Vloguary 17 - Nadia & Mark TALK HONESTLY About HOW THEY'RE FEELING

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 240

  • @debbiesanderson9466
    @debbiesanderson9466 Před 5 lety +27

    We have been battling for a long time to get my partner funding to pay for his care. Yesterday we won - I’m feeling strange today..... winning doesn’t change my partners condition (which is life limiting and degenerative ). So it’s an empty victory.... my mental health has suffered so much and after spending so much time hiding my feelings I don’t know how to act. This probably makes no sense but it feels good to have my say 😔🙁

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +4

      Debbie Sanderson god how how difficult .. it’s no surprise you feel strange .. sending love xx

  • @alisonk7432
    @alisonk7432 Před 5 lety +3

    I found this completely engrossing and identified with so much of it. It's a great idea to film yourselves separately and then share, it revealed so much that I think a two way conversation wouldn't have done. Mark I could feel my stress levels going up just watching you - but by the end of the video it seemed that you were saying that you create all this work and pressure to avoid the bigger stuff, worries about kids etc. I did some CBT workshops recently and they emphasised writing down your worries and separating them into those you can do something about and those that you can't. The things you can do something about you make an action plan about. I was really sceptical about this, didn't think it would work, but I've found it really helpful just to get it out of my head, down on paper, and know what I plan to do as a first step. It gives you a sense of control. When you start worrying again, you can remind yourself, of the action you've planned. It doesn't have to solve everything, but it's the first step. The things you can't do anything about, you put aside for a 'worry time' - they suggested half an hour a day, but perhaps less for you given your schedule! In this time you do the worrying and then you have to be rigorous with yourself and stop at the end. Of course you may know this theory already, because you said you've done CBT but just thought I'd share. I don't find all of CBT helpful but this bit I did. Nadia, I loved what you said, and just wanted to give you a hug when you looked sad. And I do worry that the vlog is adding to the pressure, even though I know you enjoy it. Ironically, perhaps it's not good for your mental health....

  • @animationlynx5054
    @animationlynx5054 Před 5 lety +5

    Im now 8 weeks sober after a long long battle with alcohol addiction of 15yrs on and off beacuse of relapses had to change my way of thinking completely , not been easy but my god do i feel free to just b who i am warts an all each day is a blessing and i never take anything for granted the simple things r all that matter to me could have lost everything if i did not decide 8 weeks ago to change my life 💕

  • @essizfasara
    @essizfasara Před 5 lety +2

    I was left with the overwhelming feeling that I needed to say. That it's OK to just 'be'. You don't have to be feeling happy/sad/angry/overwhelmed/depressed. You can have a moment or moments of just being. We all are force fed the construct of living the 'happily ever after/life full of happiness/joy.'
    Sometimes you are able to look at the 'ugly' side of emotions & deal with others just let them be. Just deal with them as you can, don't go chasing after them to 'sort them out'. I personally don't think you ever can. Rather to enjoy the good times & knuckle through the not so good times. Take pleasure in the little things whether it's a daffodil peeking through or an amazing cloud formation/sunset/birdsong. The more you look the more you see.
    Don't think I made much sense so I apologise but I hope you get the general gist. Much love to you all x

  • @karenfaver2753
    @karenfaver2753 Před 5 lety +6

    My menopause is getting worse, been struggling for the past 5 years, I’m so restless, struggling to remember things. I’ve come of anti depressants ( with the help from the doctor). Don’t know where my head is at the mo!
    Yes Nadia you will succeed, think positive!
    Your chats are helping me more than you may think, a massive thankyou mark and Nadia plus support from subs x 😘

    • @mariewilliams1214
      @mariewilliams1214 Před 5 lety +1

      Totally relate with you on the menopause hell ,I'm going nuts with it , too easy to reach for the anti depressants in my cupboard anyway sending hugs ❤️it's a lonely slog this change buissness x

    • @karenfaver2753
      @karenfaver2753 Před 5 lety +1

      Marie Williams yes I’ll be glad when it’s over , fingers crossed xx

  • @donnarice6209
    @donnarice6209 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you both for your honesty. I think you are both courageous people who try very hard to do your best in every situation and for everyone in your lives. I think you're both just close to exhaustion to be honest. Like you Nadia, I'm trying to change aspects of my character this year. I've lost over 4 stone in the hope of helping symptoms of fybromyalgia and arthritis. I started doing yoga last year and it has really helped. I am a very spiritual person and I do meditations that focus on that. They really support me but also challenge me. I have a quick temper, I get frustrated easily and I would love to be less anxious and more patient. I guess it's brilliant that we're trying and, as long as we can do that, we're winning!

  • @laurahunter9916
    @laurahunter9916 Před 5 lety +14

    Bit worried about Mark, what/where is the joy? ...he seems wound up, looking stressed and ill......be careful xxx

  • @michelleandrew6099
    @michelleandrew6099 Před 5 lety +2

    Wow I literally was hanging on your every word. This is the most insightful vlog i think you have made so far. From a fellow sufferer of aniexty I totally felt both your emotions throughout. I too like many, do the ignore how I'm feeling moment as it's always about the kids and family and the next meal, the next appointment etc. I'm frightened at the thought of even spending a minute to ask how I am? as I know it will create more aniexty..I love how none of us have the answers, it made me feel like I'm not alone. Thanks Nadia and Mark, please both take time out even maybe have one night off a week from vlogs, (a night for yourselves)think it will do u both the world of good. XX

  • @gabrielle6326
    @gabrielle6326 Před 5 lety +2

    You two make so much sense, the positive thing about this Vlog is that it is reminding people that they should try and stop and ask themselves the question of how they are feeling. When you talk about your feelings, it’s the start of facing it. A problem shared is a problem halved. Our society is not good at talking about how they are feeling as sometimes there is no outlet for someone to talk to. You are human beings the end of the day and busy lives can be very hard to handle. Mark - remember when you are feeling depressed, try and make a list of the the things you have accomplished and focus on that as a positive. If there is a day when you have done a lot of work and perhaps not as much exercise that you would like, just do a little bit and then it’s still an achievement that you have done some. The next day you can try and do some more. Also, it’s not good not eating for long periods of time, that’s going to make you feel drained and low. I always say to myself when I’m feeling very depressed that there are other people in the world far worse off than me. Gratitude gratitude gratitude. Lots of love all xxx

  • @emilyfitzgerald2404
    @emilyfitzgerald2404 Před 5 lety +2

    It's funny seeing your vlogs pre and post Christmas. Post Christmas you seem so much more stressed, more down, the anxiety is palpable. But I like that you keep posting these videos, as the change in mood is so relatable, and in a way comforting - I feel like this too.

