The All Time Challenge: Best Protagonist, Villain, Soundtrack, Boss Fight, Art Style, Ending & More

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 50

  • @KTSky01
    @KTSky01 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I have to say, I’m so glad to see Brandon’s pick for the favourite ending of all-time category, you have no idea. To me, A Plague Tale: Requiem is genuinely an absolute masterpiece and one of my personal favourite games ever made. I can’t explain how hard that ending hit me. I knew I was very heavily attached to Amicia and Hugo emotionally, but that ending still hit me like a ton of bricks and that’s putting it lightly. I honestly wasn’t fully prepared for it, despite it being hinted at damn near the entire way through the story.
    I also think that Amicia de Rune is one of the best video game characters and protagonists ever created. Everything that was great about her character in Innocence was dialled all the way up to 11 in Requiem. Charlotte McBurney’s performance was absolutely unreal, seriously. She moved me to tears multiple times. An absolutely beautiful portrayal.

    • @trey631
      @trey631 Před 4 měsíci +1

      While I really enjoyed Requiem, I got the point I could not stand to listen to all of Hugo's complaining. The ending was surely a hard hitter, but Hugo spoiled the game for me somewhat.

    • @KTSky01
      @KTSky01 Před 4 měsíci +2

      @@trey631 That’s totally fair, I completely understand that. I did find it irritating at first, too, but I always understood why they had written Hugo that way within the story tbh. However, after multiple playthroughs and having obtained the Platinum trophy for both games, I’m completely used to it and it ultimately doesn’t really bother me anymore. Certainly doesn’t hamper my experience. I definitely get where you’re coming from, though.

    • @trey631
      @trey631 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@KTSky01 it’s awesome that you’ve played through it and Innocence a couple of times each. I move from one game to the next. I’ve even quit playing multiplayer games to experience more single player narratives.

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci +2

      Yeah it’s a game I was enjoying but didn’t completely keep me hooked. Amicia is one of the best written characters in gaming though her arc from the first game and from what I played in the second was really good. It’s funny Trey mentions about Hugo complaining I have that same problem with some games. I cannot stand characters that don’t shut up 😂 I need to try to go back and finish Requiem this year though if the ending is that good.

    • @KTSky01
      @KTSky01 Před 4 měsíci +3

      @@trey631 I do tend to usually move onto another game relatively quickly after I finish one, but there are just some that keep me coming back and I find I don’t get bored them in any way, shape or form. And tbh with you, multiplayer games have really never been my thing. I used to play them with my friends when I was like 12 or 13 and then stopped when I was about 15 or 16. I just realised how much more I enjoy singleplayer, narrative-driven games. I’m 22 now and those are the only kinds of games that I play. I suppose one exception would be It Takes Two from Hazelight Studios, as it’s a co-op experience, but it’s one of the most unique and creative games I’ve ever seen. Josef Fares really knocked it out of the park with that one.

