Feeling Is the Secret (1944) by Neville Goddard

  • čas přidán 3. 05. 2024
  • patreon.com/MasterKeySociety
    Summary: "Feeling is the Secret" is a personal development book written by Neville Goddard, first published in 1938. The book is a guide to using the power of our thoughts and feelings to shape our reality and create the lives we desire.
    At the core of the book is the idea that our thoughts and feelings are the most powerful forces at our disposal, and that by focusing our thoughts and feelings on what we want to create, we can bring those things into our lives. Goddard argues that the key to creating the life we desire is to fully believe that what we want is already ours, and to feel the feelings of having it now.
    Throughout the book, Goddard offers practical advice and techniques for using the power of our thoughts and feelings to create positive change in our lives. He encourages readers to embrace their own creative power and to take control of their thoughts and feelings in order to create the lives they desire.
    00:00 - Intro
    02:26 - Law and its Operation
    16:02 - Sleep
    30:22 - Prayer
    36:19 - Spirit -- Feeling
    Text - Neville Goddard
    Audio Narration - Adam Hanin
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    This CZcams book is copyright ©2021 Master Key Society
    General Disclaimer:
    This recording is a production of Master Key Society for the purpose of research and study. The views and opinions expressed in this book belong to the author and may not necessarily reflect those of Master Key Society, nor its affiliates.
    About Master Key Society:
    Our educational channel offers rare and often previously unseen books in an easily accessible format. Each book is accompanied by an overview in the description, original narration, and detailed photographs of each page. Our library is intended for academic study and research of metaphysical philosophy, as well as for those seeking wisdom, personal transformation, and self-improvement. We welcome your participation through subscribing and sharing your thoughts in the comments section.
    Recognized by the CZcams community for bringing audio/visual accessibility to these important literary works, Master Key Society is proud to be a supporter of the Philosophical Research Society and a supporting member of The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP).

Komentáře • 3,8K

  • @christopherhobb7702
    @christopherhobb7702 Před rokem +6303

    Every family has that one person who will break the family's financial struggle, I hope you become the one 😊

    • @leahmolly9150
      @leahmolly9150 Před rokem +56

      Assets that can make you rich
      Real estate

    • @noahgonzalez9041
      @noahgonzalez9041 Před rokem +12

      I'm looking for something to venture into on a short term basis, I have about $6k sitting in my savings

    • @kingbush9328
      @kingbush9328 Před rokem +5

      @@noahgonzalez9041 I'm enjoying working under a platform that brings good return in my life and I've been making my weekly returns without stress all in cryptocurrency

    • @kingbush9328
      @kingbush9328 Před rokem +6

      @@noahgonzalez9041 Learn and trade under a guide I do same and I hardly make losses in the market

    • @christianajoe8563
      @christianajoe8563 Před rokem +6

      Now is the best time to purchase and invest stop procrastinating

  • @Marc-tn4jr
    @Marc-tn4jr Před rokem +2389

    For anyone reading this, this teaching (Ofcourse mixed in with others) transformed my life. I am writing to you in my luxury one bedroom in a dream appt in nyc in my dream career. Just be open, have faith and believe. And dream big, you’ll be so surprised how easy it is to have/do/be what you desire. Good luck, it’s all a big game ;)
    Update 11/24/23: coming back here to encourage daily practice. to share my own testimony, I recently just gone out of hard times that forced me to come back here and return to this being a practice. I'm already out of those times and in a higher state. Still in my dream appt and career ;)
    let's be consistent and weather the highs and lows. be well!

  • @purpledragonfly1613
    @purpledragonfly1613 Před rokem +1751

    Don't know how it works, but it does. When I was a teenager I was day dreaming non stop. It was my sort of escapism from pretty dull reality. My parents used to tell me "you should take off your pink tinted glasses and get realistic" I am so glad it has never been heard. My current life is an absolute result of my vivid daydreaming about 15 years ago. Something that I couldn't even imagine back then is my normal every day life today.

    • @angelasmall7663
      @angelasmall7663 Před rokem +84

      I use to get in trouble for daydreaming. Teacher would send home notes, "Angela daydreams a lot". Glad you didn't stop dreaming!!!!

    • @roghabhrideradioshow
      @roghabhrideradioshow Před rokem +25

      Waow! That’s brilliant and I’m fascinated. I’d love to hear more of your story/stories/day dreams that became reality.

    • @priu1325
      @priu1325 Před rokem +42

      I would fantasise all the time when I was a teen and people would think how does she get everything she wants. But now I am not able to manifest anything so easily may be because I have become too practical and have listened to people that not everything comes due to positive thinking.

    • @greenlytego245
      @greenlytego245 Před rokem +11

      Technically that’s exactly what happened. You imagined it lol

    • @codymadison9993
      @codymadison9993 Před rokem +8

      Amen! If you’re a Christian and find life boring, you’re doing it wrong.
      Jesus literally told us to cast out demons and heal the sick, yet as an atheist most my life I never even heard of a Christian doing this and of course I didn’t know they should be since I never read the Bible.

  • @carnelujai
    @carnelujai Před rokem +3155

    To sum the whole book up: “The Universe (subconscious mind) has the microphone on all the time, so be conscious of your thoughts”

  • @MrsOZ-nj5ty
    @MrsOZ-nj5ty Před 2 lety +5249

    "never entertain an undesirable feeling." "You always feel that your wish has been fulfilled before you drift off to sleep" "always feel feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction before falling asleep"

  • @MarcellinaMoon
    @MarcellinaMoon Před 4 měsíci +378

    it is 12/26/2023 and I am going to listen to this daily starting now and moving into 2024. May everyone reading and listening to this have a beautiful 2024 and beyond filled with abundance, financial wealth, friendship and love, and sharing of your gifts and service to others! We are at a pivotal point of humanity and sharing this information and loving one another will change the world.

