Andrew Bolt challenges Muslim, on Australia's Islam Problem "We dont hear anything from Buddhists"

  • čas přidán 21. 11. 2012
    Andrew Bolt has a Mini Debate with Susan Carland about Australia's Islam Problem.
    Full episode:

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  • @leonardmacaulay9833
    @leonardmacaulay9833 Před 6 lety +883

    I have yet to see Buddhist "No Go Zones" in any city anywhere.

    • @EnFyr
      @EnFyr Před 6 lety +17

      Leonard MacAulay 😂😂😂😂 right on

    • @YammoandDebo
      @YammoandDebo Před 5 lety +6

      😂🤣😂🤣😂😂 You win!!!

    • @jendlti
      @jendlti Před 5 lety +39

      funny thing is you can even wander around a buddhist temple as a non buddhist while they are in session.

    • @rushdrift
      @rushdrift Před 5 lety +9

      Leonard MacAulay google rohingnya genocide its basically buddhist people killing muslim there.

    • @oldspecviews
      @oldspecviews Před 5 lety

      Lovely Reply And True

  • @tigermagda
    @tigermagda Před 6 lety +762

    Omg. Islam is problem everywhere is goes. And ppl still question if it's ok.

    • @denisgeorgiose2654
      @denisgeorgiose2654 Před 5 lety +14

      Joan R
      Isl;am ? Lol
      Allah / Islam is pagan Quraish faith REVISITED by Mhd !
      Allah was a pagan God of the pagan Quraish with 360 idols at Mecca which Mhd ROBBED from them to make his man made sect ! Islam was NEVER from Abraham ,Moses from God !
      Yahweh , the One & Only God TALKED to the REAL Prophets BUT NEVER talked to Mhd !!!!!!
      Islam is Pagan Quraish faith RE VISITED BY MHD , the immoral PIMP , to make his own fake sect to dominate the Quraish !
      Islam is pagan only . The proofs are from their own Books Proofs from Islamic Scriptures
      A / Name of the father of Mhd , born pagan Quraish was Abdullah Ibn Muttalib Meaning slave of the pagan God Allah . Allah was thus the God of the pagan Quraish !
      B / Allah was a pagan God with 360 idols at Mecca
      Sahih Bukhari 3:43:658
      Narrated 'Abdullah bin Masud: The Prophet entered Mecca and (at that time) there were three hundred-and-sixty idols around the Ka’aba. He started stabbing the idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting: "Truth (Islam) has come and Falsehood (disbelief) has vanished.
      Mhd ROBBED the pagan God Allah of the pagan Quiraish to make his own man made fake sect .
      C / During Hajj, Muslims walk between two mountains seven times. It is a pagan pre-Islamic practice since long BEFORE
      . Sahih Bukhari. Volume 2, Book 26, Number 710:
      Narrated ‘Asim: I asked Anas bin Malik: “Did you dislike to perform Tawaf between mountain Al-Safa and mountain Al-Marwa?” He said, “Yes, as it was of the ceremonies of the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, till Allah revealed: ‘Verily! Al-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the rites (or symbols) of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who performs the pilgrimage to the Ka’ba, or performs ‘Umrah, to perform Tawaf between them.’ ” (Quran 2.158)
      D / Muslims practice animal sacrifice as pagans for Eid Ul Adah while God forbid it
      Isaiah 1:11 "What makes you think I want all your sacrifices?" says the LORD. "I am sick of your burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle. I get no pleasure from the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
      E / During Ramadan, Pagan Arabs used to abstain from food, water, sexual contact etc. Muslims practice the same Pagan Ramadan rituals. Mhd ROBBED these pagan pratices Sahih Bukhari 5:58:172 -
      Narrated Aisha: ‘Ashura was a day on which the tribe of Quraish used to fast in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it
      F / The Black-stone or al-Ḥajar al-Aswad of the Ka’aba became the central shrine object in Islam. It was one of the many stones and idols venerated by pre-Islamic Pagans. The Black Stone was kissed by people during pre-Islamic pagan worship. Mjd did not completely abolish Idol worship, he made the Black Stone stay and allowed people to continue the practice of kissing the stone. It is the same pre-Islamic Pagan stone that Muslims kiss today during Hajj and Umrah. The black stone was a pagan deity called ‘Al-Lat’, one of the three daughters of Allah, the Pagan moon-god. She was once venerated as a cubic rock at Ta’if in Arabia.
      Sahih Bukhari Hadith 1494
      Narrated 'Abis bin Rabia: 'Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you."
      G / Pre-Islamic Pagans prayed five times a day facing Mecca. Persian Zoroastrian tribe prayed five times a day too, in the direction of the Sun or fire temple. Before prayers, Zoroastrians cleaned themselves or practiced ablution. Mhd ROBBED / COPIED ablution and the prayers for 5 times
      Sahih Bukhari Book 8, no. 345
      When Muhammad met Allah in heaven, Allah demanded 50 prayers per day. But with the help of Moses, Muhammad bargained with Allah and finally he was successful to reduce 50 prayers per day to 5 prayers per day.
      Even the Quran (4:28) says, ‘God wishes to lighten your burden, for the human being is created weak .
      How Allah which was a pagan God of the pagan Quraish as proved from your OWN Books , will bless , curse , give refuge when it could NOT make it's fake prophet who preached all sins and has so much blood on his hands perform ANY miracle ?
      Q 13:7 The unbelievers say, 'Why has a sign (ayatun) not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Thou art ONLY a warner, and a guide to every people.
      Q 17:90-93 Say: 'Glory be to my Lord. Am I aught BUT A MORTAL, a Messenger !
      Allah is a generic name in Arabic ! Meaning God , Any God, Holy or pagan is called Allah in Arabic as proved up. The name of the father of Mhd , a pagan Quraish was dedicated to Allah at birth ! When Arabic Bible refers to Aallah it is the One & Only Holy God Yahweh as Christians' God has a personal name NOT a generic name as pagans's God , Allah
      Exodus 6 :3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El-Shaddai--'God Almighty'--but I did not reveal my name, Yahweh, I AM , to them.

    • @denisgeorgiose2654
      @denisgeorgiose2654 Před 5 lety +6

      Fari9da hanum Pls stop lying and wake up earlier to read the cartoon book made by an immoral pimp & ganster Mhd
      "And we have sent no messenger but with the language of his people, that he might make (the message) clear for them."
      "He is (Allah) who has raised among the unlettered people a messenger from among themselves" (62:2)
      Should wake up earlier and stop lying so shamefully & publicly girl

    • @denisgeorgiose2654
      @denisgeorgiose2654 Před 5 lety +6

      farida hanum
      Allah / Islam is pagan Quraish faith REVISITED by Mhd !
      Allah was a pagan God of the pagan Quraish with 360 idols at Mecca which Mhd ROBBED from them to make his man made sect ! Islam was NEVER from Abraham ,Moses from God !
      Yahweh , the One & Only God TALKED to the REAL Prophets BUT NEVER talked to Mhd !!!!!!
      Islam is Pagan Quraish faith RE VISITED BY MHD , the immoral PIMP , to make his own fake sect to dominate the Quraish !
      Islam is pagan only . The proofs are from their own Books Proofs from Islamic Scriptures
      A / Name of the father of Mhd , born pagan Quraish was Abdullah Ibn Muttalib Meaning slave of the pagan God Allah . Allah was thus the God of the pagan Quraish !
      B / Allah was a pagan God with 360 idols at Mecca
      Sahih Bukhari 3:43:658
      Narrated 'Abdullah bin Masud: The Prophet entered Mecca and (at that time) there were three hundred-and-sixty idols around the Ka’aba. He started stabbing the idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting: "Truth (Islam) has come and Falsehood (disbelief) has vanished.
      Mhd ROBBED the pagan God Allah of the pagan Quiraish to make his own man made fake sect .
      C / During Hajj, Muslims walk between two mountains seven times. It is a pagan pre-Islamic practice since long BEFORE
      . Sahih Bukhari. Volume 2, Book 26, Number 710:
      Narrated ‘Asim: I asked Anas bin Malik: “Did you dislike to perform Tawaf between mountain Al-Safa and mountain Al-Marwa?” He said, “Yes, as it was of the ceremonies of the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, till Allah revealed: ‘Verily! Al-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the rites (or symbols) of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who performs the pilgrimage to the Ka’ba, or performs ‘Umrah, to perform Tawaf between them.’ ” (Quran 2.158)
      D / Muslims practice animal sacrifice as pagans for Eid Ul Adah while God forbid it
      Isaiah 1:11 "What makes you think I want all your sacrifices?" says the LORD. "I am sick of your burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle. I get no pleasure from the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
      E / During Ramadan, Pagan Arabs used to abstain from food, water, sexual contact etc. Muslims practice the same Pagan Ramadan rituals. Mhd ROBBED these pagan pratices Sahih Bukhari 5:58:172 -
      Narrated Aisha: ‘Ashura was a day on which the tribe of Quraish used to fast in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it
      F / The Black-stone or al-Ḥajar al-Aswad of the Ka’aba became the central shrine object in Islam. It was one of the many stones and idols venerated by pre-Islamic Pagans. The Black Stone was kissed by people during pre-Islamic pagan worship. Mjd did not completely abolish Idol worship, he made the Black Stone stay and allowed people to continue the practice of kissing the stone. It is the same pre-Islamic Pagan stone that Muslims kiss today during Hajj and Umrah. The black stone was a pagan deity called ‘Al-Lat’, one of the three daughters of Allah, the Pagan moon-god. She was once venerated as a cubic rock at Ta’if in Arabia.
      Sahih Bukhari Hadith 1494
      Narrated 'Abis bin Rabia: 'Umar came near the Black Stone and kissed it and said "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither benefit anyone nor harm anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you I would not have kissed you."
      G / Pre-Islamic Pagans prayed five times a day facing Mecca. Persian Zoroastrian tribe prayed five times a day too, in the direction of the Sun or fire temple. Before prayers, Zoroastrians cleaned themselves or practiced ablution. Mhd ROBBED / COPIED ablution and the prayers for 5 times
      Sahih Bukhari Book 8, no. 345
      When Muhammad met Allah in heaven, Allah demanded 50 prayers per day. But with the help of Moses, Muhammad bargained with Allah and finally he was successful to reduce 50 prayers per day to 5 prayers per day.
      Even the Quran (4:28) says, ‘God wishes to lighten your burden, for the human being is created weak .
      How Allah which was a pagan God of the pagan Quraish as proved from your OWN Books , will bless , curse , give refuge when it could NOT make it's fake prophet who preached all sins and has so much blood on his hands perform ANY miracle ?
      Q 13:7 The unbelievers say, 'Why has a sign (ayatun) not been sent down upon him from his Lord?' Thou art ONLY a warner, and a guide to every people.
      Q 17:90-93 Say: 'Glory be to my Lord. Am I aught BUT A MORTAL, a Messenger !
      Allah is a generic name in Arabic ! Meaning God , Any God, Holy or pagan is called Allah in Arabic as proved up. The name of the father of Mhd , a pagan Quraish was dedicated to Allah at birth ! When Arabic Bible refers to Aallah it is the One & Only Holy God Yahweh as Christians' God has a personal name NOT a generic name as pagans's God , Allah
      Exodus 6 :3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El-Shaddai--'God Almighty'--but I did not reveal my name, Yahweh, I AM , to them.

    • @denisgeorgiose2654
      @denisgeorgiose2654 Před 5 lety +6

      faridah hanum
      Mhd was a PIMP and Islam is the ONLY sect ever created by a PIMP !
      Sahih al-Bukhari 5079-We used to participate in the holy battles led by Allah's Messenger and we had nothing (no wives) with us. So we said, "Shall we get ourselves castrated?" He forbade us that and then allowed us to marry a woman temporarily by giving her even a garment and then he recited to us: "O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you."
      Pure PIMP ! SEX V/S REWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Mhd was a highway gangster Proved by
      Q8:41 says - "And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation
      Confirmed by
      A caravan of Quraish carrying dry raisins and leather and other merchandise of Quraish passed by...” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 424)
      When the Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428)
      Mhd was a mafioso a looter a ransomner a bandit
      Proved by
      Qur'an (9:29)
      Fight those who believe not in Allah , until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
      Confirmed by
      Ishaq 956 & 962 -
      "He who withholds the Jizya is an enemy of Allah and His apostle.
      Muslim (19:4294)
      "If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them"
      Mhd was mad
      Proved by
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 53, Number 400)
      Narrated Aisha:
      Once the Prophet was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660)
      Narrated Aisha:
      Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not
      Plus Mhd 's hands are full of blood that murderer No need quoting to you about the Banukarayzah where Mhd beheaded 600/900 men in one day

    • @denisgeorgiose2654
      @denisgeorgiose2654 Před 5 lety +3

      farida hanum
      Just in case you didn't get it as you vanished immediately
      Mhd was a PIMP and Islam is the ONLY sect ever created by a PIMP !
      Sahih al-Bukhari 5079-We used to participate in the holy battles led by Allah's Messenger and we had nothing (no wives) with us. So we said, "Shall we get ourselves castrated?" He forbade us that and then allowed us to marry a woman temporarily by giving her even a garment and then he recited to us: "O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you."
      Pure PIMP ! SEX V/S REWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Mhd was a highway gangster Proved by
      Q8:41 says - "And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation
      Confirmed by
      A caravan of Quraish carrying dry raisins and leather and other merchandise of Quraish passed by...” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 424)
      When the Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428)
      Mhd was a mafioso a looter a ransomner a bandit
      Proved by
      Qur'an (9:29)
      Fight those who believe not in Allah , until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
      Confirmed by
      Ishaq 956 & 962 -
      "He who withholds the Jizya is an enemy of Allah and His apostle.
      Muslim (19:4294)
      "If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them"
      Mhd was mad
      Proved by
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 53, Number 400)
      Narrated Aisha:
      Once the Prophet was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660)
      Narrated Aisha:
      Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not
      Plus Mhd 's hands are full of blood that murderer No need quoting to you about the Banukarayzah where Mhd beheaded 600/900 men in one day
      Dare deny about that Satan;s messenger

  • @pummyy
    @pummyy Před 5 lety +771

    You go to a Christian country and you ask for sharia law that's wrong. If Sharia law was good why not migrate to Saudi Arabia!!!

