U.S.-India Relations with Dr. Milan Vaishnav

  • čas přidán 5. 05. 2024
  • U.S.-India Relations with Dr. Milan Vaishnav, Senior Fellow and Director of the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Komentáře • 12

  • @madhukarmurthi9064
    @madhukarmurthi9064 Před 20 dny +3

    This government is less corrupt, more nationalist, and does not discriminate based on caste and religion like the previous "secular" government. We see your "liberal" democracy in the West supporting extremist thoughts - no thank you, focus on your own democracy we are happy with ours.

  • @sunilaraganji1466
    @sunilaraganji1466 Před 16 dny +1

    Brunol sales through the roof.😅

  • @mahadevsuresh5
    @mahadevsuresh5 Před 24 dny

    May not agree with a lot of what he says, but, he does make a cogent case and presentation is engaging.

  • @michealanderson2282
    @michealanderson2282 Před 16 dny +1

    Interesting talk, but lot of inaccuracies in analysis. Minorities are not second class but are not pampered as under congress govt. No matter what you do, BJP knows fully well now, these minority peacefuls will not vote them-inturn BJP as made them irrelevent -because congress party knows peacefuls have no choice but them and they have stopped pampering as before and BJP have completely neglected them. Mlims instead of voting on the basis of issues ,always vote enmass on basis of religion. They have to reform . As far as US lecturing others about 'liberal' democracy it must see internally and reform itself. The less said about US democracy ,the better it is.

  • @eklavya83
    @eklavya83 Před 16 dny

    I thought this would be informative lecture by Milan but actually was more of a anti Modi and anti -Hindutva rant. India is a Civilizational State not a Nation state and its amply displayed by the vast diversity it has united by the Spiritual unity of Sanatan Dharma . Sacred pilgrimages and journeys was been done since ancient times uniting all the diversity that exits in Bharat with a spiritual/Dharmic consciousness. To deny this truth about thousands of years old civilization and culture the due recognition which has survived the loot and invasion and slavery done by the Islamic Invaders and later by the Christian Colonizers and just to think it was just born in 1947 after Independence without having any link to its ancient past is just plain wrong. THe Abrahamic faiths both Islam and Christianity which believe in SUpremacists and Exclusivist ideology that only their religion is true and all other faiths are false or inferior and now going to teach about liberalism and openness to Hindus who are the most diverse , liberal and open philosophy which actually respects all other faiths and doesnt just "tolerate " them. The word Secularism and Socialism was not there in the Original Constitution preamble but was inserted during the Emergency period of Indira Gandhi for political purposes. Secularism in India meant equal treatment of all religions without any favour or discrimination against any. Its not like in the west . But in practise Secularism meant Vote Bank politics / pandering to the minorities / creating victimhood mentality among minority especially Muslims and fear mongering about the Majority Hindu community. One of the best examples is the overturning the Supreme court judgement of Shah Bano case which called for compensation being given to her but then denied for pandering to the Muslim religious leaders for votes. Regarding the Ram Temple made on the birthplace of Lord Ram the whole base was the Islamic invaders had destroyed thousands of important Hindu temples and deliberately built Mosques over it to show the superiority of their Islamic religion over the Hindu faith. THese they have mentioned in their very own court documents proudly saying how they destroyed the idolators temples. This was a commonly done by the both the Islamic and Christian soldiers against temples in Europe / America /Asia. Why deny these ugly truth of Islamic rule of India before the British colonisers and blame as if the Hindus are the ones who are intolerant. THe Hindus have been fighting for this particular Lord Ram Temple for around 500 years. Even the Britishers have records about this particular dispute between the HIndus and Muslims. Sikh leaders also fought for this Ram temple .WHy keep lying about all these truths and painting a picture as if the Hindus are becoming intolerant. HIndus are only reclaiming the ancient temples destroyed by the Islamic Invaders.

  • @bhanupratapsinghbhati4830

    Woke please stop

  • @swarupthebest4478
    @swarupthebest4478 Před 22 dny +1

    Old agenda....