Prof. Glenn Diesen: Ideology and the War Against Russia

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
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    The Community Church of Boston: A Peace and Justice Congregation Since 1920:
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    Glenn Diesen is a professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an associate editor at the journal Russia in Global Affairs. He has published 11 books on Russian foreign policy, geo-economics and Eurasian integration. His books include The Ukraine War and the Eurasian World Order (2024) and The Think Tank Racket: Managing the Information War with Russia (2023).

Komentáře • 347

  • @aneurindavies5943
    @aneurindavies5943 Před 29 dny +72

    "Pseudo Journalists have made Journalism one of the least trusted, most dishonest, craven, careless, cynical Anti Intellectual, power obsessed, herd like profession in existence, whose incompetence and duplicity has led directly to the deaths, and displacement of millions of people" Julian Assange - WikiLeaks.

  • @misantos847
    @misantos847 Před měsícem +116

    Prof. Glenn Deisen one of the few good man with moral integrity that's a pleasure listening two him.Thank you

    • @marions7423
      @marions7423 Před 29 dny +2

      you can track diesle through conflict. he is clearly russian agent

    • @marions7423
      @marions7423 Před 29 dny

      he is war monger and russia enabler

    • @marions7423
      @marions7423 Před 29 dny

      europe never said there is no room for compromise. aciually russia said that they are denazifying ukraine and ukraine is not a country and not a people. they also call europe nazi even le pen in their media and also dugin said it is holly war against satanism. diesel only blames invaded side

    • @bogdanmeleszczenko1271
      @bogdanmeleszczenko1271 Před 29 dny

      Paid by Russia Today - Pro Putin clown

    • @henrysoderstrom3642
      @henrysoderstrom3642 Před 29 dny +9

      ⁠@@marions7423Do you mean that Diesen is works for the Russian government as a paid propagandist? Or did you mean somebody else that you referred to as ”diesle”?

  • @tomasringstrom9380
    @tomasringstrom9380 Před 28 dny +15

    What a treat it is to hear what this man has to say

    • @annmowatt7547
      @annmowatt7547 Před 8 dny +2

      I have to agree as this was so informative, if terrifying. Prof. Diesel has great insight although I am deeply saddened to hear what we all see unfolding. I bet George Orwell never REALLY believed that 1984 would become reality. I think he was sending the world a warning which, of course, our insane leaders have ignored. Thank you, Prof. Diesel.

  • @ianfrost9946
    @ianfrost9946 Před 29 dny +48

    Glenn's book on the Ukraine war, along with his excellent daily analysis of events, is undoubtedly among the top sources of truth regarding the current situation in Ukraine and the wider global changes we are seeing unfold. Thanks for inviting him to share his thoughts.

  • @johnbkk4011
    @johnbkk4011 Před 29 dny +15

    excellent podcast being irish living in Dublin ireland 🇮🇪 I couldn't agree more with the prof.

  • @jstasiak2262
    @jstasiak2262 Před měsícem +42

    "Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
    Hermann Goering
    From an interview in his prison cell with G.M Gilbert
    18 April 1946
    Just prior to his suicide to avoid execution.

    • @ad5792
      @ad5792 Před měsícem

      It does work, especially if the danger is real and not a "weapon of mass delusion".

    • @vladimirnikolskiy
      @vladimirnikolskiy Před měsícem

      This perfectly illustrates the current dehumanization of Russians, who are now called orcs and barbarians in the Western press. When crossing borders, ordinary Russians are confiscated from their cars, cash and even perfumes.

    • @donray6277
      @donray6277 Před měsícem +3

      @@ad5792what danger? The danger of former Soviet countries, now sovereign, not wanting to be outland territories of Russia? Otherwise be invaded?

    • @LightCrasher
      @LightCrasher Před 29 dny

      ​@@donray6277well, how about the fact that thouse countries are complete suck-ups to US and in exchange hate Russia rabidly and openly opressed russians on their territory? If you want to avoid war, its a very stupid thing to do.

    • @ad5792
      @ad5792 Před 29 dny +3

      @@donray6277 are you really this naive, or just pretending?

  • @desert.mantis
    @desert.mantis Před měsícem +77

    Thanks for inviting Prof. Deisen to participate in the panel.

  • @PsicologiaSocialBrasil
    @PsicologiaSocialBrasil Před měsícem +77

    I recommend reading Glenn Diesen's books, such as "Russophobia" and "The Ukraine War & The Eurasian World Order". Great professor!

    • @cbretschneider
      @cbretschneider Před 29 dny +10

      The Ukraine War & The Eurasian World Order is an excellent book. I recommend it to anyone who wants to understand the geopolitics of today.

    • @marions7423
      @marions7423 Před 29 dny

      is there book serial killer phobia

    • @cbretschneider
      @cbretschneider Před 29 dny

      @@marions7423 ?

    • @cbretschneider
      @cbretschneider Před 29 dny +4

      @@marions7423 is that supposed to mean something, or is it just a dumb question?

    • @pausereflect5911
      @pausereflect5911 Před 29 dny +1

      ​@@marions7423You're one of THOSE!

  • @boycotte
    @boycotte Před 29 dny +20

    “Truth is a lonely warrior” /Plato/

  • @halfreeman6751
    @halfreeman6751 Před měsícem +52

    Excellent presentation.

