Is Timor-Leste On Track To Join ASEAN As Member? | Insight | Southeast Asia

  • čas přidán 15. 08. 2022
  • 11 years since Timor-Leste applied to join the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, it is still waiting. What is preventing Southeast Asia's newest country from joining the regional group?
    But Timor-Leste’s underdeveloped economy and the lack of human capital could prove stumbling blocks to this eligibility. At the same time, ASEAN faces pressures from within, with a military coup in Myanmar, and without, as powers like the USA and China exert influence on current member states. The current member states will have to determine if a new member could upset ASEAN’s dynamic.
    What will it take for Timor-Leste to join ASEAN?
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Komentáře • 2,8K

  • @yanuarism
    @yanuarism Před rokem +379

    It's ridiculous, East Timor Hates Indonesia, but economically it depends on Indonesia.
    East Timor thought that Indonesia was a Colony, but after East Timor became independent, They wanted to enter ASEAN through Indonesia!!

    • @akbaryoviestian2301
      @akbaryoviestian2301 Před rokem +124

      Dan konyolnya mereka menghina dan membenci Indonesia sebagai penjajah tapi mencintai portugal bahkan dijadikan bahasa negara

    • @novzan
      @novzan Před rokem +68

      Kayaknya udh tone down kok bro..., Ramos Horta udh ndak "koar2" lagi seperti awal2 thn 2000. Interview ama Najwa aja keliatan + ada beberapa org Indo yg touring kesana baek kok penerimaan masyarakat sananya.

    • @Jumalan_Miekka
      @Jumalan_Miekka Před rokem +42

      @@akbaryoviestian2301 sudah jadi pakem baku, negara bekas koloni Hispanik (Spanyol dan Portugal) pasti bahasa nasionalnya ya bahasa Hispanik.
      Contoh: Filipina make bahasa Spanyol.
      Macau make bahasa Portugis
      Brazil make bahasa Portugis.
      Mexico make bahasa Spanyol.

    • @govanoyucub2665
      @govanoyucub2665 Před rokem +43

      @@akbaryoviestian2301 Udah ga ada org TL yg benci org Indonesia kecuali mereka2 generasi tua yg ikut perang. Namanya jg perang. Ga akan semudah itu bisa dihapus di pikiran. Sebaliknya, generasi baru TL justri sangat eager buat membuka relasi dg negara2 tetangganya termasuk Indonesia.

    • @rickmont74
      @rickmont74 Před rokem +8

      East Timor does not hate any country. And besides, the cost of rejecting Timor way surpasses the cost of letting it in. Having a Chinese satellite near Australia and Indonesia is probably a political cost the asean should consider… just saying

  • @josephchandlerceniza3264
    @josephchandlerceniza3264 Před rokem +483

    Australia supported East Timor Independence, So they should support them Economically...ASEAN is already lagging for economic integration due to Laos and Myanmar... What does East Timor bring in to the table? With limited resources and dwindling oil and gas production 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @CalonDosen25
      @CalonDosen25 Před rokem +213

      Their oil is predicted to run out in 2023, while the economy of Timor Leste is 90% dependent on oil. If the oil runs out, I'm sure Australia won't care anymore, that's why Timor Leste hastily wants to join Asean in order to gain access to global markets in Asean.

    • @maulanaardhidewanto6321
      @maulanaardhidewanto6321 Před rokem +66

      @@CalonDosen25 That's also why the ASEAN is hard to accept them yet. I think the first think they should do is lessen their dependency on oil furthermore it's known that it will run out in 2033. They have to make sure that their development and economic will doing fine after 2033 even without oil.

    • @oviiembem6302
      @oviiembem6302 Před rokem +101

      @@fritzasong that is the sole reason to liberate timor leste, for that sweet oil. Now that the oil is almost run out, they abandon the dried field.

    • @dalian-9114
      @dalian-9114 Před rokem +140

      You got that wrong Australia supported East Timor independence, they also robbed them of their natural resources as compensation. Ironically now they're relying on Indonesian export to survive, the one they stabbed on the back. Even now Indonesia supported them to join ASEAN probably out of business cooperation or even out of pity which is not surprising. They definitely should've found a way to force Australia the same or even more support as Indonesia to give em influence for joining ASEAN.

    • @evirussasaki5915
      @evirussasaki5915 Před rokem

      @@dalian-9114 no, Indonesia supporting Timor Leste because we don't want Timor Leste became west / china puppet and bring it's conflit to sea region

  • @oviiembem6302
    @oviiembem6302 Před rokem +137

    There is no visible benefit for letting timor leste joining ASEAN especially given Australia is the one hell bent separating timor leste from indonesia to churn that sweet oil money, but now that the oil is no longer as abundant. They abandon timor leste and timor leste somehow feel entitle to seek help from ASEAN after their bad break up with Australia, like they truly just look too high in the sky that they don't even know the condition of the ground they step on.

    • @CalonDosen25
      @CalonDosen25 Před rokem +36

      Their oil is predicted to run out in 2023, while the economy of Timor Leste is 90% dependent on oil. If the oil runs out, I'm sure Australia won't care anymore, that's why Timor Leste hastily wants to join Asean in order to gain access to global markets in Asean.

    • @ornachia2489
      @ornachia2489 Před rokem +6

      This is very well said.

    • @oviiembem6302
      @oviiembem6302 Před rokem +31

      @@CalonDosen25 correct me if i'm wrong because I'm pretty sure that oil is their sole valuable export commodity that is hard to replicate by other countries (unlike farm product such as coffe, tea, meat, milk, etc).
      So once they run out of oil, there is really no viable trade benefit to be earn from timor leste that is significant enough to take the risk of inccuring 2nd myanmar (down the line).
      So from my amateur political perspective, the only one benefit from this suppose membership is timor leste and they are desperately require that benefit which is why they even utter a threat such as "we either will join US or China".
      While indeed such threat is highly probable (due to timor leste location), but it is not high enough risk for ASEAN members (except indonesia) to suffer significant consequence of such alliance (if it does happen) which is why I doubt the ASEAN will let them join anytime soon (while myanmar still in turmoil).

    • @qp4590
      @qp4590 Před rokem +19

      Australia also supported Indonesia's invasion and occupation of East Timor, at least in the beginning.

    • @damienwalker7856
      @damienwalker7856 Před rokem +15

      @@oviiembem6302in the scenario where timor leste joining china be it in economy or more realistically military (as a military post) it will most likely to fail too. We can already see the results of economic dependency to china in sri Lanka not to mention the sharp decline in China's economic growth at the moment facing irreparable decline in birth rate. As to military, it will only give NATO, EUROPE, or even just Australia and the US more then enough reason to make a strong military alliance with ASEAN countries that will hugely benefits ASEAN as a whole.

  • @salixalba9677
    @salixalba9677 Před rokem +463

    Menjadi negara merdeka bukan hanya sekedar soal gagah-gagahan bisa kibar bendera sendiri, bisa punya timnas sendiri yg setara dengan Negara Induk,
    Merdeka artinya kita mengambil alih 💯 persen tanggungjawab, jadi buat provinsi lain yg koar-koar soal separatisme, mending dipikirkan lagi baik-baik.
    Semiskin-miskinnya provinsi di Indonesia setidaknya mereka dapat dana segar dari pendapatan provinsi ya kaya di daerah lain,
    Misalnya nih ya, kalau Bengkulu tidak punya pendapatan daerah yg cukup pun PAD DKI Jakarta bisa kasih tambal kekurangan itu, Gempa di Sulawesi Tengah maka satu Indonesia bakal menggalang dana buat bangun lagi itu kota Palu, simpang kota di Aceh sampai kota Jayapura bakalan ngumpulin sumbangan donasi buat bantu.
    Tidak ada sekolah bagus di Kalimantan bisa pergi ke Jawa, tidak ada sekolah bagus di NTT bisa pergi kuliah ke Sumatera tanpa halangan tanpa sekatan yg rumit.
    Tidak ada pekerjaan di Maluku, maka bisa merantau ke Jakarta/Tangerang dll
    Tapi kalau merdeka jadi Negara Berdaulat sendiri, semua hal itu jadi tanggung jawab diri sendiri, semua hal menjadi lebih rumit dan sulit,
    makanya buat daerah lain yg terlintas buat ingin memerdekakan diri, saya cuma mau bilang, pikirkan lagi baik buruknya, untung sama mudaratnya apa.

    • @swindle888yamani2
      @swindle888yamani2 Před rokem +49

      Benar sekali sahabat

    • @werren894
      @werren894 Před rokem +29

      debatable sih yg jadi masalah indonesia karena politiknya yg unitary klo ga bisa tanggung jawab bakalan super malu karena emg dari awal kita gagah2an ke belanda solusi biasanya suka nyalahin org luar atau konspirasi, klo federasi seperti malaysia gampang diurus, papua semisal merdeka bukan cuma masalah identitas tapi hal lain yg kita ga paham atau ga mau tau seperti dekolonisasi belanda, dan masalah lain, timor leste itu kan bukan bekas jajahan inggris jadi australia bantu juga ga bisa sepenuhnya karena aus itu anglosphere, meskipun mereka terpisah, liat aja skrg pas lagi susah negara barat gabung sesuai dasarnya, emg mentalitasnya gitu.

    • @xana6696
      @xana6696 Před rokem +41

      Bener sekali saudara, Knpa mau jdi negara kecil klo bisa jdi Negara Besar. Ambil contoh Pulau Sumatra yg luasnya lbih luas dri seluruh Negara Jepang, kurang besar apa lgi coba potensi Indonesia itu.

    • @hilmyzulfikar9243
      @hilmyzulfikar9243 Před rokem +22

      "mudharatnya apa?"
      Dari pandangan orang Timur Leste:
      -Timtim dianeksasi, gk ada dasarnya TimTim masuk ke indo apalagi dulu jajahan portugis bukan belanda, beda sama papua barat
      -kejadian santa cruz, dibangunin daerahnya aja nggak cuma buat ribut sendiri
      Dari pandangan Pemerintah reformasi:
      - Aneksasi gk ada dasar = penjajahan = tidak sesuai dengan UUD '45
      - Hubungan Internasional gk jadi jelek
      - Menghindari risiko ketidakstabilan di kawasan ASEAN, apalagi kondisinya krismon

    • @lev_rzld_
      @lev_rzld_ Před rokem +41

      @@hilmyzulfikar9243 tapi jangan lupa
      Indonesia masuk ke Timor Leste juga karena ketika mereka perang saudara (Fretilin - UDT - Apodeti) salah satu dari mereka secara terang-terangan mendukung integrasi dengan Indonesia, dan hal ini faktor kuat dari luar juga
      Semisal juga salah satu dari mereka tidak ada yang berpandangan integrasi dengan Indonesia, ya saya kira Indonesia juga tidak akan ikut campur

  • @neuron888
    @neuron888 Před rokem +119

    Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far, away....
    Cambodia before joining ASEAN: Can I join ASEAN ? If not, I'll joint China.
    Vietnam & the rest: We can't let Cambodia joins China. We should let them in.
    Cambodia after joining ASEAN: Thanks. Now I can join China & can vote to block ASEAN agenda.
    TL before joining ASEAN: Can I join ASEAN ? If not, I'll join US, China, Australia, & the Klingon.
    Indonesia & the rest: We can't let TL joins the Klingon. We should let them in.
    TL after joining ASEAN: Thanks. Now we can join the Klingon & can vote to block EARTH agenda.

