  • čas přidán 20. 07. 2015
  • (13 Mar 1997) Natural Sound
    Rebel forces in Zaire say they have captured another town in the east of the country - with thousands of refugees trying to escape across the Zaire River.
    The rebels - led by Laurent Kabila - claimed on Wednesday to have taken Kongolo, about 410 miles southeast of the strategic river port of Kisangani.
    But speaking in the refugee camp at Ubundu the Governor of Upper Zaire claimed that rebels had not advanced towards Kisangani.
    The United Nations World Food Programme brought 60 tonnes of food into a makeshift camp at Ubundu, 60 miles south of Kisangani, Wednesday.
    The food is meant for an estimated 70-thousand Rwandan Hutu refugees who have poured into the Ubundu camp.
    The refugees are convinced that the rebels - who are out to topple President Mobutu Sese Seko - are also after them.
    Tens of thousands of refugees have crossed the Zaire river at Ubundu to the safety of the camp.
    No-one knows for certain how many Rwandan refugees are still in Zaire. An estimated two-thirds of the 1.2 (m) million who originally fled in 1994 returned home late last year.
    The Hutu refugees left Rwanda to escape retribution for the slaughter of half a (m) million minority Tutsis.
    Many of the refugees are members of the former Rwandan Hutu army and militia implicated in the slaughter.
    They have been fleeing westward ahead of the rebels since January.
    Most of the refugees arriving at Ubundu were among the estimated 170-thousand who initially sought shelter at the Tingi-Tingi camp, 60 miles to the south-east.
    SOUNDBITE: (French)
    "We are taking a rest right here because we have been marching continuously and were looking for a refuge."
    SUPER CAPTION: Vox pop, refugee
    The refugees abandoned Tingi-Tingi camp two weeks ago as the rebels advanced.
    Meanwhile, rebels trying to topple the government said they had taken Kongolo, about 410 miles southeast of the strategic river port of Kisangani, on Wednesday.
    But Lombeia Bosongo, Governor of Upper Zaire said that rebels had not advanced towards Kisangani.
    SOUNDBITE: (French)
    "The battles take place at least 100 kilometres from here. And this is one of the axes we still control. The rumours that certain international media try to spread are not true. The rebels are not close to Kisangani."
    SUPER CAPTION: Lombeia Bosongo, Governor of Upper Zaire
    But with the rebels advancing, refugees continue to flee to makeshift camps seeking food and safety.
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Komentáře • 294

  • @nizeyimanavincent5317
    @nizeyimanavincent5317 Před rokem +9

    I'm a Rwandan but I can't believe my eyes, Rwanda has suffered alot but now it has emerged victorious, and will never live in such a mess,

    • @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803
      @congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803 Před rokem +4

