Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn: Submit To Fate Ending

  • čas přidán 24. 03. 2019
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    ☆ The Submit to Fate ending in Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn.
    Episode Ardyn Ending.
    BFD, Boss Fight Database.
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  • @LuckiSir
    @LuckiSir Před 4 lety +187

    *”Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.”*

  • @psynumb
    @psynumb Před 5 lety +256

    The way he yells "Answer meeeeee" is soooo painful and real. It breaks my heart!!

    • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
      @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +8

      Same with me,poor Ardyn :'(

    • @Yoshi-sp
      @Yoshi-sp Před 5 lety +7

      @@elisabethacronqvist7859 now I feel worst

    • @psynumb
      @psynumb Před 5 lety +16

      @@elisabethacronqvist7859 Exactly!! What I love about this episode is how it makes you feel for Ardyn. Those last moments embody the despair one might feel when they are betrayed inspite of their truest intentions. It's a very human story.

    • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
      @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +7

      @@psynumb in my country people said that no one can hurts you worse than the relatives.when your brother cut you with an axe between your shoulders (metaforically speaking) and betrayed you - this is the most painful thing you can feel

    • @Aqua311
      @Aqua311 Před 3 lety +3

      He must feel... so damn alone.

  • @RaidikV
    @RaidikV Před 5 lety +246

    With this DLC Ardyn definitely ended up becoming my favorite "villain" of any videogame.

    • @paulman34340
      @paulman34340 Před 5 lety +15

      Honestly he surpassed three of my favorite villains with this, Kuja, Sephiroth and ESPECIALLY Kefka.
      In a way he's a great combination of many of final fantasy's great villains. I found it funny how we got the see things from the villain's perspective.
      In knowing that chosen one will eventually killed the Demon Lord and bring about a new golden age plotline was not only told to him. But that "he was destined to BE SAID DEMON LORD ( how f***** up is it to be told that your life was literally a joke, a Divine Comedy of the Gods who didn't inform you that you were destined for failure until all The Misfortune they set up to assure you go down that route almost bites them in the ass and that you went off script and almost killed the father of said Future Chosen One before he could conceive said Chosen One is when they finally decide to f****** tell you something).
      I like this because this is a lot better than the robot God b******* that was in Final Fantasy 13! Where the robot Gods didn't even bother to explain anything and acted like their plans were infallible, only because the heroes were so stupid that they ended up implementing the plan they were trying to stop even when it was painfully obvious not going along with the plan would have been their best way of giving a f*** you to the robot God's seeing as they're screwed no matter what. Unless of course the writer had decide to explain specific things rather than using the badly made kodak's! Instead he would least explain or better show the Alternatives that the heroes could have used to defy their fate rather than implying in such a small small vague way like a stupid robot gods that we the audience have to dig in deep to actually find or at least make up an explanation for specific things! You should not rely on the audience making and fixing the story for you! But yeah I like how despite being divine long-lived and all that s*** the gods of final Fantasy 15 I like the f****** Greek gods, and that despite having such a pedigree they have a huge huge amount of flaws, especially when you take into mind Ifrit and Shiva, and how the two ended up switching roles one having actually like humans and wanting to help them and the other one holding them in contempt in treating them like insects to be squished! The role reversal being more of their extremes. The one who used to like the humans now believing they can never be redeemed and deserve to be wiped out as painfully and gruesomely as possible out of pure spite for one group of humans abusing his gifts! while the other went from just not giving a f*** about them in general to be more involved in trying to guide them. Of course that doesn't absolve her for her part in Bahamut stupid plan to fix her ex's stupid mistake that started to affect them, but hey at least some good came from her and her actions at least.
      I used to always look at those type of prophecies and think how f***** up is that for the one who has to be slain at the end to know that their entire life their entire existence was pretty much just to be a jobber! Honestly I have to ask who here wouldn't have done the same damn thing resist their fate if they discovered this. That's what makes him so damn good you give him a sympathetic backstory and show that he was a good guy and the only reason you became a villain was because he was always said to be the villain it didn't matter how he felt. Faith determined that you were the villain and so you will be one damn it no matter how much you try to defy that fate. I even believe that even if he chose to still continue to help people the world would still come after him like what happened when the Empire pretty much woke him up.
      The kingdom that his brother made specifically created a kill Squad to go after him if they ever discovered he was awakened to prevent him from causing harm. Even making the name that was meant to pretty much state that he doesn't exist as a Target identifier! That must have f****** sucked to wake up to to find out not only are you considered by your brother's blood line to be non-existent and that they pretty much wrote you out of the history books. But they've been planning on your return specifically to make certain the prophecy is fulfill whatever you want it to or not your feelings on the matter do not matter in the face of the greater good.
      And the worst thing is they don't even know about the prophecy, all they know is that you're dangerous and that they need to continue before you can do whatever evil they believe you're going to do even if you weren't even going to do any evil. And honestly reminded me of a anime series I forgot the name of it and I think other series have copied this as well but it pretty much had the main character be designated the villain and no matter how much good they did the suppose good guys always found some way to interpret their actions as evil or just a plan to do something evil later... Oh wait I do remember I'll get the last word of it wrong but it was called devil King daimao! Where the main character pretty much wanted to become the pope bar because of a stupid bird that tells people's prophecies they always come through saying that he will become the devil King, everybody always assumed his wall intention actions were always in the pursuit of being evil and bringing chaos. Even choosing to be the f****** janitor the class was perceived as taking out the trash in exactly the meaning you're thinking of right now when you say that! In that scenario I think it was the presumption that chaos bad order good! In the people who believed he would be bad for the world if he became devil King wer thinking of oh, and not that balance is good and the chaos may not exactly be as bad as they believe it will be. And even then with the twist that the chaos he'll bring will actually be caused by everyone stupidly trying to stop him from bringing chaos forcing him to defend himself and those who he considers his friends who might be caught in the crossfire or just plain defend them. And well there you have it chaos! Now I sound like Butters when he's Professor Chaos LOL
      well this was great I think the writers may have shot themselves in the foot in me actually being happy for noctis's happy ending! In a funny way we can also see this as the writers being Party Poopers in a good way. Because how many times have we readers are the audience look deeper into Happy Endings and deconstruct the hell out of them! Like in this game's main ending yeah we help noctis get his happy ending in the afterlife with his big sister wife Luna LOL. But we only got this because we ended up being good little pawns to a prophecy. It made dings feel like a reverse of what Final Fantasy XIII try to make it plot point in a messy way, and that was defying fate. In this case the villain was trying to defy his fate just like the heroes of the 13 trilogy tried to do, and in the end paid very horribly because I've been hearing implications. Even after his defeat by noctis and the spirits of his brother and his brother's descendants before noctis, that he's still screwed even non-existence will never give him peace. Meaning Bahamut wasn't wrong in the bad ending where you defy him , that the big bad was in for a horrible horrible fate at the end if he didn't act like a good boy you know like noctis. The only good part you could say for the big bad is at least his brother's bloodline is gone with noctis death. but it ended up being hollow, though I take that as more of Revenge being meaningless in the end, because in the end nobody knows the true history! Meaning his brother and his brothers descendants are still going to be remembered as heroic kings and queens and he still going to remain forgotten. The last part I know he doesn't give a damn about, but the first part is the real kicker he might have given a damn about if he had thought about it!

    • @camilocerqueiramorales1830
      @camilocerqueiramorales1830 Před 4 lety +5

      @@paulman34340 agreed thats how ardyn kills noctis in episode ardyn.

    • @biscuitboy9861
      @biscuitboy9861 Před 4 lety +2

      paulman34340 k

    • @chief5604
      @chief5604 Před 2 lety +3

      I'm not sure whether to call him an anti hero or a villain tbh

    • @chief5604
      @chief5604 Před 2 lety +3

      @@paulman34340 Ardyn is better than sephiroth in my opinion, mainly because he was more developed character, he had feelings and his charisma is something else

  • @Wolfboss7
    @Wolfboss7 Před 5 lety +938

    Suddenly, I can't help but laugh at the irony of FFXV and how things turned out from its original planning. The XIII Trilogy was about defying fate and rebelling against oppressive gods and had a running theme with the color white. XV on the other hand, has arguably some of the most manipulative deities in the FF franchise who indirectly screwed EVERY character and almost all the major characters dress in black.
    And the whole story really does play like a Shakespearean tragedy.

