What Does The Bible Say About Dowsing | What Does The Bible Say About Water Witching

  • čas přidán 30. 10. 2020
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    What Does The Bible Say About Dowsing | What Does The Bible Say About Water Witching
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Komentáře • 36

  • @aaronhorn9253
    @aaronhorn9253 Před 2 lety +5

    As a utility locator, sometimes the only way to locate a water line is to take 2 45° rods and use it to "water witch" I have to do that quite a bit

  • @jamezz3100
    @jamezz3100 Před 10 měsíci

    Thank you for your great, Godly, advice.
    As a life long (65 yrs) Christian I’ve recently come up against this question.
    Your Biblical perspective is exactly what I needed.

  • @garyl.freeland5568
    @garyl.freeland5568 Před 2 lety +14

    I respect your opinion, and your faith as a man of God John. I'm not here to judge you, or your faith only to enlighten you from a different perspective as to what God and the Holy Spirit has given to me many years ago.
    I think you have miss interpreted the word Dowsing, and Divining. Labeling it as modern day superstition called witchery, sorcery, or witchcraft. Which is ferther from the truth my brother!
    God gives each, and everyone of his children different gifts, and talents that shape their lives, in hopes we chose the right path to serve Him, and not Satan. Giving us FREE WILL to choose which path we want to take.
    You and I brother chose the path of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as millions of Christians around the world have done also. The other path of choice as we well know is the many paths that leads to the god of "this world 🌎 Satan"
    I serve the same god that you do, and I've been a dowser for over 50+ years, and many years ago as a young man baptized born again Christian had the same thoughts as you do about "water witching". Just like the gentleman you talked about who now believe it is of Satan, like many other believers do, they think it had something to do with witchcraft or satanism, and I believe it's been misunderstood ,and misinterpreted for many many years.
    I was introduced to "water witching" by my dad, and a old water well driller looking for the best water vein on our property back on West Virginia with a forked limb, from a peach tree, at the age of 8 or 9.
    A few years later, and still a young man I was locating water wells in, and around the country I lived, for farmers and other folks.
    After rededicating my life to the Lord going to church and study in the word for some time. The thought occurred to me, that if dowsing had anything to do with witchcraft! And as a born again Christian I could no longer continue to practice this anymore. After much prayer, and searching God's word for the answers, the Holy Spirit revealed a different answer to me, than he did to you.
    The first two answers that the Holy Spirit reviled to me, that burned into my soul to this day!
    Was Matthew 7: 7
    (Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:) This is word for word the technique I have use for finding water, oil, and natural gas, gold, silver and other preaious minerals through out the years mining gold, añd other minerals in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and now here in Alaska!
    The next scripture he revealed to me was Deuteronomy 8: 18
    (But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.)
    (So God is asking for us to remember him for it is he that gave us dowsers this gift, and his power to find his wealth "that He Created, and only God put theses on and into the Earth"! Not Satan he did not create the heavens and the Earth. God did!
    And at the end of this verse he establish his covenant which he swore to us, and our fathers, setting forth that day and forevermore.
    Now there's a lot of non-believer out there that are dowsers, and that's ok, this is a skil that you do not learn overnight because, they rely, and look toward man to teach guide and direct them, and I did also in the beginning. But quickly learned to put my faith God to guide and direct me.
    So now my brother I must set the record straight. From then until now, I never have charged anyone for finding, and mapping a water vein or water well. At the end of my survey and driving a stake to mark the spot they were to drill. The landowner would ask me, well what do I owe you for this. I would tell them that, I do not charge for something that God gives to me freely, but if you want to donate to your church or charity, that is payment enough for me. Which I would most always get a surprise look from them, followed by a big hand shake, and a greatful Thanks You.
    ( Doing my part to help my fellow man and woman paying it forward in the name of Jesus Christ.)
    I have always given God all the praise, and glory for the gift he has given me.
    And it has returned back to me many fold. Not so much as in the form of monetary wealth, but a wealth of knowledge that has been lost, over time. And
    branded by some people as Evel.
    I'll be 70 soon, and I've been a Christian most of my life, and have a close relationship with God the farther, God the son, and God's Holy Spirit. I've prayed 🙏 to God many, many times in my life, some time many times a day, depending on how many times I needed his help too survive the hell that the god of this world puts you through every chances he gets, especially if you're a Christian.
    God created the heavens and earth 🌎 and everything in, and upon the earth 🌍 the water, the crude oil, the gold, silver and every mineral and element known to man that touches each of our lives every second of every day. And all theses things are being, and has been,
    and will be used for the good for mankind. The flip side of that is that the evil of this world, also used God's creation to lured non Christian's, and even some Christian's into his trap of deceit, to kill, steal and destroy.
    Dowsing instruments are tools that a dowser uses to preform a task to find water, oil natural gas, gold, silver and other precious minerals that help humanity, and our fellow men and women. It's an inanimate object, a tool that is no more evil than the tools that a doctor, dentist, carpenter and a mechanic uses, and the list goes on, and on.
    Yes just about anything good could be used for evil some how!
    Do you quit using the internet because evil using it to broadcast every immoral, Evil thing Imaginable, which is an abomination to God every second of every day, month, and year!
    (No you don't, and neither does millions of other Christian's!) It's another creation God release into the world for good, and Evil always twist, lie, cheats, and steals that which is good, and turn it into Evil.
    A very good friend of mine from back East, who is a ordained minister, he has been a master dowser for many years, just as I have been, and during the Vietnam War the military used his skills to find the enemy position, their underground tunnels, weapons cashes, for the military to bomb, and to aid our ground troops in their patrol's search for the enemy.
    Mr. Lewis M. Used the art, and science of dowsing to plot theses locations on a topo map, which saved many lives. Saving men's lives is not the work of the Devil, I assure you!
    The word rod and staff is used several times in the Bible. Psalm 23 is another verse I was led to by the Holy Spirit, in my search for answers, and in Psalm 23:4 it talks about thy rod and thy staff, and God being with us in dark times.
    Which I believe is spiritually directly connected to modern day dowsing. And clearly shows a separation from Evil, and dowsing.
    (Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.)
    (Other references to a rod and staff.
    Which if a person not knowing the power of God could misinterpreted parts of this as sorcery or witchcraft. )
    The Staff of Moses is a staff mentioned in the Bible and Quran as a walking stick used by Moses. According to the Book of Exodus in the Bible, the staff (Hebrew: מַטֶּה matteh, translated "rod" in the King James Bible) was used to produce water from a rock, was transformed into a snake and back, and was used at the parting of the Red Sea.[1] Whether or not Moses' staff was the same as that used by his brother Aaron (known as Aaron's rod) has been debated by rabbinical scholars.
    May God Bless America, again home of the brave and land of the free. ✝️ 🙏 🇺🇸