  • @pandagrog8957
    @pandagrog8957 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Thought i would also play along! This was a really fun list to go through.
    The All Time List:
    Game- Fallout New Vegas. it has everything i like, politics, the fallout universe, great rpg mechanics, and wonderful characters. My love has only grown for the game after bethesda has consistently moved away from what made it great. Nostalgia also plays a big factor as a was a day 1 purchase in 2010 on my ps3 14 years ago.
    Series- Yakuza. 9 games in the series. Really hard to put anything over it. Not all of the games are good. But 8 really made me understand that its more about the experiances you have with Kiryu which really makes the series worth it in the end. Nothing beats it and probably never will unless someone makes 9 games with the same character which might just be impossible in todays economy.
    Soundtrack: Civilization 6. The fact that it captures going through the eras in the game with a different track for every era is really amazing. But you also have interesting spins on, what if the Aztecs made it to the Atomic age? or the Romans or the Macedonians. You get these really interesting sections of modern beats and compositions spliced with cultural and traditional music. So seeing that growth from just traditional instruments at the ancient age, to growing to the atomic age and hearing the massive music change is just really damn cool. Persona would also be high up there 5 and 3 are so damn good so a great pick from Looney.
    Protag- Kiryu. Like the series, its just really hard to pick anyone else because he has 9 games. He shows tons and tons of growth through the series when it comes to personal relationships and emotional range. He also is just really fucking cool.
    Villain- My favorite villain is the Nameless one from Planescape Torment. This has some slight spoilers but this has to be the most interesting exploration of villany ive ever experianced. The fact that you find out through your companions how much of a piece of shit you were in a previous form has to be one of the most devistating things ive experianced. Imagine going through a RPG game and loving a companion you got. Then struggling through fights with them, going on this great journey and then finding out that you enslaved them, killed their family, and still have slave contract on them. This is just one of the stories that comes from the expert way that the writers used villany to explore your characters memory loss, there are so much more that i could go on and on. But i highly encourage ether playing the game or looking it up as its super interesting.
    Story- Last of Us 2. Simular to what yall said about Metal Gear 2 in where Kojima took a really big risk and it paid off in spite of dividing many people during its release. I really respect Last Of Us 2 for taking that MG2 leap and giving a very risky yet challenging narrative that really requires more from the player. I love being challenged when it comes to empathy and understanding and having Abby was very challenging as player. I also really love how brutal it is and its interesting exploration of post apocalypse factions in the Seraphites and Wolfs. Going through the game for the third time and listening to the developer commentary and watching the documentary gave me alot more love for this story. But i also understand why people didnot click with it as it is designed to be really harsh.
    Game i want to play haven't- I dont really have anything that fits. But if i had to say one it would probably be like a Dragon Isshin. I never got to it cause i was waiting for gamepass. But when it came tons of Yakuza content was coming out so i didnot want to drain myself by playing it. But i want to playthrough it soon.
    Game i love that everyone hates- I think this really depends on what circle of gamers you surround yourself with. For example, in 2020 i would say Last of us 2 and Cyberpunk because both of those games in my circles were really hated on. But both of the hate for those games has really slowed down. I would probally say Dragon Age 2 and i agree with what Malroony said about it. I still see a ton of hate for it, by people who ether played it on launch and never touched it again. Or by people who have never played it. I just think that the excellent story content and the characters which are byfar the best parts of a dragon age game. Overshadow the repetitive setting design and the gameplay by a large margin.
    Games you hate that everyone loves- I really agree with Brandon here, that i dont really hate any game i play. I HATE things about games, but generally every single game has something to love about it. Metro Exodus has to be my pick here. I love its visuals and the gunplay. But i genuinely hate the morality system in the game. Its flawed from a gameplay and a morality level. I wont go that in depth but il just say that its a like a kid went to one highschool class about whats moral and not moral and put it into a game. Its terrible and it ruined the game for me because they put so much emphasis on it and its super impactful to the storyline. It thinks its really smart and is doing something really groundbreaking with it, but its just super simplistic and totally misunderstands its setting.
    Best Art Style- Spiritfairer. It has such a good mix with narrative and characters in mind. Every character is brimming with wonderful interesting artistic designs. That really emphasize their mindset and their overall storyline that really makes the game shine. This was a really close category though. Persona 5, Elden Ring, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tshusma, Disco Elysium. i could just go on and on with games that have fantastic art.
    Favorite Ending- This was really damn hard. Just like Art Style i could name tons and tons of games with crazy good endings Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, Persona 4, Last of Us 1, Planescape Torment, Expeditions Rome. Last of US 2 has to be my favorite though. Its just incredibly full of narrative and emotional range. So many people have different interpretations of each scene which really shows how impactful the ending is.
    Favorite Boss Fight- I think there's two answers for this one. One is gameplay and another is narrative. Gameplay would be Genichiro from Seikrio. This is such a fantastic fight cause its a perfect use of Sekrios rhythm like combat mixed with really cool swordplay. Narrative wise, it has to be Jin Kuwana from Lost Judgement. Its a great fight because its litterly a conflict of morality clashing together where you have no choice but to fight and at the end nothing even gets solved because they are both right in their own ways. Its a great exploration of the two sides.
    Childhood game- im a early 2010s kid, so its probably between Call of Duty Zombies or Minecraft. I would spend tons of time with friends during sleepovers playing spiltscreen zombies and trying to get the highest round. Minecraft servers made with classes i had in middle and elementary was also really fun.
    Relaxing- I have this habit of turning the most relaxing games into struggles. But i think it might be stardew valley. Its hard to say because most of stardew is really relaxing of just going through this routine and getting lost into it, but at times i do find it a bit overwhelming.
    Stressful- 100% league of legends. I hate the people playing the game so much. There is always that one game that ruins your day with the most terrible and difficult people.
    Game i always come back to- I think picking a mulitplayer game or a streagty game here is too simple these are games which are designed for you to consistently come back too. Im probably going to say Fallout New Vegas. Every year i go back with some new mods, and play through the game again with a new class. I have 1.6k hours in it on steam which just shows how much i return to it.
    Gulity Pleasure- Im going to agree with Brandon and also say the sims. Everytime i play it i always say to myself "why am i spending time on this". But its always super fun.
    Most Hours Played- League of Legends is my most played but it has no definitive hours. If i had to estimate it would be around 10k, since ive been playing since Season 4. If its actual hours definitively then its Europa Universalis 4 which i have 4.1k hours on Steam.