      English & French Kagame African Hitler
      English version. (VISIT RWANDA)
      More than 10 million dead, 500,000 women raped... and still silence. Until when ? Between April and July 1994, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), formerly Zaire, was invaded by an influx of Rwandan refugees and since then it has been *constantly* attacked and looted by troops from Rwanda and Uganda. What is happening in this country where the deaths are now counted in the millions and the rapes in the hundreds of thousands? Charles Onana demonstrates that since 1994 we have been witnessing the masked invasion of the Congo by militias and troops of Paul Kagame, the Rwandan head of state initially supported by the Clinton administration and then by France in Nicholas Sarkozy. Based on exclusive testimonies and documents from the CIA, the archives of the White House, the Elysée and the European Union, the author reveals how the United States trained this man without faith or law, to serve their interests in the DRC, the Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, and other Central African states where the war between the West, China and Russia is fierce for the control of strategic mineral resources. Insatiable predators carve the DRC and plunder its wealth. After 20 years of research, the author alerts the public to the programmed extermination of local populations when several heads of state in the region and a European ambassador have already been assassinated. Charles Onana explains above all how the killing of the DRC is organized by using terror and lies in order to seize essential minerals for the world industry of armaments, mobile telephony and transition energy. An explosive document behind the scenes of the gigantic massacre of human beings which takes place a few hours by plane from our Western countries. Charles ONANA is a doctor in political science, specialist in the Africa of the Great Lakes and armed conflicts. Author of several reference books on this region including Europe crimes and censorship in the Congo (Duboiris), Rwanda: The truth about Operation Turquoise (The Gunner), Investigations into an attack: Rwanda April 6, 1994 (The Gunner), he worked for a long time with the investigator Pierre Péan on Rwanda and the DRC. Charles Millon, Jacques Chirac's Minister of Defense from 1995 to 1997, experienced the invasion of Congo-Zaire at the political outposts and recounts his personal experience in the preface to this book.
      French translation:
      Plus de 10 millions de morts, 500 000 femmes violées... et toujours le silence. Jusqu'à quand ? Entre avril et juillet 1994, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) ex-Zaïre, a été envahie par un afflux de réfugiés rwandais et depuis lors, elle est constamment attaquée et pillée par des troupes venues du Rwanda et de l'Ouganda. Que se passe-t-il dans ce pays où les morts se comptent désormais par millions et les viols par centaines de milliers ? Charles Onana démontre que l'on assiste, depuis 1994, à l'invasion masquée du Congo par des milices et des troupes de Paul Kagame, le chef de l'Etat rwandais soutenu au départ par l'administration Clinton et ensuite par la France de Nicolas Sarkozy. A partir de témoignages exclusifs et de documents de la CIA, des archives de la Maison Blanche, de l'Elysée et de l'Union Européenne, l'auteur dévoile comment les Etats-Unis ont formé cet homme sans foi ni loi, pour servir leurs intérêts en RDC, en République Centrafricaine, au CongoBrazzaville, et dans d'autres états d'Afrique Centrale où la guerre entre l'Occident, la Chine et la Russie est féroce pour le contrôle des ressources minières stratégiques. Insatiables, les prédateurs dépècent la RDC et pillent ses richesses. Après 20 années de recherches, l'auteur alerte l'opinion sur l'extermination programmée des populations locales alors que plusieurs chefs d'Etats de la région et un ambassadeur européen ont déjà été assassinés. Charles Onana explique surtout comment la mise à mort de la RDC est organisée en utilisant la terreur et le mensonge dans le dessein de faire main basse sur des minerais indispensables à l'industrie mondiale de l'armement, de la téléphonie mobile et de la transition énergétique. Un document explosif sur les coulisses du gigantesque massacre d'êtres humains qui se déroule à quelques heures d'avion de nos pays occidentaux. Charles ONANA est docteur en science politique, spécialiste de l'Afrique des Grands Lacs et des conflits armés. Auteur de plusieurs livres de référence sur cette région dont Europe crimes et censure au Congo (Duboiris), Rwanda : La vérité sur l'Opération Turquoise (L'Artilleur), Enquêtes sur un attentat : Rwanda 6 avril 1994 (L'Artilleur), il a longtemps travaillé avec l'enquêteur Pierre Péan sur le Rwanda et la RDC. Charles Millon, ministre de la Défense de Jacques Chirac de 1995 à 1997, a vécu l'invasion du Congo-Zaïre aux avant-postes politiques et raconte son expérience personnelle dans la préface de cet ouvrage.

    • @user-jv9kg5lj5l
      @user-jv9kg5lj5l Před 4 měsíci

      U just wait what will come from congo looting there gold and killing there. Citizens with no. Reason

    • @2BluntsLaterJr
      @2BluntsLaterJr Před 4 měsíci

      @@congoleseyouthnetworkc.y.n1803now show the statistic of Congolese killed before these so called “Rwandans” and Ugandans” entered the land

    • @blessed_lana6965
      @blessed_lana6965 Před 3 měsíci +1

      You are not victorious. Kagame created a segregated system that will backfire one day

  • @casemirop6
    @casemirop6 Před 2 lety +2

    This video is good for help tenk you 🙏

  • @ndayisabadannynepo6921
    @ndayisabadannynepo6921 Před rokem +9

    I pity these innocent kids
    Their dads and moms we’re busy doing Genocide against Tutsi but look how these little angels are paying the cost??
    Dear Lord where were you to let this happen in my country???
    I’m glad now we have a president who can’t let this happen again

    • @piotrg.1855
      @piotrg.1855 Před 3 měsíci

      I'm so sorry.
      ,,It is people who brought this fate to people."
      Zofia Nalkowska

  • @juanrivas2888
    @juanrivas2888 Před 3 lety +11

    😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 dear lord Jesus Christ, come to us and establish your kingdom... Take away our Suffering..
    Oh Father... 🙏🙏🙏

    • @linklanre
      @linklanre Před 2 lety +1

      Jesus knows what to do. Don't tell him what to do. Jeez!

    • @akatamaisonbien-etre372
      @akatamaisonbien-etre372 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@linklanre Ask and it shall be given. Speak it shall be accomplished. Justice for weak ones

  • @fullu471
    @fullu471 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Oh lord come down and manifest your power, plz listen to all innocent people

  • @fremwamedia1976
    @fremwamedia1976 Před 5 lety +2

    African people ,African leader ,daaaa!!!!!

  • @promotakorodiug3151
    @promotakorodiug3151 Před 5 lety +1

    my God thank you

  • @felipekennedy3135
    @felipekennedy3135 Před 5 lety +14

    please GOD have mercy, and come and set your kingdom upon this earth, and let us receive your justice, peace, and dignity,that we all, every one of your children are entitled to.including these people, they are my brothers and sisters, but are being humiliated because of their poverty and lack of knowledge.