  • @elianamckee
    @elianamckee Před měsícem +41

    Few people and organisations have the courage to voice and listen to different opinions. thank you.

  • @ronghafary2453
    @ronghafary2453 Před 29 dny +16

    Professor Diesen is one of the greatest intellectuals of our lifetime. Thank you Sir for being such an honorable person,defending truth.

  • @user-kv3ww2gb2e
    @user-kv3ww2gb2e Před 29 dny +9

    I'm enjoying it to listening professor Diesen.

  • @AshleyMcIntosh-zz7kr
    @AshleyMcIntosh-zz7kr Před měsícem +51

    Thanks Glenn for all your work.

  • @ad5792
    @ad5792 Před měsícem +32

    The "west" and in particular the US doesn't make "mistakes". Everything it does has a purpose. It was literally doing everything possible pushing Russia to war in Ukraine. Thank you Glenn!

    • @alexgainsborough4921
      @alexgainsborough4921 Před 29 dny

      They do: it is in the interests of the US to make Russia its ally against China - this was said by both Brzezinski and Kissinger. The opposite happened: the US did everything possible to make Russia an ally of China against the US.

    • @heimomoilanen9654
      @heimomoilanen9654 Před 29 dny +4

      And succeeded apparently. All planned since the end of ww2.

    • @ad5792
      @ad5792 Před 29 dny +1


    • @monaliza3334
      @monaliza3334 Před 29 dny +1

      ​​@@heimomoilanen9654Succeeding is Losing? Winning small battles, but Losing all Wars -usa- .

    • @ad5792
      @ad5792 Před 29 dny

      @@monaliza3334 they are loosing. That’s why they keep pushing Ukrainians to die and do stupid things. Nothing works, including the sanctions

  • @AugustusOmega
    @AugustusOmega Před měsícem +23

    what a level headed LEGEND

    • @babs420th9
      @babs420th9 Před měsícem +4

      Yep, indeed. One of the few out there!

  • @trout1187
    @trout1187 Před 29 dny +14

    Prof Glenn it was a great pleasure listening
    To you SIR

  • @kindaplayerone4128
    @kindaplayerone4128 Před měsícem +43

    This channel is super! Thanks Boston community church!!!

  • @Vit_Kon
    @Vit_Kon Před 29 dny +18

    Очень качественный анализ происходящего, но я не согласен с некоторыми выводами. Потому что это похоже на оправдание западной политики, сводя ее к недопониманию. А я практически уверен, что они отлично понимали, что делают, и редкие моменты личности, которые противоречили этой политике доминирования и превосходства, являются исключением, только подтверждающим правило.
    Начнем с того, что концепция развития западного мира всю историю строилась на превосходстве и доминировании, где ты либо раб, либо господин. И все античеловеческие идеологии, разделяющие людей на «господ» с привилегиями и «рабов» с ущемленными правами, такие как нацизм, расизм, фашизм, колониализм и так далее, родом из западной «цивилизации». То, что со временем основными декларируемыми «ценностями» стали демократия, свобода, равенство и право на достойную жизнь, дало очередной рычаг доминирования над остальным миром и способ оправдания их действий. По сути, они создали в реальности иллюзию, где все это существует в обществе их собственного электората, но отрицает наличие всех этих ценностей у остального мира. И, как следствие, приватизирует за ними право на мораль и все эти ценности, которыми они оперируют в собственных меркантильных интересах. Поймите, невозможно утверждать право на свободу мнения, отрицая право на противоположное мнение другой стороны, невозможно говорить о демократических процедурах выбора населения, отрицая этот выбор, если он вам не нравится. Вот почему сейчас это выглядит как антиутопический роман Оруэлла, где война - это мир, свобода - это рабство, и незнание - это сила.
    И хочу поговорить о концепции лидерства. Хотеть лидерства - это вполне естественное чувство, сложившееся за счет социальной и культурной эволюции человечества. Но лидерство может быть достигнуто за счет разных концепций получения этого лидерства, которые кардинально отличаются по своей сути. Рассмотрим два из них, которые я условно назову: «доминантное» и «престижное». Доминантное - за счет силы и принуждения, где лидера боятся и не противоречат его мнению, чтобы не вызвать гнев и не получить последствий. Второе - «престижное», где лидерство достигается за счет компетенции, знаний и возможностей получить часть престижа и выгоду от присоединения к этому лидеру. Также в престижном лидерстве точкой роста является не рост за счет отъема ресурсов у других, а за счет общего роста, где вы растете совместно, вносите свой вклад в общий рост. И, на мой взгляд, очевидно, какое из них выбрала западная политика и какое лидерство хочет видеть весь остальной мир. Это популярность лидерства с концепцией «престижа» не так сложно увидеть в политике стран типа России и Китая, особенно на основе новых образований типа BRICS, куда стремятся попасть большинство стран, не входящих в западный альянс и преодолевших страх перед лидером по принципу «доминирования».
    И по поводу выводов. Я имею в виду слова гостя по поводу того, что он не отрицает вины России, но мы, как запад, ее спровоцировали, но мы не зло. Ну он же довольно подробно показал причинно-следственные связи и как развивалась ситуация. Тогда вопрос: разве Россия вела все к конфликту? Нет. Разве Россия не пыталась встроиться в общую концепцию запада? Пыталась. Разве то, что делала Россия, не было ответом на развитие ситуации со стороны запада? Конечно, это были ответные шаги по защите. Тогда где тут вина России? Более того, Россия много раз говорила и предупреждала, что расширение НАТО вызывает беспокойство, но главное, что как раз в духе демократии и свободы, что безопасность одного государства не может быть обеспечена за счет безопасности другого!

