Fire Emblem Heroes in 2024 and why I quit

  • čas přidán 24. 07. 2024
  • This was a video long time coming but today was the day that broke the camel's back. Thanks for everyone who has watched my journey!
    00:00 - Intro
    00:16 - Text in skill/weapon descriptions
    01:35 - Movement Powercreep
    03:20 - New unit busted Ike
    08:31 - Solutions to "beat" Ike
    10:23 - Weapon Triangle Rant
    11:51 - Weaknesses to Ike
    15:06 - Ike on Defense Super team
    16:39 - Saving for units that beat Ike
    18:22 - How can IS fix the issue
    19:49 - Why I hate Ike
    21:57 - Why I quit FEH
    22:24 - Corrin Legendary Banner Rant
    23:39 - Game modes
    26:46 - Future for me
  • Hry

Komentáře • 29

  • @Oblivionknight
    @Oblivionknight Před měsícem +35

    Sad to see you go. Completely understand where you are coming from. Game really needs some major changes

  • @Vallite_God
    @Vallite_God Před měsícem +12

    I'm glad to see people talking about how ridiculous E!Ike is because he kinda reminds me of back whenever F!Edelgard came out and how much everyone seemed to use her since she had like 10 skills built in which was insane at the time. But most units you could just slap NFU on their B slot and they could deal with her pretty well, that is not the case for E!Ike...
    The fact people literally have to make entire specific builds on multiple characters just to deal with a single unit tells me something is terribly, TERRIBLY wrong here.

  • @marcosmolares5910
    @marcosmolares5910 Před měsícem +19

    Releasing Emblem Ike was like throwing a bowling ball to a chess board. Not like the game was finely tuned as a chess match anyways.
    But seriously, its like they have a 12 year old doing the balance of the game...
    With how complex the game keeps getting I highly doubt they have a healthy income of newer players, so their susteinance is from long playing ones only. And as they keep pissing people off with the disastrous management they are doing more people quit and the game keeps on dying...

  • @ReichardTheThird
    @ReichardTheThird Před měsícem +25

    Sadly I agree with all of these points. Back in the Surtr days where many people complained that he was unkillable and too dangerous, I simply told players to adapt since even I could do it as a F2P.
    But EIke is on another level completely, he completely eclipses all of the [shiny new units that will doom the game] that reddit has fearmongered about, I mean where am I supposed to get precharged AoE that doesn't kill my scoring? That's right there aren't any 500 SP AoE besides the one and only prf AoE that works in a single season. How about Hardy bearing so I could at least not explode if he initiates combat, because he's both the best enemy phase unit in the game, but also one of the strongest player phase units in the game?! Sorry, but no, hardy bearing kills your score, go back to 2019 era where you stacked inherited Distant Counter A slot with Distant Counter prf weapon for scoring purposes, except now you do it with the Seal slot instead. How about Scowl or drive Scowl? Sorry, but my Ike has 6 res mythics and Fatal Smoke 4, so you can't hurt him with the standard AoE, you can't miracle him, you can't damage him, you can't Scowl him, and you can't tank him.
    Used to be AR Tier 39 consistently with F2P units, was in planning phase for up to an hour or more sometimes, and now I just support Ike and spam 7 ladders if the enemy is actually semi-prepared for it. I've relearned the fact that AR Tier 38 actually loops back into Vault of Heaven. I was totally prepared to drop down to AR Tier 21 every other week, but it turns out my margin of error was way bigger than I thought. That I could just let my AR Defense team be a completely free win and lose 7 defense matches every week and still make Tier 38. What have I been spending all of this extra time, effort, stress, and resources for? An extra 150 grails and 500 assorted dragonflowers per year? I haven't even done anything with those because whatever unit they get spent on will be irrelevant by next week.
    And it's really not just Ike, it's everything around him as well. Extreme start of combat damage with still no counter. Armors with spd dumpstats, at base kit just having brave dodge that works on all 4 attacks and gives them more X% dodge + reliable unpiercable special shielding than ANY "godsword" has ever had even with a full kit; oh yeah and add an Ike engage shielding on top for good measure. Killing the one reliable strategy that wasn't tanking, galeforcing, by adding more and more anti-warp that works on defense. At least when gatekeeper was used he was useless besides being a harsh command+ user. Now it's just use new Myrhh and prevent a turn 1 with Spring Breeze (still the meta map) and walls/traps and put High Dragon Wall on LNinian, which costs 400 SP for no reason other than to sell more orbs. Every time they release a new nuke, it's 100x more likely to be used by the defense than it is to be used by the offense because every defense is more or less the same archetype which deters using those units anyways. Oh yeah and I forgot about Freyr and his cronies just obliterating subterfuge strats; no you can't gravity/ stall ploy even 1 unit in this infantry/ flier/ cav line that would be too op. I mean it existed before with odd/ even recovery healers but it was too rarely done to be a problem.
    At this point I'm just done playing the game seriously. I'm just collecting orbs until my favorite unit comes out and maybe having a bit of fun toying with whatever new effects they'll scatter around in F2P units and their refines. And even after I get my favorites, I'll still likely leave some time after that after my favorite becomes entirely irrelevant and actually unusable like 4 months later.

