WHY Go Off Grid?

  • čas přidán 22. 06. 2016
  • WHY GO OFF GRID? Today we are so in a dated with focusing on our things. Our homes, our cars, our payments. We pay our monthly credit card bills, we buy more stuff. Its a vicious circle. Then if we get sick...we find ourselves in a corner!
    We dont blink an eye at buying a new truck for 54k and then putting insurance on it. A truck we cant even live in! Thats how much VALE we place on items. WHAT about our life tough? The value of our skill..our ability rto live and sustain?
    Are we even prepared anymore in case something happens???
    Starry and Mr Hilder addresses some basic questions and shares their off grid philposhy with al of you!
    come join Starry at FACEBOOK
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Komentáře • 212

  • @naplescajun
    @naplescajun Před 8 lety +1

    Absolutely right about "When is enough enough?" It is so sad that a lot of people don't realize "more than enough does NOT increase happiness".
    Living the life you love is the ability to identify the point of maximum fulfillment--the point of enough. Praying for a speedy recovery for you!

  • @JABn4e
    @JABn4e Před 8 lety +2

    I really enjoy and appreciate all the advice you and Mr. Hilder give. Too many people rely on being "conditioned" on what to do. Simple life, skills. Awesome advice. 👍🏼👍🏼

  • @northernprairiehomestead6510

    Oh I LOVE you two! You are people after my own heart. I love the way you think and you are right on about everything. Our goal this year is to get rid of that crazy grocery bill. Trying to grow as much as we can so we don't need to spend so much of our income on food. Simple is sooo...much better. Get rid of the stress !!! Blessings and praying you feel better real soon Starry! 😊

  • @ashleymcalister4097
    @ashleymcalister4097 Před 8 lety +1

    My husband is 23 and I'm about to be 24 and let me just say that you two are so inspiring! We want our next move after the military to be our last. Thank you guy's for all the great advice! I hope you get to feeling better. Have a blessed day.

  • @Grizz270
    @Grizz270 Před 8 lety +1

    being prepared is alot easier then people think . 25 years ago i purchased my land and lived off grid . a propane cylander with a tree supplyed my lighting and cook stove . water was supplied with a 5 gallon bucket with a hole in the bottom the size of a garden hose .. the water bucket a staked down in a stream and had gravity flow water to my camp ... today on the same property i have a small home hooked up to the grid with a well but also developed the gravity flow sytem into a permenat system that waters my garden and can be with a turn of a valved directed to the house if power goes out and ive got a 5 year supply of wood cut but not split . there is no right way to go off grid or homestead and there is no wrong way either ... its just a matter of doing it

  • @kareywhaley2526
    @kareywhaley2526 Před 8 lety

    You both are real and honest and that's why we appreciate all the advice you & Mr. H gives us! Thank you both♥ Hope you feel better soon Starry

  • @Sophiamia6960
    @Sophiamia6960 Před 8 lety +1

    Wow the Lord put it on my heart I don't know, maybe a month or so ago to start praying for your health, Starry. No joke!! I love how we are His body, His Church, even 100s of miles away from each-other. Praise Jesus!
    Haha Walmart! Funny because my husband Keith and I were at our local Walmart parking lot yesterday waiting there to meet our daughter to give us some boxes, because it's a central location, because we are moving to our homestead next week. Finally! YAY! But while we were sitting there we kind of said that same thing, because we were shocked at how many people just kept coming in..we said something like well, this is where everybody goes for everything Walmart, so I double cracked up laughing when I heard Mr. Hilder say,Walmart. LOL
    Great video, and you truly were my inspiration to get this homestead even after my husband was trying to get me there for a while. You and the Boss of the Swamp JC.
    God Bless ☝️❤️👍

    • @Sophiamia6960
      @Sophiamia6960 Před 8 lety +1

      BY THE WAY it was great seeing little Mario again. He is so stinkin cute!!!! Sprig is too, but just something about Mario, he's reminds me of a little General or something.