    • @franciswambugu8444
      @franciswambugu8444 Před 5 lety +1

      Ohhhh my God remember these people in Jesus name Amen

    • @mosesmwaura1058
      @mosesmwaura1058 Před 4 lety

      The right prayer for the current happening in the world..

    • @rusakehesron8447
      @rusakehesron8447 Před 4 lety +1

      God is punishing them. They have been killing tutsi since 1959 yearly without any punishment, may they perish

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 Před 2 lety

      @Jahno Lee God revealed himself to you by his (genetic code, dna) which is evident within us, and it's God who made it evident to us. for since he Created the universe, his invisable attributes, his eternal power and divine nature as a (God being) are clearly seen, and understood by what he Created and was made, so you are without excuse.(Romans1;18-22) Hell is the Absence of God, so don't die without him.

    • @felipekennedy3135
      @felipekennedy3135 Před 2 lety

      @Jahno Lee your questions are stupid, from the beginning , we know that it's appointed unto man once to die then the Judgement, we know man chose to eat of the fruit of knowledge, good and bad, and science, so that's the reason we must all come from the earth and return to the earth, including JFK; God is no respector of persons we must all die, and stand before God on Judgement day. Fear God, friend, that's my advice to you fear god and obey him.

  • @asantisibomana3
    @asantisibomana3 Před 5 lety +34

    Always I repeat once you killing innocent no Tutsi, no Hutu, no any race was born for die but if you do it yourself and your family will get production from what you have Planted

    • @umurungijeaninne4756
      @umurungijeaninne4756 Před 5 lety +4

      Oya nawe aho waba ntambabazi ugira,ariko ubwo turiya twana uratureba koko,ahubwo dufatanyirize hamwe tushake uko ubuhunzi bwacika burundu tu

    • @asantisibomana3
      @asantisibomana3 Před 5 lety +3

      @@umurungijeaninne4756 nukuri Biragatsindwa niba nawe ndumva utari mubahora bifuza intambara rwose ntakiza cyayo nabonye ndikumwe nawe kandi imana izaturinde amakuba nkaya kuba yakongera kubaho

    • @ayii779
      @ayii779 Před 5 lety +8

      Umurungi Jeaninne hhhhummm sha bontampuhwe zibibondo bakubise kunkuta ngoninzoka nababyeyi bateyibisongo! Naba nabo barikumwe nabanyina barikubaha ibiryo

    • @lilsteph9249
      @lilsteph9249 Před 5 lety +3

      Umurungi Jeaninne apuu boko basekute impinja zaju

    • @rukoranyangabo9128
      @rukoranyangabo9128 Před 3 lety +1

      @@asantisibomana3 GAHINI mwene Adamu na Eva amaze kwica murumunawe Abel kubera ishyari nkaho yakihanye/ yagasabye imbabazi Ahubwo agatangira kuburanya Imana Imana yaramuvumye we nurubyarorwe.
      Ariko y'umviseko igihano ahawe kiremereye nkaho nanone yagasabye imbabazi yinubirako kiremereye ariko Imana yimbabazi yemera kukigabanya.....Soma ( ITAGIRIRO 4:3-13)
      Imana ihora abana gukiranirwa kwa base kugeza kubuvivi bwabo Soma ( Kuva 20:5-6(
      Ariko iyo Umuntu yiyemeje kwitandukabya bibyaha bya bakurambere, ubwoko nangwa umuryango Imana ihindora imibanire bawe SOMA ( Isaya 1:18-20)
      Ikimbabaza nuko abeshyi bagipfumbase ubugome muntoki no kwinangira nka GAHINI mwene Adamu na Eva.

  • @masrofiq7136
    @masrofiq7136 Před 4 lety +6

    Ya, Allah mdah2n ad jlan kluarnya

  • @tumukundesylvie1550
    @tumukundesylvie1550 Před rokem +1

    Ikibabaza nuko intambara ibabaza cyane abatayifitemo uruhare

  • @bdtvurumuri7712
    @bdtvurumuri7712 Před rokem +4

    Gukorera abatutsi Genocide byateye abahutu umwaku batazibagirwa mumateka yabo

  • @higirodonald6005
    @higirodonald6005 Před rokem +2

    😢mwagarutse i wanyu ko interahamwe zigiye kubamaza inzara? Murabungera mu mashyamba mushirira ubusa ! Mu Rwanda ni amahoro.

  • @sankardebnath3834
    @sankardebnath3834 Před 5 lety +15

    we are lost of humanity .

