Persona 4 is about Television

  • čas přidán 1. 07. 2024
  • Sources, general commentary, and media used are available at:
    Robots recommended: "Unveiling the Mysterious Secrets of Persona 4's Television"
    This video is possible thanks to the kind help of a bunch of creators:
    First, thanks to ‪@LordKnightfgc‬ for his expertise!
    Second I want to thank the following creators for their permission for me to use their footage - this video would not be possible without their help:
    ‪@HidinginPrivate‬ for the Persona 4 footage
    ‪@SilentLongplays‬ for his Persona 4 footage as well
    ‪@Osirus‬ for his Pokemon footage
    ‪@TommyLoveHD‬ for the Persona 2 footage
    ‪@KingKlonoa‬ for his Halo Reach and Persona 4 video
    Thank you to the CZcamsrs for lending me their voices:
    Ghost from ‪@TheWeebCrewPodcast‬
    The Dancing Vtuber during the Patreon credits is ‪@JuniiHejjiko‬, who I did a Persona 4 Twitch stream with, so it's not just some random cameo
    ‪@EasyMusicLesson‬ for their kind permission on letting me use the Recorder rendition of Specialist
    I technically stole the Overcooked 2 example from ‪@gamematterschannel‬, so please check out their discussion on Procedural Design as a more-indepth look:
    • The (procedural) rheto...
    Thumbnail was made by s0ftmars:
    Twitter/X: / media
    00:00:00 Intro
    00:01:10 Context
    00:02:56 Lore Dump
    00:07:01 The Loop
    00:20:57 Literature Review
    00:27:55 The Technology of Persona
    00:31:58 Broadcasting Connection
    00:44:29 The Procedural TV
    00:52:16 Fog Talk
    01:06:40 E-Begging
    01:07:58 The Confusing Part
    01:16:12 The Broadcast Translation
    01:39:27 Translating the Genre
    01:46:33 Battle of the Broadcasters
    01:53:14 Broadcasting the Meta
    02:06:04 Concluding Thoughts
    This channel is possible thanks to supporters:
    Patreon: / pauseandselect
    The discord I hang out in (but don't run, that's just where I linger):
    / discord
    Twitter/X: pauseandselect
  • Hry

Komentáře • 231

  • @___g
    @___g Před 5 měsíci +56

    Not sure what you're looking for at 48:56 but here's a quick synopsis of how a fire call is ran in most municipal, career departments.
    A call is placed to dispatch, whether by a monitoring station or (more likely) a citizen.
    A call taker receives all pertinent information from the caller and begins sending messages to the dispatcher.
    The dispatcher designates units to respond, typically by a "first due" system. Each fire station has a zone that they are first due on any calls for to minimize response times, so the call will go to all units in order from first due to last due. For our example, we will say Engine 1 is first due in Station 1's zone.
    Engine 1, along with all other units, will get an alert at their fire station of a call they are being assigned to.
    Once assigned, the officer of the apparatus (we use "Captain" as a rank responsible for the engine), will begin getting their personnel to the apparatus. Engine 1 will verbally "Copy" on the radio to let dispatch know they've received the call.
    Once all personnel are on the apparatus, Engine 1 will begin traveling to their destination and the officer will advise "En Route".
    If there are any traffic conditions (construction, weather hazards, active school zones, etc.) the officer will advise dispatch of these.
    Assuming: Engine 1 is in service (not in training or down for some mechanical or personnel reason), that no adverse traffic conditions exist, and that it makes it to it's destination first: Engine 1's officer will advise "Arrival."
    Engine 1's officer's first job is to give dispatch, and all other units responding, an verbal picture of what they're going to be working on. For our example, we will say it is a four-unit apartment with two units on the first floor and two units on the second floor with the fire being located in the back bedroom of one of the units.
    A verbal picture, which we call a "size-up" would go something along the lines of: "Engine 1: Arrival. I have smoke showing from the Charlie side of the building. There some people in front of the building. I'll be establishing [insert road] Command. Have all units move over to Fireground/Fire Tac/[name of radio channel that's not main] 1 upon arrival."
    Typically, at least in our department, most officers will elect to go into "Fast Attack" mode, whereby a hose line is pulled from the engine to the front door of the unit on fire by the firefighter.
    We're going to get a little confusing if I don't start using ranks, so follow me on this.
    The "firefighter" is a firefighter of no rank.
    The "Captain" is a firefighter who is responsible for the Engine and is considered an officer.
    The "Driver" drives the apparatus (engine) and is responsible for providing water from the engine to the hose line(s).
    While the firefighter is getting the hose line set up, the Captain is asking the people in front of the structure where the fire is - if they know. For our example, we will say the Captain makes contact with the renters of the affected unit, who advise they say fire in the "back bedroom" of the apartment "on the left" and that everyone is out of the unit.
    The Captain will relay this over Fireground 1, which their crew, Dispatch, and all other incoming units will hear as well.
    If the Driver is lucky, there will be a fire hydrant close to their apparatus for them to establish a reliable water source from. If not, the Driver's first, and main job, is to wait for the firefighter to call for water and provide that water immediately.
    The Captain determines if they have enough information to engage. Assuming they do, they will go and backup the firefighter. To add more confusion, the firefighter controlling the nozzle is called the "nozzleman" and the person helping the nozzleman is called the "backer". The firefighter is the nozzleman and the Captain is the backer.
    By this time, a Chief Officer should have responded to the scene. Their job will be to take Command from the Captain and run the scene.
    The Chief Officer, who we will simply call "Command" henceforth since it usually does not ever transfer after this point, is now responsible for everything that happens.
    Command breaks out a PAR board (personal accountability report) and moves the names of the firefighter and Captain to "Attack Group 1".
    The Captain, now Attack Group 1, will advise they are making entry into the affected unit. Command will copy.
    Upon entry, the main job of the firefighter is to put the wet stuff on the red stuff, while the main job of the Captain is to make sure they don't die. Fighting fires is easy to get tunnel-vision, especially because it is extremely physically taxing, so even though that previous sentence sounds really dumb: it's importance is paramount.
    Assuming visibility is bad, smoke throughout the structure and can't see your hand in front of your face, Attack Group 1 will crawl through the unit using a right or left-handed search pattern. This means they will always keep at least one hand on the wall and the other hand on the hose line. (This differs from search groups, where the second in will hold on to the first in firefighter's ankle).
    Assuming they find the compartment on fire quickly enough, the nozzleman will get in position and wait for the backer to get into position.
    Going back a bit, especially if other units have not yet arrived, Command will ask the Captain if they have secured power/utilities yet. If the answer is yes, than nothing changes; however, in our example, the answer is no.
    While Attack Group 1 is making their way to the fire, Command may move to shut off the utilities.
    The main utility in question is usually electricity, though gas utilities are also important as well. Electricity has a more violent reaction with water and humans usually don't like having too much electricity go through their bodies.
    Command makes the determination to go themselves to secure the utilities or wait for the next due apparatus.
    The next due apparatus, typically, is the Rescue unit sharing the same station as the Engine, so Rescue 1.
    In our example, Rescue 1 would also be first due, but they were not mentioned earlier because over 90% of calls to the Fire Department in the modern era are medical in nature; meaning many Rescues run frequently and are not in station very long. This is tangential to what you're probably looking for, so let's just assume they're responding from the hospital after having just transferred patient care to hospital personnel.
    This means that Command (and this will be controversial if another firefighter ever finds this post) SHOULD secure utilities themselves while keeping an ear on the radio if no other units are yet on scene... so they do.
    With Command advising utilities are secured, and the risk of electrocution minimized, Attack Group 1 will begin actually fighting the fire. Once the bale is opened, the Captain will advise "Attack Group 1, water on the fire".
    Command will copy.
    Additional units are about to arrive on scene: Engine 2 and Rescue 2.
    Command will designate Engine 2 as water supply, meaning Engine 2's entire responsibility is to get water from a hydrant, into their apparatus, and pump it to Engine 1. If they do not have to attach to their apparatus and instead can connect a hydrant directly to Engine 1: even better.
    Command (in our example) has a map book full of all roads, structures, hydrants, etc. in their jurisdiction. Command will advise Engine 2 before their arrival that there is a hydrant further up the street that Engine 2 will be coming from and to "hit" that hydrant. This is slang for "Get out, see if it has water, and then get that water here."
    Engine 2 will copy and, as they arrive, begin that process.
    Command moves the names of the personnel on Engine 2 under "Water Supply 1"
    The firefighter of Engine 2 will get out with hydrant tools, open the hydrant, and determine if the water supply is good. If so, they will advise on Fireground 1 "Engine 2 Bravo, wet hydrant".
    The firefighter will take a 5-inch (inside diameter) hoseline, wrap the hydrant a bit with it, and the Driver will begin moving the engine forward to their destination. For our example, we'll say the hose line is long enough to each Engine 1's inlet.
    After reaching Engine 1, the Captain will take the remainder of the 5-inch hose line needed for the connection, and attach it to Engine 1 while the firefighter of Engine 2 connects to the hydrant itself.
    Once all connections are made, firefighter of Engine 2 opens the hydrant to allow the flow of water from the hydrant to Engine 1's water tank.
    Captain of Engine 2 will advise "Engine 2, water supply established"
    Command will usually designate the first arriving Rescue (Rescue 2) as Search Group 1, if there are confirmed victims trapped in the structure. Assuming that all humans are out of the structure (sorry animals), Rescue 2 will likely be reassigned act as Rehabilitation.
    Command moves the names of the personnel on Rescue 2 under "Rehab 1"
    Attack Group 1 calls "Fire out" over Fireground 1.
    Command will say "Command copy: Fire out"

