

Komentáře • 72

  • @Triforceman1
    @Triforceman1 Před rokem +10

    I’ve loved her work for years and I can safely say that she’s a big reason why I love the character of Laura so much.

  • @lilithyolanda9851
    @lilithyolanda9851 Před rokem +14

    Y’all religious people gotta go somewhere. EVERY adult cartoon is satire in a way. It makes fun OF EVERYTHING. That’s the whole point of adult cartoons. 🤦🏻‍♀️
    If you watched the show it’s pretty damn good. Y’all act like anything about the devil being the main aspect or plot of the show is a bad thing. It’s not, it’s called free thinking and creativity. No one is being sinful because it still portrays the devil as a sh*tty guy. It’s inspired by religion not based on it🤦🏻‍♀️
    AND IF YIU WATCHED IT! YIU WOULD REALIZE THE MOTHER IS TRYING TO SAVE HER FROM THE DEVIL, but nah y’all wouldn’t know that cuz you live under a rock all day.

    • @JoshuaMSOG7
      @JoshuaMSOG7 Před rokem

      Even little kids that watch this knows this ain’t for kids🤢 How old are you?

    • @davidordonez8964
      @davidordonez8964 Před rokem +5

      “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

    • @lilithyolanda9851
      @lilithyolanda9851 Před rokem

      @@davidordonez8964 idc 🤦🏻‍♀️
      Y’all act like just cuz you believe in something means everyone else has too that’s so dumb. That’s why some people don’t interest in learning about Catholicism because believers like you make things so hard to enjoy the religion. That’s why I don’t believe in God no more 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @davidordonez8964
      @davidordonez8964 Před rokem +1

      @@lilithyolanda9851 it’s not about religion, people has call like it like that. God is the creator of everything you see and you know it Lilith, but people is trying to trick nowadays everyone’s mind. Aka, this series for instance. Religion is not anything of what God says to live like. Even the Bible says that the true religion is “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.(C)” James 1:27
      There’s something beyond what you think or see today, people need hearts be changed, and minds, that’s why we see so a lot of destruction today in world, we just need Jesus, Lilith, it’s not religious, it’s not church, WE are the Church (His people). God only wants us to live a live devoted at him, enjoying with our families, friends, with good mindset, loving each other, loving 'enemies', settle down things with them; helping each other. There’s something beyond what you think, only Jesus can change that way u look things, and 'people' have made you think Lilith. He is with you and He wants to be part of who You are and what You are doing now, it doesn’t matter at what stage of your life you are; Child, teenager, adult, mom already, only God knows it. Everyone goes through stuff, and we all need Jesus love.

    • @lilithyolanda9851
      @lilithyolanda9851 Před rokem +3

      @@davidordonez8964 for the love of God… 🤦🏻‍♀️
      NO I don’t believe God is the “cReaTor” of everything. So please stop trying to make false accusations of my religious beliefs because I’m Buddhist. And also it IS about religion because the ONLY people who are complaining are traditionalist Catholics that never even took the time to understand the show’s concept before screaming “THIS IS THE DEVILS WORK.”
      Also I grew up in Catholic schools my whole life and all religion teachers have said the same thing, “Don’t read the Bible’s text as a literal thing.” So I won’t take it as a literal thing. I’m NOT “pArT oF tHe cHuRch” because if you’ve read about history, religion has been the route of MANY wars and has been the route of oppression in many countries. It has also tried to create a FALSE narrative of science, history, and art.
      One great example of Religion being forced onto everyone is the Scientist Galileo being house arrested till his death after proving the church WRONG of the moon and sun’s surface.
      I don’t mind Catholicism. God nor jEsUs is the guy I’m against, I’m AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE YOU. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING JUST CUZ IT DOESN’T “fOlLoW yUoR bELieFs.” Who cares?! Bruh it’s a form of entertainment and stop trying to oppress free thought and creativity. ITS MEANT TO BE A COMEDY SHOW but I guess you Debby Downers can’t get the joke. 🤦🏻‍♀️
      Also I don’t understand why you keep saying Bible scripture because in all honesty it doesn’t make me feel anything. It’s literally just a damn quote it’s not gonna change my moral compass. It’s just aggravating at this point. Quotes don’t mean nothing to me.
      GoD is not my oppressor, my oppressor is you goofy a$$ people. Let the FUN people who grew up with ✨Cultured✨ cartoons (Disney, Nickelodeons, And Cartoon Network) too watch OUR shows and go back to watching your boring lack luster censored “coco melon.” Stop ruining shows for everyone else bruh its aggravating and it doesn’t make me appreciate Catholicism it makes me annoyed at it even more. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @ylmsaid6041
    @ylmsaid6041 Před rokem +1

