  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 34

  • @silverpumpkin
    @silverpumpkin Před 4 lety +10

    YES. Imagine me giving this a standing ovation. This is unbearably relatable. I am so rigid and scared of "unhealthy oils" and processed food...and afraid of unhealthy foods making me "lesser" and not as healthy as I wanted to be. Sure, my skin was clear, but I was so lonely and bitter and fake as a person. The fear of uncertainty of death and illness is totally reasonable... but fixating on healthy foods as a way to make that fear go away actually can stop you living in the first place. It's hard, but I keep having to just eat the chocolate, and the pancakes and canola oil mayo...and see that those satisfy me emotionally... much more than a kale smoothie.

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 4 lety +3

      Thanks so much for your support of my video! So many women feel the same way and I am glad I get to connect with others who feel or have felt the same way I did. It's fascinating that we reach towards the "perfect" diet to keep us away from death all while we emotionally die from the restriction and isolation that comes with this "perfect" diet. Sounds like you are moving forward and breaking through this toxic mindset. Good for you! Stay strong!

  • @justyna365
    @justyna365 Před 3 lety +4

    This video should have at least 1 million views ❤️

  • @JemH1986
    @JemH1986 Před 2 lety +1

    Wow you are so right! I had the same problem about 2 years ago with ditching the dairy because I had calcific tendinitis on my shoulder. On and off I went on vegan/vegetarian diet. Then back to real food again this March. For good now. I was strict with my diet too. Was so stressful for me too. Now I eat everything in moderation in the 4 basic food groups. Something inside was telling me I can’t do this vegan/vegetarian diet anymore. When I ate fish and chicken again I felt so much better! Had more energy too! Especially at my work I need to have energy with the job that I have. Great video! I needed to see this! Wow same problem we had. Glad we are off of this food cult. God Bless You! ❤️🙏🏻😇

  • @peamoo2485
    @peamoo2485 Před 3 lety +2

    You're amazing. Thank you for sharing this! I can't believe how many behaviors we have/had in common (prune example). A main one of mine is the fear of chemicals/additives in foods...I am working really hard on recovering as we now have our sweet daughter. I do not want her to go through this!!! 💕

  • @changeophilll9402
    @changeophilll9402 Před 4 lety +2

    In one way I totally agree with you - stressing about food can impact your health negatively too! Causing a bigger cortisol release, etc..... But then again, many people are sensitive or even allergic to foods.
    Especially to grains, legumes, nuts or nightshades. But not because they imagine that these foods are harming them. These foods are just fairly new to human kind and/or man made and can especially hurt people with autoimmune diseases or genetic predispositions. Who knows how these modern foods affect even 'healthy' people (Weston Price)? I am totally for food freedom but a healing protocol, which relieves you from autoimmune symptoms isn't orthorexia in my opinion. I want to emphasize, I really do enjoy your conversations and your vulnerability! This is just another perspective

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 4 lety +5

      I appreciate your perspective and I agree! I say many times that I am not against eating healthy or being aware and conscious of your food choices! What I speak up about is the extreme diets that one thinks they "have" to follow for "perfect" health which make them anxious and stressed if any "bad" foods gets even near their plate. There is a way to be healthy and eat what is 'right' for you and your bodies constitution and not be dogmatic about it and have it rule your life.
      I have allergies to shell fish, I make sure that I don't eat things like clam chowder becuase I get super puffy eyes. This is a common sense decision that has nothing to do with orthorexia rather as you mentioned a real life allergy that affects me. On the other hand me completely avoiding gluten was highly orthorexic and caused lots of mental stress which was unwarranted because I am simply not allergic to it at all.
      This is what is so hard about orthorexia because the line gets blurred between being healthy and aware of what works best for you and being a fanatic about what you eat and dogmatic in regards to your dietary choices. Experimenting with diet can be really helpful for certain ailments and of course I believe that is fine BUT for those suffering with an eating disorder and therefore have say digestive complaints, its important to understand why THEY have digestive complaints, which is due to energy debt, so that they can choose the right protocol for them. A parasite cleanse or juice fast for someone dealing with IBS which stems from energy debt makes no sense and will only make things worse. The orthorexic mind though will see these issues, like digestive complaints, as a sign that they need to cleanse or purify themselves more in order to feel better. Here of course is where we get to the morality and superiority thing that comes with orthorexia but that is for another conversation :)
      Thanks for sharing your comment!

  • @jessicavanlandingham9039
    @jessicavanlandingham9039 Před 3 lety +3

    Thank you for being a voice of reason among so much insanity

  • @MsSturbuck
    @MsSturbuck Před 4 lety +3

    This video is pure GOLd.Just amazing giving so much comkon sense and hope.I cried during the "prune" thing,I did that too (with millet I remeber vividly!).How sad is that? 😔Thank you so much you have no idea how much it helps 💕

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 4 lety +1

      So glad you could relate and that it helps to hear someone else talk about this!! Orthorexia is reay tough for so many reasons. Continue to fight those urges to control your food, freedom is worth fighting for!