  • @daledurbin2354
    @daledurbin2354 Před 8 lety

    Due to Heart Malfunction I was unable to garden this year, unable to search and collect clutched eggs that broody hens hide. Unable to mow and maintain the place as should be. Things really have gone down hill. Thanks to Heart surgery last Monday feeling much better. Think I'll plant some late okra, turnips & radish and a couple more fruit trees. Get the garden ready for a fall garden. I Generate my own power, pump my own water, don't worry about heat, built this house in 83 so tight 2 100 watt bulbs provide all the heat we ever need. Hold the phone; just bought a Camp Grill a few weeks ago, love it, perfect for most everything. Thanks for all you and mister Hilder do.

  • @theIAMofME
    @theIAMofME Před 8 lety

    Great video. Love that you two are on the same page. That is SO important. Here...at least now I can say we are reading the same book. LOL Ugh!
    Be well, Starry. It sucks to be sick when you never are. I'm never sick. I even opened my mouth and bragged to someone a few weeks ago that I hadn't had an antibiotic in 6 years. A week or so later...WHAM! Out of the blue...no one brought it home...I have NO idea where I got it....STREP! I waited four days before I was so ill there was no alternative. I was even out in the garden the day the heat index got up to 123 and almost fell out trying not to given into it! That is what I get for bragging about never being sick. I hope you are on your way to a speedy recovery with all that wonderful "medicine" around you.
    You two are an inspiration. I'm so jealous in a good way. ;)

  • @rough-hewnhomestead4751

    Love your videos and your outlook. Our family began by 'going frugal' 4 years ago out of a sort of necessity, but we found that a frugal lifestyle made sense to us in so many ways--so we stayed frugal and have adopted other lifestyle changes such as: gardening, filling a larder with canned/dehydrated/frozen foods, eating whole and healthy foods (no more CAFO meats and fewer industrial-grown vegetables--we raise meat birds now and love it!--, we use many more salvaged materials for projects and we generate WAY less trash (and speaking of less trash, we now compost). We began homeschooling our third child, we encourage all family members to find useful projects that interest them and provide a service for the family (one example--my son built a cider press). We began planting perennials such as berries, fruit trees, etc. I am learning about using herbs for health and growing them. We forage and my husband and son hunt. We will be installing a wood burning stove later this summer and my husband and son built a wood shed that we're currently filling. There's too much to list, but the main change has been our attitudes. We now realize that accumulating a bunch of "stuff" is not what life is about and we don't respond to judgment for our choices. We now understand that God has had a hand in the lifestyle changes we've incorporated. He's used the seemingly negative situation that urged us to begin living frugally(job loss) to work wonderful things in us and now, we're much, much happier! God bless and thanks for your videos!

  • @HealthSupercharger
    @HealthSupercharger Před 7 lety

    I am happy to see you two living the way you want to, in nature and in more harmony. Very nice. I do this also, when I skip winters in tropics I live in paradise and walk everywhere.

  • @jodunlap2955
    @jodunlap2955 Před 6 lety

    Very thought provoking. This may possibly be one of the best videos I’ve experienced since I became ill and could no longer work and I discovered utube. I,too, am an RN (35 years) and if only I could rewind, I know I’d be living the dream as u and Mr. H are. You and Mr. H are an inspiration and Starry, your sharing your love of God is a bright spot to my soul. You’re a tough, beautiful young woman and I admire you so much. Get a little rest and get yourself healed up.

  • @strawberries1411
    @strawberries1411 Před 8 lety

    Pray you get well soon Starry.. this is such reminder..it's true, the more we "learn" the less we know because we lack the knowledge of basic living. We have given our power of selfsustainability away to others..even bragging that we know nothing about this and that because we don't want to be bothered about it..and we always have the shops.... I'm grateful to have come across your video's..it inspired me to look at myself and my family and encouraged them to start make changes..even though we are not financially independent but we can start learning the basic skills and obtain knowledge to become less dependent on the grid...knowing what to do when life as we know it might change..because we think we know a lot but if there is no electricity our "brains" will also shut off ..so thank you

  • @francesrdamico632
    @francesrdamico632 Před 8 lety

    Thanks Mr.& Mrs. Hilder...hope you will soon feel much better Starry. GOD BLESS YOU BOTH. I did enjoy your video..!

