JFK: A Divided Catholic Life | EWTN News In Depth November 17, 2023

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 79

  • @Heart_on_Fire1
    @Heart_on_Fire1 Před 10 měsíci +35

    I connect with our nation's first Catholic president since I led a double life as a practicing Catholic, leading a promiscuous life. God intervened through our Blessed Mother to save my marriage during a pilgrimage 16 years ago in Medjugorje, where I received a profound conversion experience. I would rather die than offend God, especially the 6th commandment after that conversion. I am shocked today that our current president claims to be Catholic but has a completely opposite view of our Catholic teaching on the sanctity of life and the sacredness of marriage. Pray for the conversion of hearts.

    • @ZG0143
      @ZG0143 Před 9 měsíci

      Well said

  • @johnflorio3576
    @johnflorio3576 Před 10 měsíci +7

    Let your faith inform your politics. Do not let your politics inform your faith.

  • @adrianatamura5672
    @adrianatamura5672 Před 10 měsíci +9

    I’m also Catholic, May My Prayers be with Him, Amen 🙏

  • @MichaelArcangel-he9tn
    @MichaelArcangel-he9tn Před 10 měsíci +20

    Being a practising Catholic alone is not enough. We have to face many worldly temptations. We strive to live our life according to God’s teachings, to be obedient and openly proclaims His glory. May JFK RIP and Biden repent to the Lord for his very uncatholics policies 🙏🏻

    • @tc41089
      @tc41089 Před 9 měsíci

      Hes doing what the pope tells him..... JFK turned on the pope and Spellman called a hit on him. end of story.

  • @rudiruttger
    @rudiruttger Před 10 měsíci +21

    Oddly enough, being Catholic in America today is something that still earns you grief from political religions in the present day.

    • @dewilew2137
      @dewilew2137 Před 10 měsíci +3

      What are “political religions”?

    • @dewilew2137
      @dewilew2137 Před 10 měsíci +1

      One thing that all Christians have in common, at least in the west, is a sense of victimization when there is no victimization to speak of. Some Christian’s truly are oppressed for being Christian. If you live in America, you’re not one of them.

    • @rudiruttger
      @rudiruttger Před 10 měsíci +2

      @@dewilew2137 the DNC most prominently

  • @GerardPedrico
    @GerardPedrico Před 10 měsíci +10

    Catholicism saved the world. Without Catholicism there would have been global chaos. A note of inspiration: Indonesia (a very large archipelago of more than 13000 islands) is the largest Muslim populated country in the world and is the largest, even the strongest country in South East Asia, but Indonesia's unifying state ideology called Pancasila famous for its slogan of "Unity In Diversity" was first devised by the first Indonesian President Mr. Sukarno in 1945 after he spent his years on the Indonesian island of Flores in the now East Nusa Tenggara province which was and is still predominantly Roman Catholic and Mr. Sukarno was inspired there. Catholicism played a role in the creation of Indonesia's state ideology Pancasila (the five basic principles) i.e. the country believing in the supremacy of God, the country always aspiring to uphold a just humanity, the preservation of the unity of the country, the country believing in democratic rule and in the supremacy of democracy, and the country aspiring to uphold social justice for all Indonesians. The late US President Mr. John F. Kennedy was secretly a very very close friend of the late Indonesian President Sukarno and the two often consult with each other on world affairs at that time.

    • @roberteaston6413
      @roberteaston6413 Před 9 měsíci

      Robert Kennedy once said that there were only two men in life that his brother, John hated, President Sukarno of Indonesia and John Diefenbaker of Canada. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau of Canada was a practicing Roman Catholic; though like John Kennedy, he was sexually promiscuous. Where he departed from American Roman Catholics was that he did not believe in propping up fascist Roman Catholic dictators simply because they were anti-communist. He did not believe in propping up dictators such as Marcos, Samosa, Trujuillo, Pinochet, Mabotu, Salazar, and Franco. After all Adolph Hitler was baptised a Roman Catholic and hated communism. That did not give him a clean slate. Of course American Roman Catholics did not care for Pierre Trudeau being friends with communist leaders of Russia, China, and Cuba. Pierre was the first leader of the Liberal Party that did not care for popular American culture. If in the 1960's he had a quiet evening to himself and it was a choice between watching The Munsters on TV or reading City of God by Augustine I know what he would have chosen.

