Maududi on Jinnah after Independence 1947

  • čas přidán 15. 05. 2022
  • Maududi on Jinnah after Independence 1947
    جماعت اسلامی ہفت روزہ ’کوثر ‘ 16 نومبر 1947 ء
    ”ہم اس تحریک کو آج بھی صحیح نہیں سمجھتے جس کے نتیجے میں پاکستان بنا ہے اور پاکستان کا اجتماعی نظام جن اصولوں پر قائم
    ہو رہا ہے ان اصولوں کو اسلامی نقطہ نظر سے ہم کسی قدر و قیمت کا مستحق نہیں سمجھتے“۔
    مولانا مودودی نے جماعت اسلامی (لاہور )کے اجتماع میں فرمایا۔
    (بحوالہ روز نامہ انقلاب 9 اپریل 1948 ء)
    ”ہماری قوم نے اپنے لیڈروں کے انتخاب میں غلطی کی تھی اور اب یہ غلطی نمایاں ہو کر سامنے آگئی ہے۔ ہم چھ سال سے چیخ رہے تھے کہ محض نعروں کو نہ دیکھو بلکہ سیرت اور اخلاق کو بھی دیکھو۔ اس وقت لوگوں نے پروا نہ کی لیکن اب زمام کار ان لیڈروں کو سونپنے کے بعد ہر شخص پچھتا رہا ہے کہ واہگہ سے دہلی تک کا علاقہ اسلام کے نام سے خالی ہو چکا ہے“۔
    ترجمان القرآن نے جون 1948ء کے اداریے میں لکھا ۔
    ”یہ عین وہی لوگ ہیں جو اپنی پوری سیاسی تحریک میں اپنی غلط سے غلط سرگرمیوں میں اسلام کو ساتھ ساتھ گھسیٹتے پھرے ہیں۔انہوں نے قرآن کی آیتوں اور حدیث کی روایتوں کو اپنی قوم پرستانہ کشمکش کے ہر مرحلے میں استعمال کیا ہے…. کسی ملک و قوم کی انتہائی بدقسمتی یہی ہو سکتی ہے کہ نااہل اور اخلاق باختہ قیادت اس کے اقتدار پر قابض ہو جائے“۔
    اسی شمارے میں مزید فرمایا
    ” جونہی انگریز اور کانگرس کی باہمی کشمکش ختم ہوئی۔ تو اس قیادت عظمیٰ نے اپنے آپ کو ایسی حالت میں پایا جیسے اس کے پاﺅں تلے زمین نہ ہو۔ اب وہ مجبور ہو گئی کہ جو کچھ جن شرائط پر بھی طے ہو اسے غنیمت سمجھ کر قبول کر لیں۔ بنگال و پنجاب کی تقسیم اسے بے چون و چرا ماننی پڑی۔ سرحدوں کے تعین جیسے نازک مسئلے کو اس نے صرف ایک شخص کے فیصلے پر چھوڑ دیا۔ انتقال اختیارات کا وقت اور طریقہ بھی بلاتامل مان لیا۔ حالانکہ یہ تینوں امور صریح طور پر مسلمانوں کے حق میں مہلک تھے۔ انہی کی وجہ سے ایک کروڑ مسلمانوں پر تباہی نازل ہوئی اور انہی کی وجہ سے پاکستان کی عمارت روز اول ہی سے متزلزل بنیادوں پر اٹھی“۔
    حمید نظامی نے 4 جولائی 1948ء کو نوائے وقت میں اداریہ لکھا
    ”ہم ان لوگوں کے حامی نہیں جو محض اپنی لیڈری چمکانے کے لیے شریعت کا نعرہ بلند کر رہے ہیں۔ …. (بہتر ہو گا کہ) شہر بہ شہر جلسوں میں قائداعظم کو گالیاں دینے اور سوقیانہ تقریروں میں وقت ضائع کرنے کی بجائے اسلامی نظام حکومت کا ایک خاکہ مرتب کیا جائے ۔“
    مولانا مودودی نے ترجمان القرآن کے شمارہ جولائی 1948ءمیں لکھا۔
    ”مسلمانوں نے اپنی ساری قومی طاقت، ذرائع اور جملہ معاملات اس قیادت کے سپرد کر دیے جو ان کے قومی مسئلہ کو اس طرح حل کرنا چاہتی تھی۔ دس برس بعد اس کا پورا کارنامہ ہمارے سامنے ہے ۔ جو کچھ ہو چکا وہ تو ان مٹ ہے۔ البتہ اس پر بحث کرنا ضروری ہے کہ جو مسائل اب ہمیں درپیش ہیں ۔ کیا ان کے حل کے لیے بھی وہی قیادت موزوں ہے جو اس سے پہلے ہمارے قومی مسئلے کو اسی طرح حل کر چکی ہے۔ کیا اس کا کارنامہ یہی سفارش کرتا ہے کہ جو نازک مسائل ہمارے سر پر آ پڑے ہیں۔ جن کا بیشتر حصہ خود اسی قیادت کی کارفرمائیوں کے نتیجے میں پیدا ہوا ہے، انہیں حل کرنے کے لیے ہم اس پر اعتماد کریں“۔
    اس کے جواب میں حمید نظامی نے 31جولائی 1948 ءکو اداریہ لکھا
    ”حضرت مولانا نے دس سال کے عرصے میں پہلی مرتبہ دل کی بات کھل کر کہی اور صاف لفظوں میں مسلمانوں سے کہا کہ محمد علی جناح کی جگہ مجھے قائداعظم مانا جائے۔ اب صرف اتنا کرم فرمائیں کہ مسلمانوں کو یہ بتا دیں کہ آپ کا ٹھوس سیاسی پروگرام کیا ہے…. اپنا پروگرام نہ بتانا اور نعروں سے مسلمانوں کا دل بہلانا یا قائداعظم کو احمق ، غلط کار اور دین میں ہلکا ثابت کرنے کی کوششوں میں لگے رہنا ہرگز آپ کے شایان شان نہیں۔ قائداعظم کا ریکارڈ قوم کے سامنے ہے۔ آپ کو ابھی قوم نے آزمانا ہے۔ آپ قائداعظم کو ہزار گالیاں دیجئے ۔ مسلمان آپ کے دست مبارک پر بیعت کرنے کے لیے تیار نہیں ہوں گے۔“
    مولانا ابو اعلیٰ مودودی نے 9 اگست 1948ءکو جھنگ میں کہا
    ”لیگ کی جنگ کفر و اسلام کی جنگ نہیں تھی۔ مسلم لیگ نے اب تک یہ نہیں کہا کہ پاکستان کا خطہ اس لیے حاصل کیا جا رہا ہے کہ وہاں پر اسلامی خلافت چلائی جائے گی بلکہ یہ قومیت کی جنگ تھی۔ قومیت کی جنگ کو اسلام کی جنگ سے کوئی واسطہ نہیں۔ لیگ کی قراردادوں کا جائزہ لیجئے ۔ لیگ نے آج تک تسلیم نہیں کیا کہ پاکستان میں شریعت کا نفاذ ہو گا۔“۔
    اس کے جواب میں نوائے وقت نے 18اگست 1948ء کو اداریہ سپرد قلم کیا ۔
    ”پاکستان میں آپ کو ایسے لوگ بھی مل جائیں گے جن کی تقریر و تحریر کا زور یہ ثابت کرنے پر صرف ہو رہا ہے کہ (مسلمانوں) کی اس مصیبت کی ذمہ داری قائداعظم کی لیڈرشپ پر عائد ہوتی ہے۔ قائداعظم نے پے در پے مہلک غلطیاں کیں اور مسلمانوں کو تباہی و بربادی کے اس غار میں لا پھینکا جس کا نام پاکستان ہے“۔
    ایک ہفتے بعد 25اگست 1948ء کو نوائے وقت کے اداریے میں حمید نظامی نے لکھا ۔
    ”بظاہریہ جماعت کہتی ہے کہ ہم قائداعظم کے خلاف پراپیگنڈہ نہیں کر رہے ۔ لیکن معاف کیجئے یہ بیان صحیح نہیں ہے۔ مسلمانوں کی موجودہ قیادت کو مسلمانوں کی تباہی کا ذمہ دار ٹھہرانا دراصل قائداعظم اورصرف قائداعظم کی ذات ہی پر حملہ ہے“۔
    Excerpts from essay by Wajahat Masood.
  • Hudba

