Bro Hajji’s Rebellion Train Wreck

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Round 2: Bro Hajji’s Rebellion Train Wreck - • Round 2: Bro Hajji’s R...
    I have taken it upon myself to reply to all of Bro Hajji’s main doubts regarding the topic of rebelling against Muslim rulers. All of my evidences are on screen so nobody thinks I’m lying. Out of all the videos on this channel, this one took the longest to put together, so simply sharing it around would be appreciated.
    0:01 - Introduction
    1) 1:14 - Misrepresenting scholarly views
    2) 6:32 - Skipping over Bukhari’s statement
    3) 8:56 - Bukhari only intended the just ruler?
    4) 11:49 - Ahmad Ibn Nasr al-Khuza’ee
    5) 13:42 - The khuruj fatwa of Imam Malik
    6) 15:22 - Ibn Taymiyya responds to the argument of Husayn
    7) 20:49 - al-Sha’bi and Sa’eed Ibn Jubayr
    8) 22:34 - The history of Abdullah Ibn al-Zubair
    9) 28:29 - The revolt against al-Hajjaj
    10) 30:23 - The view of Anas Ibn Malik
    11) 32:18 - An individual action of a sahabi isn’t an evidence
    12) 36:49 - Sufyan al-Thawri’s view on the rulers
    13) 39:31 - Misusing a hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari
    14) 43:21 - Bizarre interpretation of the hadith in Sahih Muslim
    15) 45:56 - The transmitted consensus
    16) 1:00:29 - The evidences are mutawatir
    17) 1:05:06 - The evidences in question
    18) 1:21:13 - The view of the Sahaba of khuruj
    19) 1:29:29 - The conclusion from all of this

Komentáře • 53

  • @ibmsulaymani
    @ibmsulaymani  Před 2 lety +35

    *Round 2: Bro Hajji’s Rebellion Train Wreck* -
    I have taken it upon myself to reply to all of Bro Hajji’s main doubts regarding the topic of rebelling against Muslim rulers. All of my evidences are on screen so nobody thinks I’m lying. Out of all the videos on this channel, this one took the longest to put together, so simply sharing it around would be appreciated.
    0:01 - Introduction
    1) 1:14 - Misrepresenting scholarly views
    2) 6:32 - Skipping over Bukhari’s statement
    3) 8:56 - Bukhari only intended the just ruler?
    4) 11:49 - Ahmad Ibn Nasr al-Khuza’ee
    5) 13:42 - The khuruj fatwa of Imam Malik
    6) 15:22 - Ibn Taymiyya responds to the argument of Husayn
    7) 20:49 - al-Sha’bi and Sa’eed Ibn Jubayr
    8) 22:34 - The history of Abdullah Ibn al-Zubair
    9) 28:29 - The revolt against al-Hajjaj
    10) 30:23 - The view of Anas Ibn Malik
    11) 32:18 - An individual action of a sahabi isn’t an evidence
    12) 36:49 - Sufyan al-Thawri’s view on the rulers
    13) 39:31 - Misusing a hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari
    14) 43:21 - Bizarre interpretation of the hadith in Sahih Muslim
    15) 45:56 - The transmitted consensus
    16) 1:00:29 - The evidences are mutawatir
    17) 1:05:06 - The evidences in question
    18) 1:21:13 - The view of the Sahaba of khuruj
    19) 1:29:29 - The conclusion from all of this

    • @MuhammadAli-mz4pq
      @MuhammadAli-mz4pq Před 2 lety +6

      An Excellent effort, in refuting these doubts. Brother, May Allah reward you.

    • @minhajkhan6966
      @minhajkhan6966 Před 2 lety

      May Allah accept it from you bro, and give you Jannatul Firdaws without any Reckoning

    • @ibmsulaymani
      @ibmsulaymani  Před 2 lety +5

      @@TrueSuccess7 Imam Ahmad was being imprisoned by the mu’tazila for his views on Khalq al-Quran, yet he still told the people not to rebel.