  • @loobyt8692
    @loobyt8692 Před 5 lety +3

    Saw LW today Nadia and all I thought is how gorgeous you looked, you were as always your lovely, bubbly, vivacious self. I can totally associate though, I for no reason at all have a massive crash of confidence and things I do usually without thinking, I suddenly freeze and think I can’t do. Then my little counsellor friend on my shoulder, talks me down and tells me how capable I am etc it sure helps me lol I’ve come through the old meno to the pause and what Nadia is experiencing is so similar. You two are marvellous, but you take life at 100 miles an hour, you both need to slow down or you’ll burn out. Trust me, been there I ended up in hospital with serious bowel problems mostly caused by stress. I have to totally now listen to my body, I can’t do everything I want to, but it was a huge wake up call to realising chasing perfection was a fools errand. Mark you have no time physically or mentally to do what you are doing, please trim your plates down (not food lol) to look after yourself takes time..,real time... so bin somethings to make room for your own well being. Love you guys 💕

  • @allisonmarsh1638
    @allisonmarsh1638 Před 5 lety +16

    Life is ‘busy’ nowadays, it used to be so much more relaxing when we just had one tv, often black and white, in the home, all sat together watching the same channel or playing board games together, not so much pressure, we didn’t have material things, life was easier, I don’t mean work, that was hard, worrying about money, hard but we all switched off when home, mainly.

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +1

      Allison Marsh I so long for that ♥️

    • @allisonmarsh1638
      @allisonmarsh1638 Před 5 lety +1

      Nadia Sawalha - Family, Films, Food & Fun me too 💕

    • @Michelle-qd9gm
      @Michelle-qd9gm Před 5 lety +1

      I agree everyone in our house is sat in their own rooms doing there thing its sad I really try and get everyone together but they do different shifts at work and watching different Telly's xx I use to love it when we had one telly and no mobiles xx

    • @allisonmarsh1638
      @allisonmarsh1638 Před 5 lety

      Michelle things have changed so much. I was lucky when my kids were little that’s what we did, hubby was often home from work late but we mostly were in the one room . Xx

  • @dianamarner222
    @dianamarner222 Před 5 lety +12

    Oh Mark you are not over weight, neither of you are. You need to change your mirrors! Love you both. Xxx💖💕

  • @sarahwillis4131
    @sarahwillis4131 Před 5 lety +12

    Right, Am only halfway through. Have already identified with everything you’ve both scared. This eerily means it’s a sign of the times. It’s my 51st birthday today and my resolution is to be kind and compassionate to MYSELF. We’re all working, anxious mums and dads and often feel we’re on a treadmill. We need to cut ourselves some slack. X

  • @allisonmarsh1638
    @allisonmarsh1638 Před 5 lety +24

    Please be careful you’re not doing too much, somethings gotta give, you don’t want it to be you, take some time for yourselves x

    • @clancyk8497
      @clancyk8497 Před 5 lety +4

      Proverbs and the book of John in the Bible. Gives a lot of wisdom and answers. x

  • @Football2145-h3w
    @Football2145-h3w Před 5 lety +2

    I really can relate to what Mark was saying tday about Depression. Sometime it's just so all consuming it hurts. Physically hurts. So debilitating. Buuut, it really helps watching your videos and seeing that I am not alone. Anyone suffering with depression I know how hard it is and I want to know that you are not alone. I am here for you. Let's all help each other xxx

  • @pam164
    @pam164 Před 5 lety +20

    I think you two are great parents, and your children are very lucky to have you both.

  • @katewright1865
    @katewright1865 Před 5 lety +13

    Nadia, Mark- I have yet to watch this episode but just to say I am loving Vloguary. I currently live in New York and love that your vlogs are ready for me to listen to on my way home from work- and whilst walking instead of taking the bus! Thanks for all the tips and ‘real ness’ to this crazy journey that we’re all on. Keep up the good work! PS- 5 pounds down and 17 days off the booze! Yay! 😊 x

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +4

      Kate Wright oh wow this message has really lifted our spirits !!!!! Well done you ! And thank you for kind words x

  • @susiefrance9783
    @susiefrance9783 Před 5 lety +1

    I so got what you guys were saying. I feel all at sea, lost and almost like a small child. Putting a lot of pressure on myself to be better, smarter, braver, and just more more more....
    Thank you for your honesty, it feels like I'm in a group therapy session but with a couple of good friends.
    Looking forward to whatever you share next.
    Thank you

  • @annspencer5581
    @annspencer5581 Před 5 lety +2

    I remember when I was still in my first marriage I suffered with deep depression and my daughter in law said to me “Where’s the Ann we used to know “? and I replied “She’s not here anymore “....and I remember feeling sooo sad that I said it out loud but it was how I felt.
    It’s like you have a bag over your head and feelings are muffled and pushed down.
    I understand completely how Mark feels your either up or down xx
    Love to you all xx😘

  • @elainegrant392
    @elainegrant392 Před 5 lety +1

    Mark and Nadia you shouldnt be so hard on yourself. You are so strong and hardworking, you both work, home school Maddie and Kiki, (they are lovely girls), and you do all your Vlogs!!!! I dont know how you both manage it. You need to slow down, and take some me time together. I think you are both amazing, and only watch Loose Women when you are on Nadia, you are the best. You dont know how much you both have helped me get through some hard times, you make life easier, sharing your time and family life. The best Vloggers on the planet, so honest and down to earth, not a fake bone in your body and that is why you are both loved. Looking forward to your next Vlog xx

  • @allisonmarsh1638
    @allisonmarsh1638 Před 5 lety +19

    I also think, it’s January, a lot of are suffering from SAD at the moment

    • @terryllefisher6918
      @terryllefisher6918 Před 5 lety +5

      Allison for the first time this year I've tried taking vitamin D since November to help my symptoms of SAD, I suffer with depression too but its so much harder when the days become short. The vitamin D has really helped me, give it a whirl :-) i got the solgar brand.

