jesus said "it is finished" That means the payment was done.
      “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
      You cannot provide one scripture that proves what you foolishly claim. WHO IS TEACHING YOU THESE THINGS?
      We are forgiven when we have a Godly repentance and a profession of faith. God PROVIDES BOTH.
      It was His shed blood that effected our own cleansing from sin (1 John 1:7-9). As He hung there on the cross, He took the sin burden of the whole human race upon Himself. He became sin for us: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). This imputation of sin helps us understand Christ’s struggle in the garden of Gethsemane with the cup of sin which would be poured out upon Him on the cross.
      As Jesus neared death, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). His suffering in our place was completed.
      I will just leave this here as a warning to you:
      James 3:1Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

  • @eduardomadrigal5033
    @eduardomadrigal5033 Před 3 lety +270

    They were so humble Jesus is pouring out his spirit and we will come home soon see y’all in heaven I’ll make sure to say hi to y’all

  • @Mindmartyr
    @Mindmartyr Před 3 lety +99

    *This is the best evangelizing method I’ve ever seen.*

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  Před 3 lety +22

      You may appreciate this:
      Best wishes, Ray Comfort

    • @Mindmartyr
      @Mindmartyr Před 3 lety +11

      @@LivingWaters I do appreciate that thankyou & God bless you and your family

    • @Mindmartyr
      @Mindmartyr Před 3 lety +17

      @@noisemaker1078 You're like the thief on the cross who said to Jesus "If you're God, why don't you lift yourself off this cross & save yourself?" The idea that worshipping God gives you otherworldly powers on earth is prosperity gospel & has nothing to do with Christianity, most Christians throughout history lived brutal & unjust lives filled with suffering & loss.

    • @TF-lr1go
      @TF-lr1go Před 3 lety +8

      @@noisemaker1078 We are ambassadors/representatives of Christ pleading please come back to God of course God doesn't need us but he welcomes us and invites us to be his hands and feet...and he is working in His people and through His people.

    • @TF-lr1go
      @TF-lr1go Před 3 lety +9

      There is joy in Heaven when one lost sinner repents (Luke 15) There is nothing more important to God than a lost soul. God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.

  • @heidicakessoapco5343
    @heidicakessoapco5343 Před 3 lety +32

    I think that pointing out that most people wouldn't dare to use their mother's name in vain, but they use God's name in vain all the time, is such a good point. It really hit me when Ray pointed that out. Thank you for your hard work. It's hard being a flawed human, but with God, our Holy maker, there is hope. So very glad He has the map of my life and is in charge. Praise Him!

  • @doanieq9831
    @doanieq9831 Před 3 lety +281

    It was so uplifting to watching T listen with not only her ears but also her eyes. What a blessing today.

    • @rwilson7197
      @rwilson7197 Před 3 lety +10

      Yes, she's a lovely soul!!

    • @noway8112
      @noway8112 Před 2 lety +5

      Both beautiful girls, so sincere! 💖

  • @evangelismencounters6430
    @evangelismencounters6430 Před 3 lety +51

    God's providence is beautiful; His timing is perfect.

  • @collegepennsylvania837
    @collegepennsylvania837 Před 3 lety +113

    "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, rather in humility value others above yourselves." Philippians 2:3
    Follow the perfect example of Jesus and humbly love and serve others. Just as Christ humbled Himself to come down to earth and die for our wrongs. With the help of the Spirit show the love of Jesus through everything you do. Hopefully this helped and blessed you today. God bless y'all!

    • @Pipsterz
      @Pipsterz Před 3 lety +2

      Love that verse! Thanks for posting :)

    • @bryguy8203
      @bryguy8203 Před 3 lety +2

      Totally did, thanks. :) Perfect timing. My driveway was supposed to be poured today, but Ray my concrete guy, called to delay one day. That verse is perfect for today, I totally didn't think of my inconvenience but rather said "no problem at all Ray" considering him over my own self. Plan on laying a million on him tomorrow. ;)

    • @gonzalez92100
      @gonzalez92100 Před 3 lety


    • @shannonwhite6963
      @shannonwhite6963 Před 3 lety +1

      I pray God perfects love within me it is a whole process ooof.

