Singapore Road Bully SGK5423P - Honda Civic Ah Beng

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 596

  • @azfar122000hakim
    @azfar122000hakim Před 10 lety +48

    hahahah.. towards the end nice one lah.. kena trolled, good job going the other direction.. this kind of driver, dono how they get license sia

  • @jinchawyew7475
    @jinchawyew7475 Před 10 lety +3

    Driver, I salute you. Not only did you not confront him, the last few seconds where you trick him into the expressway was just too damn elegant like the volley goal scored by Zidane. #Respect

  • @Draphcone
    @Draphcone Před 10 lety +25

    people nowadays so boliao one.... anw that joker went wrong way in the end HAHA

  • @13WhiteFang37
    @13WhiteFang37 Před 10 lety +26

    Is that Kim Jong Un! HAHAHAHHAHAA

  • @qilqilqil8863
    @qilqilqil8863 Před 10 lety +8

    And his face is also recorded. Nice. Good quality cam. me like!

  • @TaroLeButcher
    @TaroLeButcher Před 10 lety +16

    Nice last second turn at the end! HAHA :D

  • @TrIsHBedOk
    @TrIsHBedOk Před 10 lety +13

    show to the TP & revoke his driving liscence.. let him take his driving lesson again & again until he learn his manners..

  • @Roycemoo
    @Roycemoo Před 10 lety +8

    3:00 Hi Singaporeans. That's me in the vid

  • @alloysqxy
    @alloysqxy Před 10 lety +3

    Thanks for showing your face. Now entire Singapore recognizes your face and will look out for you.

  • @BboySlashGNR
    @BboySlashGNR Před 10 lety +29

    HAHAHAHHAHAH the last part was smart XD xoxo man :)

  • @zhenhaoquek465
    @zhenhaoquek465 Před 10 lety +5

    So to the guy who posted this youtube video. I am the driver of this honda civic. The reason why I chase you and get down of my vehicle was to ask u why did you pointed a middle finger at me? when u cant get to turn out to the right due to a car blocking and I am already beside the car that is blocking when I am turning. so why did u reverse to a point where I cant turn if u wanted to give way. If u assume my car do not have any camera to show what happen. So be it. I will post it here tonight. oh and btw, if u dare to point a middle finger at me, why dont u dare to wind down your window and tell me the reason instead of driving off?

    • @diablo4343
      @diablo4343 Před 10 lety +8

      Walao eh bro. I feel you lah !! As usual typical people who just see 1 side of the story will think than you are a lan jiao fat fuck who is so guai lan become a road bully. If you also have the footage of the xialan and humji driver who gave you the middle finger cause he think he very eh sai than hum ji wind down window and tell you the reason , please upload as a video reply to this video..
      But on a second note , yes the driver gave you the finger but than your actions on the road is going to ask you lim kopi with TP liao. In the end the guy who gave you the finger is going to have the last laugh as your lisnce may be potong or the very least points deduction and a hefty fine.
      Last I have known , giving the middle finger is not a chargeable offence under SG Law. You let your emotions to get the better out of you liao.
      Happy cny to you , btw.

    • @zhimingng2902
      @zhimingng2902 Před 10 lety +4

      Post it tonight will be too late, you might be very famous already. so better post it asap.

    • @ahinmudika3281
      @ahinmudika3281 Před 10 lety +7

      Hi Zhen, you had better train your manner first before you drive and kill someone... why you stop in middle of road..? You endanger other people...
      Put camera lah in your car so you could get proof... just send to TP that the other driver "show finger". If you don't have camera... good luck to you since you are recorded already as road bully and it constitute jail term... good luck... better look for good lawyer.....

    • @maxslash00
      @maxslash00 Před 10 lety +7

      fucking loser. hope you get more exercise in prison.

    • @GTAgamesfans
      @GTAgamesfans Před 10 lety +4

      You know, you could've just talk over this whole "Middle Finger" thingy calmly. But since you thought: Oh hey! No-no-no, I must go into GTA mode with this Camera guy. Your immaturity has brought us Civic owners yet again, bad images.