    • @allisonmarsh1638
      @allisonmarsh1638 Před 5 lety +1

      Terrylle Fisher interesting, I’ll give it a try, thanks

  • @cherisong1
    @cherisong1 Před 5 lety +1

    You are both so amazing to share your feelings and help so many people. I am sure that a lot of people are drawing strength from you both. I have been bingeing on your garden vlogs as I am quite new to the channel and I have recently moved to a house with an overgrown garden. One thing I notice is that you seem so much lighter in the gardening vlogs Mark. Winter is always a tough time. I find its the time when I really want to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed. You are so right about feeling safe there. Having a dog means that I dont have that opportunity as I have to get up and go out for a walk in nature. Nadia, I am the same age as you and I swear that you must be inside my head as you articulate all the feelings that I have but never seem to be able to pinpoint. So much of what you said resonated. Including the suddenly losing confidence. Home schooling is such a responsibility I can see why it weighs on your mind so much.
    Maybe you both need a nice weekend away together, no kids, no dogs, no family issues and definitely no Subs. I am sure we would all cope without a vlog for a few days. Just dont take Mark to a health spa for meditation :)

  • @lizhammond-laing324
    @lizhammond-laing324 Před 5 lety +1

    So admire you both for sharing exactly how you feel to all of us. That takes a lot of guts to be so open. Nadia don’t ever feel you need to change who you are. Yes be mindful of health etc but your personality makes you who you are. To hear Mark talk about depression is admirable. Not many men openly admit to how they feel. Your discussion is very healthy and is encouraging for others to do the same. You both have made me look at myself and Meditation has literally changed me for the better so thank you guys xx

  • @shaziah4210
    @shaziah4210 Před 5 lety +1

    Soul Work...Mark crying is therapeutic for your heart and soul. 💝
    Ancient soul training is part of Nadias/dads heritage/ancestry where you train your soul/spiritual heart with an authentic spiritual Mentor for greater self/soul awareness.

  • @anngreco1403
    @anngreco1403 Před 5 lety +12

    Mark. Have you really thought about what is making you unhappy.
    Also, nothing on the fit bit. You are making getting healthy a chore.
    Try to pace yourself each day. When
    you don't achieve it all THAT IS OK.

  • @traceyjones2068
    @traceyjones2068 Před 5 lety +1

    I’ve never left a comment on any vlog before, but your comments on homeschooling really resonated with me. Fourteen years ago we made the enormous decision to remove 4 of our children from school and teach them at home. I remember coming home that last day and the full weight of what we’d done hitting me and I was terrified. I was in fear that I’d ruined there lives and would they grow up hating me? Over the years there were many sleepless nights when these worries would creep in. I just wanted to see the end from the beginning, be reassured that everything would work out! At times it felt overwhelming!
    But we kept at it, we grew we evolved and we changed, ultimately providing us all with a once in a lifetime experience, that has brought us closer together.
    My two oldest graduated from university this year, one with a first the other a 2.1, they both have gone on to do there masters as they still love learning. My younger daughter chose to go to hair and beauty college and graduated there after 3 years study, and the baby of the family will go to college to study music and drama this September, after completing her GCSEs at home. So it will be the end of an era, an experience that I feel totally blessed to be a part of. If I could go back I would worry less, relax go with the flow, it will all work out x

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +1

      Tracey jones ahhhh so so lovely thank you ♥️🌈❤️🌈♥️

  • @sarahkelly473
    @sarahkelly473 Před 5 lety +1

    I love these videos, they’re almost meditative in themselves because they allow me to reflect on what you’re reflecting on and think ‘oh that sounds like something I do/feel’ x

  • @juliehaynes3201
    @juliehaynes3201 Před 5 lety +2

    Totally get where you are coming from Nadia. My children aren’t home schooled but they bring so much work home that I feel the pressure of I should be helping them more. I seem to have lost myself. Is it because we are so used to helping others that we have forgotten who we are. Thank you for sharing x

  • @angelaw4914
    @angelaw4914 Před 5 lety +6

    Thank you both for being so honest, reminds me that I'm human and normal. I struggle every day similar to how you both describe in this video. Life is hard. You are both very in touch with and articulate in expressing your feelings, very impressive. I think you are both being very hard on yourselves. I think you are both doing amazingly well living the very full lives that you lead. Messages from society/media etc tell us to do more more more and drives us a bit crazy. I think you are both doing great, you've both achieved so much in your lives, you are great people with good hearts. Go easy on yourselves xox

  • @christinesaunderson4627
    @christinesaunderson4627 Před 5 lety +2

    I have been catching up with your videos as recently subscribed (was previously following Nadia and Kaye). Love your vlogs but have noticed that when it comes to weekends, you both seem to try and fill in every part of the day. You were talking about Mark's stress tonight. Why not just have a weekend walking the dogs and then doing nothing. Put your feet up and chill. You are always on the go x

  • @marieince3239
    @marieince3239 Před 5 lety +7

    Mark looks so poorly and stressed you both need to try and slow down I suffer from manic depression I've had a heart bypass and sometimes I really want to be on my own I get you nadia I often wonder who I am xxxxxx.

  • @carolinegraham5832
    @carolinegraham5832 Před 5 lety +1

    What you said Nadia about not knowing who you are anymore, you just completely read how I'm feeling, if I really think about it all I'm filled with terror and I feel paralysed in my life. I've just started re-reading a book I've had for years which is starting to help again 'Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy' by Sarah Ban Breathnach, you'd love it Nadia and Mark I think you would too. I've lost both my parents and it doesn't matter what age you are you feel like an orphaned child completely lost, love out to Kaye right now ❤❤

  • @louisesmith8445
    @louisesmith8445 Před 5 lety +9

    I feel overwhelmed at the moment and I'm ashamed to say it. So much so that I'm not using my real name. Life is hard at the moment with some sad things going on, I've been focusing on my diet/healthy eating plan to take my mind off it but I have 8 stone to lose. I put on 7 stone over the last 2 years since suffering with depression. I rarely go out as I work from home and it just feels like life is crushing me sometimes. im aware how self indulgent And silly this sounds! HOWEVER Nadia you have offered some great advice 're the healthy eating , such as mindfully eatting not just picking. And mark you are an inspiration. I wish I could talk openly about how I feel, not on my phone under a different name, but I just feel like a burden if I tell my family and friends. ... but I am trying each day. I've lost 5lbs so far and it will be me 2 weigh in Friday. So hopefully 6lbs. That's 3 a week. However I have a very long way to go, 8 stone just feels huge! Well it is haha. These vlogs help a lot

    • @louisesmith8445
      @louisesmith8445 Před 5 lety +3

      Thank you.