  • @yahmein
    @yahmein Před 3 lety +171

    T you’re making your Polynesian people proud, may your journey continue with YAHUAH 💗🙏🏼

    • @yeshuaislord3058
      @yeshuaislord3058 Před 3 lety +8

      YAHUAH loves him children and will bring them to him. Yeshua Ha Mashiach Gave his life for us and has saved us
      Praise YAH!!!!!

    • @Siosifa
      @Siosifa Před 3 lety +5

      Amen! A lot of us are humble in faith, but many others have taken pride over the Word.

    • @bobbysmith855
      @bobbysmith855 Před 3 lety +15

      There's something very gentle and special about the polynesian people. God bless T 💜

    • @TheOneLawgiverHolyGod
      @TheOneLawgiverHolyGod Před 3 lety +1

      ...the Holy God hates pride!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!

    • @complexityofagirl
      @complexityofagirl Před 3 lety


  • @jefenterprises8006
    @jefenterprises8006 Před 3 lety +64

    The Way, the Truth and the Life 🕊

    • @jefenterprises8006
      @jefenterprises8006 Před 3 lety +1

      @@noisemaker1078 why do you say that?

    • @jsshay01
      @jsshay01 Před 3 lety +1

      @@noisemaker1078 Christianity is the only way to get to Heaven when you die. The Holy Spirit comes to live in your heart when you ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness. Without Him, you cannot understand this. 🙏🏽

  • @markkeenan1
    @markkeenan1 Před 3 lety +99

    Ray before I was saved I was reading the bible and about 9 months later I came across your Noah and the last days on a pirate website and clicked it thinking it was Russel Crowe s Hollywood film Noah and heard the Gospel and was saved either 40 days or around 40 days later. Had a dream that night of Noah's ark it was huge. Also had a dream about ray 7 years later. I share and use your videos stuff/tracts as they are so useful. God is good! He gets all the Glory

    • @that1guy487
      @that1guy487 Před 3 lety +15

      You mention Noah's ark so I want to point to the replica in Kentucky. It is absolutely amazing and definitely worth seeing.

    • @theultrawarrior7448
      @theultrawarrior7448 Před 3 lety +7

      I saw your comment way back.
      Be blessed, brother in Christ, and in spirit.

    • @that1guy487
      @that1guy487 Před 3 lety +9

      @@noisemaker1078 God gives us free will. That is why we become evil. We have the opportunity to make good decisions or bad decisions. That is all mentioned before Noah. He gives examples of evil in the story of Cain and Able. We all get to make the choice to follow the straight and narrow path that looks boring or the fun life of indulgence path that is a thousand winding roads that all lead to hell. Choose wisely.

    • @michellegarry1872
      @michellegarry1872 Před 3 lety

      Noise Maker it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Be afraid, be very afraid.

  • @Stan0070
    @Stan0070 Před 3 lety +82

    God bless you T wishing you the very best and everyone who puts their trust in Jesus.

  • @James-me6dw
    @James-me6dw Před 3 lety +36

    Yahweh has great timing.

    • @James-me6dw
      @James-me6dw Před 3 lety +4

      @@noisemaker1078 God is all powerful, all knowing, the only True Living God. God is love.
      Since He is love, not the way man loves, His love is beyond your comprehension.
      Ponder that along with the carnal question you asked.
      He loves you too.
      Praise Christ Jesus.

    • @James-me6dw
      @James-me6dw Před 3 lety +3

      @@God-fq6jr Yahweh loves you too.

  • @rhoda4621
    @rhoda4621 Před 3 lety +79

    Praise God, their hearts were so tender and genuinely seeking for the truth. God's got them now! 😉💗

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety

      Are you seeking truth? If so, what methods are you using?