  • @mht5875
    @mht5875 Před 10 měsíci +6

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it

  • @suzannederringer1607
    @suzannederringer1607 Před 10 měsíci +8

    I remember his Presidency and death. I was in high school. His election seemed a validation for all us 2nd and 3rd generation Americans - we were 'really' Americans as well as Catholics, going back centuries in Europe.
    A bit nervous making now, with government spying on Catholics in church.
    Kennedy's formal pietism vs. his personal behavior - so unlike Bl. Emperor Karl of Austria, who totally lived his Faith.

    • @kenb3552
      @kenb3552 Před 9 měsíci +1

      JFK wasn't overly pious. He rarely discussed his personal faith and he did not put in on display for public consumption. He was no overt hypocrite - like so many "conservatives" we see today.

  • @wbl5649
    @wbl5649 Před 9 měsíci +5

    He was a bad example of the faith and as a husband and even as President. Also by all his affairs and his lust he left himself vulnerable to blackmail by the mob and foreign powers, or even internal powers. So he put the nation and himself at risk due to his lust.
    1 Corinthians 6:9
    “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”

  • @dalelerette206
    @dalelerette206 Před 10 měsíci +7

    1:56 - Saint John XXIII once said, “What unites us is much greater than what divides us.” And I firmly believe this to be true to the depths of my God given soul.

  • @brotherdave2000
    @brotherdave2000 Před 9 měsíci +3

    It's been said that he saw a priest for confession shortly before his assassination, and Padre Pio said he was in Heaven. I hope that is true.

    • @Yobbie72
      @Yobbie72 Před 9 měsíci +3

      Pio said he was "saved", which I think means "saved from hell". He could have gone to purgatory

  • @margaretmary1139
    @margaretmary1139 Před 10 měsíci +11

    Kennedy was the perfect example of how not vto makie Christ the King. A truly devout Catholic isn't in name only, compartmentalizing "faith" to Mass on Sunday only and secular buisness the rest of the time. Christ should be our King every single minute of our lives.

    • @retnavybrat
      @retnavybrat Před 9 měsíci

      My view has always been that if a politician says he/she is a devout (of whatever faith), yet also says his/her decisions won't be influenced by the teachings of that faith, he/she is lying about one of those claims.

  • @CatholicNeil
    @CatholicNeil Před 10 měsíci +6

    This is a shame to any Christian. We need men of faith to remind us that Christ is king

  • @judyedwards9774
    @judyedwards9774 Před 10 měsíci +20

    Someone asked St Padre Pio was he saved. He said he just barely made it.. Kennedy fared with God.

    • @michaelryan3960
      @michaelryan3960 Před 10 měsíci +10

      I don’t think that you can verify he said that.

  • @mariannemarek6683
    @mariannemarek6683 Před 10 měsíci +3

    We should all be afraid today. Look at the example the president provides to the youth. Is there any wonder the young people today want nithing to do with faith. Going to Mass on Sunday will not save you.We will all pay for this in front of Jesus Christ. We go to hell one step at a time. Pray for his soul for the Mercy of God.

  • @gregorybyrne2453
    @gregorybyrne2453 Před 9 měsíci +1

    "Blessed is he who comes in the name of YahWeh Yeshua Holy Spirit." Beatitudes

  • @markmenotti203
    @markmenotti203 Před 9 měsíci +2

    I’m not sure why, aside from his charisma, people consider him a “good” president. He was inspirational but his accomplishments were scant. Requiescat en pace.

    • @Yobbie72
      @Yobbie72 Před 9 měsíci

      How about saving the world from a nuclear Armageddon? During the Cuban Missile Crisis the military told him to invade before the nukes were deployed. He refused and chose diplomacy instead. Turns out that the nukes were already there and ready to go. Had JFK invaded Casto would have launched them. JFK's prudence saved millions of lives.

