Authentic Pagan Lithuanian Prayer to the Moon God / Autentiška dzūkų malda mėnuliui

  • čas přidán 14. 02. 2015
  • Paulina Bujytė-Laučinskienė, g. 1934, iš Vilniaus krašto, Mištūnų kaimo Šalčininkų rajone pasakoja apie tradicinę autentišką dzūkų maldelę mėnuliui, kurią ją išmokė jos mama.
    - Jeigu pamatai jauną mėnulį dešinėje pusėje - tai jau bus visas mėnesis geras; jeigu kairėje pusėje pamatai - tai jau nebus pasisekimo, bus vis vien kokios kliūtys.
    Nu tai, kaip mus mama mokino dar aš šešių metukų buvau (ba man buvo septyni metai, kai mama mirė) - tai sako, kai pamatysite jauną mėnulį, tai sukalbėkite šitą maldelę - tai visas mėnesis gerai seksis: "Jaunas mėnulukas, dangaus karalukas, apšviesk mani, rėdyk mani, vesk mani į dangaus karalystį". Tai va.
    Paulina Bujytė-Laučinskienė (born in 1934) from Mištūnai village near Šalčininkai tells about superstitions related to the first appearance of a waxing crescent and a traditional pagan prayer which she has learned from her mother:
    - If you first see a waxing crescent on your right side - the whole forthcoming month will be good; If you first see it on your left side - there will be no success, there will be some obstacles.
    When I was 6 years old my mother has taught it to me (I was seven years old when she died). She said that whenever I see a waxing crescent I need to say this prayer, so that the whole month would be good: "Ye dear young moon, the king of the sky, enlighten me, dress me up! Take me to the kingdom of the sky!". So there we go.

Komentáře • 88

  • @michaelamaestas4950
    @michaelamaestas4950 Před 9 lety +64

    I love our / my People , culture !

    • @czarcease4084
      @czarcease4084 Před 6 lety +1

      Michaela Maestas so your culture is praying to a black pagan egyptian man from egypt called IAH

    • @MT-ow2xl
      @MT-ow2xl Před 5 lety +1

      @@czarcease4084 Lol the moon is a black man ✊🌚

    • @czarcease4084
      @czarcease4084 Před 5 lety +2

      @@MT-ow2xl the moon is a spirit not human

    • @spiritrose4301
      @spiritrose4301 Před 4 lety

      Michaela Maestas iam to

  • @icytakaqi9en947
    @icytakaqi9en947 Před 3 lety +17

    Awwwwww who's prescious grandma is this?! She's adorable 🥰❤
    Made me really miss my own grandma so much 😢

  • @nima9452
    @nima9452 Před 6 lety +27

    This really touched my heart💜🌛

  • @lonelyhetaliafangirl4936
    @lonelyhetaliafangirl4936 Před 4 lety +24

    Paganism is beautiful

  • @djjerome
    @djjerome Před měsícem

    These folk stories, folk traditions, and folk songs are the precious remnants of our old indigenous religion which was almost wiped out by the 'loving' Christians. My Perkunas protect us and guide us on the right path! ⚡

  • @Kunigunda897
    @Kunigunda897 Před 3 lety +17

    Pasiilgstu savo močiutės. Pamenu, kaip vaikystėje pasakoje iš kur griaustinis atsiranda, neva Perkūnas savo vežimu važiuoja. :) Gaila daugiau panašių dalykų nepaskteiravau, kaip ir pačių liaudies dainų. Bet daugumą vasarų kaime praleidau, kurių nesigailiu, gyvenom greta miško, o namas kone 100 metų...

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 3 lety +4

      Dainas ir prietarus dar galima rasti užfiksuotus knygose, įrašuose - aišku, tai ne tas pats, kas išgirsti iš močiutės, bet vis šis tas... Svarbu, kad pasaulėžiūra perimta gyvai, ryšys su gamta, su praeitimi - to jau iš knygų neišskaitysi

    • @Kunigunda897
      @Kunigunda897 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Balticfolk aha, teko skaityti, tarkim mūsų Velnias, kaip Skandinavų Odinas, išgėrė vandens is kažkokios ypatingos upės, įgavo didės išminties, tačiau neteko vienos akies, tai po to, tariamai vienos akies turėjimas buvo laikomas išminties ženklu.

    • @simona_merkinin
      @simona_merkinin Před rokem +2

      Mano bočius man tą patį sakydavo😅 kai vaikystėje išsigąsdavau griaustinio jis mane nuramindavo sakydamas, kad ten paprasčiausiai perkūnas akmenų grindiniu važiuoja

  • @Balticfolk
    @Balticfolk  Před 9 lety +18

    Kęstuti, čia tikro jauno mėnulio veidrodinis atvaizdas :)
    Darant klipą orientavausi pagal pasakorės veidą ir teko būtinai mėnulį apversti. Dabar kai pagalvoju, reikėjo jau užbaigus paskui vėl visą video apversti, bet tada buvo ankstus rytas ir man tiesiog nešovė į galvą... Kai čia savo įkeltus senesnius video pasižiūriu, beveik kiekviename kas nors užkliūna ir, jei reikėtų juos daryti iš naujo, daryčiau kitaip. Mokymosi procesas tebevyksta :)

  • @1234vedas
    @1234vedas Před 7 lety +9

    Thanks awesome!

