American Reacts to Current News in Norway | #26

  • čas přidán 26. 04. 2024
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    As an American I don't get to hear about the news in Norway from the American news media, so today I am very excited to take a look at this weeks current events and news stories happening in Norway right now. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!

Komentáře • 66

  • @SaraKvammen-tx7qc
    @SaraKvammen-tx7qc Před měsícem +22

    It is a big problem that the grocery chains are very wealthy,the prices go up and up,but the farmers don't get paid moore for their produce.

    • @malelonewolf80
      @malelonewolf80 Před měsícem +1

      Not paid more... Last year they had an historical increase in income. And they are largely unnafected pay the rising in prices as they get that rise covered by the government.

  • @espetor
    @espetor Před měsícem +5

    The Fiberbrudd that resulted in closed airports in northern Norway, really shows how important real redundancy is. And not just "redundancy" with another fiber in the same cable.

  • @KvaGram
    @KvaGram Před měsícem +1

    Norwegian farms are subsidized. It is the only way to keep agriculture alive here in Norway. It's generally cheaper to import everything, than to purchase food products from farms for a price that would be sustainable for them to operate independently.
    Hence the farmers are VERY involved in politics when it comes to their subsidies. When when it's cut, or not raised enough to follow inflation, you can expect the farmers to make some noise about it.

  • @user-we7vk5zg7l
    @user-we7vk5zg7l Před měsícem +17

    Norwegian farmers are subsidized by the state. Norway really don't have the geography to support large farms, so it's hard to make a living just from ones farm.

    • @malelonewolf80
      @malelonewolf80 Před měsícem +2

      The problem is not geography, but unwillingness to adapt to changing environments and the cushion known as subsidizing.

    • @user-we7vk5zg7l
      @user-we7vk5zg7l Před měsícem +1

      @@malelonewolf80 I tend to agree...personally.

  • @alwynemcintyre2184
    @alwynemcintyre2184 Před měsícem

    A lot of states in Australia are banning mobile/cell phones in public schools as well

  • @ahkkariq7406
    @ahkkariq7406 Před měsícem +28

    The farmers are suffering from the government's hysterical climate policy. It is the farmers who produce our food, and since Norway is a cold country with a short growing season, the farmers receive government subsidies to maintain food security in the country and for the country to be self-sufficient as far as possible. Unfortunately, many people do not understand these simple facts. People who think Norway does not need to produce food should stop eating.

    • @Tzarakiel
      @Tzarakiel Před měsícem +14

      The climate is of course very important, but food is equally important. What surprises me is how many people don't seem to realize that food is even more important for national security than the military.

    • @haraldlund9261
      @haraldlund9261 Před měsícem

      Funny how climate policy gets the blame even when none of the environmental parties are in power. Is the degree of agricultural subsidies really a climate policy?

    • @malelonewolf80
      @malelonewolf80 Před měsícem +1

      The farmers are not suffering, at all. In fact they have an income well above the average of other workers. And the subsidizing is not to ensure food security, which is maintained by trade between countries. The subsidizing is to have a monopoly on the food, as it makes competition from other countries near impossible.

    • @Tzarakiel
      @Tzarakiel Před měsícem +1

      @@malelonewolf80 Most norwegian farmers that does not have massive farms or animals need a second job to make ends meet.
      Food aquired through trade does not contribute to food security because food exporting countries will always prioritize their own people in an emergency.
      Without our own local food production we'll be at the complete mercy of the international market, making it possible for sellers to increase prices on imported food.
      Locally produced food is better for health as it needs less preservatives and is better for the environment as it needs less fuel spent on transport.

    • @evebenstad
      @evebenstad Před měsícem

      Vell.. Det slår ihvertfall helt feil ut isåfall, om det er dét som er meningen. For akkurat nå så er Norge et av de landene i verden som er MINST selvforsynte. Noe som gir en dårlig smak i munnen for min del iallefall. Gårdsbruk legges ned jevnt og trutt, og kornsiloer over hele landet står tomme.
      Vi er samtidig det landet i Europa som har minst bruk av antibiotika pr kg kjøtt (inkl. oppdrettsfisk), så vi bør virkelig verne om den norske bonden og den norske maten.
      Det er de dårlige, monopol-avtalene med Tine, Nortura osv som er problemet her. Bøndene får latterlig lite betalt for varene sine og har derfor behov for subsidier. Hadde de fått en OK pris for produktene de leverte, så hadde de aldri hatt behov for subsidier i første omgang. Og problemet hadde ikke vært der.
      Så bøndene blir føckka over av "sine egne", som de faktisk er "medeiere" av. Det er disse sinnet skulle vært rettet mot. Det trengs et oppgjør og en endring.