    • @RaymondBastien-li6co
      @RaymondBastien-li6co Před 4 měsíci

      Power back in prayer. Tell-A-Vision. The keys.
      When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin, (who later took the titles Pope and the council of Cardinals) They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer when they instituted the translation in the Latin. They did, infact, turn our Father Creator into a fetch/vending machine. Thereby, leaving every part of it up to him. Hallow your own name, do your own will, restore your kingdom yourself. (Think about it.) What of this includes you? None of it includes you. Other than you being a sit on the couch recipient of his deeds, of course. Originally, Jesus had said it in the Greek. And here it is.
      Our Father who art in heaven.
      Thy name must be being Hallowed. (That means, you Hallow it.)
      They Will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven. (Guess who's on earth? You are. It's up to you to do his Will here.)
      Thy kingdom must be being restored. (Yeah, that's you again. And for the individual, it doesn't mean unto the whole world, it is generational. Lovingly, slowly, repetitively, patiently tell your children. Ten years, that's how long it takes to put it in their hearts. Remember, do not turn it into a weapon. Your neck, the mill stone and the sea.)
      Give us today, our tomorrow's bread. (The wisdom of Jesus, as though we stood beside him in the present tense.)
      Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who have hurt us. (Now, what I am writing here will make a lot more sense once you have read, keys to the Kingdom. If you have truly reconciled them unto your heart and forgiven them to the full measure, is this not the first time that this has come out of your mouth in all it's intended honesty? I'm betting it is.)
      Lead us away from evil, delivering us from its temptation as these are not that which you intended. (This may differ as I could not find the translation for accuracy.)
      Bottom line here is that you are a required part of the power pack.
      He goes before us and prepares the way. Is
      Simply this. You want or need a better position and pay. So, you pray unto the Father and he, because the Father is a mind, he is mentality, (the kybalion will explain this perfectly.) He reaches forth in thought, whispering to the hearts and minds of those who will assist you, to give you that which you have asked for. (In belief. Ask, believe and receive.)This requires you to do your part, go to work.
      Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you, and he desires that you want one with him. That means, you have your part in this. Do your part. Now, remembering that our Father is a mind, he, when communicating with the prophets did this in visions. So, when you pray to the Father remember, the words are for you to build a vision with. In essence, Tell-A-Vision to the Father. Let him see it in your mind. Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy.
      Now, in order for prayer to work, the the Father said, if you have anything against your brother go make peace, really. And you know as well as anyone, in this day and anger age, it's often unwise to do so, in person, that is. Follow the instructions below.
      The Keys to the Kingdom
      When one understands reconciliation to its fullest meaning, one understands forgiveness. Without reconciliation, forgiveness cannot stand. Reconciliation kills, on impact, all negative emotion. All of it, from your first breath, unto your last. The only emotion that reconciliation cannot defend itself against, is that of love. Love is energy, your soul is energy. So, if the adage, you are what you eat, is true, then the only thing feeding your soul is love and your soul will mature properly and become love in of itself, as we have been commanded, to become like our Father. Who, in of himself, is love. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord, because when you give him vengeance, he turns it into correction and saves his other child, if they will let him. Imagine how you are going to feel towards your enemy in heaven. If you can really imagine the truest form of that feeling, congratulations, those feelings have just transcended time and space. In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer, you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it. Again, congratulations, you just asked, believed and received. The Father creator loved us, reconciled us unto himself and forgave us. The steps matter. Unless reconciliation is first, forgiveness falls flat on it's face and dies. Forsake the parade. Go unto the Father yourself and take the walk of life with your hand in his. And consider this, with our Father, I truly believe it's, come as you are and I will change you as I need you. Start your commitment to him with these words if they suit you. Finish the statements. Here I am. I am willing. What is the truth? And you had better be sincere or it's going to fail.
      (Anger. Let us deal with this for a moment. If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago, it's because, you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie. This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored. And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment, so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you been duped. And now that you know, what are you going to do, fake angry? As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past, stop it. Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today, unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.)
      (Do not invite the back stabber to your table, here. What they did matters, they, given the opportunity, will do it again. You have a date in heaven, see them there. Old people bring old habits.)
      (Live in reconciliation. Do not leave that state of being.)
      (Live in believe, of ask, believe and receive. This would have been better stated as, ask believe and be given. Recieving means to be given, therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond, believe. That's the Father's right and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion. Also, Throw away the timer.)
      (Regarding Faith. Faith is simply loyalty. Loyalty to the fact that you asked, loyalty to the fact that you believed. Stay loyal, stay faithful. Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.)
      (As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well, it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head, and it's running constantly. We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us. This is how silent prayer is heard. And anytime you do anything good or bad, your heart has an intention and emotional reaction. That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged. And your judgement is handed down second to last breath. Because up until then you can change your mind about your intention to our Father. You can come to understand this better if you read the letters on the internet from nurses who have been presant for the death of those patients they have been charged to take care of. Worst death bed passings, you'll find them. And you will find good one's as well. This is why your sincerity in your commitment to the Father and to honesty with him are so very important.)
      (Do not end your prayers with, Amen. To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended. And in that, your right. It's over. End your prayers with, So Be It. This way the energy moves into the future. And it's the translation of, Amen, but in words that, as you understand, have a whole different meaning.)
      (Do not judge lest you be judged with the same measure. Meaning, when we judge we will be put in the same situation, doing the same thing that we were judging others for. Break all judgements through sincere intention. After all, people and situations change. So, let it be to you as this, "They are still alive." No further, for the Father has got this.)
      (Anxiety/Stagnation is common place with our Father. He gives us time for what he is teaching us to take it's place in our lives and become a living part of who we are before adding more of his wisdom to our mindset. If it were not so with man, what we learned would become buried under the new knowledge and become worthless.)

    • @margaretclitherow7313
      @margaretclitherow7313 Před 4 měsíci +12

      Today I am an agent of your wonderful human imagination calling you back to listen once again. Abundance is yours.

    • @sherrieconnelly839
      @sherrieconnelly839 Před 4 měsíci +4

      Same to you 😊

    • @TrietLyCuocSongGSH
      @TrietLyCuocSongGSH Před 3 měsíci +3

      I am very interested in hearing your sharing, I listen and read many of your books, they are very wonderful, you are the most inspirational person I have ever met.

    • @Raksha1111
      @Raksha1111 Před 3 měsíci +4

      26/12 is my bday what a coincidence

  • @aillie8858
    @aillie8858 Před rokem +808

    "You never attract that which you want, but always attract that which you are conscious of being"

    • @Bogancharisma
      @Bogancharisma Před rokem +16

      I only sleep with women, but I always have gays attracted to me. Am I sexually attracted to men? Nope

    • @joannawarwick358
      @joannawarwick358 Před rokem +21

      @@Bogancharisma ???

    • @Bogancharisma
      @Bogancharisma Před rokem +3

      @@joannawarwick358 ???

    • @Splakyy
      @Splakyy Před rokem +8

      @@Bogancharisma 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Bogancharisma
      @Bogancharisma Před rokem +1

      @@Splakyy You understand, Joanna Warwick is a lesbian from Shropshire or some other ugly town. She didn't understand..

  • @Dailah_soul
    @Dailah_soul Před rokem +233

    Wow. I tried listening to this months ago & it wasn’t really registering near as much. I fed it to my subconscious day & night. Played it in the background & finished my daily tasks & went to sleep, listening to it. This was 2 months ago. Listening to this today, I understand EVERY THING. It’s hitting me so smoothly. I understand Every thing.

    • @wakonetmato
      @wakonetmato Před rokem +11

      Your vibration is now matching that kinda information

    • @msannthrope_2049
      @msannthrope_2049 Před rokem +4

      Gonna try this. I'm happy it's resonating with you. Good Luck to you. 🌱🌼

    • @ands1894
      @ands1894 Před rokem +10

      Thank you for sharing your experience. Sometimes it does take more than one attempt to not just read, but actually register what you read/listen to.

    • @happilyartstudio732
      @happilyartstudio732 Před 10 měsíci +5

      This is how I do this too bit by bit until I get the whole understanding of it. 😊

    • @Dailah_soul
      @Dailah_soul Před 10 měsíci +5

      @@happilyartstudio732 yes it really works. 😂

  • @familiajones1
    @familiajones1 Před 2 lety +3750

    When I was a kid a always went to bed imagine and feeling the best future for me and for my family . And changing my reality inside me first ! And believe or not , I have manifest almost all my life by changing the way I feel things and changing habites. It’s the best thing a human can do ! And it need to be shared . ❤️ thank you .

    • @leobrunelli8536
      @leobrunelli8536 Před 2 lety +35

      Can you explain further? What do you mean by change your reality inside yourself first?

    • @bigrimz2361
      @bigrimz2361 Před 2 lety +65

      So amazing! I use to be able to manifest so much. After my Nom got sick and passed I fell into a deep depression and riddled with Anxiety and it went away.
      Then about two years ago I started going through the same stuff. But I’m coming out of it and slowly I’m seeing results of my manifesting by feeling. Just doing to keep working on that feeling. Reading your comment was very encouraging! Thank you and hope you have a wonderful holiday!🎄♥️

    • @_itshadee
      @_itshadee Před 2 lety +95

      @@leobrunelli8536 This means changing your view towards life.... How you feel about life determines what come to you... If you think it and feel it within you how beautiful life is then definitely you shall experience the reality... Your external reality is a condition of your internal make up.. What you experiencing right now this present, this moment is as your internal condition... We living a mirror existence.. You reflect on the outside what you are on in the inside... 😍 🚦 ✌️ Higherconsciousness

    • @leobrunelli8536
      @leobrunelli8536 Před 2 lety +32

      @@_itshadee That is a great explanation. Reminds me of a book I read once called the Power of Positive Thinking. Thank you for the reply Kriss.

    • @alexanderk8414
      @alexanderk8414 Před 2 lety +8

      It's easy to manifest living in western countries and NWO, go and manifest in tcn countries like Afghanistan...etc

  • @panthonymorton
    @panthonymorton Před rokem +1212

    After listening to this a few more times. here are my takeaways: I'm 100% responsible for what happens in my life. The mood I go to sleep in determines the "mood" vibration/frequency of the following day and all that transpires in that day whether good, bad, or indifferent. Last but not least, what I feel is what I attract, and ultimately becomes my experience. I have many more, but I'll stop there. This is gold.

    • @shelbyvillemusica
      @shelbyvillemusica Před rokem +24

      Please, continue

    • @sohara....
      @sohara.... Před rokem +18

      The mood I went to sleep in last night, whatever it was ... I can *revise* it! I can choose to remember how I went to sleep last night as the best possible version
      How I went to sleep feeling healthy & happy!
      I wonder how I'd feel right now, knowing that
      I went to sleep last night *feeling relaxed, satisfied & fulfilled!*
      NG has a talk on changing your mind about the past:
      cf *The Pruning Shears of Revision.*
      This teaching is radical. Life changing. I changing.

