The Top 10 Budget Decks for the January 1st 2015 Format - The Yugioh Hierarchy

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 350

  • @WIZA327
    @WIZA327 Před 9 lety +3

    So how about that new Blackwing support too? That shit is so good, no longer gotta rely so heavily on Whirlwind. It's still a huge win condition to the deck, but your end phase search just for makin a synchro is beautiful. The deck feels so smooth now, I absolutely love it.

  • @awesomeadam111
    @awesomeadam111 Před 9 lety +7

    So, I'm gonna say that the only reason Sylvans were an honorable mention is because it'll take between $200-$250 to make it really good, right?

    • @warp_skip
      @warp_skip Před 9 lety

      I agree the deck still can't function with soul charge at 1 and it's way too expensive. Bujins or HAT should have been there instead. HATs still good even with moral at 1, chain sanctum to tour guide or shaddoll fusion and you still go +1 and get out a 22 beater (scythe)

    • @awesomeadam111
      @awesomeadam111 Před 9 lety

      Now Moral at 1 is a huge hit on Artifacts, but they still have usefulness in Rank 5 plays with plenty of sneaky artillery and beatsticks. But Soul Charge at 1 definetly doen't cripple Sylvans. In fact with Glow-Up bulb at one, they became even more viable than before last format and with the return of Snatch Steal Orea plays will be devastating. Honestly, with new editions to the game Sylvans have a higher chance of pulling an Infernity where they they under the radar, never really getting hit and then suddenly they're winning ARG's left and right.

    • @t4d0W
      @t4d0W Před 9 lety

      awesomeadam111 you do understand that Sylvans can't loop right? Whereas the magic of infernities was looping archfiend/necro when possible on a strong turn and if they messed up your board, they can search out the pink cards and dare you to make your next move. Though some guy did something weird with sylvan with wyrm support in order to bring out 2 extra deck cards that give some help: yazi and baxia.

    • @coffeedudeable
      @coffeedudeable Před 9 lety

      BludAardvark sylvanas can abuse a lot of cards and gain advantage though. And that's all a deck needs to be good in yugioh. I think an archfiend oath build of sylvanas can still otk and control just as well if not better than the builds people were playing before.
      What made infernity great was the inevitably and huge advantage it could get in one turn (via a great loop). But sylvanas can get a simular inevitably by spamming the board with strong threats. Much like second generation e dragons did.

  • @user-jp3fr3wi1r
    @user-jp3fr3wi1r Před 9 lety +2

    other great decks: Fire Fist, Gladiator Beast, Six Samurai, Prophecy, Inzektor, Malefic Skill Drain, Exodia, Chain Burn, Gravekeeper's, Dragon Rulers, Harpies, T.G., Machina Gadget, Zombies, Bujins, U.As, Battlin Boxers, Cyber Dragons, Constellars, Frog Otk, Monarch decks, Batteryman, Hieratics, Herald of Perfection, Utopia equip bs.

  • @Greendaydude74
    @Greendaydude74 Před 9 lety +2

    I would say six samurai's should be up there since the structure is cheap, and the extra deck is pretty simple and reprints make it affordable. Sams have great negation power and definitely can make Shi en like 90% of the time 1st turn which is fantastic.. plus they have 6 cards to search w/e monsters they need, that's just too good to ignore..imo. :)

  • @shukuchimukyo892
    @shukuchimukyo892 Před 9 lety +1

    I would have suggested Harpies as an honorable mention at least because I think they have great potential.

  • @henryjones8636
    @henryjones8636 Před 9 lety +1

    Lol. I was playing Gustos and I creature swapped for the Triverr. I agree 100% with your list except for the #1 spot going to Tellarknights. I'm a big Madolche player myself, and I have friends who play Mermails and Bujins. Tier 2 FTW :3

  • @chazzjenkins4795
    @chazzjenkins4795 Před 9 lety +1

    I know you said you can't speak for new sets, but those Morphtronics are looking good right now with Smartphon.

  • @rockthahouse1
    @rockthahouse1 Před 9 lety

    I smile whenever I see Madolche gets their rightful love :). It can definitely keep up with the Meta, but the main problem is similar to what S-Knights had *without Chateau, we really don't have a main deck beatstick* and it's mainly a reactive deck *combo oriented but 9/10, u wanna go 2nd, expect for when ur opponent can make an unbreakable t1 field*. I still love it tho

  • @OpticLOLJKS16
    @OpticLOLJKS16 Před 9 lety

    Just on the subject of Blackwings Delta Crow going first against BA can help you avoid getting destroyed by fire lake and Black Sonic banishes Shaddolls so no recycling of the fusions. Also siding Macro, D. Fissure doesn't hurt them as much as it would hurt everyone else.

  • @GMWizard
    @GMWizard Před 9 lety +1

    I feel Batteryman should have been on this list. Like Lightsworns and S knights it get to use the 2 honest. Also with snatch steal limited it makes it easier to otk.