    • @___g
      @___g Před 5 měsíci +5

      This is probably where you can stop reading, since that's the end of any actual "firefighting", but since I'm already here:
      Command will advise all other units to slow to "Code 1", meaning no light or sirens and to obey all traffic regulations (stop at red lights).
      Command will usually also advise all units to stage well outside the scene so they can get back into service in their designated zones if unneeded at this specific scene.
      Attack Group 1 will, typically, leave the hose line where the fire was in the event of a rekindle.
      Attack Group 1 will begin moving to Rehab 1.
      I'm going to add a portion here that some (but definitely not all) fire departments do called decontamination.
      Command may designate Engine 2 from Water Supply 1 to "Decon 1"
      Decon 1's responsibility is to get as much of the carcinogenic products of combustion off Attack Group 1's personnel. When Attack Group 1 comes out of the structure, Decon 1 personnel will spray them down with water, then use brushes to scrub as much of the particulates off as possible, then rinse with water again.
      Decon 1 will repeat this process for every individual, hose line, tool, etc. that went into the structure.
      Attack Group 1 will then doff their SCBA, helmet, and coat, and head to Rehab.
      Rehab's entire job is to make sure firefighters do not suffer a medical emergency secondary to firefighting.
      Attack Group 1 was the only unit to enter the structure, so we will keep using them in this example.
      Attack Group 1's personnel will be hooked up to a monitor that will analyze their pulse, blood pressure, and SpO2 (% of oxygen in the blood).
      Regardless of how Attack Group 1's personnel feel, they are not permitted to leave Rehab for a prescribed amount of time. Usually this is 10-15 minutes, but it does depend on how dire the situation is (e.g., the structure is still burning even with two Attack Groups and a master stream shooting down from the top of the ladder truck). Since the fire is out, Attack Group 1 can fully rehabilitate.
      Once Rehab 1 determines that Attack Group 1 personnel have normalized their vitals (let's say, after 10 minutes), Command will likely - if they haven't already - initiate the demobilization of the scene.
      Demobilization is inclusive of retrieving all fire department belongings back to their designated apparatus and personnel: Engine 2 will detach their 5-inch hose line from Engine 1 and the hydrant, Rescue 2 will retrieve all medical equipment for rehab, and so on as everything except Engine 1's hose line is packed up.
      Engine 1's responsibility is now to determine origin and cause of the fire: where and how did it start. They cannot leave the scene until this is determined.
      I've already gone on long passed the "fire out", so I'm not going to bore or make this comment any longer. This goes on for another long while talking about calling out fire investigators when things look weird, how firefighting starts at preventing fires from even happening through code enforcement (Fire Inspectors) or public education to teach people how to use fire extinguishers, etc.
      Also the above was just a simple room-and-contents fire: every fire is what I would described as "similarly different", where they all follow the same basic flowchart but there's always something different about each one: the compartment, the fuel, how the fuel in the compartment is organized, the construction of the roof, the construction of the floor, the appliance(s) in question if a mechanical failure, etc. etc. etc.
      Overall, most fireground tactics follow the ICS, or Incident Command System, in some capacity that I described above. This ranges from career (as in all the members are paid as full-time employees) fire rescue departments like the one, to completely volunteer (no compensation or a paid-by-call [$2-$5 per call is common]) departments.
      80% of fire departments in the United States are volunteer.
      Find out if yours is and support them.
      Join as a volunteer, donate money or advocate to your local government to increase funding, ask if there's anything they need (axes, sledgehammers, even toolbox stuff), or see if they have a Canteen or CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program that you can response to emergency with and provide the firefighters with water, shade from the sun, etc.
      You can find a list of every fire department in the US here:

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +5

      @@___gThat's interesting that there's a full map; how often does it get updated?

    • @___g
      @___g Před 5 měsíci +2

      Established tactics change as a result of experience (after action reports) of both our own department and reports from other departments. This then trickles down to the various Training Divisions of different agencies, who are then responsible for disseminating it to the Operations personnel (suppression units)
      Real time tactics change as the scene evolves.
      As an example of established tactics, we use to set up two hose lines for electric vehicle fires. The batteries in EVs are self-oxidizing, so they continually create their own combustion once they come in contact with air. It would take tens of thousands of gallons of water to extinguish.
      The new way is broken down into two choices:
      A) Use of a fire-retardant blanket and a sprinkler-type appliance to place under the carriage of the EV. The batteries are (usually) on the bottom of EVs, so the water can cool them rapidly. The blanket is suppose to smother or limit the amount of oxygen being provided to the EV fire (think waterboarding, but a Tesla).
      B) Let it burn
      Option (A) is taken when the vehicle may be a hazard to others: a parking garage, other vehicles in a parking lot, under a wooden carport, etc.
      Option (B) is taken when the vehicle present little or no hazard: on the shoulder of the highway, road, in the middle of a property away from structures or other vehicles, etc.
      This is a recent change that even our department is evolving with, but it wouldn't necessarily change (or "update") the flow.
      For an example of instant "updating", I'll reuse the example we already mentioned.
      Assuming Attack Group 1 enters the structure with a charged hose line with the purpose of extinguishing the fire, but they were unable to determine if any occupants are trapped inside.
      [PATH A]
      Attack Group 1 uses a left-handed search pattern, clears the first room they come across, and finds fire in the second room where the fire is.
      Attack Group 1 begins fighting the fire.
      Water Supply is established, Engine 2 reassigned from Water Supply to Search Group 1.
      Search Group 1 enters the structure conducting a right-hand search pattern.
      Search Group 1 clears the first room they come across, and begins searching the second room they come across.
      During their search of the second room, they find a victim.
      Search Group 1 calls to Command they've located a victim and begin exiting the structure with the victim - unless the victim is "unviable" (obviously dead in some way that no resuscitating efforts would matter).
      [PATH B]
      Attack Group 1 decides instead of doing a left-handed search pattern to conduct it right-handed.
      Attack Group 1 clears the first room they come across, and begins searching the second room they come across.
      During their search of the second room, they find a victim.
      Attack Group 1 calls to Command they've located a victim and begin exiting the structure with the victim - unless the victim is "unviable" (obviously dead in some way that no resuscitating efforts would matter).
      Search Group 1 (Engine 2) will be reassigned to Attack Group 1, and Attack Group 1 (Engine 1) will be reassigned to Search Group 1 by Command.
      Upon Search Group 1 (now Engine 1)'s exiting of the structure with viable victim, Attack Group 1 (now Engine 2) will enter the structure following the hose line to the nozzle to see where Search Group 1 left off and continue the right-handed search pattern from there to locate the fire.
      Aside from the above, ICS is updated by FEMA whenever the federal government feels it has sufficient data to update the flow of how operations are ran.
      We also use the ICS structure for natural disasters (hurricanes, tornados, floods, etc.) for long-term operations. ICS is meant to be scalable, so it can be use for both small and massive multi-agency operations. ICS has also helped save many, many lives in the firefighting realm because (prior to it's establishment and semi-brute forced introduction into the fire service) many tactics and strategies for firefighting was relying on passdown-style "this is the way we've always done it" ideology. People, as well as firefighters, got hurt or worse because of this.
      It used to be seen as federal overreach when it was implemented because the feds offers money for it's adoption and municipalities obviously love free money for promises so "you firefighters have to do this and prove that you're doing this" was pretty much how it was taken by most fire rescue/departments in the country. Now anyone who isn't using ICS is seen as lesser, disorganized, or, most commonly, "fucking up bad".
      Hopefully that's what you're looking for, if not let me know and I can keep explaining when I've got more downtime.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@___gYeah this has been a really insightful stuff.