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +4

      Louise Smith aww Louise .. you have to take it a day at a time with half stone goals .. have you thought of joint a slimming club to get some extra support . Well bloody down so far . I’m sorry it’s only a virtual hug but we are sending you one anyway xxx

    • @louisesmith8445
      @louisesmith8445 Před 5 lety +2

      @@janefriel6895 Thank you. I feel slightly embarrassed people have seen it and commented. I just feel people will be like, well there are worse things you could go through etc , I don't feel I'm worthy of getting professional help. Though if I pay for it, I guess they don't care why I'm there. I just feel like giving up sometimes and just what is the point. I'm sure just bad patch. I will get there. Thanks

    • @terrifoxx9902
      @terrifoxx9902 Před 5 lety +1

      Well done for saying how you feel and keep posting we're here for each other a virtual community . Take day at time with weight or makes it seem so far away . Think of change of eating for life no diet and you are worthy as are we all no one is better than you were all the same they might think they are but not. keep talking we're listening hugs x

    • @alysonjones8851
      @alysonjones8851 Před 5 lety

      Hi I just want to give you a big hug never be ashamed of how you feeling but shutting family and friends out I totally understand I have been there but I did eventually and you will be surprised how people will understand xx my weight as always been up and down over the years iam definitely an emotional eater but counseling does really help if you don't want to tell close people but never be ashamed it happens so much to people you will when your ready to receive help sending love and understanding to you my luvvie xx

  • @sophiewalsh2100
    @sophiewalsh2100 Před 5 lety

    Firstly, I want to thank you Nadia and Mark for making these videos, I’ve been watching since the new year and it’s really helping me and my husband to stay motivated with our healthy eating. Also I’ve made a couple of your recipes. I have OCD, I find this time of year so hard because I find excuses not to go out and then it can easily lead to feeling low. As a mum of 3 small boys this can be so hard. But each day, sometimes each hour at a time. I look forward to watching you, not only for your advise and feeling that I can relate but also for the giggles, especially with Nannie Di and the girls, it just makes me happy, I never comment on CZcams but when you said you read all the comments I wanted to say hi, and although I may not comment everyday I am watching xxx Thank You

  • @keliebetts7699
    @keliebetts7699 Před 5 lety +6

    Thanks for sharing guys , we are all only human and are feelings do change each day ! I’ve been feeling a bit down😔 , still sticking to my diet ( Sw) , but it’s a long road ahead and sometimes it’s very daunting 🙈, that sometimes i just want to grab a cream cake and rub my face in it lol , but I’m not , I’m trying to stay strong 💪🏻 . You both are great role models . Love to all xxx❤️❤️

  • @mariannestevens2412
    @mariannestevens2412 Před 5 lety +2

    So grateful for all your honesty - incredibly helpful; thank you so much:)

  • @gigieyre
    @gigieyre Před 5 lety +1

    Just something to remember. It took you 50 plus years to become who you are. It will take time to make the changes you want to make. You have a lot of irons in the fire. Also, you are constantly talking about your mental health, what you want to change, what's wrong with your life, etc. Your self talk is so negative. (I do understand that that's the point of this vlog) Maybe if you changed the self talk and instead of always talking about what's going wrong. Talk about the good stuff and make that your focus. Plus. Make a weekly schedule for your family. Put it up somewhere where everyone can see it. Maybe there's too much on it and you need to take a few things off. There's nothing wrong with just hanging out at home, watching tv, reading or just being quiet. Making a daily vlog may just be adding stress to your already busy lives. Self care is so important.

  • @juliegibson6614
    @juliegibson6614 Před 5 lety +2

    I think you both should have some chilling out time this weekend- go to the seaside for a few hours and have a relaxing stroll along the beach and leave the camera behind. Much love💞

  • @carolmccabe4359
    @carolmccabe4359 Před 5 lety +2

    Adhd workshops have been a huge game changer for me helping me manage most of my anxiety and manage day to day loving. Also attending Alanon another gift in terms of support. It removes all the You You You and puts the light right back on ourselves the 'I'. Thank you for tonight guys.

  • @saratace3230
    @saratace3230 Před 5 lety +1

    Mark needs to take time to listen to the stresses within him. For years I have done the same and now it's catching up with me. Depression and anxiety need a good talking to and not ignoring. Please hug and listen to each others worries. No worry is too small. Keep going guys, but take time to just sit and do nothing and see what happens. Self care includes silence X

  • @NoreenRing
    @NoreenRing Před 5 lety +1

    You guys just rock! Your honesty about life is just bang on! Thanks for these vlogs. They help so much

  • @elizabethkelly9899
    @elizabethkelly9899 Před 5 lety +1

    It's been rough. I can't get over pneumonia. Very depressed. I'm trying but truly struggling today. You guys are awesome. Be good to yourselves. Much love!

  • @Ellie-gc5uo
    @Ellie-gc5uo Před 5 lety

    I realised over the last couple of days with helping my husband lose weight, get fit, I need to practice what I preached. I’ve said before I have a neurological condition/disability but I hid behind that, using the excuse “well I’m gonna die young” to eat endless rubbish, smoke and drink endless amounts of coffee....so I need to stop that negative thinking..enjoy life...make healthy changes..I need to think about my family when I say stuff like that, the negative impact it has on them....I do have a positive personality and I need to bring that positively into my condition. I get so much from these vlogs,makes me think a lot and I’ve learnt new stuff! It’s like free therapy 😁

  • @helenawarrender9714
    @helenawarrender9714 Před 5 lety +2

    Eloquent and intelligent conversation again, Nads and Mark. I applaud your honesty 💚
    Helena x

  • @helen6477
    @helen6477 Před 5 lety +1

    Your both so open and honest, I am 52 with a 25 year old son who has epilepsy and learning difficulties, we had an accident 2 years ago he had a seizure as we were coming down the stairs, fell on top of me and I fractured a vertebrae, so have days when suffer with my back, I do work got to keep busy. He has just had another seizure tonight, it’s soooo stressful, I love watching your vlogs when he has gone to bed and I can take time to myself to relax, from reading all your comments realise everyone has their own problems in life!!! ❤️your vlogs xx

  • @clarehorgan6735
    @clarehorgan6735 Před 5 lety +2

    Oh mark and nadia stop doubting yourselves... Its definitely an "age thing" I'm around the same age as you both... And question everything.. And feel they exactly same way as you both.... But from the outside looking in you are both doing brilliant... Onwards and upwards x

  • @lynniemcc1
    @lynniemcc1 Před 5 lety +2

    An amazing video guys, think we can all relate to how you are feeling. I related to so much of it! Really enjoyed this style of video, although always enjoy the vlogs. Take care x

  • @annmcevoy5686
    @annmcevoy5686 Před 5 lety +1

    I write a quote for the day on my blackboard. Today's is " what doesn't challenge you won't change you"

  • @jakubbiegala2464
    @jakubbiegala2464 Před 5 lety +3

    A real inspiration to hear you opening up to your feelings! It really makes a lot of people relate to you and gets them through their day...incredible vlog as always!!

