J.K. Rowling Reported To The Police For Being Transphobic

  • čas přidán 7. 03. 2024
  • JK Rowling has been reported to the police for transphobic comments. we discuss if JK Rowlings comments were actually transphobic or if rowling was just simply stating her view.

Komentáře • 120

  • @JMBeaushriimp
    @JMBeaushriimp Před 4 měsíci +6

    Lunatics running the asylum...

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Make Insane Asylums Great Again!

    • @JMBeaushriimp
      @JMBeaushriimp Před 4 měsíci

      @@marcuspitts2482 Make Asylums Great Again?
      How about turning entire nations into them?

  • @krux02
    @krux02 Před 4 měsíci +9

    You can't argue about "truth", when it isn't even possible to agree on the meaning of the word "woman". There is no truth when words don't have any meaning.

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci

      What is a woman?
      An Adult Female!
      Problem solved!

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci

      2nd time I've written this. UTube hates this comment.
      The word woman can be defined with 3 words.
      An Adult Female!

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      I think most people do agree to be honest. a human female. It’s just the minority that doesn’t are very very loud and they occupy the mainstream media univerties etc. but I really think most people do agree and they are afraid to say it or just don’t want the hassle.

  • @w3w3w3
    @w3w3w3 Před 4 měsíci +2

    We have strange laws.

  • @PictureHouseCinema
    @PictureHouseCinema Před 4 měsíci +1

    Given that a phobia is a fear of something, are we now going to report anyone for having fears of something?

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci +1

      I have fear of thunderbolts of lighting. Please cancel storms they deserve it.

  • @bartvandamme7068
    @bartvandamme7068 Před 4 měsíci +5

    1. That woman in the clip is arguing that it's hate speech because Willoughby is afraid of her life now. In other words, it's not hate speech because of what was said or why it was said, but because of how it makes someone feel. In that case, I feel mortally afraid for my life anyone uses accusations like "transphobe", "nazi", "racist", "fascist", etc. All of these must, therefore, be hate speech and incitement to violence.
    2. If being called a man makes you afraid for your life, go see a psychiatrist.
    3. How did we end up in this clown world where people get reported for such trivialities?

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci

      Because the Lefty Looser Lunatic Governments, are mostly in control of the Western World!

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci +1

      I think the answer of how did we end up in a clown world is this.
      This is how it always starts with small things that seem trivial but slowly and surely they will continue to take away your freedoms one by one. It always starts with trivial things and it ends in gulags or concentration camps. This is just how it starts and if people don’t stand up now for what they believe in imagine when real shait starts to hit the fan.

  • @aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Před 4 měsíci +20

    Why do I get recommended videos from the incel corner of the internet?

    • @TheErmerm999
      @TheErmerm999 Před 4 měsíci +8

      its always some virgin in his mums basement isn't it

    • @TheZarcasm
      @TheZarcasm Před 4 měsíci +6

      Same. At least they are fun to laugh at now and then.

    • @himwhoisnottobenamed5427
      @himwhoisnottobenamed5427 Před 4 měsíci +2

      😂 Yup, because everyone who has an opposing opinion is, whatever you need them to be. Because you can’t handle the fact that other opinions exist.
      You can’t even explain _how_ what she said is actually transphobic.
      Grow up kiddo.

    • @pencilpauli9442
      @pencilpauli9442 Před 4 měsíci

      Oh we know that other opinions exist.
      The problem is those opinions are in this case based on a poor understanding of the topic, and fed an unhealthy diet of hatred and fear of something that the speaker is willing to come to terms with.
      Spreading disinformation about a marginalised minority who are already being persecuted is immoral and harmful.
      What to you is merely an opinion, is to a transperson an existential threat.
      Transphobes opinions are not the equivalent of a trans ally, let alone someone who is trans.
      She who must not be shamed has shared and liked transphobic comments, and allies herself with transphobes and fascists.
      She excluded transwomen from her crisis centre, which is discriminatory and therefor transphobic.
      The letter that she published that kicked off the whole reaction against she who must not be shamed was a treatise on disinformation.
      She uses her huge platform to spread disinformation.
      At the very best, if you were honest, you could claim plausible deniability.
      Be honest man, she's a Terf. Just in case you can't join the dots, "trans exclusionary" is by definition, transphobic.

    • @pencilpauli9442
      @pencilpauli9442 Před 4 měsíci +1

      IKR! Sick of rabid right content polluting my recommendations.
      I can only surmise that because I sometimes watch videos that debunk this sort of shit, the algorithms must conclude that I actually want to watch the shit that is being debunked.
      I don't.
      BTW It might be worth removing this video from your history.
      It's supposed to work according to YT but I keep hitting the "do not recommend this channel" option, but to no avail.