  • @GilLiesHere
    @GilLiesHere Před 5 měsíci +116


  • @raspberrytealeaf
    @raspberrytealeaf Před 5 měsíci +37

    I think you would really enjoy Katsura Hashino's interview in the 2009 Persona Club P4 book. He talks about the themes of Persona 4 as being media and media literacy, and how rather than the truth (or bonds), the theme is more about "information", and how this drove certain developments in the plot.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +8

      I'm surprised how consistent that is, I remember seeing something similar on the Atlus blog, interesting Hashino's been mentioning it since 2009. Thanks for letting me know!

  • @PauseandSelect
    @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +47

    Likes and subscribes are deeply appreciated, this post will also double as a corrections listing in case there are major errors I need to address.
    PlotProgressor has a good pair of criticisms that I think are useful to consider:
    36:15 "your plugging your VCR or game console into your television is no longer a broadcasting system it is a computer network essentially", No, I'm sorry but this is just out and out wrong. The TV especially in the framing that you friend present with the idea of how it was starting to be scene in from 1970-1990 is not a broadcasting system, it is in fact distinctly a receiver, TVs as a whole up until only about only a decade ago were mostly only capable of receiving input not sending input back. A computer network is defined by its client server nature, clients request something and the server sends something back in reply. This is not what a TV does at all its not part of what can be compared to a computer network because there is no back and forth exchange of information between the two devices, a tv could be changed channels to receive a different broadcast but this is not a request sent up to the broadcasting system but rather the tv changing the frequency that it listens to internally. Things like a cable box can some times send back actions to a broadcaster but this is not a function of a tv, (the cable can technically function without the tv), while something like a video game (the part video making it inherently tv dependent) can be viewed as somewhat as one in the same video games especially in the 80s 90s and some parts of the 2000s were not part of something like a computer network. Video games especially early were almost entirely dependent on one input source (the controller) and one output source (the tv) and there was no back and forth between these devices unless we want to reduce our concept of what constitutes a computer like network down to just Me, the Console and the TV, where its a circular closed loop of input output going in a singular direction.
    37:00 "Television is fascinating because of its capacity as an input output machine, not only does it take peripheral devices but also changes the nature of its content base on the configuration of input output. Unlike novels and radio which tend to be unipolar", Seriously how is Radio Unipolar but the TV isn't, by your lose standard here, the radio can also change its content based on its input and output, (FM ,AM radio channels, different radio channels), and if we want to get technically early TV's we operating on analog radio signals, so what gives. The TV really can only handle one input at a time your game console or the brodcast signal and the output is still always just the display, this isn't a network there is no cross talk. Defining it as being able to "change the nature of its content based on configuration of its input and output" is also a bit silly don't you think. The TV and Radio can also change the nature of its content without a change to the configuration of its input output, If I leave a radio on the same frequency or tv on the same channel the type of content changes without any configuration change in input output.

  • @michaelolaf9968
    @michaelolaf9968 Před 4 měsíci +5

    The parallel between code and sorcery touched on in the "Technology of Persona" chapter is reminiscent of a worldbuilding motif employed by Kinoko Nasu in his work published by TYPE-MOON. In his novels concerning the affairs of "magic arts" practitioners, the language of their craft alludes to electronics and software, e.g. "circuits", "mystic codes", "code casts" and taken from the TYPE-MOON wiki: "The practitioner acts in accord with the system that each Thaumaturgical System operates under to execute a pre-built program. That “program” is a set of universal rules that interfere with nature once they are enforced."
    Would love to see a video from you about Fate, Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai, or Mahoutsukai no Yoru in the future.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 4 měsíci +6

      I do have to get into the whole Fate thing one day eventually, my main connection has been getting busted in Melty Blood

  • @bigbone_99
    @bigbone_99 Před 5 měsíci +14

    "I've been waiting for this" - Akihiko Sanada

  • @DizendoLinhas
    @DizendoLinhas Před 4 měsíci +5

    I was so used to clicking on videos about Persona and finding the usual surface-level CZcams slop that this caught me seriously off guard. Thank you for your hard work.

  • @JuniiHejjiko
    @JuniiHejjiko Před 5 měsíci +30

    this video was really well put together man, good job!

  • @alicewonder259
    @alicewonder259 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I'm only 30 minutes in and im absolutely astounded by you and this video. I wish i could press subscribe and the like button harder. These ideas you're bringing to the table. Media being design. Software being magic. Kudos to your research and being so well resd but... wow. I'm incredibly inspired, and I'm just a quarter in.

  • @Anonlyso
    @Anonlyso Před 5 měsíci +21

    Been waiting for this since you've teased it around, but it really is fascinating how under-studied Fighting Games are for ludo-theory discussions. (Assumptions on cultural topics of study and academic focus politicking notwithstanding).
    Definitely in how much adapting RPG mechanics > Fighting Game functions, also fed into accessibility/newbie friendly considerations (successful or not), just how much additions were made to attract an overlapping market, something built top-down aesthetic wise compared to bottom-up indie doujin fighters (like Eternal Fighter Zero and Melty Blood) that already are games made "By Doujin Fighter fans FOR Doujin Fighter fans" to speak.
    Greatly appreciated the direction where the inter-nationality of a fighting game had consequences on community development and other design quirks within the gameplay itself. Can't say how else I would approach the subject, such as the system mechanics encourage a certain style a play, so the Meta evolves in understanding what options of gameplay are more efficient for winning over others via which Characters are Top Tiers vs Bottom.
    Glad to see it come together and best of luck to the algorithm for more eyes watching.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +6

      Yeah it's one of those weird beasts where, based on what's written and known, there should be some accountable structure or theory of sorts, but it just doesn't really exist. Inside the FGC most of the theory revolves around technical and meritocratic aspects (how an attack behaves, how to get good, etc.), or players (Who's doing well, why they're doing well, etc.). There's a media archaeology subsection about games during a time in a period, but for the most part it's tricky.
      But maybe I'm just sick of reading the 700th "The Last of Us is about Fatherhood" journal article lmao

  • @VexX6
    @VexX6 Před 5 měsíci +12

    This truly was a Shadow World

  • @EliahNebb
    @EliahNebb Před 5 měsíci +12

    good animations, i can feel the work that went into this video

  • @heehomgee4671
    @heehomgee4671 Před 5 měsíci +7

    Oh my god.
    I have been thinking about literally everything here for at least a year.
    The fact that it barely has as much likes as it deserves is nutty.

