Christian goes crazy! Mansur Vs Christian (Speakers Corner)

  • čas přidán 28. 04. 2024
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Komentáře • 37

  • @scdawah
    @scdawah  Před měsícem +3

    *Donate to support the Norway Masjid and help spread the dawah, LINK IN DESCRIPTION*

  • @ishish-gz1rl
    @ishish-gz1rl Před měsícem +12

    Didn’t know Bacardi wrote Hadith’s thought they produced rum 🤣

  • @jailani68
    @jailani68 Před měsícem +5

    They go berserk whenever the truth is being answered. They will then claims another source. Astagfirullah❤

  • @NaeemAhmad-xk3oz
    @NaeemAhmad-xk3oz Před 26 dny

    What a amazing teacher brother Mansur ❤❤❤

  • @mustafaaidid6919
    @mustafaaidid6919 Před 15 dny

    14:47 is the moment for me
    “All these bicardi” 😂😂😂😂

  • @wolverinescratch
    @wolverinescratch Před měsícem +2

    I once saw that Christian dancing in Manchester making a fool of himself

  • @a.ld.b.9204
    @a.ld.b.9204 Před měsícem

    Our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) taught us to eat and drink with our right hand.

  • @AbdullaH-ub9st
    @AbdullaH-ub9st Před měsícem +1

    He trying making a points and realise that he don’t wanna stay too long guess why😂

  • @Q-007
    @Q-007 Před měsícem

    They do not understand that the Quran has been complete from day 1, there is no need of a critical edition because as Mansoor said it was critically compiled at the first instance.

  • @samirkheireddine8370
    @samirkheireddine8370 Před měsícem +1


  • @cassomaester3382
    @cassomaester3382 Před 27 dny

    😂😂😂barcardii run,esse senhor veio fazer Circus, ALLAHMUDIALLAH pro ISLAM

  • @Q-007
    @Q-007 Před měsícem


  • @hmuazam
    @hmuazam Před měsícem +1

    Chicken Christian 😂

  • @syad911
    @syad911 Před 29 dny

    Jason: 11:18 let me finish putting words into your mouth, Mansur! i know u didn't say that but let me put my own words into yours so i can feel like I'm doing something!

  • @ismailishak1160
    @ismailishak1160 Před měsícem +1

    Jason simply lacked 'critical addition' of a sound/rational mind😅

  • @patrickganess8557
    @patrickganess8557 Před měsícem

    Mr don't allow Mansur to dominate

  • @abbasSharulshanzcool
    @abbasSharulshanzcool Před 7 dny

    Jason run away????

  • @efdawahfan
    @efdawahfan Před měsícem +1

    you want to hear a joke ?? ``stop preaching and debate me`` 0:08

  • @JJohn-nh7kb
    @JJohn-nh7kb Před 28 dny

    Bcardi or cardiB ?

  • @stan-mk8je
    @stan-mk8je Před 27 dny

    Mohammed ( Pbum )

  • @sbludba
    @sbludba Před měsícem

    Human blood sacrifice is pagan

  • @user-xh7vf6pr4n
    @user-xh7vf6pr4n Před měsícem

    hello, i want to convert to islam but i have a few questions left. it would be best if doctor would answer it but please everyone answer.
    1)in the bible jesus claimed to be the lord of the sabath(doesn't it mean he was claiming to be god?)
    2)in the gospel of john, jesus says "i am the light of the world".(if the Muslims say it is for guidance and light, he would have said nation instead of world because accourding to your religion, jesus was sent for that nation only)
    3)I am the bread of life (John 6:35).
    4)I am the door of the sheep
    5)I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25).(muslims say that there is a difference between resurector and resurrection. then why did jesus say it?)
    6)I am the good shepherd (John 10:11, 14).
    7)Mark 16:19: "So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God." (King James Version)
    8)Mark 14:62: "And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." (King James Version)
    9)why did he say i am just as (yhwh) say?
    10)also im many veses, jesus said he roams in clouds
    11)Acts 1:9-11 (NIV): "After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. While they were looking upward to heaven as he went away, an angel stood near them and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”" (This passage describes Jesus' ascension with a cloud)
    12) please prove me paul is a false apostate
    13)the new testement clearly states jesus is god evn though it is pauls words, ephesians says holy spirit is god.
    14)i think every new testement book says jesus is god
    15) in the song of solomon, chapter 5 verse 16, dr says muhammad is mentioned, but the spelling and prounciation is different and in hebrew , that word is pronounced as{muhammad} the letter u as the u of the word umbrella and also the song of solomon is a book of love between solomon and his wives.
    16)All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18): Jesus claims absolute authority, which
    17) prove to me (yhwh) and allah is ther same.
    traditionally belongs to God.
    please answer these and i will convert to islam. make a vedio please if the owners see it.