  • @Gabby_thomson95
    @Gabby_thomson95 Před 5 lety +5

    As a young carer who looks after my disabled mother, my father who has some brain damaged due to an accident he had as a child which lead to PTSD, anxiety, and depression as well as my six-year-old autistic brother... I often feel overwhelmed and anxious and having recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression as well as being put on medication for it which lead to me feeling like a failure and making me feel like I have to work harder. I also feel for you Nadia as I do have ADHD and often struggle to focus and keep my brain in the moment sometimes, which often makes me more anxious and low.

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +1

      Gabby Thomson heh there my lovely .. boy , you are carrying so much on your young shoulders . I am praying you are getting support form services . Please contact the Samaritans if not . Our hearts go out you xxx♥️♥️

    • @Gabby_thomson95
      @Gabby_thomson95 Před 5 lety +1

      @@letitiakearney2423 I wasn't sharing my story to make Mark and Nadia feel bad, I shared it because of watching mark share his struggle... I hope you contact someone for support and you have nothing to be ashamed off, people with anxiety and depression all struggle different and I just want to show that it can affect people of all ages as my father often got comments about his age and his depression and things like that... I have learned to take things one step at a time and maybe get audible and download a book called the 5-second rule by Mel Robbins...It really helped me :)

    • @Gabby_thomson95
      @Gabby_thomson95 Před 5 lety +1

      @@sawalhaadderleys I have tried asking for help from carer associations and the government and sadly due to money issues... and the fact that my parents are adults getting support for young carers like myself can be difficult, listening to Mark helped me realise I didn't have to keep my diagnosis of anxiety and depression to myself. Didn't share it to get a response either :) just wanted to show that the depression, 'the black cloud/bear/blanket' (whatever you want to call it) can affect many different people in many different walks of life... and I can relate to mark about not wanting to go out and feeling lonely sometimes as i can be hard to make friends when you feel so low and anxious even when you do know there are good parts of you

  • @karenbusby2445
    @karenbusby2445 Před 5 lety +2

    Another great vlog guys, thank you for being so open about your feelings you are both helping so many people not feel alone x

  • @sharronharrison9172
    @sharronharrison9172 Před 5 lety +1

    I suffer from anxiety and depression, and have put on 4 stone, I started my diet on the 7th January, your vlogs are keeping me going, thank you so much to you and your family, sending big hugs, 💖💖💖💙😘

  • @karenstevens7804
    @karenstevens7804 Před 5 lety +1

    Nadia, I definitely feel on the same page as you, I really want to change the way i process my thoughts I’ve suffered Anxiety and depression for most of my life and want to say you are not alone with how you are both feeling. I love watching your vlogs you make my day brighter.

  • @deniselamb8859
    @deniselamb8859 Před 5 lety +1

    Oh Nadia, since starting the menopause I, like you, don't know who I am. I feel like I have lost a part of myself and don't really recognise, or like myself anymore, I am not who I was, but I want who I was back (if that makes sense). I also feel quite invisible, anxious and nervous for no apparent reason. I love how honest you both are it is so refreshing. I hope Nanny Di is ok.

  • @sarajenkins821
    @sarajenkins821 Před 5 lety

    Be strong for each other. I am a 51 yr old single mother of 14 year old boy. Just been made redundant after 13 yrs in the company and can totally relate to the stresses of change you were discussing and the fear of aging. Trying to be positive, regardless. Easy to say but look at the great things in your life - we all have more than we want to acknowledge!

  • @emilymorrice5749
    @emilymorrice5749 Před 5 lety +6

    Absolutely love these videos
    There the best
    Best part of my day is watching these videos
    Had a stressful day at school and young carers today and I love the way my sister smiles every time she see me and that her saying I love you sis because she can’t walk and talk
    Thanks for grate videos and they make my day everyday thanks so much Nadia and mark

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +2

      emily morrice what a beautiful message sending love to you and your sister x

  • @susiesalter5290
    @susiesalter5290 Před 5 lety +2

    I hide under my quilt....hate myself have to hide....awful depression at moment......this vlog is bloody outstanding.........love you sòooooooooooooooo muchxxxx🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🌟🌠🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

  • @mjnorth100
    @mjnorth100 Před 5 lety +2

    Hello Nadia and Mark,
    Brilliant Vloguary tonight 👍
    I’m on the 100 days sober and I've been feeling exactly the same as you, Nadia. I'm 43 and I feel like I'm getting perimenopause symptoms.
    ’Who am I’ glad it's not just me who feels like that.
    I think you both need a holiday somewhere where you both can relax.
    Loving your work guys but remember self-care xx

  • @kimberleysmalley4977
    @kimberleysmalley4977 Před 5 lety +2

    Thanks for all your flogs , I like them and they inspire me 😊, you both wrk so hard ,I don’t know how you fit anything else in .
    I’ve been feeling off this week , not done much exercise , feeling tired and hungry trying to stay healthy
    Not eaten any rubbish but really wanted to , next week I’m going to really try harder with the exercise.

  • @stephaniewheeler1423
    @stephaniewheeler1423 Před 5 lety +1

    Thank you for your openness and your honesty it really is inspirational and is making a real difference to a lot of people, me included , so often we are bombarded with a false " shiny" view of celeb on the telly lives it makes people think they aren't as good or have s false image to strive to🤔 Thank you for always reinventing your vlogs and being yourselves you make us proud and a part of something special 😍😍

  • @MrSniganoo
    @MrSniganoo Před 5 lety +1

    Been an avid watcher of your vlogs for months and never made a comment but felt the need to today.
    Please do not underestimate the impact your honest laid bare vlogs can have on people. Expressing the full gamut of human emotions, peccadillos, neuroses and frailties is very brave of you all. I look forward to each vlog as if I knew I were caching up with a friend of an evening so thank you for that.
    Lastly. Meditation. I recommend “Softening Your Inner Critic” by Melissa Joy Bennett on Insight Timer. Try it each day for a week.

  • @webmart70
    @webmart70 Před 5 lety +2

    Totally agree about weekends I have 3 children very hard to get any time for self love my kids but hard to balance life sometimes.....