  • @alial-izaybawee1941
    @alial-izaybawee1941 Před 13 dny +2

    Brilliant presentation thank you professor Diesen

  • @marilenaefthymiou3504
    @marilenaefthymiou3504 Před 29 dny +14

    Sn excellent and truthful presentation as all who were following the issues since 2000 know!

  • @dynamike201
    @dynamike201 Před 29 dny +11

    A highly needed appeal for diplomcy and peace ❤

  • @barbaraskotte
    @barbaraskotte Před 2 dny +1

    This should be required viewing for everyone in the West.

  • @edmundniedzialek8498
    @edmundniedzialek8498 Před 29 dny +3

    Thank you. It is the best analysis of the conflict I have ever listened to. You are right a word "peace" is a real taboo. The liberal democracy has to win for a whatever price. Good luck.

  • @sari3371
    @sari3371 Před 29 dny +5

    Thankfully im listening Prof. Glenn Deisen. The situation what I'm facing here in Finland is exactly what he describes. Propaganda is overwhelming and if expressing any diplomatic behaviour, you will be closed out from society.
    Traumatic situation. And exactly after the first health scam and traumatic period also.

    • @centaurus5676
      @centaurus5676 Před 29 dny +4

      Your country has treated Russian citizens terribly.

    • @sari3371
      @sari3371 Před 29 dny

      @@centaurus5676 Finland is not diplomatic. Our governments obey White house and it's deep state. Our Parliament has been corrupted in the past two decades admiring the wrew wonderful USA where dreams come true.
      Citizens are repeatedly reminded that we are the happiest nations and wealthiest country we have to defend against terrible neighbours.
      Simple brainwashing
      And if you stand against that narrative, you can live without bread and a warm house.

  • @m.alikhan5614
    @m.alikhan5614 Před 22 dny +1

    This man is so clear headed. Impressive!!

  • @psgrenier
    @psgrenier Před 29 dny +3

    Superlative presentation.

  • @tmarinelic
    @tmarinelic Před 25 dny +1

    A great program

  • @RichardSmith-ms6hh
    @RichardSmith-ms6hh Před 29 dny +3

    Very eloquent overview of the current situation. Including confronting us with our own ugliness - but important that we see it and know what the rest of the world is seeing.

  • @jimbehan478
    @jimbehan478 Před dnem +1

    Great statement ❤❤

  • @user-yr8jj5ut7z
    @user-yr8jj5ut7z Před 29 dny +6

    Thanks Boston Community Church for shining a light. Great guest Prof Deisen and talk.

  • @margitmiron9809
    @margitmiron9809 Před měsícem +13

    Thank you.

  • @clovisra
    @clovisra Před 29 dny +1

    Falou e disse! Parabéns Professor Diesen!

  • @user-mc7ez6lm4x
    @user-mc7ez6lm4x Před měsícem +30

    I lived in Ukraine I lived in Russia I'm now living in Kazakhstan, and I follow the American internal politics on daily basis. What you're forgetting to say is that all the past Soviet republics are liberal democracies and nothing else. They are not ideal liberal democracies, neither is the US itself! All of our republics have unconstricted freedom of speech, multiple political parties, tolerance towards minorities and sacrality of private property. It's absolutely insane how one can misspel democracy for autocracy for the great cause of warmongering.

    • @danielhutchinson6604
      @danielhutchinson6604 Před měsícem

      Victoria Nuland went to work for the Clinton Administration 30 years ago, with a mission to convert Warsaw pact nations to NATO.
      She worked with all Administrations but not Trumps.
      Trump was different, the were not prepared for Him,
      or Hillary would have put Victoria back to work for Her.
      Trump never changed the aggression that the USA was feeding in Ukraine.
      The weapons and Ammo continued to flow during his Administration.
      If the Money decided to allow Trump to be their Figurehead President,
      they will get Him into the Oval Office.
      We do need to understand that The G-7 Nations need the resources that Russia and their Associates in BRICS.
      Russia can need nothing from the European Nations, and the USA used up their resources from domestic locations long ago.
      The pursuit of profits allowed the exploitation of resources until the profits were removed.
      That is the difference between the G-7 and the Russians, the Oligarchs need what the Russians have to continue Industrial Production.
      The USA needs what Russia has,
      Russia wants nothing from G-7 Nations but Peace.

    • @ad5792
      @ad5792 Před měsícem +4

      Sounds absolutely delusional and bot like

    • @mariadamen7886
      @mariadamen7886 Před měsícem +10

      @@ad5792 Could it be that you're the uninformed one?