    • @Blessd-savingrace
      @Blessd-savingrace Před rokem +2

      WoW Thank you for this reply
      It was rhetorical, respectfully and insightful!! God bless you and your family 💯🙏❤️🙏❤️

    • @Norbingel
      @Norbingel Před rokem +1

      I have to ask, if it's God showing you how to do it, why the need for the dowsing "tools"?

    • @nicolebonney51
      @nicolebonney51 Před rokem +1

      @@Norbingel ….I’m no Dowser…but it’s interesting, and appears to show great success….Now, that alone doesn’t mean the ability to find water in this way, is either good or bad-just that it can be done… Satan could be behind any phenomenon as easily as God, if the litmus test for such determinations, is simply it’s success. I feel we both would agree thus far…
      Yes, this seems to be a “thing”. But is it a thing from God? The devil?
      Just how does one know for sure?
      Personally,I find Spirit Boards to definitely be something that crosses the line. Asking open questions of entities of which one cannot be sure where they originated from, or even who/what they are, is definitely something I shy away from. Reckless , and dangerous IMHO.
      When I pray I specifically address “God, Jesus, or Heavenly Father”. It is my belief that if I’m beginning such a discussion in this way, God knows I’m seeking him, and although I suppose it’s possible a Demonic entity could attempt to interact with me at such time, It’s been my experience it doesn’t, or can’t, I dunno, but my INTENT is pure, and my words and deeds according to the Bibles’ instructions.
      God knows what’s in our hearts.
      That said, do we not take medication, use supplemental devices such as crutches, oxygen tanks, etc., and look to science and technology AS WELL as resort to prayer when we become sick ?
      Using something as an assistive device is a common practice. It’s every tool ever invented, and every supplement ever created.
      A hammer isn’t evil, and in fact, many were used to construct our homes, churches. etc.
      These computers can be used for good or evil. They themselves are neither.
      This practice of using rods to find water, IMHO, is no different….if you put 2 sticks in your hands and walk around waiting for them to cross, I see no issue…Based on what I’ve stated thus far, how could there be?
      HOWEVER, that’s not PRECISELY what some of these folks do….because putting sticks in your hands, which obviously are being influenced by an outside force to locate water, is one thing.
      Asking “questions” openly , while doing such a thing, to me, is not the same thing, and more akin to using Spirit Boards. Allow me to explain.
      In my study of magnetism, electromagnetism , and cymatics , and the influences they have on us (we all carry an electric charge in our bodies , the Earth itself has its own magnetic field, thus interactions are inevitable and part of our existence), I can see several different ways this “dowsing” phenomenon can be explained, and none are supernatural in the least.
      Water specifically, is a polar molecule, meaning it has both a positive and a negative charge. The Earth itself has a very weak magnetic field. Human beings possess their own magnetic field which generates approximately 3’ out from our bodies.
      Perhaps what we are seeing is simply one of what could be any number of the possibilities, concerning these fields interacting.
      Perhaps the water flow ( which has BOTH a positive and negative charge) , passing thru ground that has a very weak field and no polarity, is what’s causing the interactions and the sticks are “detecting”
      Water underground, obviously must flow thru a channel or tunnel of sorts…perhaps it’s not the water at all, but the void its carved thru the ground…both of which have distinct and different electrical charges as their foundation.
      Why can’t we have cell phones on , during takeoff and landing in an airplane ? Because of an invisible “phenomenon “ called “electromagnetic interference”.
      This is most likely the type of thing that’s occurring. At least something along those lines….It’s neither Christian, nor satanic….it’s simple physics and electromagnetic interference/interaction issues.
      Again, if one does such a thing (I’m considering trying it myself), naturally you should “put on the armor of God”. I think your concerns are quite valid, however, they also are easily addressed if one puts the proper thought and time into preparing themselves spiritually and emotionally to undertake the action…
      Just my 2 cents

