Second Baby: 6 Things I'll do differently | Hey Shayla

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 174

  • @heyshayla
    @heyshayla  Před 2 lety +14

    What is something you'll do different the second time?!
    Check out the Huckleberry app (what I use to track sleep):

    • @sarahjort454
      @sarahjort454 Před 2 lety

      No discount code? 😟 love this app!

    • @jellbellaaa
      @jellbellaaa Před 2 lety +1

      I want to birth at our local birthing centre second time round. It’s run by a team of incredible midwives, low tech (only gas is available, no epis etc), large and private rooms, very centred around the birthing persons preferences, but access to hospital if the need arises. Plus you get to stay for 2 nights after, there are lactation consultants on hand, a chef that cooks your meals and again, a team of excellent nurses and midwives. Best of all, it’s completely govt funded (as is most healthcare where I live). I would have birthed there the first time round but had twins which are inherently high risk and they only accept low risk births. But I can’t wait to birth there next time! 😍

    • @leza4453
      @leza4453 Před rokem

      Hey Shayla! I would love to see you react to this video, how it went in hindsight!

  • @sunshine037gv
    @sunshine037gv Před 2 lety +34

    I live in Denmark and here we are advised strongly to start solids latest at 6m, but the reason is that iron doesn't get through the breastmilk, while they do get it in the womb through the mother's blood, and they are born with enough iron to last them for about 6 months. Afterwards one risks the baby becoming anaemic, if they don't get any other food then breastmilk. It's just a higher risk, it's not like the baby will for sure get anemia, but all medical professionals recommend it strongly as a preventative measure.

    • @AR-fb1nw
      @AR-fb1nw Před rokem

      Thank you for your explanation! It cleared up a few of my questions

    • @leza4453
      @leza4453 Před rokem +4

      There are also always iron drops, if a baby doesn't eat iron-rich foods in the sufficient quantity.
      I think the amount of blood a baby has stored depends also on how soon the umbilical cord was cut.

  • @jijiian
    @jijiian Před 2 lety +11

    The delivery to men pooping comparison is what got me to hit subscribe 😆 That's the kind of down to earth realness I need.

  • @alibyebaby2064
    @alibyebaby2064 Před 2 lety +9

    I wasn’t afraid to take my baby home. We tried for a free-birth but I got scared when i hit transition. Being in the hospital was scarier honestly. They thought EVERY LITTLE THING was wrong and they didn’t want me to do it how I wanted. He is Super healthy. Still chugging along today😄 definitely not planning on a hospital birth for the next one lol. Staying right at home so I can just snuggle and hold my munchkins❤️

  • @marissajonkers3756
    @marissajonkers3756 Před 2 lety +9

    Sooooo true! I cloth diapered my first and LOVED it! Told everyone about it and tried to convert them to use it. Fast forward a little and baby nr 2 arrived. She would not stop fussing unless I changed the cloth to a disposable diaper. I felt like a cloth fan fraud.... turns out her legs were so chubby the cloth diapers I was used to just didn't work for her.
    You can plan all you want but ultimately baby does make the decisions in a way.

  • @applebritta
    @applebritta Před 2 lety +63

    I did purple pushing with my first daughter and had the most severe tearing my OB had ever seen as well as pelvic organ prolapse. With my second daughter, I surrendered to the birthing process, moved freely during labor and laid on my side to push. My uterus pushed that baby out all on its own! She was out in 2-3 pushes and I had minimal tearing. Highly recommend!

    • @maryalanger2537
      @maryalanger2537 Před 2 lety +2

      Wow! I’m amazed that you decided to give birth the second time! But it’s amazing that your second birth was so easy. I’m hoping my second birth will be exactly like that - easy and without complications and let the body do what it’s designed to do. All the best to you!

    • @TNT_dynamight
      @TNT_dynamight Před 2 lety

      I actually resisted pushing as my midwife was not here and it fucked up my pelvic floor deeeeeeply

  • @RachelBernholtz
    @RachelBernholtz Před 2 lety +4

    Having them take a bottle makes such a difference. My baby is 2 months, nurses 99% of the time but he will take a bottle. Same with my older 2 when they were babies. it means I can leave the house without worrying about it. Or when I am overwhelmed / exhausted I can pass the baby off.

  • @sweat0tears0sea
    @sweat0tears0sea Před 2 lety +7

    Will finish at another time. Love the honesty but I'm tired of our entire lives being on apps, now our little babies. Interested in your co sleeping videos but I do agree every baby is different, we had in her bassinet beside us and never worried about covers. Also, I got many second hand items for first baby, it was awesome! Tell your community/church you're okay with it and nice stuff shows up at your door!

