When the call backfires at work


Komentáře • 92

  • @solarprophet5439
    @solarprophet5439 Před 21 dnem +212

    If only this were how things actually went most of the time.

    • @kweeh3110
      @kweeh3110 Před 10 dny +6

      The bank my wife worked for did this to abusive customers. We are in Australia just for reference.

    • @jamesh7876
      @jamesh7876 Před 9 dny +1

      It’s actually interesting I just had a really good intersection with someone today because I was nice. It works in your favor.

    • @JenosIdallian
      @JenosIdallian Před 4 dny

      Without going into details due to NDA's and whatnot, I was a manager for a telecom company, and I had customers DNR'ed for their abuse of my employees if the situation warranted it. DNR means the following:
      1. Your account is immediately closed.
      2. Your card on file is immediately billed for all outstanding services and equipment in your possession, without opportunity to return any of it.
      3. You are blacklisted and unable to ever get an account with us again at your address, or, your SSN. Both can be flagged.
      4, Legal is immediately sent a notification of the DNR, along with a copy of the signed customer agreement, a notated history of all interactions with the company, and the recorded call.
      The only catch with this is that you have to have two other managers sign off in agreement with it as well after an interaction review. Anything that goes to DNR is a slam dunk, and you will be fiscally fucked for your stupidity. There are some companies out there that don't play. I hope folks never figure out which they are, because if they do, you've already payed out a couple thousand in 'dumb tax'.

    • @Frazzled_Chameleon
      @Frazzled_Chameleon Před 3 dny

      Right? Instead of kowtowing to and licking the boots of such customers. They need a "How to not take shit from toxic customers" course in that MBA.

  • @treco2583
    @treco2583 Před 21 dnem +174

    “Be a nicer person.” 🤣🤣

    • @acuyra
      @acuyra Před 10 hodinami

      Yeah, that was the cherry on top.

  • @warden8508
    @warden8508 Před 20 dny +88

    If only more people got this kind of justice

  • @eas2252
    @eas2252 Před 19 dny +56

    The world would be so much better if this were a thing.

  • @DJHA-jp5xp
    @DJHA-jp5xp Před 17 dny +57

    I run a call center in Texas and I want this to be in our supervisor training!!! Abuse is real folks and I feel so sad by how much my staff put up with. I have to remind them no one has a right to abuse, harass, or bully you just because you are in customer service.

    • @JonBrase
      @JonBrase Před 6 dny

      I took a call nigh on a decade ago where a not-even-a-customer told me to jump into a lake. Both of our sups told me that I wasn't required to put up with that, but frankly the guy was so unhinged that it was low-key the highlight of my day.
      Then there was the patient at a hospital that told me to have a horrible day after I told him that I couldn't tell him how to get into the administrative menu on the TV in his room because it was property of the hospital. That one was just sad: dude was in obvious pain.

  • @ChelleLlewes
    @ChelleLlewes Před 14 dny +6

    I WISH this would happen!!!
    "I used to like people. Then I got a job in customer service."
    That's no joke.

  • @wilm3864
    @wilm3864 Před 19 dny +35

    I wish the cell company I supported (via a third-party party call center) protected its agents and dropped abusive customers. But no. They preferred to require us to take the abuse. Now that cell company no longer exists.
    Btw, the entire time, I used a different cell company. I would never use the company I did tech support for because I knew better. I knew how bad their coverage was. I knew how bad their training programs and support documentation were.

  • @garym7937
    @garym7937 Před 16 dny +10

    If I had this power in Customer service, I would have never left.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny

      I had, and it was liberating. Too bad the general manager was an incompetent dolt who wanted to turn me, his sole customer service asshole, into a sales guy (despite not being part of the job description) because the company was hemorrhaging money thanks to his bad decisions.

  • @Lulusvideos1
    @Lulusvideos1 Před 19 dny +38

    I wish our company backed us up this way, we’re expected to take the verbal abuse on a daily basis. Avoid medical billing if you can, patients and their families are horrible to deal with.

    • @WaterLily0347
      @WaterLily0347 Před 14 dny +2

      Working in a healthcare call center patients,caregivers,providers can be straight up mean

    • @Firstfalconfree
      @Firstfalconfree Před 9 dny

      I mean, yes, patients can be extra tough to deal with. Can you really blame them though? The way our healthcare system is set up with insurance companies, hospital admin, liability, etc. are all contributing to set the most insane prices that are completely outside of market values.
      A few months ago, I had to take my 3 year old to the ER to make sure he hadn't broken or dislocated his arm. The bill was $8,000. Literally, all they did was take two x-rays.
      A week ago, my youngest had a nasty seizure, and I rode with her in an ambulance to the hospital. My stomach hurts thinking about how much that bill is going to cost. Most expensive Motrin ever.
      That said, I've worked in patient care before, and people obviously shouldn't take out their anger on you. Of course! You can't really do anything to help them unless you are a high up hospital exec. But I empathize with folks feeling taken advantage of.