    • @lets_discuss5352
      @lets_discuss5352 Před 29 dny

      Mind you, a democracy is only a democracy if the US and it's European lapdogs define it to be so. The US worked closely with Saudi Arabia while it is not a democracy; why? because it served the purpose of the US and its Western lapdogs. So, I'm not surprised that democracy exists in Russia and its federation. Propaganda, rather than diplomacy, has been the main tool of the US and its Western lapdogs. I would disregard the brainwashed; they are unretrievable from the mass brainwashing that occurs in these United States and our Western vassals through the MSM and all the tools at their disposal - academia, think tanks, the revolving door between MIC and the government / politicians, and on and on.

    • @tatianagrunhagen5147
      @tatianagrunhagen5147 Před 29 dny +4

      Sie haben Recht.
      Это правда.

  • @dobermanmacleod
    @dobermanmacleod Před měsícem +17

    Foreign policy responsibility has been deligated to the US. Especially, in europe, any criticism is repressed about this vassalhood. As the US is finding with Israel, delegating your foreign policy to another country, whose interests do not completely align is a recipe for disaster. Russia is overwhelmingly strong, so who can you get to use as a battering ram. Some vasssal no doubt.

  • @cardoruso4782
    @cardoruso4782 Před měsícem +11


  • @elenadhyansky6466
    @elenadhyansky6466 Před měsícem +8

    Thank you for sharing the Truth!!!

  • @edgarwangsmo6
    @edgarwangsmo6 Před měsícem +16


  • @qkranarchist3015
    @qkranarchist3015 Před měsícem +19

    Considering international organizations have been run since WWII by nazis, capitalists and neo-cons Kennedy maked it sound like Europe has not actively managed colonial states, permitted coups and color revolutions by the US. The entire system completely has supported the occupation of Palestine feom before it started, that it is ridiculous Kennedy strongly alluded to Europe being a place of integrity and peace missions. He further suggests Western media only recently has sided with the oppressor when the mdeia has always been run by and for the purpose of capitalism and oppression of the working & marginalized class. He was just another branch of the oligarchy.

    • @moviemakerjo6756
      @moviemakerjo6756 Před měsícem +2


    • @joesaba386
      @joesaba386 Před měsícem

      They are all, owned by dynastic oligarch families of a particular persuasion, who own and run capitalism and who also founded and backed Communism. Two faces of the same coin, divide and conquer.

    • @jacquelineperet6599
      @jacquelineperet6599 Před 27 dny

      AGREE 💯✅️💯✅️

  • @sandrajayne5446
    @sandrajayne5446 Před 29 dny +4

    Beautiful and much needed podcast in the turbulent state of international relations today. Thank you, CCB, for hosting Prof. Deisen.

  • @aneurindavies5943
    @aneurindavies5943 Před 29 dny +3

    "To exchange one ideology for another is not necessarily an advance: the Enemy is the gramaphone mind, whether you like the record being played at the moment of time" George Orwell in his 1984 Novel.

  • @carmenonea3800
    @carmenonea3800 Před 29 dny +6

    Crystal clear truth

  • @gerhard7323
    @gerhard7323 Před 29 dny +7

    This presentation is why YT, despite its increasing propensity towards censorship under 'ignorance is strength' governmental pressure, is such a valuable resource.
    Enjoy it while it lasts....

  • @tomstoob
    @tomstoob Před dnem +1

    thanks to Prof. Diesen for a well explained history of the EU/NATO/Ukrainian conflict going back to the days of the Yanukovich govt. toppled in 2014. Of course CIA and MI6 and other EU nations security services similar to those 2 nations covert operations organization would know that all of them were actively supporting Ukraine's political opposition groups to create political instability in Ukraine we recall as the Orange Resolution or non-elected political leaders who brought a lot of turmoil to Ukrainian society. Victoria Nuland stated back in 2014 that the US had spent $5 billion dollars fomenting political instability in Ukraine from the the late 90's right up to 2014's coup. Finally I'll remind those who want a deeper understanding of why wars are fomented, propagated and fully supported by Western nations like the USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada etc. is because wars are profitable - for the bankers who demand them and their clients tightly intertwined interests of the military'-industrial complex. There ia a symbiotic relationship between international bankers of NYC, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Geneva, Milan etc. in that much of the if not a majority of these war industries are partially owned by international bankers. When you look at warfare in Western capitalist states going back to the mercantile and early capitalist stages of development, international bankers have seen all wars as profit centers - they love to have wars cause wars are profitable for them. They don't care which sides wins - only that they will profit from funding these wars. Until we can eliminate these international bankers from their past and current roles as war fomenters and supporters, wars like what is going on now in Ukraine will continue. Wars like Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan - all of them since WW2 were fought for the bankers and their closely tied partners - the military-industrial complex.

  • @justchary
    @justchary Před 29 dny +4

    Really the best historical analysis I have heard.

  • @robertseaborne5758
    @robertseaborne5758 Před měsícem +11

    The defense of peace and the reactivation of the socialist project are today’s priorities. In this context, China is playing a fundamental role in this global transformation,; unlike the United States, China is applying an anti war, win-win strategy.

    • @ahmuqasim7540
      @ahmuqasim7540 Před 29 dny

      The actual representation of the ideology of liberal democracy is America. Many in the world love the American system, many others do not. America wants to force its ideology on everyone, why? Why people cannot choose whether to like or dislike the American political economic system? America is 250 years old, many countries are 5000 years old. America feels inadequate unless everybody mimics its system. It is a psychological problem.