    • @Randarrradara
      @Randarrradara Před 3 lety +3

      @@thingamyandbob1865 Remember to ALSO keep your mind busy with work, family and friends. The answers you're looking for are most likely already in Bible.

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety

      The bible is one of the reasons i'm an atheist.
      The bible doesn't advocate for a method. It advocates for faith. It argues from authority. It appeals to emotion.
      These are not ways to discover truth.

    • @Randarrradara
      @Randarrradara Před 3 lety

      @@thingamyandbob1865 well, don't fry your brain with all the shrooms then, I guess.

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety

      I'm not the one talking to my invisible friend.
      And note how you resorted to ad homenim rather that actually coming up with a counter argument.
      Can you actually demonstrate that what you believe about God is true?

  • @asrotties
    @asrotties Před rokem +2

    2 Beautiful young people. Both were so respectful and kind. May God continue calling to them, filling them with the Holy Spirit and growing them in their faith.

  • @africanconservative2897
    @africanconservative2897 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Heaven rejoiced when she gave her life to the Lord💯thank you Ray for what you do and I hope she pursues the Jesus and studies His Word✔️

  • @chosenneverforsaken
    @chosenneverforsaken Před rokem +7

    Both of these people have such soft hearts and a genuine warmth about them. So happy to see them soften even more to His word. Thank you for doing God's work! I feel after watching your videos, I will be better prepared to evangelize when the time comes and God puts it in my heart to speak of Him to someone who needs to hear it. God bless!

  • @Jennifer_Cruz
    @Jennifer_Cruz Před 3 lety +16

    We come together in prayer and agreement for the salvation of these two precious souls in Jesus name. Amen. 🙏🏽✝️❤️

    • @agathagilbert9077
      @agathagilbert9077 Před 3 lety +1

      Hi Jennifer Cruz I decree and declare that these people who are not saved will get saved by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and that Includes my own family and children and the nation in the Mighty Matchless Name Of Jesus Christ God bless you Sister in Christ let's keep spreading the word have a wonderful day today in Jesus Name Amen 👍💕❤️💕🤗🤗🤗🤗🌞🌞🙏🙏🌞🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽👏💙💜💜💛💛💛💛🧡📱👐👐🧡🧡💛🥰😍💕❤️❤️👍👍☮️☮️🌎🌎🌎🌎☮️☮️🌎👋👋👋👋🌞😊😊😊😊🌞🙏🙏🙏🌞🙌🏽

  • @juliemarchese-temple7749
    @juliemarchese-temple7749 Před 3 lety +24


    • @agathagilbert9077
      @agathagilbert9077 Před 3 lety +1

      We all need to pray for their souls and our children grandchildren family and the 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎👏🤗🤗😍🥰🥰💛🧡🧡🧡🌎👋👋😊🙏🌞🌞🥰💛💛🧡👐👐👐👍❤️❤️👍👍👍The blood of Jesus cleanses ,washes and heals! Lord I thank you for your sacrifice I repent for my wickedness and I beg for Mercy and your Compassion on me my children my ancestors my parents forgive Us All our trespasses and Lead us not into temptation but deliver Us from the Wicked One 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏😇🙏🙏🙏🙏😇🙏🧡💯🧡🤔🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡✨😇♾️🙏😇🙏🧡💯💯💯💯💯☮️😍be Blessed My friend in Christ Julie🙏❤️ 🙏 amen and amen 🧡🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🌞👏👏🙏🙏😇🙏🙏😇

  • @tamracresta2194
    @tamracresta2194 Před 3 lety +62

    This was amazing. Gave me goosebumps. Glory to God!

  • @jcgirl3
    @jcgirl3 Před rokem +1

    Look at her shirt. The lion on her heart! Lord Jesus, Lion of Judah, fill her heart!

  • @chrischibuzor4876
    @chrischibuzor4876 Před 3 lety +24

    One thing I wish right now is to be on the street evangelizing with you and be a follower. I truly miss doing this God have mercy 😭

    • @jsshay01
      @jsshay01 Před 3 lety +3

      @@noisemaker1078 He represents the Lord Jesus Christ. A conman would never talk like he does.