  • @BlackValkyrie7
    @BlackValkyrie7 Před 10 lety +4

    I don't understand why this Kim Jong wannabe chased this driver all the way so far. At the start of the video, the driver had given way to Kim Jong by taking the longer path to go out to the road. Most likely, it's Kim Jong own fault for misunderstanding the driver. Kim Jong probably thought that the driver purposely blocked him at the start. That's why he harass the driver. It's so wrong for Kim Jong to chase like a crazy man and endanger the lives of people at the road.

  • @EzraTimothy_32Myth
    @EzraTimothy_32Myth Před 10 lety +5

    Lol the ending was a relief

  • @soontrevor
    @soontrevor Před 10 lety

    Such an experienced & skillful driver cannot be making a wrong turn.
    He's running another lap.

  • @SpectreCorsa
    @SpectreCorsa Před 3 lety +1

    Cam car pro driver. Know how to siam this kind of situation
    Kudos 👍👍

  • @blomqvist15
    @blomqvist15 Před 10 lety +10

    Owner of DVR must've done something wrong, muted the recording and sped off from scene dangerously in the carpark.

    • @jamomatt
      @jamomatt Před 10 lety +5

      I'm sure there must be some backstory to it. But the civic really crossed the line la. This endangers other drivers as well.

    • @MChipsTV
      @MChipsTV Před 10 lety +5

      Even if someone insults you on the road, that doesn't give you the right to stop your car abruptly in front of another vehicle, much less get out of the car and try to start a confrontation. Even if the guy recording this said something terrible to him, the civic driver comes off as a worse person anyway. What's a bruised ego compared to a possible traffic collision?

    • @blomqvist15
      @blomqvist15 Před 10 lety

      Calm down girls, I'm not condoning the act of the Civic driver either ;)

    • @MrLloydtheman
      @MrLloydtheman Před 10 lety

      K ppl, thanks for voicing out. Kim Jung Un "Civic" alr stood out to SG reckless driver regarding this matter alr. He too have a cam showing what happened, go check it out.
      Driver w cam stopped at the 1st scene dowan to move, asked civic to fly over him... Damn taunting.
      2nd part after car w cam reversed and drove off at pending road, he unwind his windows and pointed middlefinger damn high up in the air and gave a come over sign.
      Lastly (Mentioned by Kim Jung Un "Civic") when he 1st got off to ask him what he want, he made an O shape with a palm "PoP" at him and drove off.
      Please know that when you have a cam, does not mean by you can do anything you want nor does that mean you silence ur video and people don't know what you said. Also it does not mean that you can find trouble and taunt the others then record and make others the rude driver.

    • @ozzychua
      @ozzychua Před 10 lety

      Lloyd Ng
      got the link?

  • @tititmanja
    @tititmanja Před 10 lety +15

    Kim Jong-Un is that you???

    • @adauryyr8523
      @adauryyr8523 Před 9 lety


  • @splittingbard5310
    @splittingbard5310 Před 10 lety +5

    U did the right thing. Don't stop to negotiate with that fool. At least u were smart enough to fool him off

  • @nicholasalvinaw2704
    @nicholasalvinaw2704 Před 10 lety +1

    HAHAHAHA Love the ending... People please remember, when you are behind the wheels you have to be the most compassionate and loving person, cause you are driving a weapon.

  • @rapier3001
    @rapier3001 Před 10 lety +1

    Please sent this to TP and make sure action is taken against him... hope this will become viral and be the front page news.

  • @philipcheng2270
    @philipcheng2270 Před 10 lety +2

    that civic ar? come to malaysia. i ensure it'll become recycle steel here...lan c no use de la...

  • @DesmondLeongZW
    @DesmondLeongZW Před 10 lety +6

    You handled it very well at the end haha, I could almost hear his screams of frustration when he got tricked. Anyway, don't get angry over this. Getting angry is punishing yourself for someone else's stupidity. So let it slide and let him spend the next few days harbouring all the anger and hatred over getting tricked.