    • @rosdykalat2620
      @rosdykalat2620 Před měsícem +1

      hello, my friend wants to convert to Christianity but he has e a few questions left. it would be best if any christians apologist would answer it but please everyone answer.
      1. If Jesus’s mission was to the lost sheep of Israel, why was it confined to Palestine where only two of the original tribes had settled? Did that mean that Jesus had failed in his mission?
      2. Why should Jesus specifically forbid, on the one hand, preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles (Matthew 7:6, 15:24, 26) and yet on the other, tell the disciples to teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? (Matthew 28:19)
      3. Why did Jesus prohibit the Gospel from being preached to the Gentiles during his ministry (Matthew 10:5, 7:6, 15:24-26) but after his ‘resurrection’ tell them to preach the Gospel to the whole world? (Mark 16:15)If Jesus really had made the latter statement, why was there such a fierce debate within the early Church (and particularly between Peter and Paul) as to whether the Gospel should be preached to the Gentiles? (Acts 15:6-30)
      4. Out of all the signs that Jesus could have given about himself, he chose to give the sign of Jonah: This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah. (Luke 11:29, Matthew 12:39, Matthew 16) Jonah was swallowed alive by a whale and remained in its belly alive for three days. For Jesus to have properly fulfilled the prophecy, he would need to enter the tomb alive and come out alive. Why should Jesus give this, of all signs, if he was to die and be resurrected?
      5. If Jesus’s message was for the whole of mankind, why did he forbid his disciples to preach to the Gentiles? (Matthew 10:5-6)
      6. When Jesus was asked what the only way was to true salvation, he replied: keep the Commandments (Matthew 19:17). The first of the Commandments was to believe in the Oneness of God (Exodus 20:3). Why did Jesus answer so if he believed in and was part of the Trinity? Why did he not refer to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?
      7. Jesus said that he had not come to change the Law of Moses (Matthew 5:17). The Law of Moses teaches that there is one God (Exodus 20:3). If Jesus was introducing the concept of Trinity, why did he not say that he was changing the Law of Moses or introducing a different understanding of it?
      8. Jesus prophesied that men of his generation would not pass away without witnessing his second coming and the falling of stars (Mark 9:1, 13:30). Why was this prophecy unfulfilled? Why was it that Jesus did not return within the lifetime of his generation?
      9. Why did Jesus forbid the disciples from calling people fools yet called the Jewish leaders with names like vipers and children of adultery? Is it conceivable that a Divine Being would behave in this way?
      10. According to Luke, when the Jews tried Jesus they asked him Are you the son of God? Jesus replied you say that I am (Luke 22:70) which could mean: you say that I am but I do not. If his divinity was something he came to tell the world, why did he not plainly say yes instead of couching his answer in ambiguous terms?
      11. In the Old Testament, the term Son of God was applied to David (Psalms 89:27), the nation of Israel (Exodus 4:22), the children of Israel (Psalms 82:6), and Solomon (1 Chronicles 22:10). Jesus also used it for the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). If Jesus was referring to himself as the Son of God in the literal sense, why did he not make it clear that he was differentiating between a symbolic reference and a literal meaning of the term?
      12. Jesus was the Messiah, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. He frequently made reference to himself as the suffering servant foretold in the Book of Isaiah (Matthew 8:17 & Isaiah 53:4; Luke 2:30 & Isaiah 52:10; Luke 22:37 & Isaiah 53:12). The Messiah of the Old Testament was, however, promised by God that he would not be killed (Psalms 34:19, Isaiah 53:10). How was it, therefore, that the Jews had succeeded in killing the Messiah if Jesus died on the cross?
      13. If Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him, why did he continue to permit him as a disciple? Why did he not tell the other disciples so that Judas could be excluded from his closest circle of followers?
      14. If Jesus knew that one of his disciples would betray him, why should he say that all twelve disciples would sit upon twelve thrones? (Matthew 19:28)
      15. If Jesus knew that he was to die on the cross, why did he spend all night praying in the Garden of Gethsemane seeking deliverance: Father if it is possible may this cup be taken from me? (Matthew 26:39)