  • @elissabellajoy
    @elissabellajoy Před 3 lety +12

    I loved how both of them were listening. Oh, Lord, I join in asking that T's decision will be eternal and she'll be set free and follow Jesus for the rest of her life. I also pray that the other girl will meet more Christians and will also make the decision to repent and follow Christ. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @TYoung462
    @TYoung462 Před 3 lety +7


  • @jesusistheway83
    @jesusistheway83 Před 3 lety +28

    You do this with such grace . I pray truth and knowledge and true love over people of these beautiful people in Jesus name .

    • @memowilliam9889
      @memowilliam9889 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Jesus-xo3oy …
      Science “falsely so called”, ie evolution, is the spawn of the devil.
      Science is not incompatible with faith in Jesus

    • @memowilliam9889
      @memowilliam9889 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Jesus-xo3oy ...
      Faith in evolution is a grave error - but that specific faith does not exclude a scientist from knowing anything else.
      It is possible to be wrong on evolution but right on aerodynamics, math, chemistry, etc.

    • @kathierouse5306
      @kathierouse5306 Před 3 lety +4

      There is junk science, and then there is real science that doesn't deny creation, but disproves evolution. Real science is not of the devil. There are plenty of scientists who are Christians who believe in creationism.
      I recommend that you look up an interview that Justin Peters did with astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle. Dr Lisle passionately loves the Lord!

    • @memowilliam9889
      @memowilliam9889 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Jesus-xo3oy ...
      you’re pulling my leg. Great joke. You had me there.
      Oh.... you’re serious?

    • @memowilliam9889
      @memowilliam9889 Před 3 lety +3

      @@Jesus-xo3oy ...
      I believe that God created everything.
      What I don’t believe is your ludicrous statement that a scientist that believes in evolution is also wrong about EVERY OTHER non-evolutionary scientific study in unrelated fields.
      The two are mutually exclusive.

  • @barbaraarmann5698
    @barbaraarmann5698 Před 3 lety +5

    For that girl this truly was God intervening!!! What a WONDERFUL encounter!!! And it just blows my mind that ANYONE could give a 'thumbs down' to these videos!!! I just LOVE 'em!!! And I thank you Ray Comfort for doing such a fantastic job!!! I sure wish I had your gift of speaking to strangers about Jesus!!! I was always a wall flower. But I did manage to hand out some of your tracts and got great responses from quite a few!!! Thank you Ray!!!' May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you and your ministry!!!!

  • @jesuslovesme143
    @jesuslovesme143 Před 3 lety +12

    Lord please save them...

  • @JesusLovesTheLost
    @JesusLovesTheLost Před 3 lety +34

    Glory to God!!! Divine connections!!

    • @jsshay01
      @jsshay01 Před 3 lety +1

      @@noisemaker1078 You’re wrong on every account here. You don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ, yet. Someday you will meet Him. Ask for forgiveness before it’s too late. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @robertblackmon1
      @robertblackmon1 Před 2 lety

      @Estee Amen😇

  • @aileenhampson2111
    @aileenhampson2111 Před 3 lety +3

    I loved how she repeated "the mercy of God" when he said it to her

  • @Rebecca_counting_it_all_JOY

    Thank you so much for your example, Ray Comfort!!!

  • @Huelogy
    @Huelogy Před 3 lety +17

    These videos are the most beautiful content. real people, real pain, real change, really uplifting! God bless you Ray and all glory to God!

  • @jerimow8400
    @jerimow8400 Před 3 lety +33

    What lovely young people!

  • @okayboomernyc
    @okayboomernyc Před 3 lety +4

    I filmed and uploaded my testimony this week by the grace of God. Amen!!!