  • @balakebeats5590
    @balakebeats5590 Před 9 lety

    Fire kings should be here. Constant field presence and double dark hole to help them? YES! I got the main deck for about $95 and the deck-specific extra for $35. That excludes exciton,101,etc.

  • @DragonComa
    @DragonComa Před 9 lety +1

    Yes! Mermails and Tellars made this list! Happy am I.

  • @rhysjonsmusic
    @rhysjonsmusic Před 9 lety +6

    MegaCapitalG, Why did u not mention Volcanics?
    They are a great budget friendly deck, I've beaten some solid decks (Statellerknights, Nekroz, Geargia etc) using Volcanics.
    Although admittedly, There good, but not perfect. All the archetype needs is like 3-4 more good support cards before I could honestly consider them a solid contender.

    • @tengu6160
      @tengu6160 Před 9 lety

      Yeah, Volcanic need a way to consistently putting Scattershot on hand and more field presence and the deck is good. The new support is fun and can create hand advantage easily.

    • @FeelTheDern
      @FeelTheDern Před 9 lety

      Iku Nagae The problem with volcanics is that they have weak board presence. They need a solid boss monster, and maybe a "scattershot" that destroys spells.

    • @facedowngaming
      @facedowngaming Před 9 lety

      Luis Esparza The only solid "Boss monster" Volcanics have is Doomfire and even with him he's still situational LOL.

    • @tengu6160
      @tengu6160 Před 9 lety

      But it's kind of true that Volcanic still lacking, of course the deck is fun and good, I played it, but that doesn't mean it can have the power play like Mermail, Blackwing, Tellar,..etc. Solid, but lacking

    • @XrosHuntersDMO
      @XrosHuntersDMO Před 9 lety

      Iku Nagae .... Seriusly??? U think bw are Better than volcánics? U have no idea of what are u talking about..

  • @Insert_handle_
    @Insert_handle_ Před 9 lety +1

    light sworn should have been higher. It has great consistency and impact when it hits your opponent

  • @demacry
    @demacry Před 9 lety

    100% people need to play more Harpies. The full deck costs next to nothing and it can run against all the top tier decks as long as you don't completely brick your opening hand. Harpie Harpist has helped drastically increase consistency and Hysteric Party after round 3 is pretty much always an instant win.
    PS: Harpies can completely punish Triverr's bounce mechanic if you have Hysteric Party set in advance

  • @slsbaconbits4012
    @slsbaconbits4012 Před 9 lety +4

    Six Samurai still competitive and with reinforcements and smoke signal at three, almost guaranteed first turn Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En.

    • @doomninja1
      @doomninja1 Před 9 lety

      That would be saying the same about E heros or Bubble beat with E-call at three reinforcement at 3 and upstarts and duality's the speed isnt nescarily the issue its keeping the board presents after you make shien ETC.

    • @slsbaconbits4012
      @slsbaconbits4012 Před 9 lety

      doomninja1 not gunna list my whole deck, but I usually don't have a problem controlling the field, besides, losing your key cards in any deck crushes it. On a more relevant point, the spell/trap negation stumps most meta decks( Screw you Burning Abyss!!! XD)

    • @eollink1686
      @eollink1686 Před 9 lety

      Samuel Shinabery You get one negate. BA shits on Six sams.

    • @slsbaconbits4012
      @slsbaconbits4012 Před 9 lety

      Lukey Flores Yes, but BA shits on everything though :P and shien synchro gets one, great shogen shien means ONLY one spell/trap per turn, and naturia beast gives more spell negation. Plus if you were lucky enough to have pulled armades, even more protection for you.

    • @eollink1686
      @eollink1686 Před 9 lety

      I'm aware of what six sams, great shogun, and Burning abyss do. Burning abyss don't shit on everything, my macro rabbit does just fine against them.

  • @Sketch_XR
    @Sketch_XR Před 9 lety +8

    What about Bujins? Yamato and Susano'o are still legit cards. *edit* Moraltach getting limited and Honest going to 2 isn't bad either.

    • @awesomeadam111
      @awesomeadam111 Před 9 lety

      And they have Honest at 2 now too.

    • @assuming9735
      @assuming9735 Před 9 lety +18

      Deck is waaaaaaay too slow to do anything remotely relevant

    • @Goldendriger
      @Goldendriger Před 9 lety +3

      Angel Flores
      Beats over Winda, Construct, Dante, Killer + Any quil monster. Is basically unmatched in the battle phase and has its own defense for pretty much anything you can throw. Plus Kaiser and Decree backing it up.
      How are they bad? Slow doesn't mean bad just means you can't be stupid.

    • @Sketch_XR
      @Sketch_XR Před 9 lety +1

      Goldendriger The only issue I see with the Qli matchup is the first turn Saqlifice. A Qli monster that can't be destroyed by battle could cause problems for Bujins, especially when a Qli Disk could come next turn.