  • @jes5icaP
    @jes5icaP Před 2 lety +8

    Another option besides a bottle that is widely used around the world especially in non-westernized countries - cup feeding. Highly recommend. You can literally use one of those plastic cups that come with cough medicine or a shot glass 😊 Very protective of breastfeeding as it really doesn’t have the chance of baby developing flow preference (sometimes people call it “nipple confusion).

  • @martasanchez1450
    @martasanchez1450 Před 2 lety +3

    Tracking sleep and food and everything constantly….? This sounds insane to me! Never heard anyone do that… except on youtube

  • @user-iv9vr9pf8b
    @user-iv9vr9pf8b Před 9 měsíci +1

    When I first had my baby and he was too young for bottles (still establishing breastfeeding) I was so convinced it would be so much easier if baby could bottle feed so dad could do some feedings. Now at 3.5 months I realize just how easy and convenient breastfeeding is! No clean up, no lugging supplies around, milk is ready right that second without having to fill the bottle and warm it up, no having to pump for every feeding.......... If I didn't have to go back to work part-time I would 100% exclusively breastfeed.

  • @daniellewhite8995
    @daniellewhite8995 Před rokem +2

    I just found out I’m pregnant with my second and I’m so glad I found you! I hit like and subscribe because there are so many things I agree with and I want to do differently with my newest addition…starting the app. If I remember correctly those first few appointments the Dr. does ask how many poops and pees the baby did within the last day. And I had such a hard time keeping track. 😅

  • @trav3ll3r
    @trav3ll3r Před 2 lety +4

    I dunno why i watch so many of your videos when I'm nowhere near pregnant😂. I'm enthralled; I just find them so interesting and educational haha 😂. Thanks for all the wisdom lol

  • @brickbrow
    @brickbrow Před rokem +1

    My daughter was 6wo when she had the RSV virus and we got into it with the PICU doctor. She recommended Covid & other Vaccines to my 6 week old baby. At that point I wanted to trust her so all I did was ask “Why?” she was recommending that treatment plan and the *entire* conversation tone changed. My gut was saying no but my people-pleaser was saying ok. That single experience started the vax research black hole for me. I prompted to delay until 6 months so I felt like I could make a decision without the emotional pressure and then I delayed until 12 mo because she was breastfeeding. I’ll reevaluate again but you don’t, and shouldn’t, make a huge decision under pressure. Walk out ❤️

  • @stacywallen5245
    @stacywallen5245 Před 2 lety +3

    Due in February with baby #2 & my first kiddo is 9. I downloaded the Huckleberry app because I could never keep track of everything before & I'm hoping to make things easier this time around. Watching all the baby videos because it's been so long since I had my daughter & things are so different.

  • @kayleeashley9961
    @kayleeashley9961 Před 2 lety +3

    Me and my husband are preping to welcome our first baby. Idk how anyone can buy everything new for their babies. It so expensive and we have so many friends and families that are done having kids that are just giving us all there stuff. So far we haven't even spent $100. And if something doesn't work we will give it away or store it for the next baby.

    • @malorie8557
      @malorie8557 Před 2 lety

      👌👌 honestly, preparing ahead of time can often be a waste of time. You really wont know what works and what doesn't work until they come and I highly suggest to all mothers to BUY AS YOU GO. We havent used half the crap we thought she would.
      We too had a ton donated to us. We'd go through it all and anything we didnt want or like we just donated ourselves.

  • @ashleighedavis
    @ashleighedavis Před 2 lety +1

    Our baby takes a bottle fine, he was worse trying to get to nurse and it took a lot of effort to even get him to do it at all. It is a fine balance between baby being agreeable to the bottle to them favouring it because it’s so much less effort for them. If you have enough of all the pump and bottle pieces and a dishwasher, the dishes are no biggie. We started with 2 dishwasher loads a day and are at 1 load every night now - top rack almost entirely pumping and feeding supplies, bottom is everything else

  • @laurenhartso
    @laurenhartso Před 2 lety +4

    I’m very pro baby taking a bottle so you can go somewhere without baby. But yeah nursing is def easier than having to pump and clean your pump and all of that. Sometimes my mom is like I’ll feed her! And I’m like THAT MAKES MORE WORK FOR ME. And I love huckleberry for tracking growth and percentiles

    • @malorie8557
      @malorie8557 Před 2 lety +1

      I think the happy medium is, breastfeeding with 1 day bottle feeds. My first doesnt and wont take to a bottle so it's near impossible to do things on my own. She forgot what a bottle is and now refuses (have tried EVERYTHING) so with our second, we will do it once a day (make it part of night time routine with dad) so they never lose the ability and that way, if I DO have anywhere to go, we'll know he/she will take to a bottle. But breastfeeding is the easier option. I stopped pumping months ago and now she is going straight into babyfood.