    • @Frisbinator
      @Frisbinator Před rokem +1

      Is that all? Hmmmm must not have been a very good book if you can only write two posts about it….unless there’s more?

    • @jasondavis6765
      @jasondavis6765 Před rokem +1

      I agree

    • @roghabhrideradioshow
      @roghabhrideradioshow Před rokem +1


  • @johnmagombo3045
    @johnmagombo3045 Před rokem +336

    This book has been presented to me by a strong divine force... Thank God for the great plans He has for me

  • @OscarLee854
    @OscarLee854 Před 2 měsíci +97

    *I don't know who needs to hear this, but don't chase comfort at the age of labor, so you won't labor at the age of comfort.*

    • @OscarLee854
      @OscarLee854 Před 2 měsíci +5

      “The greater the passive income you can build, the FREER you will become.”

    • @OscarLee854
      @OscarLee854 Před 2 měsíci

      Always put your finances in good care to ensure that your income rises. Wealthy people achieve there financial goals and acquire riches by seeking help from finance pro(s) but many claim to have achieved success themselves.

    • @AlessiaOrtiz
      @AlessiaOrtiz Před 2 měsíci

      That’s a just approach. I’m 40 but my financial life is a mess. Any ideas will go a long way in shaping my life and finances.

    • @OscarLee854
      @OscarLee854 Před 2 měsíci +1

      I operate a wide range of investments and have achieved massive growth in my finances with the help of my financial professional, making my financial goal a reality.

    • @OscarLee854
      @OscarLee854 Před 2 měsíci

      For more info on my finance coach, you can look up the full names below.

  • @contradictions1624
    @contradictions1624 Před 2 lety +1901

    I just watched the matrix today and he said "what goes on in our mind is fiction and what make fiction a reality is feelings" i see alot of manifestation in movies literally everywhere but no one notices! Look around you guys, everything is possible!

    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 2 lety +13

      Always God's Grace!Amen!

    • @Rtwo420
      @Rtwo420 Před 2 lety +36

      There is a video called “becoming neo part 1” by some guy named kevin on CZcams where he breaks down the matrix and explains all life references like this one u posted here. It’s amazing

    • @mattsnameis
      @mattsnameis Před 2 lety +11

      @@Rtwo420 What a coincidence that you mention that vid, it was recommended to me a few days ago 😅

    • @jamestang3295
      @jamestang3295 Před 2 lety +6

      Metaverse will make your dream come true.

    • @snoozyq9576
      @snoozyq9576 Před 2 lety +12

      The movies are famous for a reason. Saying noone noticed is not really accurate.

  • @dylansim9832
    @dylansim9832 Před 2 lety +2687

    This is gold. This is worth more than gold.
    I am abundance. I am healthy. I am wealthy. I am happy.

    • @RaccoonNation
      @RaccoonNation Před 2 lety +27

      I am That I am 🤟🏽🙏✨

    • @niruta---freeoftheiam913
      @niruta---freeoftheiam913 Před 2 lety +14

      i am nothing,i am not even the absence of the presence. I have a question for you. Would you like to have a better dream,better illusion? Or are you more concerned with finding out the truth or essence of your true nature?In other words realising exactly wtf is your essence and how do you know when you have found it. When the answer comes it will come like a flash of lightning.When the kingdom of heaven comes,when the understanding of your true nature comes it will come as in a way as not to seen.No one will say here it is or there its is because the kingdom is within you and outside of you.

    • @markhirstwood4190
      @markhirstwood4190 Před 2 lety +15

      If it's true, why do you need to say it and repeat it? Seems like self-deception. I get the idea of autosuggestion and habits but I can't shake the idea that it's just more just superstitious repetition.

    • @BennMaggs
      @BennMaggs Před 2 lety +28

      @@markhirstwood4190 To decree a thing, it shall come to pass.
      It really is as simple as we say I am that, therefore you will be.
      Your idea of superstition will only add resistance to the feeling you’re trying to reach.

    • @starmorpheus
      @starmorpheus Před 2 lety +2

      @@markhirstwood4190 It's an affirmation you dolt

  • @kindvibes3883
    @kindvibes3883 Před rokem +104

    Let me tell you one thing, when I was a teenager i would always look up in the sky and say things and it would just come true the very next moment, eg: a desired phone call, desired exam result, desired meeting. I would always consider that Universe has a telephone and he listens to all my wishes and they are granted. And I always had immense faith in it. Trust and relax and see how things work

  • @tahirisaid2693
    @tahirisaid2693 Před 10 měsíci +272

    Books are vessels that contain all the information we need to learn/unlearn and remember. I used to be financially depressed until I read a book that made me realized that the secret to making a million is making better investments.

    • @tahirisaid2693
      @tahirisaid2693 Před 10 měsíci

      What I think everyone need is an adviser, who can help you get in and out of any investment at any time and you'd sure be in Profit. With this I feel anyone can basically achieve financial freedom..

    • @tahirisaid2693
      @tahirisaid2693 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Credits to *ROCHELLE DUNGCA-SCHREIBER,* she saw me through the process. You can glance her name up on the internet and verify her yourself. she has years of financial market experience

    • @georgestone0123
      @georgestone0123 Před 10 měsíci

      Heard many good recommendations about Rochelle Dungca-Schreiber by some YT channels, Seminars and other platforms..

    • @hippieHawk
      @hippieHawk Před 10 měsíci +3

      May I ask, what book(s)?

    • @marsha9026
      @marsha9026 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Hi what book was that please do share

  • @AdamHMortimer
    @AdamHMortimer Před 2 lety +848

    This works! At 6 years old I was homeless. I struggled with limiting beliefs. I went from never speaking on stage to speaking to thousands. Creating a multi million dollar coaching program. Becoming a best selling author, inventor, hypnotist. I now travel the world, I take wonderful vacations with my family and live in a beautiful home.

    • @deborahjones9334
      @deborahjones9334 Před 2 lety +12

      I am so, so ready for this.
      Thank you for sharing.

    • @WisdomSuccessAbundance
      @WisdomSuccessAbundance Před 2 lety +19

      Can u get rich without being an extrovert and dealing with public speaking or dealing with people alot? I am an introvert...I don't want to deal with people much or do public speaking to get rich. Your advice is appreciated because I have been dealing with this issue for a while.

    • @AdamHMortimer
      @AdamHMortimer Před 2 lety

      @@WisdomSuccessAbundance Learn to become an extrovert. It can be hard because I too am an introvert but you can totally do it. Do you follow my channel? Adam Mortimer?

    • @kroneexe
      @kroneexe Před 2 lety +19

      @@WisdomSuccessAbundance sure, why wouldn't it be. See and feel yourself as wealthy in your imagination before you sleep, all the way until you fall asleep and it shall come true.

    • @desireeanne916
      @desireeanne916 Před 2 lety +13

      @@AdamHMortimer Watch out folks and dont be deceived but rather be on guard. Right Adam?

  • @Lvmasson
    @Lvmasson Před 2 lety +890

    My favorite part is when they say not to ignore negative emotions but rather to control them. So many people want to bypass anything they consider to be low-vibe… you may consciously ignore it but your subconscious won’t. Thank you for sharing this.

    • @mommianthegirls
      @mommianthegirls Před 2 lety +11

      I've been learning this the hard way 😩 tough lesson

    • @JeraTruthspeekherRebirth11
      @JeraTruthspeekherRebirth11 Před 2 lety

      Follow Me for such truth as Neville speaks
      I am in the act of experiencing.

    • @futures2247
      @futures2247 Před rokem +24

      we control nothing, there is what is and there is thinking/feeling about what is

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem

      I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

    • @Icemario87
      @Icemario87 Před rokem +23

      @@vidalskyociosen3326 The RBE is based on the abolition of money. But money is an arbitrary assignment of value from the minds of people.
      Gold has value because men value it. Food hss value because men value it. Art has value because men value it.
      In a prison, the inmates use ramen packets, or cigarettes as money. Because they value those things.
      The only effective and lasting way to abolish money is to abolish minds; to abolish valuation, itself.