  • @blodwenbellamy7238
    @blodwenbellamy7238 Před 5 lety +1

    It’s me again... just watched loose women and OMG thank you so much for having Catherine Gray on. I heard you mention her book Nadia and bought it yesterday.. I also bought the audio version for when I’m unable to sit and read. I’m loving it !! Maybe next week Hannah Richards may show up ?? 😂😂😂

  • @donnaleifels698
    @donnaleifels698 Před 5 lety +1

    Today has been really hard made all the wrong food choices and the only thing I did was get my 13000 steps.... wait that is positive... tomorrow is another day and I can make it better... that is my mantra for the rest of this week 💕🦋Nadia and Mark you are doing fine today is over and there is always tomorrow 💕🦋

  • @jambolynn
    @jambolynn Před 5 lety

    Nadia, don't apologize for anything. It's good to talk about things and get them off your chest. We've all been there. Don't change, we love you just the say you are! You too, Mark! XX

  • @noeleenking2085
    @noeleenking2085 Před 5 lety +1

    Nadia and Mark I was one your first subs, I just put your flog on my television screen for the first time, I felt so proud for you. Keep up the great work. All lot of people need you two to keep them going. All lot of pressure for you guys. Xx

  • @RacheleStrata
    @RacheleStrata Před 5 lety +2

    Loved the vlog guys. Hope you have a better next couple of days! great you are both so introspective, I could never have these sort of convos with my other half as though he's a listener he isn't very emotional and always seems to just be doing fine and plodding along contentedly, any hic-up caused by externals rather than (like myself) often internal whirlwinds. Nads, I hope you don't want to change too much, I love the way you are, fantastic, vivacious -- you're full of character! I totally know what you guys meant when you talked about sometimes losing yourself/identity. I've been struggling with that after coming out of a period of depression, where I feel though I am tonnes better mentally, I have lost my 'ego' and struggling to find it again.. feeling a bit shadow-y! Whenever I feel at bit like this I remember this fantastic quote by F.Scott.Fitzgerald from This Side of Paradise:
    "don't worry about losing your "personality," as you persist in calling it: at fifteen you had the radiance of early morning, at twenty you will begin to have the melancholy brilliance of the moon, and when you are my age you will give out, as I do, the genial golden warmth of 4 p.m.' x

  • @maxinefahy208
    @maxinefahy208 Před 5 lety +1

    Your both amazing people so down to earth and just connect with us.. love watching..both take some time 4 both of you lifes to short!! Xx

  • @yasminayture3674
    @yasminayture3674 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you for sharing so much you definitely make people feel more normal ❣x

  • @mr.midnight557
    @mr.midnight557 Před 5 lety +2

    Its very cathartic doin what you are doin. But please consider... To stress over the little things you would like to change or think u should change is therapeutic to acknowledge, But not mandatory or stress-worthy to fix. Because they would also change you personality, and who you are to people that love you. And Embrace the "flaws" & relate to them. Especially you guys with a legitimate fanbase in entertainment & social media.
    What you might see as flaws or quirks or habits to change or work on, are what drew people to you, Engaged them, and allowed them to effortlessly embrace and love who you are and all that comes with it. You guys aren't broken, Not one bit. Your actually quite Refreshing and honest and funny and smart.
    To worry about areas in life that might be lacking, As u mentioned with your daughters and questioning decisions, only means that mark your a great man, and nadia your a great woman. You worry because you care. But Just because you worry about areas in your life that could be lacking. Doesn't mean they are. Not one bit! You guys have obviously followed your heart in life. Taken risks & acknowleged dreams and how important passion and happiness is to life. And achieved that. Dont change that thought process or even think you should.
    All the ingredients... even the bitter n sour ones are very important to the composition of who you are, and who we love, and what you love about one another. Appreciate you. 💗✌

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +2

      couldnt agree more!! in fact have recorded for todays vlog about the fact that we shouldnt be seeking to change too much in pursuit of things because the things we pursue are actually something of a fools gold !! ;-))

    • @mr.midnight557
      @mr.midnight557 Před 5 lety

      @@sawalhaadderleys Its so very true. Im glad you worked your way around to that thought. Because it was a very subdued vlog. I didnt enjoy seeing you guys feel that way. But absolutly appreciated the honesty. But honestly you guys are pretty damn great.

  • @lynneaubs6683
    @lynneaubs6683 Před 5 lety +1

    Having a very bad day today, cried for most of it, crippling anxiety and feel like I'm in a big black hole. Love your vlogs xxx

  • @louisesmith8445
    @louisesmith8445 Před 5 lety +1

    Wow, I had written my comment just 2 minutes into the vlog, the further on mark said practically the same. Obviously I hate anyone to go through depression but it does help to know it's must be actually normal to feel like that with depression because someone else does. It's quite chilling to hear my thoughts be put into words by someone else feeling it too. ... Thank you so much for your honesty. It beyond helps.

  • @laurahunter9916
    @laurahunter9916 Před 5 lety +2

    Home schooling is definitely not easy, I looked into that a while back, guidance teacher at my daughters school interviewed me gave me an insight on what it involved, that was scary! Put me right off!! .....in the end I felt, personally, for a lot of reasons my daughter was better off staying where she was.....hats off to you both xxx

  • @judydrawsetc
    @judydrawsetc Před 5 lety +1

    Don't you think life is really and truly all about CHANGE? I mean, things change every day -- even when we don't think they are, they are. Be it a work situation ( new people coming in, other people leaving; new projects, new equipment ) or personal life ( having a falling out with friends or loved ones; people in your life passing away ) .. small things like getting new furniture ... and then big things like selling the house. And these are just external changes ... then there's the changes within our own bodies as we age. So life is change and change IS life (whoa). We just have to figure out how to deal with these changes be it big or small ... the reaction to the change is everything. Oh and let me tell you, losing your mom is probably one of the MOST life-changing things. It sure was for me. When she went, I was in my 40's but I felt like a little kid abandoned at the bus station or something. It was a horrible feeling of being alone. Especially since I didn't have any other family around me. And for a while I didn't really know what to do. (Thank goodness for anti-depressants which helped so much in the year during the year I took them!) But life went on, change happened and I figured it out. As we do. That's my stream-of-consciousness ramble for the night! MWAH!! xx