  • @xtwong
    @xtwong Před 10 lety

    Well done clever driver! Great idea to fix the road BULLY!!!

  • @kenang8831
    @kenang8831 Před 10 lety

    This Honda driver is very lucky. Cos he didn't meet me on the roads. :)

  • @13enWC
    @13enWC Před 10 lety +6

    He never receive any ang baos this year la. Siao one this person, nothing better to do. Nice fake left turn to mislead him away.

  • @valenciamoh7178
    @valenciamoh7178 Před 10 lety +3

    Love the ending part.

  • @lokyc3201
    @lokyc3201 Před 10 lety +1

    To: Zhen Hao Quek (civic driver), no matter what he had pointed on u, u should not commit such a bad act on the road. U may cause major accident and threaten to other life. I believe u r worrying now, and unsure when police will visit u. Wosrt, he may engage a lawyer against your act. He was in "scared" at that moment and it is enough to put u in the bad law suite. Hope u will change!

  • @maggiemae8840
    @maggiemae8840 Před 10 lety +1

    My brother is a detective. I am going to ask my brother to look at this and this bully must be pick up and be punished!

  • @rokupixruiqi368
    @rokupixruiqi368 Před 10 lety +9

    Hey guys, this video is very misleading! The recording driver, taunted the Honda 1st by pointing middle finger at him at the T junction then further taunting through out the video, but Honda driver gets overboard and do these extremely dangerous stuff. Yes he is in the wrong, but both sides are at fault too. The audio is removed to make the recording driver look innocent but NO! Dont get hyped up by some people fearing singapore is to peace for us joins the bashing league. Let law bring him to justice.

    • @DavidLee119
      @DavidLee119 Před 10 lety +12

      Sure, I show you the middle finger and you perform dangerous road stunts and break-check me.
      Go ahead and endanger lives just because you feel insulted.
      Grow up.

    • @0sys0
      @0sys0 Před 10 lety +1

      The honda taunted him 1st by forcing his way through 0.04 then follow up by not giving any signal to turn left.

    • @rokupixruiqi368
      @rokupixruiqi368 Před 10 lety

      whatever is the case, let the judge decide, my point is both of them are in the wrong.

    • @qwertboy1223
      @qwertboy1223 Před 10 lety

      Thing is, that's his one-sided story, you're believing too much based on just one view. He could be falsifying the truth in TNP too, don't be so ridiculously gullible.

    • @rokupixruiqi368
      @rokupixruiqi368 Před 10 lety

      be4 he made is video, some1 posted the 2nd side story. It just dont make sense to his action, the video drive must had dont something to provoke him

  • @woiace
    @woiace Před 10 lety +1

    Buddy, this Honda Civic driver behavior is tantamount to criminal intimidation. You must report to the police.

  • @AlfaPro1337
    @AlfaPro1337 Před 10 lety +5

    Damn, he should steer to the left sometime before 2:09. You know what I mean.

  • @BattleRoyaleClub
    @BattleRoyaleClub Před 10 lety +1

    Most singaporean drivers are no better. It happened to my friend before. When he is trying to signal and want to either turn left or right, what other drivers do? Speed speed speed and they will never allow you to turn in the lane. It happened to me a lot of times as well when I drive down to singapore to find my friend. You have to force yourself to turn and either let them bang you, or else, you will miss the junction. Singapore is a more advance country, but the people inside is nothing better (I mean most). Those good singaporeans (my ex colleagues) are also fed up and wanna migrate to other countries. I guess that's why Singaporean is always known as "kiasi kiasu lang", and thing never change into any better. They seems like proud of it and can't be bother to learn to be courtesy. My suggestion is that they should include "anger management" into their education system. But I still doubt it will make any huge different though.

  • @dongtheng
    @dongtheng Před 10 lety +1

    That guy has an uncanny resemblance to Kim Jung Un.