    • @Goldendriger
      @Goldendriger Před 9 lety

      Max Phillips
      True, but 3 MST, and however many Quillins you choose to run (I'd consider running 2 in the current meta) should remedy it. But failing that, yes you're right.

  • @captainabrhamlincoln
    @captainabrhamlincoln Před 9 lety +1

    I legit can't believe you didn't mention Bujins. They aren't even that bad. Still strong as hell grind game and 2 Honest helps sack wins more consistently

  • @CyberTagi
    @CyberTagi Před 9 lety

    Morphtronics (now when smartfone has come out) are pretty badass and cheap as hell. Almost all maindeck cards only cost a dollar or two, and the extra has got alot of reprints that are cheap. Could probably get that for 150.

  • @Andros215
    @Andros215 Před 9 lety +7

    No Batteryman? I thought that deck was budget. Maybe I'm wrong.

    • @JT-hk9ur
      @JT-hk9ur Před 9 lety +4

      They are, but they aren't as great without the Artifact engine.

    • @YGOstratPlayer
      @YGOstratPlayer Před 9 lety +1

      Batteryman are basicly discount sacksworns = A linear OTK deck. Nothing more nothing less.

    • @Insert_handle_
      @Insert_handle_ Před 9 lety

      its budget but it doesnt keep up with these decks.

    • @Mattheuw1154
      @Mattheuw1154 Před 9 lety +1

      YGO strat player *cough* Says he who has a E-HERO as his avatar.. *cough*

    • @YGOstratPlayer
      @YGOstratPlayer Před 9 lety

      Stratos is banned and HERO haters are still salty.

  • @bubbaskellington9577
    @bubbaskellington9577 Před 9 lety

    Id have to say batteryman are still a good buget deck just because you can bounce everything back to hand with fuel cell and if you need a beater bring out industrial streangth.

  • @mrcartman09wanja
    @mrcartman09wanja Před 9 lety +1

    Nice list! but i would take out noble knights and mermail. Noble knights are really bad IMO and mermails are pretty expensive cause you need cards like big eye or dracossack to play this deck at 100%
    My number 1 will be HERO's! they are sooo damn good :O not only dark law is good!

  • @VixXstazosJOB
    @VixXstazosJOB Před 9 lety +1

    I guess Six Sams didn't make the list due the fact they kind of wrecked Shadolls in an important tourny or something, and people is lame enough to rise the prices of the cards once they recked a deck like that XD

  • @starbomber
    @starbomber Před 9 lety +2

    Are you sure YangZing count as a budget deck?
    I also like how, as you moved up the list, the less budget the decks became, but I think they still fell within your own benchmark of "$150 for the main and extra deck." Except for Satellarknights you need all the rank fours and some of them are still a little hard to get, but they are mostly personal preference.
    I'm experimenting with Shaddolls without Denko. Its working ok so far.

    • @t4d0W
      @t4d0W Před 9 lety

      Shaddolls without Denko still works. Just cutting through thick backrow is insanely difficult, especially burning abyss. Denko summon on a BA full S/T board means you are asking them if they have the solmen warning, or you go off like crazy.

    • @Mattheuw1154
      @Mattheuw1154 Před 9 lety

      BludAardvark Difficult, yes.. but definetely possible. From time to time Im actually siding a third Dragon for the BA match-up.. not sure yet, though.

    • @FeelTheDern
      @FeelTheDern Před 9 lety

      Mattheuw1154 Most of the backrow that BA plays are chainable.
      I dont like dragon against BA

    • @t4d0W
      @t4d0W Před 9 lety

      The problem is when BA goes first, goes ham and make 1/2 dantes or the setup with 2 BAs and sets 4 with a guarantee that one of them is fire lake. Denko saves your hand for turning el shaddoll fusions for damage output as oppose trying to chain it to when they try play PWWB/Karma/Compulse/Bottomless on your fusions.

  • @DJkeynote101
    @DJkeynote101 Před 9 lety +1

    can someone explain why six sams aren't on this list? What about the new format makes this deck outdated?

  • @ThreeHeraldsYugioh
    @ThreeHeraldsYugioh Před 9 lety

    Even though its not budget chaos dragon burning abyss with a small shaddoll engine works well and is very competitive against burning abyss and shaddolls since you get advantage the only thing is qlis hurt the deck some if you draw bad