    • @giepramudya0993
      @giepramudya0993 Před 3 lety +5

      they were the ones who killed the Tutsi first and they had to accept karma

    • @nshizirungujules5885
      @nshizirungujules5885 Před rokem

      Ask them the reason why they killed innocent Tutsi good citizens stupid

  • @mwangiirungu3670
    @mwangiirungu3670 Před 4 lety +10

    Dammn!i couldnt watch the whole crying love from Kenya

  • @inhthienun7125
    @inhthienun7125 Před 4 lety +2

    Chúc những người trong video này có sức khỏe và hạnh phúc

  • @sebananiandrew9422
    @sebananiandrew9422 Před 5 lety +3

    Ooh uwifuza intambara ntarabona impore rwanda

  • @UwuwmukizaDenyse-xq4zx
    @UwuwmukizaDenyse-xq4zx Před měsícem +1

    My God My God ,why ? Ikeremwa muntu n' ururupfu cya pfuye Koko? Mbega mbega ibyahise ukuntu byari bibi????

  • @ImpanoMarius
    @ImpanoMarius Před 5 lety +3

    the values of human is nothing in the sight of other

  • @user-dl4ki6th3h
    @user-dl4ki6th3h Před 2 měsíci +1

    Koko batasye komurwanda bakwakirwa neza bahumure murwanda dufite perezida mwiza pee akunda abayarwanda 💔abo bana baraziriki Koko ?

  • @edhoheriantanot8913
    @edhoheriantanot8913 Před rokem +1

    Membayangkan nya saja sudah sangat mengerikan,semoga allah menyelesaikan semua perkara ini,amin

  • @judengenechukwuemeka3811
    @judengenechukwuemeka3811 Před 6 měsíci +1

    As a black I must say that Almighty God is not fair to us.

  • @primaellebienheureux1285
    @primaellebienheureux1285 Před 5 lety +5

    Ô mon Dieu accord ta grâce pour ces gens

  • @Bavaria-yv4cc
    @Bavaria-yv4cc Před 4 lety +2

    Mbega ngo abana barahagorerwa weee!


    Vraiment ce dure de voire de telle souffrance 💔💔

  • @glorialuhaka6168
    @glorialuhaka6168 Před 5 lety +7

    Ohhhhh God

  • @ntakavurojohndamascene4813

    Abanyarwanda babonye byinshi nukuri Imana yonyine niyo yadukiza ibikomere twahuye nabyo mungeri zose!

  • @bienvenus.n4072
    @bienvenus.n4072 Před 2 měsíci

    Ubundu is more than 600 km from Gisenyi, many people died on their way to this camp.

  • @fabiogabi7030
    @fabiogabi7030 Před 5 lety +4

    Q deus esteja cm esse povo

    • @Android-Market-PR
      @Android-Market-PR Před rokem +1

      You know that many of them were part of militias that committed genocide

  • @Paradise-bk4fl
    @Paradise-bk4fl Před rokem +6

    c'est beaucoup triste, voir un enfant dans les bras de sa mère à bout de souffle 😭mais je me souviens de la parole que Dieu a dit à Cahin, quand il a versé le sang de son frère Abel, Ces gens que vous voyez comme ça,ils tuaient les Tutsis qui étaient dans une vie pire que ceux que vous voyez ici!ils tuaient des Tutsis qui avaient faim, beaucoup d'entre eux riaient joyeusement quand on tuait des Voisins.Les choses que les Hutus rwandais ont faites dépassent l'entendement humain.


    Bébé oyo na maboko y maman na ye on dirait asi akufa nzambe na ngai 😭😭

  • @rev.joelniyigena4343
    @rev.joelniyigena4343 Před 5 lety +3

    Oh my God , nizeyeko abanyarwanda batozongera kwemerera abayobozi babashuka ngo bange Bagenzi babo.

  • @souleymanekonate7785
    @souleymanekonate7785 Před 5 lety +1

    Vraiment dieu et grand

  • @anuaryally6177
    @anuaryally6177 Před 5 lety +13

    Jamani tuilinde amani yetu mfano kwa wenzetu tunaona sisi wanyonge ndio wa kuteseka wakubwa wanapo pa kukimbilia na familia zao mungu ibariki afrika ibariki tanzania

  • @tayvan6473
    @tayvan6473 Před 5 lety +2

    Đất trồng trọt chính phủ cải cách như v.n. chi người dân ăn no kh làm được thì xuống người khát thay.

  • @dhotraore2625
    @dhotraore2625 Před 4 lety +3

    Que Dieu veille sur vous

  • @thegreat5534
    @thegreat5534 Před 4 lety +1

    Where’s love in this world ? God we need your faith


    That was a Painful and Darkness Moment, Only God knows Never Again!!!!!!