    • @kimberlyluv3903
      @kimberlyluv3903 Před 4 dny

      Your Profile Pic is Sumthing 2 Admire. Btw, was it your Eyes Behind the lens taking such a Beautiful Pic? ⭐🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @radolfkalis4041
    @radolfkalis4041 Před 15 dny +9

    That us it in a nutshell: Be a nicer person.
    You never get anywhere abusing the person you want help or a service from, in ANY industry. Swallow your anger at the service department, they did not cause your problem, but they sure have to figgure out how to solve someone else's screwup.

  • @debbiejennings9040
    @debbiejennings9040 Před 15 dny +11

    I love these videos, because they are spot on! Veronica is the woman!👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾💃🏽

  • @jonahweinshenker
    @jonahweinshenker Před 14 dny +5

    I have supportive management that actually does stuff like this. It’s unfortunate that more companies don’t have policies like this

  • @argentorangeok6224
    @argentorangeok6224 Před 12 dny +5

    The logical end of "the customer is always right" is customers who deserve exactly this.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny +1

      The full quote is "the customer is always right in matters of taste." That means, it doesn't matter if they're gonna look like a doofus for making a bad purchasing decision if they're giving you money.
      I hate that this got lost in translation to the point that people use it as a justification to do whatever they want.

    • @argentorangeok6224
      @argentorangeok6224 Před 4 dny

      @@jmal Eh. Society will eventually leave out the most important qualifier of any old adage or even older proverb- usually to justify some shortcoming of self-control. "Money is the root of all evil." would be my pet peeve within this subject.

  • @vishabrown6556
    @vishabrown6556 Před 19 dny +11

    Business do be having that sign of right to refuse business to you 😂

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny

      Customers and agents tend to forget that it also applies over the phone.

  • @PatrickHardison-bk4mh
    @PatrickHardison-bk4mh Před 19 dny +9

    Yes, that's the way it should happen but so often management seldom backs up their employees (in my experience).

  • @alyssatipton5080
    @alyssatipton5080 Před 14 dny +12

    We did this all the time at the Staples I worked at. Our manager wouldn't tolerate verbally abusive customers. The looks on their faces when they were given the old boot and told to come back when they felt like being adults. Oh yeah we heard it all: "I'm never shopping here again!" "I'm gonna tell all my friends!"
    They were always back one week or later.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny +1

      IME if they have to tell you all the boilerplate spiels like never shopping here again, telling all their friends, going on social media, etc...
      ...9 times out of 10 it's an empty threat or a last-ditch attempt to get some form of compensation.
      The ones who _will_ do it won't tell you.

    • @TheTonyEd
      @TheTonyEd Před 3 dny

      That's what I was just going to say I don't tell him I just don't come back! Then I relay just how I was treated to everyone I know and I posted everywhere I can did other people can decide whether they want to spend their money they are not it's just me cost them 10 customers plus me by not confronting you not getting in an adversarial conversation not dealing with an incompetent entitled arrogant call center then all the better

  • @helloidharbl6753
    @helloidharbl6753 Před 17 dny +6

    I worked in an incoming call center quite a while back. Most people who call are legitimately trying to understand or fix something and they want your help. Then there are people who call in yelling, lying, giving false information. We would flag these accounts. See ALL calls are recorded and the flag helps line up their call history for any floor manager to easily line up.

    • @johnmckown1267
      @johnmckown1267 Před 9 dny +2

      Yes. The company I worked for had all customer related calls recorded. I don't remember the retention. We had thousands of tapes (super high quality) kept in a secure site run by Iron Mountain.

  • @oonzbib6962
    @oonzbib6962 Před 8 dny +2

    When parents think getting food on the table is their only responsibility.
    They should learn that teaching kids manners is also their job.

  • @tazylab6233
    @tazylab6233 Před 15 dny +2

    If life could work like this

  • @stuartarthur9844
    @stuartarthur9844 Před 16 dny +3

    Veronica is hero we need.

    • @argentorangeok6224
      @argentorangeok6224 Před 12 dny

      I feel like there should be Veronica t-shirts and bumper stickers.

  • @user-qx2de6xk6s
    @user-qx2de6xk6s Před 19 dny +8

    Christ, if only this actually happened.

  • @TheTonie23
    @TheTonie23 Před 22 dny +16

    Fuck yea!!

  • @telelaci2
    @telelaci2 Před 7 dny

    Veronica is always so apt and spirited. I like her very much.