    • @jacquelineperet6599
      @jacquelineperet6599 Před 27 dny


  • @boatfaceslim9005
    @boatfaceslim9005 Před 29 dny +2

    There you go, the whole truth.

  • @calanmacleod3948
    @calanmacleod3948 Před 6 dny +1

    It was the EU through France and Germany who were supposed to make Ukraine abide by the Minsk agreements. By their own admission they had no intention of that, leading to the present conflict. The persicution of Russian speakers in Ukraine was a crime which forced Russia to respond.

  • @dalapaguerini01dalapa2
    @dalapaguerini01dalapa2 Před 29 dny +2

    Free Scott Writter Free Palestine

  • @bosse641
    @bosse641 Před 29 dny +2

    We live in evil times. Demonic. At the end of the age.

  • @johnm7267
    @johnm7267 Před 20 dny +1

    Brilliant no argument against it. We are truly in George Orwell’s dystopian 1984

  • @poandeverythingelse
    @poandeverythingelse Před 13 dny +1

    The words choosen in describe the West ideology is amazing

  • @kitburns1665
    @kitburns1665 Před 29 dny +2

    Important to learn history. Thank you for adding critical context and missing history. We are in dangerous times for the world. We are a danger to the rest of the world.

  • @zahirshah3192
    @zahirshah3192 Před 4 dny

    Appreciating you for your beautiful annalicess

  • @juanluistostadocanales3955
    @juanluistostadocanales3955 Před měsícem +7

    That is right

  • @edwardmclaughlin7935
    @edwardmclaughlin7935 Před 2 dny +1

    Sound arguments like this are urgently needed. (A link to the cited JFK speech would help to strengthen the case)

  • @mucyo2024
    @mucyo2024 Před 29 dny +1

    NATO's working assumption is that Russia will never use nuclear weapons. They opine that previous red lines have been crossed without consequence. I think it is a suicidal approach. We hope sense will prevail and a negotiated settlement reached.

  • @robertszallavarysullivan9570
    @robertszallavarysullivan9570 Před měsícem +5

    The West created the security competition when NATO moved east of the Oder river which has snow balled into the current geopolitical crisis we have today.

  • @babajibear7796
    @babajibear7796 Před 21 dnem

    Western European culture is essentially authoritarian and has always been. One book that sheds light on this is "The Dawn of Everything, a New History of Humanity", by Graeber and Wengrow. Another book, which I find heartbreaking, is "Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century" by Mark Mazower. What we are seeing in the EU, NATO, and the US is just the reemergence of this dark character. Diesen is one of those fighting it.

  • @Retsler54
    @Retsler54 Před 29 dny +1

    5:01 that idea of breaking up Russia, NATO and the EU has got the idea from the French during WWI. This was their plan for Germany. Break it up and de-industrialise it.

  • @hilkovanwalraven3111
    @hilkovanwalraven3111 Před 28 dny +2

    At least the bots love your little story

  • @LACYJEN1999
    @LACYJEN1999 Před 4 dny

    One cant heal lunacy with educattion

  • @cornucopianow
    @cornucopianow Před měsícem +1

    Thesis: a ceasefire with renouncement of a membership of NATO and continuity of military developments allowed would not necessarily create a disadvantage for Ukraine.

    • @user-kv3ww2gb2e
      @user-kv3ww2gb2e Před 29 dny

      Довольно развёрнутый анализ.
      Я с вами согласна.
      Но, по крайней мере, профессор Diesen анализирует происходящие события на Украине с точки зрения здравого смысла.
      В США компания охоты на ведьм развёрнута во всех средствах информации.
      Рассматривая уровень знаний всемирной истории Американцев, можно только ужаснулся к чему это все может привести.
      Военно-промышленный комплекс работает на полное банкротство США, но, обычные Американцы этого не понимают. 😢

  • @jameswaugh8339
    @jameswaugh8339 Před 29 dny

    I agree with every single word of Professor Diesen's brilliantly comprehensive and thoroughly detailed account and analysis of this entire matter. Exactly as I see it. Indeed, ever since the end of the Cold War, I have been arguing against NATO Eastward expansion for fear of fomenting the very situation that we now have in fact. Have any of our blind Western ideological fanatics considered, for example, the unbridled geopolitical chaos they would create if their absurd unforced policies to dismantle the Russian Federation were successful? I learned the Russian language and obtained a Soviet Studies degree back in the 1980s. I lived among and interacted every day with people in Russia for a month in 2012 and thoroughly enjoyed my experiences in Moscow, St. P., and Kursk. It might surprise many Americans that the Russians are not at all the monsters that we have been taught they are, but, in fact, are pretty much like you and me. As for JFK, I have long suspected that the single most likely reason that he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, was his decision to end the Cold War as he so eloquently announced and defended it in his American University speech delivered on June 10, 1963.

  • @terrific804
    @terrific804 Před 29 dny +3

    Everything he says is accurate

  • @marinakralik1977
    @marinakralik1977 Před 24 dny

    In my Bible, it is written something like, 'Peace would be the fruit, or deed, of JUSTICE'. And in yours?