  • @GeraldinnataYasin
    @GeraldinnataYasin Před rokem +250

    ask Portugal & Australia to help, ASEAN still has many members who have problems, like in Myanmar it has been more than 1 year and there is no solution , If Timor Leste joins it will become an economic burden, only Singapore which is the highest economy Singapore is also the most vehement refusal to join Timor Leste to ASEAN. other countries are confused with the problem of rising prices and tensions in Taiwan

    • @ir.danielhalim7963
      @ir.danielhalim7963 Před rokem +20

      Yes Right... I Agree with u Kenata 👍

    • @akunprogrammer2446
      @akunprogrammer2446 Před rokem +7


    • @pamparam__6181
      @pamparam__6181 Před rokem +6

      I'm agree!!

    • @timorleste9831
      @timorleste9831 Před rokem +8

      Timor-Leste will join ASEAN when Indonesia chairs in 2023. 🇧🇳 🇰🇭 🇮🇩 🇱🇦 🇲🇾 🇲🇲 🇵🇭 🇸🇬 🇹🇭 🇹🇱 🇻🇳

    • @argolawu6338
      @argolawu6338 Před rokem +41

      @@timorleste9831 will never. Tell to your countrymen who always spread the hatred toward Indonesia

  • @minks4431
    @minks4431 Před rokem +96

    It's really funny because the country who actually really doesn't want Timor Leste become the part of ASEAN make a news about is Timor Leste on track to join ASEAN.

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +33

      But you can see behind the message of the documentary basically explains why Singapore do not want to accept Timor Leste.

    • @happyfeet5229
      @happyfeet5229 Před rokem +7

      Media is not always in the same board with its government

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem

      @@happyfeet5229 this is government funded media by the way. It definitely inline with its government dissaproval of timor leste joining asean.

    • @minks4431
      @minks4431 Před rokem +16

      @@happyfeet5229Well yes if the media is private media but you must remember this is state owned media channel. So of course this media and the government is on the same page.

    • @kuga7423
      @kuga7423 Před rokem +13

      To make sure people know that Timor Leste is not wanted.

  • @redityafilzapriatama9385
    @redityafilzapriatama9385 Před rokem +39

    I hope CNA can make a full comparation between East Nusa Tenggara province (one of the poorest province in Indonesia) and Timor Leste, so separatist group such as OPM in West Papua, can learn from it 😀

    • @continuousself-improvement1879
      @continuousself-improvement1879 Před 11 měsíci +6

      OPM is secretly sponsored by Australia, since they are eager to fully extract all the Papua resources while giving them nothing in return, just like they did with TLE. Australia gave refugee status to Veronika Koman who is pro OPM.

  • @utkarshg.bharti9714
    @utkarshg.bharti9714 Před rokem +330

    ASEAN should have some parameters to bring the existing members like Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia at par with Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in economics before admitting more members.

    • @random-accessmemory9201
      @random-accessmemory9201 Před rokem +8

      Wheres the Philippines? ☹️

    • @marktan8074
      @marktan8074 Před rokem +118

      @@random-accessmemory9201 Relax... he didnt mention Vietnam or Brunei either

    • @random-accessmemory9201
      @random-accessmemory9201 Před rokem +4

      @@marktan8074 ikr

    • @mnizammasood
      @mnizammasood Před rokem +87

      There are only 6 giants in ASEAN. PH, VT, TH, SG, MY, ID. Brunei is rich but it is not an open oriented economy. If we sideline Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos, we risk making them more isolated to the world. Hence ASEAN should be strengthen to help the other 3 to become at par with the rest.
      Myanmar : the biggest challenge is political turmoil.
      Laos : landlocked country tend to be less competitive unless it is to change its status to be a tax heaven.
      Cambodia : they use USD as formal currency making trade with the rest of ASEAN slightly expensive. Cambodia should use Riel, strengthen its national currency and start manufacturing.

    • @chickensoup9869
      @chickensoup9869 Před rokem

      Henry Kissinger bombed Laos and Cambodia. International court won't be arresting him anytime soon. Also US and Britain owed Vietnam and Malaysia hospital bills and disabled childcare bills for gassing them with Agent Orange. Some children are still born with deformities until today.

  • @9080sboy
    @9080sboy Před rokem +143

    I disagree with the idea of ASEAN accepting Timor Leste.. ASEAN itself already have so many issues, please fixed it first

    • @irabakri2662
      @irabakri2662 Před rokem

      Risking TL become puppet state of China ?? We should accept TL long time ago!

    • @seputarbola961
      @seputarbola961 Před rokem

      If they side with China/US then ASEAN security will be threatened

    • @achmad6962
      @achmad6962 Před rokem +20

      there will always be many issues and will never be able to solve them all. but I agree not to include East Timor in ASEAN

    • @jhrdailies
      @jhrdailies Před rokem


    • @suskagusip1036
      @suskagusip1036 Před rokem +2

      Who are you to deny them from joining the ASEAN?🙄

  • @ThienHoang-tr3dh
    @ThienHoang-tr3dh Před rokem +231

    Timor Leste must build the state stable and mature with strong constitutions. If not, It is impossible to be admitted into the ASEAN. Myanmar is the worst case for ASEAN now, Cambodia is ready to sell its regional interests to China. What will happen if China buys the Timor Leste government and exports its agenda to the ASEAN organization?

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem +14

      Looks like, Timor Leste will playing China or USA side card as their main commodity for ASEAN. So, just let them still play outside

    • @ThienHoang-tr3dh
      @ThienHoang-tr3dh Před rokem +31

      @@bumiku1294 No, sooner or later, We should allow Timor to join but only when the relation between Timors with other Southeast Asian countries is strong enough and necessary enough to make ASEAN move forward. If not, Timor will be huge burden for ASEAN organization. Timor Leste are closer it's relation with Austrilia, not with any of the Southeast Asian countries.

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +1

      @@ThienHoang-tr3dh Even australia has dump them since the timor gap scandal were exposed.

    • @p_1945
      @p_1945 Před rokem +2

      joke aside Timor itself seem to be best functional democracy in this region for now due to Indonesia have some kind of little authoritarian so their problem will be about economic development PS in the term of major investor o it is between china and Australia and in term of strength and integrity really rely on internal politic of ASEAN major founding member that only Indonesia only country that have stable and have certain stance about ASEAN when others like Thailand and Malaysia politic still be some kind of chaos for now and Philippines is in tense dilemma of their standpoint so ASEAN can be more certain after Thailand and Malaysia general election result in next years.

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem +16

      @@p_1945 Yeah sure Indonesia democracy outlook become authoritarian by Timor Leste people, even compare all others ASEAN country there is no good enough for you and all the best belong to Timor Leste 😂 honestly I got bored with your Xanana, Ramos Horta, etc They are same people since 20 years ago. Does it call as status quo ?

  • @fajrireynaldo5858
    @fajrireynaldo5858 Před rokem +74

    Kenapa timor leste tidak minta tolong kepada portugal dan australia??

    • @ranggapadmanagara5629
      @ranggapadmanagara5629 Před rokem +22

      Udah, tapi mereka cuma di jadiin sapi perah doank wkwkw, liat aja tuh minyak Timor Leste sebagian besarnya di ambil sama Australia 🤭🤭 padahal untuk negara sekecil Timor Leste minyaknya udh cukup untuk membangun negaranya, tapi sudah lebih dari 11 tahun merdeka yg mereka dapet gk seberapa (padahal harusnya mereka bisa kyak Brunei kalau pinter kelola minyak)

    • @alboniussitanggang5442
      @alboniussitanggang5442 Před rokem +1

      Mm.. pertanyaan ini diibaratkan seperti kamu punya tetangga yg miskin dan susah, akhirnya kamu kasih modal walaupun sedikit, tapi uangnya habis aja buat kebutuhan makan mereka, karena tetangga ini pun tidak bekerja, masa kamu mau suapin tiap hari? yang benar seharusnya si tetangga ini cari pekerjaan & bekerja. Nah sekarang mereka mencoba apply ke Asean berharap akan banyak investor Asean yg masuk ke sana

    • @timorleste9831
      @timorleste9831 Před rokem

      Timor-Leste will join ASEAN when Indonesia chairs in 2023. 🇧🇳 🇰🇭 🇮🇩 🇱🇦 🇲🇾 🇲🇲 🇵🇭 🇸🇬 🇹🇭 🇹🇱 🇻🇳

    • @Rosemary-ht5eh
      @Rosemary-ht5eh Před rokem +11

      @@timorleste9831 You wished for independence, we respected and granted your people's wish through the referendum. Now be STRONG AND INDEPENDENT! and pls don't ask Indonesia help is you guys who want to be independent be INDEPENDENT! we ASEAN have enough problem we don't need more problem.

    • @masterfrp3719
      @masterfrp3719 Před rokem

      Batu sih bantu tpi klo ada yg dekat kek asean yh kenapa tdk, dgn masuk asean perekonomian daerahnya perlahan meningkat, banyak infestor asing masuk n buka lapangan pekerjaan

  • @thecsofans6957
    @thecsofans6957 Před rokem +131

    For me TL is just not ready. We already have problem in Myanmar, and then 2 poor countries like Laos & Cambodia has fallen deeply into China's grip. Can TL make sure that they country won't be the same in the future when they get into ASEAN?
    And also they need to raising up their national economy first and also lift up the people from the unemployment.
    And also as long as I remember when they separate from Indonesia they doesn't want to be classified as "Asian", so why bother?
    And PNG? Oh god, that country is 180 degrees even worse than TL with the tribal war, domestic abuses, and high crime rates in there. I can understand if Indonesia invites TL even thou' from my vision they are even far from "capable" like other ASEAN Nations, but PNG? Seriously? I agree with Singapore this time, their vision is realistic. I mean when Timor has run out of oil, what can they offer back to other ASEAN nations? I see this move from TL just to get a donation from a ASEAN organization and capable ASEAN nations such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam (probably), Philipphines, and Singapore (which is the country who in-charge as ASEAN's central exchequer).
    Not only that, beside the unstability in the TL's economy, TL also has very unstable politics. The country that only depended from oil revenue and will run out in the near future and adding with the very unstable politic and also no any effective policy from the TL itself to push up their economy in other sectors, can you imagine that when they get into ASEAN? So when their country broke up with the civil war & kudeta who will get the direct burden? Of course Indonesia since ASEAN has a free tourism visas, they most likely to use it to flee from their country. We don't mind a refugee, and of course TL and Indonesia still "serumpun" (has a connection of culture, religion, language, and race) but if the refugee is kinda a**h*le as Rohingya (as most Malaysian describe them) of course Indonesia get burdened.
    So far Indonesia has helping TL too many times, just because we don't want any politics and economies crisis in our doorstep that can effecting Indonesia directly. And of course we don't want China's grip over TL in the future (which is neither Indonesia & Australia want to have another potential Cuba in our doorstep).

    • @butterfox7442
      @butterfox7442 Před rokem +34

      As Indonesian, we dont talk very much about TL anymore. TL was blinded when they discover oil in the area and want independence. A country with too much oil dependency is a bad prospect

    • @tilting_cat3344
      @tilting_cat3344 Před rokem

      Asking Indonesia help after stabbing it...why not ask their so called friend Australia.

    • @dureteheiral1793
      @dureteheiral1793 Před rokem +2

      Rather unsurprising should TL sold herself to PRC, by granting PRC permission to build PLA's military base somewhere within her territory..
      And rented it for say 99 years ...