  • @21mushroomcupcakes33
    @21mushroomcupcakes33 Před 21 dnem +8


  • @Diogenes-ty9yy
    @Diogenes-ty9yy Před 9 dny +3

    I was a lead tech at an ISP's call center and I would get escalated calls from agents as the policy, for agents, was to warn the abusive customer twice, then transfer to a lead or sup. Unfortunately, we simply had to take the abuse, no terminating the call. I once got a call where the customer was an ex-NYC resident who proceeded to call me a "M-Fer" about 100 times over the next hour or so. Then, having addressed the problem, I had to call his home back again and his wife then called me that same epithet about 40 times over the next 15 minutes. I needed few Tylenol and antacids that day and, as others have said, I only wish that this was policy for all customer reps' interactions.

  • @SeonghwaffleJem
    @SeonghwaffleJem Před 17 dny +1

    I wish my team got this kind of support when dealing with abusive customers.

  • @DavidRJones82
    @DavidRJones82 Před 15 dny +1

    Everyone clapping till they call in 😂😂😂

  • @absentmindedprof
    @absentmindedprof Před 4 dny +1

    Veronica is my hero! 🥂

  • @jordancarmack584
    @jordancarmack584 Před 10 dny +3

    I'll take "reasons why no one asks for a manager at my Little Caesars" for $300. They're worried they might get me. More than 30 customer complaints have been lodged against me in the last three years. I pass the resulting secret shops with flying colors every time. Now I just tell the crappy customer to be sure they spell my name correctly.

  • @janewestmoreland7239
    @janewestmoreland7239 Před 9 dny +2

    We call this "firing a customer!"

    • @thisbushnell2012
      @thisbushnell2012 Před 7 dny +1

      My favorite boss 'discharged' a greedy customer. When he saw my face, he explained, "This kind of customer we do not need."

  • @petrichor5294
    @petrichor5294 Před 19 dny +18

    I wish my last manager protected me like that. Customers would throw things at us and call us swear words, and my manager would say, “The customer’s always right.”

    • @benu_bird
      @benu_bird Před 19 dny +10

      "The customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE." That is the actual quote. It means that the customer can choose the ugliest, tackiest thing, and that is on them. It doesn't mean to take abuse from customers. I wish people knew this.

    • @petrichor5294
      @petrichor5294 Před 19 dny +7

      @@benu_bird Tell that to my boomer ex-manager. Honestly, it’s disturbing how that generation thinks abuse is normal.

    • @Lulusvideos1
      @Lulusvideos1 Před 19 dny

      @@petrichor5294no boomers don’t think it’s ‘normal’ it’s just the way it is in customer service, companies are so desperate to keep customers they allow idiots to abuse their employees. Managers know it’s wrong, they just go along with it, boomer, gen x, whatever generation they are.

    • @viomouse
      @viomouse Před 17 dny +1

      I just had a thought, maybe, because that was how they were treated as a child, when child abuse (verbally and physically) was still wax more prominent than it is today. So they're just like "meh, this is normal".

    • @petrichor5294
      @petrichor5294 Před 16 dny

      @@viomouse I would agree. Everything came from somewhere; a catalyst. I wish more people had your understanding, so they could break the cycle.

  • @Seetiyan
    @Seetiyan Před 15 dny +2

    I wish I lived in that timeline!

  • @maxyhere
    @maxyhere Před 14 dny +1

    If it's like that call-center companies will go bankrup. Nothing like that would ever happen in the call-center where I worked

    • @rusted_ursa
      @rusted_ursa Před 9 dny +1

      Nuh-uh, man. If that were universal, then customers would just have to learn to keep their shit to themselves. They'd just have to go see a therapist or something. Normalize not taking abuse!

  • @breadfan_85
    @breadfan_85 Před 2 dny

    I have worked in customer service in some capacity for almost 20 years. If feels great when a supervisor has your back 100%. And it's been my experience that they usually do, as long as you have proven yourself to be a good worker.

  • @colobisman6132
    @colobisman6132 Před 6 dny +1

    I’ve actually fired customers before and it can be very liberating.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny

      They get genuinely shocked when you do so. 😂

  • @valerief1231
    @valerief1231 Před 6 dny

    And then my alarm clock went off and Marcia the manager is a) still alive, and b) still rude AF to the staff

  • @jmal
    @jmal Před 5 dny

    Customers (and agents, sadly) tend to forget that "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" also applies over the phone.

  • @kaylynnanson6231
    @kaylynnanson6231 Před 18 dny +2

    If only 😂

  • @vigilantmoth7947
    @vigilantmoth7947 Před 8 hodinami


  • @colinkraus7139
    @colinkraus7139 Před 17 dny +1

    Great video.