  • @ChrisBGramz4u
    @ChrisBGramz4u Před 2 lety

    thank you brother

  • @Chrisg457
    @Chrisg457 Před 2 lety +6

    I have seen dowsing rods used to find water, and have no problems with that. As a former student of the occult, I have also seen them used to communicate with the dead, which I do have a problem with. Finding water wells is science. Using them to communicate with the dead is sorcery. It's the intent.

    • @Eztliz
      @Eztliz Před 4 měsíci

      I think that’s a very reasonable assertion. What is your opinion on using them to answer questions? Like should I do this? Should I do that etc?

  • @chichimariza3240
    @chichimariza3240 Před 2 lety


  • @ricachona4095
    @ricachona4095 Před 2 lety

    It helps to have a sound and wise spiritual brother.

  • @justmenotyou3151
    @justmenotyou3151 Před rokem +2

    I knew a Dowsing expert man was he good. My parents and I have doused before. My parents found the best well in the area by dowsing. I think you can douse for just about anything. The expert I referred to above doused for bodies and was successful but he would have nightmares so he stopped doing it. I tried my hand at dowsing for spirits. It works. But, I think it is like a Ouija board with the same kind of problems. This was an interesting video. I will think long and hard about this and other things I do in my life. In the meantime, I think I need to sage my house and bring in someone to bless it.

    • @CousinKaylee
      @CousinKaylee Před 10 měsíci +2

      Saging won’t keep demons away

    • @godrulesme8619
      @godrulesme8619 Před 8 měsíci

      And following the Bible with over 1000 contridictions and hate speech and slavery being promoted won't help either

    • @justmenotyou3151
      @justmenotyou3151 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@godrulesme8619 What's interesting is that for all its flaws, and it has tons, citing certain scriptures and saying certain phrases does help combat evil. Evil is real and so is good. And there's a bunch of stuff in-between. There's more to this world then what we can see. Trying to develop the science to document these events is a challenge, but progress is being made.

    • @justmenotyou3151
      @justmenotyou3151 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@CousinKaylee yes, correct. As my wife says, saging can make the issue worse. Right now, there is no problems, so best to keep the Status quo.

    • @godrulesme8619
      @godrulesme8619 Před 8 měsíci

      @visser2905 saging is crazy from a number of standpoints but if somebody wants to get their life together why can't they pray and change their ways in life to make things better for themselves rather than taking the Lazy Man's approach and lighting a sage and doing that around the house is crazy
      it's not like the house is dirty and you're sweeping up dirt off the ground to make it cleaner and healthier
      so if you want to make things better in your life you should spiritually change your ways and just become morally a better person and nothing wrong with praying but then again we got to be careful who were praying too praying to a religious God the religious books like the Bible and the Quran
      and especially the Bible have a egotistical Angry God who wants us to Stone gay people and other stuff so religion is caused all these wars and religion divides and the religious gods and the Bible and Quran are narcissistic

  • @scriptmaster3357
    @scriptmaster3357 Před 3 lety +3

    Yes, my dad used to call it “divining for water”, but the same thing. I always had an uneasy feeling of it, wondering what he was tapping into to gain that force or knowledge.

  • @joseperez-nz2rm
    @joseperez-nz2rm Před 3 lety +1

    There is one part in the Bible whe the Israeli where in desert . A stone was pull in the desert and they find water. How you explain that

  • @billyjm61
    @billyjm61 Před rokem +1

    I have a question. Would using an electronic device be the same as divining

    • @greendesert69
      @greendesert69 Před 10 měsíci

      no. electronic devices use science and natural laws.

    • @bisdakpinoy3428
      @bisdakpinoy3428 Před 4 měsíci

      @@greendesert69isn't it that electronic devices have quartz crystal inside?

  • @Pushpul.Pandey.PP007
    @Pushpul.Pandey.PP007 Před 3 lety

    God Bless You Todd, In Jesus name

  • @Day-Cab
    @Day-Cab Před rokem +1

    I dunno.. Satan is out to damn all our souls. Finding water is a good thing. The devil isn't capable of doing good.

  • @chucklowry1622
    @chucklowry1622 Před 3 měsíci +1

    this guy is just another man of the bible and doesn't follow the true Yahuwah. those of us that dowse do it under the guidance of Yahuwah.

  • @donpiano.684
    @donpiano.684 Před 4 měsíci

    Utter drivel.