    • @unnamed_bot
      @unnamed_bot Před měsícem +7

      skill issue

    • @ReichardTheThird
      @ReichardTheThird Před měsícem +4

      so true bestie. But yeah I was expecting the same treatment, how I was flippant about every shiny new unit in all of FEH's eras, and now it'll come back to bite me if I make the same complaint. I'm assuming that's a joke anyways, but even if it wasn't, I am fine with it actually being skill issue if playing the game properly means jumping through this clown show hoop

  • @Exiled28
    @Exiled28 Před měsícem +12

    Valid points, this is even worse than that time they released Fallen Edelgard, at least she was sparkeable for all players, so at least there was "some" balance due to everyone being in the same playing field, also she was in the normal pool so you could potentially get her in any banner.
    Ike, Lyon, Igrene, DRobin, etc. have something in common and it's not coincidence: they're all premium units on limited non sparkeable banners.
    You could try summon for them with free orbs, but it's a gamble without the fehpass and you could success but eventually the bad side of the gacha will get you, my man Oblivionknight got 0 Ikes after 1k orbs spent sniping for him in his rerun and that's terrible, so terrible that it would make any average player to quit.
    The gacha getting excessively paywalled is the main reason players quit the game imo.
    I myself don't have Ike, don't have Lyon, don't have Igrene, don't have new broken toys, I make due with the 3H Winter units that fortunately were sparkeable(see most people accepted that powercreep since it was available for all players) and I do decently: get top 3K every week in AR even though I lose most defenses, hold T21 most weeks in arena, Top 1K in arena assault, totally ignore Summoner Duels for the lack of incentives and the excess of tedium, I just do 1 match for the minimum rewards and dip, I do all this while being f2p so the game is still tolerable but I do suspect that's about to end pretty soon due to IS greed forcing summoning more and more, it's a shame but it's what it is.

  • @sdw4527
    @sdw4527 Před měsícem +9

    Great points, agree with most of them. For me though, from the point of view of a purely F2P player, the combination of the powercreep you mentioned combined with the speed in which it progresses is the real problem imo. New units/skills tend to already powercreep each other within a few months.
    A big draw of this game at least in the early years was building your own favorites and being able to use them in competitive modes. This is still technically possible now, but with the speed at which powercreep progresses, you realistically do not have the orbs to summon for every fodder unit that's needed. It's similar to your Ike example, Fatal Smoke 4 is a nice "counter", but are you really going to be spending all those orbs just for that fodder, only for it to be invalidated in a few months? An example of this is I recently completed an overhaul of my OG Julia build and it was pretty nice...only for Ike to release and completely invalidate the original "best build" as Laguz Friend was by far the BIS B skill for her. It just starts to feel really bad after a while.

  • @atobe42
    @atobe42 Před měsícem +11

    Understandable. Watched a bunch of your streams and I have the same issue w/ the game. Its becoming so unfun and unplayable.

  • @michaelp1979
    @michaelp1979 Před měsícem +6

    Good points, but the game has to change or players will leave anyway as you pointed out indirectly. Also, LOL winter Edlgard is a problem (I have her and she is like a cheat code), Ike is a counter to her. Problem with Ike being a Edlgard counter is you need to wipe his support and trigger his Aether before you can take him down. Using Ike is slam throttle forward, beating Ike is planning.
    Honestly though the game does let you get to the top as some F2P show you. Though it’s tough and honestly if it wasn’t what would be the challenge.
    Though they could run something for 3/4 stars where if you got merges or something you can earn more orbs or a premium 5 star. Reward the grinders.

  • @Elie053
    @Elie053 Před měsícem +2

    We'll miss you have fun on your future games.