    • @dureteheiral1793
      @dureteheiral1793 Před rokem +1

      @Kharisma Agung Prayoga TL gonna doing it, without Australia nor America permission... besides for TL, she already living in injury time, and desperate time justifies desperate measures...
      so TL can do whatever it is need to be done in order to keep her boat floating...
      if by siding with PRC gonna keep her afloat for say another 99 years.. and able to keep her subject's stomach fully feed, thus keep them happy, and that means whoever ruling over them is an okayish.. so be it ...
      something that both Aus nor USA could not or would not care...

    • @JC-lu4se
      @JC-lu4se Před rokem

      @@dureteheiral1793 Very ignorant statements. I can say the Australian military and government is VERY worried about Timor. The last thing they want is a failed state of over a million people who have no jobs, money or future on its doorstep.

  • @ornachia2489
    @ornachia2489 Před rokem +211

    Australia the one who should help them, not us.

    • @amarhadjimurad2363
      @amarhadjimurad2363 Před rokem +41

      That true what about Portugal

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem +56

      @@amarhadjimurad2363 Yes Portugal too



    • @timorleste9831
      @timorleste9831 Před rokem +5

      Timor-Leste will join ASEAN when Indonesia chairs in 2023. 🇧🇳 🇰🇭 🇮🇩 🇱🇦 🇲🇾 🇲🇲 🇵🇭 🇸🇬 🇹🇭 🇹🇱 🇻🇳

    • @ozvarifriliandi
      @ozvarifriliandi Před rokem +23

      @@timorleste9831 Indonesia afraid more ASEAN country depending on WEST or China that lastly affecting ASEAN.

  • @roseela1191
    @roseela1191 Před rokem +7

    LOL.. Ramos Horta in 1999 literally said "We don't need Indonesia" & "Our country will become rich just like Dubai".. And now you beg Indonesia to approve you join ASEAN.. Lame

  • @repapips8774
    @repapips8774 Před rokem +285

    I'm a filipino and i see timor leste and it's people as a brother but, you can't let your brother join your basketball team when your brother doesn't even know how to play basketball and just says that they will be great in basketball someday.
    asean nations help each other grow their country economically. every member state has a role to play and gives something to the table at the same time takes also something from the table which in turn is a symbiotic relationship but if timor leste would join asean just to grow it's own economy and take from other member states w/o giving anything to the table which in turn hurt other asean members and does not help any other asean member then this is not the time to join. the government of timor leste should step up and make timor leste a contributor state wherein asean member states will benefit from it's membership at the same time timor leste will grow too as a result economically.
    this is just my two cents, i don't have any issues with timor leste or it's people but their govmnt needs to step up and make their country a significant contributing factor in south east asia. so if timor leste is already a significant contributor in SEA which would mean it's membership would give mutual growth to asean nations from it's membership then by all means! when that time comes let them join!
    but if timor leste will alow it self to be a puppet of china to make a wedge over asean nations then definitely no.

    • @priersackh
      @priersackh Před rokem

      Addition to your last sentences, if Timor Leste becomes a puppet of either China or USA. Well it's sucks.
      China only care about influence and show off, USA only care about new base in SEA region. Well idk if USA senate can afford to pass additional expenditure to build and maintain the base as the current economic turmoil in home countries is bad. Well idk if China central government can afford to expend any finance as it's home condition is bad enough with financial collapse

    • @citizenoftheworld7899
      @citizenoftheworld7899 Před rokem +31

      Good statement, better to order timlet not to play the game!

    • @farhanramadhan9717
      @farhanramadhan9717 Před rokem +23

      then i guess our poor brother like laos, myanmar cambodia needed to be kicked out from asean then🤔

    • @marioprawirosudiro7301
      @marioprawirosudiro7301 Před rokem +14

      I get the sentiment, but as Ramos-Horta said in the video, if they can't join ASEAN, for whatever reasons, then East Timor would basically be left with two choices: Either they cozy up to the US and be a US outpost (unlikely, since the US already has Australia nearby), or they cozy up to China and be a Chinese outpost (very likely, since East Timor is not only VERY close to Australia, but also shares a land border with Indonesia).
      By letting them in, we (hopefully) prevent them from being a pawn of either.
      On the bright side though, they only have around 1 mil or so people. I think more than Brunei, but not by much. If push comes to shove, Indo and Vietnam can just pump cheap rice into their country.

    • @sofihamdanulhuda4149
      @sofihamdanulhuda4149 Před rokem

      It's tough situation,
      Timor leste aren't qualified to become asean member, but we cant allow them to become us or china military base. If that thing happen, the stability on the region will gonna be fucked.

  • @suryokanto4470
    @suryokanto4470 Před rokem +58

    A New member is not needed, even an additional player is not required. The Band = 10 Period.

  • @CalonDosen25
    @CalonDosen25 Před rokem +163

    Their oil is predicted to run out in 2023, while the economy of Timor Leste is 90% dependent on oil. If the oil runs out, I'm sure Australia won't care anymore, that's why Timor Leste hastily wants to join Asean in order to gain access to global markets in Asean.

    • @CHMichael
      @CHMichael Před rokem +2

      There story sounds fishy. You said oil? Where is all the money going?

    • @radithramadhan8488
      @radithramadhan8488 Před rokem +46

      @@CHMichael useless infrastructure projects, like making a highway in country of population just 1,5 million people and other stuff

    • @CalonDosen25
      @CalonDosen25 Před rokem +33

      @@CHMichael Infrastructure, tourism, public health, education, subsidies
      *edit: One more thing, pay debt to china

    • @CHMichael
      @CHMichael Před rokem +2

      @@CalonDosen25 that sounds not so bad. Let's hope it's the Saudi and not the African way.

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +1

      @@CHMichael They were still sunk with their own pride for their govt ability to sink their life with lots of subsidies and extravagant infrastructure projects that were highly not nessecary for a country with 1,5 milion population + few thousand foreign tourists per year.

  • @nulnoh219
    @nulnoh219 Před rokem +91

    I think Timor Leste needs to be more careful about joining such a big block. The fear is that Major manufacturing hubs like Vietnam, Indonesia, would flood the market with cheap goods stifling local competition. Timing is key I guess. Build up a stronger local foundation first.

    • @lordagung2394
      @lordagung2394 Před rokem +51

      Timor Leste already dependant on Indonesian export. vehicle, electronics, food etc most of them are from Indonesia

    • @lil_jong-un6668
      @lil_jong-un6668 Před rokem +17

      They're already dependent on Indonesia and China exports. I believe it would take a miracle to create strong local foundation.

    • @zxcvbnm5758
      @zxcvbnm5758 Před rokem +4

      That's exactly what's happening

    • @Jerinx90
      @Jerinx90 Před rokem +1

      even internet provider

    • @Lekurishkun
      @Lekurishkun Před rokem +5

      Tbh they don't have anything to offer. One of the reason they beg to join ASEAN in hope other members will support their economy

  • @achmad6962
    @achmad6962 Před rokem +16

    I remember back then, many TL supporters used to say that Timor Leste would be the isra*l of Southeast Asia, LOL😂. More like Zimbabwe of SEA.

  • @jerolvilladolid
    @jerolvilladolid Před rokem +72

    There is particular pressure from Laos to admit Timor-Leste into Asean so there will be a new poorest country in the block other than Laos

    • @doraemonbaik9401
      @doraemonbaik9401 Před rokem +7

      Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣

    • @plumpus1634
      @plumpus1634 Před rokem +5

      I see where its going

    • @budisoemantri2303
      @budisoemantri2303 Před rokem +18

      Myanmar is also catching up on that list lmao

    • @plumpus1634
      @plumpus1634 Před rokem +7

      @@budisoemantri2303 they actually already have the lowest gdp per capita in all of ASEAN.

    • @rudnam
      @rudnam Před rokem +2

      lol lowest gdp per capita is myanmar not laos

  • @harismalsundawi3761
    @harismalsundawi3761 Před rokem +224

    Asean as a regional intergovernmental organization , there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses , can not help solve problems in Myanmar , less compact and solid fellow members , fellow members have problems with each other such as cultural claims , borders , extradition etc. . the economic inequality of each member is very high , it has little role in world politics . As if it still belongs to the powers of developed countries, Asean must be strong, united and solid like the European Union.

    • @cloroxbleach9222
      @cloroxbleach9222 Před rokem +15

      ASEAN is still a long way to being like the EU but I think it may be possible in our life time

    • @macdee010
      @macdee010 Před rokem +56

      Why ASEAN must help Myanmar if their basic rules is not intervene internal problem of their countries member

    • @nathannataatmadja3349
      @nathannataatmadja3349 Před rokem +38

      ASEAN was not designed to be like the EU. And look at the EU, strong is not the best word to describe it (hint: Brexit, and probably Grexit, Nexit...).

    • @sjc4
      @sjc4 Před rokem +7

      @@nathannataatmadja3349 I agree that the EU has its own problems, but Germany will sink with the ship. They are the strongest EU country at this point, and leaving would be catastrophic. They'll add member states due to Russia.

    • @chickensoup9869
      @chickensoup9869 Před rokem +2

      No intervening internal issues for ASEAN. But it has come to a point that other nations have to accept the refugees from Myanmar, be it Rohingya or Burmese, both are on standpoint because they cannot be returned to the murderous Myanmar military junta.
      Since economy is also affected, perhaps using airforce intervention is eventually cheaper than the refugee crisis.

  • @jaynunez8258
    @jaynunez8258 Před rokem +85

    One day, ASEAN will be a powerful force to reckon with. Proud ASEAN.

    • @abmong
      @abmong Před rokem +14

      We need to stick together to counter that country to the north.

    • @catz4274
      @catz4274 Před rokem +10

      great glory ASEAN
      greet from indonesia 🇮🇩

    • @MeowTV06
      @MeowTV06 Před rokem +7

      walk together, grow together, be strong together

    • @splitted6767
      @splitted6767 Před rokem +16

      Yeah but without timorleste i agree

    • @erinpilla
      @erinpilla Před rokem +2

      YES! Go ASEAN!

  • @hadiwidjojo5569
    @hadiwidjojo5569 Před rokem +19

    ASEAN still has a tough job to do to improve the economy and welfare of several member countries such as Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar etc. ! Don't be forced to accept membership of a country categorized as one of 10 poor countries by UNDP report of 2021 like Timor Leste. Firmly rejection of Singapore and other Asean members of Timor Leste's application to become an Asean member must still be strongly supported ! until there is an increase in the welfare of the 10 Asean member countries ! No negotiation for this matter !

  • @agussw8908
    @agussw8908 Před rokem +27

    Still depends on Indonesia although free country.

  • @pengabdianmasyarakatutm6124

    38:10 She made the Statements like, Indonesia are the Worst colony in other words She hated Indonesia, But she doesn't look outside that mostly the stuff, food, everything are still imported from Indonesia. If one day, Indonesia stopped the logistics and everything, Timor Leste will gone.
    38:17 Im disagree with her statements about, "Everything was Destroyed". Did you remember that the TVRI Dili and The Radio from RRI Dili are still exist, from the Building and also the tower transmission. After Timor grab their independence, State Television of Timor Leste has been occupied the TVRI Dili assets, also the RRI Dili.
    40:01 "If we become a member of ASEAN, We can freely enter ASEAN Countries" This statements also make me disagree with her statements. All of our Countries in ASEAN are trying to wake up from the Pandemic, and also help our sisters in Myanmar. Did you know, that the people of Timor Leste are majority entry the East Nusa Tenggara for finding a job. Furthermore, in the first her statements, it mades that the Timor Leste are trying to reach the Independence from Indonesia 'ALONE' without help from the other countries, but after they got it, they also need and want to join the ASEAN.
    You are the Journalism, Bring the great news for your readers. Greatest Journalism are the great people who bring the fact information, even the news bad or good news, Journalist should be Netral without thinking about their past life such as bad memories.