    • @dorianwynn98
      @dorianwynn98 Před 5 lety +44

      Final fantasy versus xiii us a series of Pain and oppression.

    • @Izanagli
      @Izanagli Před 5 lety +44

      it is in fact a tragedy.

    • @SilverAMVS
      @SilverAMVS Před 5 lety +48

      It's a tragedy how terrible this game is.

    • @daokoxd1145
      @daokoxd1145 Před 5 lety +67

      The Gods played them like a damn Fiddle!!!!

    • @huy4512
      @huy4512 Před 5 lety +30

      Good story, good plot, but gameplay.

  • @Dehn396
    @Dehn396 Před 5 lety +401

    Man, if it was true that Aera knew and just play the part, that makes me pity and respect Ardyn so much as a villain. This world is fucked up no doubt about it, but i just love it

    • @lahyte_5925
      @lahyte_5925 Před 5 lety +12

      So did Aera not love Ardyn, then??? They seemed madly in love together.

    • @DarkBlackStudios
      @DarkBlackStudios Před 5 lety +66

      I think Ardyn was in his breaking point at the end of his episode. I don't believe Aera knew his fate, only that he would be a chosen one. But she didn't know to what he was chosen. Devastating as it was for Ardyn, he had no faith to anything after he hears his ordained fate.

    • @Dehn396
      @Dehn396 Před 5 lety +33

      @@lahyte_5925 I want to say they were indeed in love, but i can't say it with full confident, if we rewatch that scene when Ardyn refuses the fate, Aera starts speaking that fate is inevitable, but if we listen careful we can hear and also assume that is Bahamut speaking through Aera making it look like even she was against Ardyn as well just to break him even more. However one can't tell for sure.

    • @jpHasABadHandle
      @jpHasABadHandle Před 5 lety +47

      To me the gods are the true villains of FFXV.

    • @Stupefied66
      @Stupefied66 Před 5 lety +36

      I wouldn't put it past Bahamut to twisting Aera's soul during the ending or just using an illusion of her. If XV's lore has taught us anything, it's that being an Oracle means being the Gods' bitch so to speak. Plus, Aera at the very least had the guts to rebel (since she went and told Somnus that he wasn't the king) unlike Luna so we can at least safely assume that Aera's feelings were genuine but since she's the Oracle, the puppet of the Gods... She was pretty much doomed to her fate from Day One like the rest of them.

  • @DrakeyC
    @DrakeyC Před 5 lety +482

    "Off my chair, jester. The King sits there."
    Yes he does, Oh King of Light. Before you sits the King of Darkness.

    • @Ae7herium
      @Ae7herium Před 5 lety +96

      Pretty ironic that Noctis is the real jester here. He doesn't know shit about the bigger picture involving the Astrals, he just blindly follows his path without questioning anything.

    • @LuckiSir
      @LuckiSir Před 5 lety +43

      @@Ae7herium I almost feel sorry for him, he along with the other 3 would've definitely had second thoughts if they discovered the truth.

    • @DevilHunter1994
      @DevilHunter1994 Před 5 lety +57

      @@LuckiSir Noctis does know the truth by the end though, as does Ignis and probably the others as well. It's just that the choices presented to them are either to let Ardyn do as he wishes and leave the world in darkness for all eternity, or fulfill the prophesy as the gods wish it in order to restore light and hope to the world. Noct knows he was dealt a bad hand, same as Ardyn. The difference is that Ardyn chose to fight his fate in the end, even it meant everyone else was damned to eternal suffering as a result. By that point he was so furious with the world that he wanted everyone to suffer anyway. Noctis chose the other path, taking on his unfair destiny and accepting death so that his people could find happiness.

    • @StevnYT
      @StevnYT Před 5 lety +15

      @@DevilHunter1994 This is why he is true King of Kings like noone other. We know Somnus got his envy plans and build Insomnia\things... wtf. The only one that we dont know is Regis but he for sure know only about Noctis to rise him and Adagium nothing more there to say. Still even i would love to see more Luna as She was mention and killed by Ardyn even less story of her then Aera which showed they relationship more then Luna&Noct but i guess from what i have read Tenebra Fleuret line was always with Insomnia Lucis most of time. Dont know about Regis or Somnus in that regard.

    • @DarkLordSauronrocks
      @DarkLordSauronrocks Před rokem +2

      ​@@Ae7heriumoh shit I just realized this is like final fantasy 1 where the lufenians tell the warriors of light kill this knight that is very evil but it turns out garland was just fucked by the lufenians in ffxv bahamut is like go slay this dude that is very evil and then kill yourself but it turns out ardyn was actually fucked by bahamut

  • @khanakram8639
    @khanakram8639 Před 5 lety +365

    The Gods plan is simply to create a story of light conquers evil by help of the Gods intervention; a story to be passed down history to remind everyone of how "benevolent the Gods were by helping erase the starscourge". In that way, they can make certain that future generations on Eos will continue to believe in them, insuring their existence for time eternal. Erasing an entire bloodline and creating evil out of an honest man, simply so the Gods can continue reign supreme in the hearts of man.

    • @ThanatosZero
      @ThanatosZero Před 5 lety +46

      In this regard, Ardyns priorities should shift.

    • @dracogatom7873
      @dracogatom7873 Před 5 lety +61

      @@ThanatosZero Kratos be like:
      "Hm, I see you're a man of culture as well"

    • @MaestroKong
      @MaestroKong Před 5 lety +10

      The gods in this game work for the ultimate salvation of Eos. Utopia. The thing Eos never was with men rebelling against gods and practicing evil like Niflheim. There was no lasting peace to be had. So there had to be sacrifices. Ardyn to take in all the dark so that the dark would be defeated entirely by the newly chosen king.

    • @DarkManifest
      @DarkManifest Před 5 lety +17

      I thought the plan was to do whatever necessary to purge the Scourge from Eos. I mean, this is something so bad that it can corrupt gods, as demonstrated by poor Ifrit. They didn't screw humanity to be worshiped as kind, they screwed humanity to save their own butts from decay and demise.

    • @MaestroKong
      @MaestroKong Před 5 lety +3

      @@DarkManifest I think they tried to save everyone gods and humans alike

  • @OguriOfMari
    @OguriOfMari Před 5 lety +485

    We need a god slayer ending... where ardyn and noctis takes down bahamut together...

    • @MuseHijinks
      @MuseHijinks Před 5 lety +133

      It was supposed to lead to that, there were a lot of implications in interviews of Noctis and Luna going against the gods, but Ardyn's DLC is only the first part of that ending. Thanks for nothing Square.

    • @theskullman0
      @theskullman0 Před 4 lety +43

      The novel thats out is pretty much this

    • @AlexPalumboG
      @AlexPalumboG Před 4 lety +22

      @@theskullman0 I would have loved if that was the whole game. Would have given more development to Ardyn and Luna throughout the whole game.

    • @AresGoodWar
      @AresGoodWar Před 4 lety +11

      it was supposed to be in the next DLC, i believe Luna DLC but it gets canceled; however, you will find it in novel

    • @pastorgainz7230
      @pastorgainz7230 Před 4 lety +32

      We needed an ending where ardyn kills noctis, fuck the lucis bloodline after this dlc

  • @grimshock6983
    @grimshock6983 Před 5 lety +931

    The gods just want to be entertained.
    Bahamut: You will do this and-
    Ardyn: Wait what is the point.
    Bahamut: He will become a beacon and lead
    Ardyn: Yeah, but then die and wouldn’t there be a ton of darkness that kills who knows how many and, Wait!
    Ardyn: Have you done this before? Destroyed everything that was in the world and then choose a new champion only to repeat everything.
    Bahamut: Mere mortal you dare to accuse me of being incompetent.
    Ardyn: No I am saying you are a dick

    • @grimshock6983
      @grimshock6983 Před 5 lety +25

      I mean he uses swords, but god of swords might not mean what you think it does

    • @Archon3960
      @Archon3960 Před 5 lety +58

      Bahamut : "Shut up ! I'm ancient and wise, dangnammit ! "

    • @gin3025
      @gin3025 Před 5 lety +41

      Ifrit was right all along

    • @Revan1037
      @Revan1037 Před 5 lety +4

      Basically kotor 2.

