Naby Keita Chat with Gav and Ron


Komentáře • 2

  • @maveriks463
    @maveriks463 Před rokem

    Naby should have been managed out in a gentlemanly way a year ago... for his own benefit and playing time elsewhere.
    If A new contract for 4yrs is throughing more money out the window that's a 9yr contract for scant return. And if he's not happy hes at liberty to down tools and see out another 4 yrs. Better to cut losses and move on the wages can be saved for future transfer.
    It seems to me not suit to PL or LFC style. It's a shame but it is what it is...
    If he plays hope he gets a hat trick against utd.....

  • @michaelhealy8862
    @michaelhealy8862 Před rokem

    Hendo stop. no contest