  • @John_1920
    @John_1920 Před měsícem

    13:20 I forget if it was somewhere in the USA or not, but I heard recently of a school that decided to launch a test period of banning phones while at school, to see whether it would be beneficial for their students or not, and use the results to decide whether they'd want to continue with the ban or not. The students were to either leave their phones at home while going to school, or hand them over at the entrance to get them back after school, and no use of phones was allowed the entire school day. The results that came from the test was, perhaps shockingly or expectedly, the majority of students finding that they actually prefer not having their phone while at school, as it allowed them to focus better in classes and retain information better, and they also found that they had much more fun with their friends and even easier time forming new friendships when they didn't have phones constantly distracting them during recess periods.

  • @vartsig
    @vartsig Před měsícem +2

    Could you do a q&a, so we could get to know you better?

  • @mopedhufsa8251
    @mopedhufsa8251 Před měsícem +3

    You should check out a guy named RobDoesItAll, he is an american living in norway and he does a lot of cool stuff. Dont know if youve heard about him

  • @essi2
    @essi2 Před měsícem

    Peaceful protests is generally speaking a sign of a populace that is not afraid of the state controlling them and a working democracy(however flawed).

  • @Mother_nature19
    @Mother_nature19 Před měsícem +2

    Noreg treng flere bønder means: norway need more farmers

  • @Luredreier
    @Luredreier Před měsícem +1

    No, we're not.
    Pretty much regardless of party affiliation we're frustrated with him.
    While some of the accusations leveled against him is untrue, unfair or just plain outside of his control there's still more then enough issues that I can pretty much guarantee that he won't be our next prime minister.
    My guess is that Erna Solberg, the leader of the conservative party will be our next prime minister.
    And while I'm not particularly thrilled about a right wing government it's *clear* that the labour party needs to clean up their own house and get their own issues in order again before they're ready to lead again.
    Erna *was* involved in a scandal in the sense that her husband took part in what might be insider trading.
    But honestly it seems like he was genuinely doing it behind her back and she was making all the efforts you can reasonably expect to avoid these issues (although there's of course always room for improvement, as I'm sure that we'll see in her next cabinet)
    My *hope* is that she'll be able to form a government with the political center and instead of turning to the right and the progress party.
    If she's unwilling to do so perhaps the center can get labour to go along with them having a centrist minority government to avoid a dark blue government.
    (Blue is the right wing colour in Europe while red is the left wing one).
    Of course the exact government we'll get will depend on the election results.
    If *both* the center *and* the far right is needed to form a government then that's probably what's going on happen.
    I'm *hoping* that my own party manages to get over 4% of the votes this time.
    They've been hovering around 3,6% in the polls though, so unless they manage to pick up steam in the runup to the election...
    As it is I'm guessing we'll have the same 3 seats we currently have, if we manage to get 4% we could get up to 8 seats, depending on the results for the other parties, meaning that we could potentially become king makers.
    But either way, we *need* to get the current labour prime minister out of the office.
    And either get a conservative or a centrist prime minister in while we wait on them to get their act together.

    • @VENO5407
      @VENO5407 Před měsícem

      Honestly, I'd much rather Høyre team with the progress party than the Center party. The Center party and Vedum have their own very serious issues that they need to clean up before I can support them. They should honestly just get rid of Vedum who just makes rules to fit his own self interests, such as increasing taxes for everyone, but then tailor loopholes for him self such as making it so that people who live on a farm don't have to pay property tax. Oh, and Center has some sketchy and unjustifiable views on the wealth tax and taxation in general. Not saying that FrP is perfect by any means, but they do seem a whole lot more stable and less corrupt!