    • @sabl6381
      @sabl6381 Před rokem

      Yeah, I breastfeed and pump once a day while my husband gives Baby a bottle - it keeps her "in practice" for the occasional babysitter bottle feeding her, and gives me just enough flexibility.

  • @lenahe3078
    @lenahe3078 Před 2 lety +11

    I really need all of your wisdom because I am the first person to get pregnant in our friends group and I don't have any mom friend who I can ask like, Hey do I really need this? Is this helpful? Is my body normal for doing this?
    And I am soo thankful for the internet, for your videos and the podcasts!

    • @malorie8557
      @malorie8557 Před 2 lety

      Have any questions now? Lol! Happy to help!

  • @devynrowe7492
    @devynrowe7492 Před 2 lety +4

    Something I wasn’t expecting with the second baby was a poor latch (I breastfed my first until 2) I was so confident with breastfeeding but each baby has a learning curve which also means that mama has a learning curve to learn the new baby. I did move my son into his own bed (floor bed) to make room for baby (he was 2) we put his bed in our room for a bit to help him with the transition and it helped so much.

    • @devynrowe7492
      @devynrowe7492 Před 2 lety +1

      Also my first had a tongue tie and my second didn’t so the bad latch was just a learning curve (took 2 weeks)

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety

      Totally something I knew but didn’t really consider! But you’re right every baby is different.
      She starts the night in her bed in our room and anywhere between midnight and 5 she comes on over lol

  • @cuhdence9075
    @cuhdence9075 Před 2 lety +5

    I have been wanting say to you, we started with a montessori floor bed and my daughters sleep was so horrible. Could not figure out why!! (She is my first, just turned 1, co slept for the first 8 months, and also have never taken a bottle! ~granola~)
    When we switched her to a crib, she started sleeping like a charm!! With her, she needed more of a sense of being contained, it made her feel safe.
    We will probably switch to a floor bed by 2 or 3, but wish we would have started with a crib from the get go!!
    Thanks for the video friend.

  • @samcobb1353
    @samcobb1353 Před 2 lety +2

    Number one thing I’m doing different with number 2 is having a more independent sleeper. Co-slept with number one and she isn’t an independent sleeper at night. Loved the co-sleeping but not the separate beds/bedrooms for husband and me. Number 1 is 15 months and number 2 is 6 weeks.

  • @gonzalezsmb
    @gonzalezsmb Před 2 lety +1

    100% with you in the bottle thing. My kid never took a bottle.... I nursed for 22 months. Loved it but defenitly exhausting. With my next kid we'll deffinitly have him also taking the bottle and not exclusively breast feeding...

  • @Thisorganizedmother
    @Thisorganizedmother Před 2 lety +1

    I recommend using a slow flow como tomo bottle literally as soon as you can pump a decent amount. I did that with my first (diligently listening to my mom), was lazy with my second. Literally baby only took the bottle when I was not there, at work. That’s miserable. Next time will start right away again. I like the como tomo because it’s easy to wash and you can make sure they are latching naturally.

  • @elisabethcuningham3526
    @elisabethcuningham3526 Před 2 lety +9

    My second is two months old, so far the biggest difference was I had a home birth! Best experience, my first was a medicated hospital birth, 40 hours of labor, and this time was a home birth, 6 hours total. Baby came before I even called the midwife! My mindset was so much better!
    Much more minimalist this time, baby wear a lot, and thinking about switching to cloth diapering in a month or so. After watching your video I want to look into EC too.

    • @ADWebTV
      @ADWebTV Před 2 lety +1

      clothe diapers are awesome!

  • @hannahdengler2935
    @hannahdengler2935 Před 2 lety +2

    I just found your channel and you have CHANGED MY LIFE. I am 17 weeks with my first and you have been so incredibly helpful. Thank you for all the effort you put into this channel!!

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety

      Yay!!! This makes me the most happy!!

  • @ivanauzelac13
    @ivanauzelac13 Před 2 lety +3

    I was actually looking for a good app to track my babies schedule. Thank you 💓

  • @jajajameena
    @jajajameena Před 2 lety +1

    I breastfed and started 1 bottle a day around 6 weeks. Dad would give the bottle in the afternoon when I could pump and we pretty much stayed with this schedule until now (7 months). Baby takes bottle and breast well. Just need to be consistent with at least 1 bottle every day or every other day

  • @clarajo6932
    @clarajo6932 Před 2 lety +13

    My first 2 are 20 months apart (both girls) and were complete opposite personalities! They reacted differently to pretty much everything-nursing, pacifiers, food, people preferences, etc; but they both loved cosleeping. 🤷‍♀️ Excited for you to have #2!😊