    • @UnnecessaryRambling
      @UnnecessaryRambling  Před 4 měsíci

      FANTASTIC picks homie. I need to revisit TLOU 2, I really enjoyed the game, but had a few gripes. Thought it drug on a bit too long, but I wonder now after games have gotten even more bloated in the last 4 years, if TLOU 2 would now feel like a treat to get through lol.

    • @pandagrog8957
      @pandagrog8957 Před 4 měsíci

      @@UnnecessaryRambling i hope you do! would love to see what you think on a replay.

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci +1

      Yes I love seeing people join in to the discussions!! That first pick of New Vegas is great it’s such a great experience that showed you don’t have to scale back RPG elements to make a game enjoyable. It’s approach to making most characters non essential to help further choice for the player I really respect and it doesn’t get enough credit for that.
      Yep Yakuza won’t disagree with you there it’s such an experience. Essentially growing alongside Kiryu throughout the series and the crazy things he seems to get himself into. I also agree look how many games he’s in and we don’t have fatigue for the character. I’m sure RGG will be making games of him when he’s old and in a wheelchair in which he’ll still kick peoples asses 😂 Just imagining him and Majima having a race now could totally see that happening.
      OMG Civ 6s music is so powerful what a great pick. I think people don’t understand how important it is to get a soundtrack right in a game where you play for hours upon hours without breaks 😂 Just one more turn……
      Yep Kiryu he was on my shortlist but I really had to send love Dante’s way personally. I’ll say this as well though I think my fav character in the series is Majima. He’s so unhinged and I love it.
      Ahhh one of the last few CRPGs I’ve not played but I’ve heard incredible things about it. I won’t lie I’ve skipped over what you wrote as I’ve not tried it yet 😉😁
      The last of us 2 really did split people right down the middle huh. I thought it was the logical next step after the first games ending. We’ve established that brutality and selfishness rules this world. Will be interesting to see how the third game shapes up.
      Oh I’ve played like 6 hours of Ishin you’ve gotta give it a go when you get a chance it’s such a great spin off. Really cool additions to the combat as well.
      Yeah Dragon Age 2 isn’t meant to be like Origins. You are given a set character and choose their class. As this was an important part in the lore where they wanted to bring forward the Qunari threat and on top of that set up the events for Inquisition by introducing Corypheus, Varric and Cassandra. Maybe it’s because I’ve read the books and sucked every tiny bit of story out of the series but I actually liked DA2 myself. Of course it’s not perfect and you could feel it was made in a rushed manner but the story and characters were pretty good I felt.
      OMG what a pick and you know what I could not agree with you more. I love the metro series but that morality system is the stupidest thing ever. You’re telling me these cannibalistic bandits I should knock out but killing is bad? They have prisoners!!!!! They are heinous criminals!!!!! 😂 Man great shout mate great shout.
      Ohhhhhh Spiritfarer I saw on GP I was actually going to give it a go the other day but still haven’t pulled the trigger on it. I think maybe after what I’m playing now it’ll either be that or Requiem.
      Nice some high praise for the Last of Us 2 there. I think I’m more interested in seeing how they move forward now with the characters after everything.
      I’ve seen Genichiro’s fight and yep it’s something special. It’s what makes me so damn disappointed I can’t click with the game but hey least I can watch people beat the guy up 😂
      Nice both of these I never particularly clicked with myself. I tried to enjoy Minecraft but I learnt I just don’t enjoy survival games all that much. As for Zombies I was always more of a MP person so never really appealed to me.
      So many people love Stardew valley and use it as a relaxation game that’s awesome. I have nothing but respect for the developer the amount they’ve added to the game even though it’s not for me personally is nothing short of amazing.
      Hahahahah LoL classic MOBA experience. I had a friend who played tonnes of Smite and it would turn them sooooooo sour. I never understood the appeal of MOBAs to be honest they seem to bring out the worst in people 😂
      Yeah mods truly keep these Bethesda games alive and well to the point where I don’t think they’ll ever die. Just a testament to how passionate people are about the game.
      The Sims as well 😂 It’s unstoppable!!!!
      I’d love to see Europa Universalis on Xbox they showed that CK3 and Stellaris work GIVE ME MORE STRATEGY!!!!!! 😂 But back to the comment it doesn’t surprise me strategy games just chunk hours away from us. I played a GOT mod for medieval total war and lost 100s of hours to that alone.
      Great list man and yeah I love to see people join in with our discussions it’s awesome!!! Hearing what everyone would put as there’s it’s great 😁

