6 Ways to Conquer Porn

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Pornography has ensnared millions of Christians and non-Christians alike. For those in the midst of the battle, it can seem impossible to overcome. Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro interview people about the subject and provide 6 biblical tips to quit the vicious sin of porn once and for all.
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Komentáře • 2,7K

  • @ysk2083
    @ysk2083 Před 3 lety +2284

    Porn is a very easy thing to get addicted to, and an almost impossible thing to quit. You need the Lord Jesus Christ to do it. Focus on Jesus and its possible. I used to watch porn every day. About 4 years ago God delivered me from this sin . We have to focus on Jesus constantly. If we lose focus, we will backside into darkness.

  • @dancf
    @dancf Před 3 lety +1914

    Jesus set me free of this evil addiction, now i hate porn.

    • @CJ700X
      @CJ700X Před 3 lety +84

      @@missilemikey4668 bro that's like saying to someone who's addicted to heroin to "just stop using drugs" lol

    • @christianriddler5063
      @christianriddler5063 Před 3 lety +69

      @@missilemikey4668 Jesus was probably the one that helped you get free from that addiction and now you are taking all the glory.

    • @julesxxx5667
      @julesxxx5667 Před 3 lety +13

      @@missilemikey4668 wont have to face you after death then - great 🥳

    • @CJ700X
      @CJ700X Před 3 lety +19

      @@missilemikey4668 dude I'm sure you had help from people who cared about you or you probably did other stuff to help you. Point is that you don't just tell people to "just stop" it's not that simple

    • @CJ700X
      @CJ700X Před 3 lety +9

      @@missilemikey4668 and everyone handles addiction differently. I never said anything about needing jesus. Everyone has their methods when quiting. I personally would advise you to read about him because he talks about this kind of stuff and many other things.

  • @ManSeekingChrist
    @ManSeekingChrist Před 3 lety +944

    I quit porn, became abstinent, and now hate all forms of porn. As Christians we should hate evil. I became Christian shortly after abstaining from porn.

  • @ReligiouslyIncorrect
    @ReligiouslyIncorrect Před rokem +54

    I only became a Christian roughly a year ago. Pornography and masturbation have been a problem and still is. Thankfully it is not every day but the temptation loves to creep up on me when I least expect it. I am heading in the right direction and will continue to fight it until it is gone. Please pray for me.

  • @radicalmelon7204
    @radicalmelon7204 Před 3 lety +70

    I was an atheist and could not quit porn no matter how hard I tried but through Jesus Christ I found unbelievable amounts of willpower and I conquered porn finally.

    • @doomslayer8431
      @doomslayer8431 Před 2 lety

      That’s great 😌

    • @almu2768
      @almu2768 Před 2 lety

      Thank you Father for Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant and you have made Him to be our all in all.
      The true problem is not what we have been accustomed to believe is the problem, such as : pornography, adultery, and such like, those are only symptoms( works of the flesh ) to put it into a category. Our true problem is what stems in the “HEART”, for that which comes forth from the heart defiles the man, read Matthew 15:18-19. Now you know, the true problem is INWARD not OUTWARD; that’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit within us whenever we try to resolve the inward situation with outward means, for example : employing certain means to stop ourselves from committing an outward sin and what we fail to understand is that we are ultimately making a law unto ourselves. Read Roman 7: 23. I want you to understand that your problem is not the OUTWARD sins( those are only the manifestations of what’s really going on in your heart) your problem is the INWARD sin ( your inward sin is termed the SIN NATURE, which is under the Law of sin and death ), again read the whole 7th chapter of Romans. I truly empathize with those in the body of Christ who are struggling daily to be free from sin but don’t know how to be a partaker of that which Jesus our Lord has paid for us with His shed blood on the cross. Listen brethren, in Luke 9:33, Jesus said if any man will come after me let him “deny” himself. You know what he is saying ? Jesus is saying, if you desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and to be made conformable unto His death then you must deny YOUR own will power, your own self will, your own strength and ability AND totally depend on JESUS and what He successfully did for you on His Cross. His next words are, “ and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. In respect to “take up his cross daily speaks of “ the benefits of the Cross and we us believers are to look exclusively to what Jesus did there to meet our every need”, and “Daily” is that we are not only to have our faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the cross once but daily renewing our Faith in Christ and the Cross and “follow Him”…. I know this is long and I’m sure I lost some in this but this is “THE NEW COVENANT” which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. what I’ve said in this message is only the beginning because there’s so much more but I believe the Lord has directed me to write this and I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your heart when you read this and that He may give you grace in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      Here’s a little diagram or synopsis of the above message :
      1 : Inward sin is the problem with the believer and unbeliever.
      2 : inward sin operates under the Law of sin and death.
      3 : if we try to defeat the outward sins in our life by making laws to ourselves then we only end up going against the Law of sin and death and results in more defeat.
      4: The only way to have victory over the inward sin is to deny one’s own means and look exclusively to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      5. The Holy Spirit will only work in the believers life to give them that victory over our inward sin if we look to Christ and the cross exclusively- Romans 8:2

  • @appleguy6708
    @appleguy6708 Před 3 lety +634

    I haven’t watched porn for 3 years May our Lord continue to strengthen my heart

    • @mathisr.44
      @mathisr.44 Před 3 lety +10

      How did you do it?

    • @appleguy6708
      @appleguy6708 Před 3 lety +42

      @@mathisr.44 Honestly reading Leviticus from the Bible made me want to change my heart I wanted to prepare myself for Judgement

    • @mathisr.44
      @mathisr.44 Před 3 lety +11

      @@appleguy6708 thats a good strategy

    • @evancureton3826
      @evancureton3826 Před 3 lety +22

      @@appleguy6708 I’m trying to stop but it’s really hard I’m gonna start reading my Bible more

    • @appleguy6708
      @appleguy6708 Před 3 lety +17

      @@evancureton3826 I will pray for your strength to fear the Lord more to be obedient and think about how much power the devil had over you my friend May you and others in your shoes find Jesus to be your Lord and savior God Bless you for at least acknowledging you have an issue

  • @nobles1091
    @nobles1091 Před 3 lety +1132

    Y’all are so encouraging. None of are here by coincidence. We serve an “intentional God”

    • @Beregond1861
      @Beregond1861 Před 3 lety +33

      He is indeed the God of order and not of chaos!

    • @sola.gratia
      @sola.gratia Před 3 lety +9

      @@Beregond1861 indeed

    • @stanfatou2002
      @stanfatou2002 Před 3 lety +11

      That makes me happy but than sad. Bc i don't want to be on earth anymore. I want to be with him.i ask him to take me but i know he won't bc i guess i have to finish my mission. Even though i don't want to😑

    • @adiblatif
      @adiblatif Před 3 lety +11

      @@stanfatou2002 go and preach individually to the homeless, the lost, the unhappy. I try to do this everyday at least to one person. It really brings joy to a Christian to lead people to Christ. Buy a stack of those paperback Bibles (with preferably an easy translation in case the people receiving them do not have great reading skills) and every day before going out pray that God would lead you to one person in need of that. Take one out everyday. It will bring you this great awesome joy. Be of this world but not partake of its evilness. Quit social media and stop watching TV because both of these things feed us with so much darkness. Seriously it is so damaging.
      God bless you!

    • @SAMBUT
      @SAMBUT Před 3 lety +3

      @@Beregond1861 once 1Corinthians14,33 spoke to me, here disorder is contrasted with peace, and the context is all about order - the push for order might be technical, cold and authoritarian, also perfectionists might struggle, so it amazed me how God is here not a God of disorder but of peace

  • @dionfeist5226
    @dionfeist5226 Před 3 lety +608

    The Lord set me free from the g ay lifestyle, alcohol and p orn 11 years ago. P orn was very difficult to quit but it was only with the Lords strength.

    • @theresa_lili
      @theresa_lili Před 3 lety +19

      God bless

    • @ma50nrc71
      @ma50nrc71 Před 3 lety +45

      @@facebuddi1849 he said he was gay

    • @kanieraliapeng724
      @kanieraliapeng724 Před 3 lety +38

      @@facebuddi1849 Stay in school, kids💀

    • @Beregond1861
      @Beregond1861 Před 3 lety +18

      @@facebuddi1849 I'd recommend an information dive into reading comprehension.

    • @josefjerome
      @josefjerome Před 3 lety +21

      @@facebuddi1849 I don't think it's necessary to be rude here so no knocks at your comprehension. I believe he said he was delivered from 3 things one of which was being gay. Grace and Peace to you.

  • @jasons5842
    @jasons5842 Před 3 lety +291

    As a Christian, I am still struggling with this stinking addiction of pornography. I will do these things and pray it works.