  • @adrianastoneage293
    @adrianastoneage293 Před 2 lety +2

    You should have a partnercode for huckleberry. Thanks so much for the tipp!!!
    Also what i would do differently: not buy a bottle warmer, not buy a bottle cooker/desinfection. Rather invest in a good double deck steamer for desinfecting the bottles which i can later also use to steam a bunch of solids

  • @ziel3029
    @ziel3029 Před 2 lety +6

    Baby #2 is 6months now, the biggest difference is the mindset, with the first I was trying to control everything but this time around I been like -we will see, and this two shall pass! Not stressing over cluster feeding or feeling "stuck" just trying to enjoy it and knowing everything else can wait ❤

  • @elizabethmejiasala6490
    @elizabethmejiasala6490 Před 2 lety +2

    I'm dying of laughter! LMAO Men and their poops. SO TRUE!

  • @mulnrouge
    @mulnrouge Před 2 lety +3

    I had used huckleberry at the beginning of parenting and it was sooo helpful. I just needed an easy way to track feeding and sleeping times and was super nice. It helped a lot with nap changes too and how it would give updates on my baby based on their age and sleeping issues it registered. However, I'm cheap and once the free period was over i found a different app called Baby Tracker that does the same tracking for free, but I do miss the messages that help with problem solving in real time....perhaps the next kido I will be using that one again and invest that small price to do so. Also, love your videos!!

  • @simpleandhealthymama
    @simpleandhealthymama Před 2 lety +4

    I thought I wore my first baby a lot... then came baby #2. He lived attached to me as I chased my toddler around. He preferred it over a stroller so I didn't ever need a double stroller.
    I wish I'd had that app. Sounds awesome. I'm glad other mamas can use it though.

  • @habibti320
    @habibti320 Před 2 lety

    I would NOT give a bottle in the first month and also try to latch/pump religiously in the first week (possibly before labor) to get my milk supply going. Supplementing in the first week with a bottle led to a nursing strike/bottle preference which lasted from 2 weeks to 4 months old and made my maternity leave extra stressful because I had to care for an infant and also try to pump around the clock! I would try to pump or get donor milk in case I needed to supplement and feed through SNS or cup. I would also try to get a doula or someone to help advocate for me during labor. I didn’t want to push but the on call doctor was really old school and told me “you’re a first time mom, you don’t know what you’re doing” when I said I wanted to be upright for pushing, then made me get on my back.

  • @shelbydavis-wiemers457
    @shelbydavis-wiemers457 Před 2 lety +1

    Oh my gosh thank you for suggesting the Huckleberry app! Never heard of it!

  • @ASMRKay_
    @ASMRKay_ Před 2 lety +5

    I’m 18 weeks with my first and I love using your videos as a reference!

  • @naomileih4952
    @naomileih4952 Před 2 lety +2

    Oh, pushing the second time for me was SO much better! I had super stressful coached pushing with my first, but just let it all happen naturally with my second. Game changer. It was still painful, but I was literally in awe of what my body was doing on its own! It’s pretty awesome!!

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety +1


  • @pool8party
    @pool8party Před 2 lety +2

    My son is 6 months (4.5 adjusted) so i am literally just learning his naps and sleep schedule. Thanks for the huckleberry app. It is going to help a ton

  • @greatvid4648
    @greatvid4648 Před 2 lety +1

    I'm a new doula about to have my third Unmedicated home birth. I'm getting excited to sleep on my tummy again

  • @devynrowe7492
    @devynrowe7492 Před 2 lety +2

    Both my babies coslept. I am pregnant with third and fully expecting to cosleep. My second would let me put her down more though.

  • @llamatacos8365
    @llamatacos8365 Před 2 lety +25

    YES! Used Huckleberry since day one and it literally saved my sanity! Especially in the beginning when the pediatrician is asking you 10,000 questions and you're brain dead and don't know off the top off your head how many times your baby peed, pooed, nursed and for how long, and that app had it all listed there for you!

    • @ashleybeazley
      @ashleybeazley Před 2 lety +3

      Haha right!? First baby - how many diapers a day - uhhhhh maybe like 6 I think? No 8. Let me count.
      Second baby using huckleberry from the start - 7.46 diapers.

  • @mariafinsness3969
    @mariafinsness3969 Před 2 lety +2

    Open mouthed pushing! Thank You from a new doula/yogi/pt nerd!

  • @bridgetydidgety
    @bridgetydidgety Před 2 lety

    My second is 6 months old. We have done a few things differently. This baby is also just a lot more easygoing, so I'm not sure how much of it is her of what we did. We started putting her down for naps in her bassinet at 2 months so that she was always sleeping in the same place. This was different from our first who napped in a playpen downstairs, but he was so hard to get to nap. Our second baby goes down for naps so easily compared to our first.