    • @ibmsulaymani
      @ibmsulaymani  Před 2 lety +4

      If a regular person is attacking you of course there’s self defense, what is being discussed is whether you can rebel against a ruler who’s a sinful transgressive oppressor. As for calling to the good and prohibiting the evil, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya speaks about how rebelling is actually replacing it with a greater evil. Check Minhaj al-Sunnah 4/536:
      وهَذا بِعَيْنِهِ هُوَ الحِكْمَةُ الَّتِي راعاها الشّارِعُ - ﷺ - فِي النَّهْيِ عَنِ الخُرُوجِ عَلى الأُمَراءِ، ونَدَبَ إلى تَرْكِ القِتالِ فِي الفِتْنَةِ، وإنْ كانَ الفاعِلُونَ لِذَلِكَ يَرَوْنَ أنَّ مَقْصُودَهُمُ الأمْرُ بِالمَعْرُوفِ والنَّهْيُ عَنِ المُنْكَرِ، كالَّذِينَ خَرَجُوا بِالحَرَّةِ وبِدَيْرِ الجَماجِمِ عَلى يَزِيدَ والحَجّاجِ وغَيْرِهِما. لَكِنْ إذا لَمْ يُزَلِ المُنْكَرُ إلّا بِما هُوَ أنْكَرُ مِنهُ، صارَ إزالَتُهُ عَلى هَذا الوَجْهِ مُنْكَرًا، وإذا لَمْ يَحْصُلِ المَعْرُوفُ إلّا بِمُنْكَرٍ مَفْسَدَتُهُ أعْظَمُ مِن مَصْلَحَةِ ذَلِكَ المَعْرُوفِ، كانَ تَحْصِيلُ ذَلِكَ المَعْرُوفِ عَلى هَذا الوَجْهِ مُنْكَرًا.

    • @ibmsulaymani
      @ibmsulaymani  Před 2 lety +4

      @@TrueSuccess7 This hadith should answer your question.
      The statement of Anas Ibn Malik regarding Hajjaj:
      حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنِ الزُّبَيْرِ بْنِ عَدِيٍّ، قَالَ أَتَيْنَا أَنَسَ بْنَ مَالِكٍ فَشَكَوْنَا إِلَيْهِ مَا نَلْقَى مِنَ الْحَجَّاجِ فَقَالَ ‏ "‏ اصْبِرُوا، فَإِنَّهُ لاَ يَأْتِي عَلَيْكُمْ زَمَانٌ إِلاَّ الَّذِي بَعْدَهُ شَرٌّ مِنْهُ، حَتَّى تَلْقَوْا رَبَّكُمْ ‏"‏‏.‏ سَمِعْتُهُ مِنْ نَبِيِّكُمْ صلى الله عليه وسلم‏.‏
      Narrated Az-Zubair bin Adi: *”We went to Anas bin Malik and complained about the wrong we were suffering at the hand of Al- Hajjaj. Anas bin Malik said, "Be patient till you meet your Lord, for no time will come upon you but the time following it will be worse than it. I heard that from the Prophet."* (Sahih al-Bukhari 7068)
      Please watch this podcast -

  • @muammar1353
    @muammar1353 Před 2 lety +24

    As someone else said, the best video you've made. May Allah bless and reward you for your efforts clearing these doubts.