    • @Alex-yr8iy
      @Alex-yr8iy Před 3 lety +47

      Just take cold showers
      Stay away from the bedroom during the day
      Be around family members
      Start exercising
      As a Christian myself it did these and it was awesome

    • @masonpobst
      @masonpobst Před 3 lety +14

      You can do it mate! I'll pray for you

    • @waterproof4403
      @waterproof4403 Před 3 lety +9

      Stay strong brother

    • @ZangThao
      @ZangThao Před 3 lety +15

      Buddy you and i are the same i also struggle with that lust and i personally hate it so much but seeking for Jesus Christ definitely set me free

    • @lookingattherisingsun2437
      @lookingattherisingsun2437 Před 3 lety +9

      Can someone pray for me I'm struggling with this addiction. I don't want to go to hell and disappoint God. I need help I feel like I'm losing but I know the Devil wants to feel that way. I need help and I don't want to give up on God. I need to fear God.

  • @SparkyKev
    @SparkyKev Před 3 lety +35

    I’ve been addicted to porn for many years. About a month ago I started reading the bible every day and REALLY put my trust in Christ. I was a phoney Christian most of my life. I’ve been porn free for only a week now but that’s a huge step for me and I have already started noticing my desire for righteousness outweighing my desire to lust. It is definitely a battle but it’s so much easier to fight of temptation when I acknowledge what Christ did for me.
    A verse that really helps me is Isaiah 59:2
    “but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.”

    • @JF32304
      @JF32304 Před 2 lety +1

      Hey Kevin, I know exactly what you're talking about and was into porn for years. I started reading my Bible and I tell you the fear of God has been put in me! I thought I was a good person and I find out I'm wicked!! Horribly wicked! I asked Jesus to re-sensitize my conscious and he absolutely did it! Reading the book of revelation and wow! We all need to repent and turn from our wicked ways before it's too late! I do not want to be cast into the lake of fire! I know what the addiction to porn is like, Kevin! Don't go back man! There's nothing there for you!! God doesn't want to lose you or us! This is why he's doing this! Time is coming to an end. I find porn disgusting now and hate it! You have to have your conscious re-sensitized you'll be amazed at the difference.

    • @VikingMan44
      @VikingMan44 Před 2 lety

      No offense to Isaiah, but your "sin" hasn't separated you from God. If it had the capacity to do that, why did Jesus enjoy hanging out with sinners so much? His favorite people were prostitutes and tax collectors.

    • @almu2768
      @almu2768 Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you Father for Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant and you have made Him to be our all in all.
      The true problem is not what we have been accustomed to believe is the problem, such as : pornography, adultery, and such like, those are only symptoms( works of the flesh ) to put it into a category. Our true problem is what stems in the “HEART”, for that which comes forth from the heart defiles the man, read Matthew 15:18-19. Now you know, the true problem is INWARD not OUTWARD; that’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit within us whenever we try to resolve the inward situation with outward means, for example : employing certain means to stop ourselves from committing an outward sin and what we fail to understand is that we are ultimately making a law unto ourselves. Read Roman 7: 23. I want you to understand that your problem is not the OUTWARD sins( those are only the manifestations of what’s really going on in your heart) your problem is the INWARD sin ( your inward sin is termed the SIN NATURE, which is under the Law of sin and death ), again read the whole 7th chapter of Romans. I truly empathize with those in the body of Christ who are struggling daily to be free from sin but don’t know how to be a partaker of that which Jesus our Lord has paid for us with His shed blood on the cross. Listen brethren, in Luke 9:33, Jesus said if any man will come after me let him “deny” himself. You know what he is saying ? Jesus is saying, if you desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and to be made conformable unto His death then you must deny YOUR own will power, your own self will, your own strength and ability AND totally depend on JESUS and what He successfully did for you on His Cross. His next words are, “ and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. In respect to “take up his cross daily speaks of “ the benefits of the Cross and we us believers are to look exclusively to what Jesus did there to meet our every need”, and “Daily” is that we are not only to have our faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the cross once but daily renewing our Faith in Christ and the Cross and “follow Him”…. I know this is long and I’m sure I lost some in this but this is “THE NEW COVENANT” which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. what I’ve said in this message is only the beginning because there’s so much more but I believe the Lord has directed me to write this and I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your heart when you read this and that He may give you grace in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      Here’s a little diagram or synopsis of the above message :
      1 : Inward sin is the problem with the believer and unbeliever.
      2 : inward sin operates under the Law of sin and death.
      3 : if we try to defeat the outward sins in our life by making laws to ourselves then we only end up going against the Law of sin and death and results in more defeat.
      4: The only way to have victory over the inward sin is to deny one’s own means and look exclusively to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      5. The Holy Spirit will only work in the believers life to give them that victory over our inward sin if we look to Christ and the cross exclusively- Romans 8:2

    • @JoinUsInVR
      @JoinUsInVR Před rokem

      That's awesome to hear! What are you reading these days? How long did you keep reading daily? What helped you keep going?

    • @TheKnoxvicious
      @TheKnoxvicious Před 8 měsíci

      Good verse

  • @hollydaze5625
    @hollydaze5625 Před 3 lety +384

    Porn can be as addictive and destructive as heroin. Many people never even try heroin once because they know that it could ruin their lives… If people only thought of porn the same way, they could avoid a lot of heartache. Teach your children about the dangers of both drugs and pornography… Do not let society dictate to your children that it’s normal. I’m tired of our culture normalizing perversion.

    • @KirksCORNER-1983
      @KirksCORNER-1983 Před 3 lety +6

      Porn is VERY normal

    • @heyhowareyou7777
      @heyhowareyou7777 Před 3 lety +28

      @@KirksCORNER-1983 Alcohol is very normal yet it destroys you physically and your soul

    • @heyhowareyou7777
      @heyhowareyou7777 Před 3 lety +21

      @@KirksCORNER-1983 Murder is very normal yet it destroys humans and families and their soul

    • @azusabx
      @azusabx Před 3 lety +18

      @@KirksCORNER-1983 Do not be deceived by what the world says. The Bible contains every righteous answer!

    • @rift9891
      @rift9891 Před 3 lety +1

      @@KirksCORNER-1983 🧢

  • @milesmungo
    @milesmungo Před 3 lety +662

    I haven't watched the whole video yet, but want to encourage people to know that you ABSOLUTELY CAN have complete victory over porn. You can go from addiction to never again.

    • @jesusisgod7528
      @jesusisgod7528 Před 3 lety +18

      The Holy Spirit actually

    • @Lunatic89097
      @Lunatic89097 Před 3 lety +14

      Correct. I overcame it! Thanks to the Lord!

    • @sheriffcrandy
      @sheriffcrandy Před 3 lety +14

      It's so true! But the truth is hard to see when we are in the midst of our vices, but nevertheless it is true! We can and should and will overcome in Jesus name. Come on guys we are all in the family of God let's pray for each other, all of the brothers and sisters struggling around the world!

    • @dennisfox3472
      @dennisfox3472 Před 3 lety +1

      Hello R M were you baptized for the forgiveness of your sins ? Acts2 37 When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

    • @dennisfox3472
      @dennisfox3472 Před 3 lety

      @@sheriffcrandy Hello S C and everyone were you baptized for the forgiveness of your sins ? Acts2 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

  • @sola.gratia
    @sola.gratia Před 3 lety +601

    This channel is one of the reasons I converted to Christianity, thank you Ray and God bless you! :D

    • @whirlwindofgod7213
      @whirlwindofgod7213 Před 3 lety +6

      @@missilemikey4668 why do you hate God? My friend God is not the problem, we are

    • @whirlwindofgod7213
      @whirlwindofgod7213 Před 3 lety +10

      @@missilemikey4668 God gave us freewill and the angels freewill, satan chose to rebel because he wanted to be God. Hell is specifically for the devil and his angels. God is morally perfect, he's the judge of the universe. See the thing is satan can't destroy God no being can destroy God, he's infinite and we are finite.

    • @legitsebas0157
      @legitsebas0157 Před 3 lety +4

      @@missilemikey4668 So when Jesus said “got behind me satan for it is written you shall worship the Lord God and him only” or when he said to peter “satan has asked for you”.So Jesus was lying or talking to a none existent Being or the book of job in which satan brings curses upon job?

    • @legitsebas0157
      @legitsebas0157 Před 3 lety +2

      @@missilemikey4668 Jesus said to pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin because it is better to have one eye in heaven than both your eye in hell.Hell exist and the devil exist but you don’t worship them for knowing that.

    • @legitsebas0157
      @legitsebas0157 Před 3 lety +2

      @@missilemikey4668 than your are an idolater get the log out your eye than take the spake off of your brother’s

  • @washingfeet5013
    @washingfeet5013 Před 3 lety +17

    Aww that guy crying in the end 😩 Jesus is powerful man

  • @hotsauce7522
    @hotsauce7522 Před 3 lety +21

    If you don't have fear of the lord your addictions will never leave.

    • @hotsauce7522
      @hotsauce7522 Před 3 lety

      @Kendl well saying to your self your a nice good person doesn't mean much. But I guess you will be the nicest person in hell.