    • @blackwingvalleylover
      @blackwingvalleylover Před 5 lety +41

      Have to agree. It would be so hard for her to live there.

    • @coutinhorio99
      @coutinhorio99 Před 5 lety +32

      agree,,,,why bothers in other people country...could the christian do that in middle east to force religion?

    • @bobmason83
      @bobmason83 Před 5 lety +7

      totally agree

    • @blackwingvalleylover
      @blackwingvalleylover Před 5 lety +22

      @Ulrich Esser You'd have no chance in living according to Cannon Law or Talmudic law in many muslim countries and if you did you'd be persecuted or imprisoned. If your ideology is fundamentalist in any way why would you expect secular countries to bend over backwards for you. It is common sense.

    • @blackwingvalleylover
      @blackwingvalleylover Před 5 lety +17

      @Ulrich Esser Sounds like you are on your own trip. I'm against fundamentalism -that is either Christian, Jewish or Muslim fundamentalism. Like I said in the first place why go to a secular country and try to change the laws. They can stay in those countries that support fundamentalism or a religious theocracy.

  • @chriswatson1698
    @chriswatson1698 Před 5 lety +102

    Can't generalize? Don't ALL Muslims believe that the Koran is the perfect word of God that can't be changed?
    Don't ALL Muslims believe that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammed is his last messenger? You CAN generalize about a billion people if they all believe in the same book.

    • @eb2505
      @eb2505 Před 5 lety +4

      The ones who follow the violent injunctions of the Koran do, not the moderate ones so much.

    • @19412571
      @19412571 Před 5 lety +11

      The blind leading the blind!!

    • @aftabkhalid7298
      @aftabkhalid7298 Před 5 lety +2

      Before generalizing common sense dictate to at least read why Quran is evil and why Islam is the growing religion in Europe? Ask God to understand the true teachings of Islam.

    • @bobbyhempel1513
      @bobbyhempel1513 Před 5 lety +2

      @@canalquenopudemonetizar8515 you're a moron if you believe that crap.

    • @willrogers5713
      @willrogers5713 Před 2 lety +4

      @@aftabkhalid7298 I don't need to read the whole book to understand that sharia law immoral. we have very clear data to show that the majority of Muslims are intolerant of western values, such as women's rights and homosexuality. because of this we are able to make generalised statements about the ethics and validity of islamic/Muslim claims

  • @redguest5772
    @redguest5772 Před 7 lety +411

    Buddha said you don't have to be a Buddhist to be a Buddhist but rather respect and serve the people around you are good enough .

    • @Topazius
      @Topazius Před 6 lety +9

      That is why it is a false religion. If a true religion is true then it should recommend all people the truth.

    • @humanbeing2722
      @humanbeing2722 Před 6 lety +51

      There is nothing called Buddhism,Hinduism etc as religion...we all are humans and have the right to choose our own paths and follow our Dharma... and the thing which you are referring as Buddhism,it's actually Buddha's way of's not a religion.Religion is a very new thing to Asia adopted from. the west and was made to only divide people

    • @shikharsrivastava3558
      @shikharsrivastava3558 Před 6 lety +28

      You do know Buddhism and Hinduism are older than Christianity and Islam? In case of Hinduism older than Judaism

    • @nwldn8684
      @nwldn8684 Před 6 lety +4

      they are older but still man made! what is your point

    • @shikharsrivastava3558
      @shikharsrivastava3558 Před 6 lety +5

      n w ldn Point being a world in absence of Religion is not much better. Stalin and Mao being prime examples. It's this retarded hypothesis that 'removing' religion would cure the world of most problems. Religions have their issues but they are not responsible for a lot of what you are pointing out. The Sikh killing or Muslim killing wasn't ideologically driven by Hinduism as per a religion. It was more political than anything.

  • @elevate32767
    @elevate32767 Před 5 lety +109

    This is not a perception problem. This is "Islam is incompatible with the West" problem.

  • @kathrynmolesa1641
    @kathrynmolesa1641 Před 5 lety +247

    My grandparents immigrated from Greece and told their children,"You are American first, and Greek second." Of course, faith was always foremost.

    • @truhamza
      @truhamza Před 5 lety +14

      Sadly they sold their identity ever so cheaply.

    • @eb2505
      @eb2505 Před 5 lety +40

      @@truhamza Nope - they integrated. Which muslims could learn a lot from. I have european forbears, but I'm an Australian, not scottish, english, french, german or irish.

    • @TK-rt2oy
      @TK-rt2oy Před 5 lety +3

      You are comparing an ethnicity to a religion while I get your point as I am told similar things to as an African British but some people would rather identify with their religion than their ethnicity and nationality.

    • @MrKit9
      @MrKit9 Před 5 lety +12

      @@truhamza Sadly you have earned an identity that shows you are little more than animals who wish to kill everyone who doesn't follow Allah and your faith tells you that this is good. What vermin you are.

    • @donnahilton471
      @donnahilton471 Před 5 lety +3

      Greek people are usually quite wonderful. I have a Muslim friend(20 years) our kids played together in grade school. But I know that her husband doesn't want her to spend time with me.

  • @dumbtom6831
    @dumbtom6831 Před 5 lety +224

    "We dont hear anything from Buddhists" - The answer is very simple. Buddhists can clearly distinguish between the belief system and the reality and strive to live in reality and in a peacefully life and be happy in all situations. A Buddhist knows if you intentionally make hell around you, you will have to spend your time in that surroundings and you will continue to live in that situation unless you intentionally change it and also with karmic force you do not expect to get paradise after death.

    • @wows898
      @wows898 Před 5 lety +6

      Lol. China and Myanmar proud of you.

    • @dumbtom6831
      @dumbtom6831 Před 5 lety +16

      @@kashifuddinahmed8383 - Have you heard of Muslims genocide of Buddhists at Chittagong in Bangladesh in 1983-84 ?

    • @laeioun
      @laeioun Před 2 lety +4

      The religion of no religion.

    • @dumbtom6831
      @dumbtom6831 Před 2 lety

      @@laeioun - Most religions are based on blind belief systems.

    • @laeioun
      @laeioun Před 2 lety +3

      @@dumbtom6831 Incorrect. Religion often involves blind belief systems, but to say that's what religion is based on is to show very little knowledge of the study of theology and the psychology of religion. Every human being has a religious instinct, just as you have the instinct to eat and sleep, or the instinct to explore, you also have the instinct to a religious understanding of the world. Essentially, it's your instinct to meaning. Carl Jung described the realm of the unconscious as something like God. He saw God as an archetype that we necessarily have to make peace with. We rely on God as much as God relies on us. Thus his famous quote, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
      Buddhists have a long tradition of being more focused on the psychological than the religious/spiritual. Carl Jung and most western psychologists actually learned their craft from the East. Alan Watts talks extensively about this, I would highly recommend reading his books: The Meaning of Happiness, The Way of Zen, In My Own Way, and The Wisdom of Insecurity. Buddhism isn't called the religion of no religion for no reason. It takes a wise and calm temperament to receive a message without being attached to it. Buddha is quoted as having said, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
      Here are more quotes by Jung that I quite like:
      "The unconscious psyche believes in life after death."
      "Religion is a defense against the experience of God."
      "In thirty years I have treated many patients. Among all my patients in the second half of life, every one of them fell ill because he had lost that which the living religions of every age had given their followers, and none of them was really healed who did not regain his religious outlook."

  • @guyice7245
    @guyice7245 Před 10 lety +66

    Quiz: Name one beneficial thing Islam has given the world in the last 500 years...... Stumped? Ya, me too.

    • @guyice7245
      @guyice7245 Před 10 lety +22

      ***** Like I said... in the last 500 years. The Middle East WAS the leader in science, math, and technology UNTIL Islam. Actually,, what has Islam given us in the past 1400 years?? Besides death and shit.

    • @chrisp1987
      @chrisp1987 Před 10 lety +4

      Well I'm sorry to say, your are totally wrong. During the dark ages where critical thought was suppressed and scripture held the throne, the muslims were the only ones who freely engaged with critical thought through science, maths, art, philosophy and so on. Furthermore they taught these disciplines in mosques. If it wasn't for muslim scholars much of what we know now of ancient greek thought would be lost, because of course as we all know, the christian empires deemed thinkers such as Plato as heretical and therefore dangerous. What bought about Renaissance thinking and the Enlightenment throughout Europe was heavily influenced by the Moors in Spain, where the islamic palace, the Alhambra was built (which is a world wonder). The design and architecture is heavily influenced by mathematics and geometry. You are totally wrong. If there has been any adversary to thought in the past 500 years it has been the Christian traditions. The muslims never imprisoned Galileo, the muslims never burnt copernicus' books, the muslims never burnt ancient greek texts, the muslims do not see the theory of evolution as something heretical. In fact, my muslim friends, are some of the most intelligent, well mannered, compassionate, cleanliest, studious and intelligent people I know, and they owe a lot of that too their beliefs and culture.

    • @chrisp1987
      @chrisp1987 Před 10 lety +2

      ***** Quiz: Name one beneficial thing Islam has given the world in the last 500 years...... Stumped? Ya, me too.
      I'm sorry I have no idea what your saying. I was responding to the claim that islam has given nothing to the world in the past 500 years. . Im letting you know that the west owes a lot to islam. I'm letting you know that if it wasn't for islamic intellectual culture we'd all still be visigoths regularly practicing witch hunts, we'd be sacrificing cows for better weather, and we'd be eating our own shit.

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 10 lety

      ***** you want only one….immunisations

    • @guyice7245
      @guyice7245 Před 10 lety +8

      ***** EVERYTHING.. Education, science, Internet, immunizations, surgery, anesthesia, medicine, space travel, airline travel, cars, art, movies, GPS, smart phones, cable TV, basically a better way of life. Again.. name ONE FUCKING POSITIVE THING Islam has given to the world in the past 1400 years...

  • @SurrtanCat
    @SurrtanCat Před 9 lety +43

    I'm still waiting for some guy to point out the genocides being performed by Buddhists in Burma against Christian and Muslim minorities.

    • @LoupiOlorel
      @LoupiOlorel Před 9 lety +1

      ***** budhists killing people???

    • @SurrtanCat
      @SurrtanCat Před 9 lety +2
      Here is a link.

    • @SurrtanCat
      @SurrtanCat Před 9 lety +3

      Hoghs Well here is the problem, Burma is a Buddhist nation.

    • @neocrusader232
      @neocrusader232 Před 9 lety +1

      ***** Read my comment above in regards to Muslims in Burma.
      In regards to the Christians,the Christians want their own state that is still part of Burma,that was promised to them by the British colonialists in 1947,but it never took place.The Burmese do not want the Karen to have their own breakaway Christian state .

    • @TheFightingIrishWarrior
      @TheFightingIrishWarrior Před 9 lety

      Neo Crusader Straight out of Wikipedia eh Louise Parkins age 54.? Aka Glenys Wiseman, Robert De Bruce, Stephen Dwyer, etc.

  • @peteyd1984
    @peteyd1984 Před rokem +9

    The penalty for apostasy in Islam is death.

  • @LozzieBabexox
    @LozzieBabexox Před 5 lety +120

    We are in real trouble Australia...

    • @radioactive6596
      @radioactive6596 Před 4 lety +5

      @@sonukharb6847 Google it

    • @sporotrichosis8291
      @sporotrichosis8291 Před 4 lety +19

      @@sonukharb6847 even India is in Danger from this Jihadis

    • @pocoyo786
      @pocoyo786 Před 4 lety

      Of course we are. We're a country founded by convicts and genocide. Did you expect a silver lining in that?

