Wives, have sex with your husbands

  • čas přidán 14. 05. 2024
  • In this video, I discuss the importance of sex in a healthy Christian marriage. Oftentimes, a lack of sex can be attributed to low interest on the woman's side. However, there is a lot of behaviors that men can change that will also help raise a low libido in their wives. There is a lot of content on the internet pertaining to this topic and I highly encourage that you look into more videos if you struggle with dead bedroom / lack of sex in your marriage.
    The study I reference in this video is from mereorthodoxy.com/toward-evan...

Komentáře • 44

  • @Seetiyan
    @Seetiyan Před 9 dny +4

    That last bit about engaging sexually even when you're not entirely in the mood is important - cause you WON'T be in the mood 100% of the time, but like eating vegetables, like working out, like doing your taxes, it'll be good of your and your spouse. It's good for the health of the partnership. I've done it as a man. Cause I wanted to please her, and we should all try to be unselfish to a reasonable extent. (not when you're actually sick or whatever, but if you're just a little tired, you can still do something for your spouse)

  • @likaself
    @likaself Před 2 měsíci +6

    Should not be controversial.
    Sex is symbolic of the joining for The groom Christ, with his bride the Church - the two become one.

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 Před 2 měsíci

      We don't know the dynamics of a relationship/ marriage, but women learn early on that sex for men is a achilles tendon - and learn to weaponize it.

  • @jeffproulx8584
    @jeffproulx8584 Před 17 dny +3

    Best way for desire is to throw them out the door and get someone younger who desires you

  • @kickblake
    @kickblake Před 2 měsíci +8

    Most of the advice for men is "do more chores, buy her more stuff" and while she might LIKE those things, they don't generate desire. If a wife already is disgusted with her husband to the point she avoids intimacy, being a better simp is just going to make that WORSE.

    • @gillm12
      @gillm12 Před 2 měsíci

      Just did couples therapy, and it was all stuff I could do for her while the stuff I wanted (physical relationship). The answer was "that will come with time when she's feeling better"

    • @kickblake
      @kickblake Před 2 měsíci +5

      @@gillm12 in other words “give her everything she wants, and then she’ll consider giving you anything you want.”
      That’s not building a partnership, that’s a transfer of control. And again…she might like to have control, but that doesn’t increase sexual desire.

    • @gillm12
      @gillm12 Před 2 měsíci

      @@kickblake which will be nothing because I believe she harbors resentment towards me.

    • @kickblake
      @kickblake Před 2 měsíci

      @@gillm12 of course. Your marriage has been insufficiently like the wedding for that not to occur.

    • @shawnbrooks5293
      @shawnbrooks5293 Před 2 měsíci

      Don't forget the take them out for "date nights". Another piece of the happy wife, happy life silliness

  • @myshxt
    @myshxt Před 8 dny +2

    It's so refreshing to hear a woman that I instantly see as one and take serious. If had my personal issues with god in the past, I didn't trust the church as an institution. But since I've been diving deeper and read the bible I'm blown away with the amount of wisdom and truth that I found in there. Now I pray every day and try to become a better christian and through that a better man. Thank you for your videos, in my personal life I sadly don't have a person that is so traditional. You made me more assured of my values and I feel confident to let some people go. God bless you!

  • @mexican4721
    @mexican4721 Před 2 měsíci +4

    I love this

  • @yesorno1768
    @yesorno1768 Před 2 měsíci +2

    One big thing is stop cliticizing your husbands in your own head all day, and think of good things of him or of something nice you can do for him. This was the best thing I did. Then anytime he comes to me I'll drop everything ( cooking cleaning, give the 5 kids something to do) and go enjoy each other.

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 Před 2 měsíci

      Sometimes you think good thought all day ,and then the time they come home and walk through the door, and pop that bubble , and say things like, " Did you actually clean anything today?", or doesn't like what you made of supper? or sleeks off to play video games for hours on end.

  • @davestevens4193
    @davestevens4193 Před 2 měsíci +2

    2 weeks max or DTB.