  • @sunnysky449
    @sunnysky449 Před 8 lety

    Don't think I could ever get my husband off grid. So I am learning all the skills I can. Love this video! Very true. !

  • @pammiedoodle8693
    @pammiedoodle8693 Před 8 lety

    What a beautiful walk! And great advice too😊
    Hope you feel better soon, Starry🤕😷
    God Bless🙏

  • @ChrisDIYerOklahoma
    @ChrisDIYerOklahoma Před 8 lety

    Agree on most points. Trucks do depreciate...but, hold their value much better than cars. And trucks can do more "stuff". $64K for a truck...high end. Most are around $33K new according to Edmonds. This year for me: cut cable TV, expensive cell phone, and improved my solar power system (80% off-grid power now), recycling more. I agree with Mr Hilder on the "computer generation" 100%...those of us over 45 still know how to communicate. Good words guys...CZcams allows a great venue to help people, but one needs to DIY and go for it too. It takes effort and motivation. Feel better soon. Idaho is so nice in the summertime!

  • @pamjones6465
    @pamjones6465 Před 8 lety

    Amen! Stary you speak the truth. God speed in your recovery. Take care and God bless you.

  • @rosemarywascher691
    @rosemarywascher691 Před 8 lety

    I think what I am hearing from you and Mr Hilder, is balance. I know we live in a fast paced world,but we must stop and pay attention to what is going on in the world and prepare accordingly. I love your thoughts on living off grid and yet you still bring income for extras. The balance I see is you have one foot in the off grid life style and one foot in modern society, its a great balance. Get well soon Starry.

  • @HerkCC
    @HerkCC Před 8 lety

    Really enjoyed the narrative today, skill sets and debt are two key areas that we all should focus on. As many viewers already know the truth of the future we all face with so much economic turmoil and 20Trillion of sovereign debt not including unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicaid. Thank you for such thoughtful videos that I spire me not to give up but focus on the two topics you covered today. I have came to the realization we as group of citizens can no longer change the road we are on .....but WE can shield and hedge our families for the events to come. God bless...

  • @southernvibezzz4931
    @southernvibezzz4931 Před 7 lety +1

    Wow loved this video! So inspiring thank y'all so much for such a quaint, simple, walk thru the woods while showering us with your wisdoms!

  • @jengoods2246
    @jengoods2246 Před 8 lety

    Great video, great advice, I do live on the grid, but I'm not 11/2 acres, learning my canning and loving it, starting a garden and slowly making it bigger, got my ten chickens, step by step our preparedness is growing, I live in Australia in Queensland, great weather and you can grow food all year round, I love listening and watching you guys, your a great symbol of life

  • @friedgreentomatoes542
    @friedgreentomatoes542 Před 8 lety

    your right, about all the prepping! your so inspirational!!!!
    I think your both amazing, thanks Mrs.& Mr.Hilder!!! xxx

  • @ritarichardson3881
    @ritarichardson3881 Před 6 lety

    I wish you guys the best of luck in the off grid lifestyle. I absolutely love your episodes! I enjoy your animals. Adorable. Thankyou for teaching us everything we may need to know. You've inspired us to go off grid like no one has. Well... I bought land now. 👋 👋 👋. I love your scripture teachings. Praising God in these days can be rare. Anyways, I love you with all my heart. Blessings to you. Rita

  • @redtankgirl5
    @redtankgirl5 Před 8 lety +2

    Great video Starry. I couldn't disagree with a thing. I just lost both my parents this year and had to be in their province for the past 6 months taking care of business. If not for living off grid and not having the bills and such that come with my previous life, I couldn't have dropped everything and come here to do this. I'm now getting ready to head back and all is still well. Bills didn't pile up and I'll still get some planting done. I started off canning in my apartment in the city with canning kettles and jars given to me by my mother. It can start there, so easily. I was lucky to learn skills from parents who learned them from theirs. But there are so many resources now. Anyone can learn them.