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543

    1) bro kariji quotes ibn Abdul Barr that its better to be patient with a unrighteous ruler and says it implies kuruj is ok,
    however on the same page it says kuruj is the view of the kawarij and mutazilah.
    2) bro kariji brings Tafsir Qutubi, because of statement my statement doesn't cover the transgressings ppl so Zubayr, & Husein bin Ali rebelled, and Iraq rebelled on Hajjaj and majority of scholars say its better to be patient... says this implies kuruj is acceptable differring...
    however again on the same page Qurtubi says Rebelling is the view of the Mutazilah and kawarij.
    3) bro kariji quotes Ibn Qudama saying a group may make tawil to rebel against the ruler and ends it there...
    however next life Ibn Qudama says that its obligatory to help the ruler put them down.
    Ibn qudama in his creed mentions it obligatory to obey the Muslim ruler righteous or transgressive and not to rebel against them.
    4) Bro kariji couldn't read Bukhairs 2nd point as he barely read Arabic and skipped the part where he said to obey the Ruler
    (Was it Shar usul Itiqad by Imam Lala Kaee?)
    10 :00 -
    5) ibn Hanbal in his Usul Sunna says to obey the ruler whether righteous or corrupt, and the one who rebels against him has oppsed the athar, and can die the death of jahilliyah.
    6) Ali al Madini (mentioned by bhukari) says to obey the ruler whether he is rightesous or nor, whether people chose him or not, and says who rebels against the leader has opposed the sunna and an innovator by consensus.
    7) Harb ibn Ismail Kirmani says its fard to obey the ruler whether just or oppressive and who rebels against him is an innovator opposing the sunnah.
    "this is the mathhab I have known from the scholars of Iraq, Hijaz, Syria and others... mathhab of Imam Ahmad, Ishaq Ibrahim Makhlad (ibn rrahawayh) Abdullah ibn Zubayr al Humaydi, Said b. Mansur and other scholars.
    8) Ahmad ibn Nasr al Kaza'ee, bro kariji narrates from yahya sulli who d. 335H. and Ahmad ibn Nasr al Kaza'ee d. 231 H. so they never met... its a disconencted chain of evidence.
    9) the one narrating that Imam Malik said to rebel was graded as a person of many errors by ibn Hibban in his taqreeb al tahdheeb.
    Top Maliki scholar Zayd al Qayrawani said in his Aqida in his Jami Fi Sunan wal Adab to obey the ruler whether righteous or not and whether he was chosen or came by force and this is the mahhab of imams of fiqh and Imam Malik.
    Tabari in his Tarikh mentions Imam Malik refer to Khalifa abu Jafar al Mansur as Amir al Mumineen.
    10) Ibn Taymiyya on Husayn
    Minhaj Sunnah 4/42, Ibn Husayn didn't go to fight but to a 2nd baya, after viewing the deception of shias said he should give baya to Yazid. Minhaj Al Sunnah 4/586 Husayn was kxlled on the way back to his land, or offerring baya to Yazid or work as a border patrol...
    Even if you say he did kuruj, he repented,
    Minhaj 4/535 ibn Taymiyya says this is why you don't go against the oppressive ruler...
    20 : 00 -
    Ibn Taymiyyah says this is a greater evil.
    11) Bro kariji read on Al Shabi and Saeed ibn Jubayr...
    but leaves out Saeed ibn Jubayr saw Hajja as a disbeliever, ibn Asakir mentions in his tarikh dimasq.
    Ibn Kathir also mentions this in Bidaya wan Nahaya.
    and ibn abdul Barr in his tahmeed.
    Al shabi said Al Hajjaj was a believer in false gods, ibn Abi Dunya says in his ishraf ei manazil.
    Also Lala Ka'ee in his shar Usul itiqad.
    12) Abdullah ibn Zubayr!
    Nawawi in vol. 16 ibn Zubayr after Muawiyah ibn Yazid ibn Muawiyah came out forward and people gave baya to ibn Zubayr, Marwan did Kuruj on him.
    ibn Kathir mentions in 12 volume page 260 bidaya wan Nahaya.
    Ibn Taymiyya said Yazid was forcing ibn Zubayr to give baya.
    Later on Ibn Zubayr said he will give baya, but then Yazis said he will bring him as a captive, then ibn Zubayr said no.
    Yazis passed away while ibn Zubayr was under Seige, who was then given Baya to ibn Zubayr.
    Muwaiya ibn Yazid wasn't too long, after 20 days he passed.
    Then Marwan ibn Hakam took sham, then after abdul Malik ibn Marwan took over and said Hajjaj should go to get ibn Zubayr and killed him in the Haram.
    13) Rebel on Hajjaj.
    quotes istikhar by ibn Abdul Barr,