  • @Rekaert
    @Rekaert Před 4 měsíci +12

    JK Rowling, reported for knowing the difference between men and women.
    Gimme back the 80's. We had this shit down.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      Ah I don’t know mullets were kind of awful I liked the cars though

  • @dankeanke320
    @dankeanke320 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Wait a minute!
    There is JKR and then the other person who is actually a natural male but identifies as a female.
    If JKR calls the person a man, that is the crime.
    Is that true so far?
    But doesn't that mean that being a man is a bad thing?
    One cannot think that you are a man and that is a bad thing when being a man is not a bad thing.
    Or as a woman; You can't think that calling someone a woman is a bad thing. If there's nothing wrong with being a woman.
    Unless you believe that one or both is bad.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      We should be saying and teaching that everyone is perfect just as they are. That we are wonderful beings both men and woman and that nothing about ourselves is “bad” or “wrong” .
      There is a million ways of being a man as also being a woman, all of them are wonderful. We should be saying and teaching that your body is one of the most sacred and beautiful things of nature and that you are just perfect the way you are.
      For the rare minority that isn’t so ( which yes is a rare minority) Wait until they’re adults and then let’s see. What we have now is social contagion.

    • @dankeanke320
      @dankeanke320 Před 4 měsíci

      @@JohnyRodrii If every person were perfect, no one would have a reason to develop further.

  • @marcuspitts2482
    @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci +2

    No. I think if this is great. If JK ends up going to a court of law, all she has to do is bring in an expert witness in the field of Biology. It's a proven fact that a man is a man. No matter what a persons individual delusion is!

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      I agree, but will a judge or public opinion agree also ? That’s tough to say especially with how the world is going and the twisting of the language. But I agree

    • @LiamJCash
      @LiamJCash Před 4 měsíci

      The biologist will only describe the distinction between the 3 human sexes; Male, Female and Intersex. You mentioned "Man" which is a gender, which is cultural and derived from but not tethered to biological males.
      Additionally, transgenderism is not a delusion, it's a neurological state. Transgender people don't think they are the opposite sex, they feel and identify with the opposite gender.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      Intersex is not a 3rd gender. Your either a male or female with a biological malfunction but it’s definitely not a 3rd gender. Well that’s the problem you can identify with whatever you want that doesn’t make you what you identify as.

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci

      @quantum8kid XX or XY chromosomes. That is what determines Male or Female. Believing that an individual is something there not IS a delusion. I don't care about the "accepted term", only Fact. Hermaphrodites, whilst having boath sex organs, only one of them is capable of reproduction! You mentioned it being a Nuralogical Condition, that would mean a change in brain chemistry. If that is true, what caused this change? And why are we seeing an exponential increase in it over the last 40 years?

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci

      XX or XY chromosomes determine Male or Female. ie : Man or Woman!
      Intersex is a buzzword, and has no meaning. What you should use is Hermaphrodite!
      Nuralogical Condition / Disorder, is an imbalance in brain chemistry! Hence the delusional world they construct around themselves!

  • @pencilpauli9442
    @pencilpauli9442 Před 4 měsíci


  • @user-nj9ru4ef2w
    @user-nj9ru4ef2w Před 4 měsíci +3

    so why are you calling this person a "she"

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci +6

      I don’t want to be reported to the police. lol 😂

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci +2

      To quote the International Man Of Mystery.
      "That's a man, baby"!
      I fear no cancel culture!

  • @garyyoung3179
    @garyyoung3179 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Dropped by the Police almost immediately as a nonsense claim.

  • @jayneeisan6726
    @jayneeisan6726 Před 4 měsíci +7

    He’s the bully, not her.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      You mean me or Ollie in the video ??

    • @jayneeisan6726
      @jayneeisan6726 Před 4 měsíci

      I mean Jonathan (India) of course. Not you, you’re delightful. 😄

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      Omg with all these pronouns and he and she and me it gets me so confused jajaja lol

  • @nicklenz7030
    @nicklenz7030 Před 4 měsíci +7

    A transphobe commenting on transphobia, that's nonsensical!

    • @robefc358
      @robefc358 Před 4 měsíci +2


    • @himwhoisnottobenamed5427
      @himwhoisnottobenamed5427 Před 4 měsíci +3

      😂😂😂 I love how you call anyone with a different opinion “transphobic.” When you couldn’t even explain how what he, or Rowling said that’s actually transphobic.