    • @redtankgirl5
      @redtankgirl5 Před 8 lety

      Oh ya... Feel better Starry!!! Soon.

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety

      Thank you dear...and so sorry about both of your parents..what a loss. All one can do is work thru it..thats all...thru it..slowly. But as you now know from experience..your knowledge and skill is helping you thru..and it sustains you. a valuable priceless commodity for you...and yes for everyone! Thank you!

  • @tamitng
    @tamitng Před 8 lety

    It's times like these when you just need to soak in a nice hot tub of water with a hot cup of honey lemon tea. I'm sure Mr Hilder is taking good care of you! Sending you good helaling vibes Starry!

  • @skellym37061
    @skellym37061 Před 8 lety

    Hope you feel better soon sweet lady!Thank you both for all your video's!God bless you and Mr. Hilder!

  • @gas51
    @gas51 Před 8 lety

    Glad your feeling better! Excellent advice! I don't have a farm or homestead but I went out got a canner & a dehydrator to start filling my pantry! As a disabled senior in housing I'm going to try and be prepared with food & water first then kerosene lamps and a rocket stove. Like Mr. H. says start canning a little at a time but get started! Hugs and blessings to you both!

  • @nendrianendria2706
    @nendrianendria2706 Před 8 lety

    Great inspirational thoughts Starry & Mr Hilder!

  • @eddysgreenhousegarden7022

    I really enjoyed your little walk and talk. Excellent advice and outlook on life. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  • @christasmicroflowerfarm2695

    Hi Starry, as always I'm enjoying your videos down here in Australia. Our ideas on what we can may be different but I'm loving your videos on your lifestyle and your garden is an inspiration to me, hope your feeling better soon. looking forward to your next gardening video and heck I might need to do one on my own little patch soon.

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety +1

      I love it when people from FAR AWAY watch!! That is awesome! I am feeling better...and the garden is HUGE!! really huge I cant even believe it..more vids will be coming!! and if you can share the vids on your facebook or other media sources over there...would love to get the word out around the world!!HAHA!:)))

  • @lindasmith6202
    @lindasmith6202 Před 8 lety +16

    Feel better soon, Starry. I enjoy watching Mr. Hilder get fired up. Lol He's so darn cute; I'd steal him from you but I'm 70 & I'm afraid he's a little too old for me.

  • @Izaana030505
    @Izaana030505 Před 8 lety

    "Dogs and a husband" LoL We hope you get to feeling better soon Starry. Shabbat Shalom!

  • @leloumusson7178
    @leloumusson7178 Před 8 lety

    Everything Mr Hilder said is true! And the info you share is so very important thanx heaps :-)

  • @appalachiashomesteadwithpatara

    Starry... I've been praying for you. I just knew you were down. I, too, have been ill and it makes a major impact! Keep up the great work. People have got to start paying attention even more than they realize. Love to you and Mr. Hilder! xoxo ~ P

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety

      Thank you dear...yes when one person is sick it can make a impact. We are lucky that we have our homestead set up so that there isnt alot to do daily..no farm animals....the gardening method we use requires little maintenance...we planned it that way so if we do get sick..or we get old..we dont have to be stuck with laborous chores..its all good. ANd i am feeling better..God Bless ya to

    • @appalachiashomesteadwithpatara
      @appalachiashomesteadwithpatara Před 8 lety

      So glad to hear! Tell Mr. H hello from down in East Tennessee and keep pressing forth! xoxo ~P

  • @MrOldfart47
    @MrOldfart47 Před 8 lety

    Spot on, on the skills! It amazes me how many people out there have no idea how to do much of anything involving a skill. And as far as planning ahead, because of their lifestyle a friends brother who is now 70 will have to work literally till the day he dies.

  • @dianabrun7317
    @dianabrun7317 Před 8 lety

    What a great video! Thank you! For planting the seed!

  • @DonnyLisa1
    @DonnyLisa1 Před 8 lety

    Hi, I am a new subscriber/friend. You have inspired me so much. In the past month we have added peach and apple trees to our garden. I have waterbath canned for over 10 years, but you are sparking my interest in pressure canning. Thank you for speaking your heart, it is appreciated. Lisa

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety

      That is to awesome..and welcome to our homestead....

