Exodus, Black Colonization, and Promised Lands with David Davis

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Yale History Professor David Davis explores the movement to colonize American blacks in Africa and many African-American leaders' advocacy of "returning to Africa." He argues that this must be understood in reference to the biblical Exodus from Egypt and within the context of the voluntary or involuntary "removal/freeing" of such oppressed groups as Jews, Huguenots, and others. But white demands for black colonization, whatever the motives, had the psychological effect of expatriating and "deporting" a people who played an integral part in creating America. Presented by the UC Berkeley Graduate Council. Series: "UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism presents" [1/2005] [Humanities] [Show ID: 9213]

Komentáře • 62

  • @2dasimmons
    @2dasimmons Před 11 lety +22

    Everything I'm learning via Internet seems to paint the picture that blacks are the world's indigenous people. Even for the Chinese. Wow, Live and learn.

    • @wesavehomesandfarmsorganiz8067
      @wesavehomesandfarmsorganiz8067 Před 4 lety

      What is this about? Melanated people are inevitable the smartest people GOD ever created. We are confused. Is he for Melanted people or against them? Good grief.

    • @elsfordhonore9550
      @elsfordhonore9550 Před 2 lety +1

      Seem like he shock

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +2

    Thank you for the comment bro, Shalom

  • @Illustrated_Strength
    @Illustrated_Strength Před rokem

    “Deletion of the Moors” he seemed to whisper.

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +1

    The beast within us (our basic nature), creates collectively the beast on the outside. With every succeeding generation, we enforce this beast, which clouds itself in many jackets, befitting to it's time frame. Now pls tell me, how to defeat the beast within and without? When the battle is just as much on the inside as it is on the outside? Where do you get your divine inspiration from as to defeat both the image of the beast within and without? Yah Bless

  • @KamauAmani
    @KamauAmani Před 15 lety +3

    Did you not read my last comment? We have forgotten who we were which is why we fell and that's how the neaderthals defeated us. I agree with you 100%, sistah/GODDESS. Yes! The beast/devil is within. But also the Most High is too. There is no God outside of us that is not in us neither. As above, So below. As within, So without. The same God you're wiating on to save you is in you wiating to be released. YOU ARE GOD! And let the church say, "AMEN...RA!" Know thyself. Hotep!

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +1

    culture (science, philosophy, religious notions, politics, economics, military strategy) of the days of Nimrod and added their own views to it. Claiming they were the original founders of the first post-deluvian culture, such is the way of ppl. However, not so. The Book of the Dead/ Paper of Ani is a copy, edited and revised. From a language, long before the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Judging from the many passages as inscribed in the hieroglyphics upon the pyramids of Unas (the last king of the

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety

    and passes judgment on all the inhabitants of the earth., unto Salvation or destruction. (Revelation 19:16; 14:6,7). Yah Bless, Love & Mercy

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +1

    Yes, for Yah Is in control of global history; He has always been and always will be. 'Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God/Yah, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God/Yah. Romans 13:1. Until that Great Day of the Lord, The King of kings & Lord of lords, when He comes from the Orion to redeem His, spiritually & genetically bound/grafted to Him, ppl.

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +2

    (Real Name For Africa) Tribe? We Are That Olmecs/Nubians. Akebulan, derived from Akkad/Accad (Genesis 10: 10) one of the city states, which was founded by Nimrod (Gen. 10:8), the son of Cush, the son of Ham, the son of Noah. Yup, the Cush/Kush empire, stretching from, what is now known as Ethiopia/ Nubiah, Sudan, Greater Zimbabwe, the Middle East, India/Hindustan and beyond. You see, the Egyptians or Kemetians, as you

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +1

    salvation ( Isa. 24:4-6). We will not be able to safe ourselves, from the conditions we are living in, nor will we be able to free ourselves from the Babylon system of new/NOW. Since the origin of the Babylon system is from the dragon of old/serpent in paradise, and beyond our dimension. Only Yah/Go, the King of Kings & Lord of Lords, d can slay the dragon and save the remnant/His faithful children and restore/recreate the planet (Revelation 19-22). Yah Bless

    • @queenofjudah7748
      @queenofjudah7748 Před 5 lety

      Revelation 19: 21
      21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety

    the Fifth Dynasty abt. 3333 B.C.), those copy-cats couldnt make much sense of what they were viewing at all (Secrets of the Lost Races; Rene Noorbergen. Pg. 19, 20; quotes from E.A. Wallis Budge on the discoveries of the mastabah and pyramids by M. Maspero). Why? Because those tablets, they viewed were written in the time period before the Babel confusion of language (Gen. 11:1, 7). Which would have happened approx. 1000 years before

  • @flowewritharoma
    @flowewritharoma Před 13 lety

    this talk suits me.

