Learn Lakota Language from a Medicine Man

  • čas přidán 3. 08. 2008
  • Learn to speak Lakota from Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand, a Lakota Medicine Man.
    Lakotah Sovereignty
    RepublicOfLakotah (dot) com
    Russell Means Indian Activist Actor Author
    Lakotah Medicine Man Visions and Dreams Part 3
    More info:
    Filmed and edited by:
    Lance Brown Eyes
    Lucas Brown Eyes USC FILM Student
    Lakota Brown Eyes
    Pine Ridge South Dakota 2008
    Lakota Pine Ridge South Dakota Lakotah Oglala SD Porcupine School Language Treaty Rights Native American
    russell means promotes freedom rally libertarian Unite for Freedom: People of all Nations women children girls boys Lakota Navajo Cheyenne Sioux Pawnee Crow Apache Ute Shoshone Crow Cherokee Shawnee Choctaw Arapaho Arikara Assiniboine Blackfoot Brule Chicasaw Comanche Chippewa Ojibwe Cree Kaw Kiowa Mandan Oglala Ottaw Pawnee Ponca Santee Teton Tonkawa Yankton Zuni Yakima Nez Pierce Ute Winnebago Ottawa Iroquois Menominee Algonquin Fox ... 300+ other tribes ...
    Speaks about: apocalypse end of days end of time heidenberg secret society war profiteers hurricane flood earthquakes mountains storms wind riots fighting oil uranium pollution green Environment Gore Obama Edwards Richardson Clinton McCain 2012 2021 prophesy Dali Lama Tibet China Sovereign country imperialism
    Lakota Pine Ridge South Dakota Lakotah Oglala SD Porcupine School Language Treaty Rights Native American
    Category: Nonprofits & Activism
    Pine Ridge Lakota Native American Indian Education Obama Mccain Youth vote election 2008 ron paul genocide lucas brown eyes lance Medicine Man War Sovereignty Republic Of Lakotah

Komentáře • 356

  • @spottedhideranch182
    @spottedhideranch182 Před 10 lety +10

    I really want to get more in touch with my native roots, but there is not much out there. I wish I could go live it for awhile. With other natives that lived it and grew up knowing about our culture so they could pass it on to me and I to my children. The language, the traditions.

  • @suestone3396
    @suestone3396 Před 8 lety +27

    The native language is musical and beautiful.

  • @DruidTwilight
    @DruidTwilight Před 11 lety +1

    In Irish Gaelic we say 'Tir gan teanga..Tir gan anam' It means.. A nation without a language, is a nation without a soul: It wonderful that you are trying to preserve this beautiful language...I hope that the older ones who speak it as a mother tongue, will pass it on to the childrenL This man is right..learn to sing... it is the best way to learn... you get a grip on the pronunciation...and develop an ear for it:

  • @superquad3
    @superquad3 Před 11 lety +2

    Hau Kola. Thank you so much for your videos. My fathers family are Irish immigrants and my mother's are German Jew, other than my own family I respect the Native American tribes more than any other. There was genocide on my mothers side and I hear stories of that. I have always grown up to respect Mother Earth. I could olny wish for the chance to visit the 'people' one day. I can only learn so much from the books I read. My heart cries for the past offences of the invaders of the 'people'

  • @ralb6988
    @ralb6988 Před 9 lety +17

    i love it such a beautiful way of life. And the best part is when he says the white man needs too look in mirror n admit he is not of this land.

    • @oledihardrosales3706
      @oledihardrosales3706 Před 8 lety +9

      +Sarah Gonzales The land does not belong to man--no matter his color, race or creed, neither does the water or sky. It belongs to the Creator. We've been given the privilege to live on it and our job is to care for it. Mankind thinks more of himself than he should. His hate and greed throughout time has only brought grief. Very few people today, will stop to realize this. Every race on earth thinks they're are better than their brother. Jealous family members! Race against ace! Neighbor against neighbor! Westside of town against the Eastside! State against State! North Atlantic against the Pacific Coast! Western Hemisphere against Northern Hemisphere! It's a never ending cycle of hate. Everyone should look into the mirror!

