Wayne Grudem: Creation in Scripture

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Author and Professor Wayne Grudem dives into scripture's description of Creation. From the event "Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique," hosted by Biola University.

Komentáře • 77

  • @johndudash2579
    @johndudash2579 Před 5 lety +7

    Excellent presentation, either it's all God's Word or none of it is. As we see the entire package of truth we can stand in awe of the truth , and can also be amazed at God's hand in the truth of " holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit". Men handpicked by God to speak what He would have them speak. God's Word spoken by men orchestrated by God Himself producing an unbroken chain of truth.

    • @matty31272
      @matty31272 Před 5 lety

      @Folk Aart He didn't need to. Creation itself testifies of God.

  • @preoccupied4800
    @preoccupied4800 Před 2 lety +2

    Really enjoyed this clear and direct teaching.
    When we think about it though, really all humanity starts from Noah and his sons and their wives. Everything else was wiped out in the flood.

  • @davidwhunt
    @davidwhunt Před 5 lety +4

    Excellent presentation. Thanks Wayne Grudem!

  • @KenJackson_US
    @KenJackson_US Před 4 lety +9

    This presentation is about scripture. Years ago when I thought evolution was science, I would have taken it with a grain of salt. But now that I've investigated biology, especially proteins, I realize evolution is junk science so I appreciate the message presented here.

    • @skywalker9770
      @skywalker9770 Před 3 lety +3

      Exactly evolution isn't science so science and scripture don't conflict

  • @pedroidiart
    @pedroidiart Před 3 lety

    Brilliant presentation, thanks Dr. Grudem.

  • @razanailan7967
    @razanailan7967 Před rokem

    Great content, thank you.
    Unfortunately, it is difficult to watch Professor Grudem because the camera vibrates sometimes and it give me headhacks. I presume the device was on a table or something like that.

  • @laurentbillaud3316
    @laurentbillaud3316 Před 2 lety +1

    Excellent !

  • @goodarguments
    @goodarguments Před 2 lety

    I would invite all Christians to take a deep breath and read Genesis 1-3 again with the following question in mind: Where MUST I draw the line between literal and figurative? Then consider the following: 1) In what sense is man made of dust? Literal or figurative? 2) In what sense did God form Adam? Literally with hands as the word suggests, or perhaps in some other figurative sense? 3) In what sense did God perform surgery on Adam's side? Did he literally incarnate into a surgeon? Were anesthetics required or was there yet no pain? If there was no pain, why was a deep sleep necessary? 4) Imagine God literally forming Eve. What does it look like? If you answer, "I don't know what it looked like, I just know God did it," that is precisely the point that Old-earth progressive creationists make. These questions I pose barely scratch the surface of verses that not even the staunchest literalist would claim must be taken literally.

  • @skywalker9770
    @skywalker9770 Před 3 lety +1

    Thanks Wayne please debate william lane craig on this topic

  • @lakerunner5085
    @lakerunner5085 Před 4 lety +4

    Disheartened that Dr. Grudem chose not to take a position on the age of the earth. I wonder why this is. The Bible gives us the genealogical record as he clearly states, so it’s not difficult to compute the rough age of the earth.

    • @toomanyhobbies2011
      @toomanyhobbies2011 Před 4 lety +1

      The genealogies are not for dating, they follow the generations. The days of creation cannot be taken as literal man-based 24 hour days. The bottom line is we just don't know, so why make an argument out of it?

    • @Daz19
      @Daz19 Před 3 lety

      Because it conflicts with a literal reading.

    • @1517the_year
      @1517the_year Před 3 lety

      @@Daz19 how do you interpret “the spirit of God was hovering over the waters” literally? I hate the arguments about what is literal or not.

    • @1517the_year
      @1517the_year Před 3 lety

      @CALEB ALVAREZ nothing had been created yet so what was the waters?

    • @JonathanGrahamVideo
      @JonathanGrahamVideo Před 3 lety

      I’ve listened to his audio lectures on systematic theology. He actually says that at this point, he feels that the scientific evidence seems to be most compelling for Older Earth theory, although he says he can’t say that with certainty but it’s what he currently leans towards.

  • @mr.stephensodhi9137
    @mr.stephensodhi9137 Před 4 lety +1

    Well..done wyane...

  • @robertfields7688
    @robertfields7688 Před 3 lety +1

    Theistic Evolutionists : “Thanks for starting all of this God, but we can handle things from here... without you”!
    God: “ I think you misunderstand the role that I play in all of this. I assure you, I am intimately involved in what I started”!
    Theistic Evolutionists: “Sorry, but that doesn’t fit my strictly naturalistic narrative and besides... I get to decide what role you play in all of this”!
    God: “I see! Well... I have you scheduled for an appointment to see Me. We can discuss this more at that time”!