  • @vivvy_0
    @vivvy_0 Před 5 měsíci +3

    this was the best persona 4 related video i've seen so far. it's so well made.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Thank you very much for the kind words vivvy!

  • @MHF013
    @MHF013 Před 5 měsíci +8

    A 2 hour long video essay. Oh yeah, this one is definitely attracting the audiences.

  • @shadowseal22
    @shadowseal22 Před 5 měsíci +6

    I've been a fan of your channel ever since the Rakugo video, and it was pretty cool to be alerted to this video being a thing because you worked with LK to cover rhe P4AU section of the vid!

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Oh wow that's a long time, thanks for sticking so long!

  • @Guccitoadle
    @Guccitoadle Před 5 měsíci +7

    This was the first time I’ve seen a video of yours. I love P4 and I still actively play P4AU. Someone in the P4AU discord plugged your video and it was a great watch. I’m excited to watch more! 😃

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Oh snap! That's really cool, thanks for stopping by Guccitoadle!

    @JOSECRAKEN Před 5 měsíci +4

    Thank you very much for the video and subtitles too!

  • @hanasununhamunagoyum
    @hanasununhamunagoyum Před 5 měsíci +6

    Good grief, 2hrs? Glad I didn't start this at 3am when it went live, lol.
    That was great. Each chapter went off in a weird direction from the previous one but tied together for the conclusion perfectly.

  • @KuroShiiiro
    @KuroShiiiro Před 5 měsíci +5

    godly idea starting this with a synopsis. 2 hour video and i immediately know what you wanna talk about at 0:00. and im interested! i def cant watch this in one sitting (i have things to do soon), but the first minute has guaranteed i will finish this today. maybe ill edit this with my thoughts by the end. but i can tell ill enjoy this (my profile pic may have gave it away)

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      I'm glad the summary helped Tonyo, I hope you enjoy the video!!

    • @KuroShiiiro
      @KuroShiiiro Před 5 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect was not expecting it to jump around this much but i think it works well given the topic. the deep dive to p4u/2 and still tying it back to the central point? yessss. that was the icing on the cake. constantly fresh and interesting
      i love p4 and the spinoffs so this super deep dive was welcomed. i enjoyed this video for sure... you have my attention! def gonna sub

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      @@KuroShiiiro Thanks for your thoughts Tonyo! Yeah I think it's one of those topics that have a lot of moving parts and a lot of directions so pinning it down in some specific thing is a little tricky, so it was more interesting IMO to just cast out a broader net of ideas, especially considering how ubiquitous the theme of it was.
      Not sure how you feel about P5, but my next video is about P5. It'll be much shorter and more straightforward (I think) than this one.

  • @tonzillaye
    @tonzillaye Před 4 měsíci +1

    I had 0 idea where this video would take me but the trip was so worth it. One of the best videos I've seen in a long time, thank you for all the effort you put into it.

  • @omegafilming
    @omegafilming Před 5 měsíci +4

    HOOOoooo boy Joe, the months of updates really make sense after seeing the runtime -- this thing's massive! Congratulations on finishing it; it's gonna take me a while to get through this one (and given the density of the topic, I might need to watch it twice), but I don't doubt I'll enjoy it 👍

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Yeah it's all split up into related but scattered topics, so I'd say just treat it like a mealtime video or something.

  • @tavor2545
    @tavor2545 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Great video, Joe! Your editing and production are bonkers!

  • @matts8715
    @matts8715 Před 5 měsíci +1

    This editing is insane. Great video.

  • @Mushnoob_
    @Mushnoob_ Před 5 měsíci

    Damn the topics, the edits, guests etc and everything was so well put and interesting, well done!!

  • @AguasPoints
    @AguasPoints Před 5 měsíci +3

    This video is insane! One of the best essays on fighting games that I've seen.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +2

      I like Majin Obama's videos, especially "Meet Me Offline, Online" if you're interested in a really media-oriented perspective on fighting games

    • @AguasPoints
      @AguasPoints Před 5 měsíci

      I'll check it out.@@PauseandSelect

  • @raseaces
    @raseaces Před 5 měsíci +1

    i was planning to digest it in chunks but ended up watching the whole thing in one sitting- this was incredibly well worth the wait and and made me think about persona 4 in a lot of ways i hadn't even considered before, excellent stuff!

  • @johnfrancis89
    @johnfrancis89 Před 5 měsíci +6


  • @gustavohernandeza.890
    @gustavohernandeza.890 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Excellent video, Joe. Really interesting and enjoyable even if I knew little about Persona 4

  • @muar5078
    @muar5078 Před 5 měsíci

    Great video, thank you for your work

  • @PersonHouseInc
    @PersonHouseInc Před 5 měsíci +1

    A wild experience to watch the first half of this video, and have to put it down in order to work on end of term stuff, only to find that the paper I'm trying to write effectively exists fully formed not five minutes past where I had it paused. Whole thing was great, just reeling from the serendipity.
    Now to just take a peek in that description...

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Oh nice! I hope it was of some help, if you have questions just let me know!

  • @eggmath200
    @eggmath200 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Awesome video!

  • @catharticreverie
    @catharticreverie Před 4 měsíci +2

    31:37 ok that's just a really crazy and funny line, wow they use their phones as phones!? To like actually talk? wild how so far removed we are now that we don't ever do that, and default to texting even when communicating with people we have in our contact list

  • @HackinQuackin
    @HackinQuackin Před 5 měsíci +2

    I feel some Tim Rogers inspiration in this. Nice video!

  • @emabanana6545
    @emabanana6545 Před 5 měsíci

    Comment for the algorithm boost. Great work as always Joe.

  • @OccuredJakub12
    @OccuredJakub12 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I did not expect a full dive into fighting game and Arcsys history with a cameo from LordKnight, but GOD I was happy that you included it! Arena's story has its good qualities but I'm glad you didn't just skim over the multiplayer experience in your analysis!

  • @Kimarusco
    @Kimarusco Před 5 měsíci +3

    Wow, perfect timing, I've just been playing Persona 4 Ultimax for the first time! I'm thrilled to watch this

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Oh nice! Who do you play?

    • @Kimarusco
      @Kimarusco Před 5 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect​ I'm liking Kanji at the moment! Also I finished the video and it was fantastic

  • @blablaelios
    @blablaelios Před 5 měsíci +1

    Nice video, very professionally edited. This might be my first time really dipping my toes into game studies so I might have to watch it again.

  • @pilzi875
    @pilzi875 Před 5 měsíci +8

    Any LK fans in chat?

  • @errorfied
    @errorfied Před 5 měsíci

    Commenting to help support this channel, you deserve to go well!!

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Thank you very much error, I appreciate the help!