  • @artsielady
    @artsielady Před 10 lety +10

    what a wonderful man!! I would love to tutor under him for a few weeks!! Thank you for your video!

  • @gkbhai8962
    @gkbhai8962 Před 11 lety +1

    Last night i watched a movie that touched a little bit on native americans and i couldn't stop the tears like it's my own heritage. one of the most heart breaking stories of humanity. may peace be upon all and the wisdom of the indigenous peoples rise again to help the healing of humanity.

  • @ndn624
    @ndn624 Před 11 lety +1

    I am a Lakota native. Depending on who runs the sun dance ceremony will determine how it is ran. It's still carried to have your flesh pierced in order to sun dance . It shows sacrafice for your loved ones, thanks to the creator and taking away pain from your friends and relatives who are struggling when you pray. Your sacraficing your pain for theirs to go away. That's how I was told by my elders. Theirs nothing sadistic about it. It all depends who you talk to & who runs the ceremony.

  • @adrianjimenez6388
    @adrianjimenez6388 Před 8 lety +5

    thank you for preeserving and sharing this beautiful part of your heritage,

  • @1313phoenixrising
    @1313phoenixrising Před 10 lety +1

    I am adopted,but I am Oglala Lakota Sioux, Puerto Rican (Taino Indians are Indigenous people of PR), and English. Lakota is the most beautiful language I've ever heard. THANK you for this and other videos, I want to learn so much more of my own heritage and most definitely this language, my language- as I might help to pass it on and keep it alive in my own small way. Mitakuye Oyasin.

  • @TechxCyberxLuv
    @TechxCyberxLuv Před 13 lety +1

    I'm a full blood Lakota and I have been wanting to lean how to speak my own language,so this helps a lot

  • @ak47bobbarke
    @ak47bobbarke Před 8 lety +36

    American Indian language is beautiful and i wish more would speak it. As a wise man once said, "English is the language of deception". It is easy to lie in english. You cannot do this with this language because it is felt by more than one sense -spoke from the heart. About the invasion, I cry everytime i think about the mass geneside that happened to these people. As a member of the HUMAN RACE, i feel empathy for all life everywhere. Such a beautiful people...just to destroy for gold. Pretty pathetic if you ask me and also not recognized nearly enough. People freak about the Jewish Holocaust but almost nobody bats an eye about the mass killing of these people. Makes me sick. You know, i believe this is more than just a physical battle. THIS WAS AND STILL IS A SPITUAL BATTLE. These people were natural, of the Earth. They preserved much of their angelic side. They warshipped nature because nature is an organic part of the great spirit, an extention if you will. There is no difference in warshipping "God" in the christian sense(so long as youbare not aligning yourself with a false god as many do without knowing) and warshipping nature. The American Natives recognized spirit in people because they were very much awake. When they looked into your eyes, they wernt just looking at your face, they were looking at your soul. They could see and were empathic enough to feel your sickness - inner sickness. EUROPEAN SOCIETY WAS AND IS POISONED IN MIND-BODY-SPIRIT. They were invaded, if you will on a spiritual front and of course, not many knew. Not that the Native Americans were perfect, but they had much more fire, much more kundalini than westerners and therefore, they could "see". I love and respect the Native spirit. They have every right to be pissed off about what happened to them. A great trauma wad delt to them and it was like the people of the world gave them the cold shoulder. idk about you, but if somebody invaded and slaughted and burned 95% of your people, you would be pretty ticked off as well. With that being said, we as a race need healing. All peoples everywhere need healing. We need to unite as one, this is the only way we will ever find peace and banish the demons and corruption from this Earth. The biggest reason the native language was banned was because their language didnt contain nearly as many reversals and distortions. The sound you make impacts yourself on a spiritual/dna level and the things around you. Sound is very powerful. Their language didnt posion your mind-body-spirit system.

