Yu-Na Kim & Mao Asada Interview 2007 Japanese Show Pt 2

  • čas přidán 1. 01. 2011
  • Click here for English translation!-2007 Interview featuring Yu-na & Mao on Japanese show
    [[VO: Mao and Yu-Na Your popularity intrigues us! We want to know everything about you!]]
    Mao: (whispers) I hate this!
    [VO: Mao-chan, Yu-Na-chan, answer Yes ("O") or No ("X") to the statement please.]
    Q1: "I love BBQ"
    Q2: "I'm still growing"
    Q3: "I like my last expression (smile) at the end of my performance"
    Q4: "I like to skate, but I want to date someone"
    Q5: "I'm intimidated by my mother"
    Q6: "If I were to do it all over again, I'd be a skater"
    Q7: "Spinning gives me headaches"
    Q8: "I don't like to lose"
    Q9: "I will win the gold medal at Vancouver Olympics"
    Q10: "Last question: After winning the gold medal, I want to live a normal life"
    Host: Yes, thank you very much! You had different answers from the both of you.
    So starting with first, "I love BBQ," why did you answer "No," Yu-Na?
    Yu-Na: I like all kinds of food...It's hard to choose one, instead of BBQ but I really like bread (bahng). (Translator translates)
    Host: That's surprising! Next question, "I'm still growing in height"
    Mao, you think you stopped growing?
    Mao: Well,when people see me they say that I grew, but I'm not sure...
    H: Can you stand up? Yu-Na, you too?
    Stand here please? I've heard you are both 163cm tall and grew each year.
    Oh amazing, the same! Small faces, measurements of arms and legs? You two are the same, yes?
    Like twins! ...(Host then laughs because her arms are shorter)
    [[VO: Stay tuned because we're going to hear what kind of guys they like!]]#2 [Miki Ando feature quiz: How old was the first Japanese in the Olympics?
    (They tell Miki the answer) "Eee! that's young!"
    "I was surprised to hear the answer! I'll tell you after the CM!"
    Japanese Olympics History clip 1936 Inada Estuko- 12yrs old]]
    [[VO: Both answering they want to be in love, lets hear what type of guy they like!]]
    H: Mao, you want to be in love?
    M: Yes, I want to. There was a boy I liked when I was younger, but I never thought about being in love until now.
    H: What is your ideal type of man?
    M: A sense of humor
    H:: A sense of humor?
    M: Yes, funny and handsome.
    Y: I like men who have good personality and appearance. Like Mao, I also like someone with a good sense of humor.
    H: Next question, spinning gives you headaches, Mao-chan?
    M: Yes, especially Layback spin*** ...
    H: You still experience that now?
    M: Yes, after continuous spins, I still experience it.
    H: Really? So then how do you get back to normal?
    M: I need to look at one place and focus.
    H: Finally, the gold medal winner of the girls really want to go back to normal life?
    M: Yes, I'd like to be a normal girl.... I was once just a normal girl a long time ago, but now, I can't hang out with classmates at school and go out and take pictures. but I'd like to someday.
    Y: I agree with Mao... but isn't that a common thing to feel for a lot of athletes in our position.
    H: Yu-Na, about taking home the Vancouver gold medal, you said "No"?
    Y: Between now and Vancouver, there's a lot of time; nobody knows what will happen. Since Mao trains really well, it will pay off someday, I will probably work hard too, but thinking about it now, I don't really know.
    H: Mao-san, you said you would win.
    M: Mmm...because it's my dream since childhood, but until Vancouver Olympics, I want to help each other and have a good relationship.
    [[VO: Yu-Na wants to confess something to Mao]]
    Y: I'm a little inflexible compared to Mao...I improved some, but when i see Mao do Beillmann spins, and spirals so well, I wish she could lend me some of her flexibility!
    H: She wants to borrow that from you...what would you like to borrow from her, Mao-chan?
    M: I want to borrow Yu-Na's artistic expressions!
    Part 1: • Mao Asada & Yu-Na Kim ...

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