  • @jsimo1431
    @jsimo1431 Před 3 lety +141

    i've quit alcohol and porn. it's a one day at a time thing thing. that eventually leads into sobriety. the number one thing is you really have to want it. you have to know in your heart that it's over. the first 2 weeks are the hardest. then it gets easier and easier. pray to Jesus and repent daily. repentance isn't just saying words. it's walking the walk.

    • @Gabriel-bw2tu
      @Gabriel-bw2tu Před 3 lety +3

      Man I wish I could save this I never feel like I will overcome porn so I just keep going back thank you so much for this encouragement

    • @jsimo1431
      @jsimo1431 Před 3 lety +3

      @@Gabriel-bw2tu you can do it. you know you can. you obviously want to. just tell yourself "i'm better than that" everytime you're about to watch it.

    • @Zuko597
      @Zuko597 Před 3 lety +1

      I last about a week and then I started doing it again the more I wait the more I want to mastorbate. But I need to fill my mind up with God I’ve been slacking on praying yet I still go online evangelizing and tell people the right thing to do I’m not gonna give up I won’t let devil have it easy. Because the enemy doesn’t have mercy for anyone not even a baby. That’s why we need to fill up our mind with the word of God.

    • @ferzinhaN
      @ferzinhaN Před 3 lety +1

      @JordanUpNext TM: Find out what triggers you and get rid of all those tangible things. Then you can focus on the renewal of your mind.

    • @Zuko597
      @Zuko597 Před 3 lety

      @@ferzinhaN it just comes the mind at times yk?

  • @TexterEX
    @TexterEX Před 3 lety +251

    im a 15 yr old male, and have never looked at p#@n.
    Being homeschooled is great!

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  Před 3 lety +85

      That’s great.

    • @jacobparson1114
      @jacobparson1114 Před 3 lety +65

      Don’t ever watch it’s disasterous

    • @pure2060
      @pure2060 Před 3 lety +56

      Dont get curious about it or feel like your missing out. You don't need porn people try to make you feel like that but they're wrong.

    • @TexterEX
      @TexterEX Před 3 lety +58

      @@pure2060 Lol I'm too wise for that mentality, my dad taught me well, I got JESUS!

    • @pure2060
      @pure2060 Před 3 lety +25

      @@TexterEX Glad to hear. Also, I wanted to say this remember that it's really God that's keeping you not yourself and that your not better than the people who are battling pornography and losing. It's easy to get that mindset. Be thankful to God that your not exposed to pornography that'll help keep you from it. Happy to hear you have Jesus man that's more than half the battle right there. I don't mean to sound harsh I just dont want you to take for granted the great and blessed position that God has put you in.😉

  • @Mr.twenty66
    @Mr.twenty66 Před 3 lety +146

    Bless that precious man at the end. God touch him and save him.

  • @citizenresponse
    @citizenresponse Před 3 lety +66

    I’m 3 years clean from pornography. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the Holy Spirit has given me the strength to endure. I want to give encouragement, from my experience it gets easier the longer you go. I truly have no desire to inndulge in pornography and am confident I will never watch it again in my life!

  • @spartangates836
    @spartangates836 Před 3 lety +11

    Please pray for me guys, I was doing good but I fell back into this sin.

  • @lifeinvader9032
    @lifeinvader9032 Před 3 lety +196

    Lord Jesus Christ Renew our mind and spirit !

    • @tommymack3210
      @tommymack3210 Před 3 lety +4

      We need to renew our minds. It is not easy, but Jesus is here.

    • @gauravproton1956
      @gauravproton1956 Před 3 lety

      Actually we need to renew our mind (soul). Our spirit is renewed already like jesus

    • @uragunini2097
      @uragunini2097 Před 3 lety

      You have to realize the truth that christianity and phornography cannot go together, by your own power you cannot stay away from it, only through Jesus, you just have to pray, acknowledge to Him that you are helpless from staying away from it, ask Him to clean your heart and mind, when you do that , one day you will notice the change in you, iam speaking by experience, any kind of sin that you cant stay away from no matter how you try, just pray

    • @lifeinvader9032
      @lifeinvader9032 Před 3 lety

      @@gauravproton1956 Psalm 51:10 KJVS
      [10] Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

    • @lifeinvader9032
      @lifeinvader9032 Před 3 lety

      @@tommymack3210 Titus 3:5 KJVS
      [5] Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

  • @just123haughton
    @just123haughton Před 3 lety +663

    Jesus is Lord

    • @user-zp5lt3kj7o
      @user-zp5lt3kj7o Před 3 lety +1

      @@missilemikey4668 what

    • @stephengarrett4193
      @stephengarrett4193 Před 3 lety +10

      @@missilemikey4668 Says who? You?.. okay. You will have to bow your knee and confess to Jesus that he is lord one day. Whether you think he is God now or not.

    • @stephengarrett4193
      @stephengarrett4193 Před 3 lety +7

      @@missilemikey4668 The sense you're trying to make is non-existent. Your "all knowing creator" is a god that you made yourself. Deny Jesus and miss out on eternal life and glory. You can still inherit the kingdom of God before it is too late. God bless you.

    • @JosiahFickinger
      @JosiahFickinger Před 3 lety +1

      @@missilemikey4668 You're missing something. Those should be 'Greater than or equal to" signs.

    • @JosiahFickinger
      @JosiahFickinger Před 3 lety

      @@missilemikey4668 All you have to do is do option > on MacBook air, or hold down that symbol on your phone.
      Creator of Creators ≥ God ≥ Jesus.

  • @jaredbajer712
    @jaredbajer712 Před 3 lety +72

    After watching The Atheist Delusion and God vs Evolution I became born again. My lost faith had been found and profoundly confirmed. My addiction to pornography was instantly gone. That was a personal experience I received by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It was powerful and unforgettable. I literally felt the love and presence of God. My life has never been the same. I desire righteousness! All this happened before I started reading the Bible. God is real. Jesus is real and He is Lord! Hallelujah!

  • @danb4115
    @danb4115 Před 3 lety +28

    Thank you all for this message today! This message came to me as the devil was pressing on me hard. Because of this video at this very moment, I was spared of the sin of seeking out pornographic images! Thank you Jesus for speaking to me and loving me so much that you spoke these words thru Ray at exactly the right moment. Jesus is SO amazing.

    • @HiTechOilCo
      @HiTechOilCo Před 3 lety +2

      Every time you feel tempted, pick up your Bible and read the New Testament, the words of Jesus. Jesus said that we have power over Satan and he most obey us. Say, "Satan with the power of God and his son Jesus, I command to you to begone!", and he must obey.

    • @almu2768
      @almu2768 Před 2 lety

      Thank you Father for Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant and you have made Him to be our all in all.
      The true problem is not what we have been accustomed to believe is the problem, such as : pornography, adultery, and such like, those are only symptoms( works of the flesh ) to put it into a category. Our true problem is what stems in the “HEART”, for that which comes forth from the heart defiles the man, read Matthew 15:18-19. Now you know, the true problem is INWARD not OUTWARD; that’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit within us whenever we try to resolve the inward situation with outward means, for example : employing certain means to stop ourselves from committing an outward sin and what we fail to understand is that we are ultimately making a law unto ourselves. Read Roman 7: 23. I want you to understand that your problem is not the OUTWARD sins( those are only the manifestations of what’s really going on in your heart) your problem is the INWARD sin ( your inward sin is termed the SIN NATURE, which is under the Law of sin and death ), again read the whole 7th chapter of Romans. I truly empathize with those in the body of Christ who are struggling daily to be free from sin but don’t know how to be a partaker of that which Jesus our Lord has paid for us with His shed blood on the cross. Listen brethren, in Luke 9:33, Jesus said if any man will come after me let him “deny” himself. You know what he is saying ? Jesus is saying, if you desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and to be made conformable unto His death then you must deny YOUR own will power, your own self will, your own strength and ability AND totally depend on JESUS and what He successfully did for you on His Cross. His next words are, “ and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. In respect to “take up his cross daily speaks of “ the benefits of the Cross and we us believers are to look exclusively to what Jesus did there to meet our every need”, and “Daily” is that we are not only to have our faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the cross once but daily renewing our Faith in Christ and the Cross and “follow Him”…. I know this is long and I’m sure I lost some in this but this is “THE NEW COVENANT” which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. what I’ve said in this message is only the beginning because there’s so much more but I believe the Lord has directed me to write this and I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your heart when you read this and that He may give you grace in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      Here’s a little diagram or synopsis of the above message :
      1 : Inward sin is the problem with the believer and unbeliever.
      2 : inward sin operates under the Law of sin and death.
      3 : if we try to defeat the outward sins in our life by making laws to ourselves then we only end up going against the Law of sin and death and results in more defeat.
      4: The only way to have victory over the inward sin is to deny one’s own means and look exclusively to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      5. The Holy Spirit will only work in the believers life to give them that victory over our inward sin if we look to Christ and the cross exclusively- Romans 8:2

  • @MikeBellamy2
    @MikeBellamy2 Před 3 lety +11

    I keep falling in Lust. Please pray for me, I’m fighting everyday and repenting. I want this to stop, it’s a terrible feeling.