  • @bobbi2235
    @bobbi2235 Před 3 lety +25

    Very beautiful both of them! I think he is the first one that I’ve ever heard say fear is good. May the Holy Spirit do a great work in both! Amen 🙏🏼

    • @Ukulele-gal
      @Ukulele-gal Před 3 lety +4

      I agree. All if Ray’s videos I’ve seen ....this is also the first person I’ve seen say that fear is good. :)

    • @bobbi2235
      @bobbi2235 Před 3 lety +2

      @@Ukulele-gal I think Ray was a little surprised to

    • @bobbi2235
      @bobbi2235 Před 3 lety

      @@noisemaker1078 God DIDNT get us into this mess, we did it. He made us perfect, we listened to Satan and sinned, no fault of God. He sees everything that is going on, He’s going to Work soon, in ways that many won’t recognize. So yes He’s real, then those that hold on to views like yours will be eternally lost. I wouldn’t take that chance.

    • @jelkhorncamper6062
      @jelkhorncamper6062 Před 3 lety +1

      Noise Maker is an accurate name for this tortured person who says there is no God but wastes time on CZcams watching evangelism in action just to make noise.

    • @bobbi2235
      @bobbi2235 Před 3 lety

      @@jelkhorncamper6062 could be, then maybe he’s looking for answers and really don’t want to make people think he is??

  • @dayl4151
    @dayl4151 Před 2 lety +1

    5 years ago I would have been disrespectful to someone questioning my faith. Not that I had it, but knew I wasn't living up to the expectation of a Christian. I thank God I found my faith and if I encountered someone asking to share, I'd welcome my brother.
    I think many who refuse to hear or believe know they are short of God's expectations. It's shameful and scary to know you're not where you should be. What a revelation to repent and turn to our Lord Christ and welcome him and know he doesn't turn on us, so we should never turn on him.

  • @gracie1524
    @gracie1524 Před 3 lety +16

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3:16

  • @Natalia-lt7bu
    @Natalia-lt7bu Před 3 lety +12

    God is really sending his best soldiers so that He can save them

  • @angelinemanalansan3956
    @angelinemanalansan3956 Před 3 lety +23

    Good morning Ray, Its a great day to watch all your videos❤️🙏To God be the Glory 🙏❤️🙏

  • @tylerkunze338
    @tylerkunze338 Před 3 lety +23

    Thank you Ray Comfort!!! You have shown me everything to speak about to the unsaved. Pray for me to not faulter.. I use all of your information, and it works!!

    • @Pound_Shift
      @Pound_Shift Před 3 lety +3

      It really does work ,I was nervous when I first started sharing the gospel but I’m getting better at it every time

    • @brianmendenhall8387
      @brianmendenhall8387 Před 3 lety +3

      @@Pound_Shift I as well! What I like to think about and remind myself is this....." Do not be afraid of men and let that stop you from sowing seeds of salvation. But rather fear the LORD if you choose to ignore the Great Commission!☝️💯

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety

      Have you tried it on someone who knows anything about logical reasoning, biblical history and counter apologeitics?

    • @brianmendenhall8387
      @brianmendenhall8387 Před 3 lety

      @@thingamyandbob1865 who are you responding to?

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety

      The OP. But you can answer if you like. I'm not going to ignore you.
      What sort of thing do you need to fear?

  • @mommacita2069
    @mommacita2069 Před 3 lety +18

    This was so beautiful to witness!

  • @bellamama3065
    @bellamama3065 Před 3 lety +7

    How many of us would’ve been judgemental with these kids? 🙋 (sadly me) but…Ray has the true love of Christ and they listened to the plain and simple gospel of salvation. Praise God for people like Ray.

    • @lewis4358
      @lewis4358 Před 3 lety

      This is not salvation turning away from your sin is not a requirement of salvation that's saying I don't trust you Jesus that you died for all my past present and future sins what salvation is trusting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ for all your sins not being prideful and saying it's also about me and what I do or don't do after your saved you stop sinning because you love GOD not to get saved or stay saved because when your saved you know you are and it's forever

    • @blackorchid8278
      @blackorchid8278 Před 3 lety

      Mark 1:14-15 Now after John was put into prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying' "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."
      Repentance is mentioned many times in the Bible and Jesus would tell people to repent or perish.
      Please note I have no idea why, but when I try to read the rest of someone's comment I'm only given the option to reply 😅

  • @crota8373
    @crota8373 Před 3 lety +13

    But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation.
    Romans 5:8‭-‬9

  • @Sundayschoolnetwork
    @Sundayschoolnetwork Před 3 lety +24

    Two humble people...wonderful black curls too. God bless them and help them.