  • @outdoorcountryboyforlife6511

    WoW, you make great videos. This one really tells the truth. Keep up the good work. Thanks for all the time you all spend on making these videos. God Bless, and get well Starry !!!!!!!!!!

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety

      Thank you..its all about practical sound advice that makes sense..this is w hat makes sense...for us anyway!

  • @GrammyGinger
    @GrammyGinger Před 8 lety

    Your videos are so encouraging. Thank you. I'm not waiting. I'm learning and practicing and doing all I can until we can get out in the country for good.

  • @STAF1776
    @STAF1776 Před 8 lety

    Great advice, truth and knowledge. Beautiful property as well. Just found your channel and I'm glad I did. Hopefully I'll get to the point to where I can purchase my own property and get started. keep up the good work.

  • @Deusmecumest
    @Deusmecumest Před 8 lety

    Great video. I always liked best when you´re just shooting the breeze. Great advise and awareness raising. Seems like a fire raced up the mountain a couple of years ago? Unfortunately my family does not subscribe to the lifestyle. God let me provide very well, Just as an example now after a week without cable (for out of hand reasons) everybody´s complaining. Man I never realized how self entitled we can be. As a kid I never even dreamed of the comfort I now have. I wonder What would happen If I got sick and could not work anymore. (Realistically I think I would probably be left all alone)

  • @itstheblessing
    @itstheblessing Před 8 lety

    I sure pray you start feeling better soon . My Hubby and I are retired on disability and in our sixties so we are limited to what we can do . I can and watch sales and put back. End of Nov. he was very ill and in two hospitals . For six months I couldn't leave him and we lived off what I had put back . You never know what will happen in our lives but we seem to see biblical prophecy in the world today . People talk about us too in this little town but they made fun of Noah too . One day at a time , try to live right and keeping the Hotline To Heaven going .
    Now Please tell us Mr. Hilders first name !
    Bless you both ,

  • @gloriakipfer3144
    @gloriakipfer3144 Před 8 lety

    thank you guys sooo much, God bless your life and your ministry

  • @titusandjackie4167
    @titusandjackie4167 Před 8 lety

    Sorry your I'll and hope you feel better soon! Great video with some great advice,thanks God bless!!

  • @IrfaanHassanDiamonds45

    hi to mr hilder, enjoyed meeting him on here finally..

  • @traceyeley65
    @traceyeley65 Před 7 lety

    I totally agree with what your saying starry.

  • @charlenefitzgerald3811

    As usual wise words from a wise Lady. Praying for your improved health

  • @Vintagebeliever
    @Vintagebeliever Před 8 lety

    Very encouraging! Thank you!

  • @tonimactavish9937
    @tonimactavish9937 Před 8 lety

    What a beautiful walk with some words of wisdom. Feel better!

  • @paulpritchard6581
    @paulpritchard6581 Před 8 lety

    I met a man years ago in the fishing industry and everyone said he was crazy but he kept winning all of the Bass Tournaments. So when I left the Fishing guide business and began a Hunting guide business here in North Georgia I met a man that everyone said he was crazy. Both men taught me the trade and I made me a good living over the years Hunting and Fishing, so for me I like CRAZY. God Bless I pray for the Hilder's every day and yes I am a Home body and only go to the store monthly. Georgia had a housing blow out in 2007 and now it is back strong as ever and like U said it will bottom again taking every ones money for the second time. By watching your channel I now only invest in myself and do not use BANKS. Thanks Paul

  • @sarax001
    @sarax001 Před 8 lety

    Thank you so much for all your videos. I have been watching for 12 months or so. You have changed my outlook on life completely. I now have an allotment, starting canning and started saving. I completely agree with everything you say. Here in the UK we have a rocky road ahead. We voted on whether or not to stay in the EU today. Rocky road ahead...the unknown.

  • @ltlbnsgarden
    @ltlbnsgarden Před 8 lety

    Nothing but the truth! I am exactly at the point where I created so much responsibility and now realizing that I am not happy at all with all that responsibility! So I am now asking my self , when is it enough?