    So it's basically Aubrey's life

  • @SanguinariusUmbra
    @SanguinariusUmbra Před rokem +13

    I hope this show gets another season, it's really nuts 💥

  • @sammydok9128
    @sammydok9128 Před rokem +22

    do the best she can…..with Jesus

  • @marksummers666
    @marksummers666 Před rokem +11

    It's an adult series. You people whining in these comments need to get a life and a sense of humor. The world is crumbling and you're worried about a cartoon? Get real.

    • @lgfbk783
      @lgfbk783 Před rokem +3

      Marksummers yeah it's for adults cuz but it's on Disney plus and kids a watching it and yeah the wolds crumbling why do u think that is 🤔

    • @OreoKingRS
      @OreoKingRS Před rokem +4

      @@lgfbk783 it’s TVMA… the parents don’t care about the fact that their child is watching a series only for adult audiences, we even got Deadpool 1 and 2 on Disney+ how come no one complains about that?

    • @lgfbk783
      @lgfbk783 Před rokem

      @@OreoKingRS I get where u coming from and that's sad but I think parents a waking up lest some a speshly with this cartoon I just think they have gone to far with this one and I love deaadpool its. a bit different yeah kids definitely shouldn't wach it one and 2 but he's got nothing to do with satan but that's my apinon like I always say I'm no sant but u need to no when to drawear the line

    • @davidordonez8964
      @davidordonez8964 Před rokem +1

      The world is crumbling cause of guys (murderers, serial killers, bad people) who, who knows how his childhood was like or what things did they listen to, only God knows. And now children nowadays could come across this show, and just listening all this stuff that the show is promoting.. what a glitch would it be for their minds. Cause of these little things, minds get drained and contaminated. Aka, things and news you hear today.

    • @Driven1981
      @Driven1981 Před rokem +1

      kids watch cartoons and kids watch Disney plus. BTW things like this are why the world is crumbling.🤔

  • @startmfirex
    @startmfirex Před 7 měsíci

    That mike is cool

  • @Sr-gv9xi
    @Sr-gv9xi Před 8 měsíci

    i liked the show it was funny but why is it gone from disney plus australia

  • @lizard2222
    @lizard2222 Před rokem +7

    She did praise satan at an awards show...

    • @schawangus
      @schawangus Před rokem +2

      Yeah, you should probably research what you say first. She was accepting an award for her role in Parks and Recreation as April Ludgate. In the show, that character is just a bored, unamused young adult who doesn’t like working in an office, and she acts very sarcastic and edgy towards other characters, but later on you find out she’s not actually like that. So yeah, she was making an edgy joke as the character she played who is known for being edgy.

  • @oliviam5023
    @oliviam5023 Před rokem +8

    This shows for kids? I don’t think so You would be called disrespectful if you were to make a show about the antichrist of any other religion but we make fun of the Bible and make shows about demonic characters because we think that’s normal in our society it’s not

    • @marksummers666
      @marksummers666 Před rokem +9

      No. It's an adult series. The Bible is not above criticism or satire either. Lighten up.

    • @jdub5644
      @jdub5644 Před rokem +12

      Nobody ever said it was for kids. Y'all project and insinuate about a show way too hard lol

    • @schawangus
      @schawangus Před rokem +3

      It’s clearly rated for Mature Audiences, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only thing I could imagine you’re referencing is the fact that it’s available on Disney+ in Australia and New Zealand, but there’s a reason for that. The show is made by FX who are owned by Disney. Since FX’s streaming service (FXX) and Hulu aren’t available in those regions, Disney allowed them to use Disney+. But first, it isn’t easily accessible, and it’s completely blocked on children’s accounts. And second, even if a child does somehow manage to find it on a regular account, that’s the parent’s fault for letting them have free reign to watch whatever they want. Also, “make fun of the Bible”? It has nothing to do with the actual story of the Bible, and it certainly isn’t trying to make the antichrist out to be good. It’s literally about her wishing she wasn’t the antichrist and fighting Satan and the forces of evil so she can just live a normal life. Isn’t that a good thing, wanting to not be evil and conquering evil at the same time?