  • @TheOglalaboy
    @TheOglalaboy Před 12 lety

    im proud of my bloodline. coming out of that 605 rapid city to b exact.i used to go to pineridge alot with my gramps and help him at the soup kitchin. some of u might know him john siers who is now with us spiritully.respect who u are to enjoy the rest of what the world has to offer. stay real n learn life... LAKOTA NATION

  • @iamhis4749
    @iamhis4749 Před 9 lety +4

    Thankyou for sharing this.
    Many blessings to you.

  • @Reason1717
    @Reason1717 Před 15 lety

    to Gnaucho I say:
    To live in a state of nonforgiveness is like to hold on to a ghost. It is to be holding on to the past. And the past is gone. The wisdom of native people is to not so much let go of the past but rather to realize it is already gone.
    I have been to Deutschland 3 times. And find it's people so wonderful. Forgiveness is one of the many fruits of (Wankan Tanka) Great Spirit.

  • @LogiWanKenobi
    @LogiWanKenobi Před 14 lety +1

    This video is amazing. I love language and history & am all 4 preserving the Native American languages. Just recently I found out I'm part Sioux. I've always had a strong feeling of connection towards Native Americans & their outlook on life. Their view on life & the Earth is one that should definitely not be forgotten. Right now Im studying in Thailand, but whenever I have the time to go back to the states, I'd definitely like to go to a reservation to learn more about Native Americans beliefs

  • @Animegal999
    @Animegal999 Před 12 lety +1

    This is wonderful. I'm trying to learn lakota culture and language on my free time. I really admire everything about it.

  • @changethematrix
    @changethematrix Před 8 lety +1

    That is interesting about the heart spirit connecting to the head. I've always had a good sense of direction. I used to love and try to get lost to see if I could find my way back.

  • @cindyg4163
    @cindyg4163 Před 10 lety +5

    This is fantastic im so proud of native blood.I.want to learn more

  • @sp0ttedp0ny330
    @sp0ttedp0ny330 Před 15 lety

    thank you Pushthelimit...wonderful vid & great to see such a good hearted Elder so willing to teach & share his heart. "heart spirit", haven't heard that since Mom went on her journey home a long time ago...a good memory--ty for that!

  • @64arizona
    @64arizona Před 15 lety

    Thanks for posting, keep the Indian Nation Alive, let no one forget!

  • @Imawatcher13
    @Imawatcher13 Před 16 lety +1

    Pilamaya-Thank You. I enjoy your videos. I hope I can take your language into my heart. Thanks for sharing and for your calm, gentle speaking voice.

  • @rebekahcochran
    @rebekahcochran Před 12 lety

    I am of the Tuscarora tribe, but I send a hello to all the Lakota people. I am learning Navajo and plan to learn more Lakota and then Cherokee.

  • @CptEgon
    @CptEgon Před 15 lety

    Thank you for your post. It was great.

  • @Pontius667
    @Pontius667 Před 14 lety

    This man brings honor to not only his race but to the whole human race . His manor is laid back back but is one of the best teachers I have ever listen to. Thank you, Sir

  • @stacyblue1980
    @stacyblue1980 Před 16 lety

    Very cool vid. Thanks for sending this Jugo.

  • @tsjohnsen
    @tsjohnsen Před 11 lety +1

    It's a beautiful, beautiful language. I really hope the Lakota nation will be able to preserve and take care of their native tongue.

  • @WiWaChanpi
    @WiWaChanpi Před 15 lety

    I am so glad that there is finally an venue for the truth to be told. If only there were more who chose to know and understand the way of things. Thank you

  • @Hellsconsort
    @Hellsconsort Před 12 lety

    Thank you for the reply. That's good information.

  • @rapsmusic1
    @rapsmusic1 Před 12 lety

    I'm not Sioux.. Or native at all... But I find native way of life sooo much better. SO much less destructive. And close to the land! I love it!