  • @RachelRadio_m
    @RachelRadio_m Před 4 měsíci +5

    42:57 If Timor Leste not join ASEAN, Timor Leste only had One option. There're no two options. They will join China. As they wanted since 1975. And that one of the caused problem of invasion. History repeat itself. The old generations must go. Then Timor Leste could join ASEAN.

  • @Driziationz
    @Driziationz Před rokem +98

    You wished for independence, we respected and granted your people's wish through the referendum. Now be STRONG AND INDEPENDENT!


      Ini sebenarnya mereka ingin menjadi bagian Indonesia lagi, tapi dengan cara lain wkwkwk.
      Saya sangat merasa kasian, sama orang RAS TERTINGGI ASEAN.
      Kan mereka dulu ngaku bukan orang Melayu / Asian atau semacamnya, mereka adalah Kaukasiannya Asean

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem +13

      Be strong on your own feet Timor Leste! Talk less do more now

    • @ornachia2489
      @ornachia2489 Před rokem +15

      @@INDONESIABUBAR2030BYSPIZYDORI Bener mereka gak pernah ngaku jadi orang Asia, sekarang mereka merengek minta masuk ASEAN, miriss....

    • @cnachopchopnewsagency
      @cnachopchopnewsagency Před rokem

      @@INDONESIABUBAR2030BYSPIZYDORI they are portuegese not not just "poor" asian as they dream😂 after getting f by portuegese and later by australia now they want to become asian back😂😂😂

    • @manusiagendut9745
      @manusiagendut9745 Před rokem +5

      no country is independent.
      even england import oil from saudi.
      europe import gas from rusia.
      indonesia import grain from ukraine.
      the best way to describe timor today is..not mutually benefit.
      asean member also not independent to each other. but they exchange the trade and the commodity, and give mutual benefit to each other.
      this "muttual benefit" capability, is the thing that timor does not have today.

  • @deqhiej.rasyid3321
    @deqhiej.rasyid3321 Před rokem +157

    Indonesia still has problems in some areas, especially in the eastern part. There are still very few job opportunities. If Timor Leste joins ASEAN, the country that will be the first to be affected is Indonesia. The very high unemployment rate in Timor Leste will pose a serious threat to our brothers and sisters in the eastern part of Indonesia. So it is better for Indonesia to wait until Timor Leste can stand alone and stabilize the country's political and economic conditions.

    • @damsoy6230
      @damsoy6230 Před rokem +36

      Yep thats what hard with asean countries is its most members are island nation which is really hard to develop some parts will and will lag behind.

    • @tedyanggifirdaus1102
      @tedyanggifirdaus1102 Před rokem +1

      True indeed, and you should see the investigation brought by najwa sihab via narasi newsroom. There is much of hidden corruption inside the government especially in mining and oil industry. Their economic sustainability is bad by relying heavily on oil sector. Once it's gone you know we will face the next Venezuela of SEA.

    • @sO-oe8kk
      @sO-oe8kk Před rokem +6

      @@T1murr *Timles ngaku2 org indo wkwk*

    • @JC-lu4se
      @JC-lu4se Před rokem +12

      Wait until TL can stand alone? We both know that will be never.

    • @dbyo3856
      @dbyo3856 Před rokem +1

      @@T1murr not that great?

  • @Cookie-zi5gm
    @Cookie-zi5gm Před rokem +256

    An open letter to Timorese people who wants to join ASEAN. I am Filipino, and I will say this again. I know we are brothers. We are Catholic, we have same traditions. But all of those things mentioned aside.
    1. Learn to understand what is the purpose of ASEAN. It is economic cooperation of middle to high-income countries which are stable in terms of peace and order, economic growth, supply-chain of food and basic needs, and human resources. ASEAN is very competitive in terms of jobs. Indonesia and Vietnam are the leaders in terms of manufacturing. Thailand and Cambodia leads tourism along with Malaysia and Vietnam. Laos and Myanmar are not far behind. (If the coup did not happen in Myanmar, it would be relatively stable). The Philippines is well balanced like Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand. Where agriculture, infrastructure development, tourism fuels the developing economies. Brunei leading the oil in ASEAN. Of course Singapore being the center for trade and commerce in ASEAN and is already developed
    2. I’m not saying that Timor-Leste is a burden to ASEAN. But whatever way I say it, will lead to it. Timor-Leste is not competitive enough and its economy is slow in terms of growth. It can’t contribute enough in ASEAN’s trade. For instance, Your main exports are coffee. But we also produce coffee far more than your country. I mean, your main exports are all available in our respective countries and we produce a lot. Singapore might have been importing most of their food, but look. In return Singapore gives us more than what we give them. It’s investors.
    Brunei also gives us oil, and Brunei has one of the highest wages in ASEAN.
    3. What will I invest in Timor Leste? I can’t do E-Commerce there, the internet is already bad in ASEAN, Let alone in your country. majority of the people are computer illiterate and they lack knowledge about technology.
    I’m not saying that Timor-Leste can’t join ASEAN. It’s just, Timor Leste is not prepared and is not stable. Let’s be brutally honest here. Timor-Leste will only ask for aid and not trade. President Ferdinand Marcos himself already said “We want trade, not aid” Your ambitions are way too much from what you have. Try again in 2050.

    • @Cookie-zi5gm
      @Cookie-zi5gm Před rokem +34

      One example, the Philippines is projected to have the fastest and highest growth rate in ASEAN. When did Timor Leste have a 7% to 8% growth rate?

    • @masdodo4090
      @masdodo4090 Před rokem +13

      Agreed. 20 years since independence, only recently they reached political stability and some kind of unity among their elites.

    • @nadjibzahara1607
      @nadjibzahara1607 Před rokem +36

      'Your ambitions are way too much from what you have. Try again in 2050'

    • @cilthepen
      @cilthepen Před rokem +8


    • @jamesmatthew9452
      @jamesmatthew9452 Před rokem +1

      @@cilthepen LOL

  • @ignatiusryd2031
    @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +83

    In short, timor leste is very far from ready. They will only present themselves as a very big burden to ASEAN, especially when their oil has been completely dried up by Australia

    • @amorsemlimite4427
      @amorsemlimite4427 Před rokem +3

      It is only your opinion, you have no data 🤭🤣

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +31

      @@amorsemlimite4427 watch the video all Singaporean academics and think tank said the same thing.
      Once timor leste become asean member it will be the group responsibility for Timor leste conflict and bankruptcy.. Indonesia and Australia would be happy. But Singapore is certainly not.

    • @amorsemlimite4427
      @amorsemlimite4427 Před rokem +5

      @@DaengKulle795 🤣🤣🤣🤣opinions are opinions, very much difference when you have valid data. I have visited some ASEAN countries except Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia and it gave me very deep understanding how people in this region live.

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +17

      @@amorsemlimite4427 and what understanding is that? Asian humility? Something that your portuguese descent elite leaders would never get.

    • @amorsemlimite4427
      @amorsemlimite4427 Před rokem +1

      @@DaengKulle795 You just want to know or desperately want to know more🤭🤣

  • @heroes8844
    @heroes8844 Před rokem +20

    i would suggest a new road for TL, try to do small thing first, like a pact with a certain country to get hitch on for a ride, may be like Philipine, Indonesia or Singapore, or better yet in recent year Vietnam, where logistic are currently buzzing. Try to boost your economy first, stabilize your country and then u can start talking about bigger thing. Not all country got their independence handed on a silver plate, take that in mind. Be strong, be independence. You are too young to be rushing.
    PS: even if u can join, what can u even offer right now and a hundred years to come? Sometime, deny is respect in the facce of a pity relationship, to each their own.

    • @bottplug2272
      @bottplug2272 Před rokem

      Unfortunately after Timor was given their independence on a silver plate, the criminal Indonesian invaded and they had to fight for their current independence.

  • @Heavenlyrules
    @Heavenlyrules Před rokem +20

    "We are caucasian of the east" & "Who want to join a bankrupt nation?" -Ramos Horta 2002
    "Indonesia is our partners, brothers, Sukarno is great, I like jokowi" - Nobody 2022

  • @virgopratama5952
    @virgopratama5952 Před rokem +19

    I don’t care about Timor Leste. ASEAN doesn’t need Timor Leste, but they TL need us-ASEAN. Why don’t they be ashamed by their arrogance? Joining Indonesia was such a great choice yet they betrayed their own people by so much depending on Australia and yet they got nothing but being exploited by Australia. I mean it is karma that affects the TL’s situation rn.

    • @JC-lu4se
      @JC-lu4se Před rokem

      Joining Indonesia? They were invaded by Indonesia who massacred 20% of the country's population.

    • @Hazemann
      @Hazemann Před rokem +1

      It's not nice to speak like that. I like Timor Leste join ASEAN ASAP. Jangan marah marah tau

    • @s21b0b
      @s21b0b Před 4 měsíci +3

      "Joining Indonesia was such a great choice"
      Sorry to break it to you, it's the worst choice's Cold War BS...

  • @harukrentz435
    @harukrentz435 Před rokem +31

    Honestly as an Indonesian i dont mind TL to join ASEAN.
    Edit: but i do have concern because watching this i came to conclusion that the reason why TL want to join ASEAN is because they need us, while i still have no idea about what can they give to us in return??
    Also at 40:21 why are you trying to hide the truth? The true reason why TL oil have been dwendling is because Australia have been sucking their oil dry. Even TL have admitted it as they brought this matter to the International Court.

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem +1

      I wish Timor Leste gonna be unseen and unheard like Portugal for Indonesia

    • @ozvarifriliandi
      @ozvarifriliandi Před rokem +6

      They need a lot of back up plans, they need more brains on their government not only politicians. If this keep going they'll wouldn't last 2050. The point is they are in hurry for their lives.

  • @tripriagiwiguna
    @tripriagiwiguna Před rokem +74

    They should join EU, Portugal is in there. Or Australia's pacific puppet club.

    • @denyandre1516
      @denyandre1516 Před rokem +7

      Beruntung timor leste di sisi lain merka gabun nenegra berbhasa Portuguese dan aksen pasar eropa dan sisi lain merka masuk asea. Mk mereka juga inkut pasar asean jadi negra merka untung aksesn masuk eropa free visa kerja maupun sekola free bagusnya timor leste

    • @evirussasaki5915
      @evirussasaki5915 Před rokem +2

      And then bring it's conflict to sea region?, it's more safe to join asean so they can access both market (west & China) and bring zero / minimal conflit with it

    • @efrans2627
      @efrans2627 Před rokem +1

      @@denyandre1516 kalian saja masih miskin dan bodoh berbahasa portu 🤣

    • @radithramadhan8488
      @radithramadhan8488 Před rokem

      It's more realistic for them to become Indonesian regency, the idea of Timor state is failure concept since beginning, Soeharto was right

    • @rf7182
      @rf7182 Před rokem

      Join asean and be our puppet

  • @HandyPardjoko234
    @HandyPardjoko234 Před rokem +24

    Timor leste should joint with its master, Australia.

    • @JC-lu4se
      @JC-lu4se Před rokem

      We don't want it. Too many issues.