  • @lewis3002
    @lewis3002 Před 7 lety

    I have been watching your channel a while now. So sorry to hear of your accident, I hope you get well soon. I have gained quite a bit of knowledge here. Thanks for all the great information.

  • @sandracoble7065
    @sandracoble7065 Před 8 lety +1

    books are still very important access information available when needed.

  • @davemcavene
    @davemcavene Před 8 lety

    This is the reason I enjoy your channel very much, You drive home valid common sense points. Its just sad to see common sense isn't so common these days. Channels like yours is the reason I started collecting tools and certain items that will aid me in a SHTF situation, along with paying down my debt I can feel the weight of that stress being lifted off my shoulders. I'm not there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday. Get well soon!

    • @davemcavene
      @davemcavene Před 8 lety

      Bruce Forster thank you Bruce!

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety +1

      Thank you...yes common sense..where has it gone? We wonder this ourselves and cant believe that we have to talk about these things to prompt people..BUT if it hepos one person..then so be it. I worry about this upcoming generation..so so dependant...they re indeed clueless. Will be a different world 20 plus years from now....

  • @jasmineshits
    @jasmineshits Před 8 lety

    I hope you get well soon 😊 and keep spreading the good word

  • @mrmagoo9901
    @mrmagoo9901 Před 8 lety

    Actually this video contains some excellent information and a perspective that I'm sure a lot of us share. Some have fallen under the spell of the coporate propaganda of consumerism and feel trapped in a constant cycle of "keeping up with the jones." I just looked back on the last 15 years and haven't progressed a bit...I just got a lot older. Anywho folks...good video...peace...

  • @lauraslocumb257
    @lauraslocumb257 Před 7 lety

    I'm 62 & riddled with arthritis. I could not physically do the Homestead off the grid lifestyle though I would love it.

  • @donnareeves9613
    @donnareeves9613 Před 8 lety

    My house is the only thing I pay on...and its almost paid for other then normal bills. My grandma always told me...if you can't pay for it, you don't need it!
    Good thing because I developed fibromyalgia and had to quit working...so everyday, energy is hard to muster...😁. This will be very hard to deal with if SHTF...especially the pain...so I have begun preparing. You never know what's around the corner...so prepare and be ready.

  • @jeremyhurtubise6551
    @jeremyhurtubise6551 Před 8 lety

    Wow words of wisdom. If I lived close to you I bet MR. H and I would be good friends I think what you are doing is great.

  • @ssc5140
    @ssc5140 Před 8 lety

    Hope you get to feeling better Starry. Be aware of ticks as I lived through Spotted Fever. Thanks !

  • @moneymagnetelizabeth
    @moneymagnetelizabeth Před 8 lety

    Quit the job or take a leave- rest and enjoy what is around you . ;Totally agree with you. Even if a person in a city could plant some veggie seeds in a pot is empowering that it can be done.

  • @salishsoapco.8542
    @salishsoapco.8542 Před 8 lety

    Elderberry syrup and fire cider, very effective especially if taken together. You can make them. Feel better Starry :)

  • @wenders86
    @wenders86 Před 8 lety

    Perfect message!

  • @cheekysaver
    @cheekysaver Před 8 lety

    You know, when our grandparents and great grandparents had massive pantries and a stockpile it was considered smart and survival. This is especially the case for family that lived the farm life. My Mom always has had a good pantry and stockpile and she taught us to do the same. Even if you if you only get a extra 20lb bag if beans or rice, flour, sugar, salt or veg put up every month it is still progress in the right direction. You don't have to start by thinking huge.

  • @jessmor25
    @jessmor25 Před 7 lety

    another great vid... God bless you both

  • @jwfloresfamily5433
    @jwfloresfamily5433 Před 8 lety

    Thank you for the inspiration and common sense breakdown. (I often take beach walks when sick and the salt air makes me feel better). I have been watching your videos 6 months now. We close on 5 acres Friday. Geographically a spring isn't possible in our state. Rainfall we can't depend on year round. What do you think about "1/2 grid"...a water meter to make up for lack of rain?