  • @medaluvsu
    @medaluvsu Před 16 lety

    toksa is taught that the translation is "when the time is right" but is often used to relate "later" So I'll see you when the time is right, it's up to the Creator...-xoxo-Meda Thank you for Posting!!

  • @lbscree
    @lbscree Před 12 lety

    People need to learn that race does not equal culture. I am glad you made this video. There are many people struggling with identity, who have been cut from their families and culture.

  • @Sakuri90
    @Sakuri90 Před 13 lety

    I am going to be taking a Lakota language class at my college starting this fall. I am in love with native languages and I hope before I die ((I am only 20)) that I can learn more than just one and become fluent.

  • @RedUncle
    @RedUncle Před 11 lety +1

    such an incredibly cool sounding language

  • @serenabonemei7065
    @serenabonemei7065 Před 12 lety +2

    I love the natives such great people and great knowledge

  • @russvtguy
    @russvtguy Před 11 lety

    3rd try at this.Thanks for the information.My great grandmother was Black Foot and the words came through like I have known them all of my life. The head is still swimming in this old and new information. Thank you and bless you for your pure heart.

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 11 lety

    I don't think he was self loathing and I respect him for his courage. He is feeling connected with his ancestors, which is our belief. If we forget our past we are destined to repeat it.

  • @uncleruckus714
    @uncleruckus714 Před 13 lety +1

    It's great to learn the indigenous languages, I myself am of Apache and Mayan desent but sadly I do not know the Apache language or the Yucatec Mayan language and I wish tere are schools all around that helps preserve our languages and teaches us the indigenous languages

  • @MissLionRose
    @MissLionRose Před 9 lety

    I've been reading Red Bird's "Impressions of An Indian Childhood."
    she is strong and inspiring :)
    Thank you for sharing this video!

  • @Colossus-Tone
    @Colossus-Tone Před 14 lety

    Beautiful wisdom, beautiful spirit.

  • @gesundePferde
    @gesundePferde Před 16 lety

    I appreciate your videos so much! Thank you!

  • @rekohu1musik
    @rekohu1musik Před 11 lety

    Kia ora (Thankyou!) for the insight! Mitakuye Oyasin

  • @MI982
    @MI982 Před 12 lety

    Thank You,that makes more sense to me than most of the information I found online and actually I can relate to such kinship.

  • @BallistiKwolf
    @BallistiKwolf Před 12 lety

    I've used only my head to see the world and take in information and memories. In schools and other places, they said I had a learning disability and they would hold me back and "fail" me because I could not learn. It made me feel as though I truly was a failure. Now I see that it was because I was not learning correctly, not that I had a learning disability. I have been ignoring the heart spirit. I wish for nothing more than to know my true self but I feel as though I need the correct guidance.

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 12 lety

    I subscribed to you and will wait for your videos. thank you!

  • @TackDr1ver
    @TackDr1ver Před 12 lety

    As a proud descendant of the Lakota tribe, thank you for this video. Take care.

  • @Lautengitarre
    @Lautengitarre Před 13 lety

    Great lakota oyate language, great native music, great pictures; GOOD LUCK CINCALA.

  • @neisancafe
    @neisancafe Před 14 lety

    I am half African American and a little hispanic from my father's side have some caucasian and almost a third creek and sioux from my Mother. My Grandfather understood all of his native languages and he was a wind talker during World War II. But he never taught them to my mother or uncles. I want to learn more about my heritage

  • @Native4Ever
    @Native4Ever Před 11 lety

    I'm Impressed! God Bless Our Troops! Awesome Video..

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 12 lety

    You make me smile so much. Who knows maybe you will find a beautiful Wichapi and want to go on that path. We will see.

  • @puchuks
    @puchuks Před 13 lety

    Beatiful language that can not be forgetten!