  • @user-zh9qu6qn2g
    @user-zh9qu6qn2g Před rokem +48

    I love that other people are discovering The Law. Persist and live in Imagination guys, I promise you won't regret it. I discovered the Law two years ago and since then I've manifested money, travel, a beautiful relationship, friends, and best of all, a profound sense of inner calm, peace, and unwavering faith in myself and my own power. Once you test The Law over and over again, seeing again and again that YOU and the power of your mind has created things you are seeing with your own eyes, you will never want to give up.

  • @Ashley-og9ti
    @Ashley-og9ti Před rokem +249

    I love how the actual pages of the book are also shown as we go along. Saving this one to come back to again and again! 💛✨

  • @youtubemusic8054
    @youtubemusic8054 Před 2 lety +3209

    I love how you only post once a month. This method gives me the ability and the discipline to only listen to one audiobook per month and listen over and over again until I get it down

    • @theresefournier3269
      @theresefournier3269 Před 2 lety +58

      I love the fact that he brings out applicable Scriptures like Ecclesiastes 12: 12💯🔥❤️

    • @jwonderfulsuccess
      @jwonderfulsuccess Před 2 lety +130

      I'm sure your "can't believe i found this channel" statement is just a figure of speech. Because we've learned that it came to us because we were ready to recieve it. Much gratitude 🙏

    • @theresefournier3269
      @theresefournier3269 Před 2 lety +49

      @@jwonderfulsuccess indeed, yes. We also know that, whenever a student is reader to receive, a teacher suddenly does appear🔥❤️💯.

    • @CS-ec7gl
      @CS-ec7gl Před 2 lety +10

      @@jwonderfulsuccess Killer revelation!

    • @MattDonovanOnline
      @MattDonovanOnline Před 2 lety +15

      loving this curated wisdom i seemingly stumbled onto a few months back///grateful/thankful\\\much appreciated, for posting these, what a gift! MattD

  • @kevinmcmanus6466
    @kevinmcmanus6466 Před rokem +355

    The reader has embodied the material as if he had written it himself. Perfect.

  • @kouassiborisbrou3249
    @kouassiborisbrou3249 Před rokem +16

    I used it without knowing back in 2012.
    This method literally brought me to the US in 2015. Now I leave in the US and I am a citizen. It works.

    • @naturegazer6749
      @naturegazer6749 Před 11 dny +1

      Welcome to America and congratulations on obtaining citizenship.
      It really is very meaningful to go through the little class and graduation ceremony to some.
      I hope you're manifesting your best new life.

  • @senti7965
    @senti7965 Před rokem +37

    The real deal is when you fully let go of everything during the meditation & focus your Consiousness in the middle of the eyes, it will open up like a swirling vortex and your Consiousness will travel through it in the speed of light and you know everything.
    We are not alone! We are energy. ⚡👁️
    ~ Namaste Brothers & Sisters! 🧘‍♂️

    • @clientbounty
      @clientbounty Před rokem +3

      Weird you say this. I always know I've had a great meditation (TM) when I see that swirling vortex. I think its the brain waves pulsing in a certain way that causes the brain to show it as rings/swirl behind your eyes. Its pretty cool!

    • @senti7965
      @senti7965 Před rokem +2

      @@clientbounty but you didn't pop to dimensions. Let GO.. Trust the Universe you will see how Amazing you are.

  • @privateequityguy
    @privateequityguy Před 2 lety +230

    *9 things to quit for all Strong Minded People in 2022:*
    1. Caring about what others think
    2. Not believing in yourself
    3. Not experimenting different ideas / solutions for problems (life&business)
    4. Not prioritizing your health
    5. Wasting your precious time
    6. Chasing meaningless relationships
    7. Wasting or draining your energy from beating your meat
    8. Wasting time by scrolling social media
    9. Nailbiting/nailpicking habit for good (if you do it - consider stopping it as it makes you mentally weak + affects your confidence and all other areas of your life!)
    Take it easy and I hope you found one thing helpful in this list.

  • @lovel9531
    @lovel9531 Před 2 lety +416

    When I was about 9-12 I have this saying something along the lines of “True giftedness is felt in the heart” and I tell you, those were the years that I have really been succeeding academically. I had the strong belief that it is what we feel that matters. Just with a feeling that I have a promising future ahead, instantly everything becomes easier for me. Conviction, positive assumption, promising vision and putting the effort.

    • @TheAGODAMI
      @TheAGODAMI Před 2 lety +7

      🎯 👍 🔑 🎓 👏 💯 *eXacTLy...Be ye oF good cheeR.!!!!!*

    • @sujitghosh992
      @sujitghosh992 Před 2 lety


  • @ngetichgilbert2220
    @ngetichgilbert2220 Před rokem +371

    00:00 - Intro
    02:26 - Law and its Operation
    16:02 - Sleep
    30:22 - Prayer
    36:19 - Spirit -- Feeling

    • @Dailah_soul
      @Dailah_soul Před rokem +10

      Thank You for simplifying it. Wow. This is simple.

    • @michealjohn7192
      @michealjohn7192 Před rokem +5

      lovely thanks

    • @the_Success_Experiments
      @the_Success_Experiments Před rokem +2

      thank you for the book marking. It helped me.

    • @deksakitoma4723
      @deksakitoma4723 Před 11 měsíci +5

      This is a powerful book. I experienced this and all of it is amazing the problem is discipline we all have the secret now we only need discipline it kills the power we do have. Im battling in lacking of discipline too this is why im giving more effort to bring back who iam .

    • @phillybean019
      @phillybean019 Před 11 měsíci +1

      Thank You

  • @hlb48
    @hlb48 Před 9 měsíci +63

    I have always thought and to this day still believe that every family has that one person who will break the family's financial struggle, good luck to everyone and I hope you become the one. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @earmarkaudiologyllc8444
    @earmarkaudiologyllc8444 Před 2 lety +301

    "To seek on the outside for that which you do not feel you are is to seek in vain, for we never find that which we want; we find only that which we are".

    • @pjstrong00
      @pjstrong00 Před rokem +1

      Stuck out to me as well. Written down 🫵

    • @google12greekmythsthatprove.
      @google12greekmythsthatprove. Před rokem

      HOW can an Albino feel anything but fear and disbelief for how they are viewed by MOST other humans.

  • @DJ-Illuminate
    @DJ-Illuminate Před 2 lety +300

    The world around me is the history of my feelings and thoughts.

    • @louisdominiqueremy5287
      @louisdominiqueremy5287 Před rokem


    • @tammylewis8556
      @tammylewis8556 Před rokem +3

      I had a trance experience of hearing my mothers thoughts when pregnant with me. She was raised in a fundie religion that didn’t practice birth control. She got pregnant immediately after marrying and pregnant again right away with me because she believed the old wives tale that you can’t get pregnant while nursing. She did not want to be pregnant with me to the point of being suicidal. A few years after I saw/heard this she told me a story that her brother was driving over lookout mountain and she was in the back seat. It occurred to her that she could just open her door and end her life.

    • @kenishahammond3935
      @kenishahammond3935 Před rokem

      So true

    • @keyvaan6714
      @keyvaan6714 Před rokem +1

      @Tammy Lewis hi. I read your story. What was the thoughts you heard may I ask? were they suicidal?

    • @periodsandjunk
      @periodsandjunk Před rokem

      Wow, that’s real

  • @landobando146
    @landobando146 Před rokem +65

    My Uncle, who’s a professor at a Christian college, sent me here and I’m forever grateful for that! Thank you my Uncle! 🖤🤟🏿

  • @thekiddokaleb0607
    @thekiddokaleb0607 Před 8 měsíci +3

    I produce generational wealth for myself and my family and we travel everywhere we want, eat / buy whatever we want, live in the most perfect homes and share our blessings to the world! My loving husband and children are healthy and truly happy with our lives! THANK YOU UNIVERSE!!! ❤❤❤

  • @motivationuniverse1367
    @motivationuniverse1367 Před 2 lety +421

    This is a masterpiece. So much focus is put on positive thinking. But really, our emotions really reveal what we are thinking. Ultimately, it's our feelings that determine what outward circumstance we mould.
    If you're reading this, may your happy thoughts and good feelings attract only wealth, health and unending success.
    “Never entertain an undesirable feeling...” - Neville

    • @valinmo4648
      @valinmo4648 Před rokem +3

      Hi there... thought that you would really enjoy watching a video that I have watched and learning how to achieve the blank space within... it's on CZcams...and it's from Ed Mylett... he is interviewing Dr. Joe Dispenza.... it's about a month old. Wisdom and love to you🥰

    • @pattif192
      @pattif192 Před rokem +1

      Thank you .♡

    • @dianasmith248
      @dianasmith248 Před rokem +2

      Thank you & same to you 💖🙏🌸

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem +1

      I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

    • @ceceliablackstone8460
      @ceceliablackstone8460 Před rokem +3

      But it is both Intel and Feelings that need unification in working and playing together.....but sometimes intelligence leads the way....other times feelings leads the way....and then there's times when both need guidance to unify.....Neville is awesome but beware, emotions and feelings are not the same....