  • @user-qe8vp1gw6e
    @user-qe8vp1gw6e Před rokem +1


  • @benjaminbayingana8946
    @benjaminbayingana8946 Před 4 lety +8

    Vous avez tué les tutsi pour rien mais vous aussi vous avez payé très cher

  • @user-ji5ou1bq9y
    @user-ji5ou1bq9y Před 5 lety

    Oh i feel sad

  • @sofialinus2944
    @sofialinus2944 Před 5 lety +4

    😢 😭😭😭😭

  • @jballer.7434
    @jballer.7434 Před 5 lety +4

    Ntakeza kabahutu pee ubwose Bari baziko ibyo bakoze bitazabagiraho ingaruka ibi byose Ni ingaruka zicyaha ariko Uzi impinja mwahoraga ubusa namwe Ni mwumve akebo kajya iwabo wamugarura

    • @kabahiremireille356
      @kabahiremireille356 Před 5 lety +2

      Abantu bari gupfa nabi ngo nabahutu bari kuryozwa ibyo bakoze haraho ubonye ko arabahutu gusa???

    • @mutambajane1196
      @mutambajane1196 Před 4 lety

      Ubuzima nubwimana wenda urabona aribyiza aba bazabaza isi icyo yabamariye naho kuvuga ngo nabahutu naziriyampinja zizabacira urubanza ahazaza witonde rero

    • @emmanuelmukombozi8738
      @emmanuelmukombozi8738 Před rokem +1

      Vuga make uwiminsi iteruye ntaremera ibyamoko bifashe hasi arumuhutu arumututsi bose ntamahoro bafite Bose nibibazo gusa

  • @ilhamkerimov2417
    @ilhamkerimov2417 Před 5 lety +2


  • @qwerrtyuiopural4006
    @qwerrtyuiopural4006 Před 5 lety +4

    Why do they give birth to children, doom them to torment?

  • @mukamwizamediatrice4408
    @mukamwizamediatrice4408 Před 2 měsíci

    Eeeee inzara, mbega ibihe😮😢 ayiweee umva ntibizasubire ukundu nukuri. Kuko ntibyari byoroshye habe nagato.

  • @leonieuwingeneye5750
    @leonieuwingeneye5750 Před 2 měsíci

    Datawe mbega inzara mu bana Mana😢😢😢

  • @indian6578
    @indian6578 Před 4 lety

    21first century this ravandian pepol very poor God plz helping this pepol I

  • @augyjo5623
    @augyjo5623 Před 5 lety +4

    Yoooooo mbega utwana tubabaye huuuuuuu Mana tabara. Ariko rqose batashye ko I Rwanda ari amahoro?

  • @user-tm1mz1kz9d
    @user-tm1mz1kz9d Před 4 lety +8

    Господи , но почему такая несправедливость ? Я смотрела и слезы сами текли не переставая .

    • @kristab321
      @kristab321 Před 2 lety +5

      What about the injustice of the hundreds of thousands of Tutsis that were slaughtered? What about the Tutsi children hacked to death with machetes by the Hutus??

    • @user-yw4vc9zt6e
      @user-yw4vc9zt6e Před rokem

      H by CT we we we

    • @user-yw4vc9zt6e
      @user-yw4vc9zt6e Před rokem

      S s in

    • @emmanuelmushaija6827
      @emmanuelmushaija6827 Před rokem

      And these people you are seeing here are the ones who slaughtered Tutsis their neighbors

  • @muhammadnaeem6743
    @muhammadnaeem6743 Před 3 lety

    Some leaders make their nation while a lot off leaders destroyed.

  • @kamaberajulie9797
    @kamaberajulie9797 Před rokem

    God has saved some of them....

  • @nybernard7735
    @nybernard7735 Před 5 lety

    Name ya

  • @satinazaco3083
    @satinazaco3083 Před 4 měsíci

    vraiment c'est triste 😭😭😭

  • @augyjo5623
    @augyjo5623 Před 5 lety

    Ibi biriho ubu cyangwa ni ibyo muri 1994???

  • @emapun7095
    @emapun7095 Před 5 lety

    When did this exodus happen? Hope it's not the 1994 refugees trek

  • @ingabireregine9791
    @ingabireregine9791 Před 2 lety

    Iyi video ndabona imaze iminsi,ariko se izimpunzi ubu ziracyariyo muri congo?cg zabonye ubutabazi?