  • @yume372
    @yume372 Před měsícem +6

    It's really interesting getting different people's perspective on the current state of FEH. I totally get where you're coming from, although I personally never really cared for pvp that much.
    I played FEH because I liked building my favorite characters and making them viable. Especially when they where underrated. But nowadays they just can't keep up with the current meta units, not even when they have an Arcane weapon equipped. It really destroyed the fun for me. And skill power creep is just another annoyance, that gradually kills the game and makes me lose interest. The new clash skill from duo Sharena just invalidated Clash 4, and now they release dragon wall 4 with L! Corrin. They release new skills back to back, and don't even give demotes or grail units the new tier 3 skills, to make up for it. It just feels like IS moving the goalpost whenever they release a new powerful skill, and same goes for the dragon flower increase. It's so demotivating building characters, when their build is already outdated after only some weeks. That's also why I'm probably quitting FEH soon as well. It's always a bad sign, when a game feels like a chore you have to do, just to keep up. It's just not fun anymore. :/
    I feel like IS changed their approach over the last year or so. I started playing FEH around the end of book 2, and remember how much of a problem Surtr was back than, and how everyone was scared of Hels' release at the end of book 3.... just for IS to not release her, until people even questioned if she will be released at all. I thought it was a good sign, because it showed, that they apparently learned from their mistake with Surtr and decided for a gradual increase of power. But over the last two years or so, power creep got out of hand, and it seems like IS decided to embrace it now, instead of trying to avoid it. It's really a pity how they've always been reluctant to address the issues of the game head-on, and always decide for a short time alternative, just to grab some cash and avoid addressing them. But these alternatives always brought their own problems with them, and now all these problems start piling up and everything comes crashing down.
    But, as sad as it might sound, I guess that's just the fate of every life service game. FEH was fun while it lasted. As for now, I'm looking forward to the new main title of the series. ^^

    • @feh_tactician
      @feh_tactician Před měsícem

      Me too, i don't care pvp btw 😂 much other battle can out play, not only pvp too hard to think

  • @bayzul7405
    @bayzul7405 Před měsícem +4

    Start of FE Heroes was fairly decent. I did foresee power creep, or very least be wildly OP to have a decent shot as challenges early as facing Robin's squad. Once waifu emblem went hard, I noticed a trend skills getting verbose and dropped completely.
    Game got to make money, but if I'm reading books I'd rather go back my academics or full on reading books I enjoy if it muddles the strategy completely

  • @BlakDragon1
    @BlakDragon1 Před měsícem +4

    All valid points. I stepped away from this game, too, shortly before you did. At the end of the day, FEH is just another (mobile) game; when it stops being fun, it's time to move on to a more entertaining one (in my case, that's Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers!)

  • @jj6148
    @jj6148 Před měsícem +1

    And now they just released BoL4, which on E!Ike...

  • @butthemeatwasbad
    @butthemeatwasbad Před měsícem +5

    So I didn't like AR when it came out. I almost never summon for the meta, so I thought I'd wait for the meta to shift to something I could realistically build around. Flier ball was my chance, but I didn't have any of the mythic units yet and by the time I had saved enough for them and they were on banner, the meta was already shifting out of grasp so I just stopped playing this mode all together. PvP in this game is the worst.
    Just wait until they release Null Laguz Friend.

  • @lanuigiFEH
    @lanuigiFEH Před měsícem +3

    Dang I was just watching our stream a week back too. Sorry for your recent experience with the game and hope you find something else to be better entertaining.

  • @oslenamartinez8673
    @oslenamartinez8673 Před měsícem +2

    It’s been 2 months since I deleted FEH and with each passing day, I’m more convinced I made the right choice.

  • @feh_tactician
    @feh_tactician Před měsícem +4

    Even though I am an f2p player, but until now I still survive and still enjoy the uniqueness of this game. I'm sad if you are a p2w player but instead stop.

  • @fandan710
    @fandan710 Před měsícem

    Though it's a tough decision, you made the best one for yourself. If you aren't enjoying something leaving is the hardest but best course of action. It wasn't all in vain. Wherever you go, whatever you do next, I hope for your best man. Take care.

  • @wrestlerdude6955
    @wrestlerdude6955 Před měsícem +3

    I feel this is the same with Yugioh players. No one wants to read a wall of text for One turn.

  • @Theblaziken2000
    @Theblaziken2000 Před měsícem +1

    Having pulled an L!Corrin I can say they did make an attempt at making the skills more readable. This is not to say all your other points are moot but I hope in the future at least that point is being addressed.

  • @AndyLord
    @AndyLord Před měsícem +2

    At this point make feh2 i see no way to save feh on how it been going this last years

    • @Atyuialsen
      @Atyuialsen  Před měsícem +1

      As much as I would like FEH 2 , they'll keep making FEH until it stops making money 😅

  • @andersonweir11
    @andersonweir11 Před 8 dny

    I understand powercreep necessary or character powerful because of lore.but unit just because he or she released today is busted nonsense.rewards too lil looking at you orbs.i start couple days afther launch so that why i playing

  • @TailwindZ
    @TailwindZ Před měsícem

    I really liked this game back in the day because it was all about using your favorite units but now you literally CAN'T anymore because power creep is so insane it's impossible. Big Shame and every day i get closer to quitting.

  • @Thorcarmine
    @Thorcarmine Před měsícem

    I'd rather deal with Engage Ike and actual team strategy then more of Bridal Catria's cheap corner camping BS. I'm so happy IS finally killed that stupid strategy with Schism and no it was never balanced to begin with.

  • @ChaoticLegion01
    @ChaoticLegion01 Před 19 dny

    Is there a better tactical game out there? - One with English Va's? - because this game looks so lame.