  • @hattekid
    @hattekid Před 2 lety +15

    I was so afraid to take my baby home! 2 weeks later and I feel calm and confident. You can do it! 🥰

  • @kaitlyn8889
    @kaitlyn8889 Před 2 lety +3

    I used the app for a few months then realized just to let that shit go, aslong as baby is gaining weight, peeing and pooping.. I just always fed on demand and followed babies schedule

    • @malorie8557
      @malorie8557 Před 2 lety

      Yup. And Ive learned you cant over feed a baby when it comes to breast milk. They will let you know when they are full.
      Same with sleep. To exoect your babe to always sleep a certain amount of hours in a day is unrealistic. Some times they are more sleepy and sometimes they are more active. As long as you know the sleeping cues, you will have a stress free babe IMO.

  • @stephaniemichelle9878
    @stephaniemichelle9878 Před 2 lety +1

    I cloth diapered too I used 1 big pack of newborn disposables and after that I cloth diapered.

  • @LilybCoco
    @LilybCoco Před 2 lety +15

    Would love to have you on my podcast Shayla!

    • @jakecoco
      @jakecoco Před 2 lety +10

      Woooooo very cool wife has a very cool podcast??

  • @kyndalalley9553
    @kyndalalley9553 Před 2 lety +4

    Literally just gave birth to my second (7 days ago) and I am already doing things so different than with my first. Much more relaxed about *all the things*.

  • @GiPaoCreates
    @GiPaoCreates Před rokem +1

    Talking about things not going as planned- I bought the mom cozy wrap carrier- my baby hates it 😂

  • @selinah2871
    @selinah2871 Před 2 lety +13

    I did the huckleberry app, saved my sanity. Other moms see me do it and they’re like “awww, such a first time mom, keeping track of everything.” Good to hear that other moms loved it too and I’m not crazy.

    • @cinthiaham1517
      @cinthiaham1517 Před 2 lety +1

      Yes! It’s not a first time mom thing tho! I think all babies deserve good sleep and the huckleberry apps seriously helps me know when the right time would be! ❤️

    • @ashleybeazley
      @ashleybeazley Před 2 lety +1

      Yeah I just like the data and dudeC I don’t freaking remember the last time my baby fell asleep or had a diaper lol. I’m using it for baby 2 for feeds and diapers and using it still for my almost 2.5 year old for her sleep

  • @justineplemons7585
    @justineplemons7585 Před 2 lety +2

    I use offer up for diapers, toys, bassinets, etc. I bought very, very few things new

  • @alidah6622
    @alidah6622 Před 2 lety +1

    I had to push pretty hard despite really trying to let my body just do its thing. I still took it pretty slow. But I did eventually have to actively engage in the process too. I actively pushed for 3.5 hours even though the fetal ejection reflex kicked in about 8 hours before birth, I didnt really have an urge to actively push but it felt fairly good when i did. I was really in no rush though. And no perineal tearing. But it didnt just happen on its own. And I wasn't expecting to really push hard, I prepared for letting go and following my body. I had an unmedicated homebirth.

    • @michellehanson4957
      @michellehanson4957 Před 2 lety +1

      I just had a home birth as well, I kept waiting for the fetal ejection reflex and it did not come. I could stick my finger up and feel the tip of her head for hours. The midwife said I could have shaved several hours off my labor if I went ahead and started pushing when I could feel the head (even though I did not feel "pushy").

  • @chrissykrieg9176
    @chrissykrieg9176 Před 2 lety +6

    I’m adding my third BOY in March. The second time around I didn’t do much different than the first except track things more. I realized I’m weird and want to know when they switched clothing sizes and diaper sizes 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ this time, I went with even less stuff lol
    I’m a fairly minimalist with baby stuff (do laundry every week - why have 47 outfits for each size?! 10! That’s all I need!) but this third time I feel like I’m even getting less out to prepare! I’ve learned each time what I really need and what I can do without even if baby would prefer it.
    First kiddo, used a bouncer every morning while in the shower. Never even put it together for second. Will prob sell it before third arrives lol

    • @samanthafedor6005
      @samanthafedor6005 Před 2 lety +1

      We got rid of our swing we used with our first two before number three arrived and I quickly regretted not having somewhere safe that was portable to put him down. We got a rock-n-play (which he hated) but I really like. We saved that to use with future babies and it has been so useful for number 4. I wear my babies most of the time but I need to be able to put them somewhere safe that isn’t a crib. Each family is different and will “need” different products.