  • @saddack
    @saddack Před 4 měsíci +1

    Now that, was a fun one!

  • @guildmastersstory2169
    @guildmastersstory2169 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Favourite game of all time - Elden Ring
    Favourite series of all time - Final Fantasy
    Favourite soundtrack - Hi-Fi Rush
    Favourite protagonist - Lee (The Walking Dead)
    Favourite villain - Sephiroth
    Favourite story - Metal gear solid
    Game you want to play but haven’t yet - Baldurs gate 3
    Game you love but everyone hates - Saints row
    Game you hate but everyone loves - Agree with you about not hating games, but I guess the one I least liked that everyone loved would be Kingdom come deliverance
    Best art style - Okami
    Favourite ending - Journey
    Boss fight - Psycho Mantis
    Favourite childhood game - Final Fantasy 9
    Most relaxing - Dave the diver
    Most stressful - Don’t really get stressed playing games. But I suppose Dragons Dogma 2 when the game decides to throw everything at you.
    Game you always come back to - Elden Ring
    Guilty pleasure - Pokémon
    Most hours - Elden Ring / Gran Turismo 7 / Dragon age Inquisition / Horizon Zero Dawn / Overwatch, all tie for second. But RuneScape sadly holds first place here, sank so many hours into that thing.

    • @UnnecessaryRambling
      @UnnecessaryRambling  Před 4 měsíci +1

      Dragon’s Dogma 2 is sneakily annoying as hell lmao. As much as I love the game, I understand that answer. Great picks across the board, that Psycho Manyis boss fight is legit boss fight perfection

    • @trey631
      @trey631 Před 4 měsíci +1

      I remember my son sinking so many hours into the original RuneScape. I never understood what he saw in that game. I figured it was his age. Now, I see that it shaped what he now really enjoys. He can spend hours upon hours in the worlds of RPGs, survival games, and games such as Souls, Elden Ring, PUBG, CS, Tarkov, etc. I’m kind of envious sometimes.

    • @guildmastersstory2169
      @guildmastersstory2169 Před 4 měsíci

      @@UnnecessaryRambling Yeah I love it too, it’s just those moments where stuff gets out of control and you literally can’t move.

    • @guildmastersstory2169
      @guildmastersstory2169 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@trey631 It was one of the earliest mmorpgs & part of it was free to play, I think that was possibly the initial draw for a lot of players, then more people tried it due to word of mouth, friends inviting friends etc. I personally stuck around for the quests, there’s some genuinely funny and witty storylines, and because you had a decent choice of what to do whether bossing or relaxing with skills.
      I haven’t played it in ages though.

  • @guildmastersstory2169
    @guildmastersstory2169 Před 4 měsíci +1

    28:31 All we really have in the U.K is Argos though.😅
    CEX sell used, Game fell off, and other supermarkets stopped selling games entirely. If a decent game shop existed locally I’d definitely go there.