Komentáře • 400

  • @abdullahsaif9196
    @abdullahsaif9196 Před 2 lety +31

    The main thesis of Dr Rehman is that Quide Azam wanted to make Pakistan a secular country not a theocracy. He is not discussing whether partition was good or bad, but he is clarifying that Quaid wanted a secular parliamentary system.

    • @Taimur_Laal
      @Taimur_Laal  Před 2 lety +13

      This is the key. Absolutely correct.

    • @poco7654
      @poco7654 Před 2 lety +6

      With due respect, Quaid e Azam himself was confused.
      There is contradiction in his statements.

    • @bodhisattva6308
      @bodhisattva6308 Před 2 lety

      @@Taimur_Laal he would have succumbed to the islamists even if he intended to make a secular country in my humble opinion. He was conscious of his image among the Islamic orthodoxy. While he has his Parsi wife convert to islam, was not at all happy about his daughter marrying a non- Muslim. It reflects to me that although he was liberal in personal life he probably wanted to keep orthodoxy happy. Just a humble opinion

    • @birdoflaments
      @birdoflaments Před 2 lety +1

      Lol. Even this thesis is not only historically but simply philosophically incorrect. I urge you to read the book ‘Pakistan Between Secularism and Islam’ by Tarik Jan published by IPS, Islamabad, to challenge your current views. For the truth seeker, only Quaid Address to the Bar Association Karachi is sufficient. Stop reading secularism into Quaid :)

    • @birdoflaments
      @birdoflaments Před 2 lety +1

      Neither the propagators of Islamic governance demanded a “theocratic” form of governance since theocracy is itself not an Islamic concept. This is shoddy scholarship on the part of desperate secularists. If you equate Islamic governance to theocracy then I welcome you to study Islam and its history first.

  • @learnenglishwithhamid
    @learnenglishwithhamid Před 2 lety +41

    The imperialist was the British Raj but it is interesting to note that in Pakistan we are told that we got independence form Hindus and not from the British Raj.

    • @SydAliHsn
      @SydAliHsn Před 2 lety +1

      Because the founder of Two-Nation Theory (Syed Ahmed Khan) was a British boot-licker.

    • @azamcangame5253
      @azamcangame5253 Před 2 lety +6

      No one ever said this to me... I don't know in which Pakistan do you live

    • @learnenglishwithhamid
      @learnenglishwithhamid Před 2 lety +4

      @@azamcangame5253 Just read Pakistani textbooks especially the great Pak Study

    • @learnenglishwithhamid
      @learnenglishwithhamid Před 2 lety +1

      @@azamcangame5253 Read the article ' Images of the 'other' in school textbooks and Islamic reading in Pakistan ' by Tariq Rahman.

    • @ayeshanoor7412
      @ayeshanoor7412 Před 2 lety +3

      @@azamcangame5253 All India Muslim League was a pro British and pro American party. Campain for Pakistan was done in UK. Quide Azam took oath of allegaince to the British monarchy when Pakistan became free

  • @harisamin8603
    @harisamin8603 Před 2 lety +4

    Incredible. Sir you’ve opened up a new window for me to contemplate the ideological differences at the time of independence. Seems like I’ve found a new assignment for the next few days. Thank you sir I’m so gald I’ve found you❤️, it’s like I’ve truck gold.