    • @sporotrichosis8291
      @sporotrichosis8291 Před 4 lety +6

      @@sonukharb6847 why u want to leave.... instead of fighting....think if our Heroes , guru Nanak. Chatrapathi Sivaji Would had been done same things.

    • @bahariyousofi5288
      @bahariyousofi5288 Před 4 lety

      Can u explain wdym

  • @toddles9
    @toddles9 Před 10 lety +247

    This woman's comparison (1:33) to other ethnicities is totally flawed.
    Sure, there were small cultural difficulties in the past with immigrants in Australia. But we were never worried that Italians were going to hack soldiers to death on the street. We were never worried that Greeks were going to fly planes into buildings. We were never worried the Vietnamese were going to try to convert us or kill us for not believing their way. It's simply not a comparison.
    Belief in Islam is responsible for all those things.
    This is not an Australian problem, nor is it even a cultural one. This is a problem Islam has within its own community.
    If Muslims want the world to have a better view of their religion, then THEY need to fix this. We can't - we're the enemy, no one will listen to us.
    She can't just dismiss this as 'oh well, Italians had problems, now it's Islam's turn'.
    Sorry, no. This isn't a case where in ten years' time we'll be standing hand in hand with Muslims wondering 'what all the fuss was about'.
    Not whilst the moderates stay silent and continue to do NOTHING except make excuses for the radicals.

    • @toddles9
      @toddles9 Před 10 lety +10

      Alexei Dettman There is nothing strawman about what I have said. It is not a strawman argument to mention suicide bombers in Pakistan - that is a literal argument precisely describing my point. You can disagree with the argument, call it wrong if you want, but strawman? No.
      'Argue against migration'? -What?
      Where have I sad that? You are again missing my point because you're too emotional.
      I am FOR immigration/migration and I am not Conservative, I am a leftie (I'm just not a bleeding heart one.)
      You misrepresent my point, I am not against Iranians/Iraqis - this is not a race issue, I am against radical Islam.
      Empathy is the wrong word to use here. I have sympathy for migrant people, but it's not possible for me to have empathy.
      Before you respond, please read my comments again and stop turning it into an 'you're against immigration and moderate Muslim' argument. That's total nonsense.
      Bring everybody to Australia, I say. Your aunts, uncles, nephews etc bring 'em all here. Come here for a safe life and bring your food and culture, music, history etc....
      but your radical cousin who wants to kill Westerners?....leave him behind.
      I mean, don't YOU also abhor radical Islam?

    • @WarrenSal
      @WarrenSal Před 10 lety +6

      toddles9 That was well written

    • @jeremyampt
      @jeremyampt Před 10 lety +6

      "whilst the moderates stay silent and continue to do NOTHING except make excuses for the radicals." You obviously need to take to a Muslim yourself, I don't know any that make excuses for radicals, it's just that certain sections of the media choose not to give them any coverage when they challenge them

    • @mrgngstr
      @mrgngstr Před 10 lety +10

      No just no, that fear has been put in you by the media, if you stop watching the bullshit once in a while and look for the truth then you would understand that only a very small minority of Muslims are radical extremists, and the media uses the actions of the minority to judge the majority, now why should the actions of a minority represent that of the majority?, But i guess like many of you closed minded people here are too lazy to look for the truth, you to agree with the shit the media puts into your mouth and happily take it in, and then you have the fucking nerve to make a stupid silly comment like that. hahaha you should get off your fat arse and educate yourself with the truth not the fuckery that is shown on your television.

    • @mrgngstr
      @mrgngstr Před 10 lety +3

      Glenys Wiseman i didnt take the time to read your comment because im severely allergic to false information especially when you have no idea what you are talking about, so save your self the trouble and dont reply back because your just embarassing your self. P.S please use your REAL account stop using 2nd or 3rd accounts you have created to mock Islam and be a xenophobic little bitch. K thanks :)

  • @colintraveller
    @colintraveller Před 5 lety +60

    She never has been to the Middle east ....and she would never be heard never mind be allowed on tv .. to speak her opinion plus someone should ask her is it right for muslim to marry a child ... I'd like to know what her response would be

    • @ThekiBoran
      @ThekiBoran Před 5 lety +1

      The beer drinking, cigarette smoking Muslims in Egypt are warm and friendly.

    • @Ardkun00
      @Ardkun00 Před 5 lety +2

      Well you are a man, aren't you?

    • @talalali9433
      @talalali9433 Před 5 lety +1

      colintraveller well in Saudi Arabia now you can’t marry someone who’s under 16 yet you can marry someone who’s 14 and above on many USA states , what about that?

    • @Rose-cq3bf
      @Rose-cq3bf Před 5 lety

      @@Ardkun00 and I am a woman what is your point??

    • @brobdignagian6529
      @brobdignagian6529 Před 5 lety

      Talal Ali Uhhhh. No. That’s borderline pedophilia

  • @dewise4768
    @dewise4768 Před 5 lety +76

    According to Islamic Law is she supposed to be speaking as freely and disrespectfully towards men???

    • @aftabkhalid7298
      @aftabkhalid7298 Před 5 lety +1

      You tell me my scholarly friend; Ignorance is a curse, try to elevate yourself by learning about the subject which you are opening your mouth on.

    • @dewise4768
      @dewise4768 Před 5 lety +13

      @@aftabkhalid7298One need not be "scholarly" to understand your third world religion and governmental system. Shouldn't you be wiping with a bare hand (left only) or blowing the devil out of your nostrils? You know I'm correct. She also committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother. She should be deported back to sand land.

    • @aftabkhalid7298
      @aftabkhalid7298 Před 5 lety +4

      There is no cure for ignorance.

    • @aftabkhalid7298
      @aftabkhalid7298 Před 5 lety +3

      "My Third world religion", Jesus was not born in USA either though thanks to Saul the bounty Hunter who through his Fabrications connected West with Jesus (peace be upon him). My third world religion talks about one sole Creator who knows how man exploits. You limited intellect might not be able to comprehend the reality. Just chill and live in your bubble filled with hubris.

    • @dewise4768
      @dewise4768 Před 5 lety +9

      @@aftabkhalid7298What makes your "religion" third world is the fact that women are second class citizens and jihad is the way you advance it. That and lying and interloping. That and the child bride thing and female genital mutilation and I could go on for a day but won't. I do believe it will dominate the world as our Bible says the whole world will whore after the beast and wear a mark on their forehead or right arm and those that hold to the testimony of the true Jesus will be beheaded. Ultimately you will be crushed but not by us believers in our Lord. I am a wide awake Christian. I know the mark is the Bismillah and not a 666. I also believe the Mahdi is the one that comes on a white horse and fools the Jews and ignorant Christians. See you out there. Hopefully.

  • @copypastebot2052
    @copypastebot2052 Před 2 lety +98

    As a Sri Lanka Buddhist in Australia i can proudly say that Buddhist,Hindus and Sikhs get along well with any society

    • @eternal2780
      @eternal2780 Před 2 lety +34

      True , same in India every religion respect each other except Muslims and then they blame non-muslims

    • @UnstoppableEmpire
      @UnstoppableEmpire Před 2 lety

      Whatever pleases your white master. Dont be too confident they wont deport you!

    • @thusspokezarathustra1847
      @thusspokezarathustra1847 Před 2 lety +1

      Lmao India was neutral during Cold War and today it is far more sovereign than any muslim country can claim to. No body is serving white masters. Indian demography in US and UK perform better than their white counterparts. And even if they served "white masters" it is a light years better than serving " a pedophile desert war Lord".

    • @sowmyanagaraja7743
      @sowmyanagaraja7743 Před rokem

      I am a hindu and every other religion goes along well with each other Buddhists,Sikhs, jains..also some temple s in india have other religions such as jain priests as main priests...shows how tolerant we are..the only religion we always have a problemw with is islam..when in minority they expect to be treated with respect and when in majority they make sure minorities are husbands ancestors mainland was Kashmir and they had to flee overnight from Kashmir because of the violence from local muslims..that's a fact...they gave each family a identity called ban so that when they flee and settle else where they should not get married within family unknowingly and is followed even much for peaceful community

    • @Ranveer_sangha03
      @Ranveer_sangha03 Před rokem +4

      Well said

  • @zotta1
    @zotta1 Před 8 lety +109

    She is comparing the negativeness towards Muslims to other cultures before that did cop some persecution. The only problem is that those other cultures did not stand in our streets and call for heads to be cut off. And those other cultures did not plan terror attacks against Australia, denounce Australian law and call for it to be replaced by another - sharia law. Those other cultures eventually became part of Australia.

    • @quqbalam5089
      @quqbalam5089 Před 8 lety +1

      Will Pugh-Calotte Muslims have been on European countries for several decades. Why is it then that they haven't caused a ruckus until now? Your xenophobia is truly disgusting.

    • @basedbattledroid3507
      @basedbattledroid3507 Před 8 lety

      You're kinda Wrong, Japan did that stuff also, plans to invade, violent attacks, etc, but now we're best buds, and they're no longer being judged on the past actions that were honestly more the government's fault than anything else. Yet despite learning English many continue to speak Japanese, practice Shinto and Buddhist beliefs, bring cultural imports here. But everyone's okay with it, they didn't abandon any beliefs other than the misguided hate we both mutually ditched.
      there's no one right way of life, it's all multi-faceted, This is what both of the cultures need to understand, we need to stop fighting fire with fire, even if all Muslims were actively,secretly terrorists: being afraid and getting all hate-filled or paranoid is only prolonging the actual effects of Terrorism: to make people terrified. There's just got to be another way than this stupid, bloodthirsty path everyone wants to go down. All because one book has a few different quotes to another book, it's ridiculous.

    • @zotta1
      @zotta1 Před 8 lety +9

      The Japanese did not do those things in our streets while holding Australian passports. They attacked from outside as a normal enemy does. Also the Japanese do not hold grudges - the muslims are still talking about the crusades for goodness sake.

    • @quqbalam5089
      @quqbalam5089 Před 8 lety

      zotta1 Gotta love your generalizations and false information. It's not true that Muslims want to do any of this. That's only fearmongering by ignorants. At most, a minority of Muslims want to do this but that is honestly no different than Japanese living in the the West like yakuza, for instance,

    • @willpugh-calotte2199
      @willpugh-calotte2199 Před 8 lety +1

      +Quq Balam Yes, there might be a Yakuza element among emigrant Japanese communities, just as there might be a Mafia element among emigrant Italian communities. However, these's a big difference in motivation between criminal groups such as the Yakuza or Mafia on the one hand, and jihadist Muslims on the other.
      The Yakuza and the Mafia are looking to make money -- simple as that. They're not driven by a religious ideology, they're not in principle at war with society, and they're not seeking to overturn society. They happen to want to make their money in ways that society deems injurious to itself, and therefore treats as criminal activity. Groups such as the Yakuza and Mafia are not interested or involved in harming people beyond "collateral damage" in the course of their money-making activities. They're not interested in killing people for the sake of it.
      In fact, few murders generally are committed without some kind of motive: an armed robbery gone wrong; catching your partner cheating, or some other kind of revenge; seeking to collect on an inheritance; and so on. There was that case where some bored kids in Oklahoma in the US shot an Australian guy on the street just for the thrill of killing someone, but those sort of "pointless" murders are relatively unusual.
      Compare that to jihadist elements in Western countries, or indeed even in Muslim countries, who go out to indiscriminately kill random people, and as many of them as possible, for the sake of some sky fairy or because it's commanded by their "perfect book" -- the book that's so "perfectly" clear that jihadists and Muslim apologists come up with wildly different interpretations of what the "real" Islam is.
      I cannot think of one other group in Australia that harbours elements who specifically want to terrorise and destroy this society -- the society that they or their predecessors chose to come to for the comforts that it offers. Can you?

  • @andreg7590
    @andreg7590 Před 7 lety +20

    I don't have a problem with Islam; my only problem is Islam having a problem with me.

  • @boxlessthinking
    @boxlessthinking Před 5 lety +51

    my question is if it's so great why don't they stay where it is.

    • @beesplaining1882
      @beesplaining1882 Před 5 lety +9

      Because we keep bombing the middle east. We've been doing that for decades now.

    • @maazmahi1935
      @maazmahi1935 Před 2 lety

      @Sanctus Paulus 1962 then what about fhe crusaders and Spanish inquisition. Hmm. If we follow ur Ideology then Hitler is going to heaven as Jesus(peace be upon him) is carrying his share of sin.

    • @madanigaming6595
      @madanigaming6595 Před 2 lety

      @Sanctus Paulus 1962 Lmao,and then attack Iraq of all countries.
      I m not gonna defend Islam but America has also spread a shit ton terrorism around the world

    • @mokesangnem
      @mokesangnem Před 2 měsíci

      ​@maazmahi1935 you mean the same crusades where Christians responded after 7 centuries of Islamic Conquest and Invasions of Christian lands? You mean the same inquisition where a few hundred died compared to the thousands of unbelievers you Abdools have murdered?
      And then there's Hitler? Is this the same Hitler that banished Christian leaders from power in his own country and collaborated with a Muslim Cleric is murdering 6 million Jews!?
      You should worry more about slavery that continues to persist to this very day in the Islamic world. Or how about the constant terror attacks from your religion or your primitive law that makes women look like rubbish bags?
      If you follow our ideology, your countries wouldn't be a complete cesspit.