  • @BenjiOlive
    @BenjiOlive Před 23 dny +6


  • @ChubbyUnicorn
    @ChubbyUnicorn Před 16 dny +1

    If only this was true.

  • @naturalgalwilliams
    @naturalgalwilliams Před 21 dnem +4


  • @prestonstephens7719
    @prestonstephens7719 Před 2 dny

    The old “the CUSS tomer is always right” always seems to win, however.

  • @clove8763
    @clove8763 Před 17 dny

    Veronica ROCKS!!! #LuvHer

  • @brenthill3241
    @brenthill3241 Před 8 dny

    Nope. The same companies that treat their employees in an abusive manner don't magically treat their clients any better.
    It's all about minimum service for maximum profit.

  • @R7Romeo
    @R7Romeo Před 14 dny +1

    Look tell that knuckle dragger my company still only pays minimum wage. 7.25/hr no overtime keep it up I'll change it too $2.50

  • @thisbushnell2012
    @thisbushnell2012 Před 7 dny

    The recipe for ending the virus that is karenicity.

  • @karenbrauch1456
    @karenbrauch1456 Před 20 hodinami

    My issue with talking to people with an accent is the speed in which they talk. My brain can keep up with them, plus I have the added problem of having hearing loss.. I think if people could just not speak so fast, it would help!

  • @erinhilliard9347
    @erinhilliard9347 Před 15 dny +1

    Hell yes 🙌

  • @alexoblivion9295
    @alexoblivion9295 Před 15 dny +1


  • @user-dg5zf4it8c
    @user-dg5zf4it8c Před 21 dnem +2


  • @MagicalLight777
    @MagicalLight777 Před 21 dnem +3


  • @apexheisenberg4951
    @apexheisenberg4951 Před 13 dny

    68 weeks????

  • @nomusicrc
    @nomusicrc Před 10 dny

    I wish

  • @WinstonSmithGPT
    @WinstonSmithGPT Před 6 dny

    Customers don’t owe you their money. Feel real good about yourself until you get laid off and discover the job market is dead. Then you can lecture your mirror until eviction.

    • @JonBrase
      @JonBrase Před 6 dny +1

      Most customers are sources of profit. Some choose to behave in ways that make them expense items. If you're the latter, the company may well decide it doesn't need your business, and that may turn out to be right.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny

      Doesn't change the fact that it doesn't give you any right to treat the customer service people poorly.
      I've fired customers like you for being a problem even before they give their credit card info. What's the point of getting your money if we know you're gonna give us a hard time and we'll eventually have to refund you?
      Customer: But you're losing out on my $x of business!
      Me: Considering your attitude, we never had that to begin with. Good day. *click*

  • @daviddavid5880
    @daviddavid5880 Před 19 dny +3

    I feel like we need to explain this to mystified European viewers. You see, we've had this deep caste system so long that we still have a shockingly high percentage of our population that continues to treat lower caste people like slaves. Abusing the even-lower caste is baked-in. Having a rung even lower than your own low rung is an American cultural touchstone. We are constantly threatened with that lower rung. You might be just a deep-in-debt shoe store manager, but by God you're not a call center drone or waitress, and you're by-god going to abuse them. Climbing up that ladder can be so crushing that we also have a whole lot of weird "Stockholm Syndrome" justification. A sort of "I had to lick boots for decades to get here, and now I'm going to make you lick boots as is is my god-given right" kind of battered dad beats his spouse spouse beats her kids circle of life thing ( And a lot of the attendant "He's a good provider" "This will build character" etc too) I hope this helps explain why we're so very weird over here. Just look at the comments. Seriously abusing people is super common here. Still no healthcare or college. Minimum wage still 7.25usd ( 6.75 Euros ), so we still just suck it up. Maybe we'll catch up to you in another 50yrs.

    • @fibophi239
      @fibophi239 Před 18 dny +3

      I work for an international company and the majority of my clients are from the US. Can't tell you how many times it ends with the request of a supervisor, and I do want to specify not because of me lacking in providing a service. Simply because they do not like what they are hearing. Recently though, they gave us permission to deny these requests with out any valid reason. Can't tell you the grin on my face when I tell them this is the highest point of contact, and of course I am talking here only about the abusing clients.

    • @alexchavez5322
      @alexchavez5322 Před 17 dny +2

      I'd vote for you for president of anything.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny

      What a bunch of whiney, uneducated claptrap. I'd tell you how wrong you are, but there's so much to unpack that my time and energies are better spent elsewhere.

  • @renevil2105
    @renevil2105 Před 17 dny +1

    The world is inly strong cause we are mean bastarders, the nicer people die first.

    • @jmal
      @jmal Před 5 dny

      *only, *bastards