  • @yumnabhatti12
    @yumnabhatti12 Před 2 lety +14

    Exactly, Muslim league didn't want a country modeled upon Islamic Sharia but it was a battle for Nationalism or separate Identity which was partially Islamic.

    • @humanworld7774
      @humanworld7774 Před rokem +1

      May be but promise struggle to islamic Pakistan k naam pr kiya tha Pakistan ka mtlb kya lailaha illallah
      Rhi baat minority rights ki islamic state minority ke religion me dakhal nhi deto muslim me dakhal deti hai like sood sharab zina homosexuality co education red light area movies dramas etc
      Or jinnah ne jaan nhi di thi vo log the Jo islamic Pakistan k naam pr millions of people's shaheed hue millions of people apna ghar baar life paisa jameen sb chhoda
      Secularism chahie tha partion q krdiya jisse muslim teen tukdo me bat gye isse na ki sirf Indian muslim ka blki Pakistani bangladeshi muslims ka bhi nuksan past se present tk brbad hogya dekhlo current Pakistan kya haal hai vo bhi sirf 1 saal Pakistan pr Raaz krne k lie really me nhi janta jinnah ka asal niyat ka tha but y disaster tha na islamic country bn pae na economy

  • @hussamhussain578
    @hussamhussain578 Před 2 lety +4

    One of the enthusiastic and rational person who has the ability to bring out the broken and hidden pieces of reality
    Live longer Sir 🙏🏽

  • @remedify3633
    @remedify3633 Před rokem +4

    🌹🌹Respect & Regards from 🇮🇳 India for the courage & sincerity of journalism 👍🏼😎

  • @islamicvideoclips-f.j2382

    Sir Aap ki videos buhat hain kaafi seekhnay ko mil raha hai. JazakAllah

  • @mushtaqhussain4494
    @mushtaqhussain4494 Před 2 lety +1

    thanks for videos today.... i saw two videos of yours today.

  • @humayunidrees3968
    @humayunidrees3968 Před 2 lety +3

    Keep on doing this effort, best thing in your discourse is that you have been polite. No need to hope or desire early results.

  • @talhaamjad8890
    @talhaamjad8890 Před 2 lety +3

    Great analysis, Doctor. 10/10 for taking out time to gather all the relevent excerpts.

  • @salahuddin3644
    @salahuddin3644 Před rokem

    Ye to bahut hi zabardast batey ki ti madudi Saheb ney. Even still we are confused to determine the purpose of Pakistan. Kash saro ne mukhalifat ki hoti ya sab Islam ko as nizam tasleem karney per mutafiq hotey.

  • @medico5083
    @medico5083 Před 2 lety +8

    Its pretty commonsensical. Pakistan movement was nationalistic not islamic. Islam does not support idea of nation-states. He was just being honest with his opinion which was influenced by his scholarship.
    P.S: Hameed Nizami's counters were solid..

    • @humanworld7774
      @humanworld7774 Před rokem

      May be but promise struggle to islamic Pakistan k naam pr kiya tha Pakistan ka mtlb kya lailaha illallah
      Rhi baat minority rights ki islamic state minority ke religion me dakhal nhi deto muslim me dakhal deti hai like sood sharab zina homosexuality co education red light area movies dramas etc
      Or jinnah ne jaan nhi di thi vo log the Jo islamic Pakistan k naam pr millions of people's shaheed hue millions of people apna ghar baar life paisa jameen sb chhoda
      Secularism chahie tha partion q krdiya jisse muslim teen tukdo me bat gye isse na ki sirf Indian muslim ka blki Pakistani bangladeshi muslims ka bhi nuksan past se present tk brbad hogya dekhlo current Pakistan kya haal hai vo bhi sirf 1 saal Pakistan pr Raaz krne k lie really me nhi janta jinnah ka asal niyat ka tha but y disaster tha na islamic country bn pae na economy

  • @baruchthinker334
    @baruchthinker334 Před 2 lety +3

    very nice historical analysis

  • @sah6373
    @sah6373 Před 2 lety +10

    ڈاکٹر صاحب، زندہ باد! خوش رہیں! آپکی کاوشیں انمول ہیں، جاری رکھیں! صد شکریہ

  • @MuhammadShoaibAli7956
    @MuhammadShoaibAli7956 Před rokem +2

    بالکل درست باتیں کی تھیں مولانا مودودی رح نے۔

  • @meursault5015
    @meursault5015 Před 2 lety +1

    great taimoor bhai 👍

  • @smaimam313
    @smaimam313 Před rokem +2

    Sayyed Abul ala Maududi was right in this issue 💕💕💕💕

  • @sabeelahmad27
    @sabeelahmad27 Před 2 lety +5

    Indeed he was right.... Syed political thought is usually misunderstood ♥️✌️

  • @mechcooper8341
    @mechcooper8341 Před rokem

    Very enlightening

  • @MewNewPhysics
    @MewNewPhysics Před 2 lety +2

    Allama Iqbal n Molana Modudi ki kitab al Jihad fil Islam k baare m frmaya tha k mustaqbil m ye kitab musalmano ki sar brahi kregi. Btw molana was 21 then. What a genius! His students like Dr israr and molana ishaq became the smartest of scholars from the east. Dr. Bilal Philips became muslims by ready molana. Wish i could meet him

  • @farazasim1847
    @farazasim1847 Před rokem +1

    Sir u r excellent 💞

  • @junaidkhan715
    @junaidkhan715 Před 2 lety +1

    Boht khoob 👍

  • @Alburr250
    @Alburr250 Před rokem +4

    Dr Taimur sahib. I do want to point out that Jinnah and the Muslim League would never be fans or tolerant of Marxism or Socialism. The reason I say this is because, Muslim League was full of aristocrats and feudal lords (heck they wanted to maintain this system after the British left, whereas Congress wanted to eliminate it). Marxism and Socialism is a threat to feudalism. Correct me if I am wrong. It was Nehru who was more of a Socialist and was friends with Gamal Abdel Nasser and Yasser Arafat.

  • @huzaifasiddiqui3077
    @huzaifasiddiqui3077 Před 2 lety +11

    You were one of the very few people I used to listen and follow up in the left wing but this video made me realise that these quotes are out of context and you’re literally misguiding individuals with this. I’ve noticed alike before but this one’s too clear.
    It’s better to read ‘Hameed Nizami’ Sahab yourself everyone and assess the terms and contexts he was relating to and was making with his replies and statements here. At other places too as our time is not the same and it’s very easy to misguide on contextual basis.
    Ps: I’m not much supporter of JI and I’ve my differences but I couldn’t resist myself here writing down this comment as the video is misguiding.

    • @SN-il6ip
      @SN-il6ip Před 2 lety +3

      Indeed the information provided is out of context, was hoping for better representation of facts :(

  • @mansoorali4885
    @mansoorali4885 Před 2 lety

    Thanks Sir

  • @Ultraraju
    @Ultraraju Před rokem +1

    Excellent analysis

  • @Odyssey392
    @Odyssey392 Před 2 lety +2

    Love the young look sir! Keep your hair young🙂🙂

  • @someboy5809
    @someboy5809 Před 2 lety +7

    Moudidi had his own opinion regarding the partition. He was merely a human and liable to make false assumptions. Partition was an inevitable phenomenon that was bound to happen, sooner or later.

    • @humanworld7774
      @humanworld7774 Před rokem

      Jinnah bhi galat ho skte hai na like aaj halat Pakistan k bta rhe hai or promise struggle to islamic Pakistan k naam pr kiya tha Pakistan ka mtlb kya lailaha illallah
      Rhi baat minority rights ki islamic state minority ke religion me dakhal nhi deto muslim me dakhal deti hai like sood sharab zina homosexuality co education red light area movies dramas etc
      Or jinnah ne jaan nhi di thi vo log the Jo islamic Pakistan k naam pr millions of people's shaheed hue millions of people apna ghar baar life paisa jameen sb chhoda
      Secularism chahie tha partion q krdiya jisse muslim teen tukdo me bat gye isse na ki sirf Indian muslim ka blki Pakistani bangladeshi muslims ka bhi nuksan past se present tk brbad hogya dekhlo current Pakistan kya haal hai vo bhi sirf 1 saal Pakistan pr Raaz krne k lie really me nhi janta jinnah ka asal niyat ka tha but y disaster tha na islamic country bn pae na economy

  • @user-ln3np3ws1w
    @user-ln3np3ws1w Před 2 lety +1

    *taimur sir... please.. a video on your library tour.*

  • @hakeemsdairy7755
    @hakeemsdairy7755 Před 2 lety +1


  • @124365876
    @124365876 Před 2 lety +1

    True 💗

  • @Bhagatsinghamarrahe
    @Bhagatsinghamarrahe Před rokem

    Dr Sahab Love from India🇮🇳

  • @anglophileenglover7928
    @anglophileenglover7928 Před 2 lety +1

    Well sumup!

  • @hiraakbar1407
    @hiraakbar1407 Před 2 lety +3

    Your opinions are always out of the box n worth listening.
    Thank you 💜

  • @atharali1027
    @atharali1027 Před 2 lety +1

    Balon ko color aye ustad e mohtram .
    I love you sir 😘😘

  • @Mentor_Trickson
    @Mentor_Trickson Před 2 lety +1

    Sir piz books recommendations pay AK video banay

  • @wajidbhatti9679
    @wajidbhatti9679 Před 2 lety +2

    Well-done Brother Taimur Rehman.

  • @taimoorqureshi46
    @taimoorqureshi46 Před rokem +1

    After reading about and of Maududi writings , conclusion is he was a perfect example of Tradionlist Muslims.
    Jinnah was a practical , human being who tilt and accepted the Gods Concepts after understanding.
    My Vote is for Jinnah

  • @MuhammadUsman-rm1po
    @MuhammadUsman-rm1po Před 2 lety +6

    Pehly 2 mints video mai di gaie hawaly se zahri tawr lgta hai k Mududi sahb Pakistan bnny k ni blky Muslim league k jumat k tareqa kar, qeyadt mai baaz anasir etc se ekhtlaf rakhty ty.
    Any way as usual healthy and intellectual commentery though i m not agree
    Keep it up Comrade

  • @salmanbros1940
    @salmanbros1940 Před 2 lety

    Good sir taimur shb
    Love u sir
    Sir please aik pakistan ki political party's pr video bnao aur in parties k leder democratic hein ya nhi especially mian nawaz shref aur imran niazi aur ppp pr please

  • @rafiktk4561
    @rafiktk4561 Před 11 měsíci

    Good job

  • @hammad8965
    @hammad8965 Před 2 lety +5

    What was his views before death?
    Make a video on that too :-).
    I want to know that too

  • @adulbasit7912
    @adulbasit7912 Před 2 lety +1

    Sir I complete agree with you

  • @tqm790
    @tqm790 Před rokem

    Sir please do a video log on Abul kalam azad

  • @malikjavid7407
    @malikjavid7407 Před 2 lety +6

    Well referenced talk.... this is how one should defend his argument.

  • @MrAB-xc9du
    @MrAB-xc9du Před 2 lety +1

    What is the solution of all these problems?

  • @asfimrds
    @asfimrds Před 2 lety +6

    "My opinion may have changed, but not the Facts that I'm Right".
    I think history proves that MAM was RIGHT!

  • @meursault5015
    @meursault5015 Před 2 lety

    where is your first video on this topic, taimoor bhai !

  • @adnansaeed6790
    @adnansaeed6790 Před rokem

    molana modudi was 100 percent right and now proved .

  • @duniyabaaz6734
    @duniyabaaz6734 Před rokem

    kindly share pdf of haft roz kausar plz

  • @khalilhistorian5918
    @khalilhistorian5918 Před 2 lety

    Plz make videos about political instability in pak

  • @babarazam900
    @babarazam900 Před 2 lety +1


  • @makegoodcoffee
    @makegoodcoffee Před 2 lety +5

    Hello prof, hope you are well. You speak about many issues that I'm very interested in but unfortunately I don't speak Urdu. I humbly request more English videos? I realise this may be inconvenient, but I hope that it's possible. Many thanks.

    • @hyp3rtriton976
      @hyp3rtriton976 Před 2 lety +4

      go to the taimur rahman -english channel its for english videos only

    • @makegoodcoffee
      @makegoodcoffee Před 2 lety +3

      @@hyp3rtriton976 thank you I didn’t know there was an English channel.

    • @someboy5809
      @someboy5809 Před 2 lety

      Where are you from brother?

  • @Gamingworld-kp7hh
    @Gamingworld-kp7hh Před 2 lety

    Me fundamentalist ho or aj se pehly hamesha ye samajta rha ky pakistan religious maqasid ky liye hasil kiya gaya. Or un tamam logo ko jahil e mutliq samajta rha jo is ky bar aqas baat krty thy. Kiyo ky aj se pehly kisi ne explain ni kiya, hawaly ni diye.
    U r an honest n learned man. have my respect....

  • @Odyssey392
    @Odyssey392 Před 2 lety +5

    Is criticising Redcliffe commission award irrational ? ( even excluding the islamic narrative )

    • @Odyssey392
      @Odyssey392 Před 2 lety

      @Left's Progression I am merely questioning the way it was done. Done by a lawyer who had never set foot here earlier. The same done with a little less haste and by geographers might have been different, or better!

    • @danishchaudhry2759
      @danishchaudhry2759 Před 2 lety

      @Left's Progression maybe they did it this way on purpose

  • @KhalilAhmad-mn7ym
    @KhalilAhmad-mn7ym Před rokem +2

    You has a right to disagree from JI but should not give your own meanings to someone article by choosing a piece of it. It’s called dishonesty.
    The you are blaming is the author of a book with two volumes on the issue of Muslims of India and independence.
    He presented the partition as one of the solutions in 1938, even before 1940.
    Muslim league published his articles and distributed to counter the arguments of anti Pakistan lobbyists.

  • @simple6138
    @simple6138 Před rokem

    مودودی صاحب ایک اچھے انسان تھے، ان کی اپنی سیاسی رائے تھی جس سے متفق ہونا ضروری نہیں، علماء ہند پاکستان بننے کے مخالف ہی تھے، بچپن سے یہی سنتے آئے ہیں۔

  • @Mentor_Trickson
    @Mentor_Trickson Před 2 lety +1

    Apni library ka visit karway

  • @vbsharma3047
    @vbsharma3047 Před 2 lety +1

    Sir video about russia n Ukraine war.ple.

  • @muhammadzaheeruddinmianbab1329

    taimur sahab we want you sit with qaisar sahab plz so that we can say who is right.

  • @warnof1707
    @warnof1707 Před 2 lety +4

    You quoted molana Madudi statement to prove that Pakistan was made for secularism.
    But you ought to show statements of Qaid e Azam too,in which Qaid e Azam categorically said that pakistan a state, in which all rules and law of state will be as per islam.....
    Show that too

    • @javedbutt6222
      @javedbutt6222 Před rokem +1

      Qaide Azam and his companions never wanted the radical Mullah shahi which we have today in Pakistan.Qaide Azam appointed sir Zafrullah Khan a Ahmadi his foreign Minister a Hindu his law minister and a Christian the first chief Justice of Pakistan.

  • @salikRJ
    @salikRJ Před 2 lety +2

    So can one draw a conclusion here that Muslim league used Islam only as a slogan/naara to invoke the sentiments in Muslims of India and fuel the separation movement?

    • @dhabstudio
      @dhabstudio Před rokem

      yes we can, I mean After Quaid early death after partition. Muslim league didn't have honest, true leadership. 1959 was start of martial law where a Skindar mirza a civilain Ruler initiated martial law for his personal clinging to power

  • @SaidanwarShah-zt3yv
    @SaidanwarShah-zt3yv Před rokem

    مولانا کی بات درست ہے

  • @TheUnknown-jr6rm
    @TheUnknown-jr6rm Před 5 měsíci

    Moududi was 💯 right.. current situations are proof..

  • @shahanshahpolonium
    @shahanshahpolonium Před 2 lety +2

    imran khan stopped all trade with india in 2019. now shehbaz wants to restart the trade. your views on this trade ban and revival of trade

  • @khanmohed3236
    @khanmohed3236 Před 2 lety +6

    کبھی اس بات پر بھی ڈسکشن ہونی چاہیے کہ کمیونسٹ جب بھی اقتدار میں آتے ہیں تو انسانوں کا قتل عام کیوں کرتے ہیں؟
    یہ اپنے رویے میں اتنے سفاک کیوں ہوتے ہیں؟
    اور قیصر آحمد راجہ جیسی علمی شخصیت سے بحث سے فرار آپکو زیب نہیں دیتا
    آپکے جواب کا انتظار رہے گا

  • @zaina5569
    @zaina5569 Před 2 lety +3

    Pakistan was a mistake; it hurts to say this I’m also a Pakistani. But apart from Jinnah majority PML leaders were just landlords wanting to continue their power by getting a Separate country

  • @thought605
    @thought605 Před 2 lety +1

    آپ مولانا مودودی کی تحریر میں یعنی "قائد اعظم" کا لفظ کیوں استعمال کر رہے ہیں؟؟ کیا یہ انٹلکچول بددیانتی نہیں ہے

  • @abhishekbhardwaj5272
    @abhishekbhardwaj5272 Před 2 lety +3

    4:05 he looks like Dr Bhim rao amedkar.🤔

  • @saudghazali
    @saudghazali Před 2 lety +7

    I'm Secular but Molana Maududi was right woh sab sach bol rahy thei bohot hi ajeeb tarikey se partitionhui hai or bohot jaldi hui hai

    • @waqasome
      @waqasome Před 2 lety

      To Moulana sath dety PML ka or theek kerwa dety sab kaam. dour dour bethy bas keeray nikalty rahy?

    • @MewNewPhysics
      @MewNewPhysics Před 2 lety

      @@waqasome Bro ye un ka kam nai h na. politician jb mazhab ko bech m gusaen ge to mazhabi scholar bolega na k bhae is m niat mazhabi nai h. thats not his job to get into politics. He just replied to those who use the name of islam to gain audience even tho theres nothing islamic about it. I like Muhammad Ali Jinnah but obviously he was of secular mindset, to gain audience he had to use the chocolate of religion to attract people

    • @waqasome
      @waqasome Před 2 lety

      @@MewNewPhysics This is total wrong. Islam and politics is side by side. Didnt Prophet Muhammad do politics when dealing with non-muslims and khufa continued the tradition.

    • @MewNewPhysics
      @MewNewPhysics Před 2 lety

      @@waqasome Yes brother.. you are right.. islam and politics are side by side. What it means is that rulers or politicians or khalifah should make decisions according to shariah and obviously the ulema should guide them if they make mistake. Whats problematic in Quaid e Azam's(RA) case is that he was not interested in khilafah or islamic state, so Molana RA said it openly what Quaid actually wants, it made these seculars angry. Btw I like Molana so much, and also i like Quaid too. They both did good for muslims in their own ways. Dono hmare brhe hn

  • @MuhammadBilal-vw8tj
    @MuhammadBilal-vw8tj Před rokem

    Kia bat ha madudi g ki
    Matric pass thy bs
    Na hi kisi madressah sy parhy thy
    Ab kia kahon ma inko

  • @shakeelahmadkhan9163
    @shakeelahmadkhan9163 Před 2 lety

    Sir inky sath sath maulana Fazl Ur Rehman sb k walid sb bhi khilaf thy Quaid aur Pak bnany k

  • @ahmadkhatib6617
    @ahmadkhatib6617 Před 2 lety +1

    ویسے پروفیسر صاحب ایک ویڈیو اس موضوع پر بھی بناتے کہ بھارت کے کروڑوں مسلمانوں پر فاتحہ پڑھ کر آپکے قائد آعظم نے پاکستان بنایا کس لئے تھا؟

    • @raahehaq263
      @raahehaq263 Před 2 lety

      Ho ge ap k humaray ni hai..

    • @MohsinExperiments
      @MohsinExperiments Před 2 lety

      تاکہ مسلمان آزادی ہوں۔ ہم کھلے عام جب چاہیں گائے کی قربانی کر سکتے ہیں لیکن انڈیا کے مسلمان ایسا کر کے دکھائیں!

    • @UsmanAli-dp5pf
      @UsmanAli-dp5pf Před 2 lety

      Jiasy juttay apko India ma parh rhy ha 😂😛😀uskay sadybaab ky liay

    • @ahmadkhatib6617
      @ahmadkhatib6617 Před 2 lety

      @@UsmanAli-dp5pf آپ الگ نہیں ہوتے تو نہ ہمیں جوتے پڑتے اور نہ ہی بقول آپ کے وزیراعظم کے نہ آپ " بھیک منگےؓ" ہؤتے۔ دونوں کا فائدہ ہوتا نہ!!😃

    • @UsmanAli-dp5pf
      @UsmanAli-dp5pf Před 2 lety

      @@ahmadkhatib6617 mtlb wo rooti k
      Jo juttay kha kr milay wo thk ha bhooka rhny sy thk waisy, hr admi apny faislay krny k liy nai paida hota kuch doosrun ka khawab pura krny ki liy sirf indhan ka kaam deny k liy bi paida hotay ha 😂😛😀agr sb engineer bn jain tou phr mazdoori kon kry ga

  • @saadatali7487
    @saadatali7487 Před 2 lety +1

    Dr sahab Quide Azam also want a state where Muslim can live freely . So molana ..

  • @ahmadhashamrana160
    @ahmadhashamrana160 Před 2 lety

    Sir voice in your videos is low. Please consider this problem in upcoming videos as your videos are valuable.

  • @sah6373
    @sah6373 Před 2 lety +2

    It’s amazing what universe our Indian neighbors live in. As the saying goes, brother you see a speck in my eye, but ignore the log in yours. Watching the state of affairs of Muslims in present day India, I know where as a Muslim I’d like to be.

    • @rohitkashyap7476
      @rohitkashyap7476 Před 2 lety +2

      Well, the thing with Muslims ( some not all) is that they live in an us and them world.
      The state of Muslims in India is that Mosques are not bombed.
      They rule the film industry...( So many Pak actors might want to live in Pakistan but they want to work in India)
      Same can be said about sports or education , medicine
      Indian muslims have more visa free countries,
      Kadyanis and Shias are not persecuted in India.
      Indian muslims don't make videos of random girls in Turkey and get named and shamed.
      Indian muslims are not named in the global terror lists ...they walk proud and confident on Indian passport
      Jab tak communal chasma laga.kae rakhoge , you will live a.misreable life regardless of which country you live in.

    • @vinamrasinghai2339
      @vinamrasinghai2339 Před 2 lety

      Okay, so why never moved? What is the state of Jains in Pakistan?

    • @ammarkhalid874
      @ammarkhalid874 Před 2 lety

      Dude what sort of bs medieval mentality are you spouting?! India by all measures (socially/economically) is decades ahead of Pakistan and before talking about the status of minorities in India you should focus on the state of affairs of minorities in Pakistan? India has already had a few Muslim/Sikh/lower caste state leaders and respects multiculturalism to a large extent. Remind me, when was the last time a Hindu/Christian became President/PM of Pakistan? Oh right, your people killed or drove away most of them right after partition. Look at the state of your own country before commenting on India

    • @parjanyashukla176
      @parjanyashukla176 Před 6 měsíci

      Well we are also happy to see you in a separate country. What a coincidence!

  • @zmaktr
    @zmaktr Před 2 lety

    Good job for bringing it up....i think maududi vision is correct otherwise things would not have been favorable for the British under khalifat.

  • @huzaifasiddiqui3077
    @huzaifasiddiqui3077 Před 2 lety +4

    مولانا مودودیؒ نے فرمایا:
    “پاکستان ایک مسجد کی طرح ہے جسکی حفاظت ہمارا فرض ہے۔”
    کتاب: تصریحات
    اور ہاں ہم وطنی ریاستوں اور نیشنلزم کے خلاف ہیں کیونکہ پوری روئے زمین ہمارے اللہ کا وطن ہے۔
    اس لئے روئے زمین پہ خلا ف ت قائم کرنا جماعت اسلامی کا مشن ہے۔

    • @hgkjkj
      @hgkjkj Před 2 lety +1

      جب جناح کے بعد مودودی کی سنی گئی اور سیاسی جماعت بنائی تو کافی کچھ بدلہ اس نے اپنے خیالات میں
      کتاب پڑھو سید ولی رضا کی مودودی کے بارے

    • @hgkjkj
      @hgkjkj Před 2 lety +1

      ویسے بھی اسکے پاس تھا ہی کیا ہر بات کو مسجد اور مندر کے تناظر میں دیکھنے کے علاوہ
      پاکستان مسجد تھا تو یرہ مسجد ٹوٹ گئی تھی ١٩٧١ میں جب یہ دولخت ہوا- جس میں جماعت اسلامی کا بہت بڑا رول تھا-

  • @ajitharshe
    @ajitharshe Před rokem

    If Jinnah wanted a secular state then why he wanted partition on the first place?

  • @alvesimam6618
    @alvesimam6618 Před 2 lety +2

    Dr Taimur's thesis is always lensed and sided. Just because Modudi accused the league secular doesn't necessarily make it one. What are you going to do about Jinnah's statements on Shariah allocation and an Islamic republic?
    My point is Jinnah's vision is contradicting and diverse, because of which everyone cherry picks and utilize for their agendas.
    I'm not here to support Jamiat or Modudi even I want secularism but at least bring the whole picture, such kind of dishonest analysis is keeping our society unprogressive. Jinnah used Islam and secularism both to beg Pakistan and that's a reality just live with it.

  • @hakeemluqman9621
    @hakeemluqman9621 Před 2 lety

    سر ایک دن علامہ اقبال کے فلسفہ پر بھی مفصل ویڈیو بنائیں ۔۔۔۔ انکا فلسفہ بالکل بھی سمجھ نہیں آتا

  • @fazalnajam
    @fazalnajam Před 2 lety

    with respect, is this video for Jamat-e-Islami fans? Everyone has political views so did he. What's the point for us general public Sir jee?

  • @arhamgill3595
    @arhamgill3595 Před 2 lety +3

    If you were present in that time, would you support the creation of pakistan or not?

    • @islamandlondi8206
      @islamandlondi8206 Před 2 lety +3

      Absolutely not.

    • @universalscience360
      @universalscience360 Před 2 lety +3

      Yes we stood with jinnah.

    • @ShahJee101
      @ShahJee101 Před 2 lety

      despite hindutva and india being turn into a soviet style dictatorship. i might be opposing it because Muslims being in huge numbers in one country might be in better economic situation where all the recourse would be spending on development rather than proxy wars

    • @arhamgill3595
      @arhamgill3595 Před 2 lety

      @@islamandlondi8206 Didn't ask you but ok

  • @islamicinfo2265
    @islamicinfo2265 Před 2 lety +1

    Sir agar pakistan ki movement bhi secular thi aur indian movement bhi secular thi to raste alag alag keun the?

    • @Taimur_Laal
      @Taimur_Laal  Před 2 lety +2

      Secularism is not the only thing on which people disagree

    • @vinamrasinghai2339
      @vinamrasinghai2339 Před 2 lety +1

      On the idea of liberalism, culture, history, governance model, land rights, Hindutva etc. The majority of the countries of the world have signed the UN charter for Human rights.

  • @dewpapsi
    @dewpapsi Před rokem

    Moulana moududi was 100% right

  • @shariqrasulofficial
    @shariqrasulofficial Před 2 lety

    If Jinnah was secular then why did he endorsed Direct Action?

  • @lubnajangir4995
    @lubnajangir4995 Před 2 lety +7

    What’s is point? People who think Making Pakistan was a bad decision they should move to India so poor Indian Muslims can migrate to Pakistan.
    Moulana,s decision was a political decision.

    • @ahmadkhatib6617
      @ahmadkhatib6617 Před 2 lety

      وہی میں کہ رہا ہوں ۔ اگر پاکستان نہیں بنتا تو بھارت میں مسلمان اچھے حال میں ہوتے
      ویسے بھی آپلوگ وہاں کچھ کر تو سکے نہیں ۔ کیا آپکے شریفوں اور زرداریوں سے بہتر سونیا لالو ممتا اور اویسی نہیں ہیں ؟

    • @h.i3677
      @h.i3677 Před 2 lety

      @@ahmadkhatib6617 wow. Wo kase achay halat mein hote. Balke ab pakistan mein jo kuch muslim bach jaye gae agar waha hute tu sab mare jate.

  • @saadshahzada
    @saadshahzada Před 2 lety +1

    Professor u r absolutely Wrong in your calculation... Agar sarmayakar zakat day ya vadera zakat ushar day to gurbat Khatam hojaye gi... Calculation kar kay dekho ....

  • @crumpfyllc5571
    @crumpfyllc5571 Před 2 lety +1

    Why you did not mention what molana madudu R.A says in 1955 when pakistan become islamic. Hypocrisy of a libral

  • @shahanshahhussain8802
    @shahanshahhussain8802 Před 2 lety

    Isn't maududi right with arguing that the slogan politics is being used to divert masses from the destination that they are expecting and if this (my) idea has an historical answer so I will also want to know how a national movement, as you said, will not be expected to want to inforce the masses' preffered system?

  • @azizemillathealthfoundatio9205

    یہ تو بالکل ٹھیک ھی کہہ رھے تھے۔۔

  • @aqawan2209
    @aqawan2209 Před 4 měsíci

    Sir with due respect aap molana Moududi ki ray ko ye sabit kr rhy hein k wo creation of Pakistan k khilaf thy jo miss qout kr rhy hein aap. Aap molana Moududi ka masla qomiat parhein pher jwab denna

  • @muhammadasim7336
    @muhammadasim7336 Před rokem

    Hameed Nimazi k jawab say pata chalta hai k Quaid Islam say mohabbat karny waly thy

  • @ahsan8714
    @ahsan8714 Před 2 lety +1

    Time proves that he was right.

    • @Taimur_Laal
      @Taimur_Laal  Před 2 lety +2

      Yes indeed he was right. Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan. He was spot on right about that.

  • @junaidkhan715
    @junaidkhan715 Před 2 lety

    Taimur sahab Pakistan secularism ki taraf Kesy badh sakta hai or is ko hum ek Pakistani ki life Tak us k asrat Kesy pohnch sakty hai

    • @vinamrasinghai2339
      @vinamrasinghai2339 Před 2 lety

      Turkey is a good model. Pakistan's movement was against secularism. Secularism is nothing but some laws. There are also different levels of secularism - laws, religion and then culture.
      1) Women's rights - Equal opportunities for men and women, no forced marriages etc
      2) Child rights - circumcision would be optional, no child marriages etc.
      3) Animal rights - forget about Bakrid and the killing of a conscious animal.
      4) Religious Building Laws - Setting up a commission and resolving all religious building issues. Suppose a mosque is on a temple then it needs to be returned to the original owner.
      5) Religious Identification mainly clothes - depends on how far you want to take this, but Burqa/Niqab need to go away from public places.
      All countries are either secular or Islamic, there are no other ideas at the moment. Don't confuse secularism with liberalism.

  • @SKULL739
    @SKULL739 Před rokem

    Apkay dalil islam kay name pa Pakistan bana nay kay bad islam nafiz na karnay pa ke na kay Pakistan kay khilaf

  • @farrukh337
    @farrukh337 Před 2 lety

    Sir if Mududu sab was an ardent opponent of pakistan then why he migrated. I mean he could stay in India like rest of the muslims

    • @Odyssey392
      @Odyssey392 Před 2 lety

      Someone had to hijack a secular Pakistan, Jinnah died a mysterious death. We can just speculate.

    • @uzairaziz4879
      @uzairaziz4879 Před 2 lety

      @Jasmine It was even worse pre-partition
      During partition, when people were moving across the borders on trains, there were scores of hawkers on the stations that would chant "Hindu-Pani lelo"/"Musalman-Pani lelo". Now that tell me how is that even remotely tamed than post-partition( even water had a religion back then). At least some Muslims survived that kind of prejudice by migrating to Pakistan
      I can tell you the references of this historical fact if you need

  • @taimoor722
    @taimoor722 Před 2 lety +1

    In our Constitution it is clearly mentioned that no law will be made against the teaching of Islam - and it's say it all,
    a system of Islam/sharia is the desired law of land period.
    Your parlement start by reciting only Quran it is crystal clear and at then end it is the right of the people I'm land what they want to have as democracy say if majority wants to be secular then Pakistan will become secular and will change law and remove sharia point from constitution but if they want to adopt sharia then it's their right
    So everyone has the right to preach his ideology and it's on Pakistan public to decide whom they want to vote and how they want to live
    And history does not and will not dictate and debate is useless because with democracy it's now in public hand to decide what they want to be as a Muslim state or secular state

  • @whiteholeeducationcenter

    The unfortunate thing is we are an lslamic county and there is no sharia in Pakistan.
    And we still today follow Anglo Saxon .
    Only if we had focused on MOLANA Abdul Qalam azad and didn't got partitioned things would had much been messed up like today

  • @sirsharhaq2586
    @sirsharhaq2586 Před rokem

    ونسٹن چرچل کی کتاب میں پشتون معاشرے کی منظر کشی کا حال. جیسے :
    1- پشتون بسکٹ چائے میں بھگو کر کھاتے ہیں اور اسکا اصل لطف اٹھاتے ہیں ۔
    2- شعر وشاعری عشق سے بھرپور ہے مگر معاشرے میں عملی عشق کی سزا موت ہے۔
    3- اپنی محبوبہ سے عشق کرنے پر فخر کرتا ہے مگر اپنی بہن یا بیٹی کے عشق کو برداشت نہیں کرسکتے۔
    4- موسیقی کو خوب انجوائے کرتے ہیں مگر موسیقی والوں کی عزت نہیں کرتے انہیں حقارت سے "ڈم" کہتے ہیں جو کہ
    گالی کے برابر ہے.
    5. پشتون زیارتوں پر ہر وقت حاضری دیتے رہتے ہیں اور اکثر اپنے بیمار بچوں کو دور دراز سے شفاء پانے کی خاطر ان زیارتوں پر لاتے ہیں.
    In such a state of society, all property is held directly by main force. Every man is a soldier. Either he is the retainer of some khan.
    تحریر امجد علی اُتمانخیل.