  • @maccamachine
    @maccamachine Před 5 měsíci

    Awesome video man very interesting I have thought about the choice for all the tvs but never too much into it

  • @hanekawatsubasachan
    @hanekawatsubasachan Před 5 měsíci

    Have been out of the loop with what you put out here for the last couple of years, this strikes me as being missing out. Enjoyed your emphasis on structural grounds of the mediacy and its synchrony throughout its own body, reminded me of Benjamin a lot. Loved the vibes, made me want to own an older TV as well so I could blow dust off my old PS2.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Hey tsubasa! Thanks for checking this out! The Benjamin vibes hadn't occurred to, but it's starting to make sense now that you mention it.
      And thanks on the TV comment! It was an old TV my folks had sitting around and they were going to throw it out, but I thought I could use it.

  • @leninscat6104
    @leninscat6104 Před 5 měsíci

    i have no clue why this did not come up in my subscription box. another fucking masterpiece by the only good anituber

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 4 měsíci

      Ah yeah, classic subscription thing. Thanks for watching! 🙇

  • @Stevem
    @Stevem Před 5 měsíci +3

    "Indie game Persona 4" ummm haven't you heard of a little game developer called Square Enix, FAkE FaN DeTeCteD!!

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Who is this Square Enix, some sort of system administrator?

    • @Stevem
      @Stevem Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@PauseandSelect like a parasite of some kind I think

  • @moejuggler6033
    @moejuggler6033 Před 5 měsíci

    Thanks for the analysis of an all-time classic!

  • @brosfirehawlk4606
    @brosfirehawlk4606 Před 5 měsíci

    Very nice vid. Thank you

  • @superjumpchump7182
    @superjumpchump7182 Před 5 měsíci +3

    You got LordKnight for this video? Ayyyyy

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +2

      He will never stop repping Persona 4 Arena, that was my in

  • @phothewin6019
    @phothewin6019 Před 5 měsíci +2

    Looking strong 💪

  • @TriTheCynic
    @TriTheCynic Před 5 měsíci +4

    We are so back!
    We are so back~!

  • @ThatRandomGamerrz
    @ThatRandomGamerrz Před 5 měsíci +1

    Dude, you deserve so many more views. I've been subbed since your 4-part disaster videos and you've only gotten better since then. Better editing, more insightful and original information, you got it all man; I hope that this vid does well for you.

  • @SoShiBias
    @SoShiBias Před 5 měsíci +2

    Mama told me if you watch too much television, you'd end up wearing glasses.
    I guess Persona 4 also anticipated that, weaponizing that aspect of TV to advertise their characters by having them wear glasses everyone so eagerly wanted.

  • @TheMitcher
    @TheMitcher Před 5 měsíci

    ooh this is one of my favourite games, and one of my favourite channels made a 2 hour video on it? can't wait to get stuck in

  • @SilentLongplays
    @SilentLongplays Před 5 měsíci

    Thanks for the credit, and great video!

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Thank you very much for the footage Silent! I appreciate it bud!

  • @josecarlospadilla9883
    @josecarlospadilla9883 Před 5 měsíci +1

    This is really great, super insightful! (also i'm one of the 7 people you mention that don't know what persona 4 was about lol)

  • @kotelric
    @kotelric Před 5 měsíci +2

    what the actual heck, this is so well edited

  • @MoonAnime
    @MoonAnime Před 5 měsíci +6

    I knew it bruh the image of the the TV tower at the beginning of the opening has been stuck in my head ever since I first boot up the game.
    It was trying to tell me something about those square electric boxes.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +5

      It's crazy how much TV there is in my TV video game

  • @anyaschneeweg5980
    @anyaschneeweg5980 Před 4 měsíci

    Really interesting. thx

  • @fluyd9
    @fluyd9 Před 5 měsíci +1

    welcome back king

  • @zainmudassir2964
    @zainmudassir2964 Před 5 měsíci

    Looking good 👍

  • @Ecusu
    @Ecusu Před 4 měsíci

    ... Is the video's title a riff on that one Twin Peaks Explained video?
    Well done.

  • @plifal7799
    @plifal7799 Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @GreenThunder121
    @GreenThunder121 Před 4 měsíci +1

    An irony with Teddie being the team member most free from societal expectations and the pressure of inheritance his friends face is how he eventually does this to himself by choice. He chose to stay working at Junes and even shows an interest in taking over as the manager one day. In one of the P4 drama CDs he joins in with the fellow heirs of the team by proudly proclaiming that he'll inherit Junes some day (even if that is not how department stores work). He also chose to continue protecting his world so no one else can do any harm with it. No one is forcing him to do this so it is a duty he decided to take on. One could argue he should be responsible for his own world due to it being his home but my point still stands that it was a decision he made without any push from any other person. No one told him he should, he is creating his own destiny with the experience he's gained over the game's year.
    It reminds me of how a child who only knows chaos seeks stability on instinct.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 4 měsíci +1

      That's a good point, yeah. There's something interesting about this child relation and the television he comes from, especially considering that children and TV are intensely interconnected (the easy example is anecdotes of people growing up watching Saturday morning cartoons), and I wonder if Teddie - an animal literally born out of a space of the television - has something along those lines?

    • @GreenThunder121
      @GreenThunder121 Před 4 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect He definitely does! Teddie spends the majority of the game imitating his friends without understanding the nuance behind their words/issues. In the TV analogy, Teddie is the child "raised" by media that imitates what he saw on the screen. He doesn't know what he's doing and needed a helpful hand to help him respond to the material in a healthier way.
      Says me, your local Teddie expert

  • @Thenormal880
    @Thenormal880 Před 5 měsíci

    Oh this is really interesting vid. I started play p4g this January and this video pop up lols liv the vid ❤😊

  • @zb5902
    @zb5902 Před 5 měsíci

    I was surprised and impressed by just how captivating and thought-provoing this video was, I think you ought to give yourself a bit more credit than you have in that penultimate(?) section. Well done!

  • @nickalreadyinuse
    @nickalreadyinuse Před 5 měsíci

    bro i wasnt ready for that dagoth let's fucking go

  • @TiefseeToaster
    @TiefseeToaster Před 5 měsíci

    6:53 really attached to the original ps2 version over here. found one of my closest friends talking about how we imported games that were yet to be seen here to satisfy our hunger for that kind of game

  • @harshgarg1448
    @harshgarg1448 Před 5 měsíci

    I am not into gaming so I never played persona, yet I am commtting to watch your 2 hr analysis because I just love your analysis videos and have watched almost all of them( mostly through other accounts)
    P.S. I just rewatched your isekai videos , one of the things that I would like you to consider
    topic for future videos is how popularity of anime media and other Japanese media in west is shaping western media with isekai being the lens. ( Series like The Wandering inn and other dozens of niche webnovels that don't have big platforms like soyetsu, yet most in litrpg genre very closely emulate their storytelling structure.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Hey harsh! Thanks again!
      That's a good recommendation. I'll have to read a bit more on LITRPG stuff, my main point of reference is RoyalRoad, but I'lll have to delve elsewhere a bit more

    • @harshgarg1448
      @harshgarg1448 Před 3 měsíci

      Completed the video, another banger .
      ​Dungeon crawler Carl, wandering inn and iron prince are most popular litrpg on booktube. Royal road though is a good launching point to collect initial following is often ditched by the writers either in favour of author's website or Kindle deals.​ Beware of chicken which is based more on wuxia novel tropes(rather than Japanese litrpg) is the latest popular webnovel which follows these trends. And then their is a totally original authors of he who fights monster or cradel who have own niches . @@PauseandSelect

  • @jasperthegamemaster9237
    @jasperthegamemaster9237 Před 5 měsíci +2

    But the shadows in Persona 4 are also how people view the host mixed in with the hosts anxieties for example kanji is not gay but due to the girls in his life calling him queer for his Hobbies his shadow appears as a flamboyant gay stereotype

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Yeah the main thing is that this is all stuff mentioned elsewhere, by other people, so I wanted to sorta move out of the usual talking points. I think you can actually fold that back onto TV, which I briefly mentioned in the video, but that the idea of suppositions and rumors inform the characters before you engage with them.