  • @kenneth6296
    @kenneth6296 Před 10 lety +3

    Nice! U did the right way! I liked the last part where u fooled him to turn left.. Guys, is that why batch born in 1996 onwards can only learn driving at 21? Instead of 18?

  • @mdhfzhrn
    @mdhfzhrn Před 10 lety +1

    Does it even matter whether e video is muted or not? Mute or not, one shouldn't do that and endanger the life of others. Too kaypoh to know every detailed part of it is it?

  • @KSeet
    @KSeet Před 10 lety +4

    Provide audio. It will show the full picture.

  • @xenomorphing4674
    @xenomorphing4674 Před 10 lety +1

    Great job you drove away than fighting back come i clap for you

  • @zulkifliebinjaffar.zulkifl9337

    Wise decision indeed...let e Authority handle from e evident captured....

  • @scvmaxonline
    @scvmaxonline Před 10 lety

    Dayum have you considered trying out for a F1 racing team? That last manoeuvre where you did a last minute switching of lanes was something that even the great Michael Schumacher would have been proud of!

  • @BushXCGL
    @BushXCGL Před 10 lety +3

    Just send the bloody video to TP and let TP handle. Car plate is clear and so is the face. I can't really be bothered why DVR owner mute the sound. Whatever the issue was, I don't think there was a need for si ah pui to try and intentionally cause danger to other road users.

  • @The19414
    @The19414 Před 10 lety

    he looks like the "plain clothes special commando" guy from the library argument last year LOL

  • @limjieshen6166
    @limjieshen6166 Před 10 lety +1

    If I was u, I will report to the polis station! :) and nice at least u lost him! :) I also learn this from you and some channel told us how u avoid road bullys!

  • @JohnArbutden
    @JohnArbutden Před 10 lety

    Having this guy on the road endangers all of us! Why is he still insurable? If he (ever) gets his license back after this round, his premium should be x 10 for life.

  • @hemandratanapalan8890
    @hemandratanapalan8890 Před 10 lety +3

    I don't know if anyone realized but at the start, the civic is already in the wrong. His supposed to be giving way not the driver right? lol

    • @yoonjungma
      @yoonjungma Před 10 lety +1

      Yupp. He is suppose to give way instead of the owner of the video.

  • @tina12star
    @tina12star Před 10 lety +1

    best. you did right!

  • @seantan2024
    @seantan2024 Před 10 lety +3

    how can such fellow be granted a license from traffic police department?...
    look at how many traffic rules and regulations he has broke in just that video!

  • @geewhizhk
    @geewhizhk Před 10 lety +1

    from 0:20 to 0:50, there was a conversation between them. Curious to know what was said.

    • @sutrakl
      @sutrakl Před 10 lety

      Dude, where did you get that hair cut?
      OMG, its Kim Jung Il!!!! How's zit hanging dude?
      I see that you put on some weight. No basketball these days eh?
      Yeah, busy being a basket case! ha! ha! ha!
      You have camera?
      Yeah, I am Edward Snowden! LOL.

  • @ooMaxwell
    @ooMaxwell Před 10 lety

    You did a good job in trolling this kind of people,instead of facing then directly. Thumbs up!

  • @ronnie22shade
    @ronnie22shade Před 10 lety +1

    the true story is that, the "victim" driver taunted the "road bully" with a middle finger fr no reason initially. there is always 2 sides of the story, wad we r presented on the media isnt always complete.

  • @LeonTraazil
    @LeonTraazil Před 10 lety +3

    Wonder what was the full story behind this. Nonetheless, that guy seemed horrid. There are many others like him in Singapore. What video camera was used for this? Pretty darn good quality, I need one. Please respond!

    • @DanielDiaz-rv6db
      @DanielDiaz-rv6db Před 10 lety +3

      it's a dashcam leon , you can simply buy this camera from your nearest car dealer or in an insurance company :) this camera is mainly for insurance :)

    • @cheng0017
      @cheng0017 Před 10 lety +1

      Daniel Diaz Hi Daniel, what's the brand of the dashcam u are using?