  • @oswarz
    @oswarz Před 29 dny

    You may not be arguing that we are evil, but if arguing for peace is seen as evil, those who see it that way ARE evil and their ideology IS evil. There is no way to get around that.

  • @JanWasp
    @JanWasp Před 29 dny

    Bravo Glenn for doing this, "confrontation is success" is wholly evil. We should be aiming for Gorbachev´s vision of a common European homeland without military alliances.

  • @peggymaloof8711
    @peggymaloof8711 Před měsícem +7

    Wow, let's try that with Netanyahu.

    • @moviemakerjo6756
      @moviemakerjo6756 Před měsícem +2


    • @misantos847
      @misantos847 Před měsícem


    • @BigSamthemanxXx
      @BigSamthemanxXx Před měsícem +1

      Maybe if congress can refrain from giving him a standing ovation every five minutes. 😡

    • @MV-bj1yk
      @MV-bj1yk Před měsícem

      Not happening because of the ZOG of the EU sovereign nations.

  • @lawrencemusana8425
    @lawrencemusana8425 Před 2 dny +1


  • @frederiquecouture3924
    @frederiquecouture3924 Před 27 dny +1


  • @vivianoosthuizen8990
    @vivianoosthuizen8990 Před 29 dny +1

    Why do they demand either a comedian or a senile person should be the leader of Russia

  • @paddynair6446
    @paddynair6446 Před 24 dny

    Finally a European has some COMMON SENSE😮

  • @ryanmilton2643
    @ryanmilton2643 Před 29 dny +2

    Well said

  • @Charlimarteli
    @Charlimarteli Před 3 dny +2

    Prof Diesen stop worrying anout Russia, Russia will be fine. Worry about your own little country of Norway which has only 5 million peolle and is being overrun with foreigners. Worry about that Professor...

  • @Pppppp443
    @Pppppp443 Před 8 dny +1

    Smart and onist coment

  • @mogli7016
    @mogli7016 Před 29 dny

    only facts , common sense and truth dont count against hatred and evil greed

  • @gerhard7323
    @gerhard7323 Před 29 dny +1

    The fact that the US, ramped up exponentially under Reagan, chose to fight and arguably 'win' the Cold War by massively outspending (and ultimately bankrupting) the Soviets on weapons also sowed the seeds for the future with a disproportionately politically influential Military Industrial Complex with an insatiable appetite.
    Political lobbying and revolving doors have long played a part in US politics, but this is likely when the MIC truly and irreversibly metastisized with the US body politic.

    • @ahmuqasim7540
      @ahmuqasim7540 Před 29 dny

      When Reagan came to power the economy of America was not doing well. The main purpose of Reagan's massive military spending may have been to revive the economy. But he has to talk about the Soviet threat. I do not think Reagan expected that the USSR will collapse as a result of his military expenditure policies. America and the world were surprised that the USSR folded so easily.

    • @gerhard7323
      @gerhard7323 Před 29 dny

      @@ahmuqasim7540 America might not have been doing well when Reagan came to power but just as in the UK in 1979 it was not doing as badly as many thought.
      Largely thanks to the oil crises, the 70s were tough times for all don't forget.
      Ironically, the US national debt under Reagan spiralled, tripling in 8 years, and military spending helped form a large part of that.
      Reagan era America's policy, and don't forget this was when the neocons started to establish themselves as a force in government, toward the USSR was firmly predicated on their belief that they could spend it into submission closely tied to its 'evil empire' vs freedom and democracy narrative.

  • @temb121
    @temb121 Před měsícem +5

    “Watch Russia! Watch Russia, the king of the North! Watch Russia, king of the North! Watch Russia, king of the North!”
    60-1211E - The Laodicean Church Age
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

  • @manefedu8374
    @manefedu8374 Před 29 dny +1

    In germany, it is an accusation, to understand russians... 😳⚠️

  • @iouliaiourtchenko7490
    @iouliaiourtchenko7490 Před 29 dny

    It was very interesting to listen to Prof. Deisen. Thank you very much. However, I think he missed to give us a lot of important information on how it started. And I think it all started in Crimea. Hopefully he can talk about it someday soon.

    • @gerhard7323
      @gerhard7323 Před 29 dny +2

      Plenty of information out there.
      I'd recommend giving the now sadly departed Stephen Cohen being interviewed at the Commonwealth Club a listen for a decent background.

    • @seisyl4551
      @seisyl4551 Před 29 dny +2

      NO, it did not start with Crimea.... and yes, READ

    • @iouliaiourtchenko7490
      @iouliaiourtchenko7490 Před 29 dny

      @@seisyl4551 Do you know when it started? Sorry, I didn’t understand either what you meant by “READ”. Can you clarify for me what and where I should read please?

    • @manuelle844
      @manuelle844 Před 29 dny +1

      @@iouliaiourtchenko7490 Как минимум с того момента когда решили УПАшных беженцев в северной америке использовать как идеологическое оружие, это 50ые года, а так ещё раньше.