    • @MrPepeDBZ
      @MrPepeDBZ Před 5 lety +16

      Ardyn: Like, a REAAAALLY BIG DICK, of Godly proportions

  • @azazel166
    @azazel166 Před 5 lety +371

    I knew it!
    The gods were playing the both of them the whole time.

    • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
      @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +28

      All of us are just toys in the Gods hands.and this is not a video game plot.this is reality

    • @adamclark8994
      @adamclark8994 Před 5 lety +17

      So basically whatever the gods say goes.

    • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
      @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +11

      @@adamclark8994 Gods are naughty children,who loves to play wicked games.

    • @savions4005
      @savions4005 Před 5 lety +10

      Sonya Cronkvist makes sense, they’re beings with infinite power and wisdom, they toy with us to keep themselves entertained

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +8

      Thr Astrals have no similarities with other gods of God of War and other games were they are evil. They didn't created the Starscourge. They were not all-powerful to end the evil. And they are gods, the worse part of the process must be done by mortals, because Humanity was created to carry the gods's burdens.

  • @Fenrir-Afri
    @Fenrir-Afri Před 5 lety +366

    Noctis: Off my chair jester, the king sits there
    One of my favorite line in the game before but then I learned about Ardyn's story...
    Damn, Ardyn was the true and rightful king of Lucis. Now I hate that line now.

    • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
      @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +61

      Gods fooled Noctis just like they fooled Ardyn

    • @akshaykarthik928
      @akshaykarthik928 Před 4 lety +52

      I mean noctis didnt rly know what happened to ardyn. Honestly they both should hv destroyed bahamut

    • @Caim6311
      @Caim6311 Před 4 lety +13

      Ardyn says to noctis this "I'm your great great great great uncle and my brother is a dick"

    • @toonpacha2396
      @toonpacha2396 Před 4 lety +11

      Akshay Karthik FFXV Bahamut is the biggest troll in the universe. Tells Ardyn to accept his role at the evil of the world then gets Noctis to kill Ardyn/himself.

    • @dragontyrant5607
      @dragontyrant5607 Před 4 lety +20

      @@akshaykarthik928 bahamut is the real villain of this game

  • @Aqua311
    @Aqua311 Před 3 lety +28

    If only someone had been there for him, to pull him out of his deepest, darkest thoughts, but Ardyn was left truly alone. Abandoned by fate, the gods, his family and the very people he condemned himself to save.
    Aera loved him with all her heart, but now the memory of his fiancee has been tainted by Bahamut.
    He never deserved this.

  • @AirahsELL
    @AirahsELL Před 4 lety +120

    "The fate bestowed upon a man cannot be changed"
    Sephiroth: Are you sure about that?

    • @furiousphoenix9784
      @furiousphoenix9784 Před 4 lety +7

      FF7 remake : well yes , but actually no

    • @fg009letyrds8
      @fg009letyrds8 Před 2 lety

      FF12 Mortals : 🖕
      FF13 Mortals:🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

      @A-TALKING-TOASTER Před rokem +3

      Kratos: what is written can be unwritten

    • @TsukabuNosoratori2
      @TsukabuNosoratori2 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Clive- Nothing is written.

    • @xen3588
      @xen3588 Před 9 měsíci +1

      FFX when they defy the aeons: “hold my blitz ball bro.”

  • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
    @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +277

    I bite my lips painfully only do not crying.that moment,when Ardyn realised that everything which happens with him is useless,hurts me deeply.

  • @theoutsider8745
    @theoutsider8745 Před 5 lety +140

    Ardyn's laughter at the end was oddly satisfying...

    • @adambalaz2468
      @adambalaz2468 Před 5 lety +14

      Topped Kefka's imo

    • @CrystalFlames
      @CrystalFlames Před 5 lety +11

      Darin de Paul is honestly a gift

    • @ironwolg
      @ironwolg Před 5 lety +23

      You can hear the madness, Joy, anger, and grief in it all at once. Darin de Paul did an incredible job with this character. He gave this game so much life and personality.

    • @camilocerqueiramorales1830
      @camilocerqueiramorales1830 Před 4 lety

      This is all that happened when Ardyn let the noctis kill him only to destroy the ring but failed and his soul caused the ardyn to live and so arose the episode of ardyn.

  • @umbrahal9059
    @umbrahal9059 Před 5 lety +213

    The hell with the ending. It doesn't matter which one do you choose

    • @umyeh7586
      @umyeh7586 Před 5 lety +34

      Thats good it doesn’t make the writing anymore convoluted

    • @Wolfboss7
      @Wolfboss7 Před 5 lety +117

      Might be the entire point. Ardyn's damned if he does...and damned if he doesn't. The only way this ending is better is that it spares him the sight of the love of his life torturing him and telling him to submit to fate.

    • @tchoythao1730
      @tchoythao1730 Před 5 lety +24

      It does matter. Because he let Regis live, its only a matter of time before Noctis crosses over with the best Godkillers around. He's already met Akuma who knows Asura, soon he'll meet BOY.

    • @MrPepeDBZ
      @MrPepeDBZ Před 5 lety

      You have your revenge in the end

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +3

      It's because it doesn't matter that it's called "destiny".

  • @luckyman64
    @luckyman64 Před 5 lety +220

    They played us like a damn fiddle...

    • @MrPepeDBZ
      @MrPepeDBZ Před 5 lety +12


    • @karma0253
      @karma0253 Před 5 lety +5

      Beat me to it 😂

    • @AnakinSkywakka
      @AnakinSkywakka Před 5 lety +3

      Give it back! This isn't right it was ours!

    • @startmirca
      @startmirca Před 5 lety +4

      luckyman64 Kazuhira Miller called.
      He wants his dialogue back.

  • @brauerye5636
    @brauerye5636 Před 5 lety +37

    "But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies, Will be silenced forever and then! Fair Eos will be free from foul Bahamut's maw! Dragonborn be the savior of men!"
    ―Song of the Dragonborn

  • @jefthereaper
    @jefthereaper Před 5 lety +23

    Proof that Bahamuth is a incompetent bastard.
    Rather pits up humans against each-other then admit he made a mistake and clean it up himself.
    And instead of informing Ardyn of his plan on beforehand, no lets just leave him chained up for the better part of a whole 2000 years without knowing why or what.
    Good job Bahamuth, you are by far the most incompetent god in games, movies or stories I've ever seen.

  • @YEf-ix1yy
    @YEf-ix1yy Před 5 lety +154

    Someone should go full on Kratos to the gods after Noctis died.

    • @Spartan-343
      @Spartan-343 Před 5 lety +22

      Assuming they even could. The Olympians were present in the physical realm in GOW for the most part. The Astrals seem to inhabit plane of existence beyond the physical realm in 15's universe.

    • @mr.voidout4739
      @mr.voidout4739 Před 5 lety +14

      Kratos, Lightning, Shulk and Co, Every Persona team, and many more. Bring em full on anti-theistic battle royale.

    • @mr.voidout4739
      @mr.voidout4739 Před 5 lety +6

      @@Spartan-343 Basically their true form is the major stars in Eos's astronomy. They project "temporary" forms here. Some longer than others; given their task. Thousands of years is a dayjob shift for Titan. Shiva battled in the terrestrial plane and died, so a physical corpse lay because it wasn't destroyed; kind of like an ethereal lobster's shed carapace. Eos was supposedly stuck in the volcano and exists as an indefinite bonpyre (her rising ashes being the prime source of the Starscourge.)
      So yeah, any god who can project physical form is good to go on Eos.

    • @Spartan-343
      @Spartan-343 Před 5 lety

      @@mr.voidout4739 So Kratos couldn't really do anything to them then not Ardyn for that matter. Thanks for clarifying for me. I've yet to play 15 so I don't know all the lore surrounding it.