  • @galleryhall
    @galleryhall Před 14 lety

    Love and compassion. Thank you Looks for Buffalo Hand for your generous heart. And for sharing this beautiful heart spirit way. And the language. It's not an easy one, but the sounds are gentle. Thank you. Yes, working on our memory is a good thing. Sometimes we get a little lazy, then when we need to recall, it's not there..

  • @tiffaniedominguez1893
    @tiffaniedominguez1893 Před 12 lety

    My great grandmothers father was Lakota... i never knew much about the culture and i would love to learn more :)

  • @railroadtrash09
    @railroadtrash09 Před 14 lety

    Ompetu washde-elo, I was born in Rapid. My Grandmother was raised on Rosebud. I am 1/4 Sioux, 1/4 Mexican and 1/2 German. I'm proud of them all, but was never accepted by the Indian kids growing up. I was not accepted well with whites either. It made me stronger, and now that I am 34 my heritage is very important to me. I can see why Indians are mad at whites and why Whites don't understand Indians. We should try to be tolerant, and understand each other. Wisdom comes with understanding.

  • @2boddah
    @2boddah Před 14 lety

    Im just learning about the ones before me. I've heard of AIM all my life..the first time was when I was in a horrible acciedent at 7. Wel rolled down a mountain. All the people laid on the mountain so we could climb up them. I started to slip into a coma and my mom said..Get better and I will take you to the pow wow. ;) My grandma is mostly oglala she died when i was 5..I'm so glad this language is out for people to learn

  • @danbarnes9545
    @danbarnes9545 Před 10 lety +11

    I think it great that its being shared. More people who know it the better. I hope it would never die out. I hope to one day go over to America and meet the Lakota people. Which hope they be okay with me being white girl as know few still angry of the past but don't blame them. Wish I could help in one way or another it I'm not rich either :( take care all x

    • @DoritoBagWilkins
      @DoritoBagWilkins Před 10 lety +6

      We Lakota are a proud people and the events of the past have left deep deep scars amongst event the most detatched of the current generation Lakota, but we are also a fair people. We know that people make their own paths in life and we don't carry the sins of the father on to the son unless he brings them on himself. I'm sure that, as long as you were respectful and made proper arrangements, you'd be able to find whatever you are looking to see without a problem.

    • @sharadillon1009
      @sharadillon1009 Před 9 lety +1

      August Varney I married a man who is about half Souix and I knew his full blood grandmother. Now my daughter is having dreams of being a full blood Native being shot down in cold blood by the Cavalry and feels every hot bullet. She has anxiety disorder and I now believe maybe this is a past life experience or something. Would you possibly know what this is. She sees herself as a man with a family in that time period and she shows great skill with a knife and bow. She is a naturalist but is sensitive to all creatures as though they all have human souls. She is convincing me of the same. She is so lovely..I want to help her.

    • @oledihardrosales3706
      @oledihardrosales3706 Před 8 lety

      +Dan Barnes : I feel the same. Anyone who suffers unjustly brings hurt to my heart. How many times we hear or say, "Why am I being treated so unjust? I'm innocent. Where's the justice in all this? Why me? Why them?" The whole world of mankind has been treated unjustly and because of their suffering, they are filled with such hate they can't get past it. Never knowing good when it stares them in the face. As a Christian, I blame Satan and the demons. Other's have their own demons to blame. My hope is that we can get past all this, learn a beautiful language, be able to communicate our respect for them we wish to meet. By speaking in their native tongue. Not everyone will agree with me, but I know what lives in my heart.

  • @gordonvandergriff4149
    @gordonvandergriff4149 Před 10 lety


  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 12 lety

    Awesome. I hope she doesn't fight too much. You are very insightful. thank you!

  • @OGLALAs5nTn
    @OGLALAs5nTn Před 12 lety


  • @Nanmas9
    @Nanmas9 Před 14 lety

    As a white person, I DO appreciate what you say - we are visitors. We came to Turtle Island with disrespect. Some of us look to the People to learn the true ways, and to show honor for the traditions and ways of the people of Turtle Island. We are grateful to those who have the patience to teach us. Pilamaya for your words of wisdom and teachings.