  • @peaceloverauha
    @peaceloverauha Před 2 lety +4

    As a second time mom, Huckleberry has saved me! There’s so much to keep track of and when you’re running around chasing a toddler, having a reminder go off that the baby’s nap time is coming up is a lifesaver!

  • @LuxiWang27
    @LuxiWang27 Před 2 lety +1

    Love your videos! Thank you. So helpful.

  • @taylorswf23
    @taylorswf23 Před 2 lety

    I tracked religiously when baby was first born because I was very scatterbrained and anxious, then at some point tapered off.

  • @bethw3573
    @bethw3573 Před 2 lety +7

    Holding my 6 day old while he sleeps and watching this! Your videos are always so helpful!

  • @debrabedell3003
    @debrabedell3003 Před 2 lety +1

    Look into cup feeding an infant if they don’t take the bottle

  • @rosehuggins9261
    @rosehuggins9261 Před 2 lety +1

    Where is your flannel from?? It’s so cute!! 28 weeks here with baby #1 and this video is so helpful!

  • @bethbodwell4434
    @bethbodwell4434 Před 2 lety

    Loved the free version of Huckleberry!

  • @leenygal9856
    @leenygal9856 Před 2 lety

    Shayla, fellow Minnesotan! Can you do a vid on touring hospitals, choosing providers, etc?

  • @Lisa-qt7pw
    @Lisa-qt7pw Před 2 lety +2

    Great video! That app is what I need

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety

      Right?! When they asked to partner i was like this is the greatest fit of my life haha

  • @sehrimirza
    @sehrimirza Před 2 lety +3

    Hello! When did you start taking the probiotics? I've had mixed opinions of starting at any time Vs not starting til the third trimester? I'm 25 weeks.

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety +2

      I started from the start and all the way through. Love bug probiotics had a prenatal and postnatal that I take in addition to your regular prenatal.
      I have a whole video on it if you’re interested and a discount code HEYSHAYLA

  • @jadeortencio3730
    @jadeortencio3730 Před 2 lety +1

    Huckleberry is the best! I’ve used it every single day since my baby was born!

  • @catherinetilt5425
    @catherinetilt5425 Před 2 lety

    In some ways we'd go way more natural - eg. We've ended up doing cloth full time and Co sleeping and I didn't expect either of those things, but I would also be going less natural in other ways, because if trauma we will definitely be going for a c section and be comfortable bottle feeding if bf doesn't work out

  • @mailerg
    @mailerg Před 2 lety +1

    Yeah the four month sleep regression was a doosey glad I started e. C. Before that happened

  • @mykaylahotek7589
    @mykaylahotek7589 Před 2 lety +3

    I watched you through most of my first pregnancy, and I have a 13 month old and I’m 20 weeks- did a lot of things similar to you and I feel the same about ALL of the sleep/ sleepy cues/ co sleeping😅

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety +1

      Girl!! Bang bang! We talked about wanting Irish twins are you excited?!!
      Right?! When you know better you do better? Haha

    • @mykaylahotek7589
      @mykaylahotek7589 Před 2 lety +1

      We are extremely excited! My siblings and I were all 13-15 months apart, and I knew I didn’t want THAT close, but 18months- 2 years seems to be what everyone says is the sweet spot for siblings, so over the moon! As for just having a second baby, I’m really excited to walk out of the room knowing what I’m doing this time around instead of worrying at every cough/ spit up/ runny nose/ long nap/ worrying that the baby will never sleep not on top of me!

    • @graceklass2147
      @graceklass2147 Před 2 lety +1

      I was coming here to say the exact same thinnnggg! Shayla, you were such a help to me during my first pregnancy in 2020. I have a 13 month old now and I'm 19 weeks 😁❤️

  • @louisamichelleloll
    @louisamichelleloll Před 2 lety +5

    I thought I would be SO confident when I brought my second baby home but I had all the same irrational fears lol. I knew what I was doing and what was normal/concerning but I had to tell myself that I knew what I was doing. Also bed shared with both of my babies. Idk how people can get their newborns to sleep in a bassinet 🥴

  • @GiPaoCreates
    @GiPaoCreates Před rokem +1

    Lol my baby likes the Mamaroo More when it’s off 🙃 she’s not too thrilled with it moving

  • @Gigilolly
    @Gigilolly Před 2 lety

    We’re 7 weeks apart!!❤️

  • @keily4420
    @keily4420 Před 2 lety +1

    Loved it!