    • @theshawnisthebomb
      @theshawnisthebomb Před 10 lety +1

      i think it's a VicoVation SF2

  • @KevinYeoShreds
    @KevinYeoShreds Před 10 lety +2

    cb just revoke this civic ahbeng's license. but im more curious why the video is muted, whats the backstory behind it?

    • @TheAlexdesauza
      @TheAlexdesauza Před 10 lety +5

      There are some camera doesn't come with the microphone OR the owner doesn't want us to know what he/she said.

  • @waldenschmidt5692
    @waldenschmidt5692 Před 10 lety +1

    TP pls make sure justice is done!

  • @MrPikachu53
    @MrPikachu53 Před 10 lety +1

    That civic confirmed bought with dirty money

    @VANXEUS Před 10 lety

    Quality so good .

  • @GDragonB2st
    @GDragonB2st Před 10 lety +2

    Sound was mute definitely for a reason .

  • @blackerguy999
    @blackerguy999 Před 10 lety +1

    I like the last part

  • @bericberic
    @bericberic Před 10 lety +1

    Send this video to MediaCorp make sure it is on the News ...His friends and family shd watch this video.

  • @farhanyusof8213
    @farhanyusof8213 Před 10 lety +1

    Why mute?we must listen n see from the other party..dont one sided...

  • @simongoh4789
    @simongoh4789 Před 10 lety

    From the video (that a good thing) the vehicle SGK5423P from the beginning to end of video show what type of person this guy is. I think it a good lesson for all Sporean to know 1st their right and 2ndly, now there is a 3rd eye looking at you. Then they will fall in place

  • @ericlee6856
    @ericlee6856 Před 10 lety +1

    if you look at the first minute of the clip, you do see a car parked at the road so kim had to take the right side of the road, but he could have just pulled further up allowing this car to turn right...end of story but no ..he wanted to taunt the driver to move for him..I guess cars costs so much in Singapore that owning one gives you the sense that you're above others! Then getting out of the car twice on a busy road, after overtaking and braking, forget what he said in his apology he should wear a badge of should a couple of others but at least he's caught!

  • @wandawang13
    @wandawang13 Před 10 lety +1

    That guy looks like he has nothing better to do! im surprised he didn't try to reverse as well when he did his sudden stops... lucky that this driver has a road cam. and that last move when he tricked that idiot and escaped was terrific!

  • @jasonyeo2521
    @jasonyeo2521 Před 10 lety +1

    Did someone took away his burger which then results in his actions?

  • @YQ_Neo
    @YQ_Neo Před 10 lety +12

    Fat and Furious 8

    • @ShaunCifer
      @ShaunCifer Před 10 lety +1

      Hahahahaha! That seriously cracked me up!

  • @SDStudios
    @SDStudios Před 10 lety

    Nice escape, Singapore Roadscene near 3.14, but he managed to catch you at 3.32 again?! Goodness gracious.

  • @WilsonTanTH
    @WilsonTanTH Před 10 lety

    Please highlight this incident by sending a quick email to the Traffic Police. I have already done so myself.
    It is bad enough to jam break twice on the road. But to stop and come out of the road, that is too much. It could have led to a confrontation, or accidents.
    If the Traffic Police does not respond, we can write to the Law Minister or some other person in authority.

  • @born2fish71
    @born2fish71 Před 2 lety

    I hope that he has been reported. Approaching another driver in such a manner can amount to having the intention to cause harm and he can be charged under the road bully act.

  • @MrHelloXD
    @MrHelloXD Před 10 lety +3

    Maybe his own "spare tire" not enough, need your car tire leh.

  • @LemeowNyx
    @LemeowNyx Před 10 lety +1

    This is what we call in malaysia, a tuesday.