    • @Hazemann
      @Hazemann Před rokem +1

      Tak baik tau. Indonesia sepatutnya terima Timur Laste masuk Asean

    • @HandyPardjoko234
      @HandyPardjoko234 Před rokem

      @@Hazemann Timor leste has betrayed Indonesia once and will not be forgotten. Now they have to live with the consequences.

    • @Hazemann
      @Hazemann Před rokem +1

      @@HandyPardjoko234 Timur Leste masuk Asean bukan berkenaan Indonesia. Ini berkenaan untuk elakkan Timur Leste daripada dijadikan military base kepada USA/China/Australia.

  • @danuaditya642
    @danuaditya642 Před rokem +26

    26:07 Did you ask to join ASEAN, your honorable? Then, you criticized the governments of ASEAN. No wonder your application to join ASEAN become a limbo.
    38:08 Two easy options: become part of sphere of influence of either USA or China? As simple as that? Are your sure?

    • @kenarok9596
      @kenarok9596 Před rokem +14

      Semudah itu seorang presiden mengatakannya,seperti tak punya pilihan lain dan mengorbankan kedaulatannya untuk mengancam stabilitas kawasan.
      Mereka seperti tak siap bernegara,menganggap penggadaian kedaulatan seperti menjadi gagasan yg sederhana,gk habis pikir saya.

    • @danuaditya642
      @danuaditya642 Před rokem +12

      @@kenarok9596 Dia memang tak punya pilihan. Sumber daya apa yang mau ditawarkan? 😒

    • @kenarok9596
      @kenarok9596 Před rokem +9

      @@danuaditya642 kemerdekaan semu.

    • @ornachia2489
      @ornachia2489 Před rokem

      That’s true, be communists If they want to, like no one cares.

    • @CharDhue
      @CharDhue Před rokem

      In your minute mark I don't see they talking about the option? I'm confused

  • @DaengKulle795
    @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +15

    Ramos Horta is the king of denial and hallucination ? Ramos Horta said soon they will become the most advanced connectivity country in South East Asia. The cable ain't build yet but he already claim it.
    Remind me that he once said that Timor leste will be the Dubai of South East Asia. 😂

    • @dhenoyznero
      @dhenoyznero Před rokem +5

      So funny so cute Setra Ramos Rice saying 😂

    • @qwertyuiop5343
      @qwertyuiop5343 Před rokem +1

      @@dhenoyznero 🤣 lol Setra Ramos rice

  • @rastinemariyem8065
    @rastinemariyem8065 Před rokem +12

    Kalian membenci kami Indonesia, terus kalian mengatakan kami penjajah oh sungguh ironis, portugis dan australia menjanjah negara kalian dengan terang-terangan kalian tutup mata, terus kalian mendukung sebagian dari Indonesia untuk keluar dari Indonesia, kalian bermuka dua, dan kalian juga mendekati Indonesia untuk bergabung ke negara Asean Indonesia mengabulkan itu, habis itu kalian bergantung ekonomi kalian dari Indonesia tapi kalian tidak tahu berterima kasih kalian hanya terus membenci dan membenci kami, ingat sakit hati kami sebagai warga negara Indonesia dan doa keburukan tuk kalian jika kalian menyakiti Indonesia 🙏

    • @reallive8525
      @reallive8525 Před rokem +3

      Yes setuju

    • @wanbae2835
      @wanbae2835 Před rokem +2


    • @s21b0b
      @s21b0b Před 4 měsíci

      Enak banget ngomong kayak gitu meskipun faktanya Indonesia invasi Timor Leste secara ilegal, bahkan negara seperti AS dan Australia pun diam dan enjoy2 aja, toh buat mereka masalah komunisme perlahan2 diselesaikan...

  • @MuhammadAthallahArsyaf
    @MuhammadAthallahArsyaf Před rokem +5

    To be honest, the moment Timor Leste joins it’d probably become harder for ASEAN to achieve economic and regional integration compared to before.

  • @treblan1
    @treblan1 Před rokem +110

    Standard of ASEAN to onboard new member is getting higher because of pandemic induced trouble in economies of asean member state adding the ongoing issue of Myanmar and Chinese influence in Laos and Cambodian parliament BUT if Timor Leste accepted it will be a huge benefit to Timor in terms of economic development and people cooperation. Timor is new and population is small then Asean membership will of great help to uplift Timorese future.

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +55

      Huge benefit for them but huge burden to ASEAN

    • @KapitanVladimirArsenyev
      @KapitanVladimirArsenyev Před rokem +14

      @@ignatiusryd2031 And yet why don't you see Myanmar junta (which caused refugee crisis), Laos and Cambodia (which support Nine Dash Lines of China instead of their brothers position in ASEAN) as a huge burden for ASEAN?

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +38

      @@KapitanVladimirArsenyev Perhaps you have no idea that the current civil war in Myanmar already gave ASEAN lots of headache to the point where ASEAN in unison were decide to openly condemning and isolating Myanmar from ASEAN. Secondly, eventough Cambodia and Laos are not in line with ASEAN core members like Indonesia + Thailand + Malaysia + Singapore + Philippines in terms of 9 dash line dispute with China, its more than obvious that those two do able to kept their pace to match the economic growth and the minimum ASEAN standards that were applied on its more powerful ASEAN neighbours.
      On the other hand, TL still need tons of catching up, unfortunately their pocket were bleeding very furiously because their leaders are absolutely clueless in terms of how to manage a country and to attract foreign investors. The only thing they know now is spending money on tons of extravagant + useless infrastructure projects that still unable to gave TL any incomes.

    • @anaskhoiri3653
      @anaskhoiri3653 Před rokem +10

      Myanmar in verge get kicked if All member vote, only Thailand lile Junta Myanmar

    • @godzillamothra5983
      @godzillamothra5983 Před rokem +7

      ASEAN has no mechanism or system to help members in economic trouble, so how can it burden ASEAN? It is just a loosely held organization. There are not much obligations or rights that you get by joining ASEAN. They designed ASEAN that way. East Timor joining ASEAN won't give much burden to ASEAN because there is no burden sharing in ASEAN. There are benefit for ASEAN and East Timor. For ASEAN, one more new member meant the organization is bigger and more influential. For East Timor, it has more political standing, especially when dealing with Australia that regularly bullying East Timor.

  • @saifulazwan6788
    @saifulazwan6788 Před rokem +76

    Currently, there is a period of injury time and potential chaos for TL, it is estimated that in 2023 oil and gas as economic supports will dry up, plus the low export value, high unemployment rate.. Indonesia strongly supports TL joining.. there are several countries that have not agreed and Indonesia cannot dictate all members agree..

    • @AlfataProject165
      @AlfataProject165 Před rokem

      Indonesia will force all members to agree
      All asean member need us

    • @lolipedofin
      @lolipedofin Před rokem +22

      What's the point of Timor Leste joining in. ASEAN barely have any meaningful interconnectivity beyond ease of access for tourism that will meaningfully help TL. Meanwhile, if we want to expand the partnership further in economy and defense, bringing in a country poorer than Laos will not speed things up.

    • @ayahpinkofficial2769
      @ayahpinkofficial2769 Před rokem +8

      @@lolipedofin TL must prove themselves first before entering Asean...what they can contribute instead being a burden..

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem +15

      @@AlfataProject165Indonesia wouldn't, Indonesia respecting all ASEAN especially ASEAN founders country

    • @mariaannainditahernawati7132
      @mariaannainditahernawati7132 Před rokem +8

      @@bumiku1294 seperti kalau kita mengajukan proposal
      pasti akan dijawab, "kami akan bahas dulu ya" atau " kami tampung dulu ya"
      ketika tdk ada kabar dan kita kembali bertanya, kok blm ada khabar, kok lama hasilnya
      dan di jawab, "karena keputusan berdasarkan konsensus bbrp manager" besar kemungkinan itu artinya DITOLAK
      bahasa resminya adalah BELUM SAATNYA
      bahasa lugasnya adalah TIDAK SEMUDAH ITU FERGUSSO

  • @mhonpermejo84
    @mhonpermejo84 Před rokem +7

    they complain about TL political instability but look what happened to myamnar after asean let them in? the problem is not the economic and political instability of TL but division with in
    asean members state as well

  • @maddude6342
    @maddude6342 Před rokem +15

    It's tough, and must been really hard for the people for now i will just wish the best for Timor Leste, greetings from your neighbor Indonesia 🇮🇩

  • @neggy2926
    @neggy2926 Před rokem +8

    They should have begged australia to take care of them 🤭🤭🤭

    • @normalyoutube495
      @normalyoutube495 Před rokem

      Timor Leste is more developed than Cambodia and Myanmar you dummy.

  • @TheScandalessLife
    @TheScandalessLife Před rokem +58

    East Timor: we are working on being more presentable to be accepted into asean since some member states have some reservations about us.
    East Timor: *Politically corrupt

    • @vincienzo
      @vincienzo Před rokem

      As if the other ASEAN states don't have major corruption issues. Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos...

    • @marioprawirosudiro7301
      @marioprawirosudiro7301 Před rokem +2

      They're not the only one that's politically corrupt in SEA though. As a matter of fact, the only country here that's not politically corrupt is SIngapore (and even they still make some questionable decisions from time to time). It's not a deterrent to enter ASEAN.
      The primary factor would be the combination of their small size, low HDI, and mediocre natural resources. There are already two smol countries in ASEAN - Singapore and Brunei. Singapore is a global leader in HDI, and Brunei is blessed with abundant oil reserves. Timor has some oil, sure, but it pales in comparison to Brunei or Malaysia.
      That, and the way they flip-flopped on the Myanmar issue. Can't imagine the ASEAN Five being too happy about it...

  • @meoowwd1629
    @meoowwd1629 Před 4 měsíci +6

    East Timor Colonial Mentality. Adopt the Portuguese language as official language. Made them isolated in the region.

    • @Allahuakbar437
      @Allahuakbar437 Před 3 měsíci +2

      After All they're Not Part of Dutch Colony.. We Can't Interfere.. let them live with their Choice 😅😅😅😅😅

    • @meoowwd1629
      @meoowwd1629 Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@Allahuakbar437 They still interfere. Since part of Timor island is West Timor. Have you been to the border of East/West Timor?. 🤷

    • @Allahuakbar437
      @Allahuakbar437 Před 3 měsíci

      @@meoowwd1629 Just Because It Bordered To Indonesia Doesn't mean we Have Anything to do About It... And West Timor Belongs to Indonesia That's Obvious.

    • @arlenemagallano5690
      @arlenemagallano5690 Před měsícem +1

      We Filipinos have a lot of common to them ngl

  • @ali_tafa006
    @ali_tafa006 Před rokem +5

    I like imagining an alternate reality of Singapore and Timor-Leste's situation being switched in regards of economic development and status.

  • @kenarok9596
    @kenarok9596 Před rokem +41

    Saya kira rakyat Timor Leste sudah lupa dengan bahasa Indonesia dan menggantinya dengan bahasa Portuguese rupanya mereka masih bisa berbicara dengan lancar.
    Salam penuh do'a dan cinta dari saudaramu Timor Barat.

    • @ahmadin5681
      @ahmadin5681 Před rokem +29

      Anak muda timor leste kelahiran paska kemerdekaan lebih open minded dan banyak terekspos dengan dunia intertainment Indonesia, tendesi anti Indonesia lebih minimal di generasi ini

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +21

      @@ahmadin5681 Masih cukup tinggi tendensinya. Mereka masih menanggap kita 'penjajah'.

    • @kenarok9596
      @kenarok9596 Před rokem +17

      @@ignatiusryd2031 memang sudah seharusnya kita memperbaiki sejarah dengan meminta maaf,seperti halnya Belanda kemaren.