  • @MinaMuslims
    @MinaMuslims Před 2 lety +2

    Aww glad you found huckleberry! It literally saved my sanity with the nap prediction. I started tracking the day I came home from the hospital,, she's 1 year old now and still tracking! Comes in really handy, not just the nap prediction (don't really need that anymore) but reminds me how long ago she ate/peed/pooed etc. Fantastic app for the busy mum xx

  • @JamieACoop
    @JamieACoop Před 2 lety +1

    They are all different my second was ready for food closer to 5 months

  • @cassidybailey8773
    @cassidybailey8773 Před 2 lety +1

    I absolutely love the Huckleberry app! It was so nice to have the information ready for when we’d go to appointments and it helped my sanity so much!. It helped me to know why my baby might be fussy at the very beginning. Oh you’ve been awake awhile or you haven’t ate in a couple hours, etc. It has helped as well the sleep transitions and feeding transitions! Love this app and love that they sponsored you!

  • @kristianeby4669
    @kristianeby4669 Před 2 lety +1

    Sorry I’ve got lots of things. Also as a third time mom my kids liked the mama Roo better than a regular swing but hated the shape of it. So I bought a Grayco swing that does exactly what the mama Roo does but has a way better seat. Also I got rid of all my baby clothes so now this time I’m honestly just buying sleepers that zip and like one piece outfits that’s all I need. Differently in labor my first with natural water birth my second we moved across the country and so I was really unfamiliar with my area and I thought uncomfortable with a birth center because my first labor was in a hospital but in a birth center in a hospital. This time I am more willing to travel so I will be having another natural birth but in the hospital unfortunately not a water birth but I will request a tab for laboring. Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I’m speaking to text LOL

  • @saraseefeldt39
    @saraseefeldt39 Před 2 lety

    For great secondhand stuff in Minnesota I love the JBF seasonal sales and just found Kid A who is local and delivers!

  • @meganwalheim6765
    @meganwalheim6765 Před 2 lety +5

    Girl, I FEEL you on the purple push. I knew not to do it, and somehow it left my brain in labor and it’s my ONE regret from my birth. Definitely will not do that with future babes.

  • @morganbiggs1548
    @morganbiggs1548 Před 2 lety +1

    I never tracked from day one. Just talking about tracking all that makes me have anxiety. Is that bad!? I did a home birth and they NEVER mentioned tracking

    • @malorie8557
      @malorie8557 Před 2 lety

      From a nontracking mom to, it isn't bad. I find it unnecessary to be perfectly honest. Your babe tends to let you know when he/she is hungry, sleepy and bored. To expect every day to be the same is unrealistic IMO. Babies are just like us. Sometimes they feel the need to get up early, have more naps or stay up late...why challenge it by a strict schedule to only complicate things for yourself?
      I understand some babies thrive on routine but I don't think people ever say the opposite. If your baby DOESN'T thrive off a routine, then just cut it out entirely and just wait for the cues.

  • @Louisebabeesxo
    @Louisebabeesxo Před 2 lety +1

    I’m pregnant with my 2nd and breastfeeding my 1 year old. My milk has massively decreased and daughter is going crazy on the boob as there’s not enough!! Do you recommend weaning the day feed or night feeds first? We’ve been giving her milk in a bottle….

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety

      Day feed was easier for us, then she understood I could say no.
      Just give her extra snuggles and affection and ask if she’s hungry. Bf is about more than the milk. You’ve got this ❤️

  • @ashb2404
    @ashb2404 Před 2 lety

    I feel like I was winging it with all 3 of my babies.. my first 2 were 4 years apart and my 2nd and 3rd were 10 years apart... My 3rd felt like my 1st... Lol.. but there are definitely some things you can chill about more so after having 1.

  • @dawnforlife
    @dawnforlife Před 2 lety +2

    OH speaking of second hand, the baby baby slept in it maybe for 2 months in total. 90% of the time, it was a side table. 😆So..remember to heed your own advice! 😊

  • @kerstinpeters7831
    @kerstinpeters7831 Před 2 lety

    Dang I love your videos. 🙌🏼

  • @sdl5731
    @sdl5731 Před 2 lety

    I kept saying I was going to have my baby in a snuggle me or in a crib right next to me. ALL my babies legit have to sleep ON ME. Stage 5 clingers! Still in my bed years later.

  • @Ragingbull123
    @Ragingbull123 Před 2 lety +1

    Sweat pants definitely are life

  • @martinahoover6508
    @martinahoover6508 Před 2 lety +1

    Great video! What probiotics did/do you take? Same ones through pregnancy and nursing?

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety

      Yes! LoveBug probiotic! I’m an ambassador for them HEYSHAYLA for a discount!

  • @annamcd2415
    @annamcd2415 Před 2 lety +2

    OMG!!! I'm 20 weeks and one day as of today. First time mom here I love watching your videos!