    • @user-yz4lc6xo7x
      @user-yz4lc6xo7x Před 2 měsíci

      Baratashye Beshi abatarztaha nabafitobyo ikigaragara cyo uracyari muto ntubizi pee

    • @GisaboKelia
      @GisaboKelia Před měsícem

      Hafi yabose BARISHWE

  • @aliancedanny2451
    @aliancedanny2451 Před 5 lety +8

    Uwakoze ibi ukobirikose aringe nabumubaza narye aryame niyo atabibazwa hano kwisi aImana izabimubaza

    • @ayii779
      @ayii779 Před 5 lety +2

      Aliance Danny hum nabanabo barikubaha ibiryo mwebwe mwasize mubahaye imihoro nanyabarongo! Urumva nguranavumvura

  • @user-ke4ni2xv9u
    @user-ke4ni2xv9u Před 2 měsíci

    Urwanda rwarababaye kuva cyera kandi ntekerezako uburibwe abantu bahunze 1959 bagiriye mu buhungiro bifite ingaruka zikomeye mbi byateje abanyarwanda. Nubu kandi abanyaranda ntitwakwitega ko ababana barikwica ninzara babwirwako bahunze igihugu cyabo ntabwo bazakura bishimye nkuko byagakwiriye. Hari umutima w'ubumuntu batakaza kuko ntawo bigeze bagaragarozwa. Nubwo mbona bitazigera bibaho ariko abayobozi bagakwiriye kujya batekereza ikintu cyakorwa ariko Rwanda ntikomeze kugira impunzi ziba mu kambi hanze u'igihugu kuko bituma abakuriye murubwo buzima bahungabana bagatakaza umutima mwiza ukwiriye umunyarwanda. Aba bana lmana ibakire kuko ndabona kubaho bigoye. Erega ni uko bitashoboka twanaboherereza ibyokurya kuko ni abacu kuko nubwo bamwe muribo basize bahekuye urwanda ariko twemeranye ko aba bana barikwishyura ikiguzi cy'ibyo batariye barigupfa urubozo kandi bari imbaraga zejo hazaza.

  • @charissaofgacha5997
    @charissaofgacha5997 Před 4 lety +1


  • @ather6454
    @ather6454 Před 3 lety +1

    Yesu we???

  • @agathajardim1416
    @agathajardim1416 Před 5 lety

    Cade os em dinheirados para ajudar

  • @user-dc9kl4cg1d
    @user-dc9kl4cg1d Před 2 měsíci

    Nanagahinda namarira atagira ingano .mbegawe insi nimbi Bituma nyihaga rwose .

  • @diogan3446
    @diogan3446 Před 5 lety +1

    Allahu Akbar...

    • @paigekizio4840
      @paigekizio4840 Před 4 lety

      Umvamwese murikururiraho amakara yubusa mwakishima mutishima kubahura nizintambara byose ntawuzasigara adafuye wabahoneza utabahoneza uzafa ntukwiriye guca imanza kuko ntuzi urwawe ukorucibwa imbere yimana ntukwiye kwishimira igikorwa nkiki menyakowambaye umubiri uzasarurakubora kandi nuwishewese byanga byakunda azabazwa ariyamaraso yoseyanwe nuwambaye umubirinkawe imana niyo ibizi naho kuwabikozewese yigiramwere ariko nubwo wabahoneza uzafa ubore nkabowishe ngewe navugagukyo nzikonzatura nkumusozi birabaje kubona umuntunkuyu yishira biriya azineza naho isi igeze mumarembera kuko biriya byokwisubiramokwibiremwa biranditse shimimana niba ntamaraso yabagenzibawe akurikumutima waba waragiriweneza kuba ntawe wishe kuko iteka wikanga kubera kowakoze ibyimana itemeranyaho numuntu uvusha amaraso yamugenziwe nkandi ntukishimireko mugenziwawe yafuye kandinawe urinyumaye hambiriza satani yateye abantu gukorabiriya ntamuntu ufite ubumuntu bwumubiri uzasarurakobora wakica mugenziwe kariyakageni imana nitabare ibyoyiremeye bifete ubgomenkubwo bwokwicana mumfa ibitaribyanyu kuko mwese murinyangabirama kumana mwakoze ibyomudashijwe uwakoze amahanonkariya imana iramuzi nutarabikoze iramuzi niyomphamvu udakiye gucirimanza abutazinezako ubihagazeho imbonankubone kandi ntukishimire ko kanaka yamfuye kuko nawe nturiho ntukiteranyanimana uvuga gukyo kubafuye ruriya babazwa nurwo wowe uzamfa ukamusangayo Kandi umenyeko uwabishe wese yiikoreye ibyahabyabo birababaje kubona abantu bicabandi ntabwoba biragaraza kimana igiye guhindura amateka yisi nkambere ukobyagendekeye abatubanjirije ariko ushobora kuba utareba mubindibihugu ibirikuberamo ntuba ubona ikyuvuga isiyose yuzuye ubugome ntugirego nahohonyine ibahanuwe byarasohoye gusa rinda ururimi ruvuga ibikwiriyeye bidaha agaciro imanayaee

  • @adupako1057
    @adupako1057 Před 3 lety +8

    I hope the diasporas can see how their families have suffered from the hands of the evil doers. They pretend as if they are not in support of the action

  • @pascalnyamaswa1534
    @pascalnyamaswa1534 Před rokem

    Tustis blood will haunt you forever………….Muzapfa mwangara.