  • @digitaldevilgirl
    @digitaldevilgirl Před 5 měsíci

    yo junii got mad dance skills

  • @soby1234
    @soby1234 Před 5 měsíci +1

    good video

  • @halimunmuhammad6077
    @halimunmuhammad6077 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Very interesting discussion about how infrastructure and subculture affect how a media is engaged. It makes me want to reflect on how television had developed in my country (but that'll be a looong story).

  • @CJ-xn1sx
    @CJ-xn1sx Před 4 měsíci +1

    So cooI dude I love GAMING!!!

  • @lexplorateurdelespacecomme3883

    That's my 2nd watch of this video, I didn't grasp everything the 1st time (I'm not a native english speaker so it's hard for me), and i truly think that's the best analysis I saw about a video game ever.
    But there is a thing that I still don't understand, what is the role of having a rural setting and old technology in all of this? You talk about it multiple times but I don't see consequence of this setting

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 2 měsíci +2

      Ah, sorry about that, it's less of a consequence and more of a discussion about why the literature on P4 leans that way. Sorry that it didn't have a much more poignant punch to it, but it was mainly to ground what and why I think the Persona 4 discussion is the way it is, and why mine is a slight departure from that!

    • @lexplorateurdelespacecomme3883
      @lexplorateurdelespacecomme3883 Před 2 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect oh okay thanks ! Great video

  • @icekiller1594
    @icekiller1594 Před 5 měsíci +4

    Ken Amada really got off easy compared to Adachi

  • @brry_01
    @brry_01 Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @dealmakerscasino9762
    @dealmakerscasino9762 Před 5 měsíci

    Hey. HEY. I'm the guy that attached to PS2 Persona 4! >_> ... Joking aside, this is a great vid. P4 was one of those games for me alongside P3, and it doesnt get enough proper analysis.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      How long did you spend crafting Alice with Mudo Boost and Die for Me?

    • @dealmakerscasino9762
      @dealmakerscasino9762 Před 5 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect she actually wasn't the sticking point. For me it was that fucking fish. Any other video games I can fish just fine but fucking. Vanilla p4 and its ending for the shrine social link... Ugh. I love planning personas but my grudge against fish is forever now. 🤣

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@dealmakerscasino9762 YES! The freakin' fish!
      I was playing Golden again with a friend who had never played it before, and I love that the Guardian comes back in P4G, but the Samegawa one is easier and you think, "Okay, they made this easier" but NO! It turns out you have to capture the Sea Guardian and then it's THAT fish all over again!

  • @lehwSwBp
    @lehwSwBp Před 3 měsíci

    The revelation of Persona 5 being a death game shook me to the core (P3 being a Sekaikei too) because when I was growing up I read so many goddamn death game manga and the best one usually have similar characters dynamics to the Royal trio aka MC having a extremely GAY MURDEROUS relationship with the Rival and the affable Heroine.
    Holy cow man its crazy, the more I think the more its just line up, make me wonder what P6 genre is going to be

  • @mr.felipiux6392
    @mr.felipiux6392 Před 4 měsíci


  • @xSylverByrdx
    @xSylverByrdx Před 5 měsíci

    Professional firefighter here. Checking in for my pinned comment.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Dang we got two firefighters now i gotta figure out how to double pin

  • @rnggggg
    @rnggggg Před 5 měsíci

    really enjoyed the analysis for the source of all my fighting game woes 10/10 video 0/10 having to block ziodyne

  • @bocoom
    @bocoom Před 5 měsíci

    Is that Dagoth Ur i hear at 54:37?

  • @gabinooodle5308
    @gabinooodle5308 Před 5 měsíci

    Truly need more video game analyses that follow basic academic and research structures (with proper citations!), if anything to organize the ramblings/redundancies that so many videos succumb to and place criticism of "new media" under a formal, substantial lens

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Yeah, I'm still working on it, but I think that'd be a really helpful way forward

  • @Philemon_Logos
    @Philemon_Logos Před 5 měsíci +1

    You could apply everything you've said to Gex and it'd be the same video.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Look Philemon I ain't smart enough to analyse Gex fam I gotta start off simple

  • @startingfromlevelone9510
    @startingfromlevelone9510 Před 5 měsíci

    Man, I’m one of those people that plays fighters for their story to be lumped in with the Type Lumina cult hurts man ;_;

  • @JuniiHejjiko
    @JuniiHejjiko Před 5 měsíci +4

    👀i wonder who is that guy dancing???

  • @ehsanmohammadi3675
    @ehsanmohammadi3675 Před 5 měsíci

    Easily your best video... After the unlisted Re:zero fighting girl one of course

  • @Raddkann
    @Raddkann Před 5 měsíci


    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +2

      sorry about that lmao. It's kinda split up into smaller chapters

  • @arnovanboxem2519
    @arnovanboxem2519 Před 5 měsíci

    Yo i didn't get a notification.

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +2

      Yeah I heard that, it's kinda a strange beast of CZcams

  • @windchimes8764
    @windchimes8764 Před 5 měsíci


    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Did you know? P4G secretly stands for Persona 4: Gaming.

  • @Matortheeternal
    @Matortheeternal Před 5 měsíci

    algorithm boosting comment here.

  • @LogosSteve
    @LogosSteve Před 5 měsíci

    You're describing self identity about 13 and a half minutes in. Christ I need to make that video. It's the most common Japanese theme and no one knows how to talk about it.

  • @UptightGnome
    @UptightGnome Před 5 měsíci +1

    placeholder comment

  • @mii9010
    @mii9010 Před 5 měsíci

    How does Monopoly relate to Persona 4?

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      The reasoning here is that it's not like multiplayer warrants a different set of rules than single player, but most multiplayer tends to focus on players or technicals (who plays it or how to get good at it, ie. metagaming). Monopoly is interesting in that its procedural argument emerges *specifically* in multiplayer, specifically between people. It's a transitional point to Persona 4 Arena, that theoretically a focus on Persona 4 Arena as a game with arguments through its rules is possible, but how that happens is a little tricky.