  • @fionaboyte4037
    @fionaboyte4037 Před 5 lety +1

    Mark, everyone can relate to what you were saying. 'Life and lifeness🤦'.... And Nadia, thanks for wanting to know about us too.
    I'm a single Mum of five. Children are 8 💙,6 ❤️, 3 💙, 2💙 and 7 months 💙. Feeling empowered and supported by both your amazing openness.
    Want to feel free too (as you were saying Mark), and that's why I struggle following all these rules/ 'controllness of food'. But hey, that's just the food part of life 🤷
    You guys are like Counsilors - opening our minds!!!
    I'm eating and shopping... 🙈😉
    Keep it up guys! Fab !
    Thank you, Fiona

  • @penelopepitstop7769
    @penelopepitstop7769 Před 5 lety +5

    You know when we were growing up worked hard during the week out dancing drinking smoking meeting new people eating what we liked all giddy &excited with no worries...Nows it's all you can't smoke it kills you can't drink that kills you don't eat this only have a little off this its like all the fun stuffs stopped&we are on this miserable path to WELL we must exercise we must eat properly nothing we love just what we're told is good for us & we feel deprived thinking omg is this the path to old age???No wonder we're miserable...Sorry guys it's just the way I feel in dark miserable January we will all cheer up in the summer 💛😂

  • @jeanettedrury1925
    @jeanettedrury1925 Před 5 lety +1

    Hi Nadia and Mark. I'm so proud of you both for the goals that you set with regards to healthy eating and exercise. I totally understand what Mark is going through with his depression because i suffer with it too. I find that caffeine is a best to be avoided because it's a stimulant and it aggregates anxiety and depression. Try not to be so hard on your selves yes set your goals but remember to praise your selves for your achievements. Try some possible affirmations each day. xxx Respect 👏👏👏 xxx

  • @coradora_1
    @coradora_1 Před 5 lety +1

    I do love you two. I think the more we talk about what’s really going on in our heads the more we realise we’re not the only ones feeling it. I think a lot of mental angst comes from thinking we’re alone, that we’re the only one who feels like this...but, when we share, we realise more and more that we’re all a lot more like each other than we ever realised. Somehow, as a culture we’ve been conditioned to keep our traps shut when things get tough...why is that? I wear my heart on my sleeve, and maybe share too much at times...but that’s because i’m afraid if I keep it all in i’ll explode emotion ALL over the place at a really inconvenient time 🤪

  • @annashellard9170
    @annashellard9170 Před 5 lety +1

    Love these honest,open vlogs both❤️you’re doing so well!!How humbling but also desperately sad that we all seem to have this “demons battling angels”thing. Feeling off,not feeling right,my Nan used to say” ooh it’s a melancholy day”❤️ trying to do what’s right in a stressful,corrupt world.im lucky enough to have wonderful family to talk to especially my Four lovely,very differently opinionated sisters😂we love talking,it’s good for the soul! Listening is as Important our dad tells us😬😂❤️taking time out to get back to basics is my favourite,I tell my children everyday that we’re lucky enough to have legs that walk,Eyes that see,ears that hear,let’s go!try our best to get positive days between the melancholy days☺️❤️much love,positive thoughts to you both,your girls,nanny di and all the lovely subs😘❤️❤️

  • @charlichippendale2827
    @charlichippendale2827 Před 5 lety +1

    I think you are both bravely honest. Thank you for that x

  • @roxannemorton
    @roxannemorton Před 5 lety

    I am trying to get strong and healthy intuitively....no mirrors and no scales. I do use MyFitnessPal just to re-educate myself as to how much is enough and where are all the macro nutrients. I have 5 stone to drop to a healthy bmi, but I’ve never been that small so I don’t know what is possible and I find that really exciting. I have struggled with obesity my entire adult life, even being overweight In my teens. I am only being led by how I feel on this journey. I love running. I love weights/toning. I am really enjoying the exercising and cooking and shopping at the greengrocers. I feel very different already. My biggest temptations are when I’m out and people have made dinner or treats to share with me. Then I will indulge a little, because pushing too hard won’t be sustainable and I am never going back to my unhealthy ways ever again. I feel like it’s all in the head. My mind has changed first and everything else followed. It’s not even hard to go without chocolate, I don’t want it anymore. Miracle! Anyway, yep, it’s all in the head, have to get the mind in the right place in order to let go of the habits that will just have us in a gain/loss cycle forever x

  • @mariewilliams1214
    @mariewilliams1214 Před 5 lety

    Thank you so much to you both and the whole family for doing these vlogs ,everything you do , they have helped me in so many ways and I'm sure the rest of your viewers .. I've learned so much and changed certain things for the better ,learning to relax and time for myself , as I have started going through the menopause I enjoy learning tips for that,
    Just a Big thank you xxx

  • @beautifulheart3849
    @beautifulheart3849 Před 5 lety +1

    Thank you both so much for sharing, can so identify with all you are saying. I couldn’t put words on it, it’s like there is no beginning or end to the story. Thank you again.

  • @Lisa-hw5ln
    @Lisa-hw5ln Před 5 lety +1

    I home schooled my son for a while,it was an interim solution until I got him into another school.Are you familiar with Inter High?...it’s the only online school in the U.K. and it’s in real time....check it out ,it might alleviate you for some lessons.
    As parents we are hamsters on a wheel.....I’m a single parent and everyone was against me home schooling but it all worked out for the best but it isn’t easy.
    You are spinning lots of plates and if you don’t take time out for yourself it can cause depression......doing this vlog is ,I’m sure, a lot of extra work and I really appreciate it.
    You are feeling this way Nadia since you have stopped drinking and that crutch has gone but you are doing the right thing and doing great!👏👏👏......Sleep is very important too and when we are tired and lacking sleep we can’t cope with all the pressures of life.
    Nadia,check out A Vogel talks menopause...it’s fab!
    Love you guys and sending you huge hugs.
    Check out Global Academy too,it’s the new media school owned by Global....it’s amazing for kids who want to work in the media industry,kids have to be 14 to go there....check it out or even for 6 th form 🤗🤗💕

  • @susiesalter5290
    @susiesalter5290 Před 5 lety +1

    Mark n Nadia .........such a blessing to us......🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌟🧡🌟🧡🌟🧡🌟🧡🌟🧡

  • @londonshutdownl.s.d6530
    @londonshutdownl.s.d6530 Před 5 lety +1

    Can you please talk about how many hours of sleep you typically get. As sleep and mental health go hand in hand

  • @tralala4710
    @tralala4710 Před 5 lety +1

    Would never have tried the meditation app without your suggestion! It’s helped me so much in the short time I’ve been using it. Thank you for that. Also, keeping to the healthy eating too - but the movement aspect - exercise - not happing :-(. But I will get there, I want to do it for myself - first time for me, and not because I think other folk want me to do it. Really find your vlogs so helpful dealing with anxiety and health. 😘. Today was a good day, dread going to sleep though incase tomorrow isn’t a good day! 😕

  • @Alisha-fi3ih
    @Alisha-fi3ih Před 5 lety +1

    I thought it was really interesting Mark how you called listening to music an indulgence. By the sounds of it music could be as much of a wellbeing thing for you as going for your runs...so maybe just reframing how you think about it might allow you to let yourself to make the time to listen to music?