  • @ScoobyandShaggy5554
    @ScoobyandShaggy5554 Před 3 lety +74

    Today I’m 20 days free, I did a Daniel fast! God has lead and guided me all the way! When we really choose Jesus there is freedom in His name! My chains are broken! Truly I will not stop seeking Jesus 3 times a day! By God’s Will and His Holy Power leading and guiding me!

  • @bensmith7857
    @bensmith7857 Před 3 lety +226

    I feel this video was made for me. I've struggled a long time with pornography. Since I was young the longest time I went without porn was a couple months during basic training. I'm trying to better myself so please pray for me Brothers and sisters

    • @bornagainluis
      @bornagainluis Před 3 lety +13

      Trust in the lord with all of you're heart, lean not on your own understanding but in all of your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths straight 🙏 Jesus Is our great God that has set us free from sin!

    • @Amy.
      @Amy. Před 3 lety +7

      @@bornagainluis Amen!

    • @Darkfollower666
      @Darkfollower666 Před 3 lety +9

      Block that stuff man, that's what I did. I have like 3 programs that I paid for lol I also blocked all search browsers on my phone.

    • @entropicmomathome
      @entropicmomathome Před 3 lety +7

      I’ll pray for you!! Don’t give up! Don’t believe the devils lies, if you fall again, get up! The Lord is patient and merciful, he loves you and he can give you the victory, don’t get discouraged if you fail, keep trying, get rid of internet, iPhone, anything that has access to internet. Is worth it!!!

      @CJ2KALLDAYEVERYDAY Před 3 lety +7

      Keep pushing brother, I’m one week in to quitting, it’s so hard but Jesus will deliver us. Love you man 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💯

  • @theblackmagician406
    @theblackmagician406 Před 3 lety +54

    May the people here repent....and get unaffected by pornography

  • @likemind3025
    @likemind3025 Před 3 lety +26

    People who say there's no such thing as porn addiction have never been addicted. Let me tell you straight up, porn my friend is one worst addiction on this entire planet and millions watch it daily. Sad. Now sure you can attempt the eradication of lust on your own, but you'll never succeed without the lord and savior Jesus Christ. Nobody and I mean nobody has ever in there entire life eradicated lust on there own without the lord and savior because it's impossible. Now God bless 🙏.

  • @jaydenlawrence8382
    @jaydenlawrence8382 Před 10 měsíci +1

    I’m struggling so much lately, but I believe this is the day of salvation where i turn from my sins, and fully surrender to God, I’ll look back to this day and it will be a living testimony ❤

  • @AnnikaJoy
    @AnnikaJoy Před 3 lety +141

    This is definitely something that needs to be taught in our world today. Good job, thank you.

    • @giampieroilbello5373
      @giampieroilbello5373 Před 3 lety +3

      Meanwhile in universities they teach about sex work and how to have an onlyfans. Me and other fellow christian extremists stormed these online classes and got them shut down, in the hope of having saved at least one girl

  • @gretaenglish3519
    @gretaenglish3519 Před 3 lety +151

    Even after accepting Jesus Christ into our lives and hearts, pornography can still be a struggle. Most Christians won't talk about this, but we all struggle with sin in one form or another and we will continue to do so until He returns. In hearing a lot of different testimonies from believers, sometimes the Lord will remove a sin in one fell swoop. Other times, He works through it with us and it takes time. I highly recommend Jay Stringer's book, "Unwanted", which is about participating in unwanted sexual behaviors (including porn). Sometimes it takes deep, gut wrenching soul work and a good Christian counselor. It's not always about accountability or behavior modification. Sometimes we have to go right to the source and look at the painful truths that brought us to pornography in the first place. God bless!

    • @dennisfox3472
      @dennisfox3472 Před 3 lety +2

      Hello Greta and everyone were you baptized for the forgiveness of your sins ? Acts2 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

    • @lionofjudahlambofgod9132
      @lionofjudahlambofgod9132 Před 3 lety +7

      Amen. Its a process. When I came back to The Lord I quit heroin and coke. Then alcohol and porn. Then masturbation then was working on bitterness and healing from traumas then had some stuff happen and struggled to forgive. I focused so much time on that I took my eyes off God and fell into lust and bad doctrines and gradually it became habitual again. Then another neighbour moved in who was challenging at times and I ended up falling from the intimacy I once had. But yeah its a process of stopping the sin and healing the soul. Often folks need deliverance.

    • @TrevorDouglasReed
      @TrevorDouglasReed Před 3 lety +1

      THANK YOU. I was born and raised in the church, I have had a relationship with Jesus Christ nearly my whole life. I was a middle school youth leader for a few years. I have struggled with this topic my whole life. I even threw in the towel years ago because I believe it is so easy to take what this guy says and understand that once you “repent” you never sin again. And I will always sin, so will I ever “not be dwelling in sin?” And for someone who never lived in darkness per say, who has always had a loving heart and always had a moral compass biblically speaking, grew up committing sins (drinking, premarital sex, porn addiction) and believeing that I am dwelling in sin (I knew it was wrong but did it anyways). It’s such a struggle, is this guy that is speaking a sinner? If so is he dwelling in sin? I thought all sin is measured equally? Then there’s scripture saying sexual immoral people won’t inherit the kingdom of God. It’s so hard to look at yourself and say “Am I dwelling in sin or is this the human part that is forgiven?” I beg for forgiveness everyday, I am broken as is everyone. I just don’t understand where the line is drawn. I either sin or I don’t, and I never want to.

    • @poweroftruth9258
      @poweroftruth9258 Před 3 lety

      The Bible says in John 3:16-36 that whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life, the Bible also says in Romans 10:9 that those who declare with their mouth that Jesus Christ is their God, Lord, and Savior they shall be saved. Revelation 1:8 says that Jesus is the alpha and the omega. Luke and revelation is the ending times, and Jesus is returning back. So are you going to submit your life to him or no? Narrow is the path that leads to the gates of heaven, but only few people find it. The gates that is the path to destruction is where many people find it! Jesus loves you SO MUCH! That he died on the cross, and was resurrected from the dead 3 days later to give us eternal life.....

    • @danielmcdairmant496
      @danielmcdairmant496 Před 3 lety +2

      @@TrevorDouglasReed You don't know me from Adam, Trevor, but as I read your sincere heart here in your comments, I really felt compassion for you. My story is VERY similar to yours. I'm not sure how old you are, so it's hard to get a sense of where you are in your journey, but your questions are spot on, and your struggle is real & quite common.
      I am in my early 40's and have struggled with pornography almost my entire adult life. I didn't know how to combat it (in spite of all of my religious training & Bible knowledge) until the last couple years, as I've been involved in a new church. For the first time in my life I am experiencing real victory and a real change of heart (like what Ray Comfort was describing in this video at the end)! I'd be happy to share with you some of what I have learned--some of what has helped me.
      I still stumble, occasionally, so I'm not claiming to be "miraculously healed" or "a perfect example", but if quitting porn was like weight loss, you could describe me as: someone who was "morbidly obese", and is now "just a couple sizes above my goal weight". My "before & after pictures" are dramatically different, but my fight is daily. If you are fighting alone, reach out to me, via CZcams messages. I'd be thrilled to share with you & try to encourage you from God's Word. In fact, one of the verses that really impacted my struggle was the one they shared here in this video: James 1:12!
      When I pray for me today, Trevor, I'll pray for you too. God is faithful, even when we're not! Praise him!

  • @tilltheend7902
    @tilltheend7902 Před 3 lety +72

    I struggles with this addiction from the age of 12. When I came to the end of my SELF. And thought i have reached rock bottom and there is no hope for me to ever get out of this mess. I reached out to the one who gave me life. Jesus. Psalms 40 was the chapter that got me through my darkest days. Jesus came to save sinners just like myself. We dont need to believe the lies of satan. He is the father of them. Oh its ok to look just this one time, no one is watching what i am doing in the basement at 3 am in the morning. Where the Holt Spirit gently says. Why do i need to watch this. This is not what God wants in a marriage. The number one killer of a union between a wife and a husband. God will set you free from this addiction. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Godbless you all with power( to overcome), love, and a sound mind. Amen

    • @dennisfox3472
      @dennisfox3472 Před 3 lety +1

      Hello Tilltheend and everyone were you baptized for the forgiveness of your sins ? Acts2 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.”

    • @tilltheend7902
      @tilltheend7902 Před 3 lety

      @@dennisfox3472 i agree with what you just said. Its amazing what Jesus did for us on that cross. He took all of our sins and to truly be saved and forgiven. God will lift us up out of the miry clay. Out of the deep pit and set our feet apon a Rock which is Jesus Christ. So we can have eternal life with Him one day. That to me drives me closer to Christ. Not further away. My sin seperates me from Christ.

    • @HerveyShmervy
      @HerveyShmervy Před 3 lety

      @@dennisfox3472 ah so people have to be water baptized to be saved? So no one was saved during when quarantine was at it peak?