  • @peterwee9520
    @peterwee9520 Před 10 lety +1

    Assuming this whole episode starts at the beginning of video, in the first place, SGK5423P does not have the right of way (he's on the wrong side of the road and should have given way). The final shake-off maneuver was a good one. Hopefully this episode is reported to the authorities. We don't need this kind of driver on the road.

  • @EuppyMao
    @EuppyMao Před 10 lety +1

    sick jukes at the end

  • @ireneong8400
    @ireneong8400 Před 10 lety

    The last part is good!!!

  • @deezee_89898
    @deezee_89898 Před 10 lety +1

    did driver honked at him at carpark after he deliberately waited? probably pissed civic ah beng off, but this civic ah beng too extreme. small issue in carpark act like hes in a lawless country, thnk he cowboy or what?

  • @rockgila
    @rockgila Před 10 lety

    This is at bukit panjang. .....damn will be on the look out for this car

  • @thepianokid27
    @thepianokid27 Před 10 lety

    this guy said he will upload his version of the video. Fair enough. Has he done it yet and if so, where is it?
    Let's see his side of the story.

  • @st3vEn3o
    @st3vEn3o Před 10 lety +2

    Why don't you submit this video to LTA or TP?

  • @SamLeeMH
    @SamLeeMH Před 10 lety +2

    What happen to the sound? Try to hide something?

  • @UploaderA
    @UploaderA Před 10 lety +1

    I think we need look at this from both perspective, this is quite unfair. Sound was muted, video poster may have said something offensive you never know, even spamming honk at the road bully.

    • @matcharice
      @matcharice Před 10 lety +2

      Both perspectives should definitely be considered but even after doing so, is it necessary for the driver of the civic to drive so recklessly on public roads? Within the HDB roads were one thing, and even in that situation I don't believe what the civic driver did was warranted.

    • @ilink06
      @ilink06 Před 10 lety +1

      Kingsley Boey No matter what he upload, this video already shows how he drive!

    • @nccla1212
      @nccla1212 Před 10 lety +1

      Kingsley Boey Upload the video then!

    • @Avenrei
      @Avenrei Před 10 lety +1

      Kingsley Boey
      Even if he gets flipped off, this is prolonged unruly behavior that recklessly endangers the public. I don't think it can be justified however provoked it was. Unless the other guy damaged his car already, I don't see such behavior being anywhere NEAR acceptable.

  • @faziwuzy138
    @faziwuzy138 Před 10 lety

    these kind of people should not be entitled to the privilege of driving. period.

  • @AndrewL
    @AndrewL Před 10 lety +1

    what camera was that? so sharp !!

  • @DaigoParry
    @DaigoParry Před 10 lety

    Why don't he temporary park head in first beside the blue lorry and let the Honda pass? Also, when the Honda was in front brake-checking him, he had so many opportunities to turn out and disengage.... Hiaz..

  • @retrorider7521
    @retrorider7521 Před 10 lety +17

    Kim Jong Un lol

    • @bruddakhai
      @bruddakhai Před 10 lety

      he learnt that from Dennis Rodman

  • @QNH-sv2js
    @QNH-sv2js Před 10 lety +1

    This video has been sent to the traffic police, he'll get what he deserved.

  • @fengxie8016
    @fengxie8016 Před 10 lety

    the last turn is awesome ! XD

  • @salolooo
    @salolooo Před 10 lety +1

    The freaking audio is removed to make the driver of the car who is recording seem innocent, but no, he taunted the Honda driver, asking for trouble.

  • @syzwyshukor
    @syzwyshukor Před 10 lety +1

    im a driver too... drivers like that compromise the safety of other road user, including mine. :s

  • @Insyirah87
    @Insyirah87 Před 10 lety

    Wahlao.. pls la.. be matured on the road. Forgive n forget. Lets tolerate n understand each other's mistake. Haiy0...
    Too emotional ..

  • @Vicweebs
    @Vicweebs Před 10 lety +1

    This driver is a real road bully. The way he dove endangered other motorists. Such "acts" is considered as "Dangerous diving" , the traffic police should snapped him with a 12 demerit points!