  • @Nershedify
    @Nershedify Před 9 lety

    My thoughts on what I've seen competitively:
    I think Mermails are gonna drop in price soon because the deck itself, despite being able to pull off some kick ass high rank plays, is getting outclassed by other decks in the format. even WITH 3 gundes.
    You can still make a competitively viable Shaddoll deck for 70-100$ just dont use denkko. My friend has placed top 3 for the past 5 tournaments weve been to and he only runs 2 denkos and doesnt often use her when up against BA and Qlis.
    With ROTA at 3, Six Sams, Battlin Boxers, and really any Warrior archtype can be made fast enough to keep up. Any negation card effect is overpowered right now so Shi En is viable. Also, Lead Yoke's effect can activate on Constructs effect when he attacks her not only saving him but bumping him up to 3k atk in the process getting rid of her. Shi En is around 1-2$ and Lead Broke is around 50c each.
    and finally, if you do want to go down the Noble knight route, Just get the cards from Tcg player or some place, the box set is 40-50 at target and wal mart and 30$ of that comes from the YCS ticket inside. The cards themselves, merlin especially, have been dropping pretty hard and buying them in the "platinum edition" that the box sells them in is around 50c-1$ each. Plus the box set DOES NOT come with Noble knight brothers(20$) which is a common staple for the Deck.
    P.S for around 15$ you can make one hell of an annoying Melodious Diva deck. It wont win you first probably, but it WILL lock the field down and dish out some HARD beatdown now that Honest is at 2.
    Just my advice on what ive seen so far, i play Boxers and havent lost to Noble Knights yet, have beaten satellers, sylvans etc, not shadolls or BA, (no one pays QLI's at my locals) and just enjoy deck building TBH. I constantly check TCG player and Trolland Toad daily and watch the trends that they have in sales

    • @Atlantafan21
      @Atlantafan21 Před 9 lety

      Battlin Boxers need Jolt Counter and Nova Caesar to come out.

  • @sl8warrior
    @sl8warrior Před 9 lety

    Jet Synchron and the other structure deck support will make Plant Synchro tier 2. Until then, it can't compete.

  • @jacobrose1664
    @jacobrose1664 Před 9 lety

    i dont see noble knights because (brothers) x2 is 40 (merlin) x2 is 20 (medraut) x3 is30 plus staples in the side deck and extra deck and even the staple traps add up to way over 150

  • @Jgibz100
    @Jgibz100 Před 9 lety

    I believe fire fists can be decent now. If there running traptrixs they have a decent chance. Time-space trap hole and deep dark hole are really good cards against the meta same with chaos trap hole. They can even keep up against satrllernights. And gyokku is a good card this format locking down key cards your opponent has like vanitys and skill drain.

  • @infinitestratos4780
    @infinitestratos4780 Před 9 lety

    Harpies are exceptionally good, will continue to say that as long their extra deck is extremely versatile

  • @PadillaNerd
    @PadillaNerd Před 9 lety

    Also the batterymen beat the elemental hero deck i did it against a good duelist at my local tournement and he summed that elemental fusion u love.

  • @teamplusowoodo7973
    @teamplusowoodo7973 Před 9 lety +1

    Luke Kuechly is the best player on the Carolina Panthers fam!
    && that's coming from a saints fan!

    • @travisiswin
      @travisiswin Před 9 lety +1


  • @ExaBytt
    @ExaBytt Před 9 lety

    Evilswarm don't stop Nekroz...They only slow them. Nekroz has a card that can get over it called Unicore, that negates Ophion.
    Only way to stop Nekroz is to cut off their searchability, negate all field effects, and stop their hand traps.

    • @FunkInMyTrunk
      @FunkInMyTrunk Před 9 lety

      or just run mind drain?

    • @ExaBytt
      @ExaBytt Před 9 lety +1

      Wouldn't stop field effects though. If you cut off their hand effects, they will just swarm, starting with Unicore.

  • @TekkenShazam
    @TekkenShazam Před 9 lety

    Shout outs to Anjelly still being 15. Haha I'm happy I just built Madolches the deck is fun. Just gotta gather some more staples.

  • @Superwaldo19
    @Superwaldo19 Před 9 lety

    You are amazing!! Excellent video Capital G !!

  • @chris-dd6uq
    @chris-dd6uq Před 9 lety

    I just built a noble knight deck. It's incomplete, meaning I lack Medraut, Merlin, and Noble Brothers, but I like it.

  • @WCUmetalhead
    @WCUmetalhead Před 9 lety

    Panthers gonna make it to the big dance going 7-8-1 haha calling it now!
    As far as the list goes, I would have put T.G.s over Noble Knights. Def budget friendly since most of the cards are common and rare and they largely operate without an extra deck. With Tengu and Striker both back at 3, Skill drain still being a bitch to deal with, essentially running 4 snatch steals, and throwing in Barbaros and Horn of the Phantom Beast for good measure, I'd def place it above Noble Knights. Hell, Honest at 2 is reason enough for me to put Agents over Noble Knights.

  • @loubenii
    @loubenii Před 9 lety

    Dark Law actually looks like Cam Newton mixed with the Panthers logo.

  • @bigTTTTT
    @bigTTTTT Před 9 lety +4

    Hieratics, Mythic Ruler, Fire Fist, Frog Monarch

    • @warp_skip
      @warp_skip Před 9 lety

      Are all not as good as these 10.