  • @jameswilliams5982
    @jameswilliams5982 Před 5 lety +63

    Another convert
    Turns my stomach

    • @justsmashing4628
      @justsmashing4628 Před 5 lety +1


    • @nightprowler6336
      @nightprowler6336 Před 3 lety +2

      They are the loudest. Converts to Islam bark a lot cuz they are rare. Converts to Christianity remain silent majority. 15.5 million people convert to Christianity each year

    • @emsa7esm203
      @emsa7esm203 Před 3 lety

      @@nightprowler6336 That's hilarious. Christians are in rapid decline in the west.

    • @nightprowler6336
      @nightprowler6336 Před 3 lety +2

      @@emsa7esm203 and rapid rise in the East

    • @saheb-jg9nj
      @saheb-jg9nj Před 2 lety +1

      @@nightprowler6336 true

  • @SanDan3rdDan
    @SanDan3rdDan Před 8 lety +128

    No such thing as moderate Islam.

    • @SanDan3rdDan
      @SanDan3rdDan Před 8 lety +1

      jakeera 1995 Yum...

    • @SanDan3rdDan
      @SanDan3rdDan Před 8 lety

      jakeera 1995 Should get a doctor to look at that.

    • @SanDan3rdDan
      @SanDan3rdDan Před 8 lety

      jakeera 1995 Never heard of that country. May I have GPS coordinates?

    • @SanDan3rdDan
      @SanDan3rdDan Před 8 lety

      jakeera 1995 Wait so it's up and down? Sounds like Islam.

    • @Rogerrramjet1
      @Rogerrramjet1 Před 8 lety

      +jakeera 1995 hahaha you suck at predicting,,Now predict where Im from clown?

  • @Buzzbox3rd
    @Buzzbox3rd Před 5 lety +228

    If you prefer sharia law-Stay in a country that loves it. Its not wanted or needed here.

    • @XHitsugaX
      @XHitsugaX Před 5 lety +5

      allah made the earth so any place on earth=place of allah for the muslims. Thats what they believe. Creationists are all the same.

    • @ManjeetSingh-uj3cm
      @ManjeetSingh-uj3cm Před 5 lety +17

      @@XHitsugaX fuck ir allah.

    • @magpieenterprise6781
      @magpieenterprise6781 Před 5 lety

      You could have stayed where you were instead of coming to America. You dont have any moral grounds to tell anyone where to go and where not to.

    • @ManjeetSingh-uj3cm
      @ManjeetSingh-uj3cm Před 5 lety +9

      @@magpieenterprise6781 than u should leave those countrues which were captured by muslims and turned to islamic hellhole

    • @magpieenterprise6781
      @magpieenterprise6781 Před 5 lety

      @@ManjeetSingh-uj3cm Indian calling other country a hell hole? How ironic is that, in the true sense of the word

  • @danielboxsell4462
    @danielboxsell4462 Před 5 lety +51

    Even Islam can't get along with Islam doesn't figure whom can they get along with.

  • @brisman1963
    @brisman1963 Před 5 lety +49

    Italy, Greece, & Vietnam are countries. Islam is not a country.
    To my knowledge, the faiths followed by Australia's Italian, Greek, & Vietnamese immigrants did not encourage them to keep themselves, & as much as possible, separate themselves from all other people who were not of their faith.
    My observation at the time was that Australia's Italian, Greek, & Vietnamese immigrants did their best to assimilate themselves into the new communities in which they had chosen to live. They also appeared to do their best to adopt some thinking about what it is to be an Australian while not totally foregoing all their previous traditions & ways of life.
    To my knowledge, Islam is the only religion that combines religion & state. I believe that all non-Muslim Australians would much prefer that we keep religion & state separate.
    Some big differences there.

  • @Mikehowarth1988
    @Mikehowarth1988 Před 8 lety +158

    Every Muslim debate is the same. It's not our fault, you're generalising, you're racist. Does the man at the end not know that he would be killed in some Muslim countries or at a minimum whipped for his sins of alcohol? For him to say he drinks when muslims in the world are been killed or been tortured because of alchohol, then pretty much say the hosts a racist is so hypocritical its actually funny.

    • @Joebunkyss1
      @Joebunkyss1 Před 8 lety +1

      +Steve Lee its like the jewish isnt a race but a tribe and therefore feels and looks like a race.

    • @Mikehowarth1988
      @Mikehowarth1988 Před 8 lety +6

      The thing is with Islam, if you take it in it's literal interpration, then you're going to be at a very minimum filled with hate. You will have a very strong hate for jews, girls who show a bit of thigh or definitely a muslim girl who wants to be with someone outside of Islam, people who drink alcohol or do any drugs, Jews, Hindus etc. The problem is these Muslims are classed as moderate in most societies... The Islamists are the people who are not only filled with hate, but who act on the hate they've been taught and fake "liberals" dissasociate Islam from the acts that the Muslims are carrying out ... Even when they tell us directly that they're directly doing these acts based on Islamic values. In England the government gave hundreads of thousdands of pounds to a Salifist mosque known for creating terrorists and hate preaching. Then they wonder why the average citizens are getting pissed of when were consitantly shut down from voicing logical concerns. I know some great Muslims but that doesn't mean there isn't a massive problem with Islam and its ideals.

    • @quqbalam5089
      @quqbalam5089 Před 8 lety

      In what countries? Only a minority of countries, like Saudi Arabia, actually enforce such things. You can drink alcohol freely in almost every Islamic country. You really don't know what you're talking about.

    • @Mikehowarth1988
      @Mikehowarth1988 Před 8 lety +4

      Here are some stats on how different Islamic countries favour corporal punishment for theft...
      Albania 43%
      Russia 39%
      Turkey 35%
      Malysia 66%
      Pakistan 88%
      Afghan 81%
      bangladesh 51%
      palestine 75%
      Egypt 70%
      here are stats on muslims who believe adulterers should be stoned to death
      Pakistan 89%
      Turkey 30%
      afghan 85%
      Egypt 81%
      iraq 58% and so on
      death to apostates
      afghanistan 79%
      pakistan 76%
      bangladesh 44%
      egypt 86%
      jordan 66%
      lebanon 46%
      Turkey 17%
      malaysia 66%
      I think Iv made my point...

    • @quqbalam5089
      @quqbalam5089 Před 8 lety

      mike howarth No, you haven't. That there's support for corporal punishment doesn't mean that corporal punishment is applied in those countries. What people need to understand is that the vast majority of Islamic countries are liberal democracies that don't apply shariah. Even countries with Islam as their official religion, like Pakistan and Indonesia, don't apply it. So no, you don't have to fear that you will be flogged or that your hand will be cut off if you go there. Heck, just ask the millions of American and European tourists who go to countries like Jordan, Malaysia and Indonesia.

  • @iamahorsenut7541
    @iamahorsenut7541 Před 5 lety +62

    since the beginning of Islam why has there been constant fighting and war? No Muslim can give a proper reason!!I would be happy if just one day I didn't have to hear the word Muslim or Islam

    • @adminpde-certifiers1927
      @adminpde-certifiers1927 Před 5 lety +5

      so WWI & WWII was an islamic creation??
      invasion of Africa and wars still with long slavery history ....
      Vietnam war also.....
      killing millions of native american.....
      War lords in south america.....
      & & & & & &
      All done by who????????????????

    • @XHitsugaX
      @XHitsugaX Před 5 lety +15

      @@adminpde-certifiers1927 google arab slave trade. They started it before the first slaves sailed to america, and the widespread slave trade ended maybe during 1850ies in the muslim regions( Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, UAE still rape and abuse foreign workers like slaves) The Muslim conquest estimate around 50 million people killed during the history of islam.

    • @iamahorsenut7541
      @iamahorsenut7541 Před 5 lety

      @@adminpde-certifiers1927 maybe humans are just full of hate never seems to be full peace anywhere

    • @noelsoong777
      @noelsoong777 Před 5 lety +3

      @@XHitsugaX not to defend Muslims but even the greeks had slaves. Slave trade might be a thing since the Dawn of civilization

    • @adminpde-certifiers1927
      @adminpde-certifiers1927 Před 5 lety

      @Korvus Morte wrong reading of history makes going ahead with common thoughts like this as your reply doesn't also answer the real idea of who is starting the war (s)!!!!!

  • @ruthstclaire9247
    @ruthstclaire9247 Před 4 lety +20

    The easiest way to have kindly race relations is for All Newcomers to state that AUSTRALIAN LAW is THE LAW and no religious law is ABOVE the Australian law.

    • @mariarauf3280
      @mariarauf3280 Před 2 lety

      True. The only way out

    • @chriswatson1698
      @chriswatson1698 Před rokem

      Australian law was based on Christian ideas of right and wrong. We have moved away from Christian principles, to our detriment in some cases.

  • @vervoid73
    @vervoid73 Před 5 lety +3

    as someone pointed out, even bhuddists can not get along with islam. I rest my case.

  • @kevster1007
    @kevster1007 Před 6 lety +20

    Am surprised the Aussies have allowed this to fester in their back yard.

  • @an0nim0uz
    @an0nim0uz Před 11 lety +29

    All the inconvenient passages in the Quran always seem to be "misquoted" or "misunderstood", for some reason. It's really interesting.

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před rokem +2

      Read the bible through the same glasses!

    • @yumyum723
      @yumyum723 Před rokem +2

      @@gadzillaverzilla1979 your right. I mean the Quran is awful but the Bible is also totally depraved

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před rokem +1

      @@yumyum723 lol.. Such awful statement can only come from a woman! 😂

    • @motorhead48067
      @motorhead48067 Před 11 měsíci +2

      @@gadzillaverzilla1979I’m a man and think that statement is obviously true. Have you ever actually read the Bible and the Quran. If you did, you would know that “depraved” is an all too fitting adjective.

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před 11 měsíci

      @@motorhead48067 Yes, one way to describe a modern woman! 😂

  • @boufie9997
    @boufie9997 Před 5 lety +11

    "They are just like us."..UUHHHH...NO THEY ARE NOT

  • @andyclegg1
    @andyclegg1 Před 5 lety +35

    Koran 9.123 Fight the infidel who dwells amongst you deal harshly with them..etc.

    • @battab801
      @battab801 Před 4 lety +1

      That's talking about a spiritual presence with in you .it's all about context have a nice day -Muslim from quadrant 6 of the lpha force approves this message

    • @HumanBeing...
      @HumanBeing... Před 4 lety +2

      where are the explanation of it? and where are the verses before and after.? just took something out of context and start blaming, same as the terrorist who use these verses by changing their meanigs for their own benifit

  • @HMIslander
    @HMIslander Před 6 lety +157

    She's living in a fantasy world!!!

    • @xxMrBaldyxx
      @xxMrBaldyxx Před 6 lety +4

      all religious believers are.

    • @Evaese
      @Evaese Před 5 lety +5

      "Ohh look at me, I'm a white Aussie muslim" - 100% attention seeker.

    • @deniseg-hill1730
      @deniseg-hill1730 Před 5 lety +5

      She is a convert. Another one brainwashed

    • @almalee1885
      @almalee1885 Před 5 lety +5

      It's called lying to the infidels.

    • @MrDogsledder
      @MrDogsledder Před 5 lety +1

      Maybe. Islam works on a need -to- know basis. I think she hopes we are living in a fantasy world.

  • @angelajakob1257
    @angelajakob1257 Před 5 lety +12

    Human people? Why is it the responsibility of non Muslims to make them more popular. Misconceptions? Look at their country and how they treat gays and women, no explanation needed.

    • @magemlegends111
      @magemlegends111 Před 5 lety +1

      Thats an arab culture. Sis educate yourself. Segregate Arab Culture and Muslim is a term for a person who believe in islam there is no such thing as Muslim Culture. It's like your saying there is christian Culture?? My Gosh another one.

  • @leehogg4624
    @leehogg4624 Před 2 lety +6

    Once we get to know each other it's ok.
    Oh, but we want separate schools for our kids, our own places of worship, separate government sponsored community centres which will then become mosques.
    Oh, and our the regular schools our kids go to , we want them to serve halal food and no pork products.
    Oh, and we want women to dress respectfully in Muslim areas of your towns.
    Oh, and we want to be able to pray while we are at work.
    Oh, and when we fast we want you to be understanding of our need to do less work as we might feel faint. ( Even though it's a test and if they become ill they can take water or even food if necessary.
    Oh, and we want our wives not to work and I mean wives .
    Oh, and we want to be able to bring our extended family over including our grandparents who won't be working but will need housing, healthcare and government support.
    Then once we get to know each other it will be fine.

    • @chriswatson1698
      @chriswatson1698 Před 2 lety +4

      You forgot: we want adult men to be excluded from public swimming pools because we don't like men seeing us. In Perth, there are two public swimming pools, paid for by the whole community, that are closed to Australian men for hours every week.