  • @CatholicMailman
    @CatholicMailman Před 9 měsíci +2

    RIP President Kennedy, I pray you made it to purgatory. 🙏🏽

  • @gregd.3630
    @gregd.3630 Před 9 měsíci

    He had a sincere faith, he was willing to let others think that it was separate from his "real" values for the sake of political credibility, but I think he believed exactly what his faith required--at least fundamentally--and acted on it. Lots of people have issues because of sinful tendencies or conflicting ideas, and this is not necessarily hypocrisy--they just struggle. He had a real weakness for women, that is true, and no one should think that is anything great, but towards the end of his life, he and Jackie were getting back together, and that was why she travelled with him to Dallas, despite avoiding his political trips previously. Also, I think the actual moral quality of his decision-making shines brightly, and that tells its own story, regardless of what appearances may suggest. We probably cannot expect saints in politics, but if we could get a few more Kennedys, I don't think we would regret that--and we should judge by the whole, and by the things that matter.

  • @mikebolognese7134
    @mikebolognese7134 Před 10 měsíci +17

    Anyone who cheats on his wife does not deserve our respect but our prayers.

    • @dewilew2137
      @dewilew2137 Před 10 měsíci +2

      Like former president trump

    • @dewilew2137
      @dewilew2137 Před 10 měsíci +2

      Also, I didn’t realize you had the authority to judge sinners…or to decide that someone else’s sins are worse than the sins that you commit. That doesn’t sound scriptural.

    • @mikeDeSales943
      @mikeDeSales943 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@dewilew2137You are definitely trying to make more out of this comment than what is there.

    • @hayeslincoln3111
      @hayeslincoln3111 Před 10 měsíci

      We all got issues. Some of them show some are hidden. God will be the ultimate judge of our actions .
      But that does not mean we cannot look at the person and make a personal judgement about them.
      Biden. Trump Clinton's Kennedy's Johnson . Morally all of these guys got some serious purrgitory time coming. Some won t make it I suspect. Look at king David. He was not a righteous man. But he had God's heart. So we don t know what Gods plan is. As for Trump a lot of the judgement on him is from years ago. Look up the hermit of Loreto. Tom Zimmer. He predicted Trump would help to bring us back to our Christian roots. That hasn't t happened..... Yet. We re heading into some very deep water very soon. We re going to need a guy with resolve. Trump may be rough but you can't deny. He's got guts. And he took has God's heart. Oh. Tom Zimmer said this about Trump in 1983..

    • @kenb3552
      @kenb3552 Před 9 měsíci

      @@mikeDeSales943 It says what it says.

  • @carlvaz
    @carlvaz Před 9 měsíci

    What a charismatic President! I remember having been influenced by President Kennedy when he was alive and I was 15 years old, here in the UK!

  • @kimberry363
    @kimberry363 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Yall he was a playboy! He f*#ked anything that moved. Peter was the one providing him with women/actresses from Hollywood. 😂😂

  • @florencemcphersonkudla2930
    @florencemcphersonkudla2930 Před 10 měsíci

    So nice to see . Jesus desires all to live in Gods Divine Will and is willing and eager for his love and happy death .God bless us all . Thanksgiving blessings fiat fiat fiat❤❤❤

  • @mikebolognese7134
    @mikebolognese7134 Před 10 měsíci +13

    We have another Catholic in the White House. I wouldn’t brag about him either.

    • @dewilew2137
      @dewilew2137 Před 10 měsíci +2

      He probably wouldn’t brag about you either.

    • @hayeslincoln3111
      @hayeslincoln3111 Před 10 měsíci

      Biden may be getting senile. And he may be Catholic in name. As for being a practicing Catholic. Not so much.
      At least Kennedy in a lot of other ways was a good man.. and given the environment that is DC he maneuvered it pretty well. Bobby too. Ted. Not so much. I think the last president we could have been proud of was Reagen. Jimmy Carter was a good man. Completely out of his element.

    • @hayeslincoln3111
      @hayeslincoln3111 Před 10 měsíci

      He can be held responsible. One does not wake up one day and say oh I'm senile I think I'll step down. But he was cognitive of his diminishing skill level. What I find despicable is the people around him who knows this and are using him for their own plans. His wife. His son's. Obama. He may get to heaven because he's not all there. But Biden has 50 years of history of being a crook. His family too. So his day is coming. He will be held accountable for what he's done to our nation.

    • @roscomeon3965
      @roscomeon3965 Před 10 měsíci

      God bless President Biden an outstanding President and leader.

    • @hayeslincoln3111
      @hayeslincoln3111 Před 10 měsíci

      God may bless Joe Biden as one of his children. But I don think God approves of the way he is conducting his term in office
      Pro abortion.
      . These are not things God approve of.