    • @dennisfox3472
      @dennisfox3472 Před 3 lety

      @@HerveyShmervy The quarantine didnt prevent alot of people from doing alot of things as you might recall those college beach parties etc on the news. That said A lot of people come to conclusion baptism is not part of the grace, faith repentance plan for salvation but they really need to take other passages into context especially what Jesus says so keep reading through to Eph 2 : 10 after the 2 verses before it as it was by Gods grace that he provided the plan of salvation thru Jesus Eph2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life." Jesus told his apostles to go teach the gospel to all nations and to baptize Mark 16:160 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned " . Also consider these other passages ....Acts 2. Here the apostle Peter is preaching salvation, in the name of Jesus, the resurrected Lord, for the first time in the city of Jerusalem. This happened just as Jesus foretold it in Luke 24:47. On this occasion the Holy Spirit came on the apostles in Acts 2:1-4. The Spirit was to guide the apostles “into all the truth”, John 16:13. The apostles, including Peter, would be speaking by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
      Our reading begins in verse 14 that Peter raised his voice and preached Christ and Him crucified. He preached about the facts of the gospel that the men in Jerusalem had to believe. The audience reacted by being cut to the heart. They asked Peter and the other apostles what they needed to do. Peter responded by telling them to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, Acts 2:38. He told them in verse 40 to “save yourselves from this untoward generation”, .
      How would they save themselves? Man cannot save himself, right??? No, man cannot save himself apart from God. But when God provides the means to be saved, then man can take advantage of God’s mercy and grace. The working together of God’s grace, mercy and man’s faith in response to the word preached is seen in this text. In Acts 2:41 we read, “those who gladly received his word were baptized…”. They were baptized in order for the remission of sins, Acts 2:38. Again, the only thing standing in the way for the penitent believer was baptism.
      Later in the book of Acts we find Philip the evangelist. In Acts 8 he takes the gospel of Christ to the region of Samaria. In verse 26 we read where the Spirit directed Philip to go to a certain chariot that was traveling back from Jerusalem. That chariot contained a person who served Candace the Queen of Ethiopia. He was her treasurer and was himself a eunuch. He was reading from the prophet Isaiah about a person he did not yet know about. Philip asks the Eunuch if he understood what he was reading. The Eunuch responded in Acts 8:31 by saying, “how can I unless someone man guides me?" Beginning at that same scripture Philip preached Jesus to the Eunuch. We know from Philip’s preaching earlier in this same chapter in Samaria that when he preached Christ, his message included teaching about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus, Acts 8:12. It also included instructions about baptism.
      How do we know this? We know this because the Samaritans were baptized as stated at the end of verse 12. Why would they be baptized? Peter told us in Acts 2:38 that repenting and being baptized is for the remission of sins. For the remission of sins means they repented and were baptized so that they could be forgiven of their sins. Now back to the eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. Philip must have taught the Eunuch about baptism. How do we know this? The Eunuch asked Philip in verse 36, as they passed by some water, “here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?" Philip tells him that he can be baptized if he believes with all his heart.
      The Eunuch makes that good confession of faith, Romans 10:10, and then he is baptized in water, Acts 8:37-38. Coming up out of the water, the Eunuch went on his way rejoicing, after he was baptized. Why? Jesus tells us in Mark 16:16 that “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved”. He goes on his way rejoicing because he has been forgiven of his sins. This being the final act of obedience that stood between the Eunuch and being saved? This man who had believed in Jesus Christ still needed to be baptized to be saved.
      What about the Philippian Jailor in Acts 16? Paul and Silas were locked in the prison that he was in charge of. An earthquake occurred at midnight and caused all the doors to open and chains to be loosed. The jailor was about to kill himself, believing the prisoners had escaped. But Paul called out to him saying “do yourself no harm, we are all here”, Acts 16:28. The jailor brought out Paul and Silas and asked them what he needed to do to be saved.
      Note that this is the same question that the Jews asked Peter in Acts 2:37. Here Paul tells the jailor, “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you and your household, and you will be saved.” It may appear here to the reader that there is a contradiction in Peter’s instructions in Acts 2 and Paul’s in Acts 16, but quite the contrary. The jailor was then taught the word of God, Acts 16:32. Hearing the word is what produces faith, Romans 10:17. The jailor, along with his household, were baptized the “same hour of the night” Acts 16:33. The urgency of being baptized is shown in the American Standard Version text by use of the word “immediately. What stood between the jailor and salvation from sin in this text? Baptism!
      Last we will consider the case of the Corinthians. This is found in Acts 18 here Paul taught the gospel of Christ in the city of Corinth while visiting the synagogues, Acts 18:4-5. Paul got resistance from some of the Jews in verses 6 and 7 and decided to go to the house of Justus who lived next door to the synagogue. From Paul’s preaching found in Acts 18:8, “many of the Corinthians hearing, believed and were baptized”, this being the results.
      This is the pattern that is consistent from the giving of the great commission of Christ in Mark 16:16 all the way through the cases of conversion listed in the book of Acts. People who heard the gospel, developed faith in Christ and were baptized were saved. What final act obedience stood between the Corinthians and salvation? Baptism!
      Baptism of the penitent believer is for the remission of sins. What hinders you from being baptized? Paul said, “For you are all sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus, for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ…”Galatians 3:26-27. I have made an appeal in this article to the scriptures, not my opinion nor my own philosophy. I exhort the reader to seek truth based upon a “Thus says the Lord”, not on the teachings and wisdom of men, 1 Corinthians 2:1-2.

  • @thomasgoddokken
    @thomasgoddokken Před 3 lety +12

    I didn't want to open this video when I first saw it posted. I immediately understood why I didn't want to and realized I had to, for my own sake. Cheers to all you guys and girls at living waters for doing such good work.

  • @peyton725
    @peyton725 Před 3 lety +32

    I've been saved for a little over 2 months and God set me free from pornography but I still struggle with lustful thoughts.Please pray for me!!

  • @_maxsmiet_2170
    @_maxsmiet_2170 Před 3 lety +55

    I know one day I will overcome all my temptations in Jesus name - thank you living waters

    • @atheisth5066
      @atheisth5066 Před 3 lety

      Here's an idea stop watching porn you dont need a fairy God from the sky to help you,hell yourself.

    • @jwright6341
      @jwright6341 Před 3 lety

      Luke in bible

  • @carmenbutterfly
    @carmenbutterfly Před 3 lety +69

    “Bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul I’ll worship his holy name sing like never before oh my soul I’ll worship your holy name” 🎶✝️💝

  • @jennifertucker2581
    @jennifertucker2581 Před 3 lety +61

    UNCLEAN spirits , are operating against Gods children . At this moment. Stay in His word

  • @JJAH28
    @JJAH28 Před 3 lety +5

    Frank had me in tears with his. Definitely a sign of a contrite heart. May God reach each of these people and everyone watching this video for His glory!

  • @catmeme7945
    @catmeme7945 Před 3 lety +75

    To combat lust. My strategy, Fasting and Prayer. 100% effective.

    • @robertneria4311
      @robertneria4311 Před 3 lety +3

      Jesus is my way.

    • @eltheevangelist2023
      @eltheevangelist2023 Před 3 lety

      @@robertneria4311 Hey would you be interested in doing a Bible study ?✨

    • @robertneria4311
      @robertneria4311 Před 3 lety

      @@eltheevangelist2023 Yeah

    • @eltheevangelist2023
      @eltheevangelist2023 Před 3 lety

      @@robertneria4311 ok send me your number and I will set you up

    • @woofbark4475
      @woofbark4475 Před 3 lety +1

      @@carncats07 Tell that to all the children who don't have their father's due to 'one night stands' and casual sex. There is nothing good about it but I think you know this already.

  • @nikaoharbour6962
    @nikaoharbour6962 Před 3 lety +68

    lack of fear of the Lord is SPOT ON!
    i got scared, took the way out, and did whatever i had to do.
    Sexual sin looks large, but you can overcome in Christ. Know yourself and do whatever you got to do

    • @lionofjudahlambofgod9132
      @lionofjudahlambofgod9132 Před 3 lety +2

      Amen thats how I didnt before. When I didnt believe in Once saved always saved I had more fear of God and wouldnt dare to.

    • @nikaoharbour6962
      @nikaoharbour6962 Před 3 lety

      @@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 I praise Jesus for delivering you from that demonic doctrine that enslaves under the disguise that it frees us from responsibility

  • @JaviMusa
    @JaviMusa Před 3 lety +52

    I was delivered from drug addiction but porn has being the hardest one for me. 😔

    • @beproudofyourself.3876
      @beproudofyourself.3876 Před 3 lety +5

      How should we go about this coz am also in this mix up and.. Its overwhelming am trying to stop..