    • @Goldendriger
      @Goldendriger Před 9 lety

      I think Hieratics are legit, and maybe Mythic Rulers is they actually mained Drago.

    • @warp_skip
      @warp_skip Před 9 lety +2

      Goldendriger Hieratics are all right but they need combo pieces quickly. The combo decks in this list are Madolche and Mermail. Madolche can sustain board and hand presence for quite a while and Mermail has tons of draw power and search cards that interact with the deck to make it very fast.
      I tried Mythic Rulers on DN for a couple of days this format and I got immediately destroyed by Burning Abyss. In the duel I had used up most of my opponents resources and had 3 huge beatsticks + a skill drain on board, but I couldn't game him because I couldn't get over his floater monsters, and he eventually overwhelmed me.
      Honestly, I think Fire Fist stands a chance in every format because of the Hand monsters, it just doesn't really deserve a spot on this list. I love +1 Fire Fist, but it's too slow. Here's the best version of the deck that I've made in my opinion: It's more of a Dragon Queen=win condition, but it crushes rogue decks with insane advantage.
      Frog Monarch - same reason as Fire Fist, it's just not as good or conistent as the ones in the video.

    • @CombatSportsNerd
      @CombatSportsNerd Před 9 lety

      ThePwntagonist Thank u for being reasonable.

    • @Jgibz100
      @Jgibz100 Před 9 lety +2

      ThePwntagonist I'd have to disagree with you on fire fists. I've beaten ba shadolls and satellernights with traptrix fire fists cuz the hands aren't that good this format. Time-space trap hole, chaos trap hole and deep dark trap hole are really good cards against the meta. And no + 1 fire fists aren't slow if you add in pot of duality upstarts.

  • @WaLlAb33
    @WaLlAb33 Před 9 lety

    How about prophecy? They have a quick play non targeting removal card that's searchable and doesn't destroy and is easily recyclable, an infestation pandemic clone to answer fire lake, and can easily side. Not to mention you can find some interesting techs like secret village of the spellcasters to get an anti meta feel and can even feasibly main deck macro fissure

    • @ZShenlong1
      @ZShenlong1 Před 9 lety

      You brick way too much in prophecy, blue boy summon is way too crucial, fate can only be activated 1pt, and if tower can't resolve GG. Prophecy can't compete anymore

    • @t4d0W
      @t4d0W Před 9 lety

      Prophecy can't keep up with the speed of the meta. Maybe in the format six months ago against control decks like HAT or Evilswarm or even against some combo decks that are too backrow reliant (madolche). But things changed so fast.

  • @Andruo98
    @Andruo98 Před 9 lety +1

    what about dark worlds??? darkworlds with tour guides are very common nowadays

  • @nial1396
    @nial1396 Před 9 lety +1

    Ultra Athlete?
    Shadolls have been easy to beat and burning abyss have trouble getting over the high def without Virgil to shuffle them away, though admittedly I haven't seen much backrow in either matchup outside summon stoppers and shadow games.
    Yeah the deck bricks but that's because Konami hasn't given us the field searching lv 4 monsters it needs, since they know with a little more consistency the deck is an assured Tier 1.

  • @beartrappr2841
    @beartrappr2841 Před 9 lety

    Mythic ruler with number 95 sets them up for future plays and an easy otk

  • @Wumbo25
    @Wumbo25 Před 9 lety

    Madolche still the shit thank you G, just need 1 more jelly and magiline and I got the core and can mess with engines.

  • @supermulligan
    @supermulligan Před 9 lety

    I like the list but I don't see you building yang zing or tellarknights for under $150. Glad to see blackwings up there. Now if only Constellars would get a decent support card out of the anime...

    • @WongRei
      @WongRei Před 9 lety

      I´m waiting for the same thing! I´m glad that there´s a guy in the anime who has them. Maybe we´ll see more support if he doesn´t get left behind like the old man in 5DS haha

  • @ummuser
    @ummuser Před 9 lety

    I was a noble knight player but what killed me was snatch steal. Can't do anything after that

  • @jvegajr95
    @jvegajr95 Před 9 lety

    Are satellarknights even budget nowadays. Nova and Deneb are like 15 a pop and they're usually run at three.

  • @ArenDrake789
    @ArenDrake789 Před 9 lety

    All the glorious Blackwing support comin along with the new level 7 synchro staple. Can't wait till they all come out (plz konami don't make them OCG exclusive...)

  • @Stevenedcastle
    @Stevenedcastle Před 9 lety

    How about hieratics when dark matter comes out. Or mythic rulers, which seems to be most ppl's preference

  • @justindelano8565
    @justindelano8565 Před 9 lety

    1 deck no one looks at and it is super cheap is Melodious I have been beating most of those decks you listed left and right.