  • @kennys.3426
    @kennys.3426 Před 2 lety +781

    When you realize life is manipulated through feelings 😢🙏🏿✌🏿 Thanks for the Wisdom!!

  • @nevillegoddardxyz
    @nevillegoddardxyz Před rokem +92

    "Assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact" Neville Goddard

  • @jamilasellsnj
    @jamilasellsnj Před rokem +84

    Thanks! I really enjoyed this book, plus love that it was read to me and showing me the pages, it helped me concentrate and be in it! Do more like this…please…

    • @MasterKeySociety
      @MasterKeySociety  Před rokem +13

      Thanks Yamila Izquierdo! Thanks for the support. I just published another Neville book yesterday. Enjoy!

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem +1

      @@MasterKeySociety I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

  • @Meribella_Lorien
    @Meribella_Lorien Před 2 lety +371

    Since listening to this I have been transforming my life every since. It’s real, believe you are God, that you are one with God and that everyone around you is part of you too, and your life will forever be blessed and wonderful

    • @joshuatorres5033
      @joshuatorres5033 Před rokem +5

      Would you be willing to share how you've done so?
      Like did you start by writing down your goals, working one at a time and did you wait for the physical manifestation of one before you moved on to the next one?
      Thanks in advance

    • @Meribella_Lorien
      @Meribella_Lorien Před rokem +24

      I just discovered this book this summer but I didn’t realize that I have been manifesting my whole life & that overall my life did turn out exactly how I wanted it by writing it down years ago and really just leaving it up to God/ source whatever u want to call it. But yes writing down my goals has really been the main thing that has tremendously helped because writing it down enables me to see it more as a reality and it becomes more possible. I am also super intuitive so I pretty much live off my intuition & less of logic. But I found that living this way has been very helpful. Basically just the belief in God & being one with God has been showing me confirmation on the external that it is true

    • @Meribella_Lorien
      @Meribella_Lorien Před rokem +17

      The most important thing to know is this: Thought is Power, & thought are things.

    • @dianasmith248
      @dianasmith248 Před rokem +4

      Beautifully articulated ✨💖🌸

    • @HousePeople
      @HousePeople Před rokem +1

      @@Meribella_Lorien Love your name 🤩 just wanted to say that. Stay blessed!

  • @wildphoenix7861
    @wildphoenix7861 Před 2 lety +694

    Honestly, this is the clearest and best explanation of "The Secret" I have come across. Plain and simple -- and understood.
    Thank you 🙏🏽.

    • @jes9157
      @jes9157 Před 2 lety

      'The Secret' is all about Law of Attraction which is a New Age belief. It's a dangerous delusion that opens door to the demonic realm. Don't be deceived! God gave us our manual of life, the Bible. God's Word Is true. It will keep us from all dangers. John 14:6 "Jesus Is the Only Way, the Truth, and the Life.."

    • @msuniverse1663
      @msuniverse1663 Před rokem +4

      Indeed hei. You can say that again 🙏

    • @google12greekmythsthatprove.
      @google12greekmythsthatprove. Před rokem

      Man made religion is no different lol IT is a multibillion dollar INDUSTRY.

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem

      I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

    • @offlinecommando5839
      @offlinecommando5839 Před rokem +4

      John 14:6
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
      Romans 1:22
      “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,”
      1 Timothy 4:1
      “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

  • @Robert.Prescott
    @Robert.Prescott Před rokem +7

    Wow....I've heard most of these ideas in a hundred different ways from a hundred different people. But I've never heard them expressed like this. A revelation. I feel, awoken. I had casually forgotten or neglected so many of these practices. But, I go to sleep tonight, eager to dream of what tomorrow will bring. Thank you for sharing this. Powerful

  • @mr.kerlin6340
    @mr.kerlin6340 Před rokem +8

    I manifested working a part time job and earning the same money as working fulltime, now I make even more and work less 😊.
    When I went to do the actions I wanted to do I felt protected by the universe and guided.

  • @numee6759
    @numee6759 Před rokem +365

    This is like when you are a kid and imagine uninterrupted. This reminds me of things I use to image when walking to school and ten years later it manifested in reality. This is important, especially staying away from anything or anyone taking away how you think, your joy. Stay away from negativity. It destroys everything he is talking about.

    • @massiveknowledge877
      @massiveknowledge877 Před rokem +6


    • @Gabriel-xw2zp
      @Gabriel-xw2zp Před rokem +15

      And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven

    • @Thothschild
      @Thothschild Před rokem +5

      Stay away from negative thinking is wrong and it is a new age fallacy teaching. It is a sentiment cherished by the weak and the cowardly. The real secret is that you never let it become part of your ethos. But maintain your light In a swirling pool of chaos.

    • @numee6759
      @numee6759 Před rokem +9

      @@Thothschild lol. What are you talking? Speak for your own reality. I get what your saying from a psychological standpoint. I’m not speaking about YouTubian videos talking about energy and vibes. I’m speaking from a genuine place and experience when I was growing up in the 90’s before the internet and new YouTubian way of thinking even existed. Everything is a balance. As a child it’s easier to be positive unless you have people around you feeding you negative energy, feelings and you lack confidence, but that wasn’t the case for me.

    • @Gabriel-xw2zp
      @Gabriel-xw2zp Před rokem +1

      @Noahbirk i just cited scripture not sure what you dont agree with

  • @IAMGOD200
    @IAMGOD200 Před 2 lety +127

    I've changed my words from " I am happy " to " I feel so happy " or " I feel so good after winning the lottery ". It implies that it already happen an im reaping the benefits of that.

    • @na7698
      @na7698 Před 2 lety +3

      Everything has a price.

    • @mama--rua
      @mama--rua Před 2 lety +4

      I am wealthy. Let the universe choose how that is the faith you need to exercise. I am happy so very happy. Also, I remember when I didn't have millions in the bank makes it past tense statement. 😊

    • @mama--rua
      @mama--rua Před 2 lety +1

      @@na7698 happy brings everything

    • @na7698
      @na7698 Před 2 lety +5

      @@mama--rua Sorry if I was not that explicit; the real price is not about money. Stay happy and out of trouble. You don't need everything to be happy and don't need to know everything to achieve happiness.

    • @bidenadministrationischina5091
      @bidenadministrationischina5091 Před 2 lety +2

      How's that lottery after 4weeks

  • @PositiveEnergy733
    @PositiveEnergy733 Před 8 měsíci +19

    Dear everyone, I wish you peace inside your soul. We are all light and all connected, don’t be scare, all gonna be ok. Your futur gonna be fantastic because you are fantastic. Thank you so much for your reading.

  • @nancygonzales951
    @nancygonzales951 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Beautiful reading, thank you

  • @ShaiShaiLaBam
    @ShaiShaiLaBam Před 2 lety +278

    I’ve listen to this video 3 times and I can’t get enough of this wisdom! I get excited while listening. I look forward to prayer, meditation, and sleep with the intention of feeling! Thank you.

    • @mothernature5641
      @mothernature5641 Před 2 lety +3


    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 2 lety +1

      Always God's Grace! Amen!

    • @doctorae724
      @doctorae724 Před 2 lety +6

      Couldn't agree with you more. Especially his interpretation of Man and Woman, masculine and feminine, how such concepts were perfectly linked with the Scriptures' introduction of the concept, to its masterful connection of conscious and subconscious to the development of thoughts in the womb. Absolutely BRILLIANT!!