    but left out Hasan al Basri said if he is a punishement from Allah then you can't remove it with swords but patience. Their patience would of lead to a way out but they run to & thus are left to their swords and they never brought any good. in tabaqat Kubra Sad
    Ayub saktiyani said everyone who rebelled against Hajjaj regretted.
    the best of Muslims from ibn Umar, saeed ibn musaybah, Ali ibn Husayn prohibited the year of harrah to rebel on yazeed ibn Muawiyah just like Hasan al Basri and Mujahid prohibited revolt during ibn al ashath who rose against hajjaj, this was agreed on due to authentic hadith., minhajd sunnah 4/529
    30 :00 -
    14) yasir Qadhi and bro kariji said Anas bin Malik funded revolt on hajjaj.
    Narrated Az-Zubair bin `Adi:
    We went to Anas bin Malik and complained about the wrong we were suffering at the hand of Al- Hajjaj. Anas bin Malik said, "Be patient till you meet your Lord, for no time will come upon you but the time following it will be worse than it. I heard that from the Prophet."
    - Bukhari 7068, Book of afflictions in end of times.
    in ibn abi Assim Anas said our senior companions said don't indult or deceive the leaders - sahih Albani.
    15) single sahaba isn't dalil.
    Qudama ibn Mudunin was a Badriyun & in battle of Uhud. He drank alchohol mutawilan.... (really?) Abbdur Rahman samaani in his musannaf, Umar appointed him head in Bahrain, he said doesn't Allah said if you have taqwa it doesn't matter what you eat or drink.
    16) Sufyan ibn thawri.
    bro kariji in hilyatul Awliya, whoever loves that an oppressor is obeyed loves that Allah is disobeyed,
    ibn abi hatim in his jar wa tadil abdur Rahman Mehdi said i never heard Sufyan speak against the ruler though he was harsh sitting with them. He used to say I make dua for sultan for goodness but when i meet him I tell him.
    ahlul bida are opposites pamperers to rulers face to face and and speak behind their backs.
    40 :00 -
    17) Dadew and bro kariji says whoever protects his wealth and dies is a shahid.
    ibn munthir, Ibn Hajr in Fathul bari in vol 5 154, kitab ishraf ulema 7th vol a person can defend due to the evidence, except the the sultan as long as they establish the prayer.
    18) bro kariji and dawdu...
    Ibn Hazm says the flogging to be patient with the hudud... but the hadith says if they don't follow the law be patient , so the context doesn't support ibn Hazm. Say My blxxd but not my din.
    19) Ijma
    in Usul Sunna Ibn Hanbal says anyone who goes against the Muslim leader ppl have united under, whether he is given Kilapha or takes it, this person has broken the ranks of the believers and goes against the athar, that person can die the death of jahliyah, it it not person to fight with the ruler.
    Ahmad said there are leaders who are rida and ghulaba...
    Imam Ali Madini said sunna which is lazm, who leaves it is not from ahlul sunna, in his book mentioned by Lalaka'ee.
    50 :00 -
    Hatim and abu Zura had Aqidah Raziyayn, said imams in hijaz, iraq, sham all believed kuruj to the leader is haram.
    Kirmani mentions ijma
    Abu Uthman Sabooni in Aqidah Salaf ashabul hadith, said ahlul sunna say we pray, do jumua behind imam obedient or transgressive and we fight behind them.
    Imam Muzani shar us Sunna , student of Imam Shafii, says repent to Allah so Allah can put kindness in people's hearts.
    ibn Abi Zaid Kirawi in his Aqida you are not allowed to oppose the leader whether it is oppressive of not.
    Ibn Hajr in fathul bari vo. 13 pg. 7 agrees with ibn Batan and affirms it, its also in ibn batan shar bukari v 10 pg. 8.
    Ibn Taymiyyah in kitab minhaj sunnawiyah, ahlul sunnah wal jamma after fitnah of ashfa said this is the only view.
    Imam Bhukari said i met over 1k imams in Mecca, Medina, bagdad, sham, misr for 46 years ( he names them) he said they their aqida is not to go against the oppressive ruler due to the hadith, they don't take out the sword on ummat Muhammad,
    its in LalaKa'ee shar usul Itiqad....
    ibn Muthri in kitab ishraf ulema v7 pg 48, a person can defend himself if oppression comes for him due to the evidence of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him except the sultan. because ahlul hadith are in ijma if its not possible to defend self and wealth save going out on sultan its haram.
    1 :00 :30 -