  • @pine6193
    @pine6193 Před 9 lety

    volcanics please.
    a well build volcanic deck can literally beat any meta/rogue out there, and no not with "sacking" because the deck is actually good.

  • @FloatingTri
    @FloatingTri Před 9 lety

    Jeez could you imagine if burning abyss became a budget deck?

  • @KingYolos101
    @KingYolos101 Před 9 lety

    I wouldn't consider tellarknight budget. But the rest sounds reasonable.

  • @pur3jock2h
    @pur3jock2h Před 9 lety

    Where those Spellbooks at? Snatch Steal Armory Arms with those SB of life. too strong son. I am loving going ham with Armory Arm.

  • @duncanlundberg4471
    @duncanlundberg4471 Před 9 lety

    Six Samurai's continue to be sleepers. Let's keep it that way.

  • @jimbo103189
    @jimbo103189 Před 9 lety

    Dude the Panthers defense is the star of the show! just saying!

  • @bakubladers
    @bakubladers Před 9 lety

    Could someone give me advice on Yang Zings?
    I don't get how it has a good match up against BA. can't dante run over 90% of the deck?
    Sorry for sounding like a scrub but i'm not too knowledgeable about BA, all i know is that they spam special summon from the grave/hand.

    • @vulkan7800
      @vulkan7800 Před 9 lety

      When yang zings are destroyed they can ss another 1 and their main tuner can ss himself from the grave, also yazi can't be targeted and can become a 31 beater that can't be affected by traps or targeted

  • @JayFnkay
    @JayFnkay Před 9 lety

    fire fist are better than half this list, and if i do recall january format with gunde and wolfbark both at 3, fire fist were the more dominating deck

  • @dominicmallano4447
    @dominicmallano4447 Před 9 lety

    Susanowo honest otk isn't a thing anymore I guess I guess you can't play shaddolls in bujins anymore too I honestly think that evilswarm is the best anti meta deck and Bujindoll is the second because in the shaddoll matchup they have to play it like a mirror match against qli they can side a searchable arctype mst (quilin) and in the BA matchup they can abuse shaddoll fusion and use the advantage that shaddolls have against BA. finally the nekroz matchup can be easy bc there is no way they can get over Yamato + emptiness in that matchup it is mst or scoop

  • @eulefranz944
    @eulefranz944 Před 9 lety

    I really want your opinion on the blackwing support :]
    the goo ol' dayz with bw :]

  • @jasonfields7058
    @jasonfields7058 Před 9 lety

    No gatekeepers,lol?
    Has a stun combo in the form of the new gk stamped vanities emptiness, the shaman that shuts down shadolls/BurningA, etc.

  • @ppp13524
    @ppp13524 Před 9 lety

    Monarchs have an incredibly easy matchup vs burning abyss xDD

  • @WIZA327
    @WIZA327 Před 9 lety +1

    It's so funny, all these comments be like "WHAT ABOUT MY DECK!?!?" fucking idiots. Not sure why people don't get it after 500 top 10 videos. It's his top 10, not yours. Plus, its what he thinks is the best 10, he may or may not think your spellbooks or bujins or batteryman are good budget decks too, but this is limited to 10 spots, not 20. Yugioh community never ceases to annoy the fuck out of me.

  • @Ragnamune
    @Ragnamune Před 9 lety

    Tomorrow, I got Blackwings to play. Woohoo!

    • @FlintG
      @FlintG Před 9 lety

      Blackwings is my favorite deck to play as well. I was so happy gale went to 3 and the fact that snatch steal came back :D

  • @bboyoldseoul
    @bboyoldseoul Před 9 lety +1

    But what about Superheavy samurai

  • @colbyhill2650
    @colbyhill2650 Před 9 lety

    can i get the deck list for satellar knights. The under $150 one

  • @TheMaundy69
    @TheMaundy69 Před 9 lety

    How exactly are Mermails and madolche budget can someone explain

  • @YGOstratPlayer
    @YGOstratPlayer Před 9 lety +4

    #tenguplants2015hypetrain #getshrekbymyglowupbulbasaur

  • @warp_skip
    @warp_skip Před 9 lety

    Prophecy & HAT are still decks, G. Though i completely agree with your list.

    • @thecardtricker4825
      @thecardtricker4825 Před 9 lety

      Hat, i sort of agree with, but spellbooks are just not strong enough.

    • @warp_skip
      @warp_skip Před 9 lety

      The Card Tricker Yeah I guess, but maybe if Fate goes to 2... I mean, Blackwing got all their support back right?
      Konami said they were going to bring back every card eventually... how are they going to bring back Spellbook of Judgement?

    • @thecardtricker4825
      @thecardtricker4825 Před 9 lety

      I dunno. It will probably be power creeped though, like blackwings. If fate goes to 2, they will definitely be much stronger. (Tier 2/1.5)

    • @DattBoyyJaun
      @DattBoyyJaun Před 9 lety

      HAT isn't a deck without three moralltach

    • @thecardtricker4825
      @thecardtricker4825 Před 9 lety

      Kameron Haney It's nowhere near as good, but it can replace moraltach with other artifacts, like scythe. But you're right, the main artifact engine is dead.