  • @rebafoundation44
    @rebafoundation44 Před 4 lety

    Is he trying to say that Hebrews are more vital because they are smart versus Melanated people who are the brightest of the brightest in every facet of learning?

    • @divinelyguided3467
      @divinelyguided3467 Před 2 lety +2

      They are one and the same

    • @RDaniels28
      @RDaniels28 Před rokem

      @@divinelyguided3467 No they aren't. Not alll dark people are Israelites

  • @KamauAmani
    @KamauAmani Před 15 lety

    What is this all about. What is he saying. That this should happen?

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety

    Correction: what you do, do however...

  • @KamauAmani
    @KamauAmani Před 14 lety +1

    @tryanjohnson The Real Egyptians, Who Are Black, Are Descendants Of Nubian Peoples, Who Are Black, Who Are From Ethiopia. GUESS WHAT?! I AM A DESCENDANT OF THE ETHIOPIANS! They Are The Ones Who Made Up The Kemetian Empire. Do Me A Favor And Stick To Your Own Insignificant History.

  • @zeldapope1563
    @zeldapope1563 Před 5 lety

    Prove it!

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety

    you probably would call them, are the offspring of Mizraim, one of the other sons of Ham ( Gen. 10:6; Gen. 1o: the table of nations). The Olmecs, could very well have been the descendants of Put; another son of Ham. The early post-deluvians sailed the oceans, as did the pre-deluvians before the Flood sailed the seas. Now concerning the Egyptians/Kemetians/off-spring of Mizraim; they/the first dynastic ppl, under king Mena (Menes), amalgamated the culture

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety

    Moreover, He will raise the righteous who slept during the first death, from their graves ( 1 Thessalonians 4: 18; 1 Cor. 15:45-58; Matt. 24:31). Can you do all that? Naw, I dont think so. What do, do however, is regurgitating the old lie from Paradise, as was told by the serpent/dragon/satan to Eve (Gen. 3:1-5; Ezekiel 28: 12-19). Thats how the whole of creation got in to trouble in the first place. It is called sin. And now we are living on a dying planet. In dire need for salvation

  • @KamauAmani
    @KamauAmani Před 15 lety

    Hotep, Goddess!

  • @AlphaOmega888
    @AlphaOmega888 Před 5 lety +1

    People foolishly thinking they're free. The speaker is just spreading folklore and fairy tales. I laugh at his spellcraft. Doesn't work on me.

  • @don1ceaza
    @don1ceaza Před 2 lety

    The aboriginals or native American are not Israelites they are canaanites amorites Sinites and hamites. Who was the world's 1st colonist. You can find plenty of evidence to support the dual cultures of Mesopotamia and mesoamerica. Way to many to number!! We must also consider some facts. Black and white are colors.. not ethnicities and race is a social construct which is part of that colonialism. Not to mention the changing the names of people places and things. All this in an attempt to hide the biblical narrative... the very fact that the slave lost his name and culture brings up the only historical event where a people was persecuted for their name and culture and that's Spain. And another historial coincidence to note: the word negro that these people was replaced with happens to be a spainish word in origin, which is another clue as to Spain taking and replacing the name.. There must have been some honor to the name for it to be hidden and not just for them but the world

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety

    them. Thirdly, quote: we are gods. If you are, Can you bind the clusters of the Pleiades, Or loose the belt of the Orion? Can you bring out the Mazzaroth (:Constellations) in its season? Or can you guide the Great Bear (:Arcturus) with its cubs?,? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth? Job 38:31-33. Yah/YHWH/ Yahshua can.. Or can you lay dead in the grave for three days and rise yourself back to life again? Yahshua can. (1 Cor. 15: 3-7).

  • @KamauAmani
    @KamauAmani Před 14 lety

    @tryanjohnson By The Way. You Are 10 Months Late. Ha Ha!

  • @deborahbetty58
    @deborahbetty58 Před 15 lety +1


  • @teemadarif8243
    @teemadarif8243 Před 7 lety

    what? rhe jews and moors were not driven out separately from spain