  • @bizbite2
    @bizbite2 Před 6 lety +15

    “Man buvo 7 metai Mama mire”... siaubas kaip liudna... na bet uztat sita moterele ilgai gyvena :)

  • @moppabossnz4948
    @moppabossnz4948 Před 4 lety +3


  • @bobbydruyetis2714
    @bobbydruyetis2714 Před rokem +1

    She reminds me of my great grandmother

  • @pi-Ratas
    @pi-Ratas Před 9 lety +12

    Kodėl šnekant apie jaunatį rodoma delčia?
    Tiesa, ir pats judėjimas keistas, tarytum būčiau Australijoje.
    O šiaip, ačiū! Tikrai geras video!

  • @keyaksarates7439
    @keyaksarates7439 Před 2 lety +10

    Kurdish people do the same prayer for both sun and moon that is fascinating

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 2 lety +6

      Kudrs are part of the Indo-European family, so it's nice to see that they have also retained some aspects of their ancestral culture :)

    • @slavman1945
      @slavman1945 Před 5 měsíci +1

      Indians have it too, although many don't practice it these days

    • @GyanTvAmit
      @GyanTvAmit Před měsícem +1

      because we indians gave this to your people,we migrated to europe from india

  • @Babuus
    @Babuus Před 3 lety +1

    thats amazing

  • @zymantesa
    @zymantesa Před 2 lety

    Interesting video

  • @sonatagypsyqueen9371
    @sonatagypsyqueen9371 Před rokem


  • @0371998
    @0371998 Před 4 lety +3

    Je vous aime ! Résistez et faites de grandes familles allant quérir des postes dans vos gouvernements.

  • @IdontCare479
    @IdontCare479 Před 26 dny

    Paganism forever 🇧🇷

  • @matijakenda2948
    @matijakenda2948 Před 6 lety +4

    Hello! Can someone please write prayer in lithuanian and than english translation? Thanks!

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 6 lety +24

      Hi, Matija, in Lithuanian it's: "Jaunas mėnulukas, dangaus karalukas, apšviesk mani, rėdyk mani, vesk mani į dangaus karalystį" and translated to English it would sound like: "Ye dear young moon, the king of the sky, enlighten me, dress me up! Take me to the kingdom of the sky!"

    • @matijakenda2948
      @matijakenda2948 Před 6 lety +3

      Thank you very much! Labai ačiū :)

  • @lolkaalive
    @lolkaalive Před rokem +1

    oo ji kaip primena mano pro mociute gryn einu ja apkabinti dabar 🫶

  • @ilustrados9884
    @ilustrados9884 Před 3 lety +4

    Actually its not moon God , but God over the moon

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 3 lety +4

      Well, it's dificult to interpret the deeper meaning of the concept of deity using this limited human vocabulary. Who knows if there even is one true interpretation at all...

  • @Saulytera
    @Saulytera Před 9 lety +4

    Pamačiau šįkart iš kairės mėnulį. Neeeee.

  • @Saulytera
    @Saulytera Před 9 lety

    O kur ta dešinė, kur kairė pusė? Čia palei dangaus skliautą?

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 9 lety

      Saulė R. Palei patį žmogų, manau :) Kaip su tomis kelią perbėgančiomis juodomis katėmis - galioja tiktai jei perbėga žmogui iš priekio, o ne kelionės krypčiai, todėl tokią katę galima "apgauti" praeinant pro ją atbulomis :)

    • @Saulytera
      @Saulytera Před 9 lety

      Baltic folk Ammm, vistiek neįsivaizduoju, kaip čia interpretuot. :)

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 9 lety +1

      Saulė R. Na, jei pirmąsyk jauną mėnulį pamatysite *sau* iš dešinės - bus geras mėnesis, o jei *sau* iš kairės - nebus :)

  • @arturasdabkevicius6580
    @arturasdabkevicius6580 Před 7 lety +1

    Tai kad klipe parodyta delčia, o ne jaunas mėnulis

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 7 lety +2

      Veidrodinis jauno mėnulio atvaizdas čia - gražiau žiūrėjosi apsukus, bet čia tikrai jaunas mėnulis :)

  • @joannajamerson35
    @joannajamerson35 Před 4 lety +1

    My grandma is 100% polish only she and her sister were born in America but the rest of my family and my grandparents obviously in Poland. My mom's whole family would make fun of us. call us stupid Polacks and make terrible jokes and jokes can be funny but the ones that they told were just cruel they tried to make me be ashamed for being polish

    • @quazwasd4062
      @quazwasd4062 Před rokem +2

      This was typical at one time, especially in the Midwest where a large German American community existed.These prejudices are mostly gone with the most recent generations. Poles are now regarded as any other Eastern European ethnicity is.