  • @judedesilva8366
    @judedesilva8366 Před 10 měsíci +1


  • @user-mo4qi8tx3t
    @user-mo4qi8tx3t Před 10 měsíci +6

    I always knew that he betrayed the Church. Thank you for confirming it.

    • @josephclancy3528
      @josephclancy3528 Před 9 měsíci

      Isn't it the church that has betrayed everyone especially children ???

    • @kenb3552
      @kenb3552 Před 9 měsíci +1

      I'm sure you do too. Oh, unless you're perfect.

  • @jonyivre4541
    @jonyivre4541 Před 9 měsíci +4

    Being Catholic is NOT being perfect, but it's the closest you can get.

  • @jennifergopinath
    @jennifergopinath Před 10 měsíci

    Me too, as an Indian,I too admired JFK . Sad indeed!

  • @itinerantpatriot1196
    @itinerantpatriot1196 Před 10 měsíci +7

    Kennedy wasn't exactly pious, his adulteress flings demonstrate that. When he was asked about his faith prior to running he simply said, I go to church. But he did pray regularly and contrary to popular belief was more observant than Jackie who wasn't terribly devout. As for his faith influencing his policy, his brother Bobby, who was probably the most devout of the entire clan next to his mother, was the one who pushed Jack into backing civil rights. The Cuban Missal Crisis came about partially due to his attempts to take Castro out, not exactly a biblical way to deal with your enemies. That said, only JFK and God knew his heart. Like all souls, we pray for him and all the dearly departed.

  • @mikebolognese7134
    @mikebolognese7134 Před 10 měsíci +6

    It was a day I will never forget. I was in 5th grade. It’s a shame he was so unfaithful to his wife.

  • @tpor1206
    @tpor1206 Před 9 měsíci

    St. Padre Pio said JFK was in heaven. We need to remember to always pray for the deceased as the prayers you say today 60 years later God took when judging him as there is no time with God. 🙏🏻

  • @michaelhudecek2778
    @michaelhudecek2778 Před 10 měsíci +1


  • @ronquinn7628
    @ronquinn7628 Před 9 měsíci

    I admired JFK. I thought He was the right man @ the right time. I know this sounds very strange but he went against all his generals who wanted to invade Cuba. This could have easily set off world war 3. For his all his affairs there is absolutely no excuse. We are all sinners some worse than others.

  • @Abraham-uk4xy
    @Abraham-uk4xy Před 10 měsíci +4

    I wonder why you focus on him. With so many affairs he didn't live a Christian life. One of my professors hated him.

    • @dewilew2137
      @dewilew2137 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Okay. Congratulations? 🙄

    • @teloro1959
      @teloro1959 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Tell us specific information you have concerming the affairs. Do you know if he ever confessed his sins and received absolution? Did you vote for an adulterer in 2016 and 2020? Sorry about your professor.

  • @jonwood431
    @jonwood431 Před 10 měsíci +2

    Just wondering how a news agency dedicated to spreading the truth, the Gospel of God, can run a openly sinful report that has the purposeful intent of speaking to the public while in the state of mortal sin. Mother is definitely “turning over “ in her grave over this. The sins are anti-virtuous. Detraction and many lesser sins are evident in that reporters story. You, EWTN, are living a duplicitous life. Nothing about the former president’s private life is proven unless a Catholic Priest has broken the seal of confession.😢

    • @MMC-jp1gl
      @MMC-jp1gl Před 10 měsíci +1

      It would be very easy to confirm the adultery in President Kenney's case. He was constantly surrounded by people over the years there. If a mere two eyewitnesses could be found to confirm the truth. I see this as a cautionary witness to not sell your soul out the state for power and to place Christ as King in your life...public and private. It's also a call to pray for his soul, God bless~

  • @roscomeon3965
    @roscomeon3965 Před 10 měsíci

    These so called pious smug pastors and commentators are NOT fit to lace Bidens shoes. Not for any of these the church of the poor of Pope Francis. All well heeled, eating the best food and guzzling the most expensive wines and alchol. No skinny man amongst them. God bless both Pope Francis and President Biden, both excellent leaders and true Christians. May they both serve for many years to come.