Is wiping the face after dua bidah?

  • čas přidán 28. 01. 2011
  • "Is wiping the face after dua bidah?" By Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq.
    It is not Bid'ah to wipe the face upon the completion of du'a. This was the sunnah and practice of Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) and we are encouraged to do so.
    1) عن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه قال : كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم إذا رفع يديه في الدعاء لم يحطهما حتى يمسح بهما وجهه
    "Umar Bin Khattab (radiyallaahu anhu) reports: When Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) would to raise his hands in du'a, he would not lower them until he passed them over his face" (Sunan Al-Tirmizhi, #3386)
    Ibn Hajr Asqalani has classified the above Hadith as sound. (Bulugh Al-Muraam, pg 264, Dar Al-Fikr)
    2) Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Messenger of Allah [pbuh] said: "Do not cover the walls. He who sees the letter of his brother without his permission, sees Hell-fire. Supplicate Allah (SWT) with the palms of your hands; do not supplicate Him with their backs upwards. When you finish supplication, wipe your faces with them." [Abu Dawud & Musnad-e-Ahmad]
    The Hadeeth narrated by Ibn Abbas (RA) related by Abi Dawud and others. Put together, they confirm that it (this Hadeeth) is Hasan.
    Verdict of Shawkani (RA) in Nawlul Awtaar:
    Imam Shawkani (RA) accepts this narration as Hasan in Mawlul Awtaar
    Verdict of Shaykh San'ani (RA):
    Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Sanani (RA) wrote a commentary of Bulughul Maram (printed by Darus-Salam publications, Riyadh KSA) in which he writes:
    وفيه دليل على مشروعية مسح الوجه باليدين بعد الفراغ من الدعاء
    ...And it (this Hadeeth) contains a proof for the legitimacy of wiping one's face with the hands after making du`a.
    Verdict of Nawab Sideeq Hasan Khan (RA):
    Shaykh Nawab Sideeq Hasan Khan (RA) accepts this narration as Hasan in commentary of Bulughul Maram.
    Verdict of Shaykh Abdullah Al-Bassam:
    Shaykh Abdullah Al-Bassam mentions in Taudeehul Ahkaam (his commentary of Bulooghul Maraam) that this Hadeeth has supporting Narrations which strengthen each other, thus the Hadeeth gains strength from these routes and a number of scholars have chosen this position that it is Hasan (Authentic) and from them is Ishaq Ibn Rahwaiyya (RA) (an early scholar of Hadeeth) and Imam Nawawi (in one of the positions which he has adopted), Imam Ibnul Hajr Asqalani (RA), Al-Munawi (RA) in Faidul-Qadeer Fi Sharhil Jami As-Sagheer (commentary of Jami As-Sagheer of Imam Jalul-ud-deen Suyuti (RA), Imam Shawkani (RA) and others.
    Verdict of Shaykh Bin-Baaz (RA):
    Shaykh Bin-Baaz (RA) in his Ta'leeqat of Bulughul Maram comments that in the chain of this Hadeeth is Hammaad ibn 'Eesaa Al-Juhani whom scholars have declared weak and Shaykh Ibnul Hajr Asqalani (RA) has also followed them and declared him weak in "Tahdhib al-Tahdhib" to the 9th degree; yet he has declared this Hadeeth Hasan and this must be due to Shawahid (supporting Narrations).
    Click here for more academic detail:
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    Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel.

Komentáře • 13

  • @tawheedsunnah
    @tawheedsunnah Před 12 lety +31

    Too much talk about references and no references given, can somebody please clarify what hadeeth the brother is talking about?

  • @111dudi
    @111dudi Před 12 lety +23

    lets pray together and not to focus on differences.Pitty things should not be given importance.we all muslim saying lailahaillallah muhammad rasulullah.lets unite to fight our enemies,and not to be the enemies of ourselves

  • @ayman12321
    @ayman12321 Před 12 lety +13

    please can some one tell me the hadith and its number that the prophet SAW would wipe his face after dua?
    jazakk allah

  • @ayman12321
    @ayman12321 Před 12 lety +8

    @shaokhan2022 brother in which authentic hadith is it in and what number?
    jazaak allahu khayrn

  • @5eek3r0fknowl3dg3
    @5eek3r0fknowl3dg3 Před 12 lety +6

    @harisnsiddiqui yes you are right there is even proof from sheikh bin baaz if they click on show more. wiping the face after dua is supported by the salaf too, i wonder what the salafis think of ijma as sahaba? do they refute it completely

  • @StudentOfTheDeen
    @StudentOfTheDeen Před 13 lety +4

    Jazaakallaahu khayr for uploading this video...
    May Allaah guide these people who claim that only they themselves are right & everyone else is wrong.

  • @muneebsohail
    @muneebsohail Před 12 lety +3

    Is it allowed to make congregational dua after every salah? this case arises if it is a sunnah to make dua after every salah or 2nd case when one is making a personal dua at any time. Im not sure about the intricacies.

  • @5eek3r0fknowl3dg3
    @5eek3r0fknowl3dg3 Před 12 lety +1

    @iloveafg123 especially if it is al albani who wrote daeef al bukhari! sheikh mumtaz ul haq speaks the truth

  • @malchoudhury786
    @malchoudhury786 Před 13 lety

    musannaf ibn abi shybah.MasahaAllah.who and were is this wonderful molana sb.any one knows.very good scholar.

  • @officialhdr
    @officialhdr Před 13 lety +1

    jazkallah khair.

  • @ismail4137
    @ismail4137 Před 13 lety +3

    Allahu Akbar!

  • @Foralluhaterz
    @Foralluhaterz Před 11 lety +22

    shame on those who think its biddah, its a beautiful act to complete dua, alhamdulillah

  • @Foralluhaterz
    @Foralluhaterz Před 11 lety +3

    very true