U of Toronto Engineering Student Profile Form

  • čas přidán 15. 07. 2024
  • Applicants to University of Toronto Applied Science and Engineering must submit a Student Profile Form to complete their supplemental application.
    U of T Recruitment Officer Kate Nguyen offers details on program choices, educational timeline, academic and extracurricular profiles.
    (Transcript Excerpt)
    The first step is to pay your engineering assessment fee and that'll be forty dollars. So you can do that and any section that you complete on your student profile form, there'll be a check mark that appears right next to it. You can see the bottom there, a check mark appears. So each section that you complete, you can know exactly whether you completed it or not.
    The next step to do is the first section which is your program choices. So on the OUAC, you can choose only one engineering program. But on the student profile form, you can rank up to four different engineering programs of your choice. So if, say, while you’re applying on the OUAC, in between the time you completing the student profile form, you change your mind on what engineering program you are most interested in, you can change that and put it on the student profile form and we'll look at what you put on the form not what you put on the OUAC. so for example, if you put mechanical engineering as your OUAC choice but you decided to change your mind and you wanted to do computer engineering instead, you can rank that first on your student profile form and we’ll consider you for your first choice. And if for whatever reason, you don’t get into your first choice, move down the list.
    So the second step would be to complete your educational timeline. We ask all the students to give us a brief outline of your overall academic history. So we want to see what you did from Grade Nine to what you doing currently up to June 2015. That's really easy, you can just add every institution that you've studied at. So again we want everything from Grade Nin. You don't have to report any regular gaps in your academic history. Any irregular gaps in your academic history, we do want you to explain that as well, so if you did another activity, we want you to report that here as well.
    So the third step is completing your academic profile. In this section here, we would like you to self-report your grades for any courses you’ve taken in Grade Eleven and Twelve that we will consider for your course requirements for admission. So it's very simple, in the first section, you can just choose your education system and fill out all the necessary courses that you’ve taken. If you scroll down, you complete the other sections, so any other standardized tests that you've taken, you can report that here as well. Just at the bottom, you can just click Submit Academic Profile and you're done this action and a little check mark will appear right next to that.
    The fourth Section of the SPF(Student Profile Form) is the extracurricular profile. So this is an opportunity for you to really showcase you outsider of academic. So any clubs or activities that you’ve done outside of class, you can include that here and we take that into consideration as well.
    The last step of the student profile form is the personal profile section. This is a bit new this year. In previous years, we've had students just complete an essay. This year, we’ve changed up a little bit. So within the personal profile section, you’ll have to complete some video responses and a written response as well. So the way it works is you can complete this at home on your laptop or desktop. You just need a web camera, microphone, stable internet connection and Adobe Flash installed. We also recommend that you have a notepad and a pen, so you can jot down your thoughts and kind of organize your thoughts a little better so that have that time to prepare for your question. So the format of the personal profile is you get one question and this will be a video question. You get some time to think about the question and you record your two-minute response; then you receive your second question which would be a written response. Same thing, you've got a question from us and get some time to think about the question and you write up a 250-word response; Then you receive the third question and this is the again another video response. Same thing, you get a question from us, get some time to think about the question and report your response.
    Once you start this section, you do have to complete it. There's no stopping halfway and then coming back. Once you start the first question, you have to finish all three. You only get one chance to do it. Unless there’re some technical issues, you can definitely contact us and bring those issues.

Komentáře • 6

  • @rofiqel6226
    @rofiqel6226 Před 6 lety +30

    damn, i rmr watching this in the beginning of the year, and I was so anxious about getting into such a good school.
    Got my offer letter to Mechanical Engineering yesterday

  • @BabaSphere
    @BabaSphere Před 2 lety +2

    So mid-80's back in 2015. What a time to be alive! People with 98 avgs are rejected now

  • @harunamensah8610
    @harunamensah8610 Před 9 lety

    great tips, thank you for sharing

  • @vishnuakundi4766
    @vishnuakundi4766 Před 5 lety +2

    So is there no longer an actual essay?