  • @soulbanana8839
    @soulbanana8839 Před 9 lety +1

    What about ghostricks?
    (I'm really new to this game, but why do ghostricks rarely see play?)

    • @chaseinvaders
      @chaseinvaders Před 9 lety

      they need a great hand to do anything, and even then they have no real power

    • @eollink1686
      @eollink1686 Před 9 lety +1

      They're to slow. And their traps aren't viable to the format.

    • @TheNeoDaedalus
      @TheNeoDaedalus Před 9 lety

      I've actually seen some really decent Ghostrick decks. The sad thing is, they don't even have their best cards yer, that being Dorklord (idiotic translation) and G. Break. If Ghostricks can set-up well, that being helped with cards such as G.Parade, they can swarm the field, lock your opponent down and most likely mill them out. Skeleton OP, I'm not kidding, my friend won a 30+ people tournament with Ghoostricks. People just don't have any sort of a response vs. face-down mill. I mean, just think about it, you render up to 5 of their cards per turn utterly useless, while they don't even know what they are.

    • @PROtoss987
      @PROtoss987 Před 9 lety

      nekomusume is also a thing, it acts like ophion when paired with GS night

  • @Sp0okeh
    @Sp0okeh Před 9 lety +1

    oh shiii, i need them tengus!!!!

  • @hamptoda3
    @hamptoda3 Před 9 lety

    Ophion doesn't stop pen summons...the pendulums that are summoned, are considered as pendulum summoned monsters not SS monsters..

    • @ThePsychotixz
      @ThePsychotixz Před 9 lety

      Pendulum summon is a form of special summoning. You know..... Xyz summon synchro summon etc.

  • @hornherodog
    @hornherodog Před 9 lety

    Yang zing can work pretty effectivelly

  • @theinfernity1799
    @theinfernity1799 Před 9 lety

    Since when is yang zing budget? If I try to buy all main cards at ebay I'll need more then 150€ and it's only the main deck which doesn't include the extra deck :/!

  • @thisdudeyourbro705
    @thisdudeyourbro705 Před 9 lety +1

    HEROES all the way!!!!

  • @TromboneMaster95
    @TromboneMaster95 Před 9 lety

    Blackwings are better than they used to be in terms of their archetypes support cards, they have Black Sonic. Sure they're not tier 1 but it's ok

  • @123isaman
    @123isaman Před 9 lety +1

    U.A AREN'T ON THE LIST? Spent £30 for complete 40 card deck with no extra

  • @kevinsmith2430
    @kevinsmith2430 Před 9 lety

    batteryman should have at least been an honorable mention.

  • @joshuamcgroarty6369
    @joshuamcgroarty6369 Před 9 lety

    Ok so my question is why fire kings aren't on your list cuz I have been playing them you have infinite raigeki a easy access to the rank 4 tool box and with wolfbark at 3 again you can absolutely destroy b.a. Simply by playing 2 dweller the entire main deck will run you less the $40 and for a good extra with all the cards you need it will cost you around $100 so there $140 for a deck built to nuke the opponents board

  • @MrSkybear95
    @MrSkybear95 Před 9 lety

    Now is this with or without Vanity because that stupid common is still way to expensive

  • @ImARedTurtle
    @ImARedTurtle Před 9 lety

    Chain Material-Blaze fenik otk

  • @kenofjustice212
    @kenofjustice212 Před 9 lety

    Now that spell/trap activation is very important, do you think Six Sams deserve a mention?

    • @eollink1686
      @eollink1686 Před 9 lety

      Six sams won't do anything. They have one negation. Unless you run great shogun but still, there are other ways to get over them. They're honestly not that great.

    • @kenofjustice212
      @kenofjustice212 Před 9 lety

      Nat Beast + Protection is pretty good though. They might win anything, but I feel like they could stand a chance.

    • @eollink1686
      @eollink1686 Před 9 lety

      Six sams aren't going to be viable. At the rate new support for top tier decks and well as new decks coming in six sams just can't put up with it.

  • @theforgermighty
    @theforgermighty Před 9 lety

    im building a rank-up geargia lo it's not too bad tbh...

  • @karezmatik77
    @karezmatik77 Před 9 lety

    Yang zing is so under rated

  • @jayp0411
    @jayp0411 Před 9 lety +1

    Isn't Deneb still hella money?

  • @Rudolv7AveryFoster
    @Rudolv7AveryFoster Před 9 lety

    did you really just madolche, blackwing, and noble knights above YZ

  • @lokey478
    @lokey478 Před 7 lety

    Satellar's are way cheap where I come I'm building it.