    • @Luredreier
      @Luredreier Před měsícem

      Even if humanity where to cut *all* climate gas emissions today, we're still talking about hundreds of millions of humans that's going to die because of what we've already released.
      The damage to everything from food production to supply chains of every industry on the planet is already affected.
      The chip shortages disrupting production of cars and everything else just a few months ago was caused by storms and floods over Taiwan causing disruptions.
      Fires burning down fruit trees that too years to grow.
      Glaciers melting and no longer supplying rivers essential for food production whenever there's no rain, and no longer absorbing the water in the form of ice during the wet season causing flooding and so one and so forth.
      And we're staring at tipping points that's likely to turn those hundreds of millions of casualties in the coming years into quite literally billions.
      And FRP is ignoring scientists of every kind, from climate scientists warning about the dangers of human created climate changes to economists warming against using the oil money to solve all of our problems as it'll just create bigger ones...
      Seriously, as a former SV voter of the pragmatic faction in the party that switched to MDG because I felt that AP wasn't taking climate change serious enough, while I can see working with FRP on local or regional level in some situations and cooperating on individual laws in the parliament I'd quite literally rather see Norway turn into a one party state lead by pretty much any other political party in Norway then FRP, even R, rather then see them in the cabinet.
      They're the grayest party on the green-gray scale, they're the least economically responsible, the least solidarian, the least open to actual science and facts.
      Their world view and belief in human nature is the most pessimistic of them all.
      And while there's some individuals in the party that's actually decent, and while I grant that they probably genuinely believe that they're trying to make the country better even if their deeply flawed understanding of reality consistently is leading to a worsening country every time they get anywhere near power the majority of them are just way too far off to be trusted with power.
      And only rarely do they come up with proposals that actually makes sense and are worth supporting...
      So you might prefer a dark blue coalition, and I might prefer a conservative prime minister despite disagreeing with pretty much everything their party represent, but ultimately given the choice between the progress party being a part of any cabinet or letting literally any prime minister that won't work with them govern, I'd pick the later.
      FRP, H, AP then SP are the grayest parties we have in that order...
      Or at least it was last time I checked a few years ago...
      I kind of doubt that the order has changed much...

  • @robinchwan
    @robinchwan Před měsícem +1

    i'd rather grow my own food than get any from the food chains in norway with all the bulls... they've done. i just don't know where to get seeds etc that can be set each and every year ( from the produce you get after harvesting it )

    • @OliaMadeThis
      @OliaMadeThis Před měsícem

      Use CZcams to find videos on how to collect seeds from your flowers and plants.
      Several types of vegetables and herbs are also perennial, asparagus yields for 10-20 years.
      Buy a book on how to create a homestead or pallets garden, or find videos here, there are many both used and new. You can buy seeds for the first year or new vegetables in shops and online. Choose from the start whether you want to use organic or not.

    • @robinchwan
      @robinchwan Před měsícem

      @@OliaMadeThis can't just plant anything down as that's illegal. i need specific seets etc to plant down. something about non invasive species of plants. which is why i need to find somewhere to get those correct seeds and for example potatoes.

    • @evebenstad
      @evebenstad Před měsícem

      Settepoteter finne du hos de fleste hagesenter. F.eks Plantasjen. Men også hos Felleskjøpet. Vanlige grønnsaksfrø er det ikke slike restriksjoner på, så du kan bruke alle frøposer du finner i norske butikker. De er allerede godkjente for bruk og salg 7 Norge. Er kun poteter det er veldig strengt med, de kan spre potet-sykdommer.
      Jeg har dyrket egne grønnsaker og poteter (i potter og pallekarmer) i ca 10 år, så jeg har holdt på en liten stund. Nå har vi nylig kjøpt et lite, nedlagt småbruk og har stooor tomt. Så nå blir det drivhus, frukttrær, jordbær- og potetåker etterhvert. 😊👍

  • @DefenderX
    @DefenderX Před měsícem +1

    Problem is that farmers don't vote green.

    • @Jadewisp
      @Jadewisp Před měsícem +1

      yeah, but in order for farmers to vote "green" the "greenparties" should help the farmers, not bend them over on the daily...