  • @alicebahufite8069
    @alicebahufite8069 Před 5 lety +6

    vremt les gens ont bcp souffert

  • @kikaysann5103
    @kikaysann5103 Před 5 lety +26

    This is the revenge karma after their family members killed so many tutsi in 1994.

    • @omlenaomlena5920
      @omlenaomlena5920 Před 5 lety +3

      Urumugwayi kabisa mumutwe,Tutsi were the one killing innocent people ,you can see the résultats pour ca be careful what you write God is watching

    • @juliamafune6941
      @juliamafune6941 Před 5 lety +1


    • @omlenaomlena5920
      @omlenaomlena5920 Před 5 lety +5

      @@juliamafune6941 yes tutsi did it,and innocent hutu got problem henceforth this happened to hutu children,God will punish them ,those tutsi did this,not all Tutsi but to those who killed innocent hutu .God is watching them,let's thing a bit in 1994 only Tutsi were killed??if a war start it choice whom to kill who brings killing is Satan and to a human being God's creations he doesn't select whom to be killed or not ,who is killed or not he uses the personal who have accepted to work for him,both side Tutsi and Hutu .

    • @Queen-ze1tm
      @Queen-ze1tm Před 4 lety

      @@rusakehesron8447 how about other beasts who did the same? Becareful with ur words plz

    • @Kimi9507rw
      @Kimi9507rw Před 3 lety +3

      @TheSushiraw I'm tutsi I lost EVERYONE. my baby cousin of 2months got crushed, my grand mother got stoned to death, my mother got raped by 10+ men in front of my eyes and then hacked to death... 24 people in my family and I am the ONLY one left just because we happen to be tutsi. Do you think I still have the ability to care? They didn't care about which percentage was in the FPR. So I don't care which percentage commited genocide.

  • @beatriceuwingabire3501

    Mwami yesu

  • @afisahumwari9154
    @afisahumwari9154 Před rokem

    Mwashye iwanyu mwanterahamwe congo yacu ikabona amahoro

  • @jobsunguti9224
    @jobsunguti9224 Před 9 měsíci

    this is what Europe airs about Africa,dwelling negativity and hiding exploitation of African resources.

  • @kk-qf2db
    @kk-qf2db Před 5 lety +4

    Как можно было довести людей до такого состояния ??????

  • @stuatspruce1861
    @stuatspruce1861 Před 7 lety +1

    God resue these people

    • @michaelmage9627
      @michaelmage9627 Před 6 lety +1

      Why?? Let them hack each other to death. Who the fuck cares?

    • @mrblackandswan250forever5
      @mrblackandswan250forever5 Před 5 lety +1

      Stuat Spruce that was in 1994-1998...

    • @ahorukomeyeolivier5149
      @ahorukomeyeolivier5149 Před 5 lety +2

      Do u know what they did in they country?they killed 1000.000 million tutsi's in 3 mounth, god can't rescue them coz he know what they did

    • @mrblackandswan250forever5
      @mrblackandswan250forever5 Před 5 lety +2

      @@ahorukomeyeolivier5149 nonese Bose Niko bishe ariko urikigoryi sha? Bariya bana nabagore nibo uvuga bishe 1000000 urikigoryi..ndakugaye 💯.kuki urimo ucira urubanza abantu binzirakarengane? Of course harimwo abishe but sibose. ufite ikibazo kirondakoko wowe.arko ubundi uzi abahutu bapfuye uko bangana wakigoryi we? Barenga niyo miliyoni uvuga...nanga imbecile nkawe.Kandi buriya wasanga urininzanga yavutse nyuma 1994.ariko ukaba wibaraguza amangambure
      Kandi ibyo wivugisha ngo Imana ntiyabatabara uribeshya, YARABATABAYE. I'm a Tutsi but I disagree with you bitch. I hate nonsense and injustice,God watched what R.P.F did in DR Congo. God is a supreme Judger. Rest in peace to all Victims (Rwandese and Congolese)😭😭😭😭

    • @manganamanganamanganamanga7313
      @manganamanganamanganamanga7313 Před 5 lety +1

      ila mulaniwe ote munaosababisha kuhangaika binadamu kama hawa ,cjui kama munapatafaida nachukizwa saana na vitendo hivi

  • @edwardjoseph3528
    @edwardjoseph3528 Před 3 lety

    Tushimira imaana abha tanzania yatuhaye amahoro yiteka

  • @ahmadalkhmaeseh3686
    @ahmadalkhmaeseh3686 Před 4 lety +1


  • @rezvanmukurwa3322
    @rezvanmukurwa3322 Před 5 lety +1

    C est trrs dangerous.