  • @barbarafritchie2000
    @barbarafritchie2000 Před 8 lety

    Great video. Hope you feel better soon.

  • @deanna4863
    @deanna4863 Před 8 lety

    Get well! I look so forward to your videos 👍😄

  • @leloumusson7178
    @leloumusson7178 Před 8 lety

    "Our retirement is our independence!" Wot a gr8 quote!

  • @WestCoastRoller
    @WestCoastRoller Před 8 lety

    You make some very good points for off grid the living asking where are your priorities? A new truck or land to live on and make your own. I think the challenge for most is how will I generate income? For me that's the main obstacle to overcome. It doesn't require a lot like you say $1000 per month is adequate. Thanks for your great video.

  • @eugenethompson2942
    @eugenethompson2942 Před 8 lety +1

    that was simply beautiful/ wonderful !
    you guys exude peace, love, and harmony !
    not to mention a lot of uncommon common sense ;)

  • @jessykapop
    @jessykapop Před 8 lety

    I look forward to every video you post. My husband and I started to downsize so small. I'm talking baloney and rice and beans meals. We realize now at 30 years old that it is more important to be debt free instead of having luxuries.
    Any suggestions to motivate my husband to consider homesteading? I am 200%%%%%%% ready to go and homesteaded. It is a dream to me but for him he would prefer later in life.. Any advice .. A video would be great.. Thank you

  • @robincook4349
    @robincook4349 Před 8 lety

    you guys are exactly right. get well

  • @Izaana030505
    @Izaana030505 Před 8 lety

    I took the family (wife and 5 children) and my mother on vacation to Troy Montana in May of 2014 and we fell in love with it. We stayed on the Yaak River and was supposed to be there like 12 days and ended up being out there for a whole month. Since then I have looked and looked for work in my field and just can't find anything remotely close to the area we loved so much, Moyie Spring and Bonner's Ferry. I don't know where you are, but it loos about as pretty. We met some people from a web site and really loved it there. The closest area with HSE jobs is Pocatello :-(

  • @lindahime5628
    @lindahime5628 Před 8 lety

    so enjoyed the video... sure hope you are feeling better.

  • @pikehunter23750
    @pikehunter23750 Před 8 lety

    God Bless you Starry! Praying for a speedy recovery! I've had walking pneumonia the past two weeks, for the second time this year. You're right about the sickness. I tend to wonder where the stronger bugs are coming from a lot...since I've been sick this year more than ever before. Not saying this IS the cause, but just wonder your thoughts or any other person's thoughts on this. There's been a surge in immigration and a lot of these people are not going through the correct channels and are not being screened. They're not be vaccinated either. I'm wondering if they're bringing new bugs that we haven't been exposed to before? Any thoughts?

  • @lisanorth609
    @lisanorth609 Před 8 lety

    Great video. Beautiful land you all live at. Get well soon.

  • @76pault
    @76pault Před 8 lety

    I really enjoy your videos.

  • @lifewithmikeandjenn5814

    Great advice! When is enough, enough? Prayers of health for you. :)

    • @lifewithmikeandjenn5814
      @lifewithmikeandjenn5814 Před 8 lety

      Double edge sword there. What is enough for one may not be enough for another. I'd be questioning their accountant, non primary residence means higher taxes one way or another. Rental property can be a great tool if handled and purchased carefully. Be it property tax, luxury or what have you. Does the property fall under their business as an LLC, are they using them as a 5013c type property, ect.? Creative accounting can be quite lucrative for some.

  • @chrissyfash
    @chrissyfash Před 8 lety

    Great video!

  • @vanessasfarmlife1502
    @vanessasfarmlife1502 Před 8 lety

    I love your way of life!