  • @dawnforlife
    @dawnforlife Před 2 lety +11

    I think not having a bottle and stopping milk collecting has helped my body regulate milk really quickly. No more engorged boobs after 3 or 4 months I think.
    I LOVE the idea of (if we are having a second) giving baby a bottle too but wondering how it will be with the boob situation. haha
    It's quite draining being the boob for all mom.

    • @Suebearish
      @Suebearish Před 2 lety +1

      The trend seems to be to pump like crazy these days. Nursing is what makes more milk. No pumping required. Also moms being told have to pump after to fully empty breast. Nursing breasts are never empty!

    • @malorie8557
      @malorie8557 Před 2 lety

      @@Suebearish engorgment is in the first few months. Your body is trying to figure out and regulate how much milk your baby needs. Once it does, your boobs no longer produce too much and often times, women think they AREN'T producing.
      This is normal.

    • @Suebearish
      @Suebearish Před 2 lety +1

      @@malorie8557yes right. I nursed 5 babies without pumping. Only had engorgement issues with 1st for a couple days when milk first came in. Was just commenting how the trend now is so much pumping.

    • @coffeeandplan4388
      @coffeeandplan4388 Před 2 lety

      @@Suebearish i think this “trend” is mostly due to moms needing to go back to work. After my 12 week fmla leave, I won’t be able to ebf. So it’s either keep a pump supply for baby to have while I’m away, or switch to formula. Not all of us are given a choice if want to use breast milk.

    • @Suebearish
      @Suebearish Před 2 lety +1

      The trend is not just for working moms. A Lactation consultant friend said she has to reeducate new moms because they are being told by the hospital LCs they have to pump before their milk comes in and after each nursing to build up their milk supply. Even after night feeds

  • @stephiegrennell8440
    @stephiegrennell8440 Před 2 lety +2

    We have a two year old, and a three week old.
    The second is way more chill in our opinion. New borns are super easy. It’s the toddler that’s difficult. 😂

  • @tabithawills4389
    @tabithawills4389 Před 2 lety +6

    Huckleberry is LIFE!! I feel like they need to sponsor midwives so they can tell us about the app sooner! lol

  • @AdrenalineJunkie2323
    @AdrenalineJunkie2323 Před 2 lety +1

    How long did you co sleep? How was transitioning to the bed?

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  Před 2 lety +1

      Still cosleeping (19 months) she naps and starts the night in her own bed

  • @femininegrowth8545
    @femininegrowth8545 Před 2 lety +1

    The pregnancy drip is too real.

  • @stephaniemichelle9878
    @stephaniemichelle9878 Před 2 lety

    Same here!

  • @kaylabyrd3409
    @kaylabyrd3409 Před 2 lety

    Does the app allow you to link to your partner so they can document as well?

  • @sydneynicole9574
    @sydneynicole9574 Před 2 lety

    Ohhhhhh wear is your flannel from 😍

  • @AysunP
    @AysunP Před 2 lety +2

    I told my doctor I didn’t wanna purple push and she looked at me like I lost my mind

  • @angelarust6243
    @angelarust6243 Před 2 lety +5

    I LOVE buying second hand stuff for my baby and I’m pregnant with my second and I’m gonna keep buying second hand haha 😁👍🏻

  • @stephaniemichelle9878
    @stephaniemichelle9878 Před 2 lety

    The first baby I never successfully got to breast feed. I always felt mad about it there wasn’t enough support for me.
    This baby-- I’m very much looking forward to pumping and giving a bottle. I’m heavy so breast feeding is a major pain in the ass. It gives me back pain it’s stressful and I got too much going on. I find that the manual pumps are actually faster and I used to just walk around and do chores while I pumped…… I stay home so I have the freedom to do that…. I want to TRY breast feeding but it’s on him. He’s going to have to figure it out and I’ll give him all the opportunity he needs to wriggle around and figure it out. They’re capable of doing that.
    Ideally I’d like this baby to take both but I know that’s unlikely…. We’ll see what happens

  • @mariajosebp7
    @mariajosebp7 Před 2 lety

    What was that about the longer they nap the less they sleep at night? I'm struggling with sleep cues with a three month old baby

    • @nishatchicago
      @nishatchicago Před 2 lety

      Each baby has different sleep needs. Normal is a range! I've realized if my baby sleeps less at night he takes longer naps during The day and vice versa. Observe your baby and get an idea of their total sleep in a 24hr period and expect naps and night Sleep to occur accordingly. Also the 4 month sleep regression happened for us at 3.25 months! Just FYI. Also he almost never Naps for more than 1 sleep cycle (so about 40 min) which is also normal

  • @simpleandhealthymama
    @simpleandhealthymama Před 2 lety +5

    Oh yep that too - we did way more baby led weaning with the second but mostly because I was confident enough to just hand the kid food and know he could figure it out.