    • @iouliaiourtchenko7490
      @iouliaiourtchenko7490 Před 29 dny

      @@manuelle844 For sure it was then or even before, but nobody would like to start since then. I would, but I’m not sure about the most of the people, who don’t want to go back even to the 90’s. Remember what most of the people said about a brilliant interview that Mr. Putin gave to Tucker Carlson. And even Tucker Carlson himself didn’t understand why Mr. Putin started telling him the story going back thousands of years. People didn’t want to listen that story. They wanted quick answers, which are wouldn’t be accurate, but that’s the way the most of the societies are now. That’s why I said that Professor can start with Crimea. Someday, probably and hopefully, people will want to learn more, but that, it’s my own opinion, will only happen when they learn little by little and go back little by little, as well, to see what really happened hundreds and thousands of years ago. I’m glad that you read and learned about it. You’re probably the minority and I appreciate your comments.

  • @raylamberton6002
    @raylamberton6002 Před 27 dny

    Fools rush in.

  • @goosgitaar
    @goosgitaar Před 29 dny +1


  • @manefedu8374
    @manefedu8374 Před 29 dny

    It is a pitty, you don't give the link to the RFK speach in the description...

    • @CCBPeace
      @CCBPeace  Před 28 dny

      Here is the link to JFK's speech:

  • @Dario-h8g
    @Dario-h8g Před 6 dny

    Unfortunatedly is based On religious Grounds!!! the Anglosaxon Christian Evangelicals will Never Accept or treat Others as EQUALS!!! greetings from Mexico

    • @alphabogeyman7462
      @alphabogeyman7462 Před 4 dny

      Kamala Harris and many of the other war mongers are not Anglosaxon Christian Evangelicals?.

  • @EWA8755
    @EWA8755 Před 29 dny

    Many factions in the US and most in the EU see Russians and Eastern Ukrainians, for that matter, as "less then." Far from going extinct, fascist idology has always found various levels of safe haven world wide with strongholds in the US, GB, Germany, West Ukraine, Romania, most Baltics, Finland, Norway and few others.

  • @moonraker978
    @moonraker978 Před 29 dny

    hey professor, tell us about your experiences in the russian miniluv.

  • @claese.r.christiansen5142


  • @frankradtke6240
    @frankradtke6240 Před 29 dny +1

    It is constantly said that Russia also made mistakes. Just which one??

    • @carbugnov1952
      @carbugnov1952 Před 29 dny

      Yes, the mistake was when the Russians elected the traitor Boris Yeltsin

    • @margaretcaine4219
      @margaretcaine4219 Před 21 dnem

      Believing that the west was negotiating the Minsk agreements in good faith. They weren't, as admitted later by Merkel and Hollande. Also, believing the American promises that NATO would not move "one inch east ". They did move east, fomenting 'colour revolutions' in Georgia and Chechnia and signing up Baltic states.

  • @jacintochua6885
    @jacintochua6885 Před 11 dny

    From 16 to n 32 countries. How would the west feel if someone did the same to them?

  • @christiansmith-of7dt
    @christiansmith-of7dt Před měsícem

    Some people like to be alone , i dont

  • @BrianPatrick-s6b
    @BrianPatrick-s6b Před 29 dny

    The Europeans are not stupid Norway included. Peace under detente with today's Russia means massive long term defence spending like in Cold war years and universal conscription. The long term ncreases in borrowings or cut back in social spending would be huge. Cynically, it is much better to provide massive funding to Ukraine for a few short years and if Russia is soundly beaten EU can revert back to enjoy the peace dividend again and the generous welfare state

  • @christiansmith-of7dt
    @christiansmith-of7dt Před měsícem +1

    They did a really bad job when they did my back surgery ,

  • @charles-iii6759
    @charles-iii6759 Před 14 dny

    So, in a nutshell, peace to the this cabal of psychopath and warmongers means that every one have to roll over, toe the line and accept them as the world's master. Shut up and obey, get out of my way when we decide to plunder your nations and then, and only then, we can talk about peace. I have never been a religious individual in any sense whatever, but the forces of good & evil is a real thing independent of religion--that is quite obvious to me; and, it is also obvious to me who represents the forces of evil.

  • @massimozanasi
    @massimozanasi Před 29 dny +1

    At last a drop of wisdom and hope for a diplomatic solution in a sea of hatred and stupidity