  • @bbbginger
    @bbbginger Před 12 lety

    I am based in Ireland.My name is Barbara My heart is putting me close to you to Lakota... I have road sign in my heart saying Sioux, Lakota. I only start to read about your history now. Please let me know If they are some Lakota people in Europe at the moment. Thank you. Love and courage. Basia

  • @SSButtaButt
    @SSButtaButt Před 12 lety

    Yes I do understand, I have my own culture and my own heritage that I am proud of and strive to keep balance with these modern times and the tradition...hard job! Although my heritage was never threatened to be taken away from me I just find it cool that you're teaching it :D

  • @LittleMsMadness
    @LittleMsMadness Před 12 lety

    My father told me I'm part Lakota, this is the first time I have heard the language...it's beautiful...

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 12 lety

    I think that is beautiful. I wish you well on your research. thank you

  • @TheUniqueMaterial
    @TheUniqueMaterial Před 13 lety

    Thank you. I hope to meet you one day soon. I do listen to music on CZcams to learn the language from singing. You are wise, Grandfather. I thank you.

  • @Spiritspast
    @Spiritspast Před 14 lety

    I will be honored to learn this language from Bear....from his heart to mine

  • @decoparadise4194
    @decoparadise4194 Před 9 lety

    Very interesting.

  • @shalis16
    @shalis16 Před 11 lety

    Háu mitákuye. Wóphila tȟáŋka ečhíčiye na aŋpétu wašté yuhá yo.
    This video is truly amazing.
    Tókša akhé.

  • @purespirit9
    @purespirit9 Před 15 lety

    Interesting! Thanks qualqui for the share and pushthelimit for posting. 5/5

  • @ongawesgone
    @ongawesgone Před 14 lety

    Adopted Shawnee and Seneca here. Am proud to claim myself as Shawnee/Seneca/white. Also, a living history re-enactor. Would love to see this world return to the French and Indian War era. I'd definitely fight on the Native side.

  • @okaminess
    @okaminess Před 12 lety

    lol I took my friend to the Navajo Nation. She's from Dunegal and we went to a pow-wow, where some northern tribes showed up, including this other CZcams user that I have only seen online. It's so nice to run into people from far away...

  • @kates551
    @kates551 Před 12 lety


  • @Nhyxz_Nox
    @Nhyxz_Nox Před 12 lety

    I really want to learn the lakota language. You have a beautiful culture and it would be a shame to lose it.

  • @giabellaporretta2346
    @giabellaporretta2346 Před 8 lety

    Pilamaya for sharing this video..I have written words followed!

  • @Dealz1988
    @Dealz1988 Před 14 lety

    It was kool to hear Lakota/Siouan wish I could seek it.

  • @KatharinaK117
    @KatharinaK117 Před 11 lety


  • @WhisperingNavajo
    @WhisperingNavajo Před 11 lety

    Still, he should be proud of who he is, no matter how his ancestors wronged others. We should never forget, but those stuck in the past are also doomed to repeat it is what my grandfather taught me.

  • @stacyblue1980
    @stacyblue1980 Před 16 lety +1

    5***** Lovely language. Thank you for this.

  • @NelichXCandii
    @NelichXCandii Před 12 lety

    I enjoyed this :) thank you!

  • @Reason1717
    @Reason1717 Před 15 lety

    In the language of my people it is pronounced "Now-way"...and it means THANK YOU. I say Thank you to you for this posting. Thank you! I am Seneca (native) and am over joyed to see this account of your language. Please make another.

  • @81tezcatlipoca
    @81tezcatlipoca Před 13 lety

    time will come back around

  • @jmg1957
    @jmg1957 Před 13 lety

    peace,my friend..