  • @lightspeedasH
    @lightspeedasH Před 9 lety +2

    lol necloths might actually be "budget" since its a hidden arsenal style booster box are you gonna drop 70 on a trish OR drop 70 on a box instead? ....and people got christmas money and if they've REALLY been wanting to make necloths they should have been Saving up like a smart person since what? September/October?

    • @SwoleTommyPickles
      @SwoleTommyPickles Před 9 lety +1

      Just because you saved up $300-$400 to build a deck doesn't make it budget. If it was budget, saving up wouldn't have been necessary. That's like saying buying 3 Dantes is budget because you saved up for them.

    • @lightspeedasH
      @lightspeedasH Před 9 lety

      Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss "budget" is not budget also you can't have planned for burning abyss lol, it is "budget" in that one could have had the sense cuz there was plenty of time to be smart with whatever small amount of money one can save/scrounge at a time i.e. one would have had to BUDGET their money! see what i did there? yeah? no? ...okay

    • @SwoleTommyPickles
      @SwoleTommyPickles Před 9 lety +1

      No way! Another ignoramus! Notice nobody ever said plan for burning abyss. I bought 3 Dantes, does that mean I planned for burning abyss? Oh! What's that!? No!? Well who would've imagined! Don't try to base an argument around words spoken by nobody, you look ignorant.

    • @lightspeedasH
      @lightspeedasH Před 9 lety

      Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss still never said budget only said "budget". and no offense to you didn't you do the same by completely ignoring the meat of what I said and focusing on the tiny detail?

    • @SwoleTommyPickles
      @SwoleTommyPickles Před 9 lety

      You singlehandedly contradicted what it means to be a budget deck entirely. We all knew about qliphorts, sure you could've put money to the side in anticipation of the deck's arrival, but you still dropped $300+ on the deck. That doesn't make it budget. I get where you're coming from, sure you can work Qlis into your budget, but that doesn't make them budget, otherwise BA, Qli & Shaddoll would've all made the list because you can work them into your budget and eventually afford it. You're taking the term Budget deck too literally. Budget deck already has a set definition in the yugioh community and what you described isn't that definition. People want a deck you can pick up relatively cheap with little to no hassle, not save up for 2-3 months to buy an extra deck, that's why Batterymen are budget while Qliports aren't. If we were going by Webster definitions then you'd be right, but the yugioh community doesn't operate based on logic.

  • @jweezy15able
    @jweezy15able Před 9 lety

    you haven't seen triverr lose? i ran bujin and played one in round one. I spent the entire game going crane on suzy with kaiser. after that, people talked about me and started calling me "that one guy". bujin lockdown = mad meta players (note that this example was from an ARG tournament and most people played stellarknights and burning abyss)

  • @WeirdBoi75
    @WeirdBoi75 Před 9 lety

    Battlin boxers, guys.

  • @colbyhill2650
    @colbyhill2650 Před 9 lety

    how can we know the deck list if they are not linked lol

  • @TeamHama
    @TeamHama Před 9 lety

    Satellarknight budget? Just 3 denebs are 75

  • @toonsoffun5733
    @toonsoffun5733 Před 9 lety

    lightsworns is just a sack deck. You need to draw the nuts for it to funktion

  • @Kofi_Mensahs_BurnerAccount

    When it goes off, cyber dna surgery dragon 😂

  • @TheMaundy69
    @TheMaundy69 Před 9 lety

    and Satellerknights really can someone explain

  • @Thanatos707
    @Thanatos707 Před 9 lety +1

    Blackwing in top 10? really? the much weaker lightsworn that tengu plants and noble knights? A you crazy? lightsworn rulers can win in two 3 turns u.u

  • @nothanks7953
    @nothanks7953 Před 9 lety

    Six samurai's a beasty deck if you can build it up correctly. It shouldnt be underrated.

  • @CombatSportsNerd
    @CombatSportsNerd Před 9 lety

    I need to find a New budget deck. Blackwings are never gonna do shit.

    • @Tambleguide896
      @Tambleguide896 Před 9 lety

      You know they got decent support in the ocg. 2 new awesome synchros a tuner that searches and another of those one where you can special summon it from your hand. (1900 beat stick.)

    • @CombatSportsNerd
      @CombatSportsNerd Před 9 lety

      AZNfly lice I know and I've been testing it none stop but I can't seem to get the deck. Maybe, I should focus more on damage out instead of defense

  • @Starfox2020
    @Starfox2020 Před 9 lety

    How in the heck did you build Tellarknights under $150? To make them worthwhile, you need 3 Deneb and 3 Alpha, and right there that is almost $120... The other $30 disappears in the extra deck with staple outs like Castels, Exciton, Ragnazero, Triverr, et cetera. And then all the staple trap cards which can get up to $30. It's cheaper to build a complete Shaddoll deck(minus Denkka which you don't NEED to be worthwhile) than to build a worthwhile Tellarknight deck.