D&D Players, What was the last stupid thing to happen at your table? 🅿️3

  • čas přidán 7. 07. 2024
  • You know the drill. The best part of DND is the high of an epic victory, but a close (and much more common) second is the hilarity of you, your DM, your fellow players, or even the dice making something absolutely DUMB happen. It’s hard not to enjoy a good bout of hysteria, right? So, when’s the last time something stupid happened at your table? Leave yours in the comments below.
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Komentáře • 43

  • @brennonlewis
    @brennonlewis Před 14 dny +23

    I can't believe those guys just chucked their paladin's corpse into the trap, even if we couldn't revive a fallen comrade we'd carry the remains with us for a proper burial.

  • @roro2.00
    @roro2.00 Před dnem

    Ive got one for this. Party tasked to steal a set of fancy jewelry from a rich heiress's aunt at a house party and return it to the heiress. Bard and fighter chatting up guests, our rogue decides to stealthily steal the jewelry from the other room. Except the rogue fails every stealth check, fumbles the jewelry, falls over, and is immediately discovered. Our fighter decides to act drunk to create an even bigger distraction, and is escorted out of the party by force. In desperation, the bard decides he's the only hope, and proceeds to put on an incredible performance (nat 20 followed by multiple high rolls to allow for time/multiple turn cycles). This draws the attention of the entire house party, allowing for the fighter to break free, and steal the jewelry amidst the chaos. The rogue finally passed a stealth check and slipped out the back, with the bard giving the performance of his life, winning the favor and future opportunities from the wealthy party guests

  • @brennonlewis
    @brennonlewis Před 14 dny +15

    Dumbest thing to happen in our party is when we had a drinking competition, picture a shifter, dwarf paladin, and human warlock chugging the strongest dwarven moonshine they could legally purchase. The barkeep brought out four kegs for the drinking competition and I decided in my infinite drunken wisdom to transform, tear off the lid, and start lapping up liquor like a dog. At the end of it, the sober party members had to drag an unconscious dwarf covered in plate armor and an unconscious werewolf unable to change back, out of the tavern. When me and the dwarf paladin woke up the next morning we went looking for our warlock at the tavern. We heard a commotion right outside and when we went back out the door the warlock was hanging from the roof of the tavern with a piece of rope caught around his boot. We cut him down and the DM described he was soaking wet and reeked of raw fish, we didn't ask.

  • @bigdog9747
    @bigdog9747 Před 9 hodinami +1

    so i was playing a giant dumb lego monster named hubert who was as dumb as a rock i joined a bit into the campian and was only a lvl 1 monk. we were fighting a "dirt man" who had like 300 hp and was restaint to bludgining damage, me being the dumb giant lvl1 monk that could use unarmed strike thought of a brillent plane, on my first turn i say "first I run up to him then using my vast knowlage of how sand castles work and how dirst is like sand i spit on him" keep in mind im a 15ft giant and my mouth can fit several fully grown men inside it, i roll a nat 20 and the DM, with a look of saddness in his eyes, says "the dirt man hardens to the point to were he crumbles away" and i was like HOLY cr@p HOW DID THAT WORK that was sopesed to be the final boss of the "mini quest"

  • @zo102790
    @zo102790 Před 14 dny +13

    We spend 9 hours (3 sessions) on a locked door we had the key to.

  • @anionhero
    @anionhero Před 14 dny

    The dumbest thing to happen in our party was the group was to take out a local drug syndicate. The party is a Dragonborn Barbarian. A Tiefling Druid. A Dragonborn fighter. And a halfling rogue. The drug syndicate was based in a hollowed-out tree. The was the adventure was set up, the party was supposed to go into the front door at the bottom of the tree and work their way up to the top. However, the barbarian decided that the Drug Syndicate would expect them to come in through the front door and have the most opposition there. So, he convinces the party to scale the tree and enter in the top of the tree-hideout. The heads of the Drug Syndicate were Harpies. The party was very low level. Like 1st or 2nd. They might have been third at this point, it's been so long, I don't remember. The Harpies were at the top room in the tree. Instead of working their way up to the Harpies. The party had to fight them first and then work their way down the tree. Not only was this boss fight first scenario very tough on the party, but it allowed a minor NPC (a gnome illusionist) escape. The party were supposed to also deal with because she was selling the drugs that the Harpies made. She got away and became a recurring villain that they would run into.

  • @SomeRandomKydd
    @SomeRandomKydd Před 14 dny +5

    I DMed a one shot for my sisters called the Fibonacci Sphere. The sphere alternated adding and taking the health of the closest creature/player and the amount increases according to the Fibonacci sequence. Both my sisters had to roll dex saves to avoid flying BBEG matter when he got exploded with ~250 points of damage.

  • @JacobL228
    @JacobL228 Před 14 hodinami

    We were on a ship. I cast minor illusion on the mast to create a St. Elmo's fire (a plasma discharge from a pole-shaped object in a storm) effect as a prank. One of the crew members started freaking out, saying it was an omen of an evil fiend or something. The other crew members tried to convince him it was nothing. That's when the druid, who had snuck away a few moments ago, reappeared as a giant venomous snake (bigger than an average adult humanoid). The freaked-out crew member then screamed and jumped overboard. The captain was not pleased with us for that, but it gave our other party members time to search her cabin for clues about a mysterious island the DM had dropped some hints about. We were already in trouble because I had minor illusioned a fire in the kitchen after someone said we should cook the seagulls someone had shot out of the sky earlier, and the crew had wasted a ton of water trying to put out the illusory flame. It was absolutely worth it. We had fun.