  • @rogermueller9143
    @rogermueller9143 Před 8 lety +1

    i love you guys and i learn a lot. foregive me but i cant shake the feeling that i'm watching Carol Burnet and Teddy Roosevelt.please dont hate me. thanks

  • @elliygxoxo
    @elliygxoxo Před 8 lety

    I'm a new subscriber, I enjoyed this video

  • @tammihughes6229
    @tammihughes6229 Před rokem

    This is even more important today with everything that is going on

  • @jaimechristy5050
    @jaimechristy5050 Před 8 lety

    Great point on the insurance

  • @subsister1
    @subsister1 Před 8 lety

    Yes it does help. Feel better soon.

  • @chevy6299
    @chevy6299 Před 8 lety

    I'm sorry I thought you were over this infection. I'll put you back on my prayer list.

  • @ennmacgee9129
    @ennmacgee9129 Před 8 lety

    Hope you feel better soon Starry. So true about the increase of ill messes. Have been thinking about what you said, and others have said, and the homesteading future we are planning in the near future, and there's on thing you guys don't take into consideration. A firestorm. Whether natural, nuclear or supernatural. Look at the properties near the edge of the forests who have lost their properties in California. I'm planning on an earth ship.

  • @beckynapier3635
    @beckynapier3635 Před 8 lety

    Silver Sol kills bacteria, virus, mold and even hospital acquired infections (MRSA). Vitamin C is great too. Seems my grand babies are always sick (day care goers) & then give it to me. I love essential oils too. Agree...lots of people don't know how to grow food, can or even cook. Have mercy.

  • @littlefootprintsbigdreams4099

    I love your channel I hope you feel better

  • @kittzy3598
    @kittzy3598 Před 8 lety

    My parents think your videos make no sense and wonder why anyone would want to live like you do. I personally love your videos; you and your husband are two very smart people. I would love to live a lifestyle similar to yours.
    Hope you feel better.

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 8 lety

      That's funny...I look at our lifestyle and often wonder what is it that is so different from everyone else that people say it makes no sense?? I ponder this....we have a modern home..we have electricity and al the conveniences of what everyone else has YET we are independent from most sources..thats it..no water being supplied by the city..no electicity being feed by the gird..no wasting water by flushing it in a toilet..no septic to pump..no regulations to follow...fresh produce..organic wild meat...I wonder...why is this so different?

    • @kittzy3598
      @kittzy3598 Před 8 lety

      "why is this so different?" because they where part of the rat race for so long they can't think of any other lifestyle other than the one they already have.

  • @cyndifoore7743
    @cyndifoore7743 Před 7 lety

    Wow, you're in some bear country there! Sorry you were sick and I hope it didn't last long. Great advice on preparing.

  • @PrepperPrincess
    @PrepperPrincess Před 7 lety

    How do you get water? Do you truck it in or have a well? Hope this isn't too personal, but how do you heat the water and how often do you shower? I live in the city and am aggressively saving for a real homestead. I have $70k saved so I am seriously researching how to make it work in the mountains.

    • @StarryHilder
      @StarryHilder  Před 7 lety +3

      we have a spring located above the house, feeds into a 1200gallon underground tank, which then comes to the house. in the winter we heat the water with coils running thru the woodstove and the rest of the time when we dont have a consistant fire, we have a small on demand propane water heater . so we shower as much as we want!!! and do dishes too!! 70k is a good start. do as much of the work urself and it will go far!! good luck, mr.hilder

  • @paulpritchard6581
    @paulpritchard6581 Před 7 lety +1

    I will be OFF GRID , Thanks Shep

  • @debrothermund9448
    @debrothermund9448 Před 6 lety

    Starry, I am on that line where I am jumping to homesteading. We are not young, that's ok...young at heart. We are torn about weather or not to move to mountains or prairie. We live in a residential area, we are not happy. Can sell our home and make enough to pay cash for land, some left over for a home. If we stay on the prairie, I can work a few more years, to finish the last leg of cost to be debit free. Just on the prairie, no wood for heat...hmmm. any thoughts or advice?

  • @pixaleena
    @pixaleena Před 8 lety

    Bwahahahahhahaha wal mart. Good one mr hilder 😂

  • @bushcraft2012
    @bushcraft2012 Před 8 lety

    Hey Starry... Hope you get well soon.

  • @luisagreen9394
    @luisagreen9394 Před 8 lety

    well put.