    • @leehogg4624
      @leehogg4624 Před 2 lety +1

      @@chriswatson1698 the list is endless

  • @natashalall3553
    @natashalall3553 Před 5 lety +12

    sure the perception is nothing to do with reality - the 'perception' is the same all over the world not just Australia and not just in the west!

  • @vanessaabbas2309
    @vanessaabbas2309 Před 9 lety +169

    I absolutely love her speech about how Australia has deomonized every culture. I particularly love how she fails to mention how the UK, America, India and every other country unfortunate enough to house Muslims also have issues with the followers of Islam but i guess calling Australians racist bigots is much more supportive to her pathetic argument.

    • @sommershadow
      @sommershadow Před 2 lety +8

      Hope you don't still think the same

    • @aceleraupmimster
      @aceleraupmimster Před 2 lety +12

      i had a stroke reading this

    • @Dhksksjjsjjs
      @Dhksksjjsjjs Před 2 lety +5

      Now Europe is regretting their actions

    • @d.m6614
      @d.m6614 Před 2 lety

      wake up people, sooner the better

    • @AC-mp7cx
      @AC-mp7cx Před 2 lety +4

      India???? lmaooo

  • @kenc.d8200
    @kenc.d8200 Před 6 lety +49

    I don't really care where you come from ! but if you come to Australia then live here in peace with the rest of us ! don't try and change our laws that are already in place and have been for decades ! The world is already a volitile place and Australia has always been a peace loving country unless provoked and won't tolerate treason or other forms of disturbances to our Constitution ! like others trying to bring their own laws in to change ours ! NO WAY .

    • @simplehonestysimplehonesty4527
      @simplehonestysimplehonesty4527 Před 6 lety +9

      muslims don't integrate, they contaminate
      they turn their spouses into muslims, they move to your area and build more and more mosques
      islam spreads through devious lies even ex-muslims say so

    • @Aeygyojjang
      @Aeygyojjang Před 5 lety

      @@simplehonestysimplehonesty4527 first of all whipe that ignorance away its dripping. Second they dont intergrate? What do you understand by intergration? Should they eat pork, drink alcohol, wear skin tight clothes, no beard, no believing in 1 god and so on. Because dude that isnt the definition of intergration. Just like you have the freedom to choose which clothes you are putting on muslims have the same rights. Wearing less or doing things in your way doesnt mean they are educated human beings.
      In the stone age people were wearing less clothes, the more civilised they became the more they started to wear. Let me tell you something, why does it bother you that there are mosques in your country? There are churches and budhist temples too. Just because a muslim does things like praying or having a beard doesnt mean you will turn into a muslim too. Do your thing and shut the fudge up because you are really ridiculous. If you guys want to talk about Islam then better start learning about Islam and get your facts straight. If your to lazy to do that then dont talk about Islam at all. You are only embaressing yourself.

    • @MrDogsledder
      @MrDogsledder Před 5 lety +3

      @@Aeygyojjang So smug in your lies. Don't you understand that you devil worshipers have caused so much trouble that more people are studying Islam? Even christians. Not because we want to sell our souls to the devil like you, but so we know what you believe and can see through lies like yours.

    • @shodan2002
      @shodan2002 Před 2 lety +1

      Religion has no place in politics

    • @FF-ch9nr
      @FF-ch9nr Před 2 lety

      @@MrDogsledder lmao “devil worshippers” I’m not religious but even I know Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews, heck their practices are more in line with the covenant by comparison too, but a sand munching bogan like you wouldn’t know would you? This is what happens to old people who have truly lost touch with the narrative, isolated for too long with lack of contact with the younger generation, they just absorb whatever comforts their aching mind and label a quarter of the human population “devil worshippers”. Like a cliche straight out of a cartoon.

  • @wadatamana
    @wadatamana Před 5 lety +142

    As an ex-Muslim here, ISLAM (Like MOST religions) is CERTAINLY NOT COMPATIBLE with democracy or secularism. No matter how sweet their interpretation or words would be, the core fundamentals of Islam will remain the same. It is also very strange that the past tafseers(interpretations) are changed according to the general sentiments of the modern populations thereby shifting meanings throughout centuries. In short, they keep a foot in both camps in order to appeal to your sentimental, social justice warrior side...

    • @tatiisasuglyasjeffreeshear2690
      @tatiisasuglyasjeffreeshear2690 Před 4 lety +5

      the lies i can't 😭😂

    • @ahmadabdullateef3386
      @ahmadabdullateef3386 Před 4 lety +1

      @k.o. ed Explain yourself properly. I cant understand what your saying. Islam isnt just a set of beliefs, it is a set of rules in which all muslims in their private lives adhere to. And then it has a political system, and I fail to understand why it is somehow wrong for Islam to have a constitution and a political system. It seriously confuses me.

    • @chadafiy
      @chadafiy Před 2 lety +1

      That's what was said of Christianity

    • @Conn30Mtenor
      @Conn30Mtenor Před rokem +5

      @@ahmadabdullateef3386 yes and it's a set of beliefs that are rooted in an iron age belief system.

    • @theonesinacha4414
      @theonesinacha4414 Před rokem +3

      @@Conn30Mtenor Actually it's the Middle Ages but you're not too far off. And yeah of course a belief system that prescribes certain regulations and boundaries like respecting you're parents, abstaining from alcohol and drugs because it's bad for you and you can actually get killed from it, not backbiting, not killing an innocent person 'cause that would be as if you had killed all of humanity, loving one another regardless of the differences in color, creed or nation, praying 5 times a day, fasting (which is good for your digestive system) abstaining from fornication to avoid STD's and Shariah Law which is the reason why there is a formidable low crime rate in Saudi, UAE and Qatar, is definitely a return to the Dark Ages. Completely agree.

  • @macca8562
    @macca8562 Před 5 lety +13

    When you constantly have to go on tv to argue to get your point over about anything, there is something wrong with your argument or what your arguing about,why do they have to feel they have to force their religion on others,no other religion does it,and they wonder why we hate them and dont want them.

    • @commandofact7636
      @commandofact7636 Před 2 lety

      In my personal experience, it has been no body but non-Muslims who shown a near maniac obsession with Islam and wanting to remove Muslims from their faith. No Muslim in my life has ever forced their religion on others. It has always been non-Muslims who continue to harass and target Muslims as they have nothing in their life but to heap hate on something they do not understand or make an effort to understand.

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před rokem

      I know many christian missionaries who shove their bible in your face saying "You're doomed if you don't accept Christ!" That's why it's a dying religion, people want to be respected, feel safe and free the slaves!

  • @anggabriel1059
    @anggabriel1059 Před 7 lety +18

    Islamic TV preacher Sheikh Muhammad Hassan says that a Muslim is not permitted even to smile at a non-Muslim. A fatwa from Islam Q&A permits infidels to be dealt with "in a kind manner in the hope that they might become Muslim," but it warns Muslims against taking unbelievers as "sincere friends" (The same site also encourages Muslims to "stop keeping company with Christians and replace them with Muslim friends").

  • @yadudarmapalan9419
    @yadudarmapalan9419 Před 5 lety +222

    'A woman's word is half value of a man' - Quran

    • @sajidadamamin
      @sajidadamamin Před 5 lety +3

      If you educate a man you educate a person yet if you educate a woman you educate society.. This is what the final messenger taught his followers not the above .. please do not propagate lies .. which chapter and verse was that taken from if you are telling the truth.. none because it’s not in the Quran

    • @themorosepittbull257
      @themorosepittbull257 Před 5 lety +15

      @@sajidadamamin You shouldn't have fake profiles. Especially when you borrow one of MY ancestor's names. The US has killed 4 million muslims since 1990. I think we can do better. TRUMP 2020!!!

    • @senkail6625
      @senkail6625 Před 5 lety

      This is not the Koran first -____-

    • @boboh231
      @boboh231 Před 5 lety

      in the context of financial dealing, their testimony is half a man's yes. Also you are paraphrasing and just saying "Qur'an" without either the Surah or Ayah, and without knowing the context at all...

    • @boboh231
      @boboh231 Před 5 lety +2

      ​@moist faucet the sister will be married, and her her husband will provide and protect her, the brother has his own family and responsibilities to attend to. THIS is common sense, not sexism. If the brother's sister can't support herself, the brother has to do what he can to provide for her as well. Women have certain responsibilities therefore certain rights, likewise, men has certain responsibilities therefore certain rights. In Islam it is not a competition between man and woman, but rather we compliment each other. It's a yin and yang and we become complete. Real nice definition of equality man, when women are being abandoned by their husbands (actually not even husbands cuz people have forgotten marriage) and are stuck alone to raise their child.
      For someone proclaiming they know Islam by citing their references, you just cherry pick and take things out of context...nice man.

  • @soonenteradi5784
    @soonenteradi5784 Před 5 lety +31

    They keep saying minority, that is just a cheap ploy

  • @antoinettelamontagna9999
    @antoinettelamontagna9999 Před 5 lety +56

    1400 years of slavery and murder!

    • @langrichar
      @langrichar Před 5 lety +3


  • @francisfotography214
    @francisfotography214 Před 8 lety +66

    I am a white guy living in Punchbowl, the most muslim suburb of sydney. I experienced 5 years of violence, intimidation and open hatred first hand directed at me and my family. I originally tried to fit in as I have in other non muslim multicultural areas all over australia but nothing prepared me for the hatred that they seem to be proud of and religiously justify. Punchbowl has broken me. I will be moving soon.

    • @pranaysuvarna3906
      @pranaysuvarna3906 Před rokem +10

      I hope you have moved out of the locality my friend.

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před rokem

      Muslims have been tolerating hatred and intimidation from western media for decades now! Welcome to the club.

    • @johnsometimeswrong8742
      @johnsometimeswrong8742 Před rokem +7

      One or two Muslim family on your street ,lovely people... 10 muslim families different story they want shut of you..

    • @Bigmanhulk.
      @Bigmanhulk. Před rokem

      Just to let you know brother.
      There are bad people everywhere,I've read the quran and hadiths its the religion not the people.

    • @johnsometimeswrong8742
      @johnsometimeswrong8742 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Thats the raw truth, well put

  • @mrgarner4796
    @mrgarner4796 Před 7 lety +270

    I am surprised that Australia has given away their country.

    • @zebz313
      @zebz313 Před 6 lety +22

      Nancy Williams well they stole it first from the aborigines

    • @adespoja
      @adespoja Před 6 lety +2

      Perhaps we should all just have a big war and which ever ethnic background wins - can claim Australia??

    • @alimahmud6926
      @alimahmud6926 Před 6 lety

      don quattrocchi yep wait for us we are coming

    • @alimahmud6926
      @alimahmud6926 Před 6 lety +1

      don quattrocchi we will take over your country with peace 😂😂
      Just kidding bro
      I respect everyone and it's your country and you have right to do what ever you want but don't come to our country and tell us what to do

    • @ajdar5582
      @ajdar5582 Před 6 lety +1

      Nancy Williams
      Nancy, you have to understand the psychological nature of the Muslim women.
      They are sexually PURE, undirtied, unsoiled, unused by men before they get married.
      They want to preserve this purity as a gift to their husbands.
      When they get married, they give their husbands the most precious gift a woman can ever give to a man; their virginity.
      Most men secretly wish they had married a virgin, a pure women.
      They wear the burqa because they do not want to be eyed up and down by men. They preserve their looks for their husbands and rightly so.
      Women who wear the burqa have serious self-respect for themselves and I applaud this.
      I slept with 40 western women before I got married. In each case I had them in bed within 3 dates but at least half of them were had on the first night I met them.
      I decided to dste a woman who wore a burqa and it was only on our wedfing night that I first slept with her. This was one year after our furst date. I cannot begin to tell you the level of respect I have for my wife compared to the little I had for the western women.
      Wearing the burqa is nothing to do with oppresdion, this is a lie propagated by people who simply hate Muslims.
      It is all about sexual purity and self respect.

  • @grettavein6539
    @grettavein6539 Před 5 lety +5

    ‘The odd person who does something silly’. Way to be an apologist for war crimes

  • @MrKrueger88
    @MrKrueger88 Před 5 lety +9

    Hahahahahahahaha ...... None of the other people that came to Australia stole , bashed and demand us to change !!!!! And true re bugghists .... Peace loving people ❣️

  • @CameronCarter1
    @CameronCarter1 Před 8 lety +205

    Why do people feel the need to believe in garbage?

    • @tunastrike11
      @tunastrike11 Před 8 lety +8

      think that happens when you farm goats for thousands of years

    • @cosmicorphan13
      @cosmicorphan13 Před 8 lety

      yeah ya run out of trees, then water and food and jobs and if ya got no oil ya have to migrate to europe...

    • @bunnieskitties293
      @bunnieskitties293 Před 8 lety +3

      It is easy to make a child believe something, especially when they are entirely dependent on you. Parents make their children believe spookie invisible sky dwellers early, and when they start to question late it is a threat to be excommunicated from the family.