  • @fndrr42
    @fndrr42 Před 4 lety +1

    Evening and morning, evening and morning, evening and morning. Nope no poetic repetition to be found.

    • @fndrr42
      @fndrr42 Před 3 lety

      @CALEB ALVAREZ - very well could be understood that way. I just don't get why we draw such a line in the sand on this.

    • @fndrr42
      @fndrr42 Před 3 lety

      @CALEB ALVAREZ - I would agree that believing in creation and a literal Adam and Eve is important - not necessarily for salvation but I see the slippery slope argument. As far as when it happened or how God chose to accomplish it, I see no importance to the argument whatsoever. Plenty of Christians that I respect that hold to Young Earth/Old Earth/Theistic Evolution. I see no reason to quarrel over who is correct, seems to only lead to trash talk, slander and separatism.

    • @fndrr42
      @fndrr42 Před 3 lety

      @CALEB ALVAREZ - I think that's a true statement but gets applied very selectively. I assume you would agree, that God wasn't literally walking in the cool of the garden because he was hot and needed the fresh air? Couldnt someone make the argument that this means God has physical legs and if you dont believe it you are mixing a lie with God's Word?

  • @rubiks6
    @rubiks6 Před 2 lety +2

    So many people try to be humble and diplomatic saying 'gee, these people are Christians but ..."
    Personally, I don't buy it. How can you be a Christian and not believe God's Word? Was it not written by the Holy Spirit? Does it not say the Holy Spirit would teach us? I think when someone denies the veracity of the Scriptures, they are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. They are undermining Christianity to its core. They have rejected the God of the Bible. You can speak nice about people like Francis Collins if you want but I think we will not find that man when we get to Heaven. I think he is someone to whom Jesus will say, "I never knew you."

    • @l21n18
      @l21n18 Před 2 lety

      Wow so you’re putting yourself in the place of God now

    • @rubiks6
      @rubiks6 Před 2 lety +1

      @@l21n18 - How so? God speaks for Himself. We have God's Word.

    • @johnygoodwin3441
      @johnygoodwin3441 Před 4 měsíci

      We do have Gods word but we have to interpret it how it was supposed be understood, to say these people aren't Christians is ridiculous, in order to be saved there is one clear truth, Jesus is lord

    • @rubiks6
      @rubiks6 Před 4 měsíci

      @@johnygoodwin3441 - _"... interpret it how it was supposed be [sic] understood ..."_
      Who decides _how it is supposed to be understood?_ And how do they decide? Unless God instructs us otherwise, like with Jesus' parables, we can only safely assume it is to be "interpreted" to say exactly what it says plainly. In the Revelation, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and some other places, we are told certain passages are "visions" or "dreams" and we can treat them as such. However, we have zero indication that anything in Genesis, except Jacob's or Joseph's dreams, is to be taken as anything other than actual simple history. The first sin of Man was to distort, reject, and disobey God's Word. If you deny Genesis, you are denying the Holy Spirit who is the Author of Scripture.

    • @johnygoodwin3441
      @johnygoodwin3441 Před 4 měsíci

      @@rubiks6 What we need to understand, especially in the western world, that the Bible was written for us, but not to us, it is bound by culture to an extent and it's our job as honest truth seekers to find out the context as much as is possible, we can't just go to the ancient text and read it with a 21st century lens, I'm not saying that we can't understand it but we have to do our due diligence.
      What can't be denied is that the Bible has many different genres, wisdom, poetry, historical narrative, apocalyptic etc, it's common sense to see that it's not intended to all be read in the same way, just as we recognise different genres in our time and read them accordingly.

  • @aaronfranklin6863
    @aaronfranklin6863 Před 3 lety

    Cain got wives from the gentiles around them,gentiles(Neanderthals) were created with the animals,Adam and Eve is the first humans created after the gentiles and animals, the gentiles are people but there is a little difference,gentiles don't have God's breath in them,thats why when we become Christians we must be baptized in water that God sends his spirit upon us,for the hebrews(Adams seed) they must keep the circumcision,but we all have to keep the laws,most of all trust your CREATORS words,this man is on the right trail,good one

    • @preoccupied4800
      @preoccupied4800 Před 2 lety

      Interesting theory, but really all humans today would come from Noah and his sons and their wives. Everyone else was wiped out in the flood.