  • @iby525
    @iby525 Před 2 lety +9

    the best vid you ever made

  • @al-quran8349
    @al-quran8349 Před 2 lety +7

    May Allah reward you. People like you brother deserve more than this dunya can offer because you are a defender of the Sunnah! Like my teach May Allah have mercy on him said, there will come a time when you will have to defend your deen, you will have to defend the sunnah. Those who tread the path of the Salaf will one day need to defend the sunnah. May make everyone firm upon islam and the sunnah, the sunnah according to the understand of the Prophet and the favoured generations, ameen.

  • @rumaan0362
    @rumaan0362 Před 2 lety +10

    You can only rebel against a Muslim leader if he shows clear cut kufr even after providing evidences against him. And you must have the ability to remove him without causing greater evil than what is already in the lands. Otherwise you must stay patient and leave it up to Allah SWT.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Před 2 lety

      @Bobby Rahman it is for Muslim ruler, see hadith Jibril by ibn Umar refuting Qadriya, affirming Allah's law and not ruling by it even by desire is fisq, Tafsir ibn Kathir Q 5.44 ibn Abbas, and Prophet peace and blessings be upon him didn't invade Kaibr until not hearing Athan.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Před 2 lety

      Jazak Allahu khayr.

  • @Leviathan1911
    @Leviathan1911 Před 2 lety +2

    Jazak'Allah Khair brother. I appreciate all the effort and the time you took to research and edit this video just to clarify people's doubts without trying to gain any fame or prestige. Not trying to praise, but take this from me - you're a hero, a real and honest man!

  • @inakhtive
    @inakhtive Před 2 lety +1

    Bro this is amazing may Allah preserve you and your efforts so the people watching are guided to the haqq 💚💚💚 upload more akhi we love your work

  • @JakeBrancatellaClips
    @JakeBrancatellaClips Před 2 lety +2

    BarakAllahu Feek

  • @usamaasad6595
    @usamaasad6595 Před 2 lety +2

    جزاكم الله خيرا
    Really nice, well done

  • @popelu92
    @popelu92 Před 2 lety +4

    Jazakallahu khairan akhi

  • @realakh1387
    @realakh1387 Před 2 lety

    ‏جزاك الله خيرا May Allāh bless you and reward you. Have a good Ramadan and Eid

  • @TheMedicalLad
    @TheMedicalLad Před 2 lety +9

    Bro hajjis fans don't watch your videos because of fear of change.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Před 2 lety +2

      Some of them stalk this channel, may Allah guide us and their hearts.

    • @racerx3667
      @racerx3667 Před 2 lety

      Yes sure, like your type who would let your wife get raped by the ruler but wouldn't rebel
      LOOOL 😂😂😂
      #1 OWNED on the internet

    • @nahimwasit
      @nahimwasit Před rokem

      @@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 I saw you on the podcast akhi

  • @QuickndirectMarketing1
    @QuickndirectMarketing1 Před 2 lety +3

    Allahumabarik went hard on him.

  • @user-iz4nj5ee4x
    @user-iz4nj5ee4x Před 2 lety +2

    جزاك الله خيرا يا اخي الكريم .

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543

    This is a very good compilation, if this isn't scholarship, this is beneficial knowledge.
    Apparently ebn Hussein has minhaj sunnah on his website.
    I need to see how you are referencing.

  • @salafimanhaj5851
    @salafimanhaj5851 Před 2 lety +2

    Assalam o alaikum brother
    Can u please let the viewers download the video because some of us listen to your videos later on and downloading the video is a sort of reminder for us to not skip your videos
    Jazakallah khairan khatheera

  • @iby525
    @iby525 Před 2 lety +4


  • @wanderingtraveler71
    @wanderingtraveler71 Před 2 lety +3

    May Allah bless your heart

  • @hamzahdomeih7750
    @hamzahdomeih7750 Před 2 lety

    Jazaakumullaah khairan, brother.

  • @Vibez_K
    @Vibez_K Před 2 lety +1

    بارك الله فيك

  • @Hashim_Naysapuri
    @Hashim_Naysapuri Před rokem

    Jazak Allah Khair

  • @mrpostman98765
    @mrpostman98765 Před 2 lety

    barakallahu feek may allah reward you greatly

  • @computerize
    @computerize Před 2 lety +5

    Assalamu alaykum

  • @osamamanan2723
    @osamamanan2723 Před 2 lety +2

    Kindly highlight on narration that Husayn presented 3 conditions when he found out the reality. Some scholars say its a weak narration.

    • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543
      @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 Před 2 lety

      to be honest to ahve all the english athars would be good at this point... to give references to non Arabs.