    • @chavrons1
      @chavrons1 Před 7 lety

      The same reason people believe in the Islamophobia which is spread to pour hate on mainstream Muslims. They do it by brainwashing the masses and manipulation and deceit.

    • @regularjoe9032
      @regularjoe9032 Před 7 lety +2

      you are stupid. it always takes a few to destroy the many. forgot nazi?

  • @CondemnedInformer
    @CondemnedInformer Před 5 lety +74

    I love it how like 99% of the people who turn up to these debates are foreigners trying to tell Australians what they SHOULD accept. We didn't get a vote to allow for many people with different invasive cultures that are in our cities to come in, so do not be surprised when I say I reject your culture and you, as the migrant, should adapt and integrate into Australia. Because you have failed Australia. You have a place you can go back to, you have another country that you very likely have citizenship with or share the same culture, Australians don't have that, this is all we have and make no mistake, it is our country for you to integrate into.

    • @truthnumb972
      @truthnumb972 Před 5 lety +16

      Should take your own advice..and shouldnt steal the indigenous peoples land..

    • @chriswatson1698
      @chriswatson1698 Před 2 lety +2

      @@truthnumb972 Aborigines didn't build the land, nature did. So who are you to say who owns it? But nature didn't build the power stations, ports, farms, road, telecommunications etc. Nature didn't build the health care system. Immigrants don't come to Australia to get a share of anything that Aborigines built. They want a slice of the wealth that white people built.

    • @sevo9433
      @sevo9433 Před 2 lety +8

      @@chriswatson1698 "aborigines didn't make the land nature did" who the fuck do you think your people killed to get that land in the first place? all your 'white people wealth' has been built off the backs and bodies of aborigines who lived and thrived there first

    • @copypastebot2052
      @copypastebot2052 Před 2 lety +1

      @@sevo9433 if whites didn't land in Australia it would be an useless continent no one wants to go there and overall development will be extremely low you can cry about it and if you think I'm White no I'm a Sri Lankan Buddhist

    • @alvarc3675
      @alvarc3675 Před 2 lety +1

      As a foreigner living in Australia, couldn’t agree more with what you pointed out. The irony is that you say that out loud and you’d be treated as a xenophobic when in fact it’s plain common sense.

  • @nox_als
    @nox_als Před 5 lety +6


  • @RashidAli-bp3mr
    @RashidAli-bp3mr Před 2 lety +2

    The battle lines are drawn. Us vs them. Bring it on to those that will never accept me.

  • @MarekzAnglii
    @MarekzAnglii Před 6 lety +26

    This video clip was published almost 6 years ago.
    So, how's it working out Australia, has the Muslim community increasingly integrated? Has the situation improved???

    • @aonoagreas5042
      @aonoagreas5042 Před 5 lety +1

      constituted 604,200 people, or 2.6% of the total Australian population,[1] an increase of over 15% of its previous population share of 2.2% reported in the previous census 5 years earlier. Of that earlier 2.2% figure,[2] "some estimate more than half are non-practicing"[3] muslim's stemming from all the varying denominations and sects of Islam present in Australia.

  • @patthewoodboy
    @patthewoodboy Před 5 lety +60

    its a common perception , because its the correct perception .

    • @truhamza
      @truhamza Před 5 lety +2

      No its a misconception that became a common perception because we need war to make money. On to the next big bad wolf.

    • @llgz4215
      @llgz4215 Před 5 lety +1

      Jonathan Vogel In this case, yes.
      But majorities also get it wrong, or most often do; like at a rate of 2 billion, for example.

    • @arifaislam6365
      @arifaislam6365 Před 5 lety

      let humans see other humans as simply humans. Don't characterize humans based on religion when you know little of it. At the end of the day, no muslim is perfect. Don't base your arguments against a people by only looking at a minority of them. Use the intellect humans are so proud of and understand humans are humans. There are those that are crazy and over the top and theres the majority normal people

    • @hunsadersrockinranch
      @hunsadersrockinranch Před 5 lety

      The Qur’an tells us: “not to make friendship with Jews and Christians” , “kill the disbelievers wherever we find them”, “murder them and treat them harshly” “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem”
      . The Qur’an demands that we fight the unbelievers, and promises “If there are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you will vanquish a thousand of them”.
      Allah and his messenger want us to fight the Christians and the Jews “until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”

    • @brandonporter6223
      @brandonporter6223 Před 2 lety

      @@arifaislam6365 Religion is an ideology, and you can absolutely make judgments about ideas.

  • @nagendravenkatachalapathy298

    You keep your culture in your home, no need you to introduce or enforce on others, most importantly follow the law where you are leaving for your bloody family and don't try to bring changes in other countries laws, they are happy within there believed government

  • @parkinplay5931
    @parkinplay5931 Před 5 lety +15

    I wonder if she has read the Koran in it's entirety.

  • @kenc.d8200
    @kenc.d8200 Před 6 lety +48

    If you come to Australia and make trouble​ them expect to be booted out ! Australians are a friendly bunch and we expect anyone who comes to our shores to respect our laws , / Values and I'm sure if you follow our golden rules then you'll be okay .

    • @MrDogsledder
      @MrDogsledder Před 6 lety +2

      Wish that was true.

    • @paddybrady652
      @paddybrady652 Před 5 lety +3

      except islam no to islam.

    • @MrDogsledder
      @MrDogsledder Před 2 lety

      @Sanctus Paulus 1962 Do you have any idea how long it takes to deport an illegal immigrant for committing a crime? If they ever do?

  • @dobrodave123
    @dobrodave123 Před 8 lety +5

    Mascara for pretty eyes, pretty lip gloss, pretty nails, pretty dress, pretty shoes (most likely), but I cover my hair with a pretty veil, to be modest. My hair is too sexy. WTF !??

  • @rp3875
    @rp3875 Před 5 lety +9

    I don’t agree with the comparison with other communities. False comparison

  • @katb945
    @katb945 Před 5 lety +4

    as soon as Bolt tries to answer he is cut of by the leftiest ABC.

  • @YassineBoulfiham
    @YassineBoulfiham Před 8 lety +16

    i am a muslim, and I can confirm that there is a big big problem in islam, but not WITH islam.

    • @Rogerrramjet1
      @Rogerrramjet1 Před 8 lety

      +Yassine Boulfiham you are ready to convert I think,,Why are you sucking up to their asses???You should be a good Muslim and not fear the infidel

    • @DidHeDied
      @DidHeDied Před 8 lety +6

      +Yassine Boulfiham The foundations of Islam, the Quran and Hadith, are at the basis of the problems in Islam. Islam needs to reform or disappear. Islam, like the other Abrahamic religions, is man made. Islam is incredibly devisive and harmful to free societies. How any rational or free thinking person can still choose to be a part of this cult it beyond me.

    • @Rogerrramjet1
      @Rogerrramjet1 Před 8 lety +1

      ***** just barking without any proof,prove to me that Quran is men written book?

    • @DidHeDied
      @DidHeDied Před 8 lety +2

      Rogerrramjet1 The onus is on you, not on me. There are many holy books. Are they all true because they cannot be disproven?

    • @glenyswiseman8762
      @glenyswiseman8762 Před 8 lety

      +Yassine Boulfiham oh really LOL? given intellect isn't a common denominator in muslims, and you accept being conned,shackled and lied to y the hoax of islam due to being spineless/cowardly, wy would you say there is no problem with islam....gee submissive slaveboy, any sane/educated person can read the major errors/nonsense/filth in your man made koran and knows NOT EVEN YOU was created the way it says...islam is so insecure/sick it has penalty of DEATH for daring to grow up and leaving the cult, and look at its obscenities and the hideous human suffewring its alwsys inflicted on countless millions of its victims...and you say there is NO problem with its immorality and deceit/LYING to you or what it breeds re ignorance/ignorants and losers

  • @quaver1239
    @quaver1239 Před 8 lety +16

    Susan Carland's response to the audience question is disingenuous, to say the least. Italians, Greeks, Vietnamese are ethnic communities. Islam is a religion with visions of conquering the world. There are vast differences between ethnicity and religion, particularly a religion so strident that it demands perpetual attention, riots when it doesn't get its own way, threatens people with death, and announces boycotts as a form of sulking. Not to mention that entire countries are being forced to live in fear of the atrocities it commits. Ms Carland is not as intelligent as she purports to be if she thinks we are going to swallow her story of Islam being "just another version" of Italians and Vietnamese migrating to Australia. She was very rude to Andrew Bolt as well, which was totally uncalled for. He behaves like a gentleman; she avoids the truth and behaves like a shrew.

  • @19412571
    @19412571 Před 5 lety +34

    She is delusional!

  • @bitchoflivingblah
    @bitchoflivingblah Před 5 lety +1

    On the other hand, you'd have to ask what drove this woman to convert - many illuminating answers in that question.

  • @tunnelliner.47
    @tunnelliner.47 Před 7 lety +4

    Muslim population is small in Australia wait to the population increases to around 10% , This debate your having now will quickly change.Welcome to the diversity Australia.

  • @NitroCorn
    @NitroCorn Před 8 lety +6

    Merry Christmas, Everyone.
    Hope you have an awesome day/night! :)

  • @ottomueller4425
    @ottomueller4425 Před 2 lety +3

    23 muslim majority countries in the world pick one and move to it lady and see how long you last.

  • @raypaulsen7440
    @raypaulsen7440 Před 5 lety +5

    Susan Carland should try to read some history !!!

  • @dominicdias853
    @dominicdias853 Před 6 lety +21

    The gentle from the audience drinks sometimes - Well the Arab sheikhs too do that on holidays in Europe and luxury liners off their coasts. The problem is the Koran- the brainchild of a strategist who wanted to win wars one way or the other. Only in Christian majority countries there is debate - in Muslim countries there is killing of its citizens. Statistics show that percentage of non-Muslims are decreasing. Examples are Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. There is not one example to show there is an increase. But on the other hand in Christian or Hindu majority countries, the percentage of Muslims is steadily increasing. Examples are Britain, France, India, etc. All need to be on the watch on the Koranic teachings. Praying in the middle of the street and disturbing the traffic and life of others who are commuting. The Governments should come strongly on such behavior. Everyone should have the right as to what faith they want to follow. But public nuisance has to be heavily fined and be incorporated in countries` laws. France is facing this problem in some of its cities. Je veux dire toujours : >

    • @dominicdias853
      @dominicdias853 Před 6 lety +8

      Don Quattrocchi - we have to make a concerted efforts to protect the Christians who take everyone at face value without restrictions. Almost all Muslims I have met are chronic liars and cheating comes easily to them. Koran in fact encourages Takiya. We must make other aware of the dangers starting with our family members, neighbors, friends, coworkers, etc. Keep up the good work. We are winning. Education will destroy Islam. I am sure of it.

    • @dominicdias853
      @dominicdias853 Před 6 lety +7

      The Muslims always try to defend. Muslims have been guided by Quran. It's words are filled with hatred for other religions. Will these advocates of Quran love to live like dhimmies in countries like Australia, France, etc. ? Go and see for yourself how Christians are treated in Pakistan. They are tagged, ill treated , their churches are blown up and they are killed. Tell us the name of one Muslim country where the members of other religions are increasing and do not live in fear. Good persons born in Muslim faith must decide for themselves whether they continue to support the unfair, violent Quran or reject it and love humanity!!

    • @MrDogsledder
      @MrDogsledder Před 6 lety +1

      Dominic Dias Churchill was right when he spoke about Islam, as well as Socialism.

    • @Aeygyojjang
      @Aeygyojjang Před 5 lety

      I have one question for you where in the quran does it teach to spread hate or kill innocent people, ah please dont take things out of context. Surah's that were meant for wars at the past dont count...Oh..But if you did that you will find non? Well good luck though.

    • @MrDogsledder
      @MrDogsledder Před 5 lety +1

      Aeygyojjang That was a nice try. Justifying evil is not easy, is it? Mad Mo spent his entire career doing it.
      The infamous "verse of the sword" was the most often quoted, wasn't it? You know, "fight the unbelievers that are near until they feel subdued and all religion is for Satan". But basically anywhere Fitna is mentioned is also good for that. For those that don't know, Fitna means spreading mischief. In Islam that is very vague.
      Basically living better than Muslimay make them see how backwards Islam is. That makes you a target.
      Also definition is important.
      You try to justify evil by lying that Islam doesn't say to kill the innocent. Mad Mo redefined guilty as refusing to sell your soul. All who refuse to become Muslims are guilty.
      That is still going on today, in another conversation a Muslim tried to lie that rape is illegal in Islam. Even though he knew Mad Mo took captured women as sex slaves and even gave them to his rabid followers after murdering their families.
      But he said "sex slaves give consent".