    • @funkywarrior3906
      @funkywarrior3906 Před 2 lety +1

      @@doctorae724 if you could explain that relation please thank you !

    • @google12greekmythsthatprove.
      @google12greekmythsthatprove. Před rokem

      @@doctorae724 Little do you guys know that males can be born feminine and females can be born masculine and some born with both male and female private parts and when you put the religious concepts to it THEN and ONLY THEN do you SEE the contradicts to the actual creation process that science discovers and shares.

  • @sweetlittledumpling9534
    @sweetlittledumpling9534 Před 2 lety +93

    This makes so much sense to me! I can definitely connect to it on a personal level! I always tell people when they ask why I don’t want to fall asleep, and I always tell them I refuse to go to sleep upset, dissatisfied, discouraged, angry that I need to be happy and feel satisfied before going to sleep. Everyone always looked at me like I was crazy.

  • @justme-tj3jt
    @justme-tj3jt Před rokem +2

    So thankful to have found your channel. What wonderful older texts that are hard to find or gems I've never heard of before. Lookng foward to listening to many. Sending out much care to all.

  • @TimberWolfmanV6
    @TimberWolfmanV6 Před 8 měsíci

    Sage wisdom in practical terms.. so simple.. it’s beautiful

  • @nephilangel
    @nephilangel Před 2 lety +107

    I had prayed and then this little book, so beautifully read, found me. Thank you so much for creating such a valuable opportunity.

    • @geninnemagiera4704
      @geninnemagiera4704 Před 2 lety +3

      Me too! Exactly what I needed and when I needed it! 💜

    • @Growwithtorii
      @Growwithtorii Před 2 lety +1


    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem

      I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

  • @mswong6874
    @mswong6874 Před 2 lety +183

    1.Subconcious is the realm of cause.
    2. Feeling is the medium of conveying desire to the consciousness.
    3. I am _____.

    • @TornadoTara
      @TornadoTara Před rokem +1


    • @plomo1435
      @plomo1435 Před rokem

      @All Law why

    • @jan3386
      @jan3386 Před rokem +1

      @All Law i turned into an apache longbow instructions unclear :/

  • @michelec.1053
    @michelec.1053 Před rokem +6

    Thank you for sharing the reading of this incredible truth. May we all realise this truth and live our lives with love in joy, harmony and abundance ❤️💚💖

  • @shbmsrto
    @shbmsrto Před 26 dny +3

    This is like a deeper or clearer explanation of As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol is great too.

  • @qualityquotes229
    @qualityquotes229 Před 2 lety +221

    To maintain the consciousness of success, you must feel you are successful."
    Easy step, but crucial!

    • @ironpowerpublishing1275
      @ironpowerpublishing1275 Před 2 lety +6

      crucial yes, but I'd class it as simple rather than easy. Maintaining a consciousness of success in spite of adverse external circumstances is not easy. Anyone can do for short bursts, but continually maintaining that "success consciousness' is the challenge!

    • @emilymarie5413
      @emilymarie5413 Před 2 lety +1

      I definitely wouldn’t say it’s easy. Everyone has their own history and story that distorts their feelings/perceptions one way or another. Trauma or abuse plants a deep seeded issue of emotional dysfunction and low self worth. It’s something you need to fight your way out of. Takes effort upon effort over and over again. But yes it is crucial to success.

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem

      I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

  • @sc198639
    @sc198639 Před 2 lety +33

    I love love ❤ Neville.
    I've listened to his old recordings in his voice.
    He has a great voice.

  • @annasunart9043
    @annasunart9043 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Wow! This is the most powerful yet simple teaching I have ever heard!!!!! ❤❤❤

  • @TheParakeet1999
    @TheParakeet1999 Před rokem +45

    Wow. This is amazing! I always knew I had such a vivid imagination and whatever I think about, makes no difference what literally feels that is happening. I can imagine anything with as many details as I want easily and I feel it as a reality. This is why creating was so easy to me. Yet I didn't know the power of this, I had no idea so I used this creative power against me by imagining horrible things that scared me enough to the point where it made me suffer a lot (throughout my whole life) Good thing is now I'm at a point in my life where I can change that. I really used to think I was just stupid for being able to feel true whatever I imagined so I wouldn't do it because I felt dumb.. How ironic!

  • @sakulgo19
    @sakulgo19 Před 2 lety +78

    Thank you for this gem. I feel so good now, my whole body feels so vibrant and tingly. After so long time of pain I will now step into my lovely beingness and feelings that will become my reality. Everybody here is absolutly loved and I wish everybody here a good night of sleep and a fresh vibrant day! I drink a warm cup of tea now, meditate and go then into my holy dreams.
    Tomorrow will be so amazing and exciting!
    Namaste ❤🕊🙏

    • @valedakeys1661
      @valedakeys1661 Před 2 lety +2

      Love this!!!

    • @strongtv_creator
      @strongtv_creator Před 2 lety +1

      I love this as well !!

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem +1

      I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

    • @ponysart6078
      @ponysart6078 Před rokem

      LOTS OF LOVE 🥰

    • @novajinn
      @novajinn Před rokem

      Namaste ❤

  • @tobiasfunke9473
    @tobiasfunke9473 Před rokem +22

    I've had this book for about ten yrs & I've read it countless of times highlighting each time w a different colored pen or highlighter the new things that are revealed to me each time. It looks like 10 different people owned this book
    And just when I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the info I decided to read my book along w this audio version & let me tell y'all, it's like a whole new world has been revealed to me & I'm beside myself as to how much heaven there is in me waiting to be ExPressed!!!
    Seriously WOW 😍🤩🥳

    • @msuniverse1663
      @msuniverse1663 Před rokem +3

      @Tobbias you wrote this comment about 6 hours ago & that probably means you saw this video or atleast listened to it around that time. And that is almost the same time I saw it and listened to it too and loved 💘😻it.
      What a coincidence 🙏💕
      I am going to buy a hard copy as well and listen and read @ the same time.
      Thank you for the inspiration 🙏❤🙌✨💕💖🙏

    • @tobiasfunke9473
      @tobiasfunke9473 Před rokem +3

      @@msuniverse1663 glad to have helped "the universe" 😉

    • @msuniverse1663
      @msuniverse1663 Před rokem +3

      @@tobiasfunke9473 Thank you Thank you Thank you 🙏

    • @jean-pauldebeer8151
      @jean-pauldebeer8151 Před rokem +3

      To see Gods uncreated light the heart must be purified. To purify the heart receive communion (by this a person receives God). Avoid impure thoughts and actions. And pray the rosary daily. Try it whole heartedly and prove it to yourself.

    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 6 měsíci

      @@jean-pauldebeer8151 Always God's Grace! Amen!

  • @dirtydrgalapagos
    @dirtydrgalapagos Před 7 měsíci +1

    Beautiful reading, Adam. Thank you 🙏

  • @acbdef9665
    @acbdef9665 Před měsícem

    Thank you very much for posting this marvellous book.
    Neville Goddard is still a blessing.
    Gratitude. ❤🫶🩷✨

  • @AJain-ft4xi
    @AJain-ft4xi Před 2 lety +289

    Now THIS was truly worth my time. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    • @theresefournier3269
      @theresefournier3269 Před 2 lety +1

      It's so YAHsomely precious🤔. Yet most only seek to "kill it" 😘

    • @lesaspravka1173
      @lesaspravka1173 Před 2 lety +3

      @@theresefournier3269 your words right there are dreaming of only killing aren’t they? I’m in the same situation. I can’t not see the truth of killing. So my next thought is but I can choose to imagine what I prefer. And feel what I would feel as it happening. Without me strategizing how. Which is my habit.

  • @fairygodmomma2313
    @fairygodmomma2313 Před rokem +268

    'he never entertains a feeling that does not contribute to his happiness.' deep 💯👌

    • @annajumppanen8942
      @annajumppanen8942 Před rokem +4

      Why do people let emotions choose their decision making? My dad always taught me against this and I was called a physco my whole life

    • @fairygodmomma2313
      @fairygodmomma2313 Před rokem +2

      @@annajumppanen8942 I like to think of emo & reason working together, feeling & picturing working together according to my ideals & goals. A disciplined spirit, so feelings be made pure. My words aren't enough to explain.