  • @tennie2702
    @tennie2702 Před 3 lety +57

    Beautiful!! I love Ray Comfort! I have learned SO much from you on how to evangelize

    • @ahhhinds2785
      @ahhhinds2785 Před 3 lety +5

      Very true.... I learn alot too..
      Greetings from 🇯🇲

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety +1

      Who do you go to to learn about things that are demonstrably true?

    • @tennie2702
      @tennie2702 Před 3 lety +1

      @@noisemaker1078 be careful about speaking against Gods anointed

    • @ahhhinds2785
      @ahhhinds2785 Před 3 lety +1

      @Noise Maker You will be a noise maker for God very soon an not a noise make of your own believe. For you to watch an comment shows how great God is.. Love & Respect to you. @NOISE MAKER.

    • @thingamyandbob1865
      @thingamyandbob1865 Před 3 lety +1

      Please demonstrate that a) God exists and that b) you have some reliable way to tell who its "annointed" are.

  • @vchanman117
    @vchanman117 Před 3 lety +6

    Incredible. Thank You Lord for Salvation we don’t deserve one bit of it but you are SO GOOD !

  • @adoptada12
    @adoptada12 Před 3 lety +3

    Thank you Jesus got Divine appointments. May we ALL receive those this very week

  • @warrenrodgers7544
    @warrenrodgers7544 Před 8 měsíci

    We all must do our part and spread the good news be bold be brave be humble don't let someone go to the lake of fire in eternal damnation because you were afraid to share the love of our precious lord and savior Jesus

  • @dannpd1955
    @dannpd1955 Před 3 lety +8

    As she said, "Its crazy".

  • @marciaolson4878
    @marciaolson4878 Před 3 lety +15


  • @olushayotriumph
    @olushayotriumph Před 3 lety +5

    Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
    To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
    - Jude 24-25

  • @jilliangray9697
    @jilliangray9697 Před 2 lety +1

    T reminds me of my daughter!!!! Such a genuine sweet spirit. You're going to do great things for the kingdom of God my beautiful sister. ❤🙌

  • @contenderfortruth
    @contenderfortruth Před 3 lety +2

    There's nothing like the power of the gospel to change a heart stone to a heart of flesh. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOREVER!!

  • @paintersinasnap6427
    @paintersinasnap6427 Před rokem +1

    God Bless this young person ❤

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 Před 3 lety +6

    Trust Christ.
    1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 Před 3 lety +2

      Don't blame God for man's freewill.
      Revelation 20
      Revelation 21

  • @moritzzavala8040
    @moritzzavala8040 Před 3 lety +7

    God bless Theas new believers and their walk in santification.

  • @solideogloria5553
    @solideogloria5553 Před 2 lety +1

    thank you lord for leading people to yourself.

    @STRENGTHFROMABOVE Před 3 lety +13

    It is not that the Church hasn't been trained in evangelism; it is not a lack of instruction or information. The fact is, if you don't love people through the eyes of Christ, the world will never be changed.

    • @kathierouse5306
      @kathierouse5306 Před 3 lety +2

      We're not here to change the world. At the right time, Jesus will change the world. All we're called to do is preach the Gospel and make disciples.

    • @bryguy8203
      @bryguy8203 Před 3 lety +5

      Reminds me of "Do you love your friendship more than your friend?" In other words will you not share the Eternal truth with them for fear they will walk away offended? Sobering

  • @fawnleegreene7688
    @fawnleegreene7688 Před 3 lety +3

    Praying for both of these young people to soften their hearts and seek Jesus. (I think T just did!) Praise The Lord!