  • @samoramachelsms3798
    @samoramachelsms3798 Před 2 lety

    Turabubona ubutwari Inkotanyi zagize muri mwebwe HE president Paul kagame kuko kuva mubohoye igihugu mugahagarika Genocide yakorewe abatutsi1994 ubu Rwanda niyambere muri Africa iyagatandatu kwisi mwisuku numutekano no kurwanya covid 🙏🇷🇼

  • @Davidkasinzi
    @Davidkasinzi Před 9 měsíci

    hoooo! seigneur sauveur l'est de la RDC

  • @user-ud7bg3sk9v
    @user-ud7bg3sk9v Před 4 lety


  • @erickmnyalu553
    @erickmnyalu553 Před 4 lety +1

    HAKIKA NDO MAANA WAZUNGU HUWA WANATUCHEKA na kufurahia tukiwa na maisha ya namna hiyo ili kupata wakimbiz ambao watasafirishw hadi kwao na kuwafanya WATUMWA....utumw mamboleo huo yaani hiz vita sio buure kuna mikono wa watu weupe sasa raia wengi namna hiyo mateso namna hiyo ukiuliza sababu za kupigania upuuuz mtupu yaani mbona nchi nyinginezo hazipigani wazungu wajanj jamii yenye watu weusii ndo hupandikiz migogor ili kupat wakimbz watu weusi mnasoko jitambueni nyie sheeeenz....

  • @user-vh9cx7oj3w
    @user-vh9cx7oj3w Před 5 lety +2

    God were are you know ?

  • @arumianggraeni6477
    @arumianggraeni6477 Před 5 lety +4

    ya ALLAH help them😥😥😥

  • @tanyanart9914
    @tanyanart9914 Před 4 lety +1


    • @newwymew3563
      @newwymew3563 Před 4 lety


  • @trueofunitedrwandan6132
    @trueofunitedrwandan6132 Před 3 měsíci

    Ahubwo inkotanyi nizo zirirwa zibahiga

  • @ingangareimena5317
    @ingangareimena5317 Před 2 lety

    Umuvumo umuvumo,Nuwo muzapfane nawo mwama shitani mwe

  • @user-pu1fu8et3i
    @user-pu1fu8et3i Před 5 lety +1

    У некоторых мама в теле, а ребенок истощен. Что то странно как то

  • @Ok-fn4zr
    @Ok-fn4zr Před 4 lety


  • @kachawakikazi1217
    @kachawakikazi1217 Před 5 lety +2

    wafrica wote ni wasenge tu mnakubali kupelkwa na nguruwe wa kizungu binafsi mimi na mzungu ni Tofauti kudadadeq mashoga tu wazungu wote

    • @dennishyera6127
      @dennishyera6127 Před 5 lety

      sio kilajambo wazungu,Waafrica tunaponnzwa na chuki choyo,ulafi na umimi. mioyo yetu hupenda kusema kwanini nahuyu awenacho. pia tuombe msamaha kwa Mungu. wengi tumemkataa muumba.

  • @user-vb6hs6fc5d
    @user-vb6hs6fc5d Před 4 měsíci

    Dit un mot papa 😢

  • @januarioanastacioadede9270

    OMG 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @user-om5nv4pq9j
    @user-om5nv4pq9j Před 5 lety +4


  • @mukarugwirohenriette9578
    @mukarugwirohenriette9578 Před 5 lety +2

    Ariko Mana wadukuye kure tukuzamuriye icyubahiro.

  • @paccyntawukenabishaka3795

    Bano bana ntacyaha bafite mubohereze baze mu rwanda tubafashe kuko Hari amahoro.

  • @user-wk8hc2kv2j
    @user-wk8hc2kv2j Před 4 měsíci

    Mwiciraga iki bagenzi banyu kandi namwe muva amaraso nkayabo?

  • @user-di6yt5hv8x
    @user-di6yt5hv8x Před rokem

    Хуту люди земледельцы, среди них много мусульман, надо накормить и помочь им, это ужасно они не рабы, пусть живут, я не могу это 👀!

  • @abongileqhuba4272
    @abongileqhuba4272 Před 5 lety +2

    Nothing is Tutsi or Hutu we are all humanbeings those who created these divisions are the ones who enjoy seeing you waited for their aids so that you will praise them

  • @HenriqueSilva-pi3wl
    @HenriqueSilva-pi3wl Před 5 měsíci

    Europa tem culpa nisso!!!!

  • @toekkababy5329
    @toekkababy5329 Před rokem +4

    This is some high quality entertainment,i love it

  • @ngabofabrice5169
    @ngabofabrice5169 Před 5 lety +4


  • @unikm6490
    @unikm6490 Před rokem