    • @Stupefied66
      @Stupefied66 Před 5 lety

      @@mr.voidout4739 Don't forget Asura from Asura's Wrath. XD

  • @MrPepeDBZ
    @MrPepeDBZ Před 5 lety +44

    It's pretty well played that we have two endings that end up in the same, but give Ardyn a different tone:
    If he accepts his fate, he plays his part and becomes daemonized, going all the way in, scheming and manipulating to, in the end, be freed of his tragic fate
    Ending 2: Ardyn despises his fate, resists, and so he becomes daemonized, and puts his plan into motion as a revenge to both gods, Aera and Lucis lineage.
    With the ending, after the choice, we have the same cutscene, but a different tone
    One is Ardyn playing his part and as a declaration he "kills" Aera and Somnus
    The second has Ardyn going mad and refusing Aera and Somnus

  • @dereckboucher9104
    @dereckboucher9104 Před 5 lety +21

    This makes the game’s ending sooo much better

  • @voidabyss3432
    @voidabyss3432 Před 5 lety +59

    This reflects how truly pointless we really are. Like Ardyn, we are screwed since birth, only to end up biting the dust to oblivion.

    • @Chris-Eagles2015
      @Chris-Eagles2015 Před 2 lety

      In the big scheme of things nothing, even existence itself, really matters.

    • @calendarfactory8566
      @calendarfactory8566 Před 2 lety +2

      Nihilism at its finest

    • @jesusfollowerswomenministries
      @jesusfollowerswomenministries Před 23 dny

      Not really. God offers salvation and hope to all of us, we aren't here just to let destruction take us over. God has us in His hands. get to know Him, We all will meet God the Holy Creator one day ( Hebrews 9;27) and He's being merciful by giving us all time to get right with Him before judgement day, because when judgement day comes you get no second chances. God came as Jesus in the flesh to go and pay our sin debt on the cross, we deserve hell we deserve to take our punishment but in His great love and mercy He took our punishment and sins to the cross. He died and paid for our sin debt in full ( John 19:30) then God the Father rose Jesus on the third day with glory and power and triumph and He conquered hell and sin and death and even broke down the wall that separated us from Him so we can come to Him and be saved and have a relationship with Him. believe and repent of your sins and God will forgive and cleanse you and make you born again by His Holy Spirit ( John 3). today is the day of salvation, you don't know what day or hour or minute or even second you'll die. don't choose sin over a Holy loving God. come to Jesus! believe and repent ( 1 Cor 6:9-10, Romans 3:23, John 3:15-18, Rom 10:9-14, NKJV).

  • @StanDiggs
    @StanDiggs Před 5 lety +135

    that's funny - in most FF games, the final boss ends up being some douchelord god that you kill to 'defy your fate' where you walk into the sunset happily after. whereas FF15 is like an alternative where you don't kill the gods and everyone gets finessed by them and suffers immensely.

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +7

      I don't see this way, they didn't created the Starscourge. It was the way they found to end the disease. As they didn't had the power to destroy it, they created the royal family to accumulate power and through the last king destroy the menace. If there was another way, they would have did it.

    • @StanDiggs
      @StanDiggs Před 5 lety +9

      @@Aomegeus sure they didn't create it, but as gods - was creating two bloodlines to take the fall for it really their only option? the point still stands that they doomed two entire bloodlines just for the sake to 'maybe' destroy the Starscourge. it being gone is not guaranteed as the disease was around long before Ardyn, so i doubt destroying Ardyn despite having absorbed alot of it into himself - would be the absolute end of it. so once again, the gods are dicks and this all happened because they said so.

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +10

      @@StanDiggs You are wrong. What's the matter with the gods ending two families? They are gods, they created humans. They decided when every being will be born and die. So, they are assassins because they created mortality too? You are judging gods as if they are humans, but they have a different role than you. Religion sell the faith in God as if it's a lovely father that must do all that people want. But the truth is that everyone is here to serve his plan and he have no obligation to help you.

    • @glazedbroccoli9185
      @glazedbroccoli9185 Před 5 lety +2

      @@Aomegeus god doesnt exist

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +4

      @@glazedbroccoli9185 If it doesn't exist, then, you don't have to worry.

  • @AmentioProductions
    @AmentioProductions Před 3 lety +19

    This is the few times I’ve actually felt sympathy for a villain, and you know they developed a good character when you feel sympathy for them. The first time I felt sympathy for a villain was Golbez, since he just wanted to be with his brother, but his sins seem to be overwhelming. Ardyn was just screwed over and told it was fate, so I would be very angry about that too.

  • @BlackfangDragon
    @BlackfangDragon Před 5 lety +76

    Its especially tragic as the way the animated prologue of his past showed suggests Aera truly didn't know and was surprised when Somnus declared himself King.
    Bahamut set this up just right that no matter the choice he makes Aera out as someone who was using him all along, while her appearance early on was likely the real her and realized her telling Somnus Ardyn was to be King was a mistake on her part.

    • @beckyweiss6072
      @beckyweiss6072 Před 5 lety +3

      @BlackfangDragon, This makes me think that the gods just played everyone and beat them all up and were like WHOOPS TIME TO FIX.
      But yeah, Aera really puzzles me. Did Somnus weasel it out of Aera that Ardyn was to be King? Or did Aera actually see Ardyn becoming the darkness when previously she was told she was going to be king? I'm really confused. I also really like the Aera we see in the prologue. This Aera....not so much. This one just confuses me to no end. I think it's also because we don't see the real Aera for at least part of it...maybe?

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +1

      @@beckyweiss6072 Wrong, they didn't created the problem, the Starscourge.

    • @beckyweiss6072
      @beckyweiss6072 Před 5 lety

      Aomegeus who the hell are you referring to? The gods? I know damn well they did that and I referred to it in my first paragraph, albeit vaguely. It was a generalization because the gods fuck everything up, and demand humans fix it. Starscourge included. So don’t tell me I’m wrong just because I wasn’t specific enough to your liking. I felt my generalization was clear enough.

    • @DevilHunter1994
      @DevilHunter1994 Před 5 lety

      It seems even Somnus was playing the part given to him by the gods. When fighting him in the DLC it seemed he really didn't WANT to do what he did, but he had to because the prophesy demanded that his brother be made into a monster for the chosen King to slay.

    • @beckyweiss6072
      @beckyweiss6072 Před 5 lety +4

      @@DevilHunter1994 Somnus also said in the same breath that he was jealous of his brother's popularity and felt he had nothing to stand on, and he wanted to be "great." He outright admits that he robbed Ardyn of his role in the worst way possible. So don't forgive Somnus in this either.

  • @SyperDT
    @SyperDT Před 5 lety +73

    I'd pick the secret 3rd option. Fk Bahamut up.

    • @ZealSeraph
      @ZealSeraph Před 5 lety +17

      They need to patch that option in.

    • @DarkMarxSoul
      @DarkMarxSoul Před 5 lety

      Pretty sure that's where the rest of the epilogues were gonna lead to. Guess we'll find out when the book comes out.

    • @vixenxia2475
      @vixenxia2475 Před 4 lety

      pretty sure thats what episode noctis was gonna be.

    • @acefreak9561
      @acefreak9561 Před 4 lety

      @@vixenxia2475 wasnt episode noctis scrapped?

    • @vixenxia2475
      @vixenxia2475 Před 4 lety

      @@acefreak9561 Yup but the concept art shows a grown up Noctis, Luna and the gang, their kids and a happy uncle ardyn.
      So im pretty sure episode nocits was probably gonna be the "For true story" ending.

  • @sandis7674
    @sandis7674 Před 5 lety +45

    the man who believed himself as the savior yet everything around betray him, in the end even if he found peace his hatred shall never be vanquish

  • @Menhtrol
    @Menhtrol Před 5 lety +108

    So god damn disappointed that they cancelled the rest...

    • @sgt_triometra7114
      @sgt_triometra7114 Před 5 lety +9

      Let's cry together

    • @Menhtrol
      @Menhtrol Před 5 lety +5

      @@EurusKingsley You and me both

    • @cross2563
      @cross2563 Před 5 lety +4

      @@Menhtrol Make that triple.