  • @ZomBabeZoe
    @ZomBabeZoe Před rokem +3

    We finally got around to watching the show,its actually really good

  • @KingNexusMOCs
    @KingNexusMOCs Před rokem +7

    Jesus loves little demon and advises you to watch it.

  • @ceiv20educ6
    @ceiv20educ6 Před rokem +17

    You're insane

  • @alexisquezada6837
    @alexisquezada6837 Před rokem +9


  • @JorgeGonzalez-zq6su
    @JorgeGonzalez-zq6su Před rokem +20

    This is disgusting

  • @Godowned
    @Godowned Před rokem +11


  • @bennyblanco5857
    @bennyblanco5857 Před rokem +8

    This lady is sick!!!

  • @zaphodsrealm1549
    @zaphodsrealm1549 Před rokem +2

    This is a very funny adult cartoon. Definitely not for hypocritical x-tians.

  • @damaniqphillip2756
    @damaniqphillip2756 Před rokem +4


  • @norml.hugh-mann
    @norml.hugh-mann Před 11 měsíci

    Loved Aubrey plaza for as long as she's been a public figure. Total package

  • @chillivybz5418
    @chillivybz5418 Před rokem +8

    Dear, Heavenly Father today I come to you in Jesus Name I pray that the person on the other side of this screen receives blessings and answered prayers and receive miracles Heavenly Father we Love you Praise you and Thank you Heavenly Father for even putting us on this Earth that you made and we are thankful that we still are on This Earth during all this stuff going on Heavenly Father. We except Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and King and Believe with all our hearts and minds that Jesus Christ your Son Died For Our Sins and Was Risen By Yourself Heavenly Father In Jesus Name We Pray, HALLELUYAHH Amen ❤️🙏

  • @zeppo4169
    @zeppo4169 Před rokem +6

    Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this show. Im really disappointed im Danny devito picked this up.

    • @KingNexusMOCs
      @KingNexusMOCs Před rokem +6

      The show is actually pretty good.
      Jesus Christ himself gave this show his blessing

  • @danielabaci9164
    @danielabaci9164 Před rokem +3

    She must have sold her soul 🤬🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹

  • @FightforTTIG
    @FightforTTIG Před rokem

    You've been deceived by the king of lies, repent of your sins and go back to Christ, he still loves you.

    • @zaphodsrealm1549
      @zaphodsrealm1549 Před rokem

      ​@sierralunagaming9738 you clowns have been preaching that nonsense for almost 2,000 years.
      Why don't you hold your breath?

    • @zaphodsrealm1549
      @zaphodsrealm1549 Před rokem

      What about God? Isn't he the head clown?

  • @jessem8104
    @jessem8104 Před rokem +2

    I wonder if this filth CARTOON…incorporates Catholic rites of exorcism in it? Which always defeats evil. Always. Doubt they put that in. For all this mess there is an answer, a simple one. Pray to Christ and with Mary. People scoff at that, yet fallen angels must bow to it, thats how powerful Christ is.

  • @inagjukic362
    @inagjukic362 Před rokem

    Whats that???? A mic like like Satans and what she talking about???? No,No No No! Walk before your children!

  • @timeisathand3934
    @timeisathand3934 Před rokem +3

    Y’all are sick

    • @boyaintnoway541
      @boyaintnoway541 Před rokem +1

      it’s a show, you christian freaks are overdramatic over CARTOONS

    • @schawangus
      @schawangus Před rokem

      You clearly don’t understand the point of the show, do you? Satan has a child with this woman and the child is the antichrist. As she grows up, she realizes this, but doesn’t want to be the antichrist and just wants to be normal, so she literally uses her powers to fight Satan when he tries to steal her away to use her. So she’s choosing not to be evil and conquering evil at the same time. Isn’t that a good thing?

    @JIMMYSTREET222 Před rokem +3


    • @KingNexusMOCs
      @KingNexusMOCs Před rokem +3

      God doesn't want a boycott

    • @zaphodsrealm1549
      @zaphodsrealm1549 Před rokem

      I've been boycotting churches for 60 years but the tax exempt hypocrites are still here...

  • @oliviam5023
    @oliviam5023 Před rokem


  • @esharay2251
    @esharay2251 Před rokem

    Jesus Christ

  • @navaskin
    @navaskin Před rokem