    • @TrueCrimeDocumentary000
      @TrueCrimeDocumentary000 Před 3 lety +4

      This is the first step, trust yourself especially trust God!! He is patient with you so be patient with yourself. ☺

    • @Tylenial
      @Tylenial Před 3 lety +1

      @@beproudofyourself.3876 Stay focused on Christ. It's a very hard addiction to overcome, but that's what this path is about. We were told to pick up our cross and follow in His footsteps. God bless

    • @KirksCORNER-1983
      @KirksCORNER-1983 Před 3 lety

      It's ok Porn is very normal

    • @acceptable1514
      @acceptable1514 Před 3 lety

      drug bad
      choccy milk good

  • @Comeoffitman
    @Comeoffitman Před 3 lety +32

    Broken people are Jesus’ specialty. If you’re addicted to porn then you’re broken. Come to him in your lowest point, Jesus will work with you but you have to be in his word, the Bible! By spending time reading the Bible and talking with him, and actively listening to him he will respond!

  • @rvjunemanilag9506
    @rvjunemanilag9506 Před 3 lety +5

    I believe in the power of Prayer! Please pray for me my brethren. Let us pray for each other! Let us keep the faith that although we may stumble but God will not allow us to be tempted more than what we can endure.
    Praying for everyone to be empowered by God’s Holy spirit to overcome such shameful sin

  • @keh-dalia809
    @keh-dalia809 Před 3 lety +4

    Man... that last guy had me tearing up with his hearts cry. How beautiful was that, a man wanting to turn his heart to God! Just so SO beautiful! I hope his heart is healed and his life totally transformed! We desperately need more godly men out here!

  • @ElMemo760
    @ElMemo760 Před 3 lety +28

    Advice I would give is to check your heart from unchecked heartache and pain. Don’t let the feelings build up to a point where you need to release. The fear of God is especially important in overcoming this. I also encourage you all if you haven’t to pick up a hobby or sport to release stress in a healthy manner and distract your minds. I promise that it’ll make your prayer life and time with Jesus 100 times better. God bless

    • @Amy.
      @Amy. Před 3 lety +4

      Please consider binging on the Bible. Read with repetitiousness too, imploring God to make you a hearer and doer of the Word.

    • @eltheevangelist2023
      @eltheevangelist2023 Před 3 lety +1

      @@Amy. Hey would you be interested in doing a Bible study ?✨

  • @Mr.twenty66
    @Mr.twenty66 Před 3 lety +20

    The Lord has freed me from that addiction as well! Bless his holy name.

  • @jesusisgod7528
    @jesusisgod7528 Před 3 lety +24

    I have to admit with no shame, I was addicted to porn when I was with my girlfriend. However, the moment I got saved it was like a light switch shutting off...pornography and masturbation went bye bye! I kid you not, I never had another urge again. The Holy Spirit is real, I wish a lot more people could see it before it’s too late.

  • @pattyjacobson
    @pattyjacobson Před rokem +1

    I love how honest everyone is. Very refreshing. I’ve heard the expression, “We’re as sick as our secrets.” God bless everyone.

  • @ChillVibezzzzz
    @ChillVibezzzzz Před 3 lety +13

    Yes jesus saved me from my 16 years of pornography addicition. He has given us the power within and men we need to stop waisiting it or giving it to women who dont deserve our energy.

  • @spooderman4082
    @spooderman4082 Před 3 lety +43

    Right on time ray, God works in mysterious ways

  • @jayaustin1939
    @jayaustin1939 Před 3 lety +25

    Quite recently I became a victim of pornography. I’m still scratching my head to understand how I got into porn given the fact that I used to be highly critical of it. Pride goes before a fall they say. And the Bible warmed to be careful while you think you’re standing.
    I feel thoroughly ashamed of myself and pray the good Lord to give me and others struggling with this sin the strength to resist this evil act. Amen.

    • @petarmiskec3902
      @petarmiskec3902 Před 3 lety +1


    • @almu2768
      @almu2768 Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you Father for Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant and you have made Him to be our all in all.
      The true problem is not what we have been accustomed to believe is the problem, such as : pornography, adultery, and such like, those are only symptoms( works of the flesh ) to put it into a category. Our true problem is what stems in the “HEART”, for that which comes forth from the heart defiles the man, read Matthew 15:18-19. Now you know, the true problem is INWARD not OUTWARD; that’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit within us whenever we try to resolve the inward situation with outward means, for example : employing certain means to stop ourselves from committing an outward sin and what we fail to understand is that we are ultimately making a law unto ourselves. Read Roman 7: 23. I want you to understand that your problem is not the OUTWARD sins( those are only the manifestations of what’s really going on in your heart) your problem is the INWARD sin ( your inward sin is termed the SIN NATURE, which is under the Law of sin and death ), again read the whole 7th chapter of Romans. I truly empathize with those in the body of Christ who are struggling daily to be free from sin but don’t know how to be a partaker of that which Jesus our Lord has paid for us with His shed blood on the cross. Listen brethren, in Luke 9:33, Jesus said if any man will come after me let him “deny” himself. You know what he is saying ? Jesus is saying, if you desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and to be made conformable unto His death then you must deny YOUR own will power, your own self will, your own strength and ability AND totally depend on JESUS and what He successfully did for you on His Cross. His next words are, “ and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. In respect to “take up his cross daily speaks of “ the benefits of the Cross and we us believers are to look exclusively to what Jesus did there to meet our every need”, and “Daily” is that we are not only to have our faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the cross once but daily renewing our Faith in Christ and the Cross and “follow Him”…. I know this is long and I’m sure I lost some in this but this is “THE NEW COVENANT” which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. what I’ve said in this message is only the beginning because there’s so much more but I believe the Lord has directed me to write this and I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your heart when you read this and that He may give you grace in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      Here’s a little diagram or synopsis of the above message :
      1 : Inward sin is the problem with the believer and unbeliever.
      2 : inward sin operates under the Law of sin and death.
      3 : if we try to defeat the outward sins in our life by making laws to ourselves then we only end up going against the Law of sin and death and results in more defeat.
      4: The only way to have victory over the inward sin is to deny one’s own means and look exclusively to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      5. The Holy Spirit will only work in the believers life to give them that victory over our inward sin if we look to Christ and the cross exclusively- Romans 8:2

    • @everythingmatters8622
      @everythingmatters8622 Před rokem


    • @jjgeoffphhcinkkllee
      @jjgeoffphhcinkkllee Před rokem

      "victim". Nice leftist jargon lol

  • @fernandasampieri2447
    @fernandasampieri2447 Před 3 lety +18

    I struggle with it . I stopped for months but sometimes I think about it . It’s like a disease . I hate it . I beg the lord to take it away from me forever .

    • @prayerwarrior3030
      @prayerwarrior3030 Před 3 lety +6

      Your mind needs to be renewed in Jesus..be careful what you look at,tv, social media etc. The eyes and ears are gateway to the soul..take every thought captive

    • @MariahSanders22
      @MariahSanders22 Před 3 lety +3

      If it’s extremely difficult I would seek deliverance as often times it’s spiritual and you’ve opened a door for demons and you need to close the door by renouncing pornography, repenting, and commanding spirits to go. Check out Isaiah Saldivar for deliverance information and his website has a deliverance map where you can get prayer. God bless.

    • @OmgitzMike
      @OmgitzMike Před 3 lety

      @@MariahSanders22 Amen! Isaiah Saldivar has been such a blessing in my life and I thank God for sending me videos of him and others during my walk with Christ. Pastor Vlad from Hungry Generation Church is awesome as well.

  • @Elijah-Bravo
    @Elijah-Bravo Před 3 lety +4

    I started reading the Bible and praying every day and it has seriously helped me break this addiction, I hope you guys try it.

  • @Mauriciovargasjr
    @Mauriciovargasjr Před 3 lety +7

    Conviction from the Holy Spirit and my wife helped me. I have stumbled along the way but overall I have conquered sin through Christ!

  • @andydany3260
    @andydany3260 Před 3 lety +23

    I have to meet Ray one day him and frank turek are my Biggest inspirations and Christians. Frank turek was born to defend God and Ray comfort was born to spread the Word and convict ppl for God and he can also defend God. Huge fan of both from the Bahamas 🇧🇸

  • @colbymedeiros7233
    @colbymedeiros7233 Před 3 lety +12

    Thank you guys very much for posting a video like this, I’ve had my share of struggles with sexual sin, and I am here to tell you that you can overcome. You can defeat this. Jesus has given you the victory. It is your time to kill this thing once and for all. Keep your eyes on Jesus and he will get you to the Promise Land. Stay Blessed🙏

  • @kingofkingschristtherock6972

    Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We can, we must, we will overcome the lust of the flesh. God bless and keep you all.

  • @melindalamb4701
    @melindalamb4701 Před rokem +1

    I just shared with a friend. Please pray that he takes the time to watch.

  • @acurisur
    @acurisur Před 3 lety +28

    I've been struggling with pornography for years, mainly due to having a wife with a low sex drive but mine is fairly high. Thank the Lord for putting this video in my CZcams homepage today because I've now blocked all pornographic websites on my PC. I want to put my focus on God, not porn.

    • @kspec6131
      @kspec6131 Před 3 lety

      I feel your pain brother!