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci +1

      Yeah it’s really unfortunate to be honest. I’ve not shopped in Argos for like a decade I’d completely forgot they sold games 😂😂😂
      As long as Amazon provides me I’m happy though. It shocks me how little we have for options though it’s just sad 😂🫣

  • @kieranczyzniejewski2178
    @kieranczyzniejewski2178 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Favorite Game: Skyrim
    Favorite Series: Halo
    Favorite Villain and Story: Odin from GoW Ragnarok
    Favorite Boss Fight: Malekith the Black Blade from Elden Ring
    Guilty Pleasure: Avatar Frontiers of Pandorra

    • @UnnecessaryRambling
      @UnnecessaryRambling  Před 4 měsíci +2

      Odin is such a good pull. One of the best characters in recent memory period

    • @KTSky01
      @KTSky01 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Having Odin as your favourite villain and story is such a massive W and that can’t be understated. I absolutely agree with you on how incredible the portrayal of that character was. The team over at Santa Monica Studio did a phenomenal job with the writing and Richard Schiff’s performance was outstanding.

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci +1

      I know I dig Skyrim out a lot personally but it’s clearly special to many people and it’s mostly lighthearted jabs. What I always find interesting is hearing what are the reasons. So what makes Skyrim so special to you?
      Halo nice what would be your top three games of that series?
      OMG Malekith is such a strong fight in probably the coolest area in the game. FromSoft sure does know how to make games ✊
      Ahhhh nice Avatar I’m yet to play it myself I think Brandon enjoyed it for the most part and I’ve heard absolutely nothing about the game personally. I’ll pick it up on a sale but it looks breathtaking the environments from the screenshots.
      Awesome to see people get involved I love reading your lists!!!

  • @trey631
    @trey631 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Favorite game of all time: Metal Gear Solid
    Favorite game series of all time: Uncharted or Call of Duty
    Favorite soundtrack of all time: Brutal Legends
    Favorite protagonist of all time: Max Payne
    Favorite villain of all of time:
    Favorite story of all time: The Last of Us 1
    Most want to play but haven't: Resident Evil remake titles along with RE7
    Game loved that people hate: Last of Us 2
    Game hated that people love: Deathloop
    Best art style: Ico on the PS2 was stunning for its time
    Favorite ending: long-term memory issue... of recent Uncharted 4 ending was great
    Favorite boss fight: memorable Psycho Mantis MGS1
    Favorite childhood game: Ultima IV
    Most Relaxing game: Abzu or Journey
    Most Stressful game: Dark Souls 1
    Game Always Come Back To: COD Warzone - had to uninstall and never return - kept me from playing anything else
    Guilty Pleasure: Punchout - really enjoyed this one - would love to own the cabinet
    Most Hours Played: Metal of Honor Allied Assault/Spearhead - back in the day multiplayer - easily would have to be 5000 hours, possibly double that or more. I would miss work because I would stay up all night.

    • @UnnecessaryRambling
      @UnnecessaryRambling  Před 4 měsíci

      Love it dude! I had no idea MGS1 was your favorite game of all time. It’s definitely the first game I ever played that made me appreciate storytelling in video games

    • @trey631
      @trey631 Před 4 měsíci

      @@UnnecessaryRambling a lot of nostalgia for the game. Perhaps if I play it again I may have a change of heart! 😜

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci

      Is that Metal Gear Solid 1 for the PS1? If so great pick 😁
      Uncharted is so damn fun as a series and I also am with you on the COD pick. They really aren’t revolutionary but sometimes it’s just fun to shoot things right 😉😂
      Man Brutal Legend what a pick for soundtracks. Sadly not my preferred genre of music but I gotta say it was a strong soundtrack. Another great gift from the mind of Tim Schafer.
      Ohhhhhh which max did you prefer Rockstars or Remedy’s?
      The Last of us getting lots of love from everyone 😁
      Oh man them remakes and newer style RE games are an absolute treat. I really want them to do a remake for 1 so we can round out the series. 5&6 I could take it or leave it to be honest.
      Last of us 2 really did divide people didn’t it 😬 I thought it was pretty good.
      Ahhh I’ve not tried Deathloop myself it never really stood out like Dishonored or Prey did for me.
      Ahhhhh nice a game I don’t hear very often. I’ve never played ICO but heard good things about it 😁
      Uncharted 4 was such a great closure to Drake. I hope if we see the series picked back up again it focuses on new characters.
      Mantis is an all time great with mechanics that had never been seen before and it just makes me heap even further praise on Kojima ✊
      Ultima not a franchise I’ve dabbled in personally always great to hear something different though 😁
      OMG ABZU was so chill. Such a great little experience cannot recommend it enough.
      Dark Souls 1 😂 Man it really hits that comment. It has probably the highest curve of the games with how the entire package is. Hardly any direction, clunky movement and the world design giving so many options once you get to fire link. Did you manage to finish the game out of curiosity?
      Ohhhhhh Warzone from MW19 was a beast and I agree with you. They had such a perfect blend to the point where it did feel like an addiction for a while.
      Never played Punch out but heard many things about it 😂
      Ohhhhh what a shout we really need Medal of Honor to make a return. Not yearly like COD but every 5 years drop a Medal of Honor experience. They truly captured WW2 in games better than anyone back in the day. I remember playing one of the games where you start on the boat and have to make a dash to escape while it’s under attack. Still sticks with me that moment ✊
      Awesome list there some games I hadn’t thought about for a while. Thanks for joining in I love hearing peoples lists.