  • @plotprogressorb8662
    @plotprogressorb8662 Před 5 měsíci

    Well thanks Pause you pulled me out of my dead CZcams grave.
    I love your stuff but Im going down this rant rabbit hole anyway
    I wrote about two pages about my problems with your description about the relationship between spells and computer/technology processes, but then the comment got deleted because I accidentally bumped my mouse and clicked another video. Now I really don't want to type that all again so I guess I'll just complain saying I don't like it and move on to my next point.
    You spend a lot of time talking about television and broadcasting around the 32:00 minute mark to 40:00 minute mark but a lot of you and your friends claims seem a bit out there or unfounded
    quick jerk nitpick 34:38 "Television is super interesting because you can't just study it as an isolated object on a screen", well ah yes, yes I can, I have spent dozens of hours studying just how televisions work in the isolated environment of how it properly displays objects onto a screen, its actually quite a deep topic just look at AV forms and debates on TN panels, VA panels, OLED displays, variable refresh rate, black frame insertion, and ghosting. But yes I am aware he means more the abstract idea of what is a tv, and how does its existence have any meaning (its not valuable just sitting there is needs to be able to display something)
    36:15 "your plugging your VCR or game console into your television is no longer a broadcasting system it is a computer network essentially", No, I'm sorry but this is just out and out wrong. The TV especially in the framing that you friend present with the idea of how it was starting to be scene in from 1970-1990 is not a broadcasting system, it is in fact distinctly a receiver, TVs as a whole up until only about only a decade ago were mostly only capable of receiving input not sending input back. A computer network is defined by its client server nature, clients request something and the server sends something back in reply. This is not what a TV does at all its not part of what can be compared to a computer network because there is no back and forth exchange of information between the two devices, a tv could be changed channels to receive a different broadcast but this is not a request sent up to the broadcasting system but rather the tv changing the frequency that it listens to internally. Things like a cable box can some times send back actions to a broadcaster but this is not a function of a tv, (the cable can technically function without the tv), while something like a video game (the part video making it inherently tv dependent) can be viewed as somewhat as one in the same video games especially in the 80s 90s and some parts of the 2000s were not part of something like a computer network. Video games especially early were almost entirely dependent on one input source (the controller) and one output source (the tv) and there was no back and forth between these devices unless we want to reduce our concept of what constitutes a computer like network down to just Me, the Console and the TV, where its a circular closed loop of input output going in a singular direction.
    37:00 "Television is fascinating because of its capacity as an input output machine, not only does it take peripheral devices but also changes the nature of its content base on the configuration of input output. Unlike novels and radio which tend to be unipolar", Seriously how is Radio Unipolar but the TV isn't, by your lose standard here, the radio can also change its content based on its input and output, (FM ,AM radio channels, different radio channels), and if we want to get technically early TV's we operating on analog radio signals, so what gives. The TV really can only handle one input at a time your game console or the brodcast signal and the output is still always just the display, this isn't a network there is no cross talk. Defining it as being able to "change the nature of its content based on configuration of its input and output" is also a bit silly don't you think. The TV and Radio can also change the nature of its content without a change to the configuration of its input output, If I leave a radio on the same frequency or tv on the same channel the type of content changes without any configuration change in input output.
    Im going to stop hear for tonight and hope I don't see more odd statements

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +1

      Hey PlotProgressor, man it's been a while! What timezone are you based out of for it to be "tonight"?
      Re: Computer Network: That's a great criticism! Lamarre admittedly doesn't speak about computer networks much at all in The Anime Ecology, which that section is based off, and I think it's probably more of a situation where the best words to pick probably wasn't computer network. Lamarre does warn that it's probably better to call it a proto computer network so I think he's aware of the differences, but I think it's one of those situations where maybe I didn't edit it well enough haha.
      Re: Unipolar: Another good point! That was one of my regrets, and I didn't notice it until it was mentioned to me, though not as specifically as you mention it here. When I mean by unipolar I more meant to mean reactive, in that television has a whole bunch settings and configurations that extends in relation to its peripheral device. The example that gets used by Johnathan Clements is the anime VCR experience, how he argued the contemporary otaku was born with VCRs cause of the start-stop-rewind ability of a specific form of TV (instead of broadcasted TV, it's VCR TV). You mention radio, but radio doesn't really have that, so I wouldn't really say it's silly at all. Radio changes channels and thus content entirely, not the form of it. I think it's a situation where unipolar is just a bad word for me to have used at that time, and in hindsight probably shoulda not used it.
      Still that said, lemme be clear, this is all great feedback for stuff for me to keep in mind should I come back to this topic. This is heavily driven by Lamarre's book The Anime Ecology from 2018, so I think if you're interested in TV (as you've demonstrated), I think you might find it interesting cause Lamarre extends the topic as far back as Japan's postwar TV broadcasting formation.

    • @plotprogressorb8662
      @plotprogressorb8662 Před 5 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect I'm eastern standard time, but I posted this comment yesterday only to log into my computer and some how find that CZcams had put my comment on a whole other video and CZcams channel entirely so I copy and pasted it back on this video and deleted the old comment from the other very confused CZcamsr.
      Im a big persona 4 and 5 fans so I love the topic but I also do realtime software engineering for cameras and video system for my carrier and I'm in the process of apply to Grad School so can get caught up / nit picky in the jargon of how people talk about programming, networks and displays. 😄
      But I do really like the points about the unifying / distortion effects that tv has on people both back in the day and even now in the ever evolving ticktock, social media influence driven world and even the early stages of para-sociality talked about in the video. (Im not a literary major by trade so I know my use of jargon in this area is probably off so forgive me as well).
      While on micro level I don't quite think the proto- computer network talked about in the video works all that well as a metaphor, on a macro level I think it works better, when we pull in the idea that television by becoming a more intimate object in our houses, by proxy it also becomes attached to peoples real life social network (what is talked and though about when talking to friends and colleges), and that effects what the broadcast networks put out.
      This is made even more true with video games while the tv itself isn't part of the network (at least until around the 2008 onward) the responsiveness to you inputing things on a controller and seeing an effect on the TV definitely does bring about a sense of closeness in the home which I would guess only further drives how attached it is to communication in social networks
      While it did seem like a bit of a detour in the video I did like the mention of the relation between a Akashic Records use of spells and how that can relate to the concepts of software programs, because I myself saw this same relationship when I first saw the anime years back (which I think really falls off later in the season by the way). As some one who writes low level C code and sometimes looks into special cpu register to pull every once of performance out of a computer for work, but also has experience with higher level programming languages like Python, Javascript and psudo code, or even taking end user desires and transcribing them, the relation ship between the different levels of power and control you can get from each abstraction of computer instructions has always fascinated me.
      I actually stoped during your video and read about 15 pages from Wendy Hui paper "Programmed Visions" that you cited while talking about this. Maybe its because I've spent the past three weeks bouncing between three different Linux Operating Systems textbooks or because I'm a programmer by trade but I found Wendy Hui use of language overly obfuscatory than it needs to be for the ideas and claims she is trying to present, or maybe is because I don't read to many literature major oriented papers. But both through out her paper and reflected in how you described "processes" in the video as a result of that ended up bothering me. Hui seems to play very fast and lose in the computer terms she throws around, that from a programmers perspective can cause confusion about what she is referring to.
      For example in your video 28:20 "A spell and Process actually have a lot in common, they compress things together and form a process of intricate instructions into an object"
      "Process", "instruction" and "Object" are all computer terms that have "mostly" well defined meaning.
      Start of techical jargon:
      A "process" at its basic software engineering meaning is just a series of instructions run on the device normally a CPU (Computation/computer processing Unit). But even in Operating systems textbooks the idea of what a "process" is get conflated a lot with a "Program", but if you look at the origins of where these terms come from they are a bit different, a "program" almost always extends the idea of the internal functional of what a computer does is getting re written/ is configuration has changed lf I'm to borrow your term. While something like a "Process" is more like something that give the computers current configuration it will continue to do, sometime being interrupted by other processes or scheduled time events, but a process normally has the idea of more set in stone deterministic effects compared to a Program, but they are still used interchangeably pretty often.
      "instructions" on the other hand have a pretty hard meaning in computer science circles, an instruction normally refers directly to actions that the bare metal hardware (cpu, gpu, and other devices) are performing on their instruction registers, or to built in commands to the Operating System itself, (systems like malloc which directly request memory from a ram page and map it to a processes stack/heap). Instructions tend to have a very exact meaning and knowledge on what is being done with little room for ambiguity.
      "Objects" or "Object files" on the other hand are files that are in kind of flux state between what "Source Code" and an "executable" (an executable .exe in windows is a file that holds the information to start up a process on the computer, an executable executes a processes). Objects are files that are created in between different steps of a compiler where the compiler first converts it into a form of machine code, and then later in the linking stage object files are linked to gather to create a final executable.
      End of technical jargon:
      But basically from a computer science perspective your statement seems a bit off, a Process for example does not inherently compress anything, because it is a series of instructions to the cpu its basically in its most expand uncompressed form (though it is almost un readable to humans). a process like some of the stages of a compiler program (see the program now is basically made of of several processes) do compress things, but they also expand things as well, as well as optimize.
      "They compress things together and form a process of intricate instructions into an object", a process can be made up of several sub processes, but you wouldn't normally refer to the grouping of several compressed processes as an object, nor is the concept of compressing things together the nature of an object.
      BUT, I think a lot of the odd-ness of this statement comes from how Hui talks about computers and computer programming in her paper. She uses the term "Source Code" a lot talking about it as if that is the lowest level a program or process takes. But this is actually backwards source code is the plain text human readable format before it, and several other source code files get converted into a program. From the computers perspective source code is where what is written actually has the most room for ambiguity (different compilers with give you different instructions, the source code is often portable from one type of cpu to another which can give different instructions, and different compiler optimization settings might give different instructions).
      More often then not what Hui actually seems to be talking about is the spell like nature of "Programming Language/ Languages" or a "Script", a programming language always gets compresses or interpreted by an "interpreter" or a "compile" to run a processes. Programming languages do really have this spell like nature to them because each term used in the language to write a script is normally built on top of abstractions of abstraction that move you away from the actual cpu instructions to a more mental representation of what is actually happening, and different languages have different trade offs between what they are useful for and how easy it is to do one thing. This is even before your bring in the concepts of "Programming Paradigms" which hold different ideas about the best way to build mental models on how to abstract the logic of what the cpu needs to do. With some languages even enforcing certain paradigms on the write which in turn creates new frame works for how people both think internally, view logic and the world.
      So I really feel like Scripting, Programming Languages and Programming Paradigms is really at the heart of what Hui was trying to get at in she paper. And this is the same with how things work in Akashtic Records where spells are a mental gymnastics frame work to invoke ideas streamed together to create a tangible reality. When I watched the show I immediately saw the similarity between the teachers use of magic compared to students and programming languages like Python and C or assembly. The students were able to perform very fast fire magic and a way out class the teacher in a dual but on a deeper look the Teacher had a much much finer control of magic because his framework while taking more time had a much higher level of precision in what he wants it to do. Which is similar to python which is fast to write and express ideas into and closer to regular human language but often limits both the overall performance and control that you have of what can be done compared to a language like C which maps pretty closely to its assembly couter part that directly give instructions to the cpu