  • @Gerardo-dt8xf
    @Gerardo-dt8xf Před 3 lety +8

    Ray I don't know if you know where I live but I just received one of your daily devotional books "My comfort is Jesus (Black and gold cover 📔)
    Thank You ❤️😊✝️

  • @dynamo6796
    @dynamo6796 Před 3 lety +4

    Hang in there T, Make Jesus your king!

  • @fattireale75
    @fattireale75 Před 3 lety +7

    @living waters I couldn’t help but to pray for these two beautiful people, plus for Ray. I’m thankful for all the work Ray does and what you all do to share these moments with us. I am also thankful because I needed to pray to Jesus Christ right now as well to apologize for my sins today. It all worked out so wonderfully. God Bless you all. :)

  • @jessedphillips
    @jessedphillips Před 3 lety +10

    A new sister!

  • @TakeUsHomeYeshua
    @TakeUsHomeYeshua Před 3 lety +3

    Ray how inspiring you are for those of us that are shy about sharing the gospel.
    These young people were absolutely put in your path this day by the Lord. God bless you!

    • @upliftingchristianmusic8534
      @upliftingchristianmusic8534 Před 3 lety +1

      @@noisemaker1078 You have to have faith that your car will start, that a chair will hold you up, etc. We just don't realize it. It's the same with God

  • @guti6874
    @guti6874 Před 2 lety

    It’s hard to want God to come back whenever I see Ray almost everyday being used by our Father to go after the one. Yahuah, give me the strength and knowledge to go after the one. In Yahushas name

  • @gh0stisveryslick
    @gh0stisveryslick Před 2 lety

    I shall pray for this women to have comfort and find a way to be successful in future life

  • @themonk7198
    @themonk7198 Před 3 lety +6

    Thank you for your faithfulness Ray!

  • @sirk_7144
    @sirk_7144 Před 3 lety +11

    1st comment...Glory to the Lord Jesus 🙏

  • @jonathangonzalez7847
    @jonathangonzalez7847 Před 3 lety +8

    Amen 🙏 Christ lord bless

  • @amberjoy533
    @amberjoy533 Před rokem

    Ray, thank you for your obedience to God. I pray I can have the courage you have to share the Gospel with others. I have a hard time even talking to people I know, let alone complete strangers. But I know His power is made perfect in my weaknesses. You are an encouragement and I hope more can learn from your example!

  • @adoptada12
    @adoptada12 Před 3 lety +1

    In Jesus mighty name i pray these seeds be brought to fruition by ALMIGHTY God in His timing. That they each be saved.

  • @Juduh
    @Juduh Před 2 lety +2

    All glory to God in Jesus name.

  • @zanecameron32
    @zanecameron32 Před rokem

    See you in paradise T or before God willing, God is truly gracious and amazing 🙏✝️

  • @zztread
    @zztread Před 3 lety +7

    What an example

  • @reemclaughlin4260
    @reemclaughlin4260 Před 3 lety +8

    Beautiful. 🙏🏼💖🕊

  • @spreadingthelightofchristj9081

    Praise God for divine encounters!!!

  • @micahbell5871
    @micahbell5871 Před 3 lety +4

    Please ppray for my endurance in Him to grow

  • @belladonnelly8063
    @belladonnelly8063 Před 3 lety +6

    Amen praise God

  • @GRAYgauss
    @GRAYgauss Před 2 lety +3

    I'm always so hesitant to trust anything online, especially when it comes to Christianity given the world is against us... When I first found this channel I thought, there's no way a Christian YT will thrive, this must be charismatic. Even after 30-40 videos, of course I check the message for myself, but not once has the Spirit warned me. Instead, it seems the Spirit is jumping for joy within me for what these men on this channel do.