  • @anettemor1730
    @anettemor1730 Před 11 dny

    funny how IDEOLOGY was noticed (very rightly) by the presenter on the side of NATO, EU and US. that war in fact was even called IDEOLOGICAL, but the Russian position is narrowed to a pure security concern. no attention is paid to the beliefs system opposing the Western hegemony concept. in fact the author, no matter how neutral he might appear, does not see Russians as a party holding any values or presenting a sound alternative to the Western agenda which is in fact got lost in ethnic hatred.
    in 1990s Russians never saw the CHANGE as own Cold War loss. they had a VISION of new post-socialism society which they followed in building a new TYPE of state. by many measures that new Russia was POST-IDEOLOGICAL.
    The core of that vision of the NEW Russia, was delivered by Andrey Sakharov's idea of "convergention", inevitable merger of socialism and capitalism, which he saw as a condition for world peace and for true freedom of thought.
    The new Russian state embedded these principles to the new 1993 Constitution. which PROHIBITS any ideology being attached to the state (art 13).
    Russian government is technocratic, made of sound field experts no matter which party they belong to, not made by one party mates like most Western governments are. So economic decisions are also FREE from ideology (good to reflect this in economic finds and failures at both sides. ideology does not just kill peace, but kill own economy too)
    Another feature of New Russia is even further enhanced EQUALITY. 1996 law on Cultural National Autonomy was added to already existing self-ruling territorial Autonomies for biggest minority groups. the new law extended self ruling rights to minor local ethnic groups in minority in own historical lands and to IMMIGRANTS who too received full scope of cultural rights and self-ruling format.
    in New Russia all restrictions from freedom of speech were removed with one exemption - USSR 1926 law banning HATE SPEECH was kept (discontinued in Ukraine).
    Russian principle of hate speech ban is unparalleled to Western. punishment is based on impact, media and politicians are punished for any attempt to undermine or upset any identity group. while public is free to rant as long as any physical violence was committed. So free speech is granted to PUBLIC, not media. media is restricted in spreading hateful downgrading messages.
    There was a discussion in 1990s in Russia about potential value of DE-COMMUNISATION. it was rejected by wide public opinion exactly because FREEDOM of thought for all, would not be possible if one type of ideas were put above another. so communist legacy, including Lenin monuments were left around as a sign of TOLERANCE not as a sign of communist remaining.
    As for "Stalinism" 1991 law in New Russia gave compensations and pensions to these who lost parents in Stalin repression. while millions of ww2 orphans lost parents in battle with nazis never received anything. these small nations which were misplaced during ww2, received free land in historical areas.
    So new POST-IDEOLOGICAL STATE built in Russia in 1991-1993 first of all delivered CIVIL PEACE establishing more equality, true freedom of beliefs and paying historical soviet debt.
    USSR Cold War propaganda WAS NOT HATEFUL in any form or shape. the internal ban of hate speech was applied to ALL media messages. that is why it was so EASY for soviet people to move into a non confrontational world model straight after Cold War.
    while Western Cold War propaganda WAS FULL OF ETHNIC HATE towards Russians. that is a main reason post-Cold War Western media was and is full of HABITUAL HATE towards Russians. that is why Cold War NEVER ENDED and extermination of all Russians and their state became a new aim.
    the post-USSR Ukraine has anti-Russian trends from the start. "Ukraine - not Russia" was a concept for building New Ukraine. a title of the book by Kravchuk - first Ukraine president. After coup 2004 Nazi collaborators were made heroes. Coup 2014 made neo-nazism main policy line.banning local languages in school for 2/3 of the locals.Yanukivich won elections twice 2004 and 2012 thanks to one project - a Regional Language Law, giving minorities equal cultural rights.
    remarkably how EU did not have any objections to such obvious ethnic discrimination. as it was seen as WESTERN model of INTEGRATION, just applied not to immigrants but to locals. but not seen as a big dead, being in fact ETHNIC and CULTURAL CLEANSING.
    while Russia enjoyed good 20 years of true freedom of throught, EU IMPOSED severe "de-communisation" demands in all Eastern European states which aimed to join EU. Ukraine had it too. that campaign in fact turned into ETHNIC HATRED towards Russians as it mirrored the Western Cold War messages which were seen "effective" as they "won" Cold War.
    as a result of "decommunisation" Ukraine never had a day of freedom of thought. instead it jumped straight from Soviet propaganda (free from ethnic hated theu) into Western Cold War propaganda, while USSR DID NOT EXIST at the point. So instead Russians were HATED. While Ukraine and all Eastern Europe countries NEVER were governed by Russians. in fact through out Soviet time they SELF GOVERNED by own communists.
    The difference in policies are seen very well when we compare state policies in Crimea under Ukraine and under Russia.
    in Ukraine, major local ethnic groups Russians (85%) and tatars (12%) had no language rights, Ukrainians (2%) by knowing the state language took all governing, accounting, legal posts. Tatars misplaced by Stalin, got no compensation, no land, and severe de-communisation propaganda turned them into HATING local Russians, some of whom in fact were living in old tatar dwellings.
    in Russian Crimea. three official languages, choice of own language for schooling, tatars got self ruling AUTONOMY (law 1996) and free land (law 1991) and got no reason to hate anybody.
    when you LIMIT understanding of this war to Russian SECURITY concerns, you IGNORE LOCAL PEOPLE values of equality, fairness and justice. they DEVELOPED governing format for a state of their wish. and THAT IS WHY Russians Russians volonteer to this war, and know what they die for. Russian borders are open and no draft is needed. while Ukraine locked the borders for men, hunt them, shoot at sight these who resist the draft, media are banned, local church is banned, schooling in local languages is banned.
    you started your journey - GO ALL THE WAY. because Russians WANT to go back to a post ideological state of their desire, but it does one work in isolation when the West invests BILLIONS INTO BRAINWASHING Russian youth last 30 years aiming to get a "regime" change.

  • @mariov1347
    @mariov1347 Před 29 dny +1

    Well, good luck EU and US with your plan.
    Better sit down because it will take forever to achievement.😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡

  • @FullChick-h4l
    @FullChick-h4l Před hodinou

    Walker Charles Jackson Edward Anderson Matthew

  • @howardlidiard2733
    @howardlidiard2733 Před 3 dny

    I don't think Poland, Finland and Lithuania agree with you professor

  • @gwoodlogger4068
    @gwoodlogger4068 Před 29 dny

    Sekt chasing money 😢