    • @culturedman1310
      @culturedman1310 Před rokem

      @@ignatiusryd2031 ya jelas apa yang terjadi di Timor Leste seperti pembantaian Santa Cruz dan lain lain indonesia sudah pasti bakal di cap penjajah

    • @decogivdecogiv712
      @decogivdecogiv712 Před rokem +6

      @@kenarok9596 kita gak salah dan gk ngapa2 in kok minta maaf

  • @ErvanJabbar
    @ErvanJabbar Před rokem +31

    Singapore the one who denied them 😂

  • @TJorg1993
    @TJorg1993 Před rokem +17

    Surprised they're all still speak bahasa Indonesia

    • @Driziationz
      @Driziationz Před rokem +7

      It's like saying surprised that the people of The Republic of Ireland still speaks english.

    • @TJorg1993
      @TJorg1993 Před rokem +13

      @@Driziationz Well Indonesian dont speak Dutch because we see them as Invader/Colonizer.
      Timorese called us Invader yet still speak our language very well, that what makes it surprising to me

    • @danuaditya642
      @danuaditya642 Před rokem +10

      @@Driziationz British control Ireland for centuries, however Indonesia did it for decades.

    • @ahmadin5681
      @ahmadin5681 Před rokem +6

      I think it is very wise if Timor Leste can still speak Indonesian from an economic point of view, because it can have access to 4 neighboring countries like Indo, Malay, SG, Brunei because the Indo language about the same as malay (90% similar). rather than portuguese where the country of the speakers is far away.

    • @Adolphification
      @Adolphification Před rokem

      @@TJorg1993 same as irish who sees british as oppressors, but they are neighboring nations like Indonesia n timles, hence they have more intense interactions, unlike netherlands which lies thousands of miles away

  • @alainjohnyap2168
    @alainjohnyap2168 Před rokem +3

    Countries like philippines and vietnam are still anxious and under pressure on south china sea and taiwan tension economically adding more country would add pressure on adjusting

  • @TheSunMoon
    @TheSunMoon Před rokem +4

    There needs to be a probation period upon joining too. Else the other members are set to help pickup TL, hindering their own progress. 3-5years of probation. If they can't meet their promises, then they should be asked to leave.

  • @muhammadyunan2811
    @muhammadyunan2811 Před rokem +97

    Ya, kita tau ASEAN adalah kawasan yang relatif stabil di tengah kekacauan dunia. Ekonomi yang konsisten tumbuh dan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat. Bergabung ke ASEAN jelas akan memberikan banyak manfaat bagi Timor Leste. Tapi, apakah Timles mampu mengejar ketertinggalan?
    Indonesia akan selalu mendorong Timor Leste untuk bergabung dengan ASEAN. Indonesia juga sudah banyak berinvestasi dan membuka usaha di Timor Leste agar lapangan pekerjaan terbuka. Tapi juga dibutuhkan kemauan dari pemimpin politik Timor Leste untuk berkomitmen membangun dg maksimal dong. Kekacauan parlemen gk bisa terus terjadi. Rakyat mrk yg jadi korbannya. Tabungan negara yg ada bisa dipakai untuk mengembangkan ekonomi lewat BUMN. Jgn hanya dihamburkan untuk infrastruktur mubazir.

    • @kudajingkrak4919
      @kudajingkrak4919 Před rokem +22

      infrastruktur itu penting. sangat penting... gimana mungkin bangun pabrik tapi gak ada akses jalan nya, dan pelabuhan nya...??
      Gimana mungkin anak2 bisa sekolah/belajar klo gak ada gedung nya, listrik nya, internet nya, dll..??
      Pembangunan infras itu tidak mubazir.

    • @bimantaraadityanugraha
      @bimantaraadityanugraha Před rokem +26

      @@kudajingkrak4919 betul tapi yg dibilang komen diatas itu ga salah juga tentang stabilitas politik, politik timles harus lebih dewasa, harus punya kepekaan untuk bangsa nya gabisa ribut terus menerus seperti itu.

    • @kudajingkrak4919
      @kudajingkrak4919 Před rokem +6

      @@bimantaraadityanugraha Yeah.. politics is sucks.
      Kurang lebih sama lah dgn disini, rakyatnya dibiarin bodoh supaya bisa gampang disetir sm politisi.

    • @Toriqwidyawan
      @Toriqwidyawan Před rokem +1

      @@kudajingkrak4919 lah?? Gara² politisi atau memang dasaran dari yg gk inovatif mencari ilmu itu bodoh??

    • @kudajingkrak4919
      @kudajingkrak4919 Před rokem +27

      @@Toriqwidyawan Gw prnah ke DIli bro... wktu gw dsna, gw seperti naik mesin waktu kembali ke Indonesia 15-20 tahun yg lalu.
      Rakyat susah cari duit,, sekalipun dpt kerja tapi gaji sangat kurang bwt menunjang kebutuhan dasar harian.
      Man... klo lu prnah hidup di Indonesia 15-20 thn yg lalu,, dlm situasi sprti itu, lu gakan bisa mikirin inovasi. yg jadi prioritas lu pasti cuma kerja dpt duit supaya keluarga lu bisa makan.
      M'berantas kemiskinan, jaminan kesehatan, pendidikan, dan penyediaan lapangan kerja adalah tugas negara wicis dipegang sama pejabat/politisi...
      Timor Leste cuma butuh pejabat yg tau caranya kerja yg bener, dan tidak memperkaya diri sendiri. Wicis i don't know if they ever gonna get one.

  • @ginsanjose8446
    @ginsanjose8446 Před rokem +4

    Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia economy are so far behind among other members of ASEAN like Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia Vietnam and Thailand. I sometimes forgot that these 3 lagging countries are part of ASEAN.. I am not sure of ASEAN do help these 3 countries?

    • @chrinsamvisal
      @chrinsamvisal Před rokem +1

      Are you sure Cambodia is not progressing? Although it is lagging behinds some larger neighbours, it’s moving forward.
      Do you know that Cambodia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the last 20 years prior Covid? The country’s GDP had increased from $3 billion in 1993 to almost $30 billion in 2019 (10 folds). Its per capita GDP had increased from $250 to more than $1700 (6 folds) during the same time frame.
      It’s performing much better than the Philippines who had never gone through major wars and conflicts after the WWII yet the Philippines’ GDP per capita is only 2 times higher. The Philippines should be on par with countries like South Korea or Taiwan right now if they are that good.
      Luckily, the U.S. didn’t bomb pinoys to hell like Cambodia. Do you know many economists consider the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia as middle-income trapped countries? Because these countries have been stuck since the Asian financial crisis.
      You need to do much scientific research before talking baselessly without contexts.

    • @normalyoutube495
      @normalyoutube495 Před rokem

      HDI of Cambodia: 0.594
      HDI of Philippines: 0.699
      Although Philippines ranks low in HDI you can see that an average Filipino has a better life than the average Cambodian.

  • @koboi491
    @koboi491 Před rokem +7

    PNG already applied for ASEAN membership since 1980's and we still not let them in. So why now all in sudden we must let TL in?

    • @manusiabahagia7081
      @manusiabahagia7081 Před rokem

      PNG is literally not located in Asia. While Timor Leste is located in Asia.

    • @bottplug2272
      @bottplug2272 Před rokem +1

      And maybe the fact that PNG was colony of Australia, they pose a threat of working for Australian agenda

  • @thetrustysidekick3013
    @thetrustysidekick3013 Před rokem +19

    I for one would be glad to welcome Timor-Leste into ASEAN if and when they pass the requirements set before them.

    • @akuyos2402
      @akuyos2402 Před rokem +8

      Dont make problem with ASEAN. ASEAN already have many problem, Miyammar one of the biggesst problem right now with ASEAN. How about if TimLes joing with ASEAN, the biggest problem more come again.

    • @thetrustysidekick3013
      @thetrustysidekick3013 Před rokem

      @@akuyos2402 Myanmar and perhaps Laos. Both have too much investment from China and are being manipulated. I don't have a problem with Chinese investing into ASEAN countries, but I do have a problem if they interfere with how ASEAN works as a group.

  • @developer4
    @developer4 Před rokem +12

    Frankly I'm shock TL didn't go with AU association whatever it's called, instead It wanted to go with Indonesia which they consider as its "colonists", hilarious.

    • @mrbeazzz5733
      @mrbeazzz5733 Před rokem +1

      Its called hypocrite

    • @bumiku1294
      @bumiku1294 Před rokem

      Doesn't mean AU will give up on TL right? since AU have been worked hard for TL independence. I hope always together forever

    • @TheSunMoon
      @TheSunMoon Před rokem +1

      So thick-skinned 😂

    • @bottplug2272
      @bottplug2272 Před rokem

      Hahaha Indonesians are funny lol. I didn’t know ASEAN was owned by Indonesia?

  • @runine114
    @runine114 Před rokem +61

    Been rooting for this country ever since SEAGames 2019....All the best Timor Leste...

  • @riezan
    @riezan Před rokem +36

    I can understand all the concerns raised in this video. Economic development and political stability/integrity are the main issues here. I also see a few comments supporting TL joining ASEAN asap. I'm sorry, but regular people don't really understand how international relations/politics work unless you study it. There're many things to consider beyond economics and politics. Few already mentioned by experts in this video such as the consensus principle where one country can become a headache when it has too much dependency. For example, Cambodia and Laos tried to block ASEAN Joint Statement on South China Sea issue in 2012 and 2016 and we all know these countries depend heavily on Chinese investment. Another one is the non-interference principle which makes it difficult to resolve any crisis when it comes to internal politics, such as coups or conflicts which tend to happen in the least developed countries like what is happening in Myanmar. It's not only destabilising the region but giving Asean a bad reputation. Now upon hearing this 42:40 from the President himself, to me, this sounds like a lack of political integrity which could be a red flag. All that said, I really want to see TL join the ASEAN big family but it will need another few years, if not a decade, to be able to catch up with some level of development. Also, TL needs to prove its regionalism, and show some degree of integrity or independency so it doesn't seem to be easily stirred or intervened by other countries.
    China Reveals Its Hand on ASEAN in Phnom Penh
    Myanmar: ASEAN’s Failed ‘5-Point Consensus’ a Year On
    ASEAN deadlocked on the South China Sea, Cambodia blocks statement
    ASEAN nations fail to reach agreement on South China Sea

    • @nurprimahidayah4620
      @nurprimahidayah4620 Před rokem

      Leaving east timor out of ASEAN means that they would align with China or the US. As an Indonesia, could you imagine having a neighbor that is puppet of China or the US?

    • @radithramadhan8488
      @radithramadhan8488 Před rokem +8

      They even don't have their own currency

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +14

      Threatening to join either US or China as a military outpost if rejected by ASEAN is so very stupid for someone who has been a foreign minister.
      You said that loud to a Singaporean media whose country has been rejecting you for this long? If Singapore finally agree does it mean you can tell your people that Singapore finally agree because they succumb to your threat?
      This is how Australia left your country in the first place. Threatening Australia you will go to China if Australia do not want to invest in Great sunrise project.
      The thing about Timor leste's elite is no one really care about the people. It's all about me is the one who did it. And they all say it loud. No Asian humility.
      We get rid of Indonesian invaders and we humiliate Australia as oil stealer. These arrogance are always coming from Portuguese descent leaders.
      Jose Ramos Horta" I am the most clevest the Nobel laurette who embarrassed Indonesia in international forum. I can comment on Papua Freedom Movement and Myanmar democracy all I want even though it jeopardize Timor leste's applications.
      Someone needs to teach him Asian humility and to let go his European descent superiority complex mentality.
      Once timor leste can get rid of Xanana Gusmao and Ramos Horta, their arrogant portuguese descent leaders perhaps Asian leaders want to accept them in the same table.