    • @mitchynitchy
      @mitchynitchy Před 3 lety +2

      It is tempting to look at pornography when that happens. Now, i use this urges to remind me to love righteousness. And our righteousness is Christ. I pray for my wife and my fleshly desires, reminding me to go back to the word and feed my soul rather than flesh.

    • @acurisur
      @acurisur Před 3 lety +1

      @Ben Shapiro Well seeing as the real Ben Shapiro is a Jew and wouldn't be watching a Christian CZcams channel, I'm going to ignore anything you say

    • @almu2768
      @almu2768 Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you Father for Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant and you have made Him to be our all in all.
      The true problem is not what we have been accustomed to believe is the problem, such as : pornography, adultery, and such like, those are only symptoms( works of the flesh ) to put it into a category. Our true problem is what stems in the “HEART”, for that which comes forth from the heart defiles the man, read Matthew 15:18-19. Now you know, the true problem is INWARD not OUTWARD; that’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit within us whenever we try to resolve the inward situation with outward means, for example : employing certain means to stop ourselves from committing an outward sin and what we fail to understand is that we are ultimately making a law unto ourselves. Read Roman 7: 23. I want you to understand that your problem is not the OUTWARD sins( those are only the manifestations of what’s really going on in your heart) your problem is the INWARD sin ( your inward sin is termed the SIN NATURE, which is under the Law of sin and death ), again read the whole 7th chapter of Romans. I truly empathize with those in the body of Christ who are struggling daily to be free from sin but don’t know how to be a partaker of that which Jesus our Lord has paid for us with His shed blood on the cross. Listen brethren, in Luke 9:33, Jesus said if any man will come after me let him “deny” himself. You know what he is saying ? Jesus is saying, if you desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and to be made conformable unto His death then you must deny YOUR own will power, your own self will, your own strength and ability AND totally depend on JESUS and what He successfully did for you on His Cross. His next words are, “ and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. In respect to “take up his cross daily speaks of “ the benefits of the Cross and we us believers are to look exclusively to what Jesus did there to meet our every need”, and “Daily” is that we are not only to have our faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the cross once but daily renewing our Faith in Christ and the Cross and “follow Him”…. I know this is long and I’m sure I lost some in this but this is “THE NEW COVENANT” which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. what I’ve said in this message is only the beginning because there’s so much more but I believe the Lord has directed me to write this and I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your heart when you read this and that He may give you grace in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      Here’s a little diagram or synopsis of the above message :
      1 : Inward sin is the problem with the believer and unbeliever.
      2 : inward sin operates under the Law of sin and death.
      3 : if we try to defeat the outward sins in our life by making laws to ourselves then we only end up going against the Law of sin and death and results in more defeat.
      4: The only way to have victory over the inward sin is to deny one’s own means and look exclusively to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      5. The Holy Spirit will only work in the believers life to give them that victory over our inward sin if we look to Christ and the cross exclusively- Romans 8:2

    • @saulespino2510
      @saulespino2510 Před 2 lety +1

      @@almu2768 Thank you for sharing, may God continue to bless you as your share your thoughts in future comments.

  • @Vitalbowhunting
    @Vitalbowhunting Před 3 lety +11

    “Restore the joy of my salvation” that’s what it’s all about.

  • @Beregond1861
    @Beregond1861 Před 3 lety +40

    The fear of God can be a far greater help than false confidence. I've certainly learned that and this definitely relates to the very reason why meekness and humility are inherently better than arrogence. And when arrogence is mixed with lasciviousness and/or lust, there can't be a moral outcome. This isn't true because I say it, I say it because it's true, and the *most important* part is that the Word proves it.

    • @Amy.
      @Amy. Před 3 lety +2


    • @Hayzues50
      @Hayzues50 Před 3 lety +1

      Your right on that. A healthy fear of God has become the deal breaker for me in walking away from sexual immorality.

    • @Hayzues50
      @Hayzues50 Před 3 lety +2

      “Who understands the power of Your anger And Your fury, according to the fear that is due You? So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”
      ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭90:11-12‬ ‭

    • @Beregond1861
      @Beregond1861 Před 3 lety

      @@Hayzues50 Hebrews chapter 12 has also helped me through this a lot.

    • @eltheevangelist2023
      @eltheevangelist2023 Před 3 lety

      @@Amy. Hey would you be interested in doing a Bible study ?✨

  • @kabous2285
    @kabous2285 Před 3 lety +8

    With my whole heart I have sought you: O let me not wander from your commandments. Your word I have hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119: 10-11

  • @jean-marcbrand1093
    @jean-marcbrand1093 Před 3 lety +31

    I like how you tried to address porn since it is plaguing the youth. However, I don’t think your tips were very helpful. The tips that you gave were about treating the symptoms of porn, but not treating the disease. For example, it’s good to have a web filter on your devices, but that doesn’t solve the root problem that gives people the desire to watch porn. Because as I was fighting my addiction to porn, web filters would work for a while, but as soon as I found a way to access porn I would give in. Why? Because web filters don’t fill the void that give people the desire to watch porn. In my experience the reasons why people watch porn is not because they want to be addicted, but because they have feelings of loneliness and porn makes them not feel lonely as they watch it. I know this from personal experience. So if we want to help people get rid of porn addiction than we need to help people to find better and healthier ways to feel the void in their hearts that they are trying to fill with porn.

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  Před 3 lety +15

      We don’t want to fill voids. We want people to be saved from a very real Hell.

    • @jean-marcbrand1093
      @jean-marcbrand1093 Před 3 lety +17

      @@LivingWaters It’s possible to do both. It’s possible to deal with root issues that make people have the desire to watch porn by helping find healthy and Biblical ways to fill the void that porn temporally fills and help them to rely on God and the Bible instead for help and teach them how to apply Biblical principles to their lives so they can battle addiction so they can live God centered lives.

    • @autumxxleaves4186
      @autumxxleaves4186 Před 3 lety +2

      I totally agree! I think we need ministries that speak specifically on lifestyles and support for men and women. I’ll recommend some

    • @doomslayer8431
      @doomslayer8431 Před 2 lety

      I don’t agree with the lonely part

  • @ashleydaniella4700
    @ashleydaniella4700 Před 3 lety +3

    I saw him at Huntington Beach on Saturday! It was amazing to see how he spread the Gospel

  • @breadoflife7775
    @breadoflife7775 Před 3 lety +4

    Just teach your children about good and bad, teach them the reality, show them who is god ,thus we can hope for better generation
    This is the best thing we can do for Jesus❤️

  • @rowancele6977
    @rowancele6977 Před 3 lety +243

    One solution to pornography, The Holy Ghost.

    • @alyssaxo1016
      @alyssaxo1016 Před 3 lety +12

      The only solution

    • @jeffin3167
      @jeffin3167 Před 3 lety +7

      Best solution

    • @therandomd2717
      @therandomd2717 Před 3 lety +2

      There are more solutions. Plenty of non believers quit porn.

    • @davedennis6042
      @davedennis6042 Před 3 lety +7

      @@therandomd2717 A saddest part of your comment is that many may kick the addiction and still go to hell for eternity. Kicking the addiction is only a fraction of the problem. There still remains the fact of breaking GOD's laws. Even if you stop looking at pornography and even hate it. Run campaigns to get rid of it. It does no good without GOD. The Bible calls these things dead works. Repentance cannot save you. But starting and maintaining a relationship with JESUS CHRIST is the answer.

    • @therandomd2717
      @therandomd2717 Před 3 lety

      @@davedennis6042 I agree with you but I don’t believe that there is only one solution to porn

  • @KTCobra
    @KTCobra Před 3 lety +15

    God bless you, Living Waters! Videos like these are why you're 785K+ subscribers strong and growing.

  • @PastorScottIngram
    @PastorScottIngram Před 3 lety +7

    Thank you for this Ray! Another great message that we all need in this sin cursed world!

  • @rodterrell304
    @rodterrell304 Před 3 lety +1

    Oh my goodness gracious, I’m so glad God delivered me from this plague of the soul.

  • @heavnxbound
    @heavnxbound Před 3 lety +8

    You once again posted the right video at the right time. God is great!

  • @Textstoriez1
    @Textstoriez1 Před 3 lety +6

    Whenever I get tempted I’m watching this video

  • @ShadowRonan
    @ShadowRonan Před 3 lety +19

    Everyone here eagerly waiting for the premier

  • @isjustisus1430
    @isjustisus1430 Před 2 lety +1

    I love seeing this so much. I've only just found it in the last couple of weeks and have watched many already. The interesting part about this to me is that I don't think I've intentionally clicked on or watched a single one but every time I accidentally find myself seeing a few seconds, I end up being completely sucked in and absolutely mesmerised every single time.

  • @StormRaid417
    @StormRaid417 Před 3 lety +5

    I just think about how the excitement of porn is temporary and that it is nothing compared to what God offers. I also just pray every time I think about it and get out the Bible to read. It helps a lot.