    • @DefenderX
      @DefenderX Před měsícem +1

      @@Jadewisp I dunno what you mean helps, that farmers should only get more money so that they can earn more money? I think farmers should adjust their practices so that they can continue farming without damaging the soil, wildlife and their own economy.
      Sustainability is key.
      But the typical green party that farmers usually vote for (SP) isn't really that green. And that shows, because they don't put the money where they should.

    • @malelonewolf80
      @malelonewolf80 Před měsícem

      ​@@JadewispBut the farmers are not contributing in regards to the green change, and oppose any change to help nature, which farmers exploit, often badly.

  • @oh515
    @oh515 Před měsícem +2

    US dollar has been strong and stable the last two years, so you got that wrong. Even the inflation has decreased significant in the USA compared to the rest of the world. And the strong dollar comes on top of that.

    • @peteplayz-norskgaming5723
      @peteplayz-norskgaming5723 Před měsícem

      It’s more nuanced in the broader sense, in the timeline you reference. From the perspective of currency parity (i.e. comparing NOK to USD or a basket of general currencies like the euro or yen), then it is stable or strengthening, sure. But did he not mention value in general? Over the past two years, as the Fed has noted, inflation (CPI) or core inflation measured against dollars is still above target rates, and has lost value relative to commodities like gold (which recently made a big run). Of course, commentary about gold price and the relevance thereof is always controversial, and some might say its not controversial except for some ignorant people debating the facts, like antivaxxers saying a vaccine in controversial when its not in the scientific community. Of course, the price of a commodity like gold provides some insight into devaluation or structural trends - to the extent that it may track with inflation to some extent - but some would say “not uniquely so” or not accurately (being prone to noise and speculative whims of gold bugs, etc.). With any commodity, or finance trade, if it not intended to become a productive income generating asset, you run into these questions of “so what”? This relates to the term speculation I guess.

    • @oh515
      @oh515 Před měsícem

      You are right, but the gold value doesn’t matter due to import and export between countries, but yes, it has an effect on the inflation rate itself. All I say is that the USA does great compared with the rest of the world.

    • @peteplayz-norskgaming5723
      @peteplayz-norskgaming5723 Před měsícem

      @@oh515 True

  • @philip4588
    @philip4588 Před měsícem +1

    Wanting info about farmers, scrolling past the info. Note is not the first time

    • @petterlauritzen6814
      @petterlauritzen6814 Před měsícem

      This American just seems so stupid. Reads a headline in the article then says why this? I wonder this and that and why why why. Just read a sentence or two in the article first! Han ser jo helt blåst ut 😂

  • @lovecat4everxxx401
    @lovecat4everxxx401 Před měsícem +1

    When Tyler talks, I forget about wars etc. And he is so freaking goodlooking and well raised. I'm inlove ❤

  • @maritgrnje9200
    @maritgrnje9200 Před 6 dny

    Ikke alt i Norge er bra.

  • @steinarhaugen7617
    @steinarhaugen7617 Před měsícem +9

    Half of Americans live in poverty. So our problems in Norway are small in comparison.

  • @omgwerockhard
    @omgwerockhard Před měsícem +5

    I call him Jonas Garn og Snøre. Cant stand him

    • @Yes-vh7lm
      @Yes-vh7lm Před měsícem

      Yeah... Unfortunately, voters seem to have quite a short term memory. Let's just hope there is no way for Støre to turn his party around before the new elections, just for him to screw this whole country up even more afterwards!

  • @svemunTheEmperor
    @svemunTheEmperor Před měsícem +5

    noreg trenger flere bønder = Norway needs more farmers

    • @steinarhaugen7617
      @steinarhaugen7617 Před měsícem +5


    • @svemunTheEmperor
      @svemunTheEmperor Před měsícem +2

      @@steinarhaugen7617 ?

    • @tord9707
      @tord9707 Před měsícem +1

      "Kæ ska me med bønder så syde å klage-pølse å pizza e godt nok for min mage"-Ingenting🤔

    • @lisearntzenvaran872
      @lisearntzenvaran872 Před měsícem

      ​@@tord9707 Hvordan tenker du at man får laget pølser og pizza uten bønder?

    • @tord9707
      @tord9707 Před měsícem

      @@lisearntzenvaran872 Skal la deg tenke litt på den🤭