  • @MyNickdanger
    @MyNickdanger Před 3 lety +4

    Ray has the best approach in reaching people. I use his words when helping people struggling
    with their salvation. Thank you Ray! And Thank you for all the Tracks that help me reach out!~

  • @tilltheend7902
    @tilltheend7902 Před 3 lety +6

    All of the questions you have about life. The answers are all written in the bible. The only 1 thing even as Christians are so busy with life that the only time we take it out is on a Sunday. I am finding that the more i am reading the Bible. The more i am getting to know my father who created me and formed me in my mothers womb. What an awsome God we serve. He listens to all our problems and helps us not to fall into temptation. I pray that you will start today. To really dig deep into the word of God. Its not about reading the bible 100 times. Its that 1 time it goes through you. Amen

    • @mach1205
      @mach1205 Před 3 lety +3

      You can make time for the bible if reading or listening to it is one of the first things you do after you wake up. if you have about 2 1/2 to 5 minutes you can listen to one chapter of the bible. When you are out driving, play Christian music in your vehicle, weather it's the local radio station or your app of choice. Pray through out the day.

    • @bryguy8203
      @bryguy8203 Před 3 lety +1

      Yes He formed you in your mothers womb, and your days were ordained and were all written down, how marvelous the works He does.

  • @miskittt
    @miskittt Před 3 lety +2

    I pray that Tee is saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. God bless both of them.

  • @grannyjclay-joannieholdhus925

    Praise God!!! T….you are precious in the eyes of God.❤️

  • @youbloodybloodworktimejasper

    I completely love the first person with the curly hair. Beautiful heart going to be saved

  • @cindyrainrivera9467
    @cindyrainrivera9467 Před 3 lety +1

    I try to talk to my kids about God. My oldest tells me it's not the message it's the messenger. I wish you could relate the message to my kids. God Bless you!

  • @IceManHaro
    @IceManHaro Před 3 lety +6


  • @samuelflores1419
    @samuelflores1419 Před 3 lety +3

    Great Video! God Bless you Ray! Let's Pray for T! God Bless Everyone!

  • @dr.waffle245
    @dr.waffle245 Před 2 lety +1

    Hope T is doing well.. god bless everyone

  • @ginoschiper4538
    @ginoschiper4538 Před 3 lety +1

    they were really open to the gospel NICE!! the seed has been planted.💪🏽

  • @childofgod7023
    @childofgod7023 Před rokem

    Put God first, seek after Him and live by the desires He gives you with continual repentance.

  • @joshuawaddell6640
    @joshuawaddell6640 Před 3 lety +3

    Nothing like starting your day with an uplifting Living Waters video!!!

  • @renoefg5993
    @renoefg5993 Před 3 lety +1

    Amazing! The light continues to shine in a very dark world.

  • @HerManyJoysss
    @HerManyJoysss Před 3 lety +3

    Praise The Lord!!!!

  • @LV4EVR
    @LV4EVR Před 3 lety +2

    Ray, of all the people I look forward to meeting in Heaven (soon!), you are near the top of the list. Love you, brother, and I thank God for you regularly. Great will be your reward; may we all strive for the same.

  • @ada7790
    @ada7790 Před 3 lety +1

    That was a divine appointment for T. No doubt. No coincidence.

  • @wiekhiongwong548
    @wiekhiongwong548 Před 2 lety

    God's way is "crazy" but always works

  • @1Ascanius
    @1Ascanius Před 3 lety +5

    “ stay with GOD HE will show you the way” GOD speaks but do we listen ?

  • @Jesusfreedmefully
    @Jesusfreedmefully Před 3 lety +1

    Church group getting ready to use way of the master and jump right in! Been watching for years and it still doesn’t fully roll off the tongue yet with a swift answer for every roadblock and quip but help us Lord cuz here we come!

  • @bluespruce679
    @bluespruce679 Před 3 lety +2

    Dear Ray....Thank you so much for letting the world watch and see how the Spirit moves and seeks precious lost souls through your sweet submission to the Lord Jesus Christ!
    I'm learning! I'm just slow to the uptake.....Thank you, brother Ray...I love you! 💜🕊💜