    • @ironwolg
      @ironwolg Před 5 lety +1

      Neomel Syguia I’d love for him to get more screen time but I think the insight we got from episode Gladio is all we can expect to get.

    • @paolo8473
      @paolo8473 Před 5 lety

      I do not think it is necessary, with this episode it became clear that in the end noctis dies and everything was a game of the gods

  • @whiteblackpparadin6504
    @whiteblackpparadin6504 Před 5 lety +38

    Still, I love the Bahamut’s swordwings. It look like my child dreams weapon.

  • @ResearcherReasearchingResearch

    I can only imagine how much darker the story would be if the game remained in the Fabula Nova Crystallis series and was still Versus 13.

    • @MoreImbaThanYou
      @MoreImbaThanYou Před 5 lety +5

      Need alot of imagination for that, considering scatterbrain Nomuras tendency to flip over conception.

  • @claudevalentine8657
    @claudevalentine8657 Před 2 lety +6

    Crazy how Ardyn knew his and Noctis's fate from the start, Before Noctis was even born.
    Ardyn definitely has one of the more tragic backstories I've heard. It's one thing to live a lifetime of suffering, But Ardyn has suffered over 20x that amount only to learn he couldn't escape it no matter what. Doesn't matter how strong you are, That amount of pain & misery would drive anybody mad.

  • @freddymcshreddy6586
    @freddymcshreddy6586 Před 4 lety +11

    If I wasn’t sold by Darin De Paul’s performance already, 5:46 just did.

  • @alexcovarrubias5498
    @alexcovarrubias5498 Před 5 lety +19

    Now I feel bad about the ardyn his past is so much tragedy

  • @sanctifiedantagonist1565
    @sanctifiedantagonist1565 Před 5 lety +17

    The Gods plays on them almost like just how we play them! Savage!

  • @lyoko_jpeg
    @lyoko_jpeg Před 3 lety +5

    Basically ;
    Bahamut : Darkness?
    Ardyn : Darkness.
    Bahamut : Thank you and have a great day.
    Ardyn : Fuck my life.

  • @RangoTheMercenary
    @RangoTheMercenary Před 3 lety

    Thanks for the upload.

  • @justinstephens7624
    @justinstephens7624 Před 5 lety +40

    The gods in this story really annoy me, even more so since the message of XV is now basically; "Submit to a higher authority because they know better than you do, there is no forging your own destiny or changing ones seemingly inevitable fate, just do what the gods tell you like a good little boy." I hope in that alternate ending that we'll never see (in game form anyway) that Noctis just tells the gods to fuck off and he'll be doing things his way.

    • @naxionkryelight951
      @naxionkryelight951 Před 5 lety +7

      I hope that will happen in upcoming Novel where everyone is Alive including Luna And Ardyn

    • @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189
      @sonyabelmontfarenheght1189 Před 5 lety +2

      @@naxionkryelight951 yeah,that would be cool to see how Ardyn plays games with Noctis son as a good uncle ;-):-)

    • @PrayingSeraph
      @PrayingSeraph Před 2 lety +1

      To be fair, a deity would typically have a much higher understanding than even the most intelligent and wise of all humanity. Humans thinking they are on par with deities is arrogance to the extreme. We are not gods nor even remotely close to that level of being.
      But this is final the gods will be incompetent and weak enough for a mammal wielding a freaking sword can somehow kill them.

  • @ryutheslayer123
    @ryutheslayer123 Před 5 lety +36

    Darin DePaul at his finest

  • @rackrevival4353
    @rackrevival4353 Před 5 lety +10

    I feel so bad for Ardyn now

  • @AJ-xc1lf
    @AJ-xc1lf Před 5 lety +36

    The way Bahamut one shot Ifrit was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣

    • @haeroarchon9741
      @haeroarchon9741 Před 5 lety +23

      Unimatus He learned how to dodged the second time

    • @AJ-xc1lf
      @AJ-xc1lf Před 5 lety +5

      @@haeroarchon9741 Yeah I guess you learn from experience 🤣🤣. But I found his facial expression as he got one shot really funny for some reason.

    • @spencersantiago7263
      @spencersantiago7263 Před 5 lety +17

      It makes the way he flawlessly dodged the swords the next time that much funnier since he's probably like "Not this time fucker" until Noct comes in for the finishing blow.

    • @AJ-xc1lf
      @AJ-xc1lf Před 5 lety +4

      @@spencersantiago7263 All those acrobatics for Noctis to cut his horn off, 3rd time's the charm?

  • @hfar_in_the_sky
    @hfar_in_the_sky Před 4 lety +60

    Me: "Man, Ardyn's a prick."
    People: "His DLC makes him really sympathetic."
    Me: "I'll believe it when I see it."
    *sees Episode Ardyn cutscenes*
    Me: "...Okay, I believe it."

    • @th0r0shvener52
      @th0r0shvener52 Před 4 lety +1

      He is a prick. Tareda shat on Tabata's work and turned him into a good guy done dirty. Completely washing him of his crimes and pinning the blame on the Gods. Cheap, amateurish storytelling.

    • @BeWaReJay
      @BeWaReJay Před 4 lety +4

      Th0r0 Shvener I mean ignoring Versus FFXII the goal since the beginning of the rework was for Behemoth to be the real villain, so Ardyn is really a good guy gone wrong

    • @sahayeda5220
      @sahayeda5220 Před 3 lety +5

      okay i believe you

  • @Enginskywalks
    @Enginskywalks Před 5 lety +16

    5:39 we need the full version of that song.

    • @clairecorin5684
      @clairecorin5684 Před 5 lety

      It's one of the versions of Ardyn's theme, I dare say the fourth iteration? I'm pretty sure I've heard this on v1 or 2 of the ost.

    • @Enginskywalks
      @Enginskywalks Před 5 lety

      Claire Corin it would actually be the sixth rendition, it's similar to the fourth because of the organ but the fourth lacks the choir.

  • @yowhatsmyname
    @yowhatsmyname Před 5 lety +2

    the background music is classically fire

  • @Aiden215
    @Aiden215 Před 4 lety +4

    Holy shit, it fits perfectly how either ending leads to the same outcome, nothing matters, he actually wanted to cover everything In darkness just like the post ending scene shows and that's why he looked supriced when he was about to die on chapter 14 of noctis storyline, even whitout realization everything was planned, he completed his fate at the end...
    Also i have the theory that Aera as the oracle knew Ardyn was to become the lamb of darkness and die at the end and thought that by becoming the first king of Lucis this would have happened... That would explain why she decided to "defy" her fate by telling Somnus he will not be the king... In an attempt to prevent Ardyn's shitty fate....
    Damn Nova crystallis had so much potential...

  • @mskiara18
    @mskiara18 Před 4 lety +2

    I enjoyed the video, I thank you for sharing. Though I have a miniscule amount of sympathy for the character since regardless of the fate forcefully bestowed on Ardyn, he killed many innocent people, encouraged Verstael to experiment on his clones and other people to create the Magitek, stabbed Lunafreya to provoke Noctis and emotionally/mentally abused Noctis and his friends for unjust reasons.
    If only Terada, the Director of this episode, chose a different route to clarify Ardyn's motivation and shared more to the story as why Ardyn would hide the truth from Aera regarding the starscourge and the vision Aera saw in more details. I think implementing new scenes to the main game to have Aera present and give her more scenes outside of the DLC. I thought that was odd more scenes and battles were included for other characters, but not Aera the first Oracle.

  • @mischievousone9999
    @mischievousone9999 Před 5 lety +13

    It is said the true king will have a power greater even then the gods...truly convenient for said gods that ‘fate’ would decree that both humans capable of such a title are slated to kill one another. Must have been a load off their minds.
    Fate is such a pretty little word. Far more palatable than SCHEME, wouldn’t you say?