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      @@plotprogressorb8662 Oh, haha, I thought you moved cause last I remembered we were in the same time zone but it's been such a long time since we spoke.
      Re: Problem with the language: Yeah this makes a lot of sense! I can understand how, especially from a computer science perspective the way it's being used in this broader media discussion can be really offputting. I always found Chun's book to be really insightful, but to be clear about my (lack) of expertise on computer science I mainly engage with them in a purely practical sense (I make little games and thus don't focus on them in a theoretical sense).
      The other one, and I think you might find more interesting, is Galloway's Protocol, the other one I cited. I think Galloway is an overall cleaner writer (well, it kinda gets a little more tricky in his later book "Gaming").
      This is all great clarification, sorry about all the confusion on it. If it's any consolation the video does move out of that and into broader discussions on spectatorship and then the part I ACTUALLY know, crusty fighting games.

    • @plotprogressorb8662
      @plotprogressorb8662 Před 5 měsíci

      @@PauseandSelect I actually like most of the video, I really liked the portion of the video where you talk about being effected by watching tv and the discussion of simulators and the meta critique persona 4 has on some level about this. I love especially the talk about the fog and how broadcast media doesn't give the truth and more of a distortion of the truth.
      I have never put together some of the things like the headaches you get when you first inter the TV world and the headaches people get especially on old TV's from getting to close to them or look at them too long, That was a really cool point. When you brought up the effects of TV and the show Pokemon, I was sure you were also going to bring up Nintendos game Duck Hunt where the gun used a really interesting method of taking scene lines on the tv to determine where the gun was aimed all the way back in the 90s.
      Something I don't see many people bring up up about Person 4 much is the idea of the glasses which are needed to see into the fog. Which now that I'm thinking about it, back in the day people often said that if you sit too close to the TV you will become near sighted and need glasses, so Persona 4 might have been playing on that idea. But there is the broader idea that you touched on under neath this the TV distorts, the job of a lens like on glasses is to un distort things. But I have also always felt that there was a connection between the glasses and personas as masks. glasses Fram you face and often people think some one with glasses looks smarter, out characters don't need glasses normally but just like in Jungian though they have to put on glasses (a mask/persona) to combat shadows. Which is also interesting because when fighting the final boss in Persona 4 when summoning Izanagi-no-Okami and using myriad Truths the player character discards his glasses, because at this point he has the World Archana and knows his true self he no longer needs the glasses or to put up a front/persona
      This use of glasses seems to carry over into Person 5 where the player character before becoming a criminal and after being cleared of charges doesn't wear glasses but through out the course of the game you wear glasses, that often obscure the players eyes (eyes are the window to the soul), his glasses act as a mask for him through out the course of the game because he doesn't know how to truly interact with people without this layer (or screen) of between him

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      @@plotprogressorb8662 Yeah the glasses stuff was mentioned elsewhere, it makes sense in hindsight

  • @mirageowl
    @mirageowl Před 5 měsíci

    no fucking way

  • @violetshadowstone5250
    @violetshadowstone5250 Před 5 měsíci +1

    I'ma be real with you man- I don't get what half of this has to do with Persona.
    Persona's not about Television the message is told to you "reach out to the truth" It's about
    people's perceived ideas the exaggeration of what certain people see and assume of certain people
    Alot of people saw Kanji's enjoyment of feminine things like cute plush dolls and decorative things as
    creepy and gay, Alot of people saw Yukiko as a delicate flower they had to protect- a princess is the perfect
    way of people seeing her, Rise as a ditzy floosy etc etc
    And there are parts where I couldn't follow your statement cause it got too far removed from the topic at hand,
    we're talking about how persona 4 is about television and not it's actual in game message, but a random thing that
    isn't really engaged with outside of the dungeon aspect- the characters certainly aren't glued to it by any stretch of the means.
    And then we bring up asmondgold, multiplayer (for some reason) and game studies- with all due respect- too many overly explained things that you could easily
    show a clip that would sum up 20-30 minutes all you had to show was the scene of yosuke comparing certain people to spectators
    to a car crash that "as long as it's not happening to them they're happy to gawk" I feel like I lost the plot cause it just went from one thing to another and another
    you see what I mean? Again it got far too removed from the actual topic; it be like me going "Okay we're gonna talk about pokemon- now let me explain the theory of
    relativity and puzzle games."

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      Hi Violet, I think you and have radically different strategies on reading this game and the goals of what we want out of this. This is an adaptation of a work by Thomas Lamarre, who goes into way more information on it than I could. Suffice to say, the transition has always been about how television as a topic continues through to its first and (procedurally) different adaptation, Arena, which is why it makes that departure.
      I have a source list of you're interested, and as others have mentioned, the game has been written and conceived as a media text, especially along the lines of television.
      CZcams comments are always a dicey place to have discussion so I'm more than happy to discuss this with you over discord, just join the server in the vid description and we can hash it out! 😊

  • @davebob4973
    @davebob4973 Před 5 měsíci

    thats cool but i want to go play videogames

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci

      just run it in the background muted so i get that sweet retention (but thank you for the comment, it helps!)

  • @user-nm9yd4wq4s
    @user-nm9yd4wq4s Před 5 měsíci


  • @colleend9976
    @colleend9976 Před 5 měsíci

    I want to enjoy this but you mispronounce so many words that I cannot

    • @PauseandSelect
      @PauseandSelect  Před 5 měsíci +3

      Sorry to hear that colleen, are there any particularly egregious words? That way I can keep in mind for the future!

    • @GilLiesHere
      @GilLiesHere Před 5 měsíci


  • @ZapWires
    @ZapWires Před 5 měsíci +1

    Bad video.