    • @riezan
      @riezan Před rokem +4

      @@DaengKulle795 That's spot-on insight. Thanks for bringing up this perspective. It really is a red flag.

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +1

      @@riezan they have been trying to play out big Powers against each other for their own interest between China and Australia. Between Indonesia and Singapore.
      Too bad those tactics are so easily recognized and cancel each other out. Both Australia and China have less interest in Timor leste today and retreating themselves from timor leste.
      Their leaders are so hypocrite and pragmatic, so why would China or Australia spend money there when they know their leaders can easily change their allegiance. They don't even know their place too. They are not that strategic military anyway not even in busy trade route. Solomon is much more strategic in both terms.

  • @Magnulus76
    @Magnulus76 Před rokem +1

    Out of curiosity... what is that little house on the back of the president's mantle behind him? It looks like a spirit house?

  • @Mitrandhir
    @Mitrandhir Před rokem +10

    They can be developed if they implemented Japan/china education system. Human resources is more important if your land is poor in natural resources 👄

  • @culture_tribute9130
    @culture_tribute9130 Před rokem +5

    We love asean member's of part of ASEAN I'm from Philippines 🇵🇭 🇻🇳 🇮🇩 🇲🇲 🇲🇾 🇸🇬 🇹🇭 🇰🇭 🇧🇳 🇱🇦 🇹🇱

    • @cloudyrara6284
      @cloudyrara6284 Před rokem +1

      🇹🇱 is it a country??? 😂😂😂 Southeast Asia Dubai??? 😂😂😂 Lol, Best race in ASEAN??? 😂😂😂 HaHaHa gago

  • @rinapuspitakertis
    @rinapuspitakertis Před rokem +4

    Singapore totally right, Timor Leste not ready join ASEAN.

  • @billydekid580
    @billydekid580 Před 5 měsíci +3

    The other countries will said NO ❌ 🤷 NO TIMOR LESTE ❌

  • @hilmansudirman9857
    @hilmansudirman9857 Před rokem +12

    Oh please no more Aussie puppet crap. Having PNG next to Papua already caused a lot of stability issue. And now this breakaway province is failing and risk another separatist group spawned to the neighboring country, great.

  • @xfauzi
    @xfauzi Před rokem +5

    bro after 20 years independence from indo, they still using Indonesian Language
    12:00 15:50 (Student)
    19:01 (Researcher)
    37:20 (journalist)
    As indonesian, i support East Timor joining ASEAN, because if they dont, ET will join with China or US, thats not good for ASEAN power, however ET not good with economicly but that the price.

    • @MochZaenury
      @MochZaenury Před 12 dny

      Akan menjadi benalu dan beban bagi asean. Biarkan saja mereka sendiri, terserah mereka ikut blok mana selain asean.
      Tak perlu kita berlagak sebagai pahlawan untuk mereka.
      Mereka sering mencemooh dan menuduh kita sebagai kaum penjajah, sedangkan penjajah portugis dan australia mereka anggap sebagai pahlawan. 😅

  • @yovindamahardika1078
    @yovindamahardika1078 Před rokem +6

    you TIMOR ask your lovers AUSTRALIAN AND PORTUGESE. Don't ask US ASEAN.

  • @CharDhue
    @CharDhue Před rokem

    Around 37:50 to 38:10 people talking about options in comment section, but I don't see any related option in the video
    What happen?

  • @qwertyuiop5343
    @qwertyuiop5343 Před rokem +51

    I wish all my Timor Leste brothers and sisters nothing but the best. Salam dari West Timor, Indonesia

    • @cnachopchopnewsagency
      @cnachopchopnewsagency Před rokem +11

      Dont you think they are stup!d for going independance? I just shake my head. Coming from non-indo here.

    • @nntflow7058
      @nntflow7058 Před rokem

      @@cnachopchopnewsagency They are being discriminated and killed by Communist Indonesian Government back in the day before the independence.

    • @cnachopchopnewsagency
      @cnachopchopnewsagency Před rokem +3

      @@nntflow7058 you really believe western/australian news? If they really hate Indonesia, they will never get in any trade or connection with indonesia after independance. But yeah, they still get in contact with indonesia and still ask for indonesia help. Btw, im here am no indonesian but read widely rather than one lense of news.

    • @dyazkiprit
      @dyazkiprit Před rokem +1

      @@cnachopchopnewsagency whatever it is behind their independence, what happened, happened. it was heart breaking to lose timor leste as the part of Indonesia but it is what it is, and there's nothing we can do about it right now. all matter now is humanity, everyone deserve prosperity, and they're the neighbor of Indonesia, as Indonesian I can't say Indonesian people is in the best economy situation right now, but we're working on it, we're fighting together, to have a better life. and if there's a way to support our neighbors to have a better life, why wouldn't we support them as well? as long as it doesn't disserve or harmful for any other countries stability, then i think it's all totally fair to do.

    • @jajanghendri475
      @jajanghendri475 Před rokem +1

      @@dyazkiprit Oh, yeah. How about the refugees when Mayor Alfredo done rebellion (2006-2008).The refugees still exist in Indonesia teritorial, They wont goback to their Countries (East-Timor) so what must to do about them meanwhile they are begging for help not only in Economic but also they want to be Indonesia Civilization. That only one problem we can see in surface when we are digging to deep, you will know they are bugging Indonesia.

  • @bisrisyamsuri9206
    @bisrisyamsuri9206 Před rokem +5

    Luar biasa umur 2 tahun masih mengingat pasukan Indonesia terjun payung....

  • @liemvo6469
    @liemvo6469 Před rokem +39

    Stability of the society and aspiration-action of the people of Timor Leste will determine its future. In this documentary, the reference to Myanmar's recent chaos is poorly-thought (look at the countries around China to see if democracy is suitable).

    • @ahmadin5681
      @ahmadin5681 Před rokem +4

      South Korea?

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 Před rokem +1


    • @DBT1007
      @DBT1007 Před rokem +2

      yeah. indochina region not suitable for democracy. so.. let them be like that. dont try to change it to be democracy. democracy is not the best system.

    • @agusmedan9617
      @agusmedan9617 Před rokem +3

      Timor Leste is not a stable country, and should not join ASEAN for nearly future years. Why?
      1) Timor Leste main income is from oils, but their oils is estimated will be drained in 2023 because of massive explorations by the Australian government (a country who was pretend to support their Independence). When the Timor Leste oils drained in 2023, and Australia abandon them, pretty sure they will fall into their worst economy crisis. Timor Leste is at the brink of bankruptcy.
      2) Timor Leste don't have their own currency, they used USD. Which means Timor Leste don't have financial/economy sovereignty, and their financial status is depend to the US's economy. But we know that Timor Leste have huge different status with a rich country like US. If US got hit by inflation or any economy impact, the damage to a poor country like Timor Leste will be extremely devastating. US could recover quick since US is a rich country, but Timor Leste will need years, even decades to recover.
      3) There are dozens-hundreds of new rebel organizations in Timor Leste, that makes Timor Leste having a lot of security issues. That's why there's very low investors interested to invest into Timor Leste, since security is one of the main important things to invite the investors.
      4) Timor Leste don't have good human resources to boost their growth. Their leaders don't know how to run a country. They have lack educations, their university is at the lowest quality, and more than 80% Timor Leste people cannot write and read.

    • @thienlongnguyen9649
      @thienlongnguyen9649 Před rokem

      @@ahmadin5681 Fun fact: S.Korea is protected by N.Korea from China

  • @nazda529
    @nazda529 Před rokem +2

    Best wishes for ASEAN and Timor Leste..

  • @Jempolsosmed
    @Jempolsosmed Před rokem +4

    Dulu merengek ke australia ingin merdeka dari indonesia dan kini merengek ke indonesia minta masuk asean..situ sehat???

  • @orangaring2804
    @orangaring2804 Před rokem +6

    yang penting stabil politik dan ekonomi aja sih... asean sangat menekankan itu..

  • @mandanani828
    @mandanani828 Před rokem +7

    Ada negara yang seolah jadi pahlawan di masa lalu tp nyatanya mereka mengambil sesuatu yg berharga dr negara yang ditolong tersebut (minyak).
    Ada negara yang dianggap sebagai penjajah karena suatu rezim, yang menyebabkan pertumpahan darah krn politik, tapi mereka memberikan pendidikan kpd mereka, memberikan alokasi APBN kpd mereka melebihi bbrapa provinsi lain di indonesia di waktu itu. Skrang jika apa yang mereka mau tidak kesampaian, maka mereka mengancam menjadi tempat untuk pangkalan militer negara luar. WOW

    • @omroni9275
      @omroni9275 Před rokem

      Haha, minyak dan gas pun di perkirakan habis thn 2023

    • @mandanani828
      @mandanani828 Před rokem +2

      @@omroni9275 klo gue si masa bodo, ya kdang ngarepin mereka stidaknya maju sedikit, cmn saya bingung kok klo masih ditolak jd member ASEAN kok ngancem jd base militer china atau amrik. yg mana hal tsb bisa mengganggu stabilitas geopolitik kawasan ASEAN. Sjujurnya TL bknnya hrusnya gabung ke kawasan negara kepulauan Pasifik ya?

    • @omroni9275
      @omroni9275 Před rokem +1

      @@mandanani828 itu cma gertak org frustasi, kalo ada konflik terjadi tanah meraka pasti akan rata karna negara mereka di gadaikan dan pastinya mereka mikir kesitu jg

    • @mandanani828
      @mandanani828 Před rokem

      @@omroni9275 ya ngarep sih gtu, tp klo terdesak kyknya bisa kemungkinan akan terjadi karena keadaan geopolitik global lg panas antara china dan negara anggota NATO. China atau lawannya bisa memanfaatkan utk militernya dan TL butuh uang. Bgi indo sndiri baik dtangnya dr china atau lawannya akan membuat keamanan pertahanan negara sedikit terganggu. Di Laut natuna kita blom kelar dgan china, ama australi kita gk tenang krn AUKUS, aplgi klo sampe bikin pangkalan militer di TL.

  • @phillgame8872
    @phillgame8872 Před rokem +4

    East Timor should diversify its economy, or implemented drastic agrarian reform. Next fixed its fiscal policy to funds its economic drivers. Then promote education via good foreign policy like allying with macau for more investment and expand High prices commodity exports.

    • @JC-lu4se
      @JC-lu4se Před rokem

      It's got mainly stupid people in power, poor soil, hardly any infrastructure, a bad reputation to do business with; it's screwed basically.

    • @phillgame8872
      @phillgame8872 Před rokem

      @@JC-lu4se depends but we are living in a 21st which developing is quite possible with innovation.
      So don't judge them that they can't do it.

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +1

      @@phillgame8872 Because its obvious they can't do it. Even with all the money they got from oil they can't think about build a refinery so they can sell the processed oil and gas which definetly had better selling price. And its also obvious that TL uninterested to do any argrarian reform since the sole irrigation dam they inherited from Indonesian govt were left decayed without any maintenance, making their harvest yield decreased each year which makes them increasingly relies heavily on Indonesia's grace to sent them more and more food to TL.