    • @DarkManifest
      @DarkManifest Před 5 lety +1

      Isn't it convenient? The gods needed to create entities greater than themselves to eradicate a threat greater than themselves, and if those entities were united as allies, the gods would become unnecessary to the world. But if those entities were somehow forever opposed in boundless hatred and determined to destroy each other, well. Time to brutally traumatize some dumb human psyches.

    • @DarkLordSauronrocks
      @DarkLordSauronrocks Před rokem

      Damn the gods must be weak as hell if noctis is more powerful

  • @MrPepeDBZ
    @MrPepeDBZ Před 5 lety +7

    So.... In the end, we actually have 2 interpretations of Ardyn, 1 is the poor man playing his part, being the thing the gods wanted and the second is a mad man, who genuinely wants to end the world.
    The line doesn't help either:
    It can be both an affirmation to convince himself to be the darkness personified, and can also be a declaration against his fate so he is now totally evil ("Screw you gods, I'm gonna make the world my bitch")
    Laughter can also be a laugh because he can take it no more, or just he really has become crazy

    • @beckyweiss6072
      @beckyweiss6072 Před 5 lety +4

      MrPepe Dbz - I think it's neither. If Ardyn "Submits," he wonders if Aera kept this from him when she was alive, and then promptly gets pissed off at her. His last lines are him going "Nothing at all matters, no matter what I do everything just falls to shit, so I'm gonna make the world my bitch and see what I can fuck up." He just goes full blown misanthrope.

  • @insertname3919
    @insertname3919 Před 5 lety +94

    Would have really liked the alternative ending (not Ignis one that was crap and made no sense story wise) I wish Square had one more DLC left where we defied the gods and made them pay but instead we get this super sad ending. Ardyn was a good guy that truly wanted to help and Noctis didn't deserve to die but the gods in this were terrible and Ifrit was right all along.
    Really wish Ardyn had infected Bahumaut.

    • @nikoradamnedhero3599
      @nikoradamnedhero3599 Před 5 lety +27

      That was what the notics dlc was gonna be

    • @CrystalFlames
      @CrystalFlames Před 5 lety +11

      The Ignis ending was really about how he’s the only one who came to work that day. If he’d gotten to the altar five minutes earlier, he probably would’ve saved Luna too. Ignis’ SECRET fate is that he’d actually mess up Ardyn’s whole plan, because Bahamut plays both sides so that he always comes out on top.

    • @dracogatom7873
      @dracogatom7873 Před 5 lety +1

      Could he infect bahamaut, seems like a stretch to me

    • @insertname3919
      @insertname3919 Před 5 lety

      Draco Gatom me too but really hate Bahamaut lol

    • @dracogatom7873
      @dracogatom7873 Před 5 lety +2

      @@insertname3919 I kind of like him though tbh. Yeah he a dick for allowing this to happen but at least he decided to stop the starscourge. Though I thought Ifrit created it but people keep saying the gods didn't create it.

  • @HagalazTuTocayo
    @HagalazTuTocayo Před 5 lety +19

    a villain, he does not become a villain for pleasure.

    • @Azeltirish
      @Azeltirish Před 5 lety +1

      well every FF Villain, other than Kefka

  • @umbrahal9059
    @umbrahal9059 Před 5 lety +48

    There is no secret ending in this episode, right?

    • @Asian-ManX
      @Asian-ManX Před 5 lety +5

      Who knows, i was hoping u could play as Ardyn in the Noctis v. Ardyn boss fight and beat Noctis and have additional cutscenes, or find out what happens to Ardyn after the alternate ending to episode Ignis

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +8

      @@Asian-ManX the alternate ending of the game would be the world being destroyed and fully consumed by the Starscourge. And Ardyn living forever alone.

    • @capncrunchfan255
      @capncrunchfan255 Před 5 lety +3

      In kingly clash, you get the outcome if you resist fate.

    • @Asian-ManX
      @Asian-ManX Před 5 lety +1

      Aomegeus but in the alternate ending for episode Ignis, Noctis lives, but you’re talking about if Noctis was beaten in the battle of kings right?

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +1

      @@Asian-ManX Oh, forgive me by the last comment. What I mean is what would happen if Noctis had been defeated by Ardyn.

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 Před 5 lety +6

    So if I got this right, even if Ardyn became king, as per the Crystal, he still would have been the Accursed? Damn. That’s harsh.

  • @zetamangads
    @zetamangads Před 5 lety +18

    Well the gods in here are basically the same gods from the fnc except reworked, they have different appearance but the same aspect. They love screwing people over FFXV is all about accepting your fate while XIII is about denying it amd change it, the aspect of versus xiii are still here in XV and nomura is salty that he didn't get to directed. he going to use kingdom hearts (Verum Rex is a reference to versus) to revitalize versus but knowing him it's going to be a mess, and people blame tabata for the status of XV while im reality nomura and square should be at fault. Nomura for taking his project too long and not prioritize his time right, square for not letting nomura to work on something else outside of kingdom hearts. Nomura has so many ideas, Kingdom hearts and versus are examples of that is just he just cant execute them well.

      @GUNDAMLOCKON Před 5 lety +1

      I have faith in Nomura. I liked KH III more then FFXV in terms of story and gameplay.

    • @saltymcjohnson4237
      @saltymcjohnson4237 Před 5 lety +1

      Nomura can atleast make gameplay that feels nice and snapy, tabatas gameplay always feels clunky and unresponsive plus nomuras final battles always turn crazy over the top i love it

    • @Stupefied66
      @Stupefied66 Před 5 lety +5

      >Nomura for taking his project too long and not prioritize his time right
      Uh... Nigga? Nomura's team kept being pulled from Versus' development schedule *BECAUSE* they were the only competent team in Square that could pull off shit. They pulled him and his team aside from Versus to fix the mess that was FF14 1.0. They kept bothering Nomura to sketch character designs for god how many projects from 2006 - 2014. And if THAT wasn't enough. You have him working on Versus AND KHIII, he already had the foundations laid yet what did the management do to him? Kicked him out of his own project because apparently, they got cold feet when the Lightning Trilogy flopped and Nomura said Versus has to be a trilogy in order to fully express the story.
      It's not that Nomura took too long with his project or did not prioritize his time right. It's that management itself was trash af and only saw Nomura as some money-making machine, not to mention they made too many stupid ass executive decisions.
      Nomura can't execute concepts well my ass:

    • @zetamangads
      @zetamangads Před 5 lety +2

      @@Stupefied66 he knows how come up with the ideas that sounds good on paper when it comes execute them it falls flat kingdom hearts is a perfect examples where he has too many ideas that work on their own but when combine together it falls apart the guy just wants make a cool looking game with a cool visual he doesn't care about coherent narrative he just want be people to be shock by his twist. Square thinks nomura is new sakaguchi of the company but nomura accomplishment is from advent children and kindgom hearts, a movie fanfiction of ffvii and a cross-over between square and disney. He just lucky that kingdom hearts is popular which showed us what kinda style of a writer-director he going to use but after seeing for so long i have no confidence in him.

  • @---wi6fb
    @---wi6fb Před 5 lety +7

    nice and glad,different viewpoints...i guess...

  • @josephglassjr.2816
    @josephglassjr.2816 Před 5 lety +4

    Ardyn was a tormented and betrayed.... Damn😕

  • @thecasualdude9271
    @thecasualdude9271 Před 5 lety +8

    Regis fought him before. He knows Ardyn his power and his true nature. That is the biggest hole of this dlc.

    • @SarifusDubs
      @SarifusDubs Před 5 lety +4

      Ardyn looked like the soldier he was disguised as the whole time. Regis never saw what Ardyn really looked like.

    • @aarontruong354
      @aarontruong354 Před 5 lety +2

      @@SarifusDubs His point still stands though. He even figured out it was Ardyn before they even began to fight

    • @SarifusDubs
      @SarifusDubs Před 5 lety +1

      ​@@aarontruong354 He doesn't know it's Ardyn. He knows it's "Adagium" but doesn't know who that is except ancient legends, and he doesn't see what he actually looks like, was my point.

    • @SarifusDubs
      @SarifusDubs Před 5 lety +2

      ​@@aarontruong354 Though, I suppose Lucian guards had gone after Ardyn, on Angelguard, and at Verstael's lab. I guess they either knew what Ardyn looked like, or had some way of detecting him, maybe from his demonic qualities. Not sure on that one.