  • @MegaNainaa
    @MegaNainaa Před 10 lety +16

    I lived in a muslim country and had muslim friends and unfortunately never had a good experience-hope fully one day they can accept and respect other religion

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před rokem +1

      just don't be islamaphobe, they will treat you well

    • @mountaindew3201
      @mountaindew3201 Před 6 měsíci

      @@gadzillaverzilla1979stop labeling others as phobic to shut off real debate

    • @gadzillaverzilla1979
      @gadzillaverzilla1979 Před 6 měsíci

      @@mountaindew3201 If anyone labeling others and shutting a conversation down it's Christians. How many you of you started hating on Islam and every Muslim you met after 9/11? There are nearly 2 billion of them and you want to punish them all for the acts of 0.001%. Guess what? They're supported and fed by the US and their western allies.

  • @scotteboy
    @scotteboy Před 5 lety +2

    Assimilation is not required. Co existence is. Islam, by doctrine and design, can not co exist.

  • @paulvkaris4043
    @paulvkaris4043 Před 9 lety +5

    IT is everyone elses responsibility, but the muslims!!!? As a greek immigrant to Australia, I integrated into Australian society, as a family we made a thankful effort to contribute to Australia. Now 50 years later my entire family proudly call themselves Australians, have served and will continue to positively contribute to this amazing country.
    Secondly it is hard to integrate when no one can see your face, 80 percent of communication is non verbal…. how do we know if the person is receptive to saying 'hello'.
    Thirdly all religion is madness, however madness is redefined in the qua ran. When a follower leaves the muslim faith the penalty is death, death for leaving the qua ran? a book written by one man thousands of years ago…!!! more like a cult than a belief.

    • @chriswatson1698
      @chriswatson1698 Před rokem

      If you were a Greek immigrant, you were from western civilization like the British. Same culture, pretty much.

    • @yuptooyoungtoknowanything8654
      @yuptooyoungtoknowanything8654 Před 11 měsíci

      @@chriswatson1698 to say that the western civilizations are all the "same culture" is arrogant and ignorant and has no level of knowledge of the world. It's like saying Chinese immigrants and Filipino immigrants have the same culture just cause there from the eastern civilization.

  • @raptoryt9322
    @raptoryt9322 Před 5 lety +83

    Dangerous peoples act sweet and lie a lot then when your guard is down they attack. It's that simple. Search for word taqiyya.

    • @LH-et7of
      @LH-et7of Před 5 lety +5

      Good point. This is what how Iranians were tricked and the revolution happened, making a waste out of a highly progressive country.

    • @ThekiBoran
      @ThekiBoran Před 5 lety

    • @oldspecviews
      @oldspecviews Před 5 lety +1

      Also, a sleeping Nation is a weak Nation, Trojan Horse Achilles look it up

    • @russellklenz7152
      @russellklenz7152 Před 5 lety +1

      Taqiyya is a form of lying for the muslim, they can put there hand on the karan and lie and they see it as ok as long as it pushes the agenda of islam

    • @oldspecviews
      @oldspecviews Před 5 lety +1

      @@russellklenz7152 This is true and is encouraged if you look through out history the Muslims have done this lie lie lie to reach their goal

  • @moehoward01
    @moehoward01 Před rokem +1

    Refresh my memory; when was the last time a Buddhist flew a plane into a skyscraper? Or murdered a group of people over a cartoon?

  • @levickjohnston3735
    @levickjohnston3735 Před 4 lety

    Every time I look at this I immediately get CZcams suggestions of “craziest people on airports and planes....”

  • @BD12
    @BD12 Před 10 lety +85

    This is what I hate the most about religious discussion - this is a whole panel show dedicated to talking about a topic that has about as much relevance to a civilized, modern human being as 'The Hobbit'. Fucking get over it, your belief systems aren't important to anyone but yourself - now let's go on and solve the real problems of the world. Imagine if the panelists had sat there for an hour talking about actual issues that need attention??

    • @BD12
      @BD12 Před 10 lety +10

      ^ Not a physics major.

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 10 lety +11

      crapppppbuster islam ALLOWS slavery/sexual slavery, and mohammed took,kept,bought,sold and reped slaves
      I can see you MUST BE a submissive muslim slaveboy given your very DIRTY mouth and ignorance, and what we do try and force on muslims…we don't want them coming to our countries…..AND islam demands the whole world is for their mythical allah, and islam is SO INSECURE it has murder as penalty for daring to have balls/brains and leaving the hoax, and millions are FORCED to be living a lie when they can read the errors in koran and think for self, but have to stay alive

    • @crapppppbuster4051
      @crapppppbuster4051 Před 10 lety +1

      maebeach mas haha whos the sick man>>>>if there is someone sick ITS U for been ignorance .
      our prophet as allah said in his quran the best man to walk this earth and the best manners and morals , he was the best of the best the GREATEST MAN TO EVER WALK THIS EARTH (proven fact )>>>>>
      Leo Tolstoy:“Muhammad has always been standing higher than the Christianity. He does not consider god as a human being and never makes himself equal to God. Muslims worship nothing except God and Muhammad is his Messenger. There is no any mystery and secret in it.”
      A. de Lamartine, History of Turkey: “Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire: that is MUHAMMAD. As regards all the standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask IS THERE ANY MAN GREATER THAN HE?”
      “If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad?”
      Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History :“The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only.”
      Mawde Royden : “Muhammad introduced the concept of such Glorious and Omnipotent God in Whose eyes all worldly systems are pieces of straw. Islamic equality of mankind is no fiction as it is in Christianity. No human mind has ever thought of such total freedom as established by Muhammad.”
      MUHAMMAD, No. 1 (The 100, a Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History)
      by Michael H. Hart :
      "My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Of humble origins, Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world's great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today, thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive. The majority of the pers.....extra .
      u cant be a better hestorian then those ppl nor a better philosefor cuz the way u speak shows ur IGNORENS haha XD .

    • @crapppppbuster4051
      @crapppppbuster4051 Před 10 lety

      haha ur funny

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 10 lety +5

      crapppppbuster given mohammed was a pedo/rapist/necrophile/cross dresser/liar/common thief & robber/slavetaker and murderer of innocents, those with morals WOULD NEVER call such a sicko the greatest of males…so WHY WOULD YOU want to believe such, AND you believe errors in koran and accept being shackled and lied to…oh yes, mohammed was so ALIKE even hitler, both so influential they influenced people to KILL for them, to MURDER innocents

  • @thisistheendpt2
    @thisistheendpt2 Před 10 lety +13

    Greeks, Italians, and Vietnamese never tried to overwhelmingly alter Australian society. Sure they were joked about and taunted for their cultural differences but they gave as good as they got and yobbo Australia accepted them and got on very well with them as a result.
    The current fundamental Muslim culture has nothing to do with this and is actively pushing to infiltrate all corners of Australian culture to suit themselves, which is NOT ON.

  • @MuhammadIsmail-uq6nc
    @MuhammadIsmail-uq6nc Před rokem +4

    Islam, unambiguously, calls for hostility towards, and even hatred of non-Muslims. See surah 5:51 of the Quran:.......
    "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."
    Those Muslims who do choose to befriend non-Muslims do so in spite and in defiance of their religion rather than because of it. In fact the word Islam means 'submission' (to the will of Allah), in which case, for a Muslim to engage in such a friendship is actually a betrayal of their fundamental religious obligations.
    For sure, the root problem does not lie with Muslims as people, in the same way that anti-Semitism was not inherent in the Germans as people during the 30s and 40s, it lies, undeniably, with the Intolerant, hateful, supremacist, totalitarian, anti-Semitic ideologies to which they both subscribe.
    I should know, I used to be one of them.

  • @shakypam
    @shakypam Před 5 lety

    i loved the way this unfolded. Especially the Muslim gentleman at the end. Guess I'll have to hunt down the whole ep to see what happened next

  • @AlexReynard
    @AlexReynard Před 8 lety +4

    My answer to "You shouldn't generalize!" is that there is a fundamental difference between groups you belong to by choice and groups you are born into. Races, genders and sexualities don't have their own handbook. They don't have sacred meeting places. And they don't all share a belief that an omnipotent being wants them to share similar values. I have no problem generalizing about a company based on the actions of its leaders. I have no problem generalizing about a group like the KKK with shared values. I have no problem generalizing about cultures, organizations or religions, based on the shared ideas, actions and values of those groups. It's not the same as bigotry.

    • @brandonporter6223
      @brandonporter6223 Před 2 lety +1

      Yeah Its an ideology, a culture. It's completely optional.

  • @dominicdias853
    @dominicdias853 Před 6 lety +5

    Non Muslims are not accepted as allies if they do, then you have to accept future betrayal - that's takhiya. Learn about Islam so that you and you kids understand the danger. However, some Muslims hate other Muslims because they fear the bad influence it has on family life and child training.

  • @sayit462
    @sayit462 Před 5 lety +1

    There are Australians and Muslims ! They were unhappy in their own country and are unhappy in Australia. It must be very unhappy life being a Muslim .

  • @ahteekbarani4011
    @ahteekbarani4011 Před 5 lety +1

    Very good answer for somebody who is outside of this but I'm Muslim and i arrived in England in 2000 and always refused to leave with other Muslim.

  • @RockinAtheist
    @RockinAtheist Před 10 lety +20

    Andrew Bolt was on his best behavior here. He should have socked it to her. He should have asked her if she knows of Greeks, Italians or Vietnamese destroying US embassies in Kenya and Uganda, or if they've flown planes into buildings in New York and Washington, or if they've blown up planes over Scotland, or if they detonated bombs in Turkish markets and Bali night clubs, or if they've blown up trains in Madrid and London, or if they slaughtered innocent people in Mumbai, or if they've destroyed mosques, schools and hospitals in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Her answer would have to be No. And perhaps she could itemise how much money is spent every year defending ourselves against Greeks, Italians or Vietnamese compared to the billions upon billions of dollars spent defending ourselves against Muslims.

    • @Phamarrbah
      @Phamarrbah Před 10 lety

      Rockin! you know nothing just as your racist brother Bolt know nothing,it is just a big mouth and haven access to the media that makes you feel he know something.
      How do you class the Irish during the IRA revolution against Britain with bombs and killing of innocent people,How do you class Andrew Brevik action in Norway,How do you class the LRA and Joseph Cohen in Uganda cutting the hands of younger children and killing of innocent people in the name of CHRISTIANITY.
      I will answer all your claim against muslim,First Kenya :The Kenyan government had been in clash with Somalia for over fifty years. The Kenya government had killed thousands of innocent Somalian Kenya against their plan to separate from Kenya and Kenya troops are killing innocent Somalia(hidden truth) in the name of peace keeping force.Islam condemned the killing of innocent people and mind you cant blame Islam for an action done by muslim base on politics or other means.
      Second,9/11 even some membesr of the of the former Australia parliament and many elite Australians knows that the 9/11 terror attack was an inside job and was not done by Muslim. Still conscious people are ask why the so many Jews staff of the world Trade did not turned up for duty. There was more explosive ready the building why?.Some report of the 9?11 commission was edited for public concern why? Do you know how many Muslims died in the twin Towers.America has the greastest military with the best security of this generation do you thing such an attack could easy take place from outsiders.
      Thirdly Scotland,This show how you lack information.The latest investigation by Aljazeera TV since 2011,proved that Scotland bombing was not down by Gaddafi nor Abdul Basit Al Magrahi.The shop owner in Malta who gave report against Abdul Basit Al Magrahi was believed tobe bribe two million dollars by the US government and Abdul Basit Al Magrahi according to the documentary on his death bed still denied involvement and the are more into the investigation.But if that was done by Gaddafi and Abdul Basit Al Magrahi why Islam has to be blame for that when Gaddafi never involve into any Jihadist movement. Because of the insufficient evidence against Libya Mandela had to break the sanction against that country.
      Thirdly you mention so many countries about muslims killing people but you skip so many America and it Allieds invation into Iraq on the conspiracy weapon of mass disstruction which end up from the CIA August 2005 report said Iraq had no weapon of mass distruction and Saddam had no hand with Al Quida,Have ever think about the innocent children killed in Palistain in the name of western support for Isreal.Have thouth about the innocent people that died under the American drone attack and a UN violation to attack another nation.Madrid bombing never proof to be done by muslim.
      Mind you,you have separate the bone from the cannot blame Islam for the action done by muslim so it unfare to blame Christianity for action done by westerners
      Adrew Bolt everyone knows he is a racist and Anti Muslim. How can a man live in Australia deciding the American vote that the people of America made a mistake by voting Obama that's Andrew Bolt.
      Nowadays offence are not seen.

    • @alexalam8364
      @alexalam8364 Před 10 lety +1

      Most of what you said are media lies or a misrepresentation of true muslims.

    • @RockinAtheist
      @RockinAtheist Před 10 lety +4

      Issa Moe You have no relationship with god. You have a relationship with your imagination.

    • @RockinAtheist
      @RockinAtheist Před 10 lety +3

      Alex Alam Describe a "true Muslim" and enlighten us all.

    • @RockinAtheist
      @RockinAtheist Před 10 lety +3

      ***** Stop being a silly 'truther'.Take five minutes out of your busy schedule and study the 9/11 attacks, not just the 'Loose Change' video. Educate yourself. Become a knowledgable person not just a twit.