    • @phillgame8872
      @phillgame8872 Před rokem

      @@ignatiusryd2031 i dont know if those are the only problems that TL cant fix especially those what you listed can still be fix depends on the policy that they implement.
      Well you're not wrong however that statement wasnt also right cause of lacking in data. Especially that world bank didnt put this stuff in their look up of east timor challenges

    • @phillgame8872
      @phillgame8872 Před rokem

      @@ignatiusryd2031 for me what i have listed was just east timor's major problem in terms of economy that i have saw on World bank's report

  • @lovianhandoyo4132
    @lovianhandoyo4132 Před rokem +19

    I do not agree if Timor Leste joins Asean, because from the economic aspect it is very far away. The reason is that the country's currency is still using the US dollar

    • @aisukururimu7515
      @aisukururimu7515 Před rokem +11

      Indonesia is doing it's best to support TL, but honestly nothing's gonna change so long as the people of TL doesn't change. I always wonder why can't they just ditch the US dollar and make their own currency, or at least use Indonesian rupiah instead to smooth things up on their side, given that most of the help they receive come from Indonesia anyway

    • @Ymats-dj1nt
      @Ymats-dj1nt Před rokem

      @@aisukururimu7515 not just indonesia but other countries as well by providing scholarships to produce nation builders. But it will take a loooonggg time.

  • @juliusbenter2369
    @juliusbenter2369 Před rokem +3

    I think it would be better for ASEAN to be more self sufficient adding more its neighbors. And hoping that in the future ASEAN can have its own currency.

    • @yudirudianto1997
      @yudirudianto1997 Před rokem

      Kita beda ras, Timor Leste cocoknya masuk Oceania. Biar lah dia gabung bareng Australia

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +1

      Impossible. If ASEAN common currency is happened then countries that relies on weak currency to boost their exports and push their living cost as low as possible like Indonesia will be badly affected. Also, it also means that ASEAN members must change their constitution. I'm sure many in ASEAN would overwhelmingly reject that common currency idea.

  • @Clarksville000
    @Clarksville000 Před rokem +9

    Short answer "NO"

  • @whitesky8013
    @whitesky8013 Před rokem +10

    I love timor Leste to be part of ASEAN as a filipino and i hope policies of ASEAN would be much stronger and more free trade and help each other rather than compete and betray behind its back

  • @ihavenojawandimustscream4681

    Hopefully TL can enter ASEAN, in present they live in a bizzare vacuum where they are neither part of South East Asia nor are they part of Australia's Oceania block

  • @ellee8209
    @ellee8209 Před rokem +15

    We Filipinos love and support all the ASEAN members specially the new one East Timor.. We Filipinos and Timorese had shares alot of common.. 🇵🇭❤️🇹🇱

    • @hendrajohn3511
      @hendrajohn3511 Před rokem

      Asean already struggle because myanmar... i think if timor leste join it will be more trouble in asean

    • @Ymats-dj1nt
      @Ymats-dj1nt Před rokem

      @@hendrajohn3511 mismo. Di rin ako pabor na sumali ang timor leste sa asosasyon

    • @hiredjuice3702
      @hiredjuice3702 Před rokem +1

      ​@@Ymats-dj1ntako pabor ako, dahil makakatulong to sa reptutayson ng asosasyon, at nakalagay sa constitution ng ASEAN na hindi to makikielam sa gera pang civil

  • @continuousself-improvement1879
    @continuousself-improvement1879 Před 11 měsíci +3

    Bluntly speaking, ASEAN is already having enough problems in bringing Laos, Cambodia, and Burma up to par with the development of other ASEAN nations. That is the reality because those countries were deeply disadvantaged by their protracted wars and instability. IMO, they should focus on helping their current members and not add the extra headache that TLE will bring the ASEAN members.
    Personally as an Indonesian, I still remember that in the beginning of their independence, TLE scorn ASEAN as an organization of poor nations, they (TLE) firmly believe that their oil resources will bring them up to the level of SG or Dubai in no time. Whelp, that's a bust. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Now, they are begging to join ASEAN? No, thanks. You scorned us then, we scorn you now.

  • @Jebeber886
    @Jebeber886 Před rokem

    You all said about your interests in joining Asean, but what about Asean's interests? For product dumping place, with a market only so large what is the profit?

  • @aliefalyansyah5996
    @aliefalyansyah5996 Před rokem

    I love the background music in 30:26, what it is called?

  • @hiramabiff7
    @hiramabiff7 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Ramos Horta, in an interview with CNN, 1999:
    "For generations, East Timorese will not want to hear anything about Indonesia. And joining ASEAN is very far [down] my list of priorities."
    Are you upset at ASEAN's apparent lack of action?
    Yes. They are a club of hypocrites who play golf, display ostentatious [ways] and crack down on students and intellectuals who disagree with their policies and lifestyle. There is, of course, some fresh air in ASEAN, notably the Philippines. The Filipinos show that you can have fundamental freedoms and economic growth hand in hand. We will look for relations with individual members of ASEAN, the Philippines in particular. We have with the Philip-pines immense cultural, religious and historical affinities. But also we look to bilateral cooperation with the Singaporeans, Malaysi-ans. Our strategic choice will be strong relations with countries to the south -- Australia and New Zealand -- and with Japan and the U.S. As for Indonesia, what kind of cooperation can we have? Any Timorese businessman who wants to do business with Indone-sia will think twice because of corruption and cronyism.

  • @faridfarhan6553
    @faridfarhan6553 Před rokem +26

    It is very difficult, making development during an economic crisis with an unstable situation, plus the depleting oil reserves. Compared to Myanmar, East Timor is more stable. As an Indonesian, I support the joining of East Timor to become part of ASEAN. However this will also be a sustainable advantage for Indonesia, Timor Leste and ASEAN.

    • @razzahling8951
      @razzahling8951 Před rokem

      What if China buys out the East Timor government, and use it to influence ASEAN?
      ASEAN need to be neutral to have economic advantage. East Timor needs economic development and stable government, so they cannot be influenced by outsiders first...

    • @pandorahoshinova3162
      @pandorahoshinova3162 Před rokem

      Lagi ada beban tambah beban

    • @1mol831
      @1mol831 Před rokem

      @@pandorahoshinova3162 what if Australia and Papua New Guinea joins too?

    • @twincolours1457
      @twincolours1457 Před rokem

      @@1mol831 So.. it will be Asean+ XD

    • @ohoh7570
      @ohoh7570 Před rokem +1

      "sustainable advantage for Indonesia" gimana maksud lu? Industri pariwisata mereka aja mengenaskan, Sumberdaya alam kaya minyak aja tinggal 1/10 yg tersisa. "Timor-Leste has received USD $22 billion from oil and gas, but its last producing reserve is nearly gone, and will provide less than $2 billion more". Jadi sustainable advantage gimana? Maksudlu sustainable burden? Mikir dlu, Liat dlu kondisi politik dan geopolitik TL. Liat dlu situasi ekonomi sama manajemen ekonomi negara mereka, Baru ngomong.

  • @swedemartyrsonswade
    @swedemartyrsonswade Před rokem +1

    What is good in joining ASEAN if we are all independent of China? We need to make sure our countries are strong and stable.

  • @balsafarmers10
    @balsafarmers10 Před rokem

    You are most welcome TL we need to be stronger asean ... ❤❤ 🇵🇭 we hv to help each other. But u have to follow the rulee of asean.

  • @hanamontan6862
    @hanamontan6862 Před rokem +9

    Timor Leste..we support u ..from Philippines with loved and care☺️

  • @bisvizstudio1242
    @bisvizstudio1242 Před rokem +7

    Australia really messing up Southeast Asian countries.

  • @bigcity2995
    @bigcity2995 Před rokem +2

    I lived in TL, it is a beautiful place. 10 years working there was great.

    • @JC-lu4se
      @JC-lu4se Před rokem

      One was more than enough for me. Dreadful place.

    • @cloudyrara6284
      @cloudyrara6284 Před rokem

      😂😂😂 Beautiful country???? then why Portugal and Australia left TL now???? no more oil??? 😂😂😂 HaHaHa

    • @bigcity2995
      @bigcity2995 Před rokem

      Plz read the history of the country. You sound like you do not know why Australia came there and read on Portugal being in T L. 5hen come back here.

    • @bottplug2272
      @bottplug2272 Před rokem

      @@bigcity2995 Indonesians are sore losers unfortunately

    • @bigcity2995
      @bigcity2995 Před rokem

      @@cloudyrara6284 because they cannot get what they wanted, They came for the oil and failed to have it.

  • @TOW006
    @TOW006 Před rokem +1

    I'm Indonesian, wish the best for People of Asean & Timorese. Good luck. 🌸💮🏵️🌺💐🌻🌼🌷🌹🌾🍂

  • @ednasiaeskina4969
    @ednasiaeskina4969 Před rokem +5

    Why are a lot of the Timorese being interviewed here talking in bahasa Indonesia..? I know that a lot of them can still speak Indonesian.. but it's not their official language and they are being interviewed by a Singaporean media not Indonesian... there's really no need for them to be speaking in bahasa Indonesia for this program.. I would've thought they will be talking in Tetum or Portuguese (besides english).. or is bahasa Indonesia still being regularly used by the general population in their daily conversations..? even that young engineering fresh graduate still speak very good bahasa Indonesia, even though he was born when TL already separated from Indonesia.

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +9

      Their govt attempts to eradicate all traces about Indonesia were miserably failed since they were hugely dependent with Indonesia and unable to shake off that dependency ever since.

    • @tumao_kaliwat_napulo
      @tumao_kaliwat_napulo Před 6 měsíci

      Indonesian = Money Language

  • @oscarleopatrick5426
    @oscarleopatrick5426 Před rokem +4

    She was just 2 years and still remember the Indonesian paratroops jumped from the aircraft? Lol😃

  • @brawurst_not_sausages

    Well theres always the list of the rule if you want to join organization?

  • @samkwok7057
    @samkwok7057 Před rokem +15

    Well, I do support TL to join asean. We are in the same region and we should help each other out. No matter rich or poor country, every country will somehow find a way to be productive sooner or later with some external help from other asean member. In my opinion, I do not want to see TL under China or US influence if they are rejected in asean because this will seriously jeopardise ASEAN national interest. Love from Singapore 🇸🇬

    • @DaengKulle795
      @DaengKulle795 Před rokem +1

      China is not interest in Timor leste. They are only playing US China rival and Australia's Sinophobic sentiment.
      China is not even interested in investing there. Timor Leste is not geographically strategic compare to Solomon Fiji and PNG

    • @RiamCute
      @RiamCute Před rokem +18

      You less know about history...they never feel as Asian PEOPLES during INTEGRATION with Indonesian.... they feel as Melanesian or more close to Australia or need read history more dude

    • @ignatiusryd2031
      @ignatiusryd2031 Před rokem +18

      They were previously never felt that they were part of Southeast Asia, only after their oil dried up now they were busy saying they were part of Southeast Asia. Last but not least, if you want ASEAN to accept them just because you don't want to see them fall under China or US influence it means that you already lost to his veiled threat.

    • @pos5343
      @pos5343 Před rokem +1

      @@ignatiusryd2031 I find the annoying as well when he said that he would go to US or China simple as that.

    • @TheSunMoon
      @TheSunMoon Před rokem

      They're very sus to only want to join ASEAN when their main source of $ dried up😂
      Ownself shoot ownself.

  • @greathamid9321
    @greathamid9321 Před rokem +6

    Timor-Leste is a lesson for what happen after you trusted the west illusion.