    • @aarontruong354
      @aarontruong354 Před 5 lety

      @@SarifusDubs fair. So he doesn't know what he looks like, that doesn't mean that Regis didn't fight "Adagium"

  • @HarleyFenrir7
    @HarleyFenrir7 Před 5 lety +3

    Miller: they played him like a Damn fiddle!

  • @nicholasjonathandemnitz4891

    5:45 that laugh is so cool!

  • @TruePeaceSeeker
    @TruePeaceSeeker Před 5 lety +4

    Basically ifrit created the starscourge, the other astrals banished him and wanted to get rid of the starscourge by making a vessel that is ardyn the adagium and using noctis the chosen king of light to get rid of all the starscourge once and for all. Damn

    • @spencertang5155
      @spencertang5155 Před 3 lety

      He didn’t actually create the starscourge technically. I believe it was formed in it of itself possibly, probably from the creation of eos but there is very little on the past of both eos and the starscourge.

  • @creap32
    @creap32 Před 3 lety

    Oh shit dude, poor Ardyn , this hurt so much

  • @DartLuke
    @DartLuke Před 5 lety +3

    Hey, Bahamut...There can be no chosen one... only we... can save ourselves..

    • @aizo85
      @aizo85 Před 5 lety

      eyy nice Illidan quote

  • @s3njiro901
    @s3njiro901 Před 5 lety +3

    Who else to chose to resist his fate

  • @szajmon7993
    @szajmon7993 Před 5 lety +4

    In Kingsglaive movie Ardyn introduced himself to Regis. How on earth did Regis not recognize Ardyn? They have fight in this DLC, and Regis was aware of Adagium...? Anybody has an explanation for it?

    • @Ae7herium
      @Ae7herium Před 5 lety +2

      I think it works fine actually. We know through Cid Sophiar that Regis knew the peace signing was bullshit from the start, so it probably didn't surprise him to see Ardyn with Niflheim.
      "Don't kid yourself ... Lucis got dealt a losing hand, and your old man played it the best he could." Which now that i think about it, this line fits perfectly with Ardyn's episode and Bahamuts dialogue.

    • @szajmon7993
      @szajmon7993 Před 5 lety +1

      @@Ae7herium Hm basically he pretended he did not have any connection to Ardyn before. It could make sense just how would i say, not a normal human reaction to see someone again who defeated you X years ago, and comes to your place to offer a shitty peace signing. Anyway i could live with that its just odd for me...

    • @AlexPalumboG
      @AlexPalumboG Před 5 lety +4

      Ardyn was still disguised mostly as a Lucian officer. Narratively they just show us his true form so we can see the character but most likely Ardyn was still only appearing as the officer to Regis even when fighting him.

  • @thegoldenangle5661
    @thegoldenangle5661 Před 5 lety +3

    Here’s a Theory that I had in my head why did the gods need humans to stop the star scourge didn’t could just destroy so maybe the gods feared the scourge because it corrupts everything even because Ifrit was infected then got controlled by ardyn so maybe that’s why bahamut had to make ardyn the lamb

  • @biscariot1074
    @biscariot1074 Před 3 lety +3

    The dawn of the future novel finishes off this story nicely where Noctis, Ardyn and the rest of the Astrals work together to take down this psychopathic bahamut. Which was intended to be the definitive ending and the following dlc to this one but was canceled. Great job Square. After all those years of devolping this game and the countless different media and the drama involving this game's devolpment. They decided to skip on the ending. How ironic. FfXV, the game that was never finished.

  • @xickin
    @xickin Před 4 lety

    What I don't understand is why even though this is the "Submit Ending", he goes right back on his word at the epilogue there, swearing the same thing in the "Defy Ending" which is way more appropriate setup given his demeanour in that one.

  • @Kefkaownsall
    @Kefkaownsall Před 4 lety +1

    Now that where there is potential for a good end would you like to buy this novel for the good end

  • @theblade1251
    @theblade1251 Před 5 lety +1

    I wonder after his death at the end of ffxv what will be his reaction when he enters the afterlife and meets with aera and sommnus will he be happy seeing them or angered at their presence

    • @theblade1251
      @theblade1251 Před 5 lety

      @RedChaosify Reviews yep that guy has been living in agony and all because his girlfriend couldn't tell the truth

    • @Stupefied66
      @Stupefied66 Před 5 lety

      @@theblade1251 Aera really should've grown a spine and just spilled the beans to her fiancee then and there. But nope, she had to go tell Somnus instead. Whoop-de-fucking-doo boys.

  • @RemnantSoul
    @RemnantSoul Před 5 lety +11

    This game needed a DLC where these corrupt gods get taken down.
    I was hoping Noct would actually 1 up the gods last minute & help Ardyn in the end of the main game.
    Really FF15 had villainous gods & defeating Ardyn was hard because you (the player) were doing the wrote thing & you (the player) knew it.
    That said...
    FF games need to do more games where we play as the Villian. See their perspective, & just get to be bad.
    Not every cillian needs to be sympathetic though. Just let us be bad.
    Would love Sephiroth DLC, Kefka DLC, Exdeath DLC, etc; all with alternate endings where they "win". Just as a: "Here's what would happen if they had won."

  • @experimenter19
    @experimenter19 Před 3 lety +1

    Good thing I waited to play this first I plan on write fanfic where noctis basically save/cure Arryn from his curse with the combined powers of king of Lucius

  • @Iluvatar196
    @Iluvatar196 Před 3 lety +2

    A thought just occured to me. If this were a Persona game, Bahamut surely would be the last boss for the True Ending

  • @enggilbertoguimaraes
    @enggilbertoguimaraes Před 5 lety +3

    The plot is pretty much like many parts of the Bible's old Testament or Torah. Very interesting indeed.

    • @psyheart8593
      @psyheart8593 Před 5 lety

      Yes, Arydn is like jesus, and he became the antichrist

  • @jqyhlmnp
    @jqyhlmnp Před 4 lety +3

    Wait? So did Area know Arden was gonna be a sacrifice??? That’s messed up

  • @Miikhiel
    @Miikhiel Před 4 lety

    And thus did the scions of the crystals fulfill their calling ordained by the Crystal.
    Using man to undertake this ordeal, they were forced to serve as fodders to purge the Star of its scourge.

  • @MrPepeDBZ
    @MrPepeDBZ Před 5 lety

    Fucking gods, always fucking things up

  • @ahmadbintang7863
    @ahmadbintang7863 Před 5 lety +36

    Man .. To bad the next episode got cancelled ... I wanna see the better END for Adryn

    • @galletasist
      @galletasist Před 5 lety +20

      Maybe we Will see that in the novel. I hope so, because tbh Bahamuth is a dick and giving Ardyn a happy ending would be good if only to spite him

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +3

      There is no better end for Ardyn. If Noctis got killed, the world would be forever in darkness and Ardyn would live forever between monsters.

    • @Dr.Meme-Man
      @Dr.Meme-Man Před 5 lety

      @@Aomegeus this is the second time that you denied the alternate timeline theory made by episode Ignis.

    • @Aomegeus
      @Aomegeus Před 5 lety +1

      @@Dr.Meme-Man because episode Ignis is made only to make depressive people stop crying.

    • @Dr.Meme-Man
      @Dr.Meme-Man Před 5 lety +1

      @@Aomegeus No, it was made to explain how he lost his eye. Along with so much more.

  • @wtenghoo1632
    @wtenghoo1632 Před 5 lety

    What the name of the song of the last please

  • @vito5328
    @vito5328 Před 3 lety

    I love how the choice doesn't even matter. He still goes mad and plans to kill Noctis and put the entire world into darkness forever.
    Best FF villain, no doubt.

  • @RulerOfYore
    @RulerOfYore Před 5 lety +5

    What if Ardyn just decided to just avoid Noctis entirely what would Bahamuts endgame be then?