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 16 lety

    You are right. I changed it on the original. We need a Lakota spell checker. Mitakuye Oyasin

  • @qualqui
    @qualqui Před 15 lety

    Tlazcamati(thanx)for sharin' this vid, 5 stars rated and just had to fave it! Pilamaya and yes, we are all Mitakuye Oyasin!
    Xicmotla 'palhui nopampa, translation: Greetings to you on my behalf! nahuatl/aztec.

  • @tillucanttakeit
    @tillucanttakeit Před 14 lety

    my name is spiritchaser im studing day and nite tha lakota lauguage in teaching it to my dawta she picking it up pretty fast ne how i alway been tryna find my roots n sum lay in lakota so im studing the wayz so i can show my dawta

  • @susanagonzalez8366
    @susanagonzalez8366 Před 11 lety

    Certainly , very interesting.

  • @rubylopez6713
    @rubylopez6713 Před 10 lety +5

    Hello I was just about to watch your video and I was wondering if by chance you know the Lakota language? The reason I am asking is because I am Shawnee Indian. My grandfather just passed away, and when I was a baby he gave me the name Smiley, but the problem is none of my family members know how to say the name in Lakota and that is the language the name is given in! Do you think you could help me?

  • @nomorerocketships
    @nomorerocketships Před 14 lety

    you're right, I can't help being born the way I am; it's the people who look down on others that have the problem. Well, there's a lot of people in the world, some good, some bad. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 16 lety

    That new day is here, Thank you (pilamaye)!

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 15 lety

    I am learning

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 12 lety

    @Chizboy101 Definitely your mom would miss you, you are very special. Only a few want to live like they did in the 1800s. They call it living off the grid and they are hidden and there are no children there. Most Lakotas today live in houses and have to go to school just like you, it is the law for us too. So finish school and have fun with your friends and family and the outdoors and snow! And remember to be safe. You remind me of my son and he was always giving me a heart attack.

  • @msrikishi
    @msrikishi Před 13 lety

    Me too for sure.

  • @tylerhamar6791
    @tylerhamar6791 Před 8 lety

    nyata this is crazy horse speaking I come with in peace... I want to have a spiritual ritual done... one of your members of the Lakota tribe sent me here.... his name is white owl nickname....

  • @Listens2Spirits
    @Listens2Spirits Před 12 lety

    If you go to an elder who practices traditional ways, you should give them tobacco before hand and tell them u seek knowledge of what ever it is you want to know. It does not have to be alot of tobacco. This is how I was taught by a Ojibwe elder/medicine man from MN. I pray you find all the answers you seek. Dont forget to ask the creator for guidence in your search. As I was once told... being indian is not a color but a way of life.

  • @AmandaSimm
    @AmandaSimm Před 14 lety

    @Japandrew84 True there are many of us that are mixed.

  • @pushthelimit
    @pushthelimit  Před 12 lety

    @Chizboy101 You had Lucas on your shirt in your videos. I can tell alot about you from your videos. I can tell you like sports, drawing but not sitting down and being still. You were born around June and are a fast runner. You can't go with them so promise me to stay where you are at and learn all you can. You were born in your family for a reason, there are skills you need to learn. Stay safe and pray and this summer hopefully the spirits will give our medicine man a Lakota name for you.

  • @lakotapride22
    @lakotapride22 Před 15 lety

    thanx..i learned a lot..haha my mom was glad i learned my own language

  • @ChiefMojoRisingLives
    @ChiefMojoRisingLives Před 15 lety

    It is a true shame what this world has come to.
    I truly love the NativeAmerican way of life. They are the TRUE "founding fathers" and they deserve the respect that they have earned before we even got here.

  • @williamwarren3211
    @williamwarren3211 Před 9 lety

    And I would not change that for anything in d world like I told my family I am who I am and no changing that at all

  • @Morgaine1970
    @Morgaine1970 Před 15 lety

    Thanks love, I`ll do that. Even @ 4 in the morning. *lol* At least 4 am in Germany.. *loool*
    You keep up your spirit darling. My blessings and thoughts are with you.