  • @TheSqoad
    @TheSqoad Před 14 dny +3

    My Aarakocra Druid witnessed the Fighter fall into a spike trap, and then pulled the Fighter out of said spike trap. Then he saw the Fighter jumped over the spike trap to get to the other side, followed by the Sorcerer and the Bard. Then my Druid plummets face-first down into the same spike trap and almost dies, having seemingly forgotten that he can fly. In the Druid's defence, his Intelligence is only 6.

  • @samzilla1281
    @samzilla1281 Před 14 dny +3

    Not sure if it was stupid, but it was the last borderline stupid thing in a game I played in. It was a few years ago. The party is going to rescue a dwarf, who has info we need, from some Yuan-Ti. I had been away from the game for a month, so the DM brought me in by having me already be in the temple. This was my bard, Jack, who seemed incapable of not charming anyone he wanted to. She had me roll to see if there was a possibility of bumping into an old lover there. We get to what should be the final battle, and I guess the DM wasn't in the mood to run a big fight that night. She wrote me a note, the Yuan-Ti priestess was an ex-lover of Jack's. Everyone is getting ready for the battle, and Jack walks into the room and says "Hi honey, I'm home." No battle took place, but I did have to talk fast to not get skewered by the priestess.

  • @v1de0gamr23
    @v1de0gamr23 Před 14 dny +10

    While exploring the ruins of a town thought to be abandoned, my party and I encountered a group of six goblin sibling NPCs named Yu, Mii, Hee, Hurr, Shi, and Hym. What followed was something straight out of Abbott and Costello:

  • @ReinaSaurus
    @ReinaSaurus Před 14 dny +1

    accidentally rolled too high on perception and stealth checks. found a hideout in a city that should have stayed hidden for longer, got in, poisoned the weaker enemies and stole valuable supplies, potions, weapons, tools and scrolls. the weakened hideout got overrun by the whole party afterwards.

  • @jessicabombcat2180
    @jessicabombcat2180 Před 14 dny +2

    Oh boy, happened in the last pathfinder session we just had. Sledding gone horribly wrong.

  • @RolenTBard
    @RolenTBard Před 14 dny

    Last session my character (human warlock raised in the fay-wilds after he go more or less spirited away) went fishing. Not to out of the ordinary, but this was his first time on the Party's airboat (blimp+ship combo). DM rolled his eyes, said there is 1 pole, and to roll off. Usually my dice are complete trash, but today I rolled a nat 20. Party is dying laughing at my stupidity as I've now caught the boat. Continues on for 5-10 minutes of laughing while another PC describes how I actually caught the rudder and am fighting for control of the ship unknowingly. Decided to throw the whole damn thing overboard since I couldn't reel it back in.

  • @applesauce999
    @applesauce999 Před 14 dny +3

    So we are on the road and just killed a young green dragon. My Druid decided the best thing to do was to burn the body so there is not a giant poisonous corpses on the road disrupting the ecosystem. Got a natural 20 finding firewood and i made the dragon pyre. What happened next was like when someone brings some gas to the fire pit, and my druid was the only one in the blast range. Rolled a nat 1 trying to get away from the fire so of course i ran in it. Needed the barbarian to pull me out. Now there is a poisonous fire burning that will not go out for a couple of days, but at least we don’t have a corpse on the road.

  • @edg0126
    @edg0126 Před 14 dny +1

    We fed a vampire Alchemist fire and riged it to blow when any one address it as master or lord .

  • @jonathanehn3525
    @jonathanehn3525 Před dnem

    Part of a one shot I was a part of. My first game and my first character. A Gnome bard by the name of Mung Stampfut. Fast forward an hour or so after a few combats and some poor rolls, we're in combat with some goblins (or bullywogs I think) and I have a little hand crossbow. I say to my DM, "I'm going to do something stupid", to which he replies, "Just don't fucking kill the party". I begin to describe my action.

  • @DiamondPanda207
    @DiamondPanda207 Před 14 dny

    From the last session I played: one of our party members fell through a staircase and got impailed on spikes. Another party member hears the crash and asks if he’s ok, impailed guy says he’s fine, roll deseption, guy 2 believes guy 1 is ok… all the while the party is looking right at him, stuck in a bed of spikes

  • @mauriceb7067
    @mauriceb7067 Před 14 dny

    Silver dragonborn sorcerer tried to rizz up Arveiaturace... thank Anubis the DM's bloodlust was already satiated

  • @hedgehogsonic11
    @hedgehogsonic11 Před 14 dny

    So we're dealing with a hostage situation in a manor. We split into a stealth party to save the hostages (Druid, ranger, DMPC homebrewed martial class) and a combat party to clear out the evil lord of the manor (Barbarian, Homebrewed Caster, Homebrewed Support, and our Warlock who was afk and being controlled by the DM). The combat party went into the one room with a hole blasted in the side where combat was already ensuing (between an ally and an assassin) and my druid used her familiar to determine that all the windows were sealed and the only other opening was the front door. So we