  • @cardboardcapeii4286
    @cardboardcapeii4286 Před 4 dny +1

    Based wife

  • @Nanosuit37
    @Nanosuit37 Před 2 dny +1

    (1 Corinthians 7:1 MLV) Now concerning the things of which you' wrote to me: it is good for a man not to touch a woman sexually. 0(1 Corinthians 7:2 MLV) But, because of fornications, let each man have his own wife and let each woman have her own husband.(1 Corinthians 7:3 MLV) Let the husband repay to the wife her owed benevolence and likewise also the wife repay to the husband.(1 Corinthians 7:4 MLV) The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband, and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife.(1 Corinthians 7:5 MLV) Do' not deprive one another, except it should be from agreement for a time, in-order-that you' may occupy yourselves to fasting and to prayer, and you' may come to the same again, in-order-that the Adversary may not tempt you' because of your' shortage of self-control.

  • @dotProcess
    @dotProcess Před 2 měsíci +2

    Monotone zesty is eating 8:36 😊

  • @sdfft820
    @sdfft820 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Truth is most women if not all women are narcissists. A smart husband realizes this and uses it to keep the wife happy.

    • @sitka49
      @sitka49 Před 2 měsíci

      Its easy to make a blanket statement that " women all are narcissist" its other things that compound why there is no sex - as they "It takes 2 to tango"

  • @kittee6409
    @kittee6409 Před 2 měsíci +1


  • @chrispengraves6487
    @chrispengraves6487 Před 2 měsíci +5

    And people wonder why we cheat. I have been completely faithful. No more . Sorry

    • @goldenknightsfanatic
      @goldenknightsfanatic Před 2 měsíci +4


    • @leekflower1
      @leekflower1 Před 2 měsíci +3

      Please please please divorce her first. There is nothing manly about getting back at how she has hurt you in this way. Better yet get some professional help with or without her. Or get some better men in your life to call you on.

    • @sdfft820
      @sdfft820 Před 2 měsíci

      Get a divorce. Non Christians shouldn’t marry to begin with.

    • @doyoulikecrystalgel
      @doyoulikecrystalgel Před 2 měsíci

      @@leekflower1 I'm not saying that cheating is good - it never is. But it is as simple as "get a divorce". I don't think people realize just how F*ck3d men get when going through a divorce. That's the basis for ALL these "manosphere" channels - the unfairness of the law in relation to marriages and relationships. What if the man is the provider, and then his wife decides to STARVE him of his priority? What is the man to do? If he divorces, his wife walks away with EVERYTHING. Even in "at-fault" states/cities, im 10000% sure you can't cite "my wife wont have sex with me" as plausible grounds to divorce without the man getting effed during the process. So what does the guy do? He steps out and gets himself a separate woman to "satisfy" his cravings. This generally doesn't mean that he'll head into a relationship with another woman, it's purely physical. Am I condoning stepping out? Absolutely not. But I also understand why someone like OP would say "and people wonder why we cheat".