  • @hilaryd6341
    @hilaryd6341 Před 4 lety +5

    Amazing video! You taught me so much!! I didn’t know what I struggle with is called orthorexia. I’ve been doing low carb and I think carbs are the devil 😂😂😂

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 4 lety +2

      Thank you :) I'm glad it was educational! Orthorexia is becoming more and more prevalent in our society, at various levels and degrees of course, nonetheless it affects a lot of people who are on this "trying to get healthy" train. It's easy to get caught up in what we hear on social media in regards to food and what we "should" or "should not" be eating but remember to always listen to YOUR body and do what is best for you. If you are fearing food, feeling anxious about going out to dinner, or over-analytical about ingredient list then it's time to address the mental implications of say going low carb. Your mental health is just as important as your physical.
      On another not, carbs are not the devil :) Carbs are the main fuel source for your body and are an important part of a balanced diet. Many women will run into hormonal issues when carbs are cut too low. I recommend reading this article from a Registered Dietician who is really knowledgable about women's health specifically in regards to hormonal issues to learn more about why carbs are not always the enemy they are portrayed to be in the media. ✨

    • @hilaryd6341
      @hilaryd6341 Před 4 lety

      Flow With Chlo thanks for the suggestion. I hope this video gets more views because it’s extremely eye opening. It’s horrifying thinking back on how much food has controlled me and I thought it was normal. More people need to know about it!

  • @slmaaj4587
    @slmaaj4587 Před 4 lety +2

    WoW!! such a GREAT video!!!!! Thank you SO much for sharing this !!!! I'm struggling with it now !!!! it was SO helpful ❤❤ lots of love😙

  • @christina7561
    @christina7561 Před 2 lety

    I related 100%. Thank you for being so authentic and sharing your story.

  • @annoyedaussie3942
    @annoyedaussie3942 Před 2 lety +1

    Lucky you seemed to have searched health benefits of foods (or maybe you didn't and it sent you crazy) because if you search dangers of foods the extremist fruitarian and carnivore eliminate every single food known to man. Fruitarian to full carnivore is actually quite common, some people are attracted to extremes and easily led and fruitarian and carnivore have 50% of their beliefs identical. Probably they qualify as othorexic.
    If you have a genuine food allergy you go into anaphylactic shock and die, intolerance of some foods like dairy might be fairly common but it won't kill you, maybe a tummy ache or abnormal bowel movements.

  • @sarahpelletier3123
    @sarahpelletier3123 Před 4 lety +3

    WoW I relate so much...

    • @sarahpelletier3123
      @sarahpelletier3123 Před 4 lety

      I would just add that eating sugary/hightly palatable foods on a regular basis is totaly normal and ok in recovery... Over time, with nutritionnal réhabilitation, you just don’t crave it as much. (Cause I know that some people will think « she eats ice cream just once a week, so I shouldn’t crave or eat ice cream so frequently » 😉

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 4 lety +3

      I think a lot of women would. I see Orthorexic tendencies ALL over the internet and with friends and family. It's a very blurry line between wanting to eat better and be healthy and having Orthorexia where this "healthy" lifestyle ends up being very disruptive. Do what you can to find more food freedom in your life as its so important to have nutritional flexibility :)

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 4 lety +1

      @@sarahpelletier3123 yes yes agree and I don't plan or track anything but I do know that 9 times out of 10 I eat some form of dessert and ice cream is my favorite!

    • @barbettecaravaggio7675
      @barbettecaravaggio7675 Před 4 lety

      @@sarahpelletier3123 likewise :) it's quite stiffling.

  • @rachelellis8416
    @rachelellis8416 Před 3 lety

    I can relate to so much of this!

  • @earthmamma85
    @earthmamma85 Před 2 lety

    I’ve struggled with this. It’s very hard.

  • @mamaguerrera6919
    @mamaguerrera6919 Před rokem

    What is the name of the book ?

  • @goodra999
    @goodra999 Před 3 lety

    i feel if you tell your doctor that you may have one the doctor will say you are healthy and send you on your way

  • @gabrielekennedy6123
    @gabrielekennedy6123 Před 2 lety +1

    Your mother was very disrespectful. You don't sneak food in other people's food . That is rude.

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 2 lety +3

      My mother saved my life. I would have for sure died. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental health disorder. My mother did the right thing, even if it was "rude". She couldn't just sit there and watch me kill myself.

  • @rachelellis8416
    @rachelellis8416 Před 3 lety

    Any other enneagram 1’s here?

    • @flowwithchlo
      @flowwithchlo  Před 3 lety +1

      I'm a 7 personally but I do see how many people who struggle with orthorexia would be a 1. 1's are all ab out self control and having a sense of right and wrong... the exact things that the orthorexic mind loves.