    • @jm8143
      @jm8143 Před rokem +3

      I know. They don't understand you. Everybody is so dwell on their emotion making themselves fools. But if you want to be yourself, you need to find a way to show your identity wherever you go. And you should know that you're gonna pop up everywhere you go.
      You are gonna be a real pshyco. But find a way to be accepted as you are. It's gonna hard.
      I think it's important for you not to be tinted by outer forces,
      And not to give up on what you believe even if there are gonna be a lot of pressures.
      People will misundertand you, hate you, and insult you, laugh at you. That will make you feel like to be one of them.. But you know they are so stupid that you never wanna be like them.....................
      That's exactly contrary to what u persue in life. That's the opposite of what you value in the journey of your life.
      That's why you need to find a way to get along well
      How to refrain talking to others
      And interacting with others..
      Their ideas of stupidity will conteminate your concious and subconcious mind.
      Don't let them do that.
      Why do you think all the great people in history
      Was called "freak" or "eccentirc"?
      Because they are so differnt with common people.
      They don't want to hang out with ordinary people unless they have patience to bear with the common stupidity...........
      Hope you will survive in this society.

  • @terryflynn7070
    @terryflynn7070 Před rokem +39

    Thank You Master Key Society for making this book available to me and everyone else looking to change their lives.

  • @manifest.natasha1987
    @manifest.natasha1987 Před 8 měsíci

    Thank you for showing the book 📖❤️Appreciated greatly!

  • @LightworkingWanderer
    @LightworkingWanderer Před 2 lety +146

    Sleep is what I've been overlooking. Placing so much importance on all of the waking events and actions. Thank you so much for this puzzle piece. I Am enduring all things, and have overcome all things. The wish is fulfilled. 💚🙇🏼‍♂️

  • @olubukolaabuno
    @olubukolaabuno Před 2 lety +11

    I'm jotting this down as a reminder to myself.
    Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feelings. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt. But once felt (be it good, bad, or indifferent); it must be expressed. Feelings is the only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious.
    Therefore, the man who does not control his feelings may easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states. By control of feeling is not meant to restraint or suppress your feeling but rather the disciplining of self to imagine and entertain only such feelings as contributes to your happiness. Control of your feeling is all important to a full and happy life. Never entertain an undesirable feeling nor think sympathetically about a wrong in any shape or form. Do not dwell on the imperfection of yourself or others. To do so, is to impress the subconscious with these limitations.
    What you do not want done unto you, do not feel that it is done unto you or another. This is the whole law of a full and happy life. Everything else is commentary.
    Every feeling makes a subconscious impression.
    And unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature must be expressed. The dominant of two feelings is the one expressed. I am healthy is a stronger feeling than I will be healthy. To feel I will be is to confess I am not. I am is stronger than I am not. What you feel you are always dominates what you feel you will like to be. Therefore to be realized, the wish must be felt as a state that is rather than a state that is not.
    Sensation proceeds manifestation and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests. Be careful of your moods and feelings for there is an unbroken connection between your feelings and your visible world. Your body is an emotional filter and bears the unmistakable marks of your prevalent emotions. Emotional disturbances, especially suppressed emotions, are the causes of all disease. To feel intensely about a wrong without voicing or expressing that feeling, is the beginning of disease, disease in both body and environment.

    • @anthonymg8870
      @anthonymg8870 Před 2 lety

      Wow sorry I haven't listened to the audio yet. Are these words actually in the book? Coz I have been having the same realization after analyzing past behaviors and identifying root causes. It all comes down to organizing how you'll react to your emotions. The decisions you make from here have to be critical. Separating yourself from irrational thinking

    • @patinho5589
      @patinho5589 Před 2 lety +2

      @@anthonymg8870 yes that’s all from the book.

  • @megal0maniac
    @megal0maniac Před rokem +84

    you cannot fail unless you fail to convince yourself of the reality of your wish

    • @jessieglenn
      @jessieglenn Před 8 měsíci +1

      wow, funny I'm reading this while the exact statement is being read in the video 😮

    • @KerryNeeds
      @KerryNeeds Před 5 měsíci


  • @blessingkunda3366
    @blessingkunda3366 Před rokem

    This is a short book with great lessons. Thank you so much i fully have developed a true feeling of i am what i feel. From today, i pledge to exercise conscious regarding what i decide to feel like.

  • @latoyaakers5587
    @latoyaakers5587 Před 2 lety +185

    Of all I've learned form CZcams, this by far is the most simple to understand, yet the most beautiful words I've ever heard💫☀️🌈 Thank You🤗

  • @shashankak2877
    @shashankak2877 Před 2 lety +151

    Who ever has read this and posted this...may god bless him. This is so profound. Thanks.

  • @faithbonareri4555
    @faithbonareri4555 Před 2 měsíci

    This book has changed my life.
    I've learnt alot🙏

  • @wildwildwestcrypto9663
    @wildwildwestcrypto9663 Před rokem +50

    I must say, nothing comes close to the genuine detail and perfection these videos hold. The grabbing of the book, the audio while it reads in paper form. Sir you have cracked the perfect audiobook code 😉

    • @MasterKeySociety
      @MasterKeySociety  Před rokem +8

      Thanks! I appreciate the comment.

    • @Harcorwrestler
      @Harcorwrestler Před rokem +6

      I noticed that too. It’s like I was holding the book and reading it. Btw, this is my first video of this channel. I was introduced to this channel today. I think I stumbled upon a golden channel, which is rare.

    • @google12greekmythsthatprove.
      @google12greekmythsthatprove. Před rokem

      Hiding the video because of the truths in comments is the same as taking them down. Cowards are masters at it. WOW what a society of cowards.

    • @vidalskyociosen3326
      @vidalskyociosen3326 Před rokem +1

      @@MasterKeySociety I got a question if we implement " The Resource Based Economy " by Jacque Fresco , is this all gonna be relevant ? or it will become natural to all individual ?

  • @8thhousealchemist600
    @8thhousealchemist600 Před 2 lety +292

    This book changed my entire life when I first read it.

    • @watchme7076
      @watchme7076 Před 2 lety +8

      Can you explain it I find reading hard

    • @heyitsalanhere
      @heyitsalanhere Před 2 lety +10

      A little book called "Thought Forces" by Prentice Mulford was an "eye opener" for me. Great little book... still got it somewhere...🤔

    • @joeytrotter3971
      @joeytrotter3971 Před 2 lety +14

      @@watchme7076 thoughts and emotions create your reality.

    • @seo8277
      @seo8277 Před 2 lety +2


    • @tabularasa9576
      @tabularasa9576 Před rokem

      How is this even possible by a single book?? I find it hard to believe.

  • @MijasSpot
    @MijasSpot Před rokem

    Thank you so much! I love that you guys even display the books pages.

  • @vicksie1010
    @vicksie1010 Před 8 měsíci +3

    A change of feeling is indeed a change of pattern!

  • @salmazzei5882
    @salmazzei5882 Před 2 lety +14

    The conception of yourself when you fall asleep is the seed you sow in the ground of the subconscious!
    Let that sink in and cultivate it..

  • @chriscrosbymusic
    @chriscrosbymusic Před 2 lety +8

    Great upload. It’s interesting how important the time before sleep is and of course quality sleep in itself. I’m a phone addict and almost always listen to documentaries etc as I’m falling asleep. When I was young, phones and distractions weren’t a thing. I would read or just sometimes imagine fun things, think about plans etc, stare at the ceiling and drift off. So much healing goes on during quality rest, mind and body, not to mention the kinds of possibilities in this book. I’m inspired to shut of the phone at night and fall asleep naturally. Wish me luck!

  • @HighestSelff
    @HighestSelff Před rokem +1

    Thank you for your effective & beautiful way to deliver wisdom :)
    Your technique of reading out loud while showing the pages, works wonders for my mind!

  • @WColumbo
    @WColumbo Před rokem +8

    Feelings are our way of knowing what’s important to us. It’s our compass. Our mind is the logic to understanding the feelings. Using this along with the 5 senses will open you to the spiritual.

    • @WColumbo
      @WColumbo Před rokem +2

      You must have self control or you will be controlled.