    • @trey631
      @trey631 Před 4 měsíci +1

      ​@@MadnlooneyJR no man, I never finished Dark Souls. I barely got started. Never made it to the Bell Gargoyles even. I need a tutor and some Xanax before trying it again!

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci

      @@trey631 Ahhh it definitely requires some time to get the ball rolling. I’d offer to help you with your adventure if you were on Xbox but I think you said you primarily play on PC and PS I believe. I cannot supply the Xanax though 😂😉

  • @Darian32
    @Darian32 Před 4 měsíci +1

    It hurt me a bit when loon said he didn’t like Sekiro

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci +1

      I really really wish I could click with it but I just can’t. I respect it though for what it is but I can’t seem to enjoy it. What I like is collecting loot new armour and weapons etc. That’s what I’ve come to realise and on top of that I’m not a blocker I’m a dodger 😂 But yeah it’s an incredible game though just not for me it would seem.

    • @Darian32
      @Darian32 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@MadnlooneyJR it’s definitely a learning curve for sure! Im curious have you tried armor core yet? That and bloodbourne are the next one from that genre im thinking about trying!

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@Darian32 So I did try the newest armoured core and I think again it fell into the same boat as Sekiro for me. It’s an even steeper learning curve as with Sekiro at least I beat quite a few bosses for the most part I just wasn’t enjoying it. Armoured Core kicked my teeth in as it has timed missions which I just despise.
      I will say though Bloodborne is probably second place for me in relation to FromSoft soulslikes. Nothing budges ER for me but Bloodborne is far and above better than any of the souls games. I’m also entirely biased though because I LOVE Lovecraftian horror 😂

  • @RetroRivals
    @RetroRivals Před 3 měsíci

    I'm playing along
    1)RE4 (anyways, all the ways!)
    3)Castlevania SOTN
    4)Joel Miller
    5)Wesker (Great minds think alike!)
    6)The Last of Us
    7)Rain (because it's impossible to get) 7)Red Dead Redemption (I know)
    ***Taking the dog for a walk****
    8) We Happy Few
    9) Super Mario 64 (and I played most of it and quit!)
    10) Ori (again great minds) and I answered it before I heard your answer too
    11) The Last of Us
    12) Rat King - Last of Us 2
    13) Bubble Bobble
    14) Any Golf game, pick one 🤷🏼‍♀️
    15) Adventure Island
    16) BroForce
    17) This War of Mine
    18) Bubble Bobble

    • @UnnecessaryRambling
      @UnnecessaryRambling  Před 3 měsíci +1

      Dude Rat King is a great selection. TLOU is kinda underrated in regards to its gameplay… hell I even probably undervalue it. I always say TLOU is a great story with okay gameplay… but idk man, there are some f’n excellent gameplay sequences, especially in TLOU 2. Almost all of Abby’s hand to hand combat fights are like god tier imo.
      Great picks tho. Not at all surprised by the GOAT topping your list haha

  • @David01.d
    @David01.d Před 4 měsíci +1

    My favourite villan is arthas from wrath of the lich king
    I should buy the mass effect trilogy remastered and finally play them

    • @MadnlooneyJR
      @MadnlooneyJR Před 4 měsíci

      Ahh nice shout a heavily overlooked villain.
      The mass effect trilogy is amazing especially from a story perspective. The combat mechanics especially that of the first game haven’t aged too well but if you love story driven experiences with choice and companion quests then you’ll love it!!

    • @UnnecessaryRambling
      @UnnecessaryRambling  Před 4 měsíci

      I feel like you’d love Mass Effect dude!