  • @nikkipayne9940
    @nikkipayne9940 Před 5 lety +4

    Oh my gosh, so much I relate to. I just love all this honesty. Xxxx

  • @rosaliestonell6887
    @rosaliestonell6887 Před 5 lety

    Hi Mark and Nadia, after listening to your stresses about homeschooling I was just wondering if you heard of an online school called interhigh? I was ‘homeschooled’ through interhigh as a child and it was incredible. It’s very flexible and you can pick and choose which subjects you want to study with them, being involved as much or as little as you like.
    Thanks for all your videos, I look forward to them every day! Xx

  • @tonyahoward8861
    @tonyahoward8861 Před 5 lety +1

    Oh god I know exactly how you feel about the menopause , as someone who’s never suffered with depression or anxiety the menopause has really brought it on some days I just feel so sad but I just deal with it because no one can understand

  • @karenjones6715
    @karenjones6715 Před 5 lety

    There is no need for you to change your character Nadia . You are perfect just the way you are .

  • @alysonjones8851
    @alysonjones8851 Před 5 lety +2

    Hi guys you lovely couple xx I never had depression until my handsome husband of 28 years past away of cancer at the age of 47 he was such a wonderful husband and father two our beautiful daughters now they are 13 and 20 they doing amazing but the grief and loss is so emense but I had to go to the doctor after fighting it all for a while now on antidepressants now I can't crumble because of my wonderful daughters iam 51 years young but really makes me appreciate every minute now especially losing my soulmate he was my lover and best friend don't get me wrong we had our ups and downs in our marriage but always worked things out xx your a fab couple and family I love your honesty my favourite CZcamsrs by far xx I have actually just taken my 13 year old out of school to homeschool her she found the grief so hard even just to go to school so we changed that XXX love you guys xxxxxxxxx

    • @shookieshook9051
      @shookieshook9051 Před 5 lety +1

      I’m sending my love to you and your family cancer is such a horrible thing and I’m so sorry that your family went through all that. Your husband seemed like an amazing guy,father and husband and you sound like an amazing mother and wife sending my love from Florida 💙💙

    • @alysonjones8851
      @alysonjones8851 Před 5 lety +1

      @@shookieshook9051 thank you so much but X we all doing ok now our eldest daughter is 20 and in university working hard and the youngest daughter is now homeschool now and doing amazing they both like their dad is so many ways just so proud of them both xx my husband was a hard working man handsome funny and loving I always say though we were together 29 years and definitely had quality amazing marriage X but definitely in his memory we carry on every day because that's what he wanted X life will never be the same without him xx sending big hugs too you from mumbles in Swansea Wales where Katherine zeta from lol we live right my the sea xxx

    • @shookieshook9051
      @shookieshook9051 Před 5 lety +1

      Charlotte Jones No problem your daughters seem so lovely and so strong like you and your husband I lost my husband nine years ago and the only thing I wish we did is have children together. I have met a new man and we have children together but my husband will always be my love of life as well hope you have an amazing life. isn’t wales mumbles in uk? I love the uk it’s so beautiful.Anyway I will keep you and your family in my prays ❤️

  • @MultiDarren1972
    @MultiDarren1972 Před 5 lety +1

    awwwww how nice im thinking thanfully and gratefull for what i do and where im from im glad your doing this subic im glad your been honest and beening truthfull your verry sport on with things im glad we can talk to each other keep going guys look forward to the next live ps sorry for the late reply been swinning take care guys xxxxx

  • @louisekaye9051
    @louisekaye9051 Před 5 lety

    You both come across as such lovely and real people. How am I feeling? Like I never get things right with my teenager and that being a parent is bloody hard and some people make it look easy. I also wonder if those people do find it easy or if they put on a big front. I find your honesty very refreshing. I'm usually v positive but life wears you down at times. All the best to you both. x

  • @kellymarietarotfamilypets9598

    I feel really sad for mark on this vlog Iv never seen him looking down so much! He can’t even hardly look at the camera. You both have come so far 🥰

  • @alisong06
    @alisong06 Před 5 lety

    I am a single Home Educating parent and completely understand where you are coming from. It can sometimes feel like an overwhelming responsibility and we can never be sure we are doing the right thing for our children which is scary but keep in mind the reasons you did it in the first place. The emotional health and welfare of our children. That's what keeps me going when I have wobble days. I have been trying to do bits of work from home alongside but now have to start going out to work and for longer hours and again the feeling of guilt creeps in not knowing if I am doing the right thing and if I will have enough room for both things in my life along with all the usual house and life stuff. Life is so fast paced these days and so much is expected of us all that we push ourselves too far and try to be everything to everyone and have it all which then leads to anxious and depressed feelings. Meditation or self hypnosis are perfect for finding time to give yourself and your brain a rest and time to regroup. Keep up the good work, you are doing a fabulous job !

  • @carolmoore4202
    @carolmoore4202 Před 5 lety +6

    Mark I understand everything your saying as I suffer from depression and have most of my life. I use to meditate and cannot get myself back into it. My anxiety is bad today I feel so on edge I can't wait to go to sleep to stop the feeling.
    You do need to try slow down with work I ended up having so much stress and working so hard I had a breakdown then had cancer and fibromyalga which I put it all down to stress. Now I'm 56 and can't work so SLOW DOWN with work. I was always told hard work won't kill you, these days I'm not so sure.

    • @sawalhaadderleys
      @sawalhaadderleys  Před 5 lety +2

      Càrol Moore thank you for this carol ! I’ve just screenshot this and sent it to mark . Thank you for sharing and I’m so sorry you are suffering xxxxx❤️

  • @kristaricks7696
    @kristaricks7696 Před 5 lety

    Loved this vlog! Such great reflection. I reflect on my work constantly but never on my own feelings. Nadia, hearing you say you were working to be a better version of you; wanting to change your character was a bit ironic because that has been on my mind lately for myself. I desire to be different but don't know how to go about changing.