  • @surajjamwal5704
    @surajjamwal5704 Před 6 lety +9

    em from india nd em against deadly islamic terrorism

  • @keemoify
    @keemoify Před 3 měsíci

    11 years later now even more relevant..

  • @GeorgeSearsSolidusSnake
    @GeorgeSearsSolidusSnake Před 5 lety +1

    This is from 2012. By 2019 it has become way worse.

  • @Andragorans
    @Andragorans Před 10 lety +32

    I totally respect Australia for not bending to other people' interests. If you want to go and live in Australia then you should obey their law, traditions and history. If you don't like it - then fuck off. Keep it up Australia!

    • @AC-mp7cx
      @AC-mp7cx Před 2 lety

      Aborigines have entered the chat

    • @mrr4975
      @mrr4975 Před 2 lety

      You idiot go educate yourself

  • @matilda4406
    @matilda4406 Před 5 lety +3

    Cults come in all shapes and sizes. To keep ones head wrapped in a scarf all day every day, no matter who you are, is cult culture. It is not normal human physiological behavior, and much less Australian. In addition, many women suffer Vitamin D deficiency because of this very practice, which in turn causes many other problems, and this further affects children and families. To me it's a symbol of how manipulative cults are.

  • @yovindamahardika1078
    @yovindamahardika1078 Před rokem +7

    I am indonesian, and these Australian gentlemen said about us are absolutely INCORRECT.

  • @Cleombrotus100
    @Cleombrotus100 Před 5 lety +1

    Every time I take a flight these days I have to be subjected to a search to make certain I am not bringing explosives on board the plane. That 's not because of the Amish.

  • @BobRobertAdams
    @BobRobertAdams Před 5 lety +5

    I don't know why I'm watching this but the guy at the start who asked the question was so lovable and I don't even know why
    Maybe it's cause it seemed like English wasn't his first language yet he was well spoken and clear idk
    Or maybe it's cause he didn't load the question with an attack or anything it was just a genuine question
    So yeah, shout out to that guy

  • @nomansiddiqui7301
    @nomansiddiqui7301 Před 7 lety +121

    why people are accepting Islam???

    • @wahyutyas9581
      @wahyutyas9581 Před 6 lety +7

      noman siddiqui, in Indonesia, commonly by birth...for instance your parents muslim so automatically you are muslim too, second because of marriage, third because of choice

    • @mrofnocnon
      @mrofnocnon Před 6 lety +26

      Because they are cowards!

    • @stevenj8341
      @stevenj8341 Před 6 lety +30

      Because they are stupid

    • @stevenj8341
      @stevenj8341 Před 6 lety +5

      MVPdetSTRIKE 110 why I told you stupid ?

    • @denisgeorgiose2654
      @denisgeorgiose2654 Před 6 lety +6

      norman siddiqui
      Do you also believe in Afzal Golden tooth , chief mafioso , gangster leader of the nearby Red Light Zone corner pls ????
      Mhd was a PIMP and Islam is the ONLY sect ever created by a PIMP !
      Sahih al-Bukhari 5079-We used to participate in the holy battles led by Allah's Messenger and we had nothing (no wives) with us. So we said, "Shall we get ourselves castrated?" He forbade us that and then allowed us to marry a woman temporarily by giving her even a garment and then he recited to us: "O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you."
      Pure PIMP ! SEX V/S REWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Mhd was a highway gangster Proved by
      Q8:41 says - "And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation
      Confirmed by
      A caravan of Quraish carrying dry raisins and leather and other merchandise of Quraish passed by...” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 424)
      When the Apostle heard about Abu Sufyan coming from Syria, he summoned the Muslims and said, “This is the Quraish caravan containing their property. Go out to attack it, perhaps Allah will give it as a prey.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 428)
      Mhd was a mafioso a looter a ransomner a bandit
      Proved by
      Qur'an (9:29)
      Fight those who believe not in Allah , until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
      Confirmed by
      Ishaq 956 & 962 -
      "He who withholds the Jizya is an enemy of Allah and His apostle.
      Muslim (19:4294)
      "If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them"
      Mhd was mad
      Proved by
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 53, Number 400)
      Narrated Aisha:
      Once the Prophet was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.
      (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 660)
      Narrated Aisha:
      Magic was worked on Allah's Apostle so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives while he actually had not
      Plus Mhd 's hands are full of blood that murderer No need quoting to you about the Banukarayzah where Mhd beheaded 600/900 men in one day

  • @pingping6967
    @pingping6967 Před 11 měsíci +2

    He is 100% right.
    Its Islam that is problem, not the Muslim

  • @Explorshon123
    @Explorshon123 Před 5 lety

    Comments saying Buddhism is not associated with violence is not quite true, "Extremist Buddhist leaders justify their attacks on the places of worship of minorities by arguing that Sri Lanka is the promised land of the Sinhalese Buddhists to safeguard Buddhism."

  • @AmirPharaoh
    @AmirPharaoh Před 9 lety +9

    What knid of question is that ?!!
    Are there any western armies or troops in Buddhists countries ..
    Are there millions of victims , torture camps , rape camps , entirely destroyed cities in Buddhists countries like the Muslim world ?!!
    Yet many surprise about what so called "Islam Problem" ?!!!
    You expect no kind of any retaliation ?!!! Really ?!
    Get the hell out of our countries , and let us live in peace ..
    Then dare to ask us about "Islam Problem" ..
    It was CIA that created Al-Qaeda in the 80s to fight the Soviets .
    It was Iraq's destruction that led to the rising of ISIS
    I don't see myself among what you like to call Radical / Extremist / War Lover .. Whatsoever !!. I do disagree with many actions occurred / would occur in the name of Islam and Jihad , cause the civilians targets regardless that isn't the case with us when western's troops come in our yards !!
    But we are not like those savages that whipped out entire nations in the name of freedom , democracy or because they saw them as inferiors !!
    But till the day Muslims lands be free again from western military's intervention .
    Expect nothing but violence and rage !
    That the least thing to get !!!

    • @AmirPharaoh
      @AmirPharaoh Před 9 lety +1

      Glenys Wiseman Hahahaha ...I'm an Egyptian btw , If our prophet was a warmonger / Islam spread by sword , then what's the explanation for the existing of 10 millions Christians in Egypt , other millions in Iraq , Syria , Lebanon , .... 100s millions of non-Muslims in all the Islamic world
      Indonesia ,the largest Muslim community .. I bet you have no idea how Islam got there , alongside Philippine , Malaysia , Thailand , Singapore , ...
      MY GOD !!!
      Just search YT about "Convert to Islam" .. and the funny thing that with all these lies being told about Islam and its oppression towards women and yet you find all these numbers of converts on CZcams , mostly young women !!!
      Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world now .
      In all countries USA , UK , France , Germany , Mexico , Brazil , Korea , Japan ..
      Where are the swords !!
      But you only see the swords of some fanatic people from ISIS and alikes !!
      Go read some history and do some research if you wanna continue with me ..Kid ! :D

    • @TheFightingIrishWarrior
      @TheFightingIrishWarrior Před 9 lety

      AmirPharaoh Very well said my friend but, Glenys Wiseman doesn't exist..She is the soc of an English woman called Louise Parkins age 53, Twice divorced and an alcoholic drug abuser, Louise is also under these socs "Jean Hopkirk, Jeanie Hopcock, Robert De Bruce, Alexander Webster, Irish Warior 1921 (Cloned), Maseeb Khan...Etc. This old skank lives in England and spends her time trolling YT abusing Muslims and the holy Prophet (PBUH) , She is better to walk the earth alone, shunned by everyone..!

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 9 lety

      AmirPharaoh you mean the copts?
      islam did indeed spread by the sword…and mohammed was a very dirty prick who MURDERED those who didn't accept what he went to offer them
      yes, we know intellect isn't a common denominator of converts, but MAJORITY of them leave it once they grow up
      islam isn't the fastest growing religion…and atheism grows faster than ANY religion, so Im amused yu would want to boast about people 'regressing, becoming cowardly and ignorant, unable to read the major errors/nonsense/filth in man made koran and accepting being shackled nd lied to'…but let me correct you kid, as in UK only 0.01% of muslims are converts lol
      yes , we do see swords of your fellow muslims ISIS brothers who EMULATE what the dirty prick mohammed did, and re research, what did you learn when you researched the sources of the errors in koran, e.g. 96.2 and 23.14 lol …or the verse in in koran which FORBIDS muslims questioning the basic 'premise' of islam and what this reveals lol
      yes, in indonesia the majority of females are mutilated due to nonsense teachings it 'enables prayers to be better heard' and MAJORITY of children discarded into orphanages there, unwanted, unloved, stigmatised have 'two' living parents there

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 9 lety

      ***** you said you weren't muslim 'jeanie' but I always knew you were…who would ever forget your 'sick arguments' for child marriage….and when you call me a Louise and feel the need to FABRICATE your nonsense to muslims on here, you show your FEAR of me and your INSECURITY you sick little wimp
      no kid, Sydney isn't in England lol…..and WHAT makes you quite as DIRTY/DEPRAVED as you show as a muslim male and YOU HAVE MUSLIM BOYFRIENDS…you've been BUSTED and are our resident JOKE on here
      why is it islam produces SICKO'S LIKE YOU though?????

    • @AmirPharaoh
      @AmirPharaoh Před 9 lety

      Glenys Wiseman Another ignorant That's all .
      It's just a waste of time to argue with your kind .

  • @TomorrowWeLive
    @TomorrowWeLive Před 10 lety +30

    "It's just the Muslims' turn now..."-and yet neither Italians, Greeks nor Vietnamese came with the goals of setting up an Italian, Greek or Vietnamese society in Australia, in which non-Italians, etc. would be second-class citizens.

    • @brokenSnake
      @brokenSnake Před 10 lety +1

      how are muslims doing that in australia?

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 10 lety +8

      saifMSK let me tell you kid….they are 'demanding' things like
      -segregation in PUBLIC swimming pools
      -uni hours re lectures to be changed to fit in with prayer times
      -that females only be attended to by 'female' nurses/doctors etc in PUBLIC hospitals
      -child marriage
      -that criticism of the filth/hoax of islam be 'banned' and discussion of it regarded as a criminal offence
      islam teaches that muslims are superior LOL….so what does that make muslims thinks non believers are re second class
      so WHAT makes you so ignorant you can't read the ERRORS in koran….when , as we know, the strong/educated now leave islam in droves…but you accept being shackled and lied to???? only a coward/ignorant would do that

    • @TheFightingIrishWarrior
      @TheFightingIrishWarrior Před 10 lety +1

      Glenys Wiseman Let me tell you Louise Parkins age 53 kid...... You've never been to Australia in your sad, pathetic drunken life you old skank...

    • @glenyswiseman5582
      @glenyswiseman5582 Před 10 lety

      ***** given that I live here, you continue to show your DELUSIONAL AND SICK childish nonsense, AND with your multiple accounts LOL
      why do you persist in FABRICATING junk and calling me a Louise, a Mel and many other names LOL

    • @TheFightingIrishWarrior
      @TheFightingIrishWarrior Před 10 lety +1

      Glenys Wiseman Heh, Heh, So where exactly do you live in Australia Louise errrrr I mean Glenys? You do know you've become a complete laughing stock on here and YT? So why don't you bring "Glenys" on to that Medhi Hassan video Louise and we'll see who's who, you can bet you'll get ripped to bits Louise..

  • @pushapavallias7723
    @pushapavallias7723 Před 5 lety +2

    Soon Australian cities look like Bangladeshi villages

  • @etrax7007
    @etrax7007 Před 5 lety +1

    Sociologist turned Muslim... makes you wonder what they are teaching in western Universities now! NZ

  • @dcbornmike
    @dcbornmike Před 8 lety +36

    I picked up a Australian accent from the woman on wrapped up (she is so hot that she has to fight a way to fight off the men). Why doesn't she immigrate from Australia to a majority Muslim place in the Middle East if she finds Islam so wonderful?

    • @wattlebough
      @wattlebough Před 8 lety +2

      Her husband is a Muslim missionary and poster boy in Australian television, and she is his naive trophy wife having his kids. Didn't he score well? I suspect he got a few high fives from his mates at his local mosque for catching an Anglo-aussie convert from a loose form of christianity.

    • @willpugh-calotte2199
      @willpugh-calotte2199 Před 8 lety +5

      Susan Carland grew up as an unremarkable whitebread Australian in a Catholic family, but went on a religion-shopping exercise after she began to have doubts about Catholicism. When she claims on this TV appearance that just a small minority of Muslims are unwilling to engage with the rest of society, conservative commentator Andrew Bolt calls her out on it, citing that Carland told a quite different story to the audience of an English-language Malaysian magazine. Here's what she said to that magazine:
      ... thus showing that she's not only in public denial (in Australia) about her adopted faith, but is also a two-faced liar.
      Susan Carland is a living demonstration that you can be a PhD and still be an airhead.