  • @rickymurugankesavenparthan8212

    Feel at the present moment that all dreams are already being fulfilled and being grateful for it. Thank You

  • @mama--rua
    @mama--rua Před 2 lety +182

    The best thing I've ever heard, I listen everyday, I think soon it will be all I know. I can hardly contain the feeling of excitement for myself and my family.

    • @robbryce4884
      @robbryce4884 Před rokem +4

      Never forget this post! Everyday for the rest of your life!!!

    • @wilma8326
      @wilma8326 Před rokem +3

      Don't contain that feeling of excitement, let it grow as big as it wants to grow. That is the wave you want to surf 🌊

    • @iifyz5816
      @iifyz5816 Před rokem

      I fiiling positip and solusiriont

    • @iifyz5816
      @iifyz5816 Před rokem

      I fillin positio and solution

    • @zogjones
      @zogjones Před rokem

      How’s it going?? 😃

  • @TeodoroBrooks
    @TeodoroBrooks Před 9 měsíci +1

    This is outstanding library this person has. Old vintage, rare, and very valuable books you have. Bravo

  • @jokpop9302
    @jokpop9302 Před 9 měsíci +3

    Thank you for this!! I’ve read this book physically thrice but i can’t believe I missed the point THRICE. Listening to you reading the book, I actually FINALLY understood everything!!

  • @yamilemcbride
    @yamilemcbride Před 2 lety +107

    This is the best relationship of the masculine and the feminine within each one of us. Love the use of scripture to connect back to our own power within. “We are already that that we want” I must become these words thank you so much for these golden nuggets

  • @annavoytenko
    @annavoytenko Před 2 lety +159

    Gosh, 1944! It is mindblowing that such type of literature is available since a very long time ago. I wish we had studied that in school. I believe new generations will (in a more modern way, of course)! It is interesting that there are no terms "meditation" and "affirmations" in the book, but the book is all about them! I think we altered the wisdom from the book into a more practical and straightforward way. However, it beautifully explains what, how and why.
    The book is full of post-on-the-wall quotes :)

    • @justinhart7172
      @justinhart7172 Před 2 lety +10

      1944 is not that long ago, humans have been writing for thousands of years

    • @annavoytenko
      @annavoytenko Před 2 lety +13

      ​@@justinhart7172 I agree. It's just that I was born in 1995, so it's a long time ago for me personally. And it's the first not modern book about mindfulness that I read.

    • @snoozyq9576
      @snoozyq9576 Před 2 lety +1

      @@annavoytenko This is far more a modern example than it is an old one. Old examples are ancient. Literally ancient.

    • @jeygee3736
      @jeygee3736 Před 2 lety +2

      @@annavoytenko That manifest and vibes nonsense is for the new age spiritual woke crowd.

    • @quekbridget5988
      @quekbridget5988 Před 2 lety +3

      @@jeygee3736 I have the same thoughts not everything is new age , just read the book with open mind is good enough. And darn this book is more.modern then other books.

  • @rebeccakamanda7079
    @rebeccakamanda7079 Před rokem +19

    I am so extremely grateful and thankful for this book and All Neville Goddard's teachings! It has changed my life completely and I am living in my wish fulfilled!

  • @sradhamanna6515
    @sradhamanna6515 Před rokem +57

    A real gem to be put into practice! We can choose be creators of our life. How empowering!

  • @thaboprince909
    @thaboprince909 Před 2 lety +51

    This book is life changing

  • @TheCheeseslice9
    @TheCheeseslice9 Před 2 lety +80

    I went from I'll check this out for a second to literally listening to the whole thing and cannot stop because out of everything I have seen in books. This had me in tears on my bed when I did what the book said. Practicing it while listening to this has been kind to my heart and relaxing for my frontal cortex. I haven't felt a type of relaxation like this and tears started to produce from my eyes.
    I can see it now.

    • @JeraTruthspeekherRebirth11
      @JeraTruthspeekherRebirth11 Před 2 lety +2

      Follow Me. Same as Neville and more. I Am in the Act of Experiencing as Neville speaks of. The Goddess of the Aquarian Age is here.

    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 2 lety +2

      Always God's Grace! Amen!

    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 2 lety +1

      Always God's Grace! Amen!

    • @msuniverse1663
      @msuniverse1663 Před rokem

      @ Captain Same here. I also went from trying to check it out for a second to literally listening to the whole of it and listening over and over again 💕🙏

    • @msuniverse1663
      @msuniverse1663 Před rokem +1

      @ Captain Same here. I also went from trying to check it out for a second to literally listening to the whole of it and listening over and over again 💕🙏

  • @abipaye2348
    @abipaye2348 Před rokem +1

    Feels so right to be opportuned to listen to this beautiful lesson!! Thank you!!

  • @Unknown-rc6xt
    @Unknown-rc6xt Před 6 měsíci +1

    I like this one the most because it’s the most practical and grounded imo.

  • @williammarino4169
    @williammarino4169 Před 2 lety +5

    I absolutely love this channel, I listen to this audiobook and the others frequently, I have been changing my habits and feelings and transmitting previously negative situations into more positive learning ones which has greatly enhanced my life in various ways.

  • @mariancarpo1193
    @mariancarpo1193 Před 2 lety +16

    Thanks for this! This book has changed my life years ago. I'm excited to listen to this again ❤️ Keep posting helpful and valuable content. God bless!

  • @tinydanceryoutube
    @tinydanceryoutube Před 6 měsíci +1

    Live in the feeling you want. Brilliant.

  • @changwenyirenda1917
    @changwenyirenda1917 Před rokem +5

    Iam so happy and grateful now that I have nothing less than 100 million kwacha. Thank you for putting my feelings in line with happiness

  • @leticiagarcia6115
    @leticiagarcia6115 Před 2 lety +7

    I love that you post the pages of the book to read along!!! Never seen anything like this before & it’s awesome!

  • @thegreatdivinie
    @thegreatdivinie Před 2 lety +25

    Such clarity and mastery. Thank you for sharing these works in such a concise way. This is wonderful.

  • @Guardian-mad
    @Guardian-mad Před 7 měsíci +1

    thank you, i started my day with this book

  • @mrgruffy4499
    @mrgruffy4499 Před rokem +3

    This is the second time I listened to this. And WOW! It just blows me away. I've learned much of that I've failed to do, and the many things I've done wrong. "To think feelingly of the mistakes of the past, is to just reinfect yourself."
    Hard for me to conjure up the feelings of my desires manifested. I must honor those who produced this video, especially the reader.

  • @esetravels
    @esetravels Před 2 lety +17

    This book truly work!!!!! It worked the first day I listen to this audio and practice what it said, I listen to it twice on the same day! While wanting the thing the day before I found this book and it didn’t work, and when I found this book and did what it said, it worked! I got the message response I wanted! This book truly works!

    • @manunitedcarib9481
      @manunitedcarib9481 Před 2 lety

      Ok, I’m about to get to know you through this book

    • @nikolett8129
      @nikolett8129 Před 2 lety +4

      Yes, it works, as it"s the divine truth what the Universe God blessed us with and wants us to remember and use it in our every day life as we are divine being. I used this all my life and its always works. But people on higher places who are operating with the dark side doesn't want us to remember what power have inside us because it won't be for their benefit so they do try everything in their power to keep people blindfolded to the truth. Blessing🙌🏼❤️🕊🙏🏼✨

    • @patricelauverjon3177
      @patricelauverjon3177 Před 2 lety

      The number of smart comments and posts on social media is endless and two main trends can probably be mentioned: critical narratives with relating approvals, and virtual narratives that remain virtual. The last lot does not want to show involvement with realities: expressions are fantastic but it is nothing new that them alone are just a second step towards solutions. A Nation is made of individuals where me + me = us, us +us = foundations of interacting. No act is too small and includes recycling, shopping, voting. On the contrary to the obvious, there are ways to express ourselves whether we are extrovert or shy and quiet. We know that keeping emotions carries inhibitive syndromes and explosions of anger can be reduced or erased by finding ways out of our 'guts": one can start with introvert Art aiming at gradually exposing oneself or be present in openly social events. Inhibition, keeping for oneself, works only when solitude is a choice or when solitude becomes a 'companion'.

    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 2 lety +1

      Always God's Grace! Amen!

    • @shammikalra6174
      @shammikalra6174 Před 2 lety +1

      @@nikolett8129 Always God's Grace! Amen!