      16. Jesus had taught that man’s prayers are answered (Matthew 21:22). Why was not Jesus’s prayer answered in the Garden of Gethsemane? What effect would this incident have on the faith of his disciples and followers to see that a prayer had not been answered contrary to what Jesus had taught?
      17. If Jesus believed that his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane would not be heard, why did he tell his disciples earlier that prayers are answered?: Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asked for bread (Matthew 7:9-10) which means that God hears the prayers of man more than a father answers the wishes of his children and Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. And whatever you ask in your prayers, you will receive, if you have faith. (Matthew 21:22; John 11:41,42)
      18. If Jesus’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane was not to be heard, why was it something that he wanted the disciples to witness? If the prayer was not to be heard, what useful purpose does this story serve?
      19. Why should Matthew, Mark and Luke all report (Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42) that Jesus asked for the cup of suffering to be passed if possible yet John (John 18:11) reports that Jesus hastened for the crucifixion saying shall I not drink the cup the Father hath given me?
      20. Why did Pontius Pilate just simply ignore his wife’s plea to have nothing to do with Jesus on account of her bad dream? (Matthew 27:19) If the very mission of Jesus was to suffer death, why should God Almighty show a dream to Pilate’s wife which would cause her to try and persuade her husband to release Jesus? Would not that appear to counter God’s own plan?
      21. If Pilate really wanted Jesus to die on the cross, why would he fix the crucifixion on a Friday evening knowing that the Jews would have to take him down before Sabbath and that such a little time on the cross was insufficient for him to die?
      22. If Jesus knew all along that he was destined to be crucified to death (indeed if that was his purpose in life), why did he exclaim on the cross Eli, Eli Lama Sabachthani meaning my God my God why hast thou forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46)
      23. If Jesus was about to die, how was he able to say in a clear loud and audible voice that he was thirsty? (John 19:28)
      24. Why are Jesus’s words on the cross: Eli, Eli Lama Sabachthani (Matthew 27:46) reported in their original Aramaic form? Could it be that Jesus’s helpless cry left such a vivid impression of a man seemingly bereft of hope that anyone who heard them would remember the exact words?
      25. Vinegar is often considered to have a stimulating effect, rather similar to smelling salts. Why, in Jesus’s case, did it suddenly lead to his death? (John 19:29, 30)
      26. How could an onlooker tell the difference between a man on the cross who had died and a man who had fainted (Mark 15:39) particularly when it is reported that it was dark at that time? (Mark 15:33, Matthew 27:45, Luke 23:44)
      27. If Jesus was dead when he was removed from the cross, why did his body release blood and water, since blood does not flow at all from a dead body? (John 19:34)
      28. Why did Jesus die before the other two who were crucified with him even though the legs of the other two were broken to hasten death? (John 19:32)
      29. It is reported that dead saints came out of their graves and made themselves known to many (Matthew 27:52). When the Jews saw this, why did they not immediately profess faith in Jesus? Where did these saints go? Who did they see? Why is there no account of this story elsewhere other than in Matthew’s Gospel?
      30. If the above story of saints rising from the dead is not based on an actual historical event, what other statements are there in the Gospels which are not based on actual historical facts?

    • @user-xh7vf6pr4n
      @user-xh7vf6pr4n Před měsícem

      @@rosdykalat2620 I am sorry brother but not being a native speaker , it has been hard to understand your points. May you please say again in simple language. I was a Christian and I have cleared all these doubts but these questions I could not find on CZcams.

    • @fulai2029
      @fulai2029 Před měsícem

      @@user-xh7vf6pr4n I didn't see any issue with your English language and you were giving excuses. Go google the responses as given above.

  • @erwan8499
    @erwan8499 Před měsícem

    pity the christian guy...

  • @samirkheireddine8370
    @samirkheireddine8370 Před měsícem


    • @TomW514
      @TomW514 Před 10 dny

      It goes against the bible tho