    • @marlontaylor7032
      @marlontaylor7032 Před 5 lety +5

      Then the starscourge continues to spread and Ardyn lives a life of misery where everything around him dies and he'll never have the embrace of death to end his suffering. Ardyn never really had a choice.

    • @DevilHunter1994
      @DevilHunter1994 Před 5 lety +2

      If Ardyn didn't seek Noctis out than eventually Noctis would be the one to seek him out. No matter what the Chosen King has to destroy the Scourge and that means a clash with Ardyn would have to happen eventually. Ardyn trying to avoid it would just delay the inevitable.

  • @swefrostofficial3007
    @swefrostofficial3007 Před 5 lety +6

    Stupid Bahamut. That thing is the real Demon.
    Basically its about a Crystal wich acts as a transponder cell phone to the gods. And only the Lucis, im sorry the Uchia clan can use. They can contact Bahamut and get quests from, wich sucks.
    And the other younger brother thought that sitting in a throne would make him powerful wich it fucking did. He abused that shit.
    And now Prince Sasuke, i mean Noctis who suffer almost the same fate as Ardyn. Has to fight each other on a bloddy level.
    I have lost memory from how the dark scurge or whatever is called came to be. But the true villian who planted that scurge should be the one to die.

    • @MrSasukeSusanoo
      @MrSasukeSusanoo Před 5 lety

      Hey maybe the one who planted the scourge did so in order to kill this selfish gods, so it might be the true hero, we'll never know

    • @camazotzbat5970
      @camazotzbat5970 Před 5 lety

      I believe it was the gods warring over Solheim which caused the Starscourge, either indirectly or by Ifrit summoning it with Meteor.

  • @AkahikaS
    @AkahikaS Před 5 lety +1

    What make me wonder is, does Luna know Noct fate? If she do, isn't that make her the 2nd Aera?

  • Před 3 lety

    man bahamut drive thru voice is so funni.

  • @meediamongergamemodder2302

    Gosh he sounds like the freaen joker

  • @rafaelsotelo4668
    @rafaelsotelo4668 Před 5 lety

    If this were an SMT game, what ending would this be?

    • @ThanatosZero
      @ThanatosZero Před 5 lety +3

      By giving into the gods' will, It would ne a Order Ending.

  • @ordinarypeople302
    @ordinarypeople302 Před 2 lety +1

    And to think that Noctis, the main good guy have it wayyyyyy more easy than the villain himself.
    Ardyn have to suffer 2000 years in darkness before he was freed. Meanwhile noctis only spent mere 10 years to accumulate his power.
    Ardyn has nobody while Noctis has his 4 buddies.
    The fate ordained for Ardyn is a sinful path that he formerly didn't want to tread, a path that will make people loathe him as a villain. Meanwhile noctis fate is path of a hero and king, a prideful path that will make people hail him as a hero of mankind. Granted that it cost his own life, but at least noctis died as a brave proud king, meanwhile ardyn die as a sinful villain.

  • @lucascosta8385
    @lucascosta8385 Před 5 lety +1

    Ele é forte sabe porque ele é forte porque ele tem...ódio

  • @OrangeTrailBlazer
    @OrangeTrailBlazer Před 5 lety +17

    Yes Ardyn the gods (Square Enix) made you a sacrifice or scapegoat final boss so yes it was divine fate Rip FF vs. XIII.

  • @Parkjisung91
    @Parkjisung91 Před 5 lety +3

    I would resist as well just to spite the effin gods who r enjoying it

  • @efig2763
    @efig2763 Před 4 lety +2

    I don’t understand why Ardyn was fated to be a sacrifice. The gods literally declared the Lucis bloodline to be the saviors yet the took a innocent Lucian and stuck him with the most bs fate. And the fact is this entire game didn’t even have to exist because the fact is that Ardyn was already predestined to lose just off the fact that it was him vs the king of kings and his royal arms, his royal guards, and 5 gods.

    • @AirahsELL
      @AirahsELL Před 4 lety

      The answer is in a tie-in novel. Basically none of this was actually fate, it was just Bahamut wanting to drive humanity to extinction because he saw it as a blight upon the world. Regardless if Ardyn won or Noct won, most of humanity would be destroyed by the conflict.

  • @kcelenemkrishnan7778
    @kcelenemkrishnan7778 Před 5 lety

    Bahumut resembles the God Pulse in 13 a little bit to me.

  • @partially_edgy2460
    @partially_edgy2460 Před 4 lety

    Correct me if I'm wrong but could the reason Ardyn stabbed Lunafreya be because he saw her as Aera?

  • @brittanyhayes1043
    @brittanyhayes1043 Před rokem

    One word; daaaaaaammmn

  • @davidfortuin4146
    @davidfortuin4146 Před 5 lety +2

    Square-Enix love for Shakespeare's tragedies has been over done in recent times. Final Fantasy X pulled it off though.

  • @codysingh2572
    @codysingh2572 Před 3 lety

    So if you're not up to speed bahamut creates a fake prophecy to trick the astral and noctis into creating a bomb

  • @66611
    @66611 Před 4 lety +1

    Never Thought I would hate Bahamuth far more than Ardyn at the end.

  • @camilocerqueiramorales1830

    5:39 Ardyn in Other World its happens when noctis kills Ardyn.

  • @wahyupinandito2208
    @wahyupinandito2208 Před 3 lety

    Before playing this Dlc, my expectation on you were low. But now, hollyshit !!! You have to kill bahamut on the next dlc.

  • @foolycoolybro3143
    @foolycoolybro3143 Před 5 lety +18

    Lol so final fantasy 16 should be a continuation of 15 to certain character for revenge against the gods ...... that will be epic

    • @ElYoinkySploinky
      @ElYoinkySploinky Před 5 lety +8

      Final Fantasy XV-II
      Final Fantasy XV Noctis/Ardyn Returns

    • @Mestephra
      @Mestephra Před 5 lety +6

      Or just have a new game in general but with the same idea. heh imagine that.
      *Beats final boss*
      Main Pro: Ahh another era of light and peace in the world shall come forth, after a long fight against [Insert main bad guy here]. now and forever the gods, Bahamut and I shall watch over th-
      Ardyn: *Materializes from thin air* DID SOME SAY BAHAMUT? THE GODS?! YOU! I don't know you but... i HATE YOU TOO! Prepare to die!

    • @mr.voidout4739
      @mr.voidout4739 Před 5 lety +1

      Actually, there's talk from Luminous that it will probably return to "high fantasy" themes. Modernness has been a theme for a decade now (sans XIV.) I imagine something closer to IX will be the next result. Anything to do with wrapping up XV will definitely be tagged as such.

  • @sharkgam3z592
    @sharkgam3z592 Před rokem

    I was so expecting to fight bahamut by refusing

  • @MrSixPool
    @MrSixPool Před 5 lety +31

    WTF, it didn't matter if you choose to resist fate or submit to it. The ending is still the same.

    • @otto.x5328
      @otto.x5328 Před 5 lety +17

      That's cuz the fate bestowed upon a man cannot be changed.

    • @user-fv7jd4xj5n
      @user-fv7jd4xj5n Před 5 lety +32

      @@otto.x5328 thats cause they were lazy to make other endings

    • @ronceval
      @ronceval Před 5 lety +5

      Mikkonen idiot

    • @vanessachowjiaying4423
      @vanessachowjiaying4423 Před 5 lety

      Due to my love of history, even literature and stories in video games in terms of the entire story through research, I can understand some points of the story that some may had overlooked. The Astral didn't handle the starscrouge or either directly interfere might be because of limitations; not wanting humanity to be over dependant over gods, since progress won't go anywhere at this rate.
      Second regarding Ardyn and Sommus actions in the prologue, in which I compare it with history and reading the Fate/Grand Order materials. Imagine how to handle a situation, with a solution either being short or long term. Some ideas might be good but dosen't last for long that the problem will resurface. Kind of like finding out the future effects of past actions, a balancing act between choice and future outcomes.

    • @VannsTHeir
      @VannsTHeir Před 5 lety +1

      @@user-fv7jd4xj5n that's because No would ever want Ardyn getting a good ending where he wins because there isn't one the scourge, wpuld of destroyed everything