  • @cynthiaventura360
    @cynthiaventura360 Před 2 měsíci

    I agree with some of what you said!
    Women are made out to be the one who has to give give give or serve serve serve their husbands and on top of it all take care of the house, the kids ( if they have kids) of the husbands parents and everyone/ everything else. That’s slavery! A man should put in work as well. You want to have sex with your wife ? Well care for her , make her feel wanted , by helping out with some of the chores , helping with the kids, not expecting his wife to do it all and be waiting for him with her legs wide open. The same way a woman is to honor her husband , he should be honoring her. Men are made different , we women do go through a lot of changes hormonally, which sucks because it affects our sex drive. I agree that a woman should not go 5 years or simply so long without having sex with her husband/ boyfriend etc.. and if there is something going on where her drive is not up there, try to figure things out and the husband should be understanding, they should discuss these changes and concerns together . But be actively working on the relationship, I guarantee you by doing these things sex will come easier the way it should . Women want sex just as much as men do sometimes even more but it should be enjoyable for both parties, not “oh it’s been a week since we had sex I have to have sex with my husband because that’s what I’m supposed to do when he wants it”
    My are each other’s companions/ mate for life hopefully, but I don’t agree with the fact that if you want to get a tattoo or a piercing or anything done to your body , and your husband doesn’t want you to or doesn’t like that , that you shouldn’t do it. The same way he will do what he wants with his body you should also do what you feel is right to your body. That being said though, I also believe in a mutual respect for one another. Not doing things out of spite. discussing things together and compromising. But when someone is told not to do something because the other person does not like it, at that point your relationship is not that of a husband and wife, it becomes a parent child relationship. No one wants to be treated like a child and no adult wants to be parented by their significant other. Communication is everything.
    I may not have explained my point of view exactly but I hope you understand.
    No disrespect to you at all though.
    Now I will also say , if you’re happy being submissive to your partner that’s all that matters. As long as he respects you and does not abuse you in any way. Also this message should not just be for Christian women or any one of faith, it should be for all women. No matter what religion or culture or non religious. I was raised Roman Catholic, I do believe in God , I do pray but I won’t go to church because to me, church is any place you choose to pray and worship the good lord! My experience with going to church , (and I went to other people’s church like Christian and Baptist as well as Roman Catholic, ) is that every time service was over and everyone would be outside chatting, catching up with friends, making new friends and saying their goodbyes, all I would hear was gossip from almost everyone. People talking about their fellow brothers and sisters and how they look , what they wore , about their way of living , their children and what this one and that one did. It was disheartening and sad! Like really, we just finished listening to the word of our forgiving, loving and generous savior and that’s what you go do outside, everything opposite of what was spoken. Smh 🤦🏼‍♀️ I couldn’t deal with that. But anyways , my point is , sex in a marriage or relationship of any kind, should be consenting and respectful, loving , fun and wanted by both parties and really should not have anything to do with religion. No disrespect to you or anyone, as I said I am a woman of faith, but religious beliefs shouldn’t be used to justify why anyone does this or that or how and how often they have sex. Following everything written in the Bible , that was written thousands of years ago, should not be what dictates how we do things entirely. Meaning , not living following every word of the good book in its entirety. We live differently now , women have rights now and back then we did not.
    Sorry for rambling, I tend to do that. 😂
    This is just my opinion and views . I believe in everyone living their own lives , I don’t judge anyone. If what you’re doing makes you happy then live and let live! What I would interject in , is if someone is in danger by the way they live. Otherwise, Rock on! !!
    Once again sorry for rambling, everything I said I really said with respect to you and everyone!
    God bless you! Be well sweetheart.

    • @uhhmon319
      @uhhmon319 Před 2 měsíci

      Yeah I’m not getting married

    • @grace_and_purity
      @grace_and_purity  Před 2 měsíci

      Love to hear your thoughts ❤❤❤ I truly enjoy the balance Ethan and I have and what we each bring to the table. 🎉

    • @laylalayla6630
      @laylalayla6630 Před měsícem

      I understand we want teamwork in the house if both of us are working. What I don’t understand is how conveniently we ignore teamwork all those years before we get married. We leave to men all expenses, courting romancing pursuing, initiative, proposal, ring, etc. Why don’t we talk about teamwork there?
      As for the sexual part. Studies show pretty much every woman/man masturbates. Of course, as women I don’t expect you to admit it as we are ashamed to admit it. But this shows we have sexual needs. So it confuses me why we have so many hangups and issues once we take a bite of the wedding cake. That scares me about getting married. I don’t want to turn into the typical christian wife who makes the husband jump through fiery hoops to maybe change our minds to put out for sex. Why are our needs more important than theirs? Imagine if we said “Lets have sex so he can fulfill my needs” instead. But no. We make it all about us just because we are women. As it is commonly said our love is conditional while men’s is not. Apparently non christian wives enjoy their sexuality more.

    • @cardboardcapeii4286
      @cardboardcapeii4286 Před 4 dny

      The man is putting in the work by providing for the family and caring for the wife. That’s how it should be in my opinion