    • @aaronfranklin6863
      @aaronfranklin6863 Před 2 lety

      @@preoccupied4800 yes but Gods chosen people still gave birth to gentiles after the flood,that's how the giants were revived after the floods

  • @supersmart671
    @supersmart671 Před 5 měsíci

    John Walton.....

  • @gerardmiller7364
    @gerardmiller7364 Před 4 lety

    Yes, actually creation is avolution.

    • @gerardmiller7364
      @gerardmiller7364 Před 4 lety

      @Ναζωραῖος that's the problem, most people think that the bible is written , so as to make it sense ofit in our time. But does not . The revelation is even mostly past. The only part of the revelation that is pertinent to our time is chapter 9,v 14, to 19. And the sixth angel of revelation. The same story is written several times over, in chapter 6, and chapter 9, and chapter 16, and again in chapter 18v. Everytime he wrote about the sixth angel is the same events. And as far as you can tell it's a nuclear or automic war. And it's the next war. After that war there will be radiation poisoning everywhere.

    • @chromeshouts5706
      @chromeshouts5706 Před 3 lety

      Darwin would disagree with your statement.

    • @gerardmiller7364
      @gerardmiller7364 Před 3 lety

      @@chromeshouts5706 don't care what Darwin thinks, as he was wrong in a lot his history, and other things. Things change, and as we learn, you will recognize that.

    • @chromeshouts5706
      @chromeshouts5706 Před 3 lety

      @@gerardmiller7364 so we steal Darwin's original idea and add God to it and call Darwin a fool?

    • @gerardmiller7364
      @gerardmiller7364 Před 3 lety

      @@chromeshouts5706 not exactly, Darwin was a genius in his time. However you wouldn't drive a horse and buggy. Now just as things change. And you and I have to chart our own course, just he did.

  • @TheDaggwood
    @TheDaggwood Před 4 lety +2

    So the age of the Earth.....Crickets.

    • @dagwould
      @dagwould Před 3 lety +1

      Well, we almost have the same name.

    • @TheDaggwood
      @TheDaggwood Před 3 lety +1

      @@dagwould Ha! I love it. Nice to meet you Dagwould!

    • @rubiks6
      @rubiks6 Před 2 lety +1

      He specifically said at the beginning, it is an issue he is not going to touch on. Get over it.

    • @TheDaggwood
      @TheDaggwood Před 2 lety

      @@rubiks6 Nah, I'd rather point out why he cherry picks and expose it.

  • @ObjectiveBob
    @ObjectiveBob Před 6 lety +5

    Biola doubling down on fundamentalism, I see.

    • @rhughessgp
      @rhughessgp Před 6 lety +11

      Be blessed by it brotha. Time has tested the theory of unguided evolution and it has been weighed and found wanting. The truth is you can take God at His word. The creation of the universe down to life itself was supernatural, there was a world wide flood that one family survived, the battle of good and evil is real and most importantly Christ will reign. See with the freedom to trust The Bible in Genesis, you can trust it in Revelation. As well as all His beautiful promises to us within it.

    • @ObjectiveBob
      @ObjectiveBob Před 6 lety

      more of a curse than a blessing.

    • @chrisreal5367
      @chrisreal5367 Před 6 lety

      Only objective in your subjective mind.

    • @brianpatrick6308
      @brianpatrick6308 Před 6 lety +3

      It looks like you came here to troll, not have a discussion, so have a great day.

    • @AffordBindEquipment
      @AffordBindEquipment Před 5 lety

      you make it sound like that's a problem. Or was this a statement of agreement?

  • @jackthebassman1
    @jackthebassman1 Před 3 lety

    Genuinely funny

  • @walkergarya
    @walkergarya Před 2 lety

    Creationism in all it's forms, is nothing more than a fairy tale.

    • @l21n18
      @l21n18 Před 2 lety

      What’s all it’s forms?

    • @walkergarya
      @walkergarya Před 2 lety

      @@l21n18 Old Earth Creationism
      Young Earth Creatioism
      Intelligent Design
      Theistic Evolution.
      Creation Science.

    • @l21n18
      @l21n18 Před 2 lety +1

      @@walkergarya that’s not creationism, and calling something a fairytale to me sounds like you’re just interested in trolling random videos. Not in any stilts engagement with anybody

    • @walkergarya
      @walkergarya Před 2 lety

      @@l21n18 I get my science from scientists, not from creationist trolls.

    • @l21n18
      @l21n18 Před 2 lety

      @@walkergarya nope and I’m not a creationist either.