    • @osamamanan2723
      @osamamanan2723 Před 2 lety

      @@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 true

    • @osamamanan2723
      @osamamanan2723 Před 2 lety

      @@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 unless the translators are way off translations are good.

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543

    Naeem safdar aka bro kariji misreads open books with a dishonest agenda, who were the ppl misreading toerat to Bin Salam, was it Banu Nadir? Bro kariji the bani nadir reader of our time deceiving the Muslims. May Allah guide us and if guidance isn't written for bro kariji may be be exposed on this life and next and be disabled.

  • @Lion_Heart14
    @Lion_Heart14 Před 2 lety

    Is the quote at 37:01 authentically attributed to Sufyan Al Thawri رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ ?

  • @dyingdeath11
    @dyingdeath11 Před 2 lety

    جزاكم الله خير الجزاء على هذا الرد اخي، طلب بسيط اخي من الذي كان يقرأ "متن الشاطبية" ما اسمه وهل عندك الرابط؟؟ والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

  • @Anti-Cult
    @Anti-Cult Před 2 lety +1

    #مرجئ_مع عباد_القبور،_وخارجى_مع_الحاكم_ _المسلم_

  • @fatezero1919
    @fatezero1919 Před 2 lety

    Very impressive video mashAllah

  • @Aurora-lm5ns
    @Aurora-lm5ns Před 2 lety +1

    Dear brother, salaam can you please help me find brother Abdurahman hassan personal email? I need an urgent help? I see you are a student of knowledge. May Allah bless you.

  • @falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543

    1 :00 :30 -
    20) The Evidences are Mutawatir.
    If evidence reach you through mutawatir, there is no ijtihad room, just hear and obey.
    Athram in Kitab tanasak hadith wal mansuki pag 257, said its mutawatir the hadiths.
    ibn Taymiyyah in Kitab Isitqama v 1 pg 34, Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him forbade the fighting oppressive ruler as its a greater harm and it doesn't oppose the mutawatir.
    imam Shokani in Nayl Awtar in v. 7 page 367 said the athar are mutawatir.
    there is mutawatir lafthi and mutawatir.
    Ubad ibn samit, we can't struggle with people of authority,
    istithna shows its general.
    UBad bin samit said I took baya to the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him to do such and such and obey the ruler even if he shows favor unless you see clear cut disbelief you have a proof for on qiyamat.
    hadith Wa'il hadrami
    I nrrated from his father, salam Yazid Jufri, I asked leaders will come and ask for their rights and we don't get our rights what do you command (not suggest)...
    He turned away and then said hear and obey and the leaders will be asked about their sins.
    1 :10 :00 -
    Hadith Awf ibn Malik, Prophet peace and blessings be upon him says whoever has a leader that takes over and comes with sins hate what he does but don't pull your hand out of obedience!
    Do not do munaza'a or dispute with them. Its in sahih Muslim ( book of govt).
    ibn Uthaymin has a book qawaid Fiqhiyah, says knowledge is an ocean.
    hadith ibn Masud said after my dxath you will meet favoritism, sahabas said what do you command us to do ( this was the Badri Sahaba), Prophet peace and blessings be upon him you have to for fill your responsibility thats upon you.
    He also said be patient until you meet me in the hawd ( does that mean those who aren't patient are the innovators).
    hadith be patient anyone who cuts the kamaat dies death fo jahiliyah.
    Kitab SHar Muslim Imara imar v 12 pg 233
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    ibn Taymiyya said in this hadith the leaders will do harm, bring them their rights and ask Allah for the rights for us.
    Hudayfa ibn Yaman & abu Masud ansari, they said we are on the sunnah.
    Harra, baya back from Yazid. ibn Umar said the one who takes back baya will have no hujjah on qiyamat.
    hadith accept even if an abysian leader.
    ibn MAsud be patient, a leader for 50 years is better then blxxd shed for one month, its in tabari authenticated by iraqi.
    Hadith Anas said our srs prohibit us from.... o there is ijma'a among sahbas, don't insult them.
    ibn Assim in his suuna v. 2 page 88. - Sh. albani authenticated
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    they who are wrong try to show kilaf from ppl who transmit ijma.
    2 seconds to vomit and hour to clean up.