  • @czarcease4084
    @czarcease4084 Před 6 lety +2


  • @totalfreedom1282
    @totalfreedom1282 Před 5 lety +5

    It's cool that this still survives. But honestly I think nationalism is wholly uneeded.
    Like it was because of the corrupt Dukes that Lithuania ended up converting to Christianity anyway... "we" should learn from our mistakes.
    Pagan nationalism is kinda foolish, nationalism supposedly means we care about our own country more than any other. Yet in the end it's the most destructive.
    I like paganism, I like it's relative lack of hierarchy and it's relative freedom. But... ultimately we need to fight not just for "our" people and their freedom, but all people and all freedom.

    • @Asbestos_
      @Asbestos_ Před 4 lety +3

      I never thought that I'd meet someone who thinks like me. Blessed be

    • @Balticfolk
      @Balticfolk  Před 4 lety +4

      What you call "pagan nationalism" is a new concept to me. Frankly, I always viewed faith & politics as fundamentally distinct: one can be either pagan or nationalist as well as both or neither - the two aren't interconnected much. Most forms of nationalism that I've encountered in the past were based of either ethnic or political lines, rather than on the faith issues.

    • @revivaleroshbz1651
      @revivaleroshbz1651 Před 3 lety +5

      What a wanderings. Everyone must stand for their country, their race and their colours if we don want to end up being mixed and turned into grey mass without identity.

    • @greatusername1668
      @greatusername1668 Před 9 měsíci

      Nationalism is the only way

  • @john_papa_ru2139
    @john_papa_ru2139 Před 5 lety +1

    We must learn to pray to the true god of our skyes - the Sun (Yarilo) and to the true god of our land - Earth (matushka zemlya)! Praying to the moon is a destructive thing for humanity and our people! The moon is a vampire planet witch sucks the energy from humanity as a resolt of degeneracy! Suporting destructive to our planet ideas makes you automaticaly an enemy of your own land, and your undermind does not accept earth and sun as our main gods, as a resolt of many problems in life in family, health, wealth and so on!
    I realy like these channel because it soupports our coulture, but some things need to be spoken!

    • @wwFwA
      @wwFwA Před 5 lety +4

      Ja rilo pust u vas i budet vmeste s popami... Saulelė Saulužė motutė ir Mėnulis Mėnuliukas tėvukas! Poidi promoi sebe golovu vampir ti xrenov, L'una eto planeta romantikov i mečtatelei ili vliublionnix daže u Maikla Džeksona est svoi Moon walk...

    • @Babuus
      @Babuus Před 3 lety

      I want to know more, pls reply or DM me more info?

    • @sovilledovile121
      @sovilledovile121 Před rokem +4

      That sounds slavic, not sure why you think your religion is somehow superior or better or the correct one but in this video the gods are baltic and it would be great if you had a little mroe comman sense not to post there comments, thanks.

  • @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075

    The Supreme Originator of the seven heaven's and earth sent Prophet's and Messenger's starting from Adam to the seal and final Prophet Muhammad with one main message to the nation's and people that is they bear witness to there is no true God worthy of being worshipped except Allaah Exalted and Most High! Jesus was a Messenger of Allaah and his name was Eesa ibn Mariam known as Jesus son of Mary. The Qur'an is a confirmation of what came before it and is the real speech uncreated from the Lord of the universe glorified is he indeed above associate partners.
    Kindest regards from Sageer Alam from heart to all

    • @totalfreedom1282
      @totalfreedom1282 Před 8 lety +36

      I'd rather worship a tree, than a stone...
      I'd rather be free, than be on my knees,
      i'd rather not praise a man but the moon,

    • @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075
      @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075 Před 8 lety +1

      Don't call Jesus a Pedo as he was a Prophet, sent by the All Mighty.

    • @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075
      @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075 Před 8 lety

      Ok if I accept your saying, the only issue is you have 000,000,000,008 followers lol....hahahha
      Prophet Muhammad is the No 1 Most influential person ever to walk the face of with 1,600;000;000 followers in a measly 1400 year's.
      Sit back and watch the Best in action.
      Even your mate Satan is Gob smacked...smiles

    • @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075
      @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075 Před 8 lety

      What you doing here then 666...smiles

    • @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075
      @callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075 Před 8 lety

      Okay...I Happy you believe in GOD, why you got 666 then, God's enemy...smiles.
      Just kidding.
      May God guide you to the correct path of life. I don't like to waste people time or my own so I am posting for a reason because I am ready-to-wear die and meet our Lord with this belief as I am 110% on it.
      The Day when Man will be accountable for every single thing and sufficient for himself as a witness...i.e his Body parts will testify against him what they used to do.
      Kindest regards from Sageer Alam