  • @samanthachow3408
    @samanthachow3408 Před 10 lety

    TP should take away such road bully driving license and also ban them from driving

  • @Lksscorpio
    @Lksscorpio Před 10 lety

    OMG IS THAT BUKIT PANJANG PETIR ROAD? Near dairy farm road?

  • @eddieneo6179
    @eddieneo6179 Před 10 lety

    Please do something MR TP to this the good citizen...police is doing something!

  • @haitan5328
    @haitan5328 Před 10 lety

    nice one i like the last part haha total ownage

  • @marc31kelly
    @marc31kelly Před 10 lety +2

    the honda civic should have signal where he want to go in the carpark, other will not know his intention also. Pls signal to let others know!!! especially BMW car and above!!

    • @zhenhaoquek465
      @zhenhaoquek465 Před 10 lety

      well if u want to talk about signalling, that guy should have signal as well. If u want to say is obvious he wants to turn right. then is obvious i wanted to turn left. As I said, I will post the video tonight, thanks to his camera date and time, I can find the video easily instead of just searching.

    • @Wyzzkyd
      @Wyzzkyd Před 10 lety +1

      ***** even if what he did was wrong, what you did was wrong AND dangerous. Calm down, it's not worth it.

    • @R3naldy10
      @R3naldy10 Před 10 lety +1

      to be honest it wasnt nice of him to point a middle finger at u. but what u did was, like many said, very very dangerous, road hogging, sudden lane changing, etc. and to your counter argument on signaling, honestly, it's more obvious that he's turning right than u turning left. cause u guys almost collided while he turn right and u were going straight (with no signaling to left). so if i were the driver i will naturally think u are going straight too. and yet u inch close by turning in left when he had no space to move as well, u could have avoided that by signaling left after he moves back giving u enough allowance to go forward (which again, is a natural assumption). all in all, maybe he started the incident by pointing the middle finger, but u continue it and make it even worse.

    • @marc31kelly
      @marc31kelly Před 10 lety

      From the video, he turned right, yes but later he gave way. and i also tot you might be going straight since there was a car blocking your lane and you might want to filter back in to the right lane and gone straight. there is how some ppl can picture that. only after a while he think you want to turn left then he gave way and change the other direction to exit. i think wasnt much of a big issue there but why give chase and endanger once live??
      we may only seen one part of the story where audio is not available may you show your so see there other part of the story to be fair.
      Many ppl now dun signal to show their intenetion, how we know?? we are not mind reader too. let other knows so we can drive safety hm. life is precious.

    • @tansrb
      @tansrb Před 10 lety

      ***** did that warrant your idiotic actions? no. have fun in prison

  • @seahsep
    @seahsep Před 10 lety +1

    Mr 5423, why drive when you are not able to control your temper? give up your licence!

    • @seahsep
      @seahsep Před 10 lety

      in the beginning of the video, which idiot parked its car there when there were so many lots available.

  • @PiePowerGameplay
    @PiePowerGameplay Před 10 lety

    Wow. Very good at the last part. You tricked him lel

  • @Dojyuu
    @Dojyuu Před 10 lety +1

    I saw this car before is in SIA Sport club i remember its honda and silver to

  • @firtthegreat
    @firtthegreat Před 10 lety

    special forces plain clothes commando unit fella strikes again

  • @weedee88
    @weedee88 Před 10 lety

    unless the owner shouting death threats and asking for a fight, i don't think what else he could say to justify the civic's action

  • @d2lim
    @d2lim Před 10 lety +1

    I really hope that Sg Police will take action for such reckless driving…

  • @jimmytmpang
    @jimmytmpang Před 10 lety

    traffic police should have a good talk and examine the driving history of this almost criminal. You should not be allowed to intimidate another person using your car. Glad this person had a camera monitor mounted.

  • @yipwailum9661
    @yipwailum9661 Před 10 lety

    Driver did the right thing , don't stop , just let the Honda civil passed