    • @almu2768
      @almu2768 Před 2 lety

      Thank you Father for Jesus Christ who is the New Covenant and you have made Him to be our all in all.
      The true problem is not what we have been accustomed to believe is the problem, such as : pornography, adultery, and such like, those are only symptoms( works of the flesh ) to put it into a category. Our true problem is what stems in the “HEART”, for that which comes forth from the heart defiles the man, read Matthew 15:18-19. Now you know, the true problem is INWARD not OUTWARD; that’s why we grieve the Holy Spirit within us whenever we try to resolve the inward situation with outward means, for example : employing certain means to stop ourselves from committing an outward sin and what we fail to understand is that we are ultimately making a law unto ourselves. Read Roman 7: 23. I want you to understand that your problem is not the OUTWARD sins( those are only the manifestations of what’s really going on in your heart) your problem is the INWARD sin ( your inward sin is termed the SIN NATURE, which is under the Law of sin and death ), again read the whole 7th chapter of Romans. I truly empathize with those in the body of Christ who are struggling daily to be free from sin but don’t know how to be a partaker of that which Jesus our Lord has paid for us with His shed blood on the cross. Listen brethren, in Luke 9:33, Jesus said if any man will come after me let him “deny” himself. You know what he is saying ? Jesus is saying, if you desire to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and to be made conformable unto His death then you must deny YOUR own will power, your own self will, your own strength and ability AND totally depend on JESUS and what He successfully did for you on His Cross. His next words are, “ and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. In respect to “take up his cross daily speaks of “ the benefits of the Cross and we us believers are to look exclusively to what Jesus did there to meet our every need”, and “Daily” is that we are not only to have our faith in Christ and His Finished Work on the cross once but daily renewing our Faith in Christ and the Cross and “follow Him”…. I know this is long and I’m sure I lost some in this but this is “THE NEW COVENANT” which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. what I’ve said in this message is only the beginning because there’s so much more but I believe the Lord has directed me to write this and I pray the Lord opens the eyes of your heart when you read this and that He may give you grace in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      Here’s a little diagram or synopsis of the above message :
      1 : Inward sin is the problem with the believer and unbeliever.
      2 : inward sin operates under the Law of sin and death.
      3 : if we try to defeat the outward sins in our life by making laws to ourselves then we only end up going against the Law of sin and death and results in more defeat.
      4: The only way to have victory over the inward sin is to deny one’s own means and look exclusively to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
      5. The Holy Spirit will only work in the believers life to give them that victory over our inward sin if we look to Christ and the cross exclusively- Romans 8:2

  • @breestone8978
    @breestone8978 Před 3 lety +7

    I dont need help with porn, i need help to stop having sexual relations im not married... im glad i saw this video to snap me back to reality and focus to quit

  • @31surprises
    @31surprises Před 3 lety +13

    Ray is such a mouthpiece of God. We are blessed by his ministry! Thank you Ray

  • @joserincon1988
    @joserincon1988 Před 3 lety +4

    Pray to be free everyday and very important focus in the kingdom, involve in Discipleship, service in your Church, The day with more opposition to Pray or go to Church is a powerful sign to do it ! You will regain your mind very soon, The mind of Christ!

  • @punonn6792
    @punonn6792 Před 3 lety +1

    Prayed the Sinner's prayer a few nights ago, now I sleep more peacefully and has thought more positively and with less distracting thoughts.

  • @Fruity17
    @Fruity17 Před 3 lety +3

    I had a porn addiction for years and God and videos like these helped me

  • @matthewlewis7451
    @matthewlewis7451 Před 3 lety +99

    Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart, and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell. But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine. This means that God can legally dismiss their case: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift. Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.

    • @thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448
      @thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448 Před 3 lety

      In the case I go and fall down into the lake of fire, is it okay to still pray to God even if it changes nothing? Will I even be able to pray to him not necessarily for forgiveness but to praise him?

    • @Mrlimsuliong
      @Mrlimsuliong Před 3 lety +1

      @@thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448 considering that you put yourself in state where you're already fall down into the lake of fire, it means you've passed the first death, and entering the second death which means it's too late, even on the first death it would be too late. and also these people who being cast into the lake of fire are the people who certainly do not do a change of heart, even when they're being punished by 7 plagues on the first death. it all written in THE BOOK OF REVELATION, i and highly recommend you to read it and study it and pray to be able to understand it, since it's using many symbolic and not litteral.

    • @thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448
      @thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448 Před 3 lety

      @@Mrlimsuliong i don't mean if I can be saved as it would be too late, what im asking is if I can still love Jesus even if drowned in the lake of fire

    • @thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448
      @thecossackcrusaderofholybr8448 Před 3 lety

      @@shroomer8294 ok

  • @jordancoronado1736
    @jordancoronado1736 Před 3 lety +22

    Not porn, but I struggle with lust from time to time. I use to struggle with it a lot more but God helped pull me away from it. God is Good 🙏

    • @therandomd2717
      @therandomd2717 Před 3 lety

      What is your definition of lust?

    • @Orthocurious
      @Orthocurious Před 3 lety

      @@therandomd2717 Following

    • @loma7635
      @loma7635 Před 3 lety

      @The Random D Can't speak for OP, but the mind is a wicked thing and imagination is persistent.

    • @KingKong-od8nn
      @KingKong-od8nn Před 3 lety

      Yes God is good🙏🏽

  • @otiswong2091
    @otiswong2091 Před 3 lety +23

    thanks, I totally need this right now, God Bless.

  • @charlese.5666
    @charlese.5666 Před 3 lety +1

    I am currently fighting a really bad p orn addiction , but I have faith in Jesus and I know I will win!!!

  • @jjbergado4679
    @jjbergado4679 Před 3 lety +1

    I haven't watch the video yet but the comments comforted me. Thanks for this channel sir Ray.

  • @lalumierehuguenote
    @lalumierehuguenote Před 3 lety +8

    only one way, like any other sin : the spirit of God

  • @KingCitaldo125
    @KingCitaldo125 Před 3 lety +4

    I struggled with porn and lust for years. I prayed to Jesus for strength that I could use to throw lust to the side, and Jesus set me free.
    If you're struggling with this kind of sin like I was, pray to Jesus and ask to be set free.

  • @adrianastrothers2468
    @adrianastrothers2468 Před 3 lety +3

    That is such a good way to look at it. Think of your home, outside and wherever you go as the church, or someplace that you wouldn't do things like lying, stealing, watching porn or things like that so you can keep it under control.

  • @buddytrevino8259
    @buddytrevino8259 Před 3 lety +1

    Thank God for confession and the grace for repentance. Great video!

  • @joshyoungforindiana
    @joshyoungforindiana Před 2 lety

    I’m so thankful you’re helping people feel convicted by the Holy Spirit of their sins and giving them the good news of forgiveness and grace.

  • @f.ttg535
    @f.ttg535 Před 3 lety +7

    Crazy how just recently I visited church again after not going in almost a year and all these videos about the Bible are coming in my face and right as I was about to watch porn this video just shows up in my recommended it’s like god is giving me signs and telling me something

  • @theprodigalson2068
    @theprodigalson2068 Před 3 lety +4

    Praise God for this video, I know it will help many. So many
    Christian men , including me , have struggled and/or struggle with this. Trusting this video will bring Godly wisdom and biblical truth❤️✝️

    • @MariahSanders22
      @MariahSanders22 Před 3 lety

      If it’s extremely difficult I would seek deliverance as often times it’s spiritual and you’ve opened a door for demons and you need to close the door by renouncing pornography, repenting, and commanding spirits to go. Check out Isaiah Saldivar for deliverance information and his website has a deliverance map where you can get prayer. God bless.

  • @kraff1993
    @kraff1993 Před 3 lety +21

    Wow! No comments!

  • @noremac9742
    @noremac9742 Před 3 lety +1

    Let all who struggle with Lust, Sin, and sexual immorality RIGHT NOW! Amen.

  • @brendapolo9839
    @brendapolo9839 Před 3 lety +1

    Watch one of these videos every morning and you will always remember who’s watching you and we have to be obedient

  • @viridesi7684
    @viridesi7684 Před 3 lety +3

    27:54 Wow that made me smile so much. Can’t imagine how big of a smile Jesus will have when he trusts in him.

  • @thetrintarianmessianicyahw589

    The Dude said that "Rape isn't Objectively Wrong", why are people insistant that nobody belongs in Hell?

  • @sammcknight8671
    @sammcknight8671 Před 3 lety +5

    Please save me somebody
    I read the Bible Daily but I struggle
    I need strength
    I need the Lord's Strength
    The only Strength

    • @autumxxleaves4186
      @autumxxleaves4186 Před 3 lety

      Check out- the door, father spyridon they have really good videos on porn

  • @PutinJon21
    @PutinJon21 Před 3 lety +2

    Since last night I decided to quit porn. And I'm 100% confident that I'll quit it. Jesus is with me and I can!

  • @BigDawgCleveland
    @BigDawgCleveland Před 3 lety

    Praise God for Living Waters, Lord open their eyes and call to them.