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@himwhoisnottobenamed5427 To traped in there Looser Lefty echo chamber!

    • @robefc358
      @robefc358 Před 4 měsíci

      @@himwhoisnottobenamed5427 makes you sick doesn't it mate. 🤮👍

    • @nicklenz7030
      @nicklenz7030 Před 4 měsíci

      @@himwhoisnottobenamed5427 Ignorance and hate are not opinions.

  • @Porook
    @Porook Před 4 měsíci +11

    Lame video

  • @neildennis7294
    @neildennis7294 Před 4 měsíci +2

    As far as I’m concerned, Rowling was just pointing out reality.

    • @marcuspitts2482
      @marcuspitts2482 Před 4 měsíci


    • @Aryasvitkona
      @Aryasvitkona Před 4 měsíci

      Reality is that she's a woman. She is legally a woman in the UK. Calling her a man is factually incorrect, constantly doing so is harassment, and it can be argued to be a hate crime.
      India is a woman. She will be for the rest of her life.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      Unfortunately that is a crime these days.

    • @Aryasvitkona
      @Aryasvitkona Před 4 měsíci

      @@JohnyRodrii damn you rly deleted my comment that talked about the reality that India is a woman. Guess feelings matter more than facts

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      I didn’t delate anything man. CZcams did. I never delete any comments even if they are against me. CZcams did

  • @johnmorsley
    @johnmorsley Před 4 měsíci +1

    You lost me at 1,000% - That's a dislike from me!

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      Well you get a like from me top comment YOURS !

  • @markhosking1882
    @markhosking1882 Před 4 měsíci

    It's a biological fact, but not a social or legal fact. Gender and sex are not the same. For example India's gender is female, but her sex (I presume) is male. There are many sexes, if sex is defined by chromosomes.
    Also respect is just that. Respect. Not accepting someone's preferred gender is disrespectful.
    It really is a shame that you either choose to misunderstand, or are very uninformed about biology and social constructs.
    The peurile "I identify as..." is a common right wing trope that belongs in the school playground, not in adult conversations.
    Educate yourself. Open your mind and your heart.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci

      There is only 2 sexes and there is only 2 genders, male and female. I agree that I always need more education I won’t deny you that. Respect is earned is not just given Willie nilly. And open my heart ? My heart is like an onion there is layers to it like shreks.

    • @markhosking1882
      @markhosking1882 Před 4 měsíci

      @@JohnyRodrii There are many varieties of chromosome arrangement. More than just XY and XX. Accordingly there are more than two sexes. There are cultures that have understood and been happy with the idea of at least three genders. Therefore gender is a social construct (or cultural and not biological). Nobody needs to earn my respect. That would be narcissistic of me. Thankfully we can agree on the need for education. There is always more to learn. The more I know, the less I know maxim holds true.

  • @aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    @aaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Před 4 měsíci +4

    Delete the channel now.

  • @peenurmobile
    @peenurmobile Před 4 měsíci +1

    jk rowling sucks but this is silly, i am progressive but you can't tell people what to say. if she had done something malicious towards anyone that was harassment or worse, then yeah call the police. otherwise this just hurts your own cause. you're not gonna get everyone to agree with you 100 percent, no matter what.
    the day you can dictate what other people say when there is no real harm is the day i give up entirely.
    i can't have an opinion on racial slurs because none of them affect me directly, i can only listen and learn. but this kinda stuff is just harder to get everyone on board and the more you push it in these kinds of ways the worse it gets.
    also this guy reporting it here is a joke, but i said my piece and i'll leave it at that.

    • @TheDMG45
      @TheDMG45 Před 4 měsíci

      Why do you think she sucks then?

    • @peenurmobile
      @peenurmobile Před 4 měsíci

      @@TheDMG45 because she's a bigot

    • @TheDMG45
      @TheDMG45 Před 4 měsíci

      @@peenurmobile Then what did you mean by saying "you can't tell people what to say"? If you agree with that then why would you think she's a bigot?

    • @peenurmobile
      @peenurmobile Před 4 měsíci

      @@TheDMG45 ??? you can't be serious, if you can't answer that yourself then it's a waste of time to explain simple things to you.
      of course you can say whatever you want, but it still reflects on you and people can still form opinions about you for whatever you say or do.

    • @JohnyRodrii
      @JohnyRodrii  Před 4 měsíci +1

      So you liked my jokes ? I didn’t make many in this video as I thought it was quite a serious subject but I’m happy that I made you happy by being jokeful. I’